tv Headline News RT September 1, 2014 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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was. he watching r t international tonight remembering beslan russia marks ten years now since the terrorist siege of a school which killed more than three hundred mostly children and left the community forever scarred to hear from survivors of the tragedy. also the resistance pushes back partially routing the government's military in the east with more than a thousand soldiers killed now wounded or taken prisoner by anti-government forces over the last few days. as british prime minister david cameron outlines his vision on how the u.k. should deal with a jadis threat posed to the western world by homegrown terrorists fighting for the islamic state group.
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is joined us my name is kevin and it's now eight pm here in moscow and we start this hour by winding the clock way back ten years ago today what was supposed to be the first day of school became a terrifying ordeal for the small town of beslan in southern russia the world watched horrified as chechen militants seized school number one taking a thousand people hostage mostly children and parents for survivors and families there paying hasn't diminished. in the early morning that day was a mood of excitement and anticipation young families arrive for what was the start
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of the new term but terrorists stormed that school killing eighteen people in the process they laid explosives around the building and on the second day the authorities managed to convince the attackers to release mothers with babies at around one pm on the third day some of the terrorists explosives went off some hostages to try to escape only if the terrorist opened fire on them a few minutes later then russian forces special forces moved in the number of victims of the siege was very high three hundred thirty four innocents died and more than eight hundred were injured next the mattress reports from beslan as its people remember those who were lost. while the crowds and the people may come and go from this tragic site the names will always remain of more than three hundred innocents who lost their lives during the tragic school siege in baseline those three hundred people a small fraction of more than
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a thousand people who were trapped inside the school gym during that three day long attack now the gym itself is she in this metal coating this area is now a shrine a memorial to the victims that a group of architects has been commissioned to sanctify the interior remains essential unchanged from when it was ten years ago that the horrific attack happened and based on school number one for example the floor where mourners have been laying carnations still has the damage from the attack to the walls still bare the pockmarks from the bullet holes where the machine guns fired their rounds into the walls several things have changed here in the gym for example to cross this altar that has been set up in the center and look at many many hundreds of flowers that have been laid here by the mourners during the horrific attack the militants said that everybody needed to undergo a fast they were denied food and water to the children many of whom stripped down
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to their underwear because the heat was so sweltering it was the only way to stay cool here mourners are bringing bottles of water in order to give them comfort be on the great we spoke with several people who survived the tragedy here's the story of two of them they survived against all laws lead us about of and her two daughters live through the basic law school siege they were among more than a thousand children staff and parents held hostage by heavily armed chechen extremists when a leader and her daughter immediate return for this special commemoration the memories came flooding back. to this right. now would you. given that it wasn't the guy he thought that charted a coffin you sure will no good morning to even think i said it's a. terrorist took the hostages to the gym a little later her mother voluntarily entered the building to be with her
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daughter's name so that when you go excluded to vote with napster you to weigh up what your logic is causing all muslim youth to adopt to not must not come you. don't want them to. the bizarre. when you cover news knowledge she got. it. yes do you demand she. just because i do see up in my goal of some of the mamas . they stayed in that gym with her father school principal tara can sit down of through most of the fifty two hour ordeal there is even a key cheat lie cheat so most of them i didn't keep them standpoint she beat but i'm still not style and you could have the key to do it miss just because soon i'm simply what's the point of i'm suddenly snuggle up we point is that you've lost our cans about of i mean his grandfather didn't survive you see the oh it's all black when you did the it was good for you. years later the blood is gone but the
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pain remains while the baseline school gym has been cleaned up and turned into a memorial for the victims the school hallways remain virtually untouched since that terrible attack ten years ago the walls still bear the scars of the bullet holes that run from the floor up to the ceiling. a leader even prayed for their own deaths to end their suffering but she and her daughters made it through and haven't lost their faith in the future i mean it says the nightmare inspired her to help others and she's studying to become a doctor mattress r.t. best. you could more coverage of a moral events to come over the next two days here on r.t. also to the only terrorist who survived the beslan atrocity is serving life behind bars right now we speak to him he speaks to us next we hear what he's got to say about the slaughter of so many innocents. this is called they. need to know. their conditions to the. initiatives.
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we. need to. think about in the basin and there isn't much of the situation and. needs in a more spiritual. in the shit that it will. next britain's prime minister's sharing his vision on how the u.k. should deal with the threat posed by the bloodthirsty islamic state group operating in iraq in syria a concert of this in his speech to a peace. it appears that it's all about given british authorities and the police more power david cameron outlined his strategy and defeating this law mix state and he believes to prevent grants from going abroad to travel alongside extremists and to prevent those who already have common back he would have to give more powers to
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police officers at the border to confiscate the passports and in case the court decides to challenge him that he's considering create a new legislation to give the parliament the power to decide that over the court's next he wants british authorities to have enhanced the use of exclusion zones or relocation powers this is also something that will be debated and in general david cameron is responding to increased fears in the country over the widespread reach that the islamic state has according to a recent poll by you gov some sixty seven percent of brits support and five the u.k. government confiscate passports of those who are suspected to be members of the islamic states and of course their fears are further exacerbated over the of course the slaughter of soldier and lee rigby in london the beheading of american journalist spice expected british jihad this and in fact five hundred of them have already
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known. half of them are very bad so the danger and the threat is real and the brits here feel it and the poll of course shows the results of that and of course the latest revelation the fact that one of the islamic states he fired and see as was in fact the director of the muslim faith school right here in the u.k. in the city of birmingham and the fears here are shared by brits are also shared by other european citizens and the leaders of those countries as you can see on your screen everyone is saying that the islamic state poses a direct threat to every single european country and causing a lot of concern in britain right now let's get some more comment from political and social commentary to muhammad and sees in brittney's in southampton on the south coast with this some are concerned these drastic measures some mccollum drastic measures being proposed by the probabilistic could lead to innocent people being denied access back into britain again do you share that worry. i think so worry that's been echoed across the chamber and also been echoed by civil liberties
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organizations who are worried about the firstly the fact that we have this. return of control orders and. i think but before even we get to that stage people are wondering how when somebody is returning from syria or from the middle east are we going to assess whether they've been involved in any kind of radicalization any kind of terrorism or have in fact been fighting a jihadi as well i suppose the problem is the police would say they maybe been under surveillance they've got information on the menu i suppose this filter process is. why is this seemingly caught the british government off guard this threat from isis from radicalization seems to court so many people off guard could live seen this coming. i'm not sure it has necessarily caught the british governor of god i think the problem has been that our. policy on counter radicalization counter extremism has sensibly failed failed to intercept the failed around seven seven it's continued to fail seeing people who are under surveillance going
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overseas to fight as they see it in an ideological than an intellectual or spiritual you have overseas so we have a domestic policy which is centered around the home office which is mired in controversy you have the likes of. education michael gove organizations like the quilliam foundation who are involved more in sycophancy and self interest than dealing with the threat of radicalization if we want to get back to the heart of radicalization we need to look at what's going on in communities we really need to reinstate some of that drastically cut funding was taken out as we hollowed out community programs which are tackling these threats oh it's one thing to be on how people you live in life to be maybe not having a job you're having a hard tough time with it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to drive you to go want to go abroad and chop british people's heads off does it what's causing this this real empty promotion. to quote the quote the question really is what is
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causing young british muslims to turn to radical and twisted idea of their ideologies about very faith when you look at the british muslim social profile you see eighty percent are on or below the poverty lines they're at the hardest and when it comes to welfare cuts welfare reforms now this isn't any way to create a apologise and for for their like for their crowd but when we alienate young people when we see the return of the bomb or the ghettoization of black and ethnic minority groups and the fast growing incredibly young british muslim population it's not hard to see how these marginalized groups who are so poorly educated on islam and actually want abberation values turning to the wrong kind of message we got you ok mohammed mohammed and so the political and social commentary on loan from so home to appreciate it. government leaders in ukraine. screeches are given a list of conditions to kiev government today under which they are prepared to restore toys with ukraine new futures get lost on this is usenet r.t.s.
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policy is internet for us there what are the demands then what are we offering back in return. well during these talks they put forward several demands they are seeking special status and saying that in the future they will work with ukraine on a whole lot of spears these include reestablishing relationships at the same time restoring and rebuilding those areas particularly here in eastern ukraine that have been devastated and damaged by months of fighting at the same time they say they will create a common security and they will be relations on the economic the cultural as well as the political. because as fighting here in eastern ukraine intensifies the anti-government fighters have managed to push back the ukrainian military from many of its previously held positions one of the flashpoints is the town of vice where the ukrainian army has been surrounded and the soldiers forced to surrender amid
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cause that the ukrainian soldiers and their families say that they were betrayed by their government. yet. the sound of victory after a week of deadly battles is back in the hands of the anti-government fighters ill advised is now completely under our control there will be no mercy i will never forgive them for destroying our cities the smell of death still hangs over the battlefield. two bodies one is burnt and the other one of sorts of pieces of them on the field nobody is asking for them the spoils of victory made it out we put down their weapons but before they did their resistance stronger the result is that they suffered to come on to give it is in high spirits at headquarters he congratulates his men. about four thousand eight hundred soldiers attacked us this
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month not more than two hundred of them survived all of their combat squit been has been destroyed who want to fight us after this. the thirty four year old commander hasn't had a day off since fighting began five months ago we won that fight we stood up for our city even when we had lost twenty percent of the city in four days we took it back. and in the process squashed the move all of the ukrainian army sending thousands to the streets of kiev to demonstrate against the generals who they see abandoned and betrayed their own men and at the end of a hard day of fighting this is where the soldiers come to hang up their guns to renew their energy and to warn the mothers of ukrainian soldiers what their sons are up against paulus fear r t l advice eastern ukraine. is trying to get a handle on the map of this the picture of it on the news wall here and to go move forces in east ukraine on the offensive and it's becoming a part of the kiev as military operation there is facing defeat at the moment
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anyway right the area covered in orange here is now reportedly under the control of local militias but the red circles these three red circles are where hundreds of ukrainian government troops have been surrounded the encircled town that paul was talking about which is reporting on could be seen there just above it here anti government forces providing humanitarian corridor to allow the soldiers to leave on armed kiev or was forbidden any of its troops from surrendering nevertheless at least two hundred have chosen to surrender saying they've been abandoned by their superiors and they've been left to die without reinforcements will continue to keep you updated of course thanks for being with us as a say busy news night pretty more news than come your way after this quick break with me ever knowing. propaganda. that is the stakes cause russia today programme types who are
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sabean not like cutting and the like this. is just ridiculous non-answer to my question. john is not. the same thing and sometimes their lives to bring stories come together child don't want you to see. such. strong. dramas that can't be ignored. stories others refuse to notice. the faces changing the world. so picture. from around the globe. look to. me.
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again it's exactly eighteen minutes past eight at night here in moscow now there's been another win for the euro skeptics this time a german party has won its first parliamentary seats following an election in the state of saxony the germany group already has got seven euro in peace and brussels know it's got its sights set in other regions in germany to talk to party member hugh bronson who's joining us live on the line how they hear. what you think voters in saxony went for then by it but by choosing a representatives what did you bring to the party. well first of all they were disappointed with the former coalition government although and this is quite ironic they've done pretty well compared to other states in germany but local issues.
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specific to the country specific to the bundesliga were not addressed for instance there are about four million people in sex and a lot of them live close to the border to the czech republic and to poland and they were worried about the increase in a cross border theft heavy farm equipment stowed in lots of machinery also as an increase in trafficking of crystal meth now contrary to all that despite of this threat the government decided to reduce police forces they wanted to cut down numbers of policemen and they have a plan called in twenty twenty also the failed to employ in the teachers so there's a shortage of fifteen hundred teachers all these little things and also of course the very active and the positive work of talk of pe tree leader of the a s d in graced and has secured a great success in sunday's election a sexually a blip are you expecting more success in the future than if you. well i think
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the party has gained momentum quite a considerable moment and there will be two more elections in federal states in two weeks time and appearing and in brandenburg and we believe we will comfortably. get over the five percent threshold and looking at probably seven eight or even more nine all even a two digit number in the center of points so this will really carious and this will help us to succeed considerable success in these two upcoming elections because when you think about euro skeptic parties is generally about you already mentioned it about worries about immigration you talked about sex be near the border there that's where you've done well it's also generally about being tied to the single currency but what else are you about. well the main issues that our seven representatives in the european parliament want to
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address of course of the three points one of calls is to secure national sovereignty and to work against the united states of europe because the peoples of europe have never been asked if they want to live in a super state stretching from lisp on to let's say the border to ukraine. secondly they want to reduce bureaucracy and the spending the uncontrolled spending of taxpayers' money that goes to brussels last but at least they want more democracy more a friend. a direct say of people when it comes to very important decisions that affect the entire union that people should be asked directly to give their votes and to give their opinion you must remember that none of the commission is the european commission as were voted by by anybody in europe they were nominated and they have a huge two. decision powered huge power to make decisions so these are three very
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basic issues the will if he is working against will be fully closed all thank you for your time and have tea party member you bronson there on the line. he is the u.s. has been spending hundreds of billions of dollars on its nuclear arsenal but with a spate of scandal surrounding the units responsible for the foundations of warheads and an aging infrastructure questions and being are still with the security of the world's deadliest weapons gun if you can reports. in a field where there is no room for error a series of scandals is haunting the management of land based nuclear missiles earlier this year ninety one officers were implicated in a test cheating scandal it's twenty percent of all officers who are in charge of some of america's deadliest weapons the air force removed the entire chain of command at the base where it happened while investigating those missileers personal cell phones this part of the drug investigation o.s.i.
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agents found test material on them investigations of drug possession by missile officers also made headlines and there was more this week the air force says the entire wing failed a safety and security inspection u.s. led based missile facilities failed safety and security inspections several times in recent years although the air force does not reveal specifics of the failures and insists that the weapons are safe but not everyone is it iis as reports about a security breach continue to come in it was one year ago that two nuclear officers were actually breaking security rules because they left an underground command center blast door open that's where you get in actually set off the noose one of the officers actually fell asleep when c.b.s. crew traveled to one of three lead based missile sites in the u.s. they found aging infrastructure and revealed that the man a woman who oversee some of the world's deadliest weapons have trouble hearing what
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is being said on their phones. what is the great about them is it. the hearing or is it that you can connect when you make. i mean you can hear in the other person only other and line sometimes you can dial out which makes it very difficult if you're trying to do your job the obama administration's plans for the u.s. nuclear weapons complex including modernization of bombs and delivery systems will cost the country about three. fifty five billion dollars over the next decade but there's something about this story that's important which is that every time the us is about to begin a new cycle introducing a new generation of nuclear weapons there's always complaints about misconduct faulty weaponry the fact of the united states is legging behind isn't keeping up with world standards and there usually is used as a pretext to accelerate another stage of what was used what used to be called the arms race of course some of the complaints will help the government raise money to
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modernize its nuclear complex but the scandals also show what a challenge it is just to keep the weapons. in washington i'm going to check out r.t. . or from the menace of nuclear weapons to a menace lurking in europe's households next which brussels green army is determined to get rid of apparently we're talking about the high powered vacuum cleaner from today europeans won't be able to buy the cubes that burn up more than six hundred watts of electric to clean their floors it's supposed to help reduce energy usage but critics say it's nonsense because people have to use said less power vacuum cleaners for longer to get the job done especially because pet is it's not the only appliance as well which. autocrats in brussels have got their eyes on up to thirty thousand other household gadgets are in the firing line in the coming year everything from kettles to head dryers the new spark mixed feelings of panic buying then anger among consumers and those in britain of the week that you can see lots of places are sold out for
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a high powered vacuum cleaners before the weekend carried from shops to everyone snapping a vacuum cleaners while others took aim at e.u. lawmakers needlessly poking around people's homes let's listen. in one way they're paying atonement to the crazed underneath flawed concept of global warming and another they're obviously worried about the fact that actually europe doesn't have enough energy to sustain itself and it's currently having a large argument with russia but really what this goes down to is the belief amongst the liberal elite in brussels they know better what the people should be doing and therefore the freedom to clean your home has not become a victim of the whole process of brussels is nanny state trying to run the whole of europe according to a ridiculous flawed dictum of economic decay hard for will they go when it comes to the process of capitals hairdryers normal and mean ities that are seen as being perfectly reasonable facets of western society oh they knew no bounds they will keep going until the point in time when the public says no. but people cross the
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story lose most of bush's gas pipeline project which is certainly russia and china got a festive start today with a concert was in russia's far east region as construction of the story was lodged russia's gas pipeline network is expanding to the east now this is the first section of your brain power of siberia pipeline that will carry the national resource to customers here in russia and all the way to china as well in moscow and beijing sides a record four hundred billion dollar deal that will bring russian gas to china over the next thirty years so you know if you're rated by president vladimir putin the pipeline is set to be complete at the end of. will be ready to export to china the following year now this project is one of many that's been earmarked to further develop russian chinese relations in the energy sector as the economic bonds
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between the two neighboring nations grows ever stronger. what was also significant about this route is that it includes some of the world's richest gas fields to collect that gas restart the china didn't skive field in the far east of russia and yet it's estimated to have gas reserves about one point five trillion cubic metres it's a vast field and the new power of siberian network is settling another rich gas field as well victor in the eastern siberia come up with a mountain oh there it is. that in turn will hook up with the sakhalin island where there's thought to be about one point two trillion cubic meters of gas vast reserves and russia's largest field which is believed to be the world's second biggest nature natural reserve is located in west siberia as well that's for over ten trillion cubic metres all the sites will be linked up to start delivering gas to china in twenty nineteen thanks being with us up next on our t. crosstalk on whether islamic state gains in iraq and syria will push the u.s.
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into a new war. well . it's technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered. on air and in the financial world. to go and start. in life there are groups and there are. your friend posts a photo from a vacation you can't afford. and different from. the boss repeats the same old joke of course eula.
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