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tv   Headline News  RT  August 12, 2014 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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full picture posts. on this month from around the globe in the book to. breaking news on our national kiev confirms that security services have been holding a russian reporter in charges of aiding terrorists and that's a week after understanding went missing in east ukraine. brussels bites back now to russia's banned food imports in response to sanctions european officials reportedly want to spoil moscow's plans to get alternative supplies from latin america. tear gas and rubber bullets the u.s. police response to grounds demanding justice for the killing of an unarmed black teenager by missouri cops. and meet a little girl that survived eleven days in the siberian the wilderness surrounded
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by wolves and bears all thanks to a brave puppy use a term. which international coming to live from moscow with me marina joshie will begin with breaking news well kiev has confirmed its detained russian photographer in ukraine under a stand and went missing in the country's east and we could go and he's now apparently been charged with aiding terrorists cross live to a correspondent with you know caution as more details for us what would you know as we know kiev have been denying this spuriously what more do we know now it's true as it turned out russian photographer and a stain and has been arrested by the ukrainian security service and i need to mention that this is the first and for mission that was voiced concerning his fate since the disappearance of the russian reporter back on the fifth of august and now
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this information know was that in particular the voice by the advisor to the ukrainians interior minister and he i'm ain't such a statement during it. his interview to a young lad to be on radio station now the official confirmed that a russian photographer was indeed arrested by the ukrainian security service and that at the moment he is accused of aiding the local militia let me remind you that earlier the ukrainian security service denied any connections with the disappearance of the reporter and they were saying that they're unaware he is present whereabouts of course this case attracted a lot of attention coming from different sources and from different they're going to now the u.n. expressed hope that they will porter will be found safe and that's going to happen soon and at the moment the new york based
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a committee to protect journalists is calling for his immediate release of the human rights watch and of the zero is c.e. is also calling for his release can damming the current practice for arresting journalists. thanks very much for this modern caution of reporting there. now stands colleagues from the reno obviously news agency have been during public attention to his plight with an online campaign hash tag free andrew and he also organized a flash mob and posted the pictures which then went viral kiev has detained journalists covering events in east ukraine before last month's u.k. citizen and contributor graham phillips was seized by ukraine's security forces and said he was questioned and held at gunpoint while in captivity before releasing phillips also denied detaining him and will bring you updates on the detention of these journalists understand as we get them.
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brussels is planning to talk latin american countries out of boosting agricultural exports to russia that's according to the financial times citing senior officials nations such as brazil and chile were set to meet the shortfall when russia introduced a food embargo on a range of european products in response to e.u. sanctions more on the story from our correspondent in berlin peter all over. well following russia's decision to ban the import of certain food stamps in agricultural produce from from europe as well as other countries in retaliation to the sanctions that were opposed the economic sanctions that were imposed on russia as we understand that brussels are going to try and contact some countries in central and south america in order to dissuade them from selling the blockaded the banned foodstuffs to russia at a decent price now what we're particularly looking at is countries like brazil and
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chile now brazil is already seen this is an opportunity it has long trading history with russia it's opened set to open around ninety meat processing plant it's expected that brazil will be the place that russia goes to to try and get its beef and pork also chile which is said to be the place to go to for fish imports that it's no longer accepting from the european union now those farmers that are here in europe well they're saying that when washington and brussels came up with the sanctions against russia they weren't thinking about them and they didn't think about the consequences it could have when making a decision to impose sanctions on russia the e.u. should have realized businesses will have problems with russia we'll let it go and we'll take responsive measures which we're paying right now we need access to the markets could help solve the deadlock situation in which for example the fruit sector is in elsewhere poland is preparing an appeal to the w t o the world trade
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organization against the sanctions imposed by russia they say that it infringes upon the rights of particular apples were a huge import to russia from poland what they're saying is it goes against the b.t.o. rules russia says not in the slightest doesn't it fringe upon anything the w t o suggests and it says that nobody was complaining to the w t o when stat sanctions were imposed on russia so what we're seeing is these things to the tats. actions starting to bite the people that they're impacting on the most of the farming business and the the agricultural industry in europe robert oulds who's the head of the british group saying tang believes that latin american countries won't band under the pressure from brussels. really it's time that the european union as well as perhaps even the united states stop dictating to other countries around the world argentina brazil chile the beauty it will be in their economic interest to
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expand that very good russia is a very good opportunity for them to forge closer links with russia as well as so really these countries will not bow to pressure other states and i will look to expand the links with russia just china has recently done in terms of gas and oil supplies ukraine is ready to accept humanitarian aid from moscow but not on russian trucks kiev says the cargo should be handed over to the red cross at the border a convoy of almost three hundred trucks carrying aid from russia is on its way to the russian ukraine front here and given moscow reached an initial agreement on the mission on monday a week after officials in east ukraine will dance the clearly humanitarian disaster in the city several ukrainian western officials slammed russian aid efforts as an attempt to illegally transfer arms into east ukraine while the red cross says it needs more clarification to be able to carry out the mission. meanwhile in kiev the parliament has passed a raft of new laws allowing the country to impose sanctions against russia the new
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legislation allows ukraine to blog and freeze all russian assets in a country give can now also ban all broadcasting of russian media and block all russian activity in ukraine's internet space on top of that all transit of russian goods and even of russian citizens through grain can also be blocked by it's yet to be decided whether any of these measures will actually be implemented meanwhile in separate legislation also voted in today security personnel have been given the right to shoot without warning in the rest of east. public range in the u.s. state of missouri spilled over into a second night of clashes with police over the fatal shooting of an armed black teenager by a cop officers fired tear gas and rubber bullets apper testers who were furious about what they called police brutality and racial profiling. is there for us. tensions chaos and mayhem really have been unraveling here in suburban st louis in
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the town of ferguson we witnessed tear gas being fired at just a couple dozen people standing around on a street where of course people have been coming out on to the street in the hundreds of thousands since the killing of an unarmed eighteen year old michael brown took place here the community is outraged because the young man had no weapon however he was fired at multiple times by a police officer and he died as a result of this people have been coming out to the streets protesting violence has been erupting and most certainly we can get in front of our eyes to d.t.r. gas was fired at least twice and one of those times when the numbers of people in the street really had died down it was only just a couple dozen people who live in this neighborhood and the police had issued several warnings that they would fire tear gas and they in fact proceeded to do this and of course we do not expect any of these tensions to die down because the
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locals that we've spoken to most certainly intend to continue coming out to protest in outrage of what happened and while we don't know exactly what unraveled the police have been claiming that an altercation took place between michael michael brown and this police officer but many of the details remain a big mystery including the identity of this police a police officer who we know now is currently on leave and this is something that the local community wants to change they want to see accountability happen to certainly police misconduct and police brutality has been a huge issue in this country throughout the last several years. as he is across the latest developments in missouri of course you can also follow her on twitter for updates as they happen and pictures from the scene. the the in. coming up
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washington says its airstrikes against jihad as in iraq are not enough and begins arming kurdish forces in the region it's after the jihad of themselves took hold of numerous weapons made in america all the details are coming shortly. i'm abby martin the stories we cover here are not going here in iraq that our big story the facts are that while same time there's a reason they don't want international airport they're telling the truth is that we should be completely out now let's break the set. there's a media leave us so we leave the baby. by the seat cushions secure the play your party there's a bill. for shoes that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from it's all politics only on our t.v. . do we speak
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your language of the will or not at the end of. the news programs and documentaries and spanish what matters to you breaking news a little turn to angles hidden stories. for you here. in troy spanish to find out more visit. welcome back you're watching r.t. international ongoing u.s. airstrikes on geodes in iraq have not contained or broken the momentum of the militants according to the pentagon washington has so far been reluctant to launch another ground invasion but is now beefing up the flow of weapons to the region
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u.s. officials say they're seeking to further undermine a so-called islamic state by arming kurdish resistance fighters in northern iraq so far they are only sending light weapons and ammunition but the kurds also one rocket launchers and tanks as it is going to reports some of the weapons used by the jihad as were also made in america. thousands of iraqis are helpless in the face of terror from the islamic state the jihadi militants are ruthless and well armed there's the hottest forces in iraq are probably the strongest the hardest forces in the region in the world they are equipped with advanced american weapons and that's how they were able to ethnic cleansing minorities christian and it's the the minorities from many areas in kurdistan or south of go to stan and now they're attacking kurdistan u.s. officials see no alternative to sending weapons to combat the extremists who now fight with american weapons you cannot confront isis with flowers at the same time
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flooding an already deeply divided country with more weapons to back fire in the future. there is no american military solution to life i think in iraq the only lasting solution is for iraqis come together and form an inclusive government president obama may want a unified iraq but the kurds have long wanted out and arming kurdish militia forces could lead to a permanent breakup of iraq any peaceful cessation of the kurds will be brought on light to bring the region several days and multi-ethnic cities as well as major oil they see both kurdish and testing shared tory now is pressing as the kurds defense needs are the question is whether the weapons provided the defense today you've. been watching the need to track down hard. on the u.s. military pulled out of iraq in two thousand and eleven but left
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a deadly legacy more than nine billion dollars worth of weapons washington armed immoderate antacid forces in neighboring syria but jihadist went on to seize some of the weapons when these like state militants are all of the across northern iraq the also captured some american weapons there and with u.s. arms on. already on both sides of the barricades in iraq washington is now sending weapons to the kurds who are fighting against the jihad as but who also want independence from baghdad let's now get reaction from foreign panag on alice michael of michael things so much for joining us here on r.t. so it looks like the u.s. state department has come out with its own theory on how these jihad is how vote came about in the first place let's take a listen isis started really gaining strength in syria when a side a facilitated their rise helped facilitate their movement into iraq and gave them
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a security environment in which they could operate prime minister maliki has been fighting a very serious battle against him in his own country yes he could have governed more inclusively but that's very different than allowing his terrorist group to flourish and indeed supporting them. you say you facility did move from syria through i mean did you provide the withdraw and transportation things don't have more specifics for you than that so you don't think that the syrian regime was actually fighting a civil. look i know that they supported their rise and they helped facilitate them into iraq i know that. all right michael now that we've heard this version what is your take on this. well i think it's unfortunate that she has that she's ignorant ignorant of history. the rise of isis and the and the sunni radical elements there that also it all really began when the united states invaded iraq and march of two thousand and three and almost immediately on style islam and and the al qaeda in iraq began to form to come up with the resistance form. a group
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that would take them on and and ultimately begin to fill the vacuum once the united states left this is been ongoing the fact. in iraq issued two thousand and ten paper which the intelligence community has had for quite some time and that outlined what their strategy and tactics really are going to be and the intention was to take over iraq and and also alternately into syria and later into the entire levant and it's true that the united states has aided and abetted the. development of these. islamist groups through turkey through through jordan and in order to oppose. syrian president assad but the reality the reality is that they basically overcame any opposition and took over took their took their weapons and there's been instances of them
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forcibly taking those weapons and then using them and and so consequently the united states has confronted its own weapons well michael you know what are their risks actually here that we're facing i mean the jihad is have already captured plenty of american weapons in syria and iraq but what are the risks of sending even more arms to the region well. the kurds have got to defend themselves we have a common problem now and it's and it's isis and it's not just a terrorist group it is an army it is a very mobile. blitzkrieg type of army fast reaction they're very knowledgeable they're very savvy they are using modern tactics and they and their the size and the areas that they area that it they've now taken over
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to establish its caliphate is at least the size of great britain so they they are very formidable and the people on the ground in iraq right now are incapable of matching them in any way shape or form and the and unless we provide in fact i think it's not just the united states it should be involved it should be the world community including russia to assist iraq in fending off the islamic state because it is clearly a threat to the region and ultimately to the world and they've demonstrated that they've even said that they intend to occupy areas and bring them under their newly established caliphate so i think it's not just to us by no the russians also provided jets to to the iraqi forces i think we need to i think in spite of the problem in ukraine i think the united states nato and and russia need to come together against a common threat and isis is going to be a threat already as
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a threat because the chechens that are included in there in isis so it's not just a u.s. problem any longer even though we helped create them contrary to what the state department flack had to say but the reality is that isis exists it is a formidable military force today and the world needs to come together it's even though in spite of what mr obama wants to do and and basically keep. an arm's length thing it's as though it's the united states pulls out at this point the world becomes even more dangerous so we're sort of getting sucked back into it and we have no choice because we helped create the problem in the first place well it sounds like a tangled web we got to remedy it thank you so much for it in your thoughts and insight with us here on your international there was michael maloof former pentagon analyst talking to us here in our senior national thank you now washington's number one european ally is also weighed in the u.k. sending three fighter jets to iraq let's cross now to our london correspondent paul
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the boy who has more on this well paul why is downing street sending military aircraft of the war zone now. these royal air force fighter jets have left the u.k. and they're on their way to an aria base in cyprus now knows not clear exactly how many of them are waking their way over there but there are checked is to get aid to tens and possibly hundreds of thousands of refugees that are trapped on a mountain in northern iraq now these refugees are from the religious group this is a people that have been brutally brutally assaulted by isis fighters in recent weeks they have said to have been tearing through their villages and just murdering hundreds of people and a huge number of them are now stuck on this amount
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a sin with no food and water so crucially these are going to be providing aid but they also need to be carrying out surveillance before they drop these aid packages because the area is so overcrowded and so densely packed with refugees that they don't want to. kill anybody while while they want to help and deliver that eight but politically this is a very big development for the u.k. philip hammond the foreign minister is it is chairing a emergency committee cobra meeting today we've also had from the ministry of defense reassurances that this is only a humanitarian mission but we do know that that surveillance there are reports that the surveillance that these jets carry out will be shared with the u.s. that we know has been carrying out strikes against isis militants in kurdistan we
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also know that parliament could be recalled so that members of parliament can discuss the ongoing crisis. or of how he will certainly watch develop is there but thanks for bringing us the latest reporting from london and online for you on our website a fractured report on fracking the u.k. government to delete some key passages from what was supposed to be an unbiased study on the controversial shale gas extraction method. plus having the guts to try and copy spider-man doesn't mean you'll have the skills and attempts to climb between two buildings some power cables almost went terribly wrong or this russian they're a devil that's archie on you tube to see why. now how long would you survive in a siberian forest surround by wolves and bears with nothing but the clothes on your
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back a little girl spent eleven days wondering in the wilderness before being rescued are going off tells us how she managed to fend for herself for so long. a story straight out of jungle book becomes news bombshell around the world eleven days and nights in one of the most dangerous places in russia the siberian guide harsh impenetrable forest infested with bears wolves and other wild predators but remarkably this three year old girl survived eating wild berries drinking river water and sleeping in the long grass temperatures dropped to a chilling five degrees celsius but thankfully corrina that puppy kept her warm the girl wandered off from home following her father one on a trip to another remote village her mother actually thought they'd gone off together but four days later when the parents got in touch with each other they realized to their horror that their little girl was missing and that's when the search operation began with despite using drones and helicopters hunters and special police forces weren't able to locate the girl until more than
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a week after she went missing when her puppy came back home at first they were devastated thinking this bat was green his only chance to stay warm but it was the hero we prudes which led the search teams to the girl astonishingly the child's only injuries were mosquito bites and scratches to her feet kareena was given food and water and taken to hospital and doctors say the girl now just needs a good rest at home and some quality time with her family. and a quick recap now bro breaking news this hour kiev has confirmed it's detained a russian photographer in ukraine understand one missing in the country's east a week ago and he's now apparently been charged with aiding terrorist ukraine have previously denied reports that he was being held by its security services and colleagues of the thirty three year old journalist have been drawing public attention to his plight with on line campaign hash tag free andrew the un expressed
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its hope that their news agency will be found safe reporter will be found say the new york based committee to protect journalists is calling for stand ins immediate release and here's a reaction from human rights watch stressing that under he has to be free because there have been no charges pressed against him there within security watchdog also insist he has to be released condemning the practice of arresting journalists and after the break here to international report looking at rape culture in american colleges to save us. it was recently revealed that under the guise of an hiv prevention workshop and as tourists you know latin americans were sent to cuba by the u.s. government to overthrow that government yes the u.s. agency for international development organized for these young people to go to cuba
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to recruit and set up new political activists however the infiltrators were not very good at their jobs and the cuban authorities were able to nab these well funded travelers in their country this is nowhere near the first time that the u.s. government has tried to meddle in cuba in two thousand and nine usa he tried to set up a twitter like program to organize people in cuba and we can't forget about the ill fated cuban television airplane now supposed to bombard the island with western media that was totally blocked by the government during the cold war i could see the justification to dominate cuba if the us didn't have influence in a country that automatically the soviets did but now what is just why does the us need to infiltrate cuba and by what right cuba doesn't have nukes put it america and they have limited industrial capacity they can't do anything to anyone just leave the poor island alone and let the people there figure out their own future without the us state department's help but that's just my opinion.
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america's colleges switch to hollywood television and the media has become very familiar. with them. campuses american football it's cheerleaders and the notorious parties. it's a life young people dream of but behind the picture is a nightmare for female students. one in five will be a victim of rape during their studies according to the figures published by the department of justice. how and why is this happening.
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for the first time some of the victims of the epidemic speaking out. we are in los angeles. tells her story. i was raped in december two thousand and ten. the morning of december fourth two thousand and ten in my bed. in the cardinal gardens housing contacts at the university of southern california. i didn't know what to do. over and over and over again and i stopped after a while because it just didn't mean anything to. her assailant was a boyfriend. so do you remember anything happen last night and we had we said yeah we have to remember said no no and. slack and i do not.


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