tv Documentary RT August 24, 2014 5:29am-6:01am EDT
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doesn't cease have used the constitution as toilet paper does not make it somehow invalid at night but that's just my opinion. these aren't just soldiers this bet's no soldier has russia's internal special forces but being tough and good with a gun may not be enough of these extreme tests. only the most capable will be to the end. of. those whose dreams can melt away exhaustion all ranks put themselves through fine smoke and water but not for money promotion. is the coveted crimson bearer. once we do school. the biology teachers they're great with their local gender experts and they came to the conclusion that the metaphor that the students are active and surpass it in
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their reproduction process reinforces gender. thank. you. i love churning i started training and i was about twelve and then i made parsi my freshman year in high school but i don't think i'll be cheering next year. my school has to nasa poly so that's why i'm an old vulture because sometime now those bad days where i'm tired all the time and i can't walk far. on morning. i'm not angry about it because what if i can't make it better my going to be depressed and sad. but i know you're going to bomb and make do with what
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you got. to. do what you want. it's hard because jordan doesn't look disabled and we have this problem of going out in the world with this child who appears to be a normal boy and then doing something really naughty and people yelling at him thinking that he's doing it on purpose. you know when they're little cute guys you don't worry about him in the same way when they get to be big potentially menacing looking sized pete. so we we we worry about the future i think. any. time to get
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nation full of disease producing organisms if allowed to grow on check may be capable of more widespread loss of life than a dozen atom bombs but scientists have found a strong defense vaccine which stimulate the formation of antibodies once formed they may remain in the blood and can burn unity against another attack of the same disease i think we take vaccines for granted because we no longer appreciate the seriousness of the diseases that vaccines prevent because vaccines in some way have been a victim of their own success. i was a physician here and in one thousand nine hundred one when there was a massive measles outbreak we have seven children who came into this hospital died of measles mean died of a disease there was some. easily and safely prevented by a vaccine and it's an extremely cool to watch that happen. it breaks your heart. when diseases were common vaccines were uneasy so now what you see is people who
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are saying i don't see these diseases at all anymore and maybe these vaccines are safe as they're purported to be but history teaches us how effective vaccines are. i was taught in medical school that vaccines are safe and they're effective i had no reason to believe otherwise it wasn't until the new york state passing of the hepatitis a mandate in one thousand nine hundred one. it struck me as kind of odd that they were mandating a vaccine for newborn babies when babies were not at risk for developing hepatitis b. infection it made me question whether or not we're doing a service to children by giving them all these vaccines and injection. there's more than just an assumption that vaccines are safe it is pretty much regarded as law. but i don't think it's that black and white there are many grays and you have more
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and more people who are questioning it and with good reason because the science is not there to really state that vaccines are truly safe. research higher ranchi has less to start having seizures so the light sort. i'm very sore today in the center. i have received three garcia shots after the shots everything. went crazy and i started getting sick.
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i've had two strokes i have. also this on the right side of my face i have partial vision. and i'm having seizures. my thought of doing this for a vaccine was a sore muscle you know a rash maybe i should have never dreamt that this was a side effect of a vaccine. each year in the u.s. thousands of women learn they have cervical cancer i could be one love because now there's gardasil the only vaccine that may help protect i would sit there and watch like music videos or something and every commercial they would come on i'm like mom i don't like cancer and i'm like moment thing and you go get this and it but. i was going to have sex anytime soon and i was like i'm going to wait time married so it's kind of like i'm not going to get it anyways so at all no it got there my share got it got
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a culture got my fifteen year old child they talked about of them some stuff that's cool have you got that yet you need to get that to tell your mom about it. i think we're the only country other than perhaps new zealand that allows advertising on t.v. for pharmaceutical drugs our children our population there are burdened with ads for buy agora drugs to do this drug to do that you have restless leg syndrome you may have ph d. and not know if there's a drug that's right for you ask your doctors and this is unbelievable we're going we're doing the same thing with vaccines gardasil gardasil with guys so you could be well i have had so many young girls come up to me and say i'm so happy i'm one last and i said what do you mean your one last is i got gardasil so i'm one less cancer deaths and i said you know if you got your pap smears you would never have
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been a cancer that. the concept that our daughters are cancer deaths waiting to happen is just not accurate. our death rate in the united states from cancer is three hundred thousand of them much higher chance of being a motor vehicle accident. than they do it being a cervical cancer. merck was so egregious in their advertising and so aggressive even though very specifically true nothing about their advertisement was false it was false in its overall impression. arbel official with the national vaccination center i was wondering if you could tell me a little bit more about what happened to her and i understand she received four vaccines i mean here i mean i had a horrible headache all day long the national max information center was founded in
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one thousand nine hundred two and parents of vaccine injured children to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths for public education and defend the informed consent i think. we started out in the early one nine hundred eighty s. working with congress on the national child and vaccine injury act which president reagan signed into law in one thousand nine hundred six then what we did was we participated on the government advisory committees that were set up under that law . we've been critics yes but we've also had one foot inside the system to convince those that are in power that things didn't change and we feel this in this issue has become so polarized you're either program or you're anti-black seen when you take a centrist position like the national banks information center you are automatically put into a category as being anti vaccine but the truth is that we're just trying to make vaccine policies and vaccine safer. doctor looked at me like i agree when you go to
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the. first time in your career. and that's you know that's what we've been trying to do for for twenty six years as is at least confirmed for parents they're not crazy they are not imagining anything now they are not alone and i didn't set out to be an activist i wanted to be a writer but my life took a very different turn when my son was injured by a vaccine. after that he became a different child physically mentally and emotionally. had been this bright. baby speaking in full sentences by the age of two after that shock we got the diagnosis. he was mentally brain damaged and the recommendation was to put him in the south in costa rica learning to say. i became committed to reforming the mass vaccination system and i worked for thirty years to make that same policy say for here. in the one nine hundred eighty s.
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children were being asked to get twenty three doses of seven vaccines in the last three decades that number has grown to sixty nine doses of sixteen vaccines. that's triple the numbers of doses of vaccines we gave our children in the early one thousand it is. about. to take some pressure. from. joran is my older brother he has autism he asked psyches mean but he's not he just doesn't understand. i wish he could tell me what he thinks i
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woman like how he feels when something makes him angry or sad like when i'm in hurts him but i know when he's happy he has this wonderful smile on his face he giggles a lot he's really silly. i just wish we could communicate. but i got used to it so. rates of autism are jumping and alarming ten to seventeen percent every year every twenty minutes in this country another child is diagnosed with autism all you have to do is ask the guidance counselors teachers the principals and all of them across the board will tell you that we are seeing a rise in the number of children with disabilities that is clear. the c.d.c. states that one hundred ten children have autism. but autism is just one piece of a bigger problem. the bigger issue is that one in six kids in this country has some
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form of neural developmental disability vaccine safety is not just about. autism is only one kind of brain and immune dysfunction that is associated with vaccination millions and millions of children now in america are chronically ill and this able and during the same time that the numbers of doses the vaccines have more than tripled that we're giving our children we have seen six potion of chronic disease and disability and to take off the table the use of a pharmaceutical product like a vaccine as a potential cofactor in this explosion of chronic disease and disability among our children is irresponsible. says immediately law so we leave the baby. by the sea pushes you to the. way your party is that the. question is that no one is asking with the guests that you
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deserve answers from it's all on politicking only on our team. well. science technology innovation called the list of elements from around russia we've gone to the future covered. we think if we want a rethink there are good. beaches. coconut palms gently swaying in the ocean breeze. in bright white has a deep dark little secret a secret the u.s. government would like you to know all. through our labor. oh i did dearly search you to get all wilderness.
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it's like you know when the bullets to start. because it's like duck duck duck. back back back. home so it's almost like there's a bee the blue and then you just see the big sound it's like a bass. it's about ten years ago a mother came up to me and said hey did you know there's mercury in vaccines and i hadn't a clue and so my question was well if mercury is in the vaccines what else is in the vaccines so i opened up the package inserts and i see mercury and aluminum and formaldehyde and antibiotics and then preservatives like polysorbate eighty
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so i asked the pediatric resident and said tell me how does the body process those materials she could not answer me. and no one in science can. because no one has looked so if you're not doing that kind of detailed analysis and it's not expensive to do you simply can't make any statement about the safety of these compounds in the system but it's one of the fundamental cause for medicine that vaccines have saved millions people around the world and therefore can't be questioned and i think in my view everything in science can be questioned. i'm a neuroscientist by training and my studies are in the origin of neurological disease i developed animal models of parkinson's only gehrig's disease recently we've been looking at aluminum which is common to many vaccines it's used as an adjutant that means help or without the aluminum the vaccine basically does not provide any long term protection and so my research has looked at injectable backs aluminum and how it might impact the nervous system the difference between
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injectable versus dietary lynam is that aluminum that you eat is excluded fairly rapidly injectable little however is meant to stick around and that's precisely why it's there in the first place that's what magic. is so we simply did the really simple experiment of taking the same stuff out of the vaccines the little hydroxide and injecting it into mice into the muscles to see what would happen if we tried to mimic the vaccine schedule. you're quite surprised to see how rapidly the behavioral symptoms they show not only behavioral deficits motor function the ultimate. deficits as well once we sacrifice the animals and start looking inside their brains and spinal cords we found massive damage from order. and so you need to be creating the conditions for our peace to seize the car to seize all summer season maybe not immediately but maybe twenty thirty forty years. we had some concerns when we released the study that it might trigger a bit of
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a backlash it actually triggered a lot of silence. that . are exaggerated you know yeah. go ahead exert your so yes when i first saw her she was having problems with seizures and directable headaches chest pains and i found out that she began having problems. following the herd gardasil next nations there you go check your memory of your. say three things to remember if you remember orange otter and for seven three. tomato street internet
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articles author or seven three other strict tomato nuts made of straight i don't understand why i don't remember anything about ice before point no i don't know why i'm getting f.'s now so obviously there is some reason as not because i'm stupid because i'm not stupid at all so. i just understand asked the f.d.a. has a particular process that's called fast tracking when there is a promising drug that comes forward gardasil they had scheduled for your trial but after fifteen months they went to the f.d.a. and said there is nothing like this vaccine on the market would you please consider this for fast track the f.d.a. said yes so within six months they approved it and as soon as they had it approved merck said we will no longer continue our trial we're going to stop our trial because our drug is now moved. so therefore we don't know the long term side
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effects we do know there been reports of pancreatitis reports of auto immune disease reports of transverse myelitis and reports of juvenile a.l.'s which is uniformly fatal in adolescence we are very committed to the safety of our products and you know we do everything we can to to monitor that and back some ice now to you know we're reassured by the data we generated in the course of our studies you know documenting the safety and tolerability of america seen gabby as a an example of why no vaccine particular vaccine for children should ever be fast tracked by the f.d.a. . less than one percent of all cancer deaths are for cervical cancer and yet we now have a vaccine that was only studied in twelve and a girls under the age of sixteen before it was recommended for universally is by the c.d.c. in all eleven and twelve year old girls in this country that's not science that's
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politics. the first. texas governor rick perry has ordered that school girls in his state must get. the gardasil shot it's also worth pointing out that the a.p. says that governor perry has ties to merck including the fact that one of the company's lobbyist in the state of texas is his former chief of staff. public health was never defined in the federal constitution as a federal matter therefore public health laws are state laws laws are state laws the way it works is the federal government recommends vaccines the c.d.c. and the state governments and the different states have different exemptions states
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have medical exemptions every state that too has the list exception and there are eighteen states that have an exemption for philosophical conscientious police. so where is this route in trenton in front of city hall i think. new jersey just passed a little over a year ago a law stating that there were four more vaccines that are now going to be mandated for children to get into school that's why we're having a rally to raise the awareness that new jersey is going overboard so. we are standing publicly for the legal rights to follow our conscience when making educated that's in this issue for our families and the state can force you to put your life from the line or your child's life line for any medical intervention then the state has too much power more than two thousand prince george's county students
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have not gotten their state mandated shots tonight and also made it to some of those parents come to court to get the shots or else more than sixteen hundred students and their parents have been ordered to appear in circuit court for the children to be immunised we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way but it's going to have to get done. we need to remember. that there are number of people who can't be protected by vaccination there are children who are too young to be vaccinated but still susceptible there are children whose immune systems are compromised so they can't get vaccinated that's the reason we want to get very high coverage it's a concept called her community immunity so in the concept of her community it's believed that when outbreaks occur if enough people are vaccinated their herd is
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sufficiently protected because the herd has been vaccinated. as with any medication vaccine or whatever there are always some risks and so what we're really looking at is are the benefits provided by that you vaccine outweighing the risks. so they are saying that some people ethically can be sacrificed. for the greater good but what they never bothered to find out even if you accept that as a moral rationale is how many were being sacrificed five hundred five thousand five hundred thousand how many. are being sacrificed. to move. on.
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and it's. a lot of this goes bigger than it being. chorister your way. i am stephanie i am i training a psychiatrist i have an eight year old son. and a three year old son and i have a daughter who died. my daughter's name was victorious grace born christian or she was born august twenty second two thousand and eight she was beautiful and perfect and it kind of complete our circle now and you know we had all these boys and stephanie and i had a little girl and it was it was awesome. it's your face. she was so happy and awake and alert and she was vaccinated with all of the routine x. nations at the age of two months and was never the same after that. it
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was valentine's weekend stephanie was going to go with her girlfriends out of town so she'd lined up for her caretaker to watch the kids in romsey breakfast about ten o'clock and i got a call and the phone call was the husband of our caretaker and he said something's happened i'm victoria's stop breathing she's turning blue when i pulled up to the house there was an emergency vehicles everywhere and. i knew then that something terrible happened when i went in the house and saw her on the floor lying on her back and her arms stretched out and she wasn't moving. then i had to call stephanie and i her friend answered the phone and i said can you put steph in the phone. it towards di and how much what this tory stuff and. she just was gone and then.
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i have a child and then i follow the rules. and am interested. to the point. americans are well aware that a number of prescription drugs that have been licensed as safe and then found to be unsafe after they're used by millions of people. and yet when it comes to vaccines which are mandated by law to somehow the separation made the vaccines couldn't possibly get the same the majority of vaccine research is paid for by the vaccine manufacturers themselves. so the people who are approving the vaccines are taking
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the word of the pharmaceutical companies. the pharmaceutical companies have been allowed to be to present at the table at the f.d.a. and the c.d.c. . and i think a far more needs to be built between those in government who are regulating making policy for and developing vaccines and those farms that the companies that are making profit off the sale of that seems you know it's no wonder parents are asking questions is because doctors that are making these policies are financially benefiting from these policies they see ip is the organization that approves next year policy for united states you have some doctors on the board that have a direct financial interest in these vaccines that's a huge conflict of interest. do we speak your language from. the programs in documentaries in arabic in school
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here on all t.v. reporting from the world talks about six of the ip interviews intriguing story for you here. in troy t arabic to find out more visit arabic t.v. dog called. once we school. the biology teachers their grades with their local gender experts and they came to the conclusion that the metaphor. that is active and so passive in their reproduction process reinforces gender. as russia and the west continue to drift apart into a new cold war russia's worldview of international politics is largely neglected in western media and in the halls of power russia will defend its national interest
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and also how. this is the go to market among shared. residents of eastern ukraine. military action in which a hundred civilians have been killed or injured in the last week alone a family of three. and. also in the week's top story russia succeeds in its effort to bring relief to the suffering population as tons of aid delivered to the convoy returning to russia. calls for justice over the killing of an unarmed black teenager. the response from police in the us with. feeling the wrath of security forces.
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