tv Redacted Tonight RT August 1, 2014 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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actually that for a politician writing the laws and regulations to tax corporate bankers. there is just too much threat is a society. that. if you open your eyes and look around the world seems to be getting pretty and saying pretty soon there won't be anywhere left for anthony bourdain to visit without getting shrapnel in his chemo are. countless countries seem to be at war with other countries or threatening war or acting awkward when they're standing next to each other and urinals comparing missile size but here's the thing ninety percent of the people of these countries are good hearted human beings who just want to live in peace yet we're told we're supposed to hate despise and malign some group of people a world away we're told that by the poles who run each country most politan the palestinian people are wonderful people most israelis and wonderful people the rocky people are the iranian people amazing humans if you're sad that
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a cup of tea with the pakistanis or the afghan people russians and ukrainians americans and british turkish and chinese people the cuban people and whoever those tribes are live in the brazilian rain forest and should pose an heiress to helicopters because they think they're sky goblets. if you weren't worried about your nation or your religion or the idiocy you heard on the news having a bike with any of these people would likely be beyond enjoyable yet we're told we want war bombing and battling pumping insane amounts of money into the military industrial complex right now the idea of more war is as unpopular as getting a blind man to hot wax for private areas but as neo con and weapons contractor boy toy bill kristol recently said a war weary public can be awakened and rallied indeed events are right now doing the awakening all that's needed is the rallying and the turnaround can be fast and
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congress is always ready to rev up the old machine that carefully and skilfully turns taxpayer money into lockheed martin k.b.r. and boeing money our military industrial complex is the largest money laundering scheme in human history. you know there's still the machines and the highway for you where you put the penny in the machine and then you turn a crank and then it spits out a smashed penny with the statue of liberty imprinted on it you know the ones i'm talking about usually has a line ten deep of fat face taurus with ice cream running down their cheeks these wars are like that machine except instead of a penny they take trillions of dollars they load it into one side in the shade congress turns the crank and then out the other side pops money with halliburton or blackwater stamped on the face the only difference between the two machines is that the one of the rest up rarely kills hundreds of thousands of people sure there was one time in utah where the kid got his head caught in there but. that's
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rare and in a darwinian sense he deserved it. as howard zinn once said america does not have democracy when it comes to foreign policy the majority of americans are against these wars we don't want them we don't vote for him we don't want to see kids die for them but congress predictably turns that crank like the good little organ grinder monkeys they are in place of our vote on war we the people are handed a little yellow ribbon when we take that ribbon we tie it around our eyes it should come with a ball gag a support the troops ball gag. and if you take it out people go you don't suppose the. point is ninety percent of the people of this world are wonderful human beings who want peace nine point nine percent are douchebags and the last point one percent are the do spags who run the world and scream that we must always be at war and i made those numbers up but they still mean something coming from washington
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d.c. this is redacted tonight. all right well do. i sound festive tonight you sound like almost fifteen people. i'm your host camp now let's take the news from behind impressive news from rio all to california where two years ago they outfitted every police officer with small body cameras that recorded every interaction and now the numbers are in use of force by the officers has fallen sixty percent and complaints against officers is down nearly ninety percent of funny thing happens when you turn video cameras on cops they act immorally more empathetic they're slower to anger and slower to beat the living snot out of a great grandmother on her wedding day. i was never too old to get married. it
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makes sense because everybody acts differently under scrutiny for example right now i have pants on this is soley because there are cameras on me. actually not true i don't have pants on but you get the point and maybe it's time we put the scrutiny on the powerful abusing their power rather than on the rest of us this is one of those great ideas happening in one city that should then be happening in every city another example of this is in utah where they calculated the cost of the a murder of emergency room in jail visits each homeless person it averaged over sixteen thousand per year but the cost to give each of those people their own apartment free of charge and a caseworker to help them get back on their feet only eleven thousand a year so in order to save a great deal of taxpayer money utah is giving every homeless person their own place chronic homelessness has decreased seventy four percent over the past eight years
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and utah is expected to end homelessness by two thousand and fifteen we need to take great ideas and spread them throughout the country rather than just go in seattle past a fifteen dollar minimum wage whatever nirvana is overrated. we should use our city's like a buffet of good ideas re all tows police cameras salt lake city's homeless solution poor lynn oregon's professional cuddlers you know mobile alabama is people mover it's right there they're doing they're doing a very inventive things with with moving large masses of people or people of large mass. we should take the great things from each city and spread it like jam or her piece you know pretty soon we'll have nationwide herbie's jam. in that exciting which by the way never sells well in my farmer's market kiosk ever does. i'm a renaissance man i have many hobbies. quick note that portland oregon professional
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come. i mentioned real thing a business insider reported on some may have to hess who cuddles with people for sixty dollars an hour making seven grand a month and no it's not sexual it's strictly weird. but quit this is capitalism at its best right has discovered an opening in the market offered a service that others needed and supplied that demand boehm caught on time of course if you follow this to its logical free market conclusion larger corporate cuttle enterprises will pop up offering cut rate ten dollars coddling with their platoon to the legal immigrant coddlers willing to coddle and or snuggle for almost nothing because they just need a job and then samantha has three condos to vagrants out on a sidewalk sadly for the exposure. i feel like i took that to a cynical place. we turn now to whip the pedia of the world's information superstore what could be the i can tell you everything from what the higgs bosun
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particle is to win the war of eighteen twelve was and if you know like when it took place you can change that one correspondent sam sachs has discovered something fishy is going on a wikipedia something fishy indeed. hello . one four three three one. one three. well the on k. street or the dumpster. three two one suffers on capitol hill are under extra scrutiny by wikipedia this week i threw a stone that a certain congressional i address was making erroneous edits that it's were discovered by a twitter account known as congress that is they used a complex algorithm to track and document any anonymous changes to wikipedia made
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from congressional ip addresses one ip stood out in particular one four three two three one two four nine one three eight. like a p.d.f. a number of edits originating from this identity address were disrupted she would compete via how's this quirk or i should say fundamental flaw which is that anyone can edit it like anyone like all these people like even. even that guy way over there. so the very thing that makes week a p.d.f. so far reaching and influential it's crowdsourcing is also what makes it so vulnerable to manipulation p.r. companies have been barred to the site without its whitewashing negative information about corporate clients and back in two thousand and six congressional staffers were accused of making conflict of interest out its to wikipedia articles
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about their bosses but this time the edits are different which is why i had to find out exactly who one four three two three one two four nine one three eight really is so far this is what we know at nearly eleven pm on friday july eleventh user one four three two three one two four nine one three eight and it's congressman justin amash as we could pedia by oh changing the congressman's previous profession from corporate lawyer to attorney seemingly innocuous change until you look at what comes next a ten day orgy of wikipedia edits informing us that this has a nation of john f. kennedy was carried out on behalf of fidel castro the princess diana was actually a skilled sharpshooter with a twelve gauge shotgun plus user one four three two three one two four nine one three eight was caught making changes to articles on freemasonry the t.v. show it's always sunny in philadelphia and the choco taco and then just this week i was notified that i like a p.d.f. page had been edited from american journalist to russian propagandist yes user one
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four three two three one two four nine one three eight when after sledgehammer wielding t.v. show host abby martin too so might she hold the key to unlocking this mystery do you have any enemies anybody you think who would do something like this. enemy is enemies of the bush administration there's monsanto nestle corporation has a big problem with me. that's lawrence o'donnell carrot top of the economic department florida state university look i've got a few of the ones with i don't read. of course. i had to leave enemies of abby martin so i began frequenting dark corners of the internet where the trolls live dropping coded messages that included the ingredients of choco talk all with the hope that maybe somewhere out there is user one four three two three one two four nine one three eight and then through one four three two three one two four one three it. or.
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is that on that on the good times you told us to meet him by the dumpster it's. just him just seems. that him coming this way. you're on a low sam. is going on here with you to track history of course not i never do that to you i just pretended on line that i was somebody that i wasn't in order to lure you there that's the definition of catfish. like that animal would know. why i just i saw you all week you were you were looking at all the talk go talk a little message boards and all sorts of things i was just wondering if you got anywhere. or not anyone trying to talk yeah chuckle talkers they've been sold out really a twenty mile radius i would look at every place if i discover through one more
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strawberry shortcake bar i'm going to lose it man i was there in the. listening to drone rants about choco talk ohs and i realize things about truth the old days they said that history was written by the victors today i realize history is just written by. victor. porting from washington d.c. . sam sacks to. join up o'donnell. productive tonight. sam sax. all right we need to go to break in a second so that i can put my pants back on but before we knew it we want to show you the making of an advertisement for northrop grumman there the weapons contractor that are helping to normalize drones in our skies by showing ads during sporting events this is a way to show you first part of a real commercial i saw during
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a baseball game. at northrop grumman people we speak on the. when the world calls for speed. when the world calls for still we are we dug a little deeper and i actually found the making of one of those ads check this out oh we're northrop grumman we've got all sorts of drones available for you new drone old drone strike drones rusty drone not to be confused with the us the trouble was here and no one to blame but holy person today will fill in a map of all the countries you can bounce well of that was great list from i was a little less used car salesman a little bolder laid back yeah. i was slower you. know that this. when you know. and if we got drones you know. it's so stealthy and silly and smooth and looped up. martin
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and suck the air. that's probably coming out or this is just normal just straight forward. yeah all right. we're northrop grumman we've been creating flying death machines for a long time in fact we're the fourth biggest defense contractor in the world in addition of bombers and drones our company prides itself on creating missile systems and radar surveillance systems can you imagine the number of people we've helped now it's like oh it's normal just just kids can you make use of drama not seem awful.
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we welcome aaron eight and abby martin two of the tour of the coast guard t. network. it's going to give you a different perspective give me one stock tip i'll never i'll give you the information you make the decision don't worry about breaking the said work it's a revolution of the mind it's a revolution of ideas and consciousness and frustrated with the system extremely your problems would be described as angry i think i'm a strong. single. live .
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stock rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. welcome. to our i said you sound like seventeen people the meth kicked in on this intercept reported this week on leaked documents finally showing what it takes to get on the government's terrorist watch list the watch list before nine eleven consisted of sixteen names now it contains tens of thousands. the vast majority of which have nothing to do with terrorism and have probably never even met someone involved in terrorism c.b.s. reported that the watch list included people like bolivian pres president evo morales and notorious terrorist mikey hicks mikey is an eight year old boy scout
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i'm not kidding who began being patted down at airports at the age of two. all right mike you put down the weapon oh yeah oh yeah it's a sippy cup yeah isn't that what a terrorist would say. this watch list which has increased greatly under obama is the definition of insanity all you have to do to get on it is possibly be someone who might have talked with someone who might have given off the impression that he'd be interested in terrorism or have the same name as someone like that and not only will you be on this watch list but it can make it hard to get a job and hard to remain out of jail think about it a cop pulls you over in iowa for speeding and sees you're on the terrorist watch list because you once sold out of my little pony lunchbox to mikey hicks. my little ponies for boys to. the i would then have a procedure they follow which is like this step one themselves step to draw their
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guns step three themselves again all right keep in mind it recently came out that the f.b.i. has been directly involved in most high profile u.s. terror plots that's right most of the terror plots you've heard about the f.b.i. helped create so that they could then for them and then run around saying we started to sack it's not far off from telling all your friends you slept with a supermodel but really you just home to stuffed animal. so you take these two reports together and it means you could be on a tear or terrorist watch list simply because you have the same name as someone who shared a few phone calls with a guy who was told by an undercover f.b.i. agent that he should have an interest in terrorism or eco terrorism which can consist of just setting fire to an s.u.v. or even terrorism which can consist of just taking a goth kid. this is completely out of control it would be like getting a devastating s.t.d.
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because you had the same name as a guy who talked to a guy who home to stuffed animal. we move now to some great news actually that could possibly be truly dreadful. last month a quadriplegic man became the first paralyzed person to move his limbs using only his thoughts the system that doctors connected to twenty three year old ian burkhardt combined a computer chip implanted inside his brain with a sleeve that transmitted electrical pulses to his hand this device means paralyzed people will one day have the regular lives back that's incredible now the bad news please tell me the gold brothers will die of old age before we get to the brain in a jar stage of technology. think about thinking just because it put their evil brain in a pickle jar or actually probably more of a filter fest jar because it has all that slimy stuff in there and then the computer chip in the brain can operate some sort of zombie like body that's walking around just being. let go for it will live forever and since it'll probably cost
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a billion dollars to do that the super evil billionaires will be the first going to be no vegan hippies ponying up the cool billion for the brain jar all right we have to run out the clock before there's an app and can somebody please get the koch brothers to pick up chain smoking or extreme cliff diving all timid fighting or something before it's too late and that concludes a segment i like to call i'm only have getting. a quick side note for those who want to wonder if my brain in a good filter fish jar does better than my herpes jam at the farmer's market all right just barely nother quick side note herpes jam the original name of the band kiss. but you don't know that and now we move to what might be the most pressing issue in the world the israeli palestinian conflict the violence seems to only be escalating and here to provide analysis of the media's response is senior middle east correspondent john f. o'donnell. you do it john. honestly i'm not sure
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if we should be talking about this now what i mean. you are senior. middle east correspondent yeah i know i am qualified i've read books but bad things happen to reporters who talk about this issue when i mean well just look at rula jebreal she was a respected and as n.b.c. contributor who called out the mainstream media for having a pro israel bias and then all of a sudden all of her scheduled t.v. appearances were canceled boom go right on right she pointed out that between june thirtieth and i think july tenth c.n.n. had seventeen various israeli public officials on air and one palestinian yes she managed to get one more appearance on chris hayes show but they change your title from m.s.m. b c contributor to palestinian journalist if i really get into this i have no idea what's going to happen to me now this is one example it doesn't mean anything i'm
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sure going to be fine i don't know man i'm just i just get really nervous about these things look look there my title has changed to the. above and i don't see how the state isn't supposed person. that is kind of weird but if you know it sounds like a promotion right i don't know if you're qualified to be a spokesperson for everyone no i'm not a member of that capital one and it was a total train wreck what are all you people here is probably where all of you out watching your law oh i don't know a life time of enslavement to dad yeah. yeah yeah i remember that i'm the one the buildout but anyway back to the israeli invasion of gaza what else can you tell us . we didn't talk about the woman boyle who cuddles with people i already covered that fine over twelve hundred palestinians have been killed hundreds of them children and fifty six israelis have been killed israel receives three billion dollars a year in military aid from the u.s.
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as well one point eight million palestinians in gaza live in extreme poverty most of them only get clean water for three hours every three days are you happy lee jesus actually jesus doesn't have anything to do with this one which is kind of a relief. human rights groups have described gaza as being an open air prison it really is how it happened again. senior jew. i don't hate jews i find you know it's my mother's when there is a label it's i went to a lot of bar mats why this is the type of slander that. are either you or that's what is i do hate myself which is not for being jewish. john's going to be all right buddy all right we're going to get through that let's talk more about the bias mainstream media coverage all right it had there been other incidents sure i mean and he told a renowned journalist i'm on dean out of gaza after he reported on an israeli airstrike that murdered four palestinian children and most recently david gregory
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was called out by a u.n. official on meet the press but i think we have clipped on the israeli government has released videotape and i realize you cannot see this video that purports to show rockets being fired from a u.n. school. is this accurate that's in the spring the online program and expect me to comment libel now on pictures i haven't actually see i think anyone looking at this program would agree to that it's really unfair so it does and then at the end of the program he admitted that probably wasn't what they had those videos were but it does seem like israel gets the benefit of the doubt and palestine is guilty until proven other. yeah i mean barely anybody in the media whatsoever is covering a possible reason this invasion is even happening israel desperately wants to exploit the gaza marine gas field that belongs to the palestinian people if this field is developed it will yield revenues of six to seven billion dollars
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a year and even if that's not all the story it's certainly part of it well done john impressed you did some research you know you've come you've come a long way since your capital one days thank you i mean isn't border issue people on both sides are suffering you know plus. the u.n. calls gaza a military occupation amber very bad as their way nelson mandela galled israel an apartheid state. yeah right nothing happened yeah ok now that happened. oh. i love my mom's birthday no cargo. why good writers on rather than all the business like i wanted to i when film stuff and everything you did your show and my career is over. so. would you give the israeli invasion of gaza. never go.
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all right these are your news headlines from the future or less see next monday you'll read this headline f.b.i. on able to stop emo terrorist ever levine from dropping song on a major american city pretty devastating on wednesday this will shock the nation for threshold color souse anyone involved in human contact for trademark infringement i knew she wanted in for the coddles it was profit all along and finally next week the new york times will reveal america's head caught in military industrial complex i think we have an image of that don't. all right and that is you're on redacted news this episode will be up any minute at you tube dot com slash r d america and on hulu and leigh cam dot net if you're curious about our source articles for this stuff go to facebook dot com slash redacted tonight to get those goodnight and keep fighting. everybody.
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lists of the of the. swaziland washington well as a miss. is being suggested in the list of numbers among the many candidates for the prophecy of morning edition is actually back to and doesn't do too much for ad revenue in my new testament culture giant teeth on a seventy six year old american farmer in east india fallout do you think this is going to create for the cia do you think this is what's triggering a race of america's the largest economy in the world it's also the largest debtor nation in the history of breaking the set is mostly about alternatives to the status quo but one that isn't real alternatives are points to the working poor the american dream the next they were just trying to survive stein for americans and lawmakers are martians.
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