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tv   Headline News  RT  August 29, 2014 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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ukrainian militias respond to the russian president with quests that encircled government soldiers leave i say they can go if they handle red they have the weapons. this as the ukrainian city of done yet that comes under a new barge of on the shelling leaving every three people dead our correspondent a witness the from our. lands in libya see this interim government dissolved as islamist militias gain strength comfy we take a look at allegations the external forces are fighting a proxy war. a
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very warm welcome to you this is our team to national live from moscow this afternoon you're with me on what say they grainy and troops encircled by anti-government fighters in the east of the country have received support from the russian president vladimir putin has called on the militia to release the soldiers to avoid pointless casualties the details now from policy here in eastern ukraine. well the russian president vladimir putin has called on the anti-government fighters to late ukrainian soldiers out of the encirclement he is calling on them to allow those soldiers that are inside the combat zone to leave freebee the russian president pointing out that they are not there because of their own will but they simply acting on orders the prime minister of the danites republic has responded by saying they will do this on one condition. just we are ready to
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provide humanitarian corridor for ukrainian soldiers on the condition that they hand over heavy weaponry in our munition would certainly future these weapons can't be used against us. now there has been a wide scale protests inside the ukrainian capital where thousands of people who are demanding that their government no longer betray them they accuse the government of the letting the military down at the same time they calling for the resignation of the ukrainian defense minister this follows comments earlier by the country's president petro poroshenko he directly accused russia of invading his country but later he suggested that there be some kind of cooperation between the two countries in terms of joint missions where ukrainian and russian soldiers would patrol the ukrainian russian border together so we are getting these kind of mixed messages out of kiev on thursday they was heavy shelling here in downtown donates the local authorities say that three civilians were killed just moments after their
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shells hit we went to the same to of the city. we here and to what was a small market right in the city center of the night schools you can see the rocket was hit the whole flight the whole facade of the bolding people that were killed while waking up the local bus station here so we got up looked at a lot of water you pump water a little lower little closer to what brought you to yours. he felt that he could get a little credit here one place in australia i hate being covered with his shooting he cannot think that i'm going through those in the distance one hundred fifty if you know it was the duty of a dormir from the spirit of this report clearly this is to be understood by the doctor says a woman lying on the ground here she's being killed she was the worker and this
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small store she was hit by the impact of the rockets and the loss. possibilities being blown away and we're waiting now for an ambulance to come and take her to move. the ball or the smugglers no longer to form a new one and this is what this is one of the residential buildings that has been hit people are coming back now to clean up their apartments and to see what he means this is a bomb shelter over here which is top of by a door knob nobody is inside at the moment effect immediately off to the rockets way and people came to me. that are girders nurtured this year to the earth as large as. the material was. there is now the sound of incoming artillery so we can get out of here what some people are telling us is that is an army barracks in the vicinity and they think that the ukrainian army was aiming for that rather than these residential buildings here on t.v. don thompson it's. moscow has reached an agreement with to send a second batch of humanitarian aid from russia foreign minister sergei lavrov says
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authorities are expected to put in place security guarantees over the coming days the latest u.n. figures show two thousand six hundred people have died in ukraine since we have military operation began and u.s. president obama has claimed russia all the violence in the film ukraine. we agree if there was ever any doubt that russia is responsible for the violence in eastern ukraine. the accusations came shortly after the un security council held an emergency meeting on ukraine to ration the u.s. ambassador to vented her case to the council members sparking an angry response from russia's envoy. that's right one of the separatist leaders that russia has armed and backed said openly that three or four thousand russian soldiers have joined their cause he was quick to clarify that these soldiers were on vacation but a russian soldier who chooses to fight in ukraine on his summer break is still
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a russian soldier yet still according to the russian government the soldiers were never there no must go through the years no one is hiding the fact that they are russian volunteers in ukraine we would like to see similar transparency shown by other countries maybe our american colleagues can tell us what doesn't the very advisors are doing in the building of ukraine security council or how many so-called mercenaries from their so-called military enterprises are waging war thousands of kilometers away from their land where did the ukrainian security forces get the cutting edge american weapons. not funny anymore that was the response from the defense ministry in moscow for may to release satellite pictures they claim shows a russian troops inside ukraine these are the images that may turn has presented as proof the pictures apparently show russian self-propelled tillery units moving in
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a convoy through ukraine's territory other images allegedly show activity in russia adjacent to the ukrainian border something nato says as part of moscow's destabilizing strategy that they are mcadams executive director at the ron paul institute for peace and prosperity says his thoughts but i think these were released by the same they were taken by the same company that the u.s. had used to release its satellite information about m.h. seventeen the malaysian air flight the existence of bones by the rebels in ukraine and so i think it has very dubious credibility as a private firm i don't think it shows anything i don't think what most people in the west understand is that everyone on both sides with the exception of some ukrainians having american weapons but everyone is using russian weapons the line of russian tanks means nothing because we don't have the information to tell us where it came from as to whether russia has troops on its border it's inside its border you know there were businesses so that if we had unrest on the border with
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mexico here in the u.s. you'd be sure we'd have a military presence there to make sure our borders were secure claims by the ukrainian president that russia had invaded his country so many media outlets take up the story and run with it and it is again looks at some of the coverage. panic alert in western media after key of twitter that russia invaded ukraine when reports started coming in that fighting broke out between the rebels and ukrainian forces in the port town of. many were quick to claim that it's russia's doing what seems to be happening on the ground however is that russian troops of pushing in from russia photos of tanks emerged in social media with nothing to suggest that they were operated by russian soldiers key you put out this video claiming it's a russian. but while journalists were grappling with the new developments and
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struggling with the pronunciation of the town that was supposedly being invaded this is no bus got u.s. and nato officials pushed ahead with accusing russia of deploying more than one thousand troops and heavy artillery into ukraine last week ukraine called russia's delivery of humanitarian aid into eastern ukraine an invasion this week it accused moscow of quote unquote a full scale invasion the western media that is generally not putting much distinction between rebels and washer quickly picked up that side of the story that is despite the fact that this thursday the ois see which is now monitoring the russian border with ukraine said they saw no evidence of russian troops and tanks crossing the border the u.n. said it could not independently verify the reports of the russian invasion but a u.n. security council meeting was called upon where its western members push to hold russia responsible russia stop this conflict at least two thousand two
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hundred twenty people including twenty three children have died in the conflict in eastern ukraine but we've never heard the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. call on key to stop bombing its own people in washington i'm going to check out our team. the foreign press association in london has become the latest organization calling for information on a russian journalist who's been missing in ukraine for over three weeks now it said i understand it must be released t.v. is being held by security forces the group also said all media should be allowed to cover the ukrainian conflict freely and without harassment for a correspondent stan and disappeared in eastern ukraine on august the fifth with online users setting up a campaign carrying the hash tag free andrew. the international monetary fund says ukraine is so far on track to receive further
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financial aid later today the i.m.f. will discuss the next one point four billion dollars handout now in order to get the money ukraine was told to raise tariffs for gas electricity and other utilities while at the same time freezing pensions and wages and raising taxes and there are now additional conditions they include slashing tax the benefits of the culture and allowing banks to repossess property but complying with the demands is hard for the country that's already in what can be described as an economic freefall the country's g.d.p. shrunk almost five percent in the second quarter of this year with major firms losing ten billion dollars over the first half of the year now over the same time last year they were several hundred million in profit ukraine's national currency the green is losing value the authorities as the economy would be unstable if the
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currency falls to more than twelve to the dollar well it's thirteen and a half now or street analyst michael hudson believes ukraine is gearing strayed into the financial advice. ukraine is not meeting the i missed edition nor is the i.m.f. meeting its own condition under the articles of agreement it's not a loan just lend money to a country that is unable to pay the repayment of these demands is going to force the ukrainian currency where you know they're going to make imports much more expensive for ukrainians they're going to increase the cost of living the government will withdraw the price supports for gas and for other essential so the cost of living will go up unemployment will rise the ukrainians are going to be leaving to the west to the east because the economy will be killed by the conditions of this level and this is what the i.m.f. economists inside internally have been complaining about they said wait
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a minute the i.m.f. loan to greece we've already seen that it tore the greek economy apart you know you're doing the same thing with ukraine so if you want to see what will happen to ukraine look at what happened after two thousand and twelve so the i.m.f. loan big greece it's a disaster. libya descends into the words turmoil it says i'm a war that i'll sit gaddafi back in two thousand and eleven for the interim government resigns on the pressure of the forces coming up next but opinion on who's behind devival forces tearing the country apart. and back to one small preg boy as we had seen moscow's dazzling twenty point team call shea check out what's being rolled out by chinese in a less than company sanctions on a sanction. differently
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here in syria now many of the members of congress of both parties have gone to syria in recent. that's. right. you can't. be. serious it's going to be. dramas that can't be ignored. story others in the. simpsons change the world right next to. the teacher. from
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a good. book. thank you for staying with us libya's interim government has resigned after islamists tightened their grip on the country pushing it towards the was quiet says says twenty eleven this comes days after militants declared a breakaway regime to rival the elected parliament libya remains a split between two rival camps one controlled by islam is backed rebel factions the other by a colorful huffed up who is a us citizen and a rogue general from the gaddafi era so on one side it's alleged the islamist militias are receiving support from turkey and qatar and on the other current regime is apparently backed by egypt and the arab emirates who both importantly
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carried out is strikes against me as to positions last week political writer and journalist dan glazebrook told us the conflict in the country has turned into a proxy war. libya's been turned from being before twenty eleven a linchpin of regional stability to a safe haven actually for sectarian death squads and militias of all kinds from around the region britain and the us both are huge dealers to the qatari regime and qatar is the one who is arming the militias that are causing such chaos in libya and then if there was to to start arming forces allied to tell if they have to be arming both sides affectively one directly the other in daraa which would so the seeds for permanent kind of civil war situation which by the way would probably suit the interests of the british and us ruling elites very well because their fundamental goal consistently over the past three years has been to try to prevent the reemergence of libya as an independent regional power. right this
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is how the policy go in libya hasn't folded the sea up in make the rogue khalifa haftar launch a come to offensive viking's islamists who tried to bring them under control and in june there was an election straight after a number of officials effected to this limits and formed a parallel government and last month and islamic emirate was declared in benghazi and tripoli airport was seized and the extremists wanted to control of the airport this month the central government also foreign help and at the u.n. security council france said libya will slide into further chaos without international support. some more news from around the world now demonstrators upset over the dismissal of workers at a u.s. run air base in the space occupied city hall overnight in the town of. protesters held up banners saying american lay all the bases one of the largest u.s.
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air force bases in spain and is used by both countries activists accuse the company that manages it of taking advantage of economic difficulties and cutting labor costs and terminating contracts with little notice. over one hundred thirty activists have been arrested and several detained during a rally outside the white house were demanding that he was president implementing immigration reforms by the end of the summer crowd were angry at the continued to deportations of undocumented immigrants march was part of a nation day of action with similar protests held in twenty other cities across the u.s. . but they're all moto the workers in colombia have formed their mouths shut outside the american embassy to pressure the automaker to compensate them for work related injuries they say they're suffering from
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debilitating conditions caused by the work and that the company is trying to avoid paying medical benefits is two thousand and eleven protesters have included one hundred striking workers supplying or burying themselves. why sports fans be aware if you're wearing anything made by ad it is activists say there are potential for the company to track your every move for example this replica kid for the german national football team which is one of the company's best selling bestsellers but fans probably don't know exactly what they're getting right let's take a closer look at the i wanted custom a bog unknowingly taking with them. this device is a radio frequency identification chip which is used to help with logistics but now they're being put in consumer products to know the chip is barely noticeable and additives denies they can track any individual consumer private expert alyssa
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mcintyre says the potential use of warring. unfortunately the consortium of major corporations around the world and even governments are very interested in tracking people and it's all about profit they figure if they can know everything about somebody where they go their habits who they know then they can make money off of that when these tags go home with consumers on the things they wearing carry these consumers can be tracked these these are if i do tags have unique identification numbers and the plan is for every item on the planet at one at some point to have one of these numbers in it and if you think about it well it's just a number there are lots of things that are just numbers for example social security numbers are just numbers bank account numbers are just numbers but we have the sense not to put them on our t. shirts and walk around with those because people could abuse that information about us and so it's a very invasive technology and let me say this is just. the beginning we've got
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plenty more stories for you online including the risk of death is no reason to miss out on some fun with guns at least that's what one poll for you is gun lobby things this one day after nine year old girl accidentally shot and killed shooting instructor lobby came up with seven ways children can have fun at the shooting range climbed up more than r t. w of the air and endure in the swim i got a shock when he climbed out of the endless channels because you keep water police were waiting with it and the pay of handcuffs to arrest him has an illegal immigrant. also insisting moscow is not doing enough to ease tensions in ukraine washington is preparing more economic sanctions against russia the sentiment was echoed by german chancellor angela merkel who said
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the e.u. is also considering whether to step up its restrictions however already there are many politicians who consider this policy counterproductive and the number is growing. does was different and for sanctions and a trade war i mean this means improving the situation on the country we have a spear all of us coalition that harms the german and european economies my experience is that many people rejected the sanctions right from the start they have their rightful feeling that this is not the way to achieve anything. and vice versa sanctions are always prove that the political means failed they are useless and they are harming the population sanctions always lead to losses on both sides and you can already see the backlash from the sanctions but in the next couple of months it will be even more obvious now that i'm back on bond from the beginning it was the wrong approach because sanctions escalated the situation and did not ease the tension is this it was clear when the you impose sanctions that there would be
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a counter reaction and the stakes would be raised and now because of that a lot of entrepreneurs as well as the general public in germany has been affected by that. one place you'd be hard pushed case what the effect of sanctions is moscow's glittering twenty fourteen kosh a european and chinese manufacturers have rolled out some of their latest models and say parts of the market in russia will make i think a pill been behind the wheel. with all the classic cars and gorgeous women you would be forgiven for thinking that the constant threat of global sanctions again also wasn't really a feature hey all the fuck but the car industry is taking a little bit of a slump at the moment it's a bit of a rocky ride a bus the bus market is still one that everyone here wants to tap into their mouth appears in about five years time and that's a bit like the jumbo was the biggest in the us if we didn't take sanctions that in
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mind this could mean that the german industry was hit by about twenty five bucks i spoke to the company and they don't seem to think and they remain valid optimistic about basis. to remain absolutely did he keep to your strategy of growth in russia we believe that differently and the growth is still going to continue over the next few months in years to come and and when you look at it to over two million vehicles are being sold in russia right now which is still one of the top google markets in the world now there is talk about sites being imposed upon the car industry specific play now this one but foreign policy companies that produce that big pay we've got some eighty percent of them some talk about so you sell boards to stop it wouldn't that be importing of components not something that the modified just a little bit sickly enthused about there will be some. more they all do industrial from russia garments they already start for a bit to eat or something european brands from europe to russia and. there will
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be something to you in the market i think we can see some space and we can launch our new more knobs this one particular aspects of that is still growing and that's the luxury life while the russians i love it. should we still have a bit of luck street for sure they do. we're very happy here with a healthy market share so we. if you have over thirty percent to about look for a book kids if you want to be a sector they want the very best whatever but this is the best it's not so it's not about the skill sets of being i would rather go with them or play. at the. label and one visit is expected still be enough to drive the markets. coming up next politicking with larry king.
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no a famous politician is tweeting that a for government is using excessive force against protesting citizens does this mean we're going to see yet another intervention to democratise their government into the dirt like in iraq or libya wait wait nothing is going to happen because that politician is russian but why is this so why can the police beat up or terrorize protesters in some countries but in others if you lift one finger you are going to get a nato lesson in human rights well the answer is simple this tweet any attempts to intervene from do a member of what happened because unlike what they tell you in school might does it make right for you young ones out there all group of kirby remembers the cold war
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and back when there were two great powers they had to at least behave well to woo people into believing that one side were the good guys now that's all gone the problem is they mano polar world that we live in heck if the us still had to deal with soviet or some other propaganda we would never see as much footage of flagrant police misconduct that we do now absolute power corrupts absolutely and the geo political monopoly that we all live in really isn't good for the average person in or outside of america especially if they want to approach. but that's just my opinion. i told him a language of what are only react to situations scope i have read the reports for like you know for instance of a notable event to stapling a comment i. we're interrupting this program to bring you this president to go to an if. or in
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western russia now this. is where. i want to call an economic affairs up there we expect ukraine to be among the subjects talk about. the future sometimes difficult to talk to specialists who really know the answer with a philosophy is a. science. one knows that but i'm sure a lot of his presence here know that it's very difficult to talk with historians because they can analyze what has happened to rush in to the world up to the present moment so they can have a look. at what we had and what we will have. may be and then share some ideas of how we can better move forward you have.
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social scientists here well they know everything i'm sure. this. is know. and i'm sure they know everything better than others but nevertheless. it's a very interesting we have here i'm sure we'll share some of the ideas. we debate and some of the ideas about russia's role in the world. which i would be interested not just to reply to your question but also to listen to your opinions extremely important and it's a unique opportunity for me to. discuss the whole range of issues with you. so i would like to start my monologue.


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