tv Documentary RT August 10, 2014 7:29pm-8:01pm EDT
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it was recently revealed that under the guise of an hiv prevention workshop and as tourists you know latin americans were sent to cuba by the u.s. government to overthrow that government yes the u.s. agency for international development organized for these young people to go to cuba to recruit and set up new political activists however the infiltrators were not very good at their jobs and the cuban authorities were able to nab these well funded travelers in their country this is nowhere near the first time that the u.s. government has tried to meddle in cuba in two thousand and nine usa he tried to set up a twitter like program to organize people in cuba and we can't forget about the ill fated cuban television airplane that was supposed to bombard the island with western media that was totally blocked by the government during the cold war i could see the justification to dominate cuba if the us didn't have influence in
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a country that automatically the soviets did but now what is just why does the us need to infiltrate cuba and by what right cuba doesn't have nukes put in america and they have limited industrial capacity they can't do anything to anyone just leave the poor island alone and let the people there figure out their own future without the us state department's help but that's just my opinion. when the unit being union poem is to make you pray and become part of it and clearly contributed to the bathtub ration of tensions within ukraine ukraine will not become part of the human community and won't tell tales ukraine absolutely doesn't have the economic level to become part of the e.u. or then.
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the slippery slope doesn't only concern the use made of these machines. technological evolutions give these weapons more and more sophisticated capabilities in. the sea ram is a cannon that destroys missiles while they're flying. it is fully automated and decides to shoot by itself. we can turn the machine on we can turn the machine off while the machine is operating we can stop it but when you have a missile coming in your reaction time is what i call mid course were okra you have less than a second to decide and if you're wrong you've not only killed yourself but all your
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friends and soldiers around you. autonomy is the new wave it is the word in the mouth of every specialist these robots are they so skilled that they will eventually become independent and execute missions without human input. no sharky is a professor of robotics at sheffield university in the u.k. . he knows what military researchers are preparing. what concerns me most about the drones is not the fight not the currently. in the loop drones but it's the future plans towards autonomy and the means drones that work on their own select the wrong targets and kill them and this seems that these are going to be required in the future if you're fighting
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a sophisticated force because the first thing they will do is to jam all the signals so you want feedback coming back you won't be able to control your drones etc so most restarting much aware of this in the united states roadmap since two thousand and four been discussing the idea of the next stage from money in the loop to man on the loop to about a year ago i was at an international law conference and there are all these international lawyers arguing back and forth and one of them was the. general counsel for the u.s. air force and he said we would never ever work on armed autonomous systems because that would violate the law we would never ever do something like that and all the lawyers might be that's right that's right that's right and a couple days later i was at our office of naval research and we were laughing about it because i was meeting with a couple scientists who were working on our top of a systems this isn't science fiction things out of the future we're working on this
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right now. and indeed the export the seven b. is finishing its trials and will be operational in twenty fifteen. it's a supersonic drone completely autonomous which will be able to decide by itself whether to shoot down a target or not. but there's there's worse than that there's a program by darpa which is still in the early stages of testing but testing has been done and that's the t.v. to program and there's a jet called the fold can and that has been tested at twenty two thousand kilometers per hour and that's not supersonic that is hypersonic now the him of this program is that the united states will be able to have an armed combat plan anywhere on the planet within
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a thirty minute when do so anywhere on this planet they can get to instantly with thirty minutes and be ready combat ready within the time flying from the united states and that's very worrying because what that means is the united states border zone is not the whole rest of the planet that is the united states. is that the last step in the industrialization in the in the industrial revolution is to industrialize warfare make it really clean see a factory of death were robots can go and completely destroy and kill with like people really being unfolds much.
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but the really big change in the overall history of war is we went from fighting inside machines to fighting an outsider machines that we went from having to zero robotic systems in the u.s. military to now we have more than seven thousand of them and this is only the start that there were only a couple of countries dabbling with unmanned systems to now more than fifty countries around the world whether it's the u.s. the u.k. france germany israel russia china australia pakistan iran that all of them shoved into this robotics field to me that's what matters. me please can you even been like our resistance is building up against proliferation is there and yemen and somalia i speak out on behalf of those innocent victims they deserve an apology
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from you mr grant yeah well how many people are you willing medea benjamin is used to shock actions people here the pacifist militant is addressing paul brennan the then anti terrorist in chief for obama the drone strikes i speak out on behalf of al you will run out of walking sixteen year old born in denver he'll be a bit just because his father was like i speak i'm in the constitution i'd be happy if the rule of law oh i love my country. by killing oh my. god. we're man full of activists want to raise awareness of new dangers linked to the unstoppable rise of drones in military operations.
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in the suburbs of las vegas medea has gathered her pacifist militants to prepare a new operation and taunt weapons manufacturers. that's what this administration has said that capturing people is messy you don't know where the put them you don't know what kind of child to give them what do you do if they're innocent killing them easy if they're innocent well too bad too late. it's. the wounds of nine eleven can never be healed. hunt and kill bin laden was a few. huge success for the obama administration. but the president never managed to close guantanamo prison. the closing of guantanamo the first major pledge from the man who received the nobel peace prize
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a couple of weeks after entering the white house. even with all the efforts of his team obama never managed to obtain a trial for the prisoners so that they can be found guilty or innocent and sentenced or sent home. they remain locked up in the judicial limbo of the american enclave in cuba. it's fascinating to me when i first brought a lawsuit through out the doors in america against one time a we were told by the right wing there is a you should have legal rights for terrorists and if you insist on legal rights routers kill them and i thought that was all for then but one of the ironies and it's a very sad irony a very bad when he opposed one ton of and he was right to oppose it of course is that he's replaced detention without trial with execution without trial and he just kills people know and the idea that the intelligence that america has before they
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kill someone is better than the intelligence they have as they lock someone up for ten years and one time i was just silly so we can be pretty certain that the people they kill or render inappropriate as the people they put in guantanamo. executions without trial now replace arbitrary detention. where. there are. no. all of this robotic stuff shows that if they can build it they will build it even if it's unwise to build it and so that's why we're trying to see. hey we need to stop developing this stuff just good we can build something doesn't mean you should build it. because it's not just making the robots it's making the little sensors making all the components of that the go right these fairs and said what
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are you going to do with when the wars are over you know couldn't it's many of these and they all say with a laugh all of them that i've spoken to say well just start another war. they were just a ploy to roll the first unit closer to the soldiers fully trained in afghanistan. than a fly in for i think forty five missions a day. that many others reckon about seventy hours a day they're going to have any chills or do you know. takes their side to center first and gave us. what's your field or let a specialist writers. do you think manufacturers don't have any responsibility once muslim religious. country.
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thanks for talking and i get. there from. the pride of a weapon manufacturer when the dead pile up it means they have a quality product. the. last flight over the fair last action by the anti drones night falls over vegas and the party is over. it's time for us to pass through the looking glass and discover the reality in pakistan.
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the fish he refuses economic down to the find out won't stay that long the deal sang and the rest of it's going to be a few will be every week hopefully. in december two thousand and ten. more likely to be raped in college than in the real world. i don't think people did that to each other when they knew each other i thought rape was a stranger in the bushes. girl complaining about the son of an alumni who gives millions of dollars to a school why listen to somebody who's going to lose money at the school of schools that make money based decisions are much more common than they would ever admit publicly.
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i think. we're going to go digital the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy trek albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and our crass cynical we've been hijacked why a handful of transnational corporations will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once we'll just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem to try rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing or to find a job ready to join the movement then walk a little bit. on
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marriage and in the financial world the tactics used to comment now do not stop because it is very strongly taking no demand for credit not going to get any economic benefit in life there are good and there are books. pakistan an ally of the united states yet still exposed every week to american drone bombings. that ackbar is a lawyer who decided to fight drones through a justice. he has been prosecuting american people involved in the kill chain for two years. by giving them compensation what we're doing is we're trying to bring the people who are in tribal areas into the
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mainstream system that they believe one institutions that build courts and get them justice that they do not have to kill to get justice just like america is killing people illegally to get justice for whatever happened to them in ireland. his most significant action was to prosecute the head of the cia in islamabad forcing the spy to leave the country. despite his escape has no intention of giving up. the judgment comes in off a word it means that we'll be having international arrest warrants against this person who was directly involved or draw truck. medea benjamin supports as odd and brought a group of american pacifists to discuss what was nearest our representatives. was here a stand is the pakistani province bordering afghanistan
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a location that proves to be its curse ziad persuaded these tribal chiefs to come and testify about their morning to these americans who is bombs and missiles they fear every day what are those who were killed in this strike seventy march two thousand and eleven in that strike there were about fifty. people reported killed all civilians and the larger number of people killed was dr elders because odd opens the dialogue and translates for both parties dispute but the cultural divide remains obvious because doing this week will be for you just business secondly they're quite intimidated by the cameras and so many customers and so many women as well that's why there's no life on earth please avoid eye contact and just start really with introduction look they should play like. you don't. know you have like like an eigenvalue look at them but they will be avoiding eye contact well because this is a. tribal real showing respect to women than to keep their eyes nor. the first
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reason i came here is to offer my apologies as a citizen of the united states for what my country has done to your lives and that is a very small thing. but it is what i can do. secondly i would like to ask you gentlemen if you had a drug what would you do with that study is going to my god i'm not a sad one out there but i'm a big i want but lately. i want to also see an obama white house but as i would miss i have the same look at it and so you're saying that if we have drawn here are going to mark. that you know which are just wasn't. answering the coalition zadan medea march to was here a stand is progressively organized.
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and. they are soon reunited with clive stafford smith a lawyer specialized in the defense of inmates of guantanamo. all the drones illegals across that trying to. legal there's nothing illegal about the drug salute there's no war between pakistan and its ally the united states so everything that's out there is illegal this letter is the threshold for going to the united states so dramatically because no american gets in danger and i'm the only american rather few americans ever that there are many of us within a thousand mile service are stuck there and so there's no danger to the natural state people are sitting in the gutter playing video games with the lives of people in reserve startled and that's not what threshold is you know the united states wouldn't send up sixteen dollars into reserves time they couldn't do that politically but they can do it with drones and that's what makes this thing sir
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ferdinand is amazing the fact that we are here we made it this far we feel that we have helped raise the issue internationally and we're very excited out. soon several hundred vehicles follow the crowd to an impressive gathering. imran khan a national celebrity leads the event a candidate for the next presidential election. cameron is a very popular character in pakistan and his bid should not be dismissed this is why he is taking a firm stance against drones with the intention of making a clear difference from the tepid reactions of the incumbent power. i think of it almost every bit of it will. be on behalf of all of the. party and on behalf of the car just on we want to thank you we want to thank all of your bravery. of pakistan and always remember that is.
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what i do. know pakistan is a shadow theatre. its authorities complain about this. franks but never do anything serious such as calling for the united nations to stop. this ruse. and if america or anyone else in the world was flying a drone over your hometown and they were firing missiles at anybody that would be will go three in the french air force would shoot things down in a heartbeat and you know when the pakistan government says they're doing everything they can you know it's not true and you don't know quite what their motivations are and i daresay that quite complex as to read that some are just afraid of the
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americans get so much money from the americans that they don't want to do anything i had one come to sation with one of the pakistan elite who honestly said to me that the americans give us so much money that you know what's three thousand people . you know they can kill that many then kill more if they want and this is unbelievably horrible attitude and i'm not saying that by all pakistanis and government i think there are some honest people who are opposed to it but they've got to do a lot more than that during their lists of all the drones are killing some militants . that qualify you for us to say that this people these people be killing in self-defense because they have some crazy thoughts in their mind although they are unable to do anything against our disturbed which is thousands of miles away from what is thought or was it a stunt but in the us so defense we want to kill them because they have bad dreams about us it's as silly as. the number of attacks in
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pakistan is already diminishing but even if medea and her friends were successful other drones will soon take the stage. this industry benefited heavily from the iraqi and afghanistan wars its new goal is to bring back the machines tested on the battlefield so that tomorrow in the skies of western democracies they can secure border lines and fight against criminals and terrorists lobbyists are working full regime to persuade public opinion to learn to love the drones which will soon fly above our urban areas hello i'm henry quiet. i'm but. we want to welcome you to the monk mckeon and henry choir are the two representatives delegated by the drone industry to sell their machines to american congressman we face a new reality of increased violence along our southern border associated with the
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illegal traffic of the all purpose drone is coming next to your house the drug traffic illegal immigration protests anti-social behavior it keeps an eye on everyone i. want to. read. the question with drones with robotics and law enforcement is really not. if question should or shouldn't worry is it wise to use them this way it's an inevitability. increasing a temple devoted to god a second it has been erected at the end of the runway.
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candice de priestess. performs ceremonies devoted to peace. while predators pass endlessly above her head. soon to be sold all around the world predators have already won their war. the war to make acceptable the delivery of death sentences anywhere around the world as seen fit by a faceless executioner. call the predators. how popular are they we watch them all the time you say i see other than take it out and those people like living by these machines and nobody cares
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but when they do the. military or civilian humanity will soon learn to live under the eyes of drones citizens of a democratic country you can certainly hope for a few legal guarantees. citizens of a weak state or zone declared enemies by super powers. your fate will quickly be decided to strip united states policies and this is achieved exactly the opposite of its stated goal so its stated goal is to reduce extremism instead every time you kill someone you're creates another group of people who hate you and you increase extremism but it doesn't just do that and resist. you know we did the thing that's difficult apparently the pentagon to understand is there's no one in reservist on who could possibly threaten the united states but if you go killing people in this hypocritical way what you do is you and get people all around the world including in america and indeed the times square bomber if you recall said that the reason he
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wanted to blow up a bomb in times square was the drones campaign in pakistan so we are exporting terrorism to the united states and europe in a way that they couldn't possibly do otherwise it's the most ridiculous policy ever so you have so-called homegrown terrorists in britain in america who are so angry that they don't have to come from was their stand as they were it in britain and they then do terrible things that.
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net ukraine become part of it it clearly contributed to the exacerbation of tensions within ukraine ukraine will not become part of the european union close telltales ukraine absolutely doesn't have the economic level to become part of the e.u. or been. told or my language or what i will only react to situations i haven't read the reports so i'm likely to push the no i will leave them to the state department to comment on your latter point of the month to say it's a loser k.l.a. car is on the docket no god there they go no more weasel words when you have a direct question be prepared for a change when you can you should be ready for a. printout of speech and down to freedom to cost.
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in this edition of the weekly we look at key events across ukraine including the conflict in the east and more protests in the capital central. moscow imposes a food import responding to. considers halting russia's energy transit to europe. israel and the palestinians agreed to another seventy two hour cease fire after talks in egypt said folds a week of violence continued to take. complete before strikes against iraq.
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