tv Documentary RT August 10, 2014 1:29am-2:00am EDT
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torture was a shameful part of american history that as the leader of the executive branch of the nation he could do a lot to punish those who did the torture then and prevent it from happening again in the future but if i do obama this is all just a bunch of sweet talk but that's just my opinion. a rural road in western norway. surrounded by glaciers and clips. a road is winding as the shores of the fiords.
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after hours of searching i finally reach my destination. floating on cold water fish farms. where in my one of the country's most hidden treasures farmed salmon. in these deserted places surrounded by fences and closed doors. i have an appointment with a man who wants to reveal what he considers to be a scandal. couldn't under the waters of the fiords. is one of the ways most respected environmental activists. has gone to war against salman farmers who according to him are responsible for a large scale health disaster. it is said the sauce that this and know all this face because this is that two had too many together you know with two million in the fish from like this that too many together and they get sick and today you
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have you have a you have a pond to me because p.d. and eyesight is spread all over and over and they don't tell you want to don't want to tell it to the customers like the people in france you know. over the last ten years kurt loder god has placed these factory farms under strict surveillance. gathering evidence. today he wants to reveal to me the practices of these norwegian fish farmers whom he considers so dangerous. in these images which he filmed he claims that these men are pouring a powerful pesticide into these waters one known to have neurotoxic effects. they must protect themselves with work suits and gas masks from chemicals to treat salmon attacked by pests and diseases which abound in these farms. they would find different kind of teen you will find you will find food banks are
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all you know all kind of chemicals and that's that's disgusting you know you know it's it is not safe for people to hear i mean. you know it's the most toxic food you have in the whole. toxic fish which are regularly sold in our supermarkets. and no we can salmon is not the only species concerned. to verify these accusations i spent several months investigating behind the scenes in the fishing industry. the ultimate health food recommended by doctors and nutritionists fishes retained its image as a healthy and natural product. yet it's flesh holds many secrets among the most toxic in the agro food industry. from norway to vietnam via sweden and denmark i investigated the ins and outs of this global
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industry. fish livestock fish products but also prepared dishes were going to dive into the murky waters of an out of control industry which to our knowledge is pouring a dangerous cocktail of chemicals into the food which we choose our table. in france fish consumption has more than doubled over the last fifty years it has now reached thirty seven pounds per year per capita that's more than before chicken . to meet the demand new fish have appeared today and today's fish shops hardly resemble those of the past. hello yes. well would you like i'd like to salmon filets place ok ok.
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in this parisian fish shop the salmon is scottish the basque is greek and apart from the trout not a french fish to be seen. we have very little french fish because we know that's not what we're getting they just say it's from certain zones in the north atlantic and a few years ago we had a lot more precise information and sure. today the vast majority of fish consumed in france is imported. and nearly half of it is farmed fish. they are farmed salmon bass and bream approximately sixty percent is fish from the sea and the rest discarded. fish which are much cheaper than fish products such as these farmed salmon for lay's or these panda filets. a twelve year old ninety per kilo it's the cheapest fish in the story. it's the cover at twelve ninety per kilo that allows some people to be able to eat fish inexpensively. but
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they can't afford to buy cod fillets at thirty two heroes the kilo. itself very well. when's the next shipment to madonna. relatively unknown until ten years ago today panga is one of the ten most consumed fish and friends. it can be found in fish shops and also in. most supermarkets as frozen fallacious. but thanks to its low price tag has become especially prevalent in the mass catering business to the point of becoming one of the most consumed fishes in school lunches. how of these farmed fish products been able to be offered at such low prices and what exactly can be found in the flesh of these fish which is being served to our children.
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in southern vietnam in the mekong delta the first step of my investigation. here pank is part of the culling area traditions sold in the markets consumed every day in restaurants. but behind this traditional image there's another reality. for fifteen years and it has also become one of the principal money makers of the region. ninety five percent of global production comes from southern vietnam. in the small village of cunto in the delta a statue has been erected to it right next to that of the father of the country's independence. i'm to discover that this economic success also hides a darker side exploiting the inhabitants as well as the environment.
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on the river i have an appointment with a busy man who the vietnamese call the panga king mr min. in just under fifteen years he has amassed the fourth richest fortune in the country thanks to his fish farms. he exports paying it to more than thirty different countries including friends for the first time he has accepted to open his doors to television companies. that are going to tell mr min about it and. big fish are feeding over there yet i don't know let's just show them the little fish they're hungry let's go over there. mr minns fortune can be found entirely under the water of these fish ponds. to understand its magnitude he must come here early in the morning and watch the show while the fish have their breakfast. thought.
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could. theoretically one of these puns three hundred thousand think of an industrial concentration for abrasions fish thought. oh yeah. we feed these coming out twice a day and each time you give them three tons of food that's how we feed them. stuffed with dry pellets feed bloated with fat and protein the fish reach adult size in just six months two times faster than nature. to ensure production mr men has over three hundred fifty ponds of this kind. on my farm as there are a hundred million pound don't you. must realize there are more fish in my puns than there are people in all of vietnam. thanks. to prepare the fish which will be sold
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at low prices on the european market more than a thousand workers process up to one hundred tons of pangle per day. before freezing one last step is necessary i and that begins in these large washers. in this water poly phosphates additives which facilitate freezing i but they have a. another advantage. they allow the celebs to soak up water which artificially increases their weight. in the end the fish are tasteless and odorless but surprisingly to mr min that is an advantage for exportation. that unlike other fish has no odor and it's tasteless as well as so it takes on the flavors of the spices. so suddenly it's become a favorite of kitchens throughout the world that's the secret but.
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every here vietnam exports one point five billion of these low cost colorless and odorless fillet. twenty percent of the production coming from mr minns plants. in his freight depot several thousand tons are being shipped to spain the ukraine as well as brazil but also according to mr min to certain french supermarkets. this is the bill for our fish which is being sent to car for. one it goes through a middleman because car for doesn't buy from us directly. is a wholesaler who buys a shipment from us and resell as part of it to car for. this is the wholesaler who's based in paris. in mr minns panga we didn't find anything that would raise health concerns.
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but on other fish farms something flush with dangerous chemical cocktail concentrations most farm panga are sick because of the pollution from the mekong waters. mr greene is the local representative of the w w f in two thousand and nine disassociation put pangle on its red list of products which are dangerous to the environment as well as to the consumer. that's a fish from. the penguin on this farm a raised in water directly pumped into the channel. one of thousands of small tributaries of the with high pollution levels. into these channels as a vietnamese dump their household waste on a daily basis. the region is also the world's largest rice exporter. intensive cultivation practices which spread massive amounts of pesticides faced
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with this cocktail of pollutants the waters have reached high alert status. these channels concentrate green algae and bacteria which destroy the oxygen and release talks on into the water. and that can make the panda sick. yes. of course they got it by reducing the oxygen level lost in the water it affects the immune system and the health of the fish oil. little. lists lists.
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lists . let's. talk rules in effect and you can jump in anytime you want to. live. up to over my language at all but i will only react to situations i have read the reports and let the players know i will leave them to the state department to comment on your letter play little sage italy's or k.l.a. car is on the docket no. thank you no more weasel words when you have a direct question are you prepared for a change when you're done you should be ready for
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a little freedom of speech and a little bit on the freedom to crush. when the european union promised to net ukraine become part of it it clearly contributed to the exact abrasion of tensions within ukraine ukraine will not become part of the european union won't tell tales ukraine obstinately doesn't have the economic level to become part of the e.u. or then. and
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to treat their panga second by pollution farmers for industrial quantities of drugs into the ponds. on this farm in fact the fish have caught several diseases so this a big trauma. that cleat just a moment is a researcher at the university of number were in belgium. he came to help this farmer to treat his sick pengo. do not have too many problem with. this is his on the body oh yes to their body and there is also the bleeding now leading in the finale have something yes. ok bleeding oh yes. i see the problem and they also get a liver disease in the lever yes. but weakest amount is going to discover that to treat the fish farmers use dangerous
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doses of drugs about that. crunch of chemical hey will. yes there is here you can see the antibiotics. in this local pharmacy there are hundreds of boxes of antibiotics of all kinds heavily used on the farms they cause a chain reaction of ok the problem and the problem is that there are always residues were found in the environment and eventually the bacteria becomes resistant to these antibiotics is all to get. regularly administered to the fish these antibiotics heighten the diseases they're supposed to fight forcing the producers to raise the dosage is. a vicious circle because today the farmer can't avoid it. but the fish consume the
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antibiotics they become absorbed into its tissues and it will be released as a form of residue i have feces via excretion. and then these antibiotics residues will be found elsewhere in the channels to the point where they can also spread to other foreigners because these waters are also used by other fish farming. to stop this vicious cycle that leak estimate is trying to promote less polluting drugs. but they are much too expensive for farmers who complain about the market prices of their fish being offered by western distributors. oh yes. for us and our production costs are twenty thousand dollars per kilo but our selling price is only twenty two thousand dollars so we're already losing money. ok so nor good for the for the business but sometimes this after the antibiotics but play customer will make an even more disturbing discovery or associate their stock
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. my goodness on earth. looks like to. have a probably. the. best asides that concentrate in fish flesh and in the mekong waters dry feed pellets which make the panga grow twice as fast then from natural food. and a record number of fish concentrated in the ponds these farming conditions put consumers health at risk. here in vietnam is where my investigation ends because there haven't been any independent scientific studies conducted here on the subject. to find the answer i'm to return to a country that has pushed the use of chemicals and has us still farming techniques
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even further. in norway fish farming is a four billion euro a year industry. this is the second biggest resource of the country after oil seventy percent of the salmon consumed in france comes from these farms which are directly immersed in the waters of the fiords. but in this secret and opaque world journalists are not welcome. and no fish farmer has agreed to open its doors to us. photoshop it. once again i find kurt loder god of the activists who fights against the methods used by the norwegian fish farmers to unlock the secrets of the fish farms his organization is employed methods worthy of a spy movie. this boat and also with the underwater robot with which he
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probes the waters of the fuel. it's filled with bacteria. there in the bubbles this layer is full of waste. under the farms mountains of sediment fifteen meters high where there is a mixture of food scraps and chemicals which are poured into the farms every day. it's incredibly polluted by. the worker never says this is this considered all the talk has been sprayed for the fish to the ally saying anything tains the fish to the south and have
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a seed of seawater mist complete destroy i lets a gas factory you know it bubbles off and all kind of met that methane and some of these sites are using is the same that was used during the first world war to gas people and they have a complete project that go that everything you know the main problem for no each and fish farmers is this parasite the sea lice. it lodges in the fish flesh and can kill them. becoming resistant to all the treatments it forces the farmers to use pesticides which are more and more potent. these farming conditions produce frightening consequences in the fish. like in these cod deformed by genetic mutations so. this is escaped and called from a fish farm from a cold fall nearly fifty percent of the cord is born like this they can never close them out this is a this again i think that the damage it takes
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a generation in the sea. to get this away understand. female cawed of this type is known to get the pregnant wild card see the beautiful faces you know you don't need to things like this but if you chop that off you wouldn't see it. salman also suffer less visible but equally disturbing transformations. see this is a much smaller has a bigger sales with more sharp corners because show is not covering the heels you know that's very normal. what we find inside the fish is even worse typical. says no quote of. service. this is a fresh someone who is baking you see this is this is no good fish and this is
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should be able to turn back and forth you shouldn't break like this you know a wild salmon contains five to seven percent fat this contains between fourteen and a half and thirty four percent fat i says the toxic is so obvious following before you know this is the most toxic food you have in this. since these fish have more fat the flesh of farmed fish absorb higher levels of chemical residues. and the observations of kurds have now been confirmed by the studies of a french researcher. jerome who's a works for the university of bergen in norway. he measured the concentration of toxic chemicals present in various food products. and the results that he obtained are enlightening. different colors represent different pollutants. here you have different food. i have
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a whole milk eggs apples potatoes cod and farm salad. that's incredible we can see from the chart the farmed fish has much higher levels than the other products all falls apart compared to other products can see very clearly that farmed salmon it contains much more pollutants of course. you can see the number as well as. if you. look at the farmed fish is five times more toxic than all the other products found in our supermarkets. and the conclusion is obvious. do you still eat farmed fish. no i don't know if you've stopped since these studies. so you simply must avoid exposure to these pollutants it will find jesting then you're
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exposed do you think that's obvious. because it not only is about measuring these pollutants it's also about evaluating their effects on these laboratory rats says he we have a test group that we used as the control group where the mice ate standard laboratory food and we tested them then we had another test group that had exactly the same food except that we added farmed salmon to it let you know for the test group fed with the farmed salmon he obtained some very disturbing results what we have here is at a pose or fatty tissue from the abdomen and if you look at what happens to the farmed salmon it's pretty impressive. eating farmed fish has made them obese and diabetic. see these organisms so exported to fill it organisms are exposed to different pollutants estimable some of these pollutants their own to make the organism accumulate more fat to. do so a theory has been formulated which correlates best city being
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a consequence of all the pollutants real counter in the environment it was a cruel call not all feeling all. their own roos and then makes another revelation . according to his research what makes the salmon flesh most toxic is not the pesticide poured into the farms. but rather the dried pellet feed which are fed to the fish. sort of pollutants come mainly from the food which is fed to the salmon. what are these pollutants. to dinner and dioxins b.c.b.s. . in the stalks afine all these chemicals how is it that this is found in the dried pellets feet the safe and well the well you have to ask those who make the fish for. what is certain is that the effects can be huge that's what's dangerous on. simple dry pellets which is even more dangerous than pesticides and antibiotics how is it made and why is it so toxic.
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the small port of timber and in western denmark. here fishing boat don't supply fish markets or supermarkets. this factory makes fish feet. fin nielson is the factory foreman. here's his specialty. here's our product dry fish pellets it's. clean more zero casualties war this is the great fantasy of war mongering politicians. capturing people is this what do you do if the innocent
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killing them easy we were serve the right to kill any person anywhere any time. they can do to listen to him but they come to the drone to muslims much these things are heard and politicians get a new kind of power via their star knowledge a sad time is very tempting. the luck. of. the islamists have a good basis try to claim the same people are going to do not want to give the title or destroy the teaching everybody to. cut me no law no weapons and my own wife would hate.
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most famously saying. this case is just a moment. sometimes for nothing which. is so we have the evidence and. it's not just any of the stories he's giving jobst if he sees the a stage is going to make the pizza hut which was featured on august seventh. is. plenty. stories others who refuse to notice. faces change the world. picture.
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from around the globe. to. the week's top stories on our international. control of the government strongholds in the east supporting its promises with heavy weapons on. a stranger of sanctions between the west and russia european businesses look for compensation from multi-billion dollar losses they face. and after a few days silence the roar of. the cease fire between hamas and israel and palestinian civilians finding themselves right in the middle of a humanitarian catastrophe. returns to iraq as president of the.
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