tv Keiser Report RT August 28, 2014 5:29am-6:00am EDT
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more and they have not risen right been saying about this for a number of months ever since mark carney came into office he would talk about raising interest rates but he would raise interest rates for a couple of reasons number one you can taper a ponzi scheme the u.k. economy is a ponzi scheme built on the ponzi scheme of the housing bubble and if you raise interest rates would implode not going to stop going to implode anyway because the russian money is leaving and that was the marginal buyer of property in london and now they're gone and now that housing bubble popped and now the housing market is on the way down but nevertheless mark carney was never going to raise interest rates because of the u.k. guilt market or the sovereign bond market is of enormous ponzi scheme the housing market the ponzi scheme is he doing it to help the conservative party george osborne a member of the quid pro quo he told mark carney when he was still running the bank of down to come over to the bank of england keep interest rates low so that we can continue at number ten downing street and we'll give you something in return we
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don't know exactly what that is a b. they got a cushy job they got a lot of perks but there's a quid pro quo it's politics it's not economics and people start to wake up to this fraud well ok so if mark carney succeeds in keeping david cameron and george osborne in power that's a negative in one way but it's good for a high superior because they are easy to make fun of however it is telling that they're saying that you know voters will vote for this bubble they vote for housing bubbles and yet on the very same side here's another article that shows you what the interventionist of the likes of mark carney of alan greenspan ben bernanke i am janet yellen of everybody who's been at the e.c.b. average cost of recent child hits two hundred forty five thousand dollars to reason child born in twenty thirty to the age of eighteen it will cost a middle income couple just over two hundred forty five thousand. dollars according
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to newly released estimates from the u.s. department of agriculture that's up four thousand two hundred sixty dollars are almost two percent from the year before that does not include the cost of university college or anything like that and it's also making capitalism look at this and they said well this is a ten fold increase in the cost of raising a child from one nine hundred sixty and if you average that off that's actually four point four percent inflation per year since one nine hundred sixty so that exposes this inflation right four point four percent inflation is closer to the actual rate of inflation the two percent that the government talks about there are enormous amount of one hundred percent more than what the government is saying it is. not accurately talking about inflation in real terms this justifies it provides cover for central bankers like mark carney to keep interest rates low and as a result it creates these enormous bubbles that are bursting inflation in the prices of things that people me this is a needs based place on the backs based on the real stuff energy food etc and for
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what to keep george osborne and david cameron in office because of doing such a great job yet but who's one voting for them why that's the important thing is it's not just miraculously that low interest rates keep them in power it's because people go to the voting booth and they say hey my house prices up i'm so happy man and they press that button for george osborne and david cameron but they get really angry about this rising price of the costs of raising a child and they in particular they mention for example that since two thousand and ten alone food prices are up eighteen percent so you know this is part and parcel of that same thing you can't have one without the other either so either you say you're satisfied with the pounding that inflation is giving you the cost of housing the cost of fuel the cost of food the cost of all that other stuff the with the price of your house price going up i think it was in two thousand and six when chuck prince was running citigroup the time soon as long as the music is still.
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we're going to continue to dance and what was he saying saying as long as these markets are screwed up as they are with all this free money and all these exaggerated prices what are we going to do we just got to go with the flow when of course then you know the two thousand and seven peak of the two thousand and eight crash and then you have everything that resulted from the two thousand and a crash barrier in forty fourteen and everything is back to bubble prices the real sense of the market the stock bubble prized sovereign debt so the bubble price the policy of mark already is to say well as long as the music's going we're going to continue the dance of the head of this pin of rising prices even though the underlying fundamentals are atrocious and it was like across much of america that the cost of child care so if the mother going to work the cost of child care eats up most of the cost of anything that the average mother is going to earn in fact child care costs more today sent to a daycare center than the median rent profit merican costs so here you have the
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cost of the rising costs for everybody else except for a few people behind us who have come after that the fed is pumping out the value that interest rates at these low levels it causes all kinds of problems with the cost of borrowing money is artificially. who has access to this money not businesses not small medium enterprises we know that they're not getting the loans who is getting these loans the worst a members of british society the worst financial fraudsters that royal bank of scotland lloyds. you know just b. c. barclays who perpetuate massive frauds one after another in a serial fraudster manner and mabel by being able to borrow money at close to zero percent if the cost of money was worth should be at five percent then the cost of committing fraud would be commensurately high enough to discourage it. rod if you
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go to a group of thugs and you give them three bullets three guns and a free pile of diamonds what do you expect is going to happen they're going to go out and still that diamond pile with their free money and their their free bullets in their free guns that's exactly what mark carney is enabling here is alluding spring same thing with janet yellen same thing in the same thing around the world the result is massive looting. well going back to what the voter does what the schmuck on the street and that includes ninety nine point nine nine percent of the population. they're the ones that vote for this they're the ones that are happy with house prices rising because they tune into the mainstream media the mainstream media tells them that's ok the mainstream media does not connect for them the fact that how pet food prices the education crisis the health care costs all of those things are rising let's talk about those schmucks let's talk about this people all this building behind us going on we're not going to stop rolling we're going to keep on tape and through this because this is my financial war reporting that construction behind us is for
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a mockery apartments it's not for schmucks on the street it's not for the bottom ninety nine point nine percent but the bottom ninety nine point nine percent will elect a leader because those house prices are going up for some schmuck elsewhere somewhere some oligarch around the world so this is what we're talking about we're talking about those bottom people the banks are kicking on this they're making a lot of money but europe's greater depression so europe is now in a deeper depression than during the last great depression and this is why they're crying in the greater depression here's a bit of perspective it's been six and a half years and eurozone g.d.p. is still one point nine percent lower than it was before the great recession began it only took the u.s. economy seven years to get back to where it had been before the great depression so this is lasted longer in europe than the great depression of the one thousand twenty's and thirty's last in america in europe well you know study of the great
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depression in america the single greatest thing that got america out of the depression was the securities act of thirty three thirty four then we stored a law in order to wall street it wasn't anything to do with repricing gold it had nothing to do or very little to do with going into world war two it was bringing about law and order what's happened in europe the disintegration of law and order of the wild west mentality of letting a banker go. totally destroy a country like greece for a few quid it's lawlessness that's why it's worse yes and what restores law and order but gold but things that have you know that can't be manipulated rigged by central banks and this is important to with this quote here it says for the first time in its history going back to the napoleonic era germany or one of its previous esther states can borrow for ten years for less than one percent japan of course has been able to borrow this cheaply for a decade now that's right ten year yield on bonds sovereign debt all over the world assuming two hundred three hundred year lows as the ponzi scheme needs evergreen or
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base to feed the pyramid with the sovereign bond that they're eating into it to create this in the leopard. asked a price. are price to the moon largely flat to the top one percent of the top one percent to the moon all in on the basis of cheap cheap cheap ten year sovereign bonds that are bought by through not investors but central bankers like mark carney mark carney by buying his own government paper like he does and buying other foreign government paper like he does is basically buying the tear gas for the rioters he's buying the bullets are going into the skulls of the poor workers who can't make enough to feed themselves well speaking of poor workers who can't make enough to feed themselves here's another headline and it shows you what has happened since one thousand nine hundred seventy since we broke off the global international gold standard and when workers for the most part feel better they think they're like because house prices are going up for some wealthy investors
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behind us that everything is great wealth americans are too afraid and stressed out to take days off from work the share of american workers taking vacation is at historic lows in the one nine hundred seventy s. about eighty percent of workers took a weeklong vacation every year according to a recent analysis from vox now that shares dropped a little bit more than half. box found so only fifty percent of workers in america are even take a one weeks vacation per year and that's largely because a lot of people don't are given vacation but even those that have vacation with their jobs less forty percent of them don't plan on using all of that vacation time they get and the number one of the number one reasons is to do it for fear that they will that their bosses might fire them because they may seem replaceable if they're able to take a whole week off work they must be replaceable all those lives there's loads and that's what drives the abortion debate america the big corporations want cheap labor so they want people to have babies and the people who live in america they
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don't want babies they don't want to have babies they become slaves we saw on the plantations back to antebellum south the slaves would want babies to be slaves just like americans who want to babies to grow up to be a monsanto slave an excellent slave a j.p. morgan slave they will be picking bales of cotton for jamie diamond a whole life well i might also say that psychologists interviewed in this article also said that this is fundamentally what's going on here is fear but the problem is for capitalism if we were to have that is that this decreases productivity but that's another thing that has declined since the role of a central banker since the likes of mark carney have taken precedence and given us are it can be a house rising house prices is productivity no longer even matters because of productivity mattered they would be doing things differently here i'll tell you where productivity is on the rise and that's the prison system you give a guy a dollar day to step out license place that's an incredibly productive worker states you've got to go thanks i think you're. right the boy stay right there much
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rejection poetry keep tabs ignore it. we post only what really matters at r.t. to your facebook news feed these info scope becoming independent schools a nation the nation should be self-governing govern the khulna feels better than allowing someone else to do it full. welcome back to the report i'm max geyser time out of cern soon julia turn and ski julie welcome guys to report thanks for having me are julia tell us all of the big oil independence the declaration of bitcoin independence talk about i recently released a video yesterday in fact and it's called the creation of the clinton the pennants and all the top prominent voices of the big coin and ecosystem i guess are in the
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video or your burrow trace where you. burn everybody and that's of course let's talk about him for a second because he's a c.e.o. of overstock companies i guess the first high profile executive to make the plunge and to start taking bitcoin on his retail platform how significant was that because sense that of course dell computer fifty seven billion dollar company as us is as of the say how significant is that that over stock except it's a bit coy to the whole but going to be unity will it gave it a valid bruce because it was this big company and here he's. personally i think it was important because he's got the ideology behind it as well you know the most hated man on wall street etc so he's got the philosophy behind his actions which is what i'm really interested in and that's where the reason i made the declaration because lately there's been
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a lot of turmoil in the big community of people wanting to. separate the politics and the technology which i think is quite naive because the block chain is an inherently disruptive technology and it gives people the opportunity to transcend our current systems and the galley because of it going this is a hot button issue clearly a clip from the video right now take a look at it we'll talk some more we have been brought to a point when it's become necessary to dissolve the bonds between current. an institution we are not required to declare the reasons that impel us to push for the separation but we will apply we hold these truths to be self evident we have been cyclical he betrayed white to spied on and suspected assessed. bitcoin means to channel economic power directly through the individual we are back i did it yes we declared because it is better we declare big wind and big corn is.
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so there it is the genius the brilliant declaration the goal of the independence sort of ski the desert the director of consumer of the project how was it funded oh it wasn't really i had some donations to enable myself to travel to some of these places like i spent some time with them you're talking in barcelona and i went to england and met up with you guys. when support fast so the plane flights were funded by the support system but i have to my you tube channel of brave the world other than that it was done on a very string budget i mean i have a camera and i edit everything myself and i wrote it myself and everything yeah i got a brilliant zero site about something we measure before showing the clip the politics of this is something that i don't think it's enough airtime people are obsessed with the technology rightfully so it's a great technology the investment the possibilities but there is a huge political angle to this talk
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a little bit more about how you see the politics of it going i got really tired of people asking for permission and for that for them to be granted their rights from the state and i think there's this very prominent and public apotheosis of government and we need to stop worshipping the state and stop elevating it elevating it to this god like and city and to me this was almost an experiment to see how much of the big one community community would come together and how many people would support the project because it is a very i mean for a lot of people it's provocative for me it's the norm so i'm very very surprised and glad how forthcoming everybody was and let me jump in here for a second because you're stuck about this state and almost a hostile terms and of course you've got a huge libertarian community a community that has also talked about bitcoin and they're also. in this language
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of being anti state but within. so that community there is a split with bitcoin because some in that community embrace it like yourself and some of it actually rejected what why would people within that community let's call the anti-statist libertarian community what's the point about rejecting that point . well. what i mean rejecting because they don't seem to embrace it the way that you haven't seen out of it being a mechanism for freedom right i think they see it as being an extension of the state and i think it's close minded because it's. the block chain this is the problem with big license now because this the question is very timely the big license or ice i like to call it the. ban on human interaction because it's a little background on a bit license because here we are in new york this is now the regulatory agencies are looking at bitcoin and they want to introduce to the call a bit license and so how far are they along in the bit licensing process and why do
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you reject it while they gave i believe forty five days sue review and submit corrections to the proposed license and now there's been a whole document that's been signed by a lot of the become community to extend the time so we'll see what happens with that but even with the document before it came out i was saying this is going to happen they're going to spit licenses out and it's ludicrous it's incredibly. put on the startups and anybody willing to be doing it for new york so it's a chill it's a choke hold and what's going to happen is they've made it so overreaching and so ludicrous so that when the community goes and asks them to give our rights back and ask them to. kind of meet us halfway they will go meet us almost halfway and they'll take away some of the more ludicrous parts of the bit license and then
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we'll say thank you. thank you for giving us the ability to interact resi you think the strategy is taking all the rights away all of that back and say should be grateful for that yeah this is absurd that here's an industry that's been caught in scandal after scandal after scandal that the regulatory authorities both lee overseeing this industry the banking industry have been either co-opted bought off they're being all or they're stupid they're completely worthless they should all be shot on this far as i'm concerned that you know they are making a strong opinion on a technology that they have absolutely no understanding of whatsoever from a position of no moral authority whatsoever so why should anyone listen them at all it's so ironic that they have this they have this obsession this terror and a cool religious obsession with preventative measures that don't ever work and all of those are sort of eggs are they just protecting their own turf right thing because the best license i even if the banks are exempt so that's all i need to know i mean it's not for itself so the banks are exempt. so i mean this
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so is that going to this is going to force the big one industry out of the united states out of new york and out of the u.s. i think coin base is one of the only companies who is like staying and complying with everyone else's you know i love man they're leaving they're leaving so new york is going to be isolated not only all the business is going to leave but the businesses that do leave will not be able to interact with anybody in new york in regards to big point because they can be held liable that's how reaching the law is so they're going to actually reject customers from you are ok now your background is russian you live in canada. the big coin is something that is a sovereign there's no sovereignty to it do you identify with any country now in this generation that's coming up which is like a big coin enabled generation do you even respect borders in the way that they have been brought up to think about borders or fences really in my mind and i'm from the
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former a former soviet union so i have had family firsthand experience how much of a cage you can live in and i have my russian passport i have my canadian passport and i travel i go and it wastes a lot of time and nothing has been proved again the preventative measures nothing has been prevented with these protocols in place to stop terrorism so it's just a way it's a again it's the overreaching control of population so the border thing it only makes sense when you have a welfare state because people can't come in and abuse that but let me ask you something you know you say your background as you mentioned family go back to you know that or you're a woman of the world you've tried to travel around the world you know the images coming out here in the united states of ferguson the time ferguson yeah you got a police state suddenly on the spot declaring martial law it would appear yes is the u.s. in your. observations hauling into the same kind of dictatorial overreach that
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we've seen in the countries the us used to go to war against in the past i think they owe me wolf years ago when bush was still in power ten steps to fascism and then she said america was on its eight step or so i think it's maybe almost a time now that naomi wolf did publish the fascist yeah them and made an impression on you because obviously you had an experience with this and so you it from your observation you'd say the us is kind of like fall into the trap of fascism financial fascism bitcoin is the addict is that it's not a fair statement oh yeah i agree with you so the block chain is the addict to financial fascism i hope so that's what i would like to fight for it's not it's not a perfect system and there's people criticize this kind of talk and they say it's utopian and anarchy is utopian and big corn is utopia but i mean it's funny the
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thing about utopia is we have never had a utopia and we never will have it's ok yeah so we can't get over it because how can you get over something that you've never had it's like an unrequited love but we need to get over that concept it's like the girl you didn't begun high school let it go so let's throw that word away and the block chain it's a way out it's a possibility for a completely different world but everybody is included then and it's definitely not perfect but people are working out it very hard and people much smarter than me or you or the people who are literally building this technology and there's not many of them unfortunately and. i want to show my full support to mom and my false hope let's return to video for a second so it's called the declaration of big point independence it's on you tube it's going thousands of years what is the next project from here julia worth it what's your next venture. i want to do a serious colds are crypto future and its little scenarios of how our
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world could function if this technology perseveres so things like game of flying communities and what. will be like with this five sense remittance instead of pipe. and how communities and countries and people can literally utilize this so not so much ideology but actual practical implications all right really to ask you we've got to get out there that's being on the kaiser report thank you and that's the good decision because they might never like that yes joyce and i'll get it that we need to because a report the next time. gender trumpet symbolizes gender madness in swedish it could be near because i found this
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. project finest with seventy thousand euro to investigate the triumphant from a gender perspective. dramas that can't be ignored. stories others refuse to notice. places change the world right. to picture of today's. india from around the globe. dropped. t.v. is bizarre to see it more than the audience probably get the word play it is the
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state sponsored rush or today program just words like the sabean not like telling them it can't like this or that the guy is just ridiculous non answer to my question. john is not happy to support their claims and sometimes their lives so little to bring people stories among the public can the child don't want to see the week on the most sleep. places try to play polo going to be a good news. for them for sure taking every minute. play oh well.
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like the flames playing the same setting all time places is most elite players sometimes for nothing of the blade this season and it's still going to look just keep up the story plays just to be safe be a stage name to hate look easy to play with but let me just play all the blame . play it was terrible take place there hard to take place again here. please.
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