tv Headline News RT August 28, 2014 7:00am-7:29am EDT
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freedom of speech and. the freedom to. ukraine the president petro poroshenko accuses russia of invading ukraine but poroshenko his own military losses are growing and many soldiers are complaining of a lack of support from kenya. and as many as three hundred american or to be fine with the islamic state if you want and syria according to the latest figures from washington would take a look at how the group is winning hearts and minds. and once the veil of secrecy lifted from negotiations watch trade deal between the e.u. and us pushing brussels to make the details of the trolls public. welcome
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to our international live from moscow this hour let's go to our top story the solemn the president of ukraine has accused russia of deploying troops in east ukraine that's as anti-government forces launch a counter offensive and advance on key areas in the south east let's take a listen to ukraine's president. just today because of the escalation of the situation in the donetsk region and because of the french rule in gratian of ukrainian territory by the russian army i have decided to cancel my visit to turkey . but are expecting
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a live from our correspondent policy who is in the area following developments there we'll have more from her as soon as we get it and bring it to you washington estimates as many as three hundred americans are now fighting with a slight mix state in syria and iraq it could potentially pose a huge risk to u.s. security if they return from the war saying is it your skills learned abroad to carry out attacks at home it's been confirmed that a thirty three year old american who had joined the ranks of the jihad this was killed in battle over the weekend in syria and she can report on washington's sudden realisation. the u.s. president has diagnosed these lawmakers state rooting out a cancer why geisel won't be easy and won't be quick many are asking if the cancer could have been caught at an earlier stage when these lawmakers state group support of the syrian opposition was gaining momentum in the country and when rich donors in gulf states were funding and arming the group but until recently the west seemed
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more preoccupied with toppling the syrian president we will work with like minded states to support the syrian opposition to hasten the day when assad falls but the european union has agreed to bring to an end they arms embargo on the syrian opposition we are constantly consulting with the opposition on how they can get organized so that. they're not splintered and divided in the face of the onslaught from the assad regime for years the white house tried to present a picture of the syrian opposition as consisting of quote former farmers and teachers some within the intelligence community had a really big red flag that was alarming the administration and elected officials that the problem in syria was bigger than anybody anticipated but the problem is that the elected officials chose to have
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a moment of dumb and dumber and hear what they wanted to hear so you had john mccain patrolling the streets of aleppo thinking that supporting the insurgents was a good idea one thing the west perhaps failed to see was the blurred lines between the moderate and the radical groups within the syrian opposition and isis until very recently was part of a broad sunni group in syria that was being supplied by the united states the extremist group makes use of modern technologies like no other radical organization they even use surveillance drones to plan attacks on the syrian military the question arises whether the you. s.s. misjudged the scale of extremism in syria as it focused all efforts on bringing down the syrian government you know because so much cooperation wary of all the help you got for being with. the free the last america lost in afghanistan. the ruthless serialization of an echo if you wish to call any of. these always
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stayed group is now cheering about all the arms and money that they have seized both in iraq and in syria isis sympathizers are posting pictures on twitter in the us cities with a message saying we are in your streets one thing that is typical of isis is this vicious sense of humor if you will they are big fans of social media and they have been using all the west can offer to spread what president obama called cancer in washington i'm going to shut down party. this is not exist it is proving to have one of the most successful business models in the world of terrorism with assets worth an estimated two billion dollars a significant amount of that around two million dollars daily poorly comes from selling oil to kurds in iraq syria turkey and jordan a big discounts smuggling and kidnapping is also a lucrative sideline and some payments have been brought in around ten million
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dollars in recent yes the sliming state even publishes a corporate style annual reports to attract new sponsors while its flair for social media publicist he is clear as marina cosgrove our reports. pictures of need slate of corpses of the so-called infidels and photoshop images of western troops involved in flames these are just some of the growth task methods employed by the islamic state illustrated in glossy magazines and online and its attempt to spread its message and message that even al qaeda is uncomfortable with visit those what was striking. can produce some remarkably good visual graphics but nothing on the scale of isis the photography is hyper real islamic states markets and techniques are becoming increasingly more professional and widespread as its propaganda is found in different languages in news updates videos twitter
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accounts magazines and on t.v. the democratic they're targeting is you they're relying on the ignorance of you distorting the qur'an of course but they're also using various kinds of stylistic mannerisms which the youth are familiar with from the street from you tube from twitter and so forth in other words it has a very modern look and feel it feels like a media extravaganza but it's suffused with excitement now if we take a look at the cover of the islamic states latest magazine they will see that it's a play on a noah's ark in which the message is it's either them or the flood and experts say they're using controversy and fear to get more followers how are they doing that they're using hate propaganda by showing their adversary is paradoxically as killing babies is they also are i think a remarkably harsh in their language they present their enemy is indeed humanized
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terms of some kind of humanity just as the nazis did so they only use pejoratives like crusaders while watson nations might be trying to ball my sis out of existence. itas itself seems to have learned that those bombs that can bridge social media and therefore its existence online grow stronger than ever merino course of our reporting from london forty. five back to our top story queen now more details are present those claims that russian forces have invaded or learning of moscow's representative to the always c.e.u. which is monitoring the border areas says the reports of russia's russian troops movement are false now let's speak to investigative journalist tony gas think about the latest development he joins us live now turney well before you know just the sound of what has just said pretty strong words coming from that camp let's show
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our viewers the headlines suggesting russia is invading ukraine is it really happening. well i've got deja vu here i mean this is diplomacy or is it mudslinging we've heard who are the soldiers we don't know who these soldiers are that's the line that we're hearing here in the u.k. i mean if we go back to the back in february in kiev we know actually one of the facts we do know is it looks as if british rifles were being used to kill both the police and the demonstrators at that time now that government is starting to collapse also two weeks two weeks ago we heard on the news here that there was a russian convoy that had been shelled by the kiev forces that it actually trying to get itself in alongside the aid convoy. and that was actually pushing code that said that and it was also the nato chief rasmussen that said if that turned out to be a complete lie we've also had
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a complete storing in the investigation into the downing of the malaysian airliner m.h. seventeen as well which is rather worrying the british here in the u.k. we've had the black box for a long time we've heard nothing more about that the whole story seems to have died i think. going on here is you know we're getting special forces possibly from both sides involved in ukraine and almost everything except an open shooting war going on and so we're getting rather close aren't we to nato confronting the russians with the with the poor ukrainian people sandwiched in the middle of it so i call to go warfare or call it which is actually the public as well as the politicians. now the law is becoming again and again i mean the big problem of course with the malaysian airliner is that we had the kiev forces seizing the tapes the air traffic control tapes the extremely dangerous sort of situation when these lies keep repeating i'm not sure about today certainly we know two weeks ago rasmussen
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and here were completely lying about the idea of them shelling a russian boy that was coming in to the east of ukraine it was just a plain simple lie nobody maybe you've heard this before because you know because joseph goebbels back in world war two he said you tell a big lie and you keep repeating it and people will eventually believe it and i think that's where we are now with the ukraine conflict as on what you've just said right now how would you explain then the spreading of the panic who could those be i mean who's actually telling the whole truth. well i mean i don't know about that where the troops are but certainly the discussions about them it seems it's a some kind of psychological warfare going on here psychological operations and you know the idea is to manipulate the public and if you keep repeating the same thing people think oh well more russians must be in there we keep hearing this even though if you actually look into it at the end it turns out to be a lie the question of course is about you know are the democracies in the west
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really democracies we've got a situation now in iraq and afghanistan where you know tony blair sent the troops in george bush sent troops in to put in supposed democracy both countries now complete stalemate with the incumbent governments refusing to acknowledge elections so there's no democracy we're spreading around the world and i question you know how strong is our democracy here too you know where we have our politicians really in a stranglehold by the banks by debt and they're completely tied up i'm afraid with you know with dealing with that debt crisis and what happens when there's a bit of a power vacuum like that is the military will come in before people say well no one wants a war actually some people make a lot of money out of the war and problem of course is we're coming to a sort of hubris not style situation from the ninety's sixty's the cuban missile crisis where you've got nato coming approaching right up to the russian border and the potential for a nuclear war even possibly there you know it's almost being ignored it's not really being seriously considered and i talk about gerbils you know i'm not i'm not
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. completely off the wall because you look in some of the factors involved in the kiev government and you'll see there's quite a lot of not only neo nazis but also people who are openly supporting. the hitler regime and i wonder what on earth the germans doing still supporting that kiev government under realizing the moment it's in it's in meltdown but you know people say why would anyone do this actually people make a lot of money and i would also say. the war and the crash could be connected so we could be in a financial crisis in the west what could then happen is a war could come along and ot we complain the crash the financial crash or a potential war so there are people who actually want this to take place and i would ask that the nato conference that's happening in cardiff here next week seriously consider some of these issues bush was no the secure across the security state is spying on our politicians and journalists etc now we have the death of
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michael hastings last year in the united states who is directly investigating the cia and john brennan who were spying on politicians we had this a few weeks ago even the senate intelligence committee the cia you know knowing on it so there is a real crisis in democracy tony i can feel your passion i hear you you've given us a lot to think of you are certainly lots of questions that many people are asking and we hope to follow up with some of the people in power to try to answer some of those questions thank you very much for your time tony gosling investigative journalist the air we're doing that thanks terry. right and these are the pictures so from here forward people have gathered there to protest against what they see as government in action to help the soldiers trapped in the city of india that the demonstrators want to help to be sent to the troops and are calling for the resignation of the defense minister and his policy reports despair is growing both among the soldiers and their families. as the fighting
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intensifies and antigovernment forces close in a call for hope goes on on said for reinforcements for cross ukrainians who saw so many coming it's not the first time kids soldiers feel abandoned. let me take a minute lizzie the globe in a group women are forever more nearly through our beautiful little circle from a broken level sure sure most women across the park women would say i wish there was a more woman masoud girl usually i was which woman was original i met over there it wasn't it was the washington i didn't. actually demand of eilat yet demand that i learn. that i didn't know what. i did. at all but. it's a far cry from the tough talk of ukrainian president petro poroshenko talking of
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a strong country and strong all me instead its young and often inexperienced soldiers as suggested by an alleged conversation between a commander and a tank soldier leaked online. i was. right was was was was. was. was was. frustration is growing among the troops is the best. then if you decide to join the particulars of that it's good for their families to. be anything like me i mean. when you. look at it. that and the government the head of the interior ministry is locking horns with the
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leader of the radical nationalist right sector group which is taking part in the fighting in the country's east if our demands are not met will be forced to withdraw our battalions from the front line and launch a march on to kiev to carry out speedy reforms in the interior ministry yarrow with your bragging you have to see people who lead into illegal armed units you are turning the people who believed you into cannon fodder meanwhile losses on the battlefield are mounting and here in the same two of them it's been the ukrainian military defeat is on show the message is more than just symbolic a bad omen for the ukrainian soldiers encircled by self-defense forces in the region of the netsky who fighting not only for their lives but for an army that they are accusing of betraying them and leaving them to die of c.r.t. eastern ukraine. coming up on our team to national the social media spiral of silence later on that we report on
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a trend of people keeping their opinions offline away from social media and the n.s.a.'s cyber spies. also ahead a share of bad all hollow calls to air a stalled david spanish. comes under attack for a t. shirt with a touch of nothing. different leaders in syria now many of the members of congress of both parties have gone to syria in recent months. but. we choose these telling you can. still be released to syria is going to be so obviously.
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on there and the financial world. to comment on it not stop exuberance only take you know to be pretty good. in life there are. thank you. welcome back italy has told the e.u. it once the details of negotiations over a joint trade deal with the u.s. to be made public and a letter to its european partners italy says they would help dispel fears about what's going on behind closed doors let's have
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a look now at what the teeter agreement would mean for both sides now the transatlantic trade deal definitely looks tempting on paper the partnership would allow the removal of trade barriers and regular tree differences which are seen to hinder the growth of the u.s. and economies would be washed away but america and the collective g.d.p. would be boosted by two hundred and forty five billion dollars but some critics say some parts of the puzzle just don't fit together it worried corporations could hijack the interest of taxpayers passing any losses on to them if anything goes wrong investigative journalist john hillery says it's no accident that talks are being held in secret. we've been told that the details of the e.u. u.s. trade deal is completely secrets i mean they put a thirty year on all the key documents that we would like to see well the first reason for the secrecy is because the european commission and the u.s.
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trade representative they know that if people really found out about what was going on in these negotiations they would be up in arms there is already a whole range across the whole of europe what we've already learned about the teeth to the trade negotiation beals so if people really could see the line by line what is being negotiated of weight behind closed doors then there'd be a revolution in the street for example in germany there's a very very high awareness of t.-t. up of these new negotiations and people by and large are very very opposed to it the greatest poll that we have seen suggests the fifty five percent of people in germany are against you to these new negotiations. people across europe have been protesting over the last month about the steel in belgium police dispersed the crowd using water cannon and in berlin activists stage a performance by lying on the ground with banners saying europe might be for sale
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but not last month for hundreds marching in london two against the planned rest patient saying it will harm everything from workers' rights to the environment. but i'm sure you've noticed how the ice bucket challenge has gone viral with many thousands taking part on live but only one scottish island it's gone too far so many people were taking part over the weekend that local water supplies had to be cut off five times we've got more on that on our team dot com. also be an african american film producer heading to an emmy awards pre-partition found himself handcuffed by police for six and a half hours online to find out through and why it was mistaken for back robber. spanish clothing giant xyrem has found itself in of the middle of
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a scandal over one particular piece of clothing a striped a baby shirt with a solemn on sheriff badge led to massive criticism on social media shop was a similarity to uniforms one in nazi death camps the world sheriff is barely visible visible and the badge looks a lot like the star of david a religious symbol that the nazis used to mark out jews as second class people. a million twitter users were appalled going as far as calling for a ban on the clothing retailer zahra has since apologized and removed the item from sale stating that the t. shirt was inspired by classic western films and wasn't meant to offend anyone. but this isn't the first time the clothing giant has been accused of sensitivity on the issue back in two thousand and seven as our had to pull this handbag carrying green swastikas off the shelves let's just take
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a look now at news around the world thousands of shia muslims trip through the streets of yemen's capital to call for the downfall of the government protestors in support of a key shia yemeni leader accuse the government of corruption and asked for a decision to cut you subsidies to be reversed demonstrators said they would continue their protests until the government was gone the capital has witnessed sit ins for weeks now. a pakistani opposition cleric who has been leading mass rallies in islamabad says negotiations for the current government dissolved have completely failed as a result during his address to thousands of supporters of five parliament declared a revolution demonstrators have been protesting for nearly two weeks demanding the prime minister leave office over alleged election fraud and calling for reforms to pakistan's electoral system. i know polls are just americans are
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increasingly on willing to debate the scope of government surveillance online the trend now even has its own name but the spiral of silence sorry also challenges the view of social media as a platform for debate by suggesting sites like facebook and twitter actually encourage self censorship eighty six percent of americans apparently will now only discussed last year's revelations by edward snowden in private face to face conversations between family and friends the survey also suggests only forty two percent of all facebook and twitter users feel comfortable discussing cyber spying online the report also suggests the self-censorship used on the internet could be leaking into real life with people less likely to express unpopular views former cia officer and whistleblower way mcgovern believes it's because people feel cornered by government valence. but americans are afraid you know when they
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hear all this we're going to hear people calling snowden a traitor which he is not when they are they are a sly way choose not well they're sensitive enough to realize that if they find themselves talking about it with snowden and expressing not only support perhaps just questioning his will is he really is by or is he really a traitor so that will be picked up and could be used against him eventually the reason government collects all this information is to use it the only reason the only way to prevent this from being used against you is to prevent it from being collected in the first place. coming up next nineteen mortgage fraud is the fake.
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no a famous politician is tweeting that a foreign government is using excessive force against protesting citizens does this mean we're going to see yet another intervention to democratize their government into the dirt like in iraq or libya wait wait nothing is going to happen because that politician is russian but why is this so why can the police beat up or terrorize protesters in some countries but in others if you lift one finger you're going to get a nato lesson in human rights well the answer simple this tweet any attempts to intervene from do a member of a push go what happened because unlike what they tell you in school might does it make right for you young ones out there old group or kirby remembers the cold war and back when there were two great powers they had to at least be. hey vuelta woo people into believing that one side were the good guys now that's all gone the
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problem is they model polar world that we live in heck if the us still had to deal with soviet or some other propaganda we would never see as much footage of flagrant police misconduct that we do now absolute power corrupts absolutely and the geo political monopoly that we all live in really isn't good for the average person in or outside of america especially if they want to protest but that's just my opinion . please. please. please. please
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