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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  August 14, 2014 11:29am-12:01pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] lendl . lives. cross-talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. a little. eugenics but eugenics vulgarize ation of darwin science punishment for an on committed crime i was never supposed to believe in eighty feebleminded still today if you don't know why. but i still don't know why genetic improvements through forced sterilization the basis for nazi ideology don't stop at just
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sterilizing yet again and now go to the point of death. for years rarely discussed until now it's really rather not talk about that right. what's really good folks at all rob lowe and this is breaking the set filling in for abby martin so even though president obama and congressional counterparts are on vacation there is one issue that isn't taking a break the humanitarian crisis at the us mexico border secured into just released stats from homeland security the number of migrant children from central america seeking refuge in the u.s. is like nothing we've ever seen it was because while there is still a perception out there that mexican nationals are the biggest contributor to the immigration crisis that couldn't be farther from the truth see over seventeen thousand children have crossed the border thus far in two thousand and fourteen
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it's more than eighteen times the number that entered the u.s. at this point in two thousand and nine and it's no different if you look at the other northern triangle countries from a lot of we've seen over fourteen thousand migrant children leaving their country and over fifteen thousand others from about that this year alone now it's no surprise that on to this lead to this unfortunate list considering the country's homicide rate is about ninety murders per one hundred thousand people more than twice the rate of even what the milan and several other. and the vast majority of this violence is directly tied to brutal gang warfare propped up by the failed us mexican drug war that is the nothing more than pushed cartel activity further and further south now today roughly forty percent of all cocaine that enters the us goes through hundred us meanwhile hundreds of millions of dollars in the u.s. foreign aid continues to flow into these three central american countries every year funding corrupt governments that are also responsible for mass human rights abuses so not only is this a not only is it morally right for us to assist these children who escape
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conditions of violence and destruction it's our obligation so let's break that set . you are a. very hard to take. that or act like that right there.
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in the wake of the michael brown shooting in ferguson missouri the conversation about police abuse has shifted toward the disturbingly disproportionate violence that affects minorities in america now earlier this week we took a look at a report that outlines how a black person is killed by police security guards or armed vigilantes every twenty eight hours in the us i also mention that this points to a conversation about race issues that our lawmakers don't seem to be willing to have and even though the us is a world leader in gun deaths where we should be talking about ways to curb gun violence that discussion always seems to end with a debate over whether or not the government is trying to take our guns which unfortunately means nothing is being done in terms of progress but even before the michael brown shooting this deadly violence against blacks received special attention after the death of trayvon martin in florida and the lengthy trial of george zimmerman where instead of leaving a neighborhood issue to local police a conflict broke out that led to the death of an unarmed african-american teen and
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a not guilty verdict for the shooter the zimmerman trial subsequently introduced the term stand your ground into the public lecture. is creating an entirely new debate over state policies that encourage vigilantism now for anyone who might still be unsure of what a stand your ground law is usually points to a policy that allows a person to use deadly force in self-defense without the duty to retreat but just last weekend a new report commissioned by the american bar association highlights some shocking statistics so it turns out that states that have stand your ground laws in place have actually seen a rise in homicides using empirical evidence to back the notion that these laws are having the complete opposite effect of their intended purpose now in fact according to the study in two thousand and thirteen stand your ground states experienced an eight percent rise in homicides compared to states without the laws but the report doesn't end there in fact the study found three disturbing commonalities among
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stand your ground states the first is that such laws actually obstruct police yes according to the nationwide survey there is widespread opposition to stand your ground laws by law enforcement officials all across the country joseph vance a former a.t.f. officer and one of the authors of the study added that quote instead of encouraging peaceful resolution through the rule of law stand your ground laws encourage violent actions they place police officers at risk and give criminals an automatic defense of the second finding is that there is a high level of confusion within the criminal justice system in regard to these laws keep in mind that there are currently thirty three states that have some form of stand your ground laws in place and there they are no way consistent the study not only found that these states are applying the laws haphazardly but if but officers prosecutors and juries have uniformly expressed confusion over how these laws are supposed to be applied case in point was the zimmerman trial which contrary to what many of heard it was not argued using florida's stand your ground
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laws but after the trial was over at least one juror admitted to the press that she had been instructed by the judge. edge to take stand your ground indic consideration before issuing the verdict and indeed it is counterintuitive to note that stand your ground laws give more legal leniency to the average gun toting civilian in florida than a u.s. soldier deployed in a combat environment but of course the most disturbing finding is the disproportional effect these laws are having on minorities and there was one statistic that stood out the most and stand your ground states a white shooter that kills a black victim is three hundred fifty percent more likely to be found to be justified that if the same shooter killed a white victim. now look regardless of where you stand on the gun debate we can't claim that these laws decrease homicides we can't deny that gun violence disproportionately affects blacks and other minorities but what we can do is argue
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against an acting more stand your ground laws and urge lawmakers to repeal the existing ones and this won't solve america's issues when it comes to race or stop police abuse for that matter but if the goal is to curb back violent homicide stand your ground just might be a good place to start. i. i . but you know there should be no doubt about the reality of climate change but the lack of immediate action to address this impending global catastrophe is leading some scientists to consider a solution known as geoengineering or the natural altering of the natural world by artificial means now it seems like a drag death a drastic approach one that could potentially have hazard of hazardous effects on our planet but it's already being implemented so to discuss this topic clive hamilton off the author of the book earth masters joined abbey earlier she first
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asked him to debunk the popular conspiracy theory of ken trails most of we have to take science seriously and that's why we hade told you. about climate change and if you talk to any reputable or even disreputable cloud physicist or atmospheric camera store atmospheric scientists will tell you that there is no evidence whatsoever for these can try all this conspiracy there are no calls in the professional journals there's no peer reviewed science it's just a conspiracy theory which is proliferating on the internet and we shouldn't take it seriously at all and let's move on to climate change because another obviously big issue is deniers and you know it's fresh in the wake of the polar vortex i mean how do you respond to people saying that is proof that global warming isn't happening i mean look we have to listen to the scientists these are the people who are experts and yet you have politicians the senators on the hill who suddenly become. very physics and belief they can reject the mountain of scientific evidence and make
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their own personal judgment i mean do they ever ject quantum gravity because they just don't like or it's inconsistent with their ideology climate scientists have a good explanation for the polar vortex warming doesn't mean that you know every year it's going to go up by half a big great consistently it means we're transforming the operation of a very complex atmospheric system and sometimes we've got to get the polar vortex which itself is explained by global warming because the iraq because sophie is warming up this these are sort of cold air that constantly goes around the big easy being pushed out so you get these. sweeping across the united states and yet you know one snowstorm in washington for some people is enough to obliterate painstaking scientific work according to recent drugstore university seventy five percent of all funding behind climate change and i was actually on it for like we
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cannot trace where this is coming from how we sort of fight back against the propaganda we don't even know where it's coming from. well we don't know specifically where it's coming from but we do know there's a huge amount of money that is being channeled through obscure sources and then being fed into the conservative think tanks here in washington and elsewhere in order to try to undermine the legitimacy and believability of this body of evidence on climate science and also to attack personally and also often in very vicious terms the climate scientists themselves. the truth is that this is just like. the tobacco company funded campaign against against bans on smoking in fact it's the same people often the think tanks the people who campaigned against legislation to restrict smoking but now. to work for the fossil fuel corporations to try to
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undermine the credibility of climate science and this way. that they should not do what the science says they must do i was speaking enough isn't that he's a guardian journalist who writes extensively about climate change and he was saying you know people like al gore other prominent politicians who are pushing a lot of the global warming rhetoric also are kind of pushing for money making schemes as a solution the carbon credits he says you know it's just kind of a money making scheme do you think that's a responsible way to fight climate change the carbon credits climate change the ultimate collective problem and asking individuals or calling on companies to get behind that in itself is not going to so i mean we have to shop the greenhouse gas emissions which means that we have to shop reduce our consumption of fossil fuels end of story how do we reduce consumption of fossil fuels we need national policies that basically my fossil fuels more expensive than the alternatives to
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renewable energy energy efficiency and so we must have some carbon price on carbon where that takes a for. all of a carbon tax or whether it takes the form of an emissions trading system in a sense it doesn't matter as long as we impose a cost on polluting the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels that's the fundamental thing on which ninety nine point nine percent of economists will agree sure but i think consumers are looking and saying why is the burden pushed on me when you have no giant meat packing industry twenty percent methane emissions that are heavily contributing. to the meat packing beef producers like coal fired power plants that are responsible for greenhouse gas emissions but just as you know you eat beef when you go and buy a hamburger you consume. fossil fuels when you turn the switch on in your home and
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in the end it's go to where you have got to pay more for using fossil fuels you know business is there now offices that's just part of life i mean if people making a lot of money out of it illegitimately then we made the policies to to work on that but in the end we have to pay more for our pollution netlink our just to use less polluting forms of energy and less polluting forms of. green with you and i also just think that corporate america and also world government should really take the lead and then you know hopefully will influence the people to follow let's talk about the solutions here is geo engineering at the coal. well it's a big question is what you mean by geo engineering the prominence in the most attracting most attention and most research is called sulfite parasols sprang and the idea is to. get the atmosphere without cold sulfate aerosols tiny particles and it's kind of
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a. pollution which. reduces the amount of sunlight reaching the earth and bit by cools it now a lot of people would say there's something fun. you're wrong in installing a convert so. that will allow somebody somewhere to have a handle on the global thermostat to reduce the temperature and of the earth and therefore affect in talk with the earth so different with profound problems particularly if you have one country the united states or china which is based in geo engineering or russia which is pushing quite odd for work on geo engineering and getting international acceptability if you have one nation study to control the climate system. then you really do have a profoundly because situation which is why many nations of the south many poor nations astounded say hey we're wired about if we want to have a say in what's going on that is a really interesting question indeed i never even thought about that you know world governments actually having more control over the other of the holds temperature
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environment thank you so much clive hamilton for breaking down the misconceptions about geoengineering professor of public at that charles through university really appreciate your time. sorry guys coming up you'll hear why the pentagon is bracing for societal collapse stay tune. join me. in our cold and financial reporting commentary contribute and much much. only on boom bust and.
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right to see. her street. and i think that's true. on our report. but. in. the end. i know c.n.n. the m s n b c news have taken some slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's closer to the truth and might think. it's because when full attention and the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on we're going to be coming back. at our teen years we have
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a different approach to the good because the news of the world just is not this funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not. good. at that. i got a sense of the jokes well handled and they said ok. well . it's technology innovations all the list of elements around russia we've got the future covered. in two thousand and eight the department of defense launched the minerva research initiative a multi million dollar program to quote improve the d.o.d.'s basic understanding of the social cultural behavioral and political forces that shape regions of the world
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of strategic importance to the u.s. but according to journalist if he's a med at the pentagon is working with major u.s. universities to militarize social science and prepare for a global civil breakdown earlier nephi's came on the show to discuss the minerva initiative and abby first asked him about one particular study that set out to discover why the protesters don't become terrorists so it was really the study was supposed to be focused on looking at what are what are the things that kind of stop peace service who support so-called radical causes to quote the project what was stops them from getting involved in kind of crossing that line and becoming involved in some part of terrorists activity or some kind of political violence so the idea was that what they would do is is analyze normal every day kind of social movements peaceful n.g.o.s to try and understand what is what is it that stops them from becoming involved in political violence but what was really interesting and
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disturbing about the project is that even though they kind of said that that was the point of the research when they actually categorized these activists that they were studying they specifically categorized peaceful activists as supporters of political violence so even if you are not engaged in what might be described as to the provided if you are a member of a group that is somehow questioning the status quo or or calling into question government policy you will being active on the environment or calling into question corporate policies then you could be seen as a. torture of political violence so this is really what was really disturbing about this was the way in which the boundaries between activism. social movements and kind of radical causes were somehow being equated with terrorist activity or threat to national security which is really worrying and there's absolutely no grounds for that kind of conclusion to be drawn when we look at who is r.c.
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involved in terrorist activity what in your mind of the biggest dangers of weaponize in social science and cultural anthropological studies well i think one of the biggest dangers of course is by absorbing civilian institutions into what is actually a very narrow parochial military agenda what is happening is that objective independent social science scholarship is you know on these issues is being prevented instead what so then we have this and i've experienced this myself and my colleagues in social science have experienced it where there is now this you know there's there's people or academics like anybody independent media anyone activists are you know they need money they need funding for their research now all the big money is coming from the security industry and the defense industry so you have the defense industry in effect controlling the discourse controlling the discourse in counter-terrorism on security studies on international politics these are crucial subject areas that students are going into their learning from and the idea really
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is that we want our students to be getting an independent and impartial understanding which can input in a meaningful way into policy which can give policymakers good tools to really understand the way the world works and make good decisions instead what's happening is we have these this very narrow agenda which is co-opting not discourse co-opting not research and really you know kind of constraining and that's where we have this very orwellian trajectory towards controlling information and essentially determining what is what kind of truth is legitimate and what kind of truth is illegitimate right. it's using these studies to exploit the cultures that you want to i guess seize upon. the nerve of program has also been used as a method for studying societal breakdowns due to climate change this is extremely fascinating considering the pentagon is the largest polluting institution in the world why do you think defense officials are suddenly so interested in studying the societal impact of climate change with against
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a very good question because as we know in terms of meaningful action to address climate change scientists across the board have been have been telling us that you know even our current emissions reductions targets are just not enough and they will still guarantee disaster not even you know even the administration's recent measures which are most welcome again within that danger trajectory at the same time however we've got the plans to go on funding this kind of research which is really about trying to track what are the consequences when climate change does happen how's it going to make societies kind of more vulnerable. you know the kind of extreme weather events that we've been seeing over the last few years how is that going to make them more vulnerable and what kind of planning do we need to put in place to ensure that western interests us interests are damaged and this takes me back to the minister your friends research so i was talking about which of course is in a very very insulated with the pentagon you know we have
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a special relationship here with the u.s. and the u.k. and that research is looking very much at how we need to maintain the functioning of the global economy and access to resources access to potentially endangered supply chains in the context of climate change in the context of all of these other kind of. uncertainties such as energy depletion or economic crisis so this is really about how do we maintain business as usual how do we keep the system going when costs are increasing when dangers are increasing how do we do it also of course we're not making more and more people i. and they want change how do we keep things going and how can be a hot would be aware of where those things are going to hit and where those vulnerabilities are going to hit in the future so we can be prepared this is actually again about empowering the existing system which is actually creating these crises rather than transforming that system so that we can somehow prevent
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all mitigate those crises and maybe transform things for the benefit of of most of the people on the planet instead this is about ready for and in a fight this is a this is a defense manifesto for the one percent right right now exactly and on the other hand you see an actively suppressing information about climate change this is highly disturbing not because you wrote an article about the i.p.c.c. which is the united nations' intergovernmental panel that releases the most comprehensive reports on climate change but according to your article these reports of actually been diluted thanks to pressure from the world's superpower countries talk specifically about how these reports are diluted and what evidence there is that this is happening so there's been a number of reports talking about how the various elements of the i.p.c.c. some summaries for policymakers have been diluted so that it doesn't apply to the logs body of technical reports which is like goes into thousands of pages that's not what we're talking about here what we're talking about is the summary documents which are presented to policymakers and that's supposed to obviously determine the
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policies that have been decided and you know what we need to mitigate climate change etc the problem is that the policy makers themselves appear to be actually influencing what they're being presented in those summaries so what we're what's been happening yeah this goes across the i mean there's been a lot of debate about the mitigation reports but less attention is being paid to the actual scientific assessments fall the impacts of climate change so the school i wrote was looking at the information that i got from a guy called david. it was a previously a review of the i.p.c.c. in two thousand and seven and this time around he had contact with a number of leading scientists who were involved in that process where the working groups work. with policymakers to finalize the summary and in that he said. he gave quite a lot of detail i see in how
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a number of leading most very powerful countries who happen to be the countries that were most responsible for greenhouse gases and he said this with the united states china saudi arabia interestingly he said saudi arabia actually led to the kind of push to really water down the summaries and he said that what they were trying to do was dilute the extent to which the impacts of climate change were seen to be. leading to drastic consequences in terms of the need for greenhouse gas reductions so that was the upshot and they actually asked for diagrams to be removed and they called for diagrams of projecting emissions to the mission's trajectory over the last over over the next couple of decades there they wanted that to be watered down and they also wanted detailed. data on the nature of greenhouse gas reductions that were required over the next few
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decades to be watered down as well so this was very very worrying and a lot of independent academics who were members of these working groups and who were giving advice that many stages of these processes actually came on the record in a number of publications. not just the guardian and i see confirmed that this was happening and they were very worried that there was a real effort here by the most powerful polluters in the world to essentially water down the kind of. policy prescriptions that might be asked upon them in order to avoid dangerous climate change. you can view abby's full interview with new fees ads you tube dot com slash break in the set thanks for watching guys prefer to be sure to follow me on twitter underscore rob lowe and follow abby at abby martin from all of us breaking
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a sudden it's going to morrow face. to genetics but eugenics vulgarize ation of darwin science punishment for an uncommitted crying i was so there are things to learn to believe in eighty feebleminded still today for the few i don't know why. but i still don't know why genetic improvement through forced sterilization the basis for nazi ideology don't stop at just sterilizing and now go to the point of death. for years rarely discussed. till now really rather not talk about that right. dramas the trying to be ignored. stories others refuse
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to notice. food is changing the world writes never. full picture of today's news. from around the globe. brokenly. mission to teach me.
12:00 pm
only. not. as.


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