tv Sophie Co RT August 18, 2014 8:29am-9:01am EDT
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those who want to get involved to stop isis in iraq are allied with isis in syria we still should be doing everything we can do for the free syrian opposition we will continue to provide military assistance and advice to the iraqi government and kurdish forces as they battle these terrorists. darwin science punishment for an uncommitted crying i was. in eighty feebleminded still today for the few i don't know why. but i still don't know why genetic improvement through forced sterilization the basis for nazi ideology don't stop at just sterilizing. go to the point of death. for years rarely discussed. till now really rather not talk about that right.
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hello welcome to sophie and co i'm so if you shevardnadze call haley or service to canadian minister of defense and in one thousand six days shaping the country's armed forces for years to come it was only in his retirement that he says he made a life changing discovery he became the first cabinet level politician from edgy country to publicly state that there is extraterrestrial life present on earth is this an elaborate fantasy our alley in science fiction or a star or something to claims of their existence. for ages humanity has wondered is there anything else in the cold darkness of space skeptics say there is no proof but there have always been those who did to dream
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and some even cling to those seen things. exist already. do they pose a threat. honorable paul halley or a former minister of defense of canada and he believes that live forums from space exist and are present on earth it's great to have you with us on our show why do you say that u.f.o.'s are as real as airplanes flying over our heads. because i know that they are live in as a matter of fact. they've been visiting our planet for thousands of years and one of the cases that would interest you most of your good nature is the minister answer is during the cold war nineteen sixty one there were about fifty u.f.o.'s information flying south from russia to the across europe and the
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supreme allied commander was very concerned. and about credit to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the north pole so they decided to do an investigation and the best of it for three years they decided that. with absolute certainty that four species four different species at least have been visiting this planet for thousands of years so that we have a long history of u.f.o.'s and of course there's been a lot more activity in the last few decades since. we've invented the tomic bomb and they're very concerned about about that and the fact that we might use it again and that because the whole cosmos is a unity and it affects not just us but other people in the cosmos there are a very much afraid that we might be stupid enough to serve using atomic weapons
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again and this would be a very bad for us and for them as well so no serious scientist has ever publicly confirmed evidence seven and counter with extraterrestrials why would scientists not confirm the facts if they exist i'm afraid they must go out of their way to not to find out because if they did you know even ten percent of the amount of research i've done in the last eight years they would be as convinced as i am i mean they could do it even faster. by took them a little longer when they didn't have a military background but their worst. so many wonderful books that tell these these stories and and they've been authentic ated the sightings have been authenticated by more than one witness and also by radar and they have landed in various places around the world including russia and there's a famous case of i can't remember the name of the place but it was it was widely reported at the time a man wrote a book about it and then the french bought the book rights so that it wouldn't be
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circulated around. and there's just so much evidence. if anybody will take the time off to do a little bit of research and study it but people just know some people are interested and will take the time and the others to say oh you know it's is just fantasy but i've learned since i've been in the public on this subject i get all probably three or four you mails a week from all over the world from people who have actually witnessed sightings and some of them who have actually been on the ships and some of them who have actually been transported to another planet and so this information is not you know it is it is top secret in a way that the governments are talking about it but if you listen to the whistleblowers and the people who have worked in the industry and who know what is
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going on there is just a lot of information out there and it doesn't take very long to get your hands on that so the problem is that some people who report u.f.o. sightings and alley an abduction said been shown to make things up and they took to make things up to be famous to make money are just for a prank how do we tell fiction from are facts. well you have to you have to spend a lot of time trying to find a we used to say separating the wheat from the chaff and takes a lot of effort. when i was minister i got sighting reports and when we we checked the moat about eighty percent about eight out of ten were. were not real there were some sights of venus or of plasma or you know a dozen of the other things but there were fifteen or twenty percent for which there was no explanation and they were the genuine and if i had flying objects
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these things. go way back one of the the conferences i went to was in las vegas was promoted by a chap who had written a book about crashes and there were dozens and dozens and dozens of them and many of them very very well with indicated so that it would be impossible to read all of that evidence and not to come to the conclusion that these vehicles were real have you ever had your own encounter with allianz. not encounter with aiden's no i have seen a u.f.o. about one hundred twenty miles north of toronto over lake muskoka where i have a cottage and two years ago last kate in the thanksgiving which is a tobar of my wife and i do so. much for very. little and she returned to the eastern states if there is
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a spare. i could read the other day mr things are much brighter than. i watched it until our next almost broke for about twenty minutes and it was it was definitely a u.f.o. because it could change position in the sky by three or four degrees in three or four seconds and i checked out there were no satellites that could do that the space station wasn't going by in a dozen is unable to move that fast anyway and there was nothing no other explanation of that except that it was the real thing and two days later i went down in the dark he got a comfortable chair and watched it came back almost of the same spot and entertainment for as long as i could take it and then i went back to the cottage but it was it was very interesting because it would drop down in the sky and though it would roar back up and then it would shift across a few degrees and and do
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a circle and come back at a speed but you know just astronomical speeds as you know they travel very very fast this isn't just look like a falling star that follows really quickly and then rises act again what does it look like a lot it just looked like a star it just looks like a star. well i don't know if your person has ever read read the bible or not but i think the the star of bethlehem as one of the gods flying saucers. but you also told me that people write you emails through five emails a week and they've actually been abducted of they have encounters with the aliens to they're actually tell you what these aliens look like i mean you know everyone's interested what how would i know if i see a nelly and if he abducted me. well you have it first the first question you have to ask is how many species are there and in the used to think there are you know between two and twelve and apollo astronaut. edgar mitchell who
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came to toronto a few years ago and had dinner with us agreed there was somewhere between two and twelve but the latest reports that i've been getting from there his sources are that the boat in a different species and some of them live just like us on the border down the street. go walk past one. and there are what we call the nordic blondes and also the tall whites. who are actually working with the united states air force and the betta the they're able to get away with that they had a couple of their ladies dressed as nuns when been to las vegas to shout and they weren't detected and i have a friend who saw one of the men walking along the street need somebody who would recognize. that they were different and he did so that there are those kind of then
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there are the short rays as they're called and they're the ones that you see in most of the cartoons they're very very very slim arms and legs and they're very short just of you know a little over five feet and they have a great big torso and and a great big the a great big head and great big brown eyes but they're they're different species so you have to turn know that there are different spaces and it's. and know that they're all different and so so if you if you saw the short grave if you saw the shore grazes certainly know that there was something up that you'd never seen before but of his one of the nordic blondes while you'd probably say oh i wonder if she is from the from denmark or. or. so this is species that you're describing are are they all different in terms of nice and mean are some of them nice and
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benevolent are others nasty or or how are they are there are they good to people on earth or are they here to harm them. other than so difficult question to answer because there are those of the different agendas. maybe of all of us on earth of this should have the same agenda but you couldn't say maybe that you'd rather the russia and china in the united states all have the same agenda every every turn because they don't. i was say that nearly all are beyond their benevolent the want to help us there may be one or two species which do not. that's one of the things i'm investigating at the moment is to see who they are and what they're up to and what their agendas really are all right we're talking to paul hal you're a former canny minister of defense a sas extraterrestrial life forms exist and are present on earth i'll talk more about what they are and why they're here after a short break stay with us. crosstalk
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rules and if it doesn't you can jump in anytime you want. these aren't just soldiers this bet's no soldiers rushes into special forces but being tough and good with a gun may not be enough of these extreme tests. only the most capable will be to the end. those whose dreams can melt away exhaustion. expose themselves through fire smoke and water but not from money promotion. is the coveted crimson bearer. right on the scene. of the first strike. and i think the church.
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doors. can still. be in the. i didn't do that you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy numbers. rule. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across. we've been hijacked like a handful of trans national corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers one school class by john mark and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the
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problem. rational debate the real discussion critical issues facing the. you're ready to join the movement then walk in the big picture. and we're back with paul howell your former canadian minister of defense to talk about extraterrestrial life forms great to have you back so this extraterrestrial creatures where did they come from and how did they get here to earth they come from various places for a long while i only knew about ones who came from different star systems. the pleat is. rather ridiculous and several other star systems but
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in the last two months of bet people who have made me aware of that there are some in our star system of that there are actually extraterrestrials who live on a. planet called media which is one of the moons of saturn. and that there are others on on venus and some on mars and that. they may be interacting between themselves i suspect that they are because there is what is called the federation of of these people and they have rules for example one of the rules is that they don't interfere in our affairs unless they're invited to. and that's one of the reasons probably that we haven't seen more of them until very recently and so are there any and they're not even
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though i mean interacting with them there are a lot of people who actually want to see them i know where they are what they need especially notation to enter interact with us what does it mean they don't want to interfere into our affair asked well that they don't want to tell us how to run our affairs the have accepted the fact this is our planet and that we have the right to run it but they're very very concerned with they don't think we're good stewards of our planet we're not we're cutting clear cutting our forests and were looting our rivers and our lakes and we're dumping suge in the oceans and we're doing all sorts of things which are not what good stewards of their homes who should be doing and they don't like that and they've made it very clear and as a matter of fact this have given us a warning how and this is come from more than one source what couple how have they made it clear what have they done they have talked to
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a people one of the chaps i talked to about a month ago was was interacting with them in one nine hundred seventy four he and his brother in peru. and they were taken to enter media teleported and. and they were told what the people there think and that we're really wrecking our planet and in fact there's something dreadful is going to happen to it if we don't smarten up and change our ways we spent too much time feeding fighting each other we spent too much money on military expenditures and not enough on feeding the poor and looking after the homeless of the sick and that we are polluting our waters and our air and that we're playing around with these exotic weapons thermonuclear weapons and topical atomic weapons which have such a devastating effect both on earth and on other areas in the cosmos and they don't
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like that and that's the reason they would like to work with us to teach us better ways but only i think with our consent and they work through individuals and they try and pick out individuals who won't be frightened to death of them because they can give you quite a freight. one of the cases i'm familiar with was the tall whites in the veta where the this is them and working with them you know were just for the death of them and one charles hall rescued the daughter of one of the high up people in the in the tall whites and as a result became very good friends with the mother. and as soon as they could trust each other the other wonderful relationship but and he wrote a book about it is called millennial hospitality one of the lineal hospitality it.
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is it tells you how you go through these stages of being scared out of your wits but then this is when you establish a trust and a working relationship well you can have the same relationship the same kind of relationship that you would have with someone here on earth but here's what i'm thinking if you're outing their presence which is clear and not what they want since they're hiding why aren't they say what you know why they so afraid of aren't you afraid of repercussions because you're obviously stating that they're here among us and you're telling me all the spaces that exist that they are there among us and i'm not afraid because in most cases well. as far as a technologist concerned they're light years ahead of us and we have learned a lot of things from them a lot of the things that we use today the we got from them you know. of led lights and by courtships and. kevlar vests and
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all sorts of things that we got from their technology and we could get a lot more to especially in the fields of medicine another culture if we would if we would go about it peacefully but i think maybe some of our people are more interested in getting their their military technology. and i think that's that's wrong i think that's wrong headed and that's one of the things that that we're going to have to change because we're going to have to work together talking about all of us everywhere in the plaza you mentioned military technology and swapping to acknowledge is and barters between enter it between aliens and people an american government i want to ask you as a former minister of defense of canada is interstellar more possibility she would be creating a star wars force to defend ourselves from possible invasion or something like that . well i think it's a possibility but it's
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a possibility especially if we if we shoot down every u.f.o. that comes in there in our airspace without asking who they are what they're what they want and right from the beginning we started scrambling planes and trying to shoot them down but their technology was a pure enough that we weren't able to get away with it. certainly not for a long while and during that period of time they could have taken us over without any trouble of that wanted to kill so. i think we have to rather than develop our own star wars for earth star wars two to protect ourselves against them that we should wish to work with the benign species who are the vast majority and. work together and rely largely on them of course and cooperate so that the we would be contributing something at the same time but i don't think there's any any
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point in us developing a galactic force that. would tempt us to go out on our own and get into mischief which is one of the things i think some of them are concerned about but what do you expect to happen if people start to believe in l.a. big systems on earth because things are definitely going to change our lives aren't going to be the same anymore i hope that's the case i hope that's the case and i'm not i'm all for full disclosure. and i'm going to be going to push very hard for a full disclosure in the book i'm writing and to give some reasons for things that we really have to know and have a right to know and that our future as a species is i'm here i'm in you know all of the species on the world in the world are potentially at risk if we don't figure out what's going on and work together to
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to try and make life more amenable for all of us but i said to work with our neighbors from other planets since well but still like i'm thinking to myself if they've been here for such a long time as you say. and if they're interested in helping humanity as you say why is our world such a mass i mean if you want to help someone you just help someone you don't wait that someone to invite you to help that someone no. well i don't know is something that . i think some times say to the children. this is what you should do that doesn't mean the children are going to do it does it because that the the cosmos is based on free choice and we can we're we're given the option of making mistakes of making wrong choices. and i guess what bothers some of those says we've made too many wrong choices and not enough right choices so we're
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going to have to start switching our priorities and stop spending so much time and effort in weapons to kill each other or to dominate each other and spending a lot more time on how to help each other to have a better life and the more just society. life which is healthier and where the health care is better and where the food distribution is better and where the earth cleaner the water's cleaner and all of those things that are waiting to be done if we just go together and. roll as we say the rowboat rule the right direction the same direction and that's possible but it's a tall order and so far we haven't done it my thesis will be that without to do it we have to start doing it right away thank you so much for the centrist thinking to be running inside on extraterrestrial life hillier former canadian minister of the
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was false to say the lebanese case is the most elite lists sometimes from nothing which lead to some units improvements to. look just keep up the story can still be just if you see a stage play to keep tabs but speech was still subsists. length. dramas that can't be ignored to. stories others refused to notice. the faces changing world lights never.
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filled picture of today's leaves on the list to understand from around the globe. look to. be. told from a language of what i will only react to situations i have read the reports of. the pollution and no i will leave them to the state department to comment on your latter part of the month to say exists or k.l. a car is on the docket no god. no more weasel words when you made a direct question simply prepared for a change when you run should be ready for a bad move for the speech and down the freedom to cross.
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a visibly frail julian says he's ready to leave his refuge in london but his supporters say only when please lift a multi-million two year old blockade and guarantee him safe passage. with ferguson becomes an even more militarized as the national guard is deployed to help have the police tackle protesters. the shooting of a teen by an officer. and the first russian carrying humanitarian aid at the ukrainian border checkpoint but with little progress made toward.
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