tv Keiser Report RT August 30, 2014 10:01pm-10:30pm EDT
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this is the custom report do you like donuts. burger king like. or a buffet likes donuts. station it's more in tax me more buffett max kaiser remember last year he was saying that the rich are winning the class war and that in fact he invited the government to tax him more because he pays less in taxes than a secretary does and of course he is behind this big merger between burger king the second largest burger seller in america and tim hortons which is the largest coffee and donuts seller in canada now what this is all about is a tweet from stacy l.o.l. now burger king wants to drop its u.s. passport and become a free healthcare loving canadian so this is one of these tax inversion deals where
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by there are no longer have to pay or be subject to the u.s. tax which is forty percent the canadian tax twenty six point five percent yeah this is really a big story in the financial press warren buffett financing this burger king takeover of jim morton's a canadian going to change to avoid u.s. taxes and i mean we thought back to the one nine hundred sixty s. where you had a lot of young men living in. we're going to go to canada to avoid fighting in the vietnam war here in the twenty fourteen area we have people who want to avoid paying for those wars because half of america tax goes to the pentagon goes to the defense budget to start these wars of convenience to continue the american empire around the world but warren buffett of course doesn't want to have to pay for those wars so he's fleeing to canada so these are financial. cowards let's talk about this more specifically we're in buffett has paid for three billion of the eleven billion dollar cost of the takeover and he in exchange gets
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preferred shares for that now burger king itself with seventy percent owned by three g. which is private equity firm the other bits of it were owned by bill ackman pershing square so you know it's mostly private equity owned americans themselves they don't care they're still like. this is an american company we love it we're patriots we're going to consume here but the other thing is you mention the tax back in the one nine hundred sixty s. the government revenue here in the u.s. was about twenty percent from corporate tax free now it's just about ten percent so here even that share though all the american corporations burger king is very much associated with the american brand that they are fleeing america just when patriotism is rising here be a burger king shop was bought out by private equity and then it was relisted as a public stock offering and of course the private equity is fueled by ultra low interest rates from
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a compliant that is on beck and call from the oligarchs of america to lend them money at near zero percent are in some cases under zero percent a negative interest rate they kind of spruced up the burger king franchise took it public again taking advantage of stock buybacks and earnings fraud and market manipulation now to add insult to injury to the americans are putting up good money . to fight these wars of sending soldiers off to fight these wars apparently to defend democracy and freedom no no warren buffett the financial coward is saying let's go to canada and avoid paying for these wars so that we can take advantage of the canadians the maple syrup and all the all the the benefits of being up there now i might say that fifty two percent of fast food workers already on some sort of welfare from the taxpayers of america whether it's food stamps or medicaid and the other thing of course is that the likes of burger king are massively subsidized by the likes of the corn subsidies to agricultural
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subsidies so you know they've benefited from that and on top of that like i said in a previous show it's the sort of huge corporations that have really lobbied the most for the tax code being so complicated i mean that the corn subsidy i think is another interesting angle to how all of our just become oligarchs in america sense something like sixty percent of all the food by the average american is high fructose corn syrup which in the increase is enormous. the cost of health care in america and the diabetes epidemic out of control but it's all subsidized by the federal government because they underwrite agriculture america the corn crop in america so that places around other countries can't compete you know specifically. africa and other places who are left holding the bag and so once again here you
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have warren buffett he gets free money from the fed he gets a subsidy from the corn industry he gets to do deal with private equity that is again underwritten by the federal government in the tax code and market manipulation to take all those tax dollars to canada because he doesn't want to pay for the wars ministrations started and buffett himself has made clear that berkshire hathaway is going to pay us taxes on their gains from this deal in their preferred shares. it's the private equity of three g. and pershing square who don't want to pay the u.s. taxes and burger king now will no longer be a u.s. company but now you mention suicide consumption and that takes me to the next headline where i'm thinking well you know americans are it's just more and more of his personal income tax which is paying for the wars that americans love ok they they do love it and they love us they love all sorts of corporations including this now canadian corporation of burger king which they don't mind subsidizing so how are they going to generate more income and i thought a really good way to combine all of this sort of police state suicide consumption
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and all that comes in this headline from my t.v. suicide tourism numbers double in four years researchers finds a suicide tourism is on the rise experts said after they found out the number of people traveling to switzerland to take their own lives had doubled in four years now one of five of those are brits but i thought you know here we are you know america really specializes in suicide by cop and this could be some sort of the tourism you know the posters over in europe for in fact that he said they could say don't put a switzerland where they're just going to give you a little tiny you know think of chocolate syrup that you drink and it's going to be so quiet spectacular to go out and hail of bullets in new york city or chicago or detroit or l.a. assisted suicide or euthanasia is a growth industry you say twenty percent are brits that's completely understandable i was expect that number to quadruple as the rain continues unabated this is coldest august mystery so the number of brits going to switzerland to dignity tops
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another euthanasia clinics set to surge and that's completely understandable and i understand that but as far as the rest of the economy goes you've got a business model where you disenfranchise folks you gorge them with high fructose corn syrup to the point where the logical way for them to play out their life is just. ripley get into jack did with death chemicals and in america though as you point out they just like to throw themselves in for a hail of bullets from the police so this is the way they do it in america and now you know how everybody in america they're either in fast food working or retail sector but they're also providing like who are jobs people are driving others as part of their income way and part of this police state i thought you know in ninety seven and two there were only two hundred thirty thousand americans in prison now we have two point three million americans in prison and this could could be combined with the air b. and b.
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this is another way to possibly make money is the rent out one a room in your house to be a prison you could you could be a warden basically that's your sort of job what about suicide donuts suicide donuts but in this case in the end the idea of being like air b.n. b. your hotel your for the night here your taxi driver for the day and you can also provide you could be a prison warden that's a good job that you know you could possibly do that so the prison warden for a day so it's a social networking and able p.d.p. disruptor of the prison business where anyone can be a euthanasia clinic in prison by the day and they can feed them the suicide done it so it's important as you mention and dignity save a talk with liquid apparently that does the deed well why not just fill donuts with that chocolate liquid and suicide donuts you can serve your home and do like a goober modeler air b.n. b. model for the unsurprising home suicide clinic slash prison operator and disrupt the prison and suicide clinic business so put both corrections core of america and
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dignitas out of business with this new business model and in fact i'll tie them all together and another remarkable story we've learned since being here is that we noticed in our hotel room a life alert a big giant button on the floor underneath the desk and we asked the manager of the hotel what this is about and apparently it's because of that dominic sask on. former i.m.f. guy allegedly or possibly or whatever you know tax some woman in a hotel here and all the unions here got them to have to impose into every single room in the hotels here just like alert for the maids if they're possibly attacked by people that's a great deal for somebody to sell that contract well i'm not clear is it because of the alleged rape. that the hotels are putting in this panic button and all the rooms or is it because he's a central banker exactly because you have janet yellen ben bernanke christine legarde. the big time bankers in new york and london and if you see one on the
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street if you see one in your hotel room should be able to hit a panic button and say my god there's a banking alleged rapist in my room who's going to commit quantitative easing all over my face i need to stop this fool the and from gagging me with all this q e l l l panic but help quantitative easing and then you know tying this all together including to the u.k. which is of the previous empire to the american empire and that this is a remarkable sentence actually from the globe and mail a canadian paper so it makes sense that we're talking about this as burger king becomes comedienne state trooper suspended as naked incidents increase in the u.s. american state police trooper has been put on administrative suspension after sheriff's deputies responded to a call reporting a naked man drinking at a bar in a barbecue restaurant the sentence that struck me is the following the incident is the most recent in a spate involving people around the here night stick yes yes i think i know what
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this is all about again going back to the one nine hundred sixty s. if remember the garbage friend in south there's an enormous be about to land oh my god. it could have been one of those drones i'm the person carrying on us again this neat good thing this thing a one of them because you see the problem is now that people are so. but up on the side there that are going to be replaced by robots that they want to prove that they're human we talked about this on the last show reminds me going back to one thousand sixty's whether the protest i am a man the garbage man down in the field what state alabama maybe they came out i am a man as part of the civil rights movement now people are just getting to but make it and they're saying i'm not a robot i'm a human being look at my look at my naked flesh this is a protest of humanity against robots and the day like the day looks they fear the day looks well i mean we noticed this in the u.k. and you brought this up i think it was two and fact russell brand that we see this
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prostitute can a often is people always have to protest naked that's you willing to wait there are no way really a suicide clinic and that's the british experience get make it right or buy a school go to the suicide clinic they need to talk about suicide on a stage to be able to actually bring again so beautiful i'm going to go get some donuts now max that's beautiful don't go away stay right there much more coming your way. she she leaves the economic up and downs in the final months day to learn to deal shanghai and the rest of the life to meet katie believe if we.
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should would you like a full peace. backyard by the. cartel because previously you times people are the. some of. which just killing these lunatics will. remember how we. rated that part of the army to destroy your body the army the army arms we are your back you can defend to get. our drugs to go above the box caves they used to make it safe to make america safer. well going back to the kaiser report i'm max keiser time out of turn to trace mare
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a leading monetary expert on that point in gold trace welcome to the cause report thanks max great to be here people know your name and they know they really follow you through bitcoin and one of the early adopters one of the people that was really been i guess an early investor as well so you're part of this whole redefinition of monetary policy bitcoin people talk about bitcoin hedge funds are down big coin but what i want to talk to you about today trace is geopolitics and bitcoin this is a topic that has not been discussed really and it looks as though we're heading into a global almost financial war and bitcoin could change this war in a fundamental way speak a little bit about it yes so we've got a financial crisis is moving to the economic the social the political the geo political and you know all of the nations that are kind of seeing this coming down
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the pipeline it's not like they're dumb they've got very intelligent people in their intelligence services and their strategy and their planning. but where big point has kind of changed the game is that everybody's you know analyze the situation come up with their strategy with their plans and in this new technology comes on the on the scene and it disrupts the entire chessboard little's of the game of change them right so prepare for a bit coin there was a kind of a inevitability to us dollar germany u.s. dollar ruling the world status quo continuing bitcoin came along first it was laughed at i would say for the most part suddenly it's become a big thing but it correct me if i'm wrong but isn't it true that if like a country like russia wanted to really stick it to the u.s. they could move one hundred billion dollars on to big coin and take it completely outside of the purview of the united states and run an enormous. advantage and then in this geopolitical of a paradigm that we see now yeah i mean throughout all of history if if everybody is
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fighting with bronze weapons and you develop a new technology of steel you're going to have a bass competitive advantage against your adversaries big korean at its heart is a new technology and that is a big big deal and so it really surprises me that one of these nation states hasn't decided you know what we're going to pick up this new weapon and got the federal reserve with it or maybe or maybe the federal reserve will use it and be able to even further get a a larger lead on its geo political rivals the tax havens are really the ones who are kind of sniffing this out first iowa man netherlands singapore they're being very friendly towards pickle and probably in response to fact ok let's all talk about fact in a second but i want to stick on this war theme you're just hearing you speak there for a moment and it brings back these images of world war one it started out on horseback and ended up with airplanes and bombers world war two kind of picked up with the
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airplanes and bombers and ended up with atomic weapons so here we are world war three so first of all are we to world war and is it fair to say that it's starting off with these very crude financial weapons like sanctions but it could go and end up with whoever wins the bitcoin war because if i can lose one hundred billion or more on a big coin on the block chain that's an enormous financial war advantage correct yeah i totally agree you know world war one before that war was between monarchies and like professional military is and it wasn't really with the with the average citizen and then world war one and world war two you had gas and unit like the u.s. nuked a bunch of people in japan it occupied germany as a result still occupying germany and the whole nature of warfare changed and i think we're seeing it now also it's a really a war on the individual you know it was petero actor forty two years ago. kid got shot trying to escape the berlin wall and it made it apparent that the berlin wall was there to keep people in not to keep people out and so i was we're seeing crony
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capitalists we're seeing the bankers the politicians all being protected by the police you know tear gassing people in ferguson. you know looking at everything about us at the airports this is a do we jump in here for a second so you make a good point there so going back historically wars were professional soldiers and for initial and citizens were left out of right and the civilians were kind of left out but throughout the ensuing decades it's become the civilian populations are the ones that are being targeted more and more and the and the soldiers are mercenaries or professional soldier what have you but they're kind of the technocrats but it's the civilian population it's in a line of fire so in this new world war you're saying that it's really the entire machinery of corruption versus the individual yes and that's mainly what this war on terrorism is all about you know very a morph is undefined in a me that at the heart of it is just an individual you know osama bin laden
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personified it right so you have this state machinations along with the corporate powers are ganging up essentially on the individual the individual has of course now the block chain as big point to to defend themselves you mentioned fact the fact is a new tax policy that the u.s. is trying to impose around the world a lot of people are not talking about it what is it why is it in your view i guess a bad thing yeah the u.s. u.s. persons they have to report all their foreign bank accounts after board all their foreign financial assets there are a bunch of these tax information exchange agreements that have been signed between the u.s. and a bunch of other countries so it's really eroding these financial privacy rights and it's all kind of premise that there is a central third party that you can exert that force or control on which the block chain disintermediation. very exciting like you know as the state is really pushing
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for this complete hedge and hedge of money over all of our daily activities in our life we get technology and tools that are immune to violence because cryptography it doesn't matter how much violence is not going to solve the math problem and so individuals can pick that up instead of having your right to an unreasonable search and seizure defined in the fourth amendment you can just define it mathematically with something like true crypt or b g p right now you're just talking about the inherent mathematical qualities of bitcoin so let's digress a bit into this because the value of bitcoin comes from math i mean this is what i think people don't fully embrace but there is the tal the policy which is the underlying framework of value of the bitcoin and the block and so you what you're saying is that this is unimpeachable uncorruptible you cannot corrupt math where you can corrupt j.p. morgan yeah i mean when when nicholas copernicus came out with
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a hugo centric theory it stood on its own didn't matter if you threw galileo in house arrest it's one of the reasons that the founding fathers laid up an equity based monetary system in the us with gold and silver and not a debt based one like this federal reserve note that we have because it's much more solid financially and likewise math it doesn't matter like congress can't pass a law that says two plus two equals seven. all that or do is create a bunch of unintended effects because everybody's going to have to work around it right so the the value proposition for a big point is there and it's it's going to be with us now going forward you cannot undo it you cannot and invent bitcoin you can't go backwards in time you brought the copernicus example or galileo once these things are discovered or once they're talked about you can't go back there they're here with us yeah when when the longbow came on the scene a different technology had altered europe because of the. it's no longer had all
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the power besting in them big point decentralizes the private keys of wealth to individuals away from third parties if individuals are willing to hold and secure their own private keys which is one of the reasons i funded armory the big point wallet because it's the most secure and people can run the software on any computer that they build it's open source it's free so it's like here here's the tool take your private keys away from the centralized third parties don't let them i pod take in your assets know exactly what you take control of it mathematically right now you write that the big problem today is the value and price are completely separate ownership of assets is unknown so this is part of this whole. idea that you have that price in value are now divorced they don't they don't equal the same thing anymore at the price of a treasury bond and american treasury bought it what does it mean anymore if this
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system is run out of the federal reserve bank of the federal reserve bank is run by monetary lunatics essentially yeah alan greenspan gold is the ultimate form of payment it's the settlement currency but what have they done alan greenspan testified twice before congress the central banks stand ready to lease gold in increasing quantities should the price rise they carry gold the bald gold out on loan as the same line item cash accounts receivable we know they're not the same thing we're seeing in an environment where an assets being with the price of the assets being suppressed not supported not by users but by owners and not for the obvious reasons to say interfere with the interest rates say interfere with the pricing mechanism of you know half of all the transactions and so we don't know what things should cost we don't know what a barrel of oil should cost or what a minstrel warship should cost or what our suit should cost or our food you know and as these food prices go up social political geo political crises the arab spring you know was
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a really the tunisian kid. selling fruit that would himself on fire that started it or was it food prices going up and people not being able to eat historically when the price of food gets to forty percent of discretionary income there's usually some kind of revolt we saw that french revolution we saw in tunisia and so this is again this operation to try to price and value and if you are in the business of manipulating the gold prices we know now without any question as being forced down all these years now it takes away the only yardstick you have to figure out what everything else an economy should be worth and if you remove all value in remove all yardsticks of value then the you end up with a dictatorship who says what's valuable not the not valuable so america's become kind of a you know janet yellen is like a dictator in a lot of ways she's dictating the price of what money should be and you know when you're going down this road there's either repression or regeneration you brought up the french revolution you know what them eat cake you know the burned out part
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in the bottom of the cattle and they actually made it illegal to use gold and silver in transactions that's what precipitated the reign of terror you know dragging out all the political weeds guillotine ingham that's what happens when you push people far enough and you know we're in a hypothecation nation in the us where everything is been pledged as collateral against the law and where it was really just a way for people to consume other people. you know it's supposed to protect these individual rights that's how it gets the ideological support of the populace but it's increasingly losing that they're in an increasingly shaky ground financially the u.s. really has to go the road of regeneration of all whiling big going to thrive in the innovation or they're just not going to have the tools and they're not going to have the most advanced technology in the most advanced military in the world reserve currency and all of these things because the u.s. is a very powerful force but you know it's only powerful because of all of this price
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. being ability that they've got to be a form economic calculation you know i want to actually pick and stick around do another segment you know to kind of pick up on this we've got about thirty seconds left here a quick comment on new york's bit license oh yeah they're just trying to stifle innovation and so they're going to lose dominance in the financial scene right ok we're going to pick up on that when we come back for another segment but anyway for this segment trace thanks for being on the show thanks max all right we'll be back with trace in another part of this interview but for now it's back guys are saying good bye for the guys report on behalf of myself if you want to try to find us on twitter it's buys a report by all. lisa
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