tv Breaking the Set RT September 2, 2014 11:29am-12:00pm EDT
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on and barack obama. obama got his start here working first as a social worker then a law professor. he cut his political teeth on the streets of chicago before being elected illinois senator then president of the united states. in two thousand and eight three fourths of chicago and voted for obama this democratic stronghold capsule ates the great challenges facing the u.s. cutting spending to balance the deficit budget. investing in education and health care while decreasing military spending because americans have been at war for the past eleven years. as they are reminded every year on memorial day. well the former white house chief of staff and obama's right hand man has run chicago for the past eighteen months chicago and its mayor and the entire community on our soldiers killed in combat they come together around this woman madi eleven
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a son was the last marine from chicago killed in afghanistan he died in march the first of two thousand and twelve it was twenty four years old a real hero in american morning. and parents are. nice and. his hair is in. the city his ship. being with you every step of the way every thought every shoulder you meet there. over the first six months of two thousand and twelve one hundred sixty seven u.s. soldiers were killed in combat in afghanistan it over the same period two hundred sixty people were gunned down in chicago which has one of the nation's highest crime rates most of the murders happen in neighborhoods that are ninety percent african-american and there are no parades for these fallen americans two thousand three hundred shootings in two thousand and eleven. two thirds happened less than
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six miles from the city's business and tourism district in chicago's south side where barack obama did social work the most dangerous neighborhood is named englewood. the daily violence ravaging chicago is the result of a bloody war between street gangs but this violence has never come up in the presidential debates. englewood two am. there was a shoot out in the parking lot of the store one man was wounded another killed the shooter caught up with a man in the sally. we don't know what happened we just heard gunshots and the people leaving they said it may have been
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a drug. or gang related or whatever the case may be were we don't know to get busy that often. you have every. time of the day to come in and you don't want. it over here this inglewood man. and worse than right they did this. violence is an everyday occurrence here beleaguered residents have to live with it . over memorial day weekend alone in late may eleven people were shot to death in chicago forty six others were wounded. natural partner in the heart of the south side. two families are mourning loved ones this night one was killed as he left the nightclub is name was cory manual us careens third son. keep going back
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and. twenty four year old cory left behind two young children just because they need this in the us. every week general partner director spencer lake mary several people who have been gunned down it's been going on for decades and he's tired of. these young people think that they will not live in paris twenty five or thirty years old they consider a person twenty five or thirty as an old person they don't see. themselves living beyond it so therefore when they see a person of one of their friends lagan state in a casket they put themselves in that place they say very soon in a few weeks few months i'll be laying there.
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parents say their son was trying to protect a girl when he took a bullet meant for someone else. you can be walking past and it was meant for someone else and it can just basically traveling with someone else because these people and most of them are well trained shooters and you know old ages alj hearing again random shootings cell that some type of revanche can be expressed in the hope heard or thing is plentiful from civil rights activists spencer leake knows this neighborhood and its violence better than anyone it was once martin luther king's driver and served as illinois attorney general today he's disappointed in obama and feels for sake i'm disappointed that i have not heard a word from the white house about what is happening in chicago or i expected to president to take chicago new chicago because that's his hometown and say look this
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is what i want to do in chicago this is what i have because that's my hometown and i want to and what i do a chicago i want that to be a model for the nation a fact to see the president say they had come here i would like to see him not come here for fun races but to come here and walk the streets having a wood and what. the president is in chicago that very same night he's speaking at two dinners to raise funds for his reelection campaign that keep the seat costs one thousand dollars his team expects to take in around four million dollars because chicagoans both rich and poor. still support barack obama. the president of the united states. the president gets a warm welcome from mayor rahm amount of well one of his most faithful supporters and abused labor may even move and it may mean
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a madman from bears and makes them feel included and. he will not just randomly claim we will continue to. agree with this country. once again not a single word about the violence undermining the city and yet over the first six months of two thousand and twelve murders surged by forty percent in chicago. the next morning cory manuals for all is held in the south sun all his family and friends from the park and town neighborhood come to pay their last respects. gang members turn out as well. corey had a criminal record. detained for three years for a suspected murder before he found god and turned around his line like his uncle
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gerald the pastor he got out of jail in two thousand after serving five and a half years for selling drugs or you know when you get all you get out of jail right you say oh i was you know i was in jail and i was just brutal people right you know and i will tell about the goodness agenda for. you all. right i've been there done that many all had a beer and all the gun violence and all people doing this and all who do not trust this is a stated it leads to low who are we would not ordinarily border very we would not listen or read then go invade suddenly in the middle of the sermon an argument between two and starts to get out of. certain barrel come back everybody go back we don't need nobody you know oh. we got it we can thank you oh god michel we
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got it we got it ok come on now you know this is no sooner what he said. they managed to keep the police from breaking up the service. put a man well was a member of the falcon town gang staats. the man in gray produces the gangs. investigators say corey shooting was no accident he'd gone straight but his past caught up to him to say he was killed because he went to a rival gangs territory harvey worth. where corey's brothers and fellow members of the pocket tom gangstas play their friends casket to rest as the police look on. can always be avoided but you know people get they don't that they do they want to do is so when they happen to have. the never ending war invading chicago
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streets in blood has also taken many innocent lives the killers are rarely apprehended the murders continue unpunished. in the heart of inglewood the most dangerous area in this tiny brick house grandmother tonja birch lived where the granddaughter an absence weighs heavily here toni hassan ten. he was killed in a shootout during a block party but three years later the investigation has gone nowhere. the gather gave a party already up with who actually gave a party a famous. person a. i think. don't you keep looking for witnesses without police shooting broke out after two teenage girls got into an argument son was standing in the street when
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a stray bullet killed him in front of two hundred people it happened on the street corner on august first two thousand and nine cory was nineteen years old. out of people without all would have no bad if they would have the whole if they claimed even the anything but joining the whole neighborhood with out here. every two weeks nephew down the streets and flyers she's offering a reward to anyone who comes forward anonymously with information about the killing more than a thousand of them ok somebody get this big economy bad for ten thousand help. casey is two hundred people here and they know that one person did nobody. this is the daughter i. hope we can find and he know that they had it was soon but
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he wouldn't really say anything when they say i can't stand again accomplish fifty seven left on it then he told me why would i head out the link you gotta keep it going cuz if you don't just go back just like everything else in the neighborhood. she lost her brother battle those she know what we going through that you don't feel you don't snitch some of the victims free as may even know but this street thingies it is on the other side maybe these guys are free and so they kill it so they are not going to snitch on a free and so on and in the middle was the residents that know and they just because they live is all in one pot called cold assads is just a cold. beer of gangs invisible and yet on the present. now. but more and more people like tony and i trying to break the code of silence. local churches like the st sabina catholic parish have joined the battle.
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it. over. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been a hydrogen client handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once told us i'm job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trucks rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing america five go ready to join the movement
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then walk a little bit of. what happened when as you saw after world war i won a bunch of european countries just show up in the middle east and draw a line all over the map and say all these are new countries we don't care about this recalls are well flashcards why fourteen and you end up with islamic state or isis. the new super secret lumbered sure to mccurry was able to build a new age most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a dorna found anything tombs mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans in ruins this is why you should care want to only on the r.-g. dot com. right on the scene. first street to you and i were being butchered.
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on our reporter splitter. these mothers have all lost children to chicago's violence now they're standing up putting a face on victims twenty one years and once again the second weekend in june took a terrible toll. twenty two years. twenty one years old and that's a i mean that's a counts twenty one is a. baby. they deserve. they deserve. another
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michael klare church is a white priest in a parish that is ninety percent black lost an adoptive son to street violence is using his activists skills to help victims mothers like to fight the indifference and him to not say where they stay because they want to represent the people who were shot and these nine people here are the nine people killed this weekend. but get me there is genocide going on in the united states of america and in chicago. there are thousand more police on the street. and yet crime is up fifty percent and murders. police are not going to solve this thing alone. there were one thousand one hundred shootings between january and july but investigations into eighty percent of them were suspended because if a thames refused to cooperate with police. can't
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keep turning a blind eye to what's happening on the south side as election season reaches its peak the slaughter continues local of the. jools are holding press conferences to reassure the public on this day after another deadly weekend law enforcement leaders and education officials turn out in full force to support the mayor as he represents a new strategy for fighting gangs you cannot buy comfort because it was not in my block. it happened in your city and when a child is hit or a victim of gun violence. that's a tear at the fabric of our city and who we are this is more than just a police department issue it's more than just a city hall issue although i take responsibility and i'm accountable. but i do believe this combining coordinated our forces are stronger than the gangs there's a full out war going on here police superintendent garry mccarthy yes mobilizes
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forces but he's working with limited means he's banking on technology and intelligence gathering where we've identified fifty nine gangs more than six hundred factions it's important to realize that those factions might be from the same gang good deal being from food to each other so it's not just like this gang is fighting back and the actual factions even if they're from the same gang might be fighting over who's to control. so in this case the officer a slut to the second district and there are twenty six fashions it was destroyed you can see the games. go iceland's the black the stones above all the gangster disciples it's. commander leo schmitz knows them better than anyone the former head of gang investigations is now a district commander in inglewood the city's most deadly neighborhood. he and sergeant boyle face a daunting task of finding gangs there and meshed in the social fabric part of the
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neighborhoods d.n.a. . ok you're a pretty tough start part of our district now one of the busiest for shooting. for black that we had no problems and we took over here. and you're right i thought they got. seven hundred or. seven hundred. the irony. scripts are one more time. this time they're looking for a burglar in these abandoned house says one. the man vanished into thin air in this block where forty percent of the houses lie empty four thousand abandoned houses in this neighborhood alone. where we want to get lack health care or hiding guns and. all the battle scars of the two thousand and eight real estate
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crisis foreclosures causes a bigger problem in a neighborhood like this because people lose their homes there's a lot of people who were first time buyers and he just had enough money to get a house if they lose your job they can't you know they're what we call it here upside down they owe more than it's worth so so they walk away from it. and then against a. lot of drug traffickers use these houses to stash drugs the main source of revenue for gangs which stay strong by claiming and controlling territory. we have over one hundred thousand gang members in the suit chicago g d n a case or disciple nation. cancer sales are the biggest gain a city chicago mostly gains or just factions or couple blocks few blocks here and there but there are small gangs and i cover certain areas whereas before it's all tied together. police managed to arrest all the key gang leaders but
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with their hierarchy in shambles since the one nine hundred ninety s. gang factions have been fighting for power a nonstop the violence has spun out of control. find the gang. who are the gang members. who are out there venice. they're right there that's the gang members a certain gang controls a certain neighborhood so. your most certainly if you live in a neighborhood can be exposed to that gay you're going to hail it the gang and if you're not a one to gang your lease accepted they know who you are you know i mean eventually they work it over so that they get you working for the. police are trying to identify gang faction members and stump a cycle of revenge before it sets in motion. because a simple argument and escalate into a shootout as happened on this corner. to day
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we're talking like you're a school high school girls. boswell's but you just. want to. there's like some high school kids you know. like to fill you with different cliques growing up out here you can understand the logic behind the turn making if you're part of a group you're accepted within the group you have the protection of the group you know at this point it could have been a girl cell phone that was just taken from her and it will escalate into a solo get beat up later tonight which may cause someone to get shot two days from now which then will cause retaliation and back and forth also over a law. neighborhood residents have to live with the gangs and these days when there's a safety problem in the streets of chicago people don't always call the police. for
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program hires mediators to step in and defuse conflicts they just pulled this young woman and her friend out a bit tight situation when gang members threatened them for speaking out after an altercation about children that you know me think about. the situation is that they jumped on me as seven eleven that's the situation they want to retaliate because we in the beat them with an event to break into the threats is. them surrounding my house like they are right now out in front of the park surrounding my car coming at my car i can't go to the store because they're in groups at the store or in it if they know where i be at way to do porn ceasefire just in case they shot me a shot at me because i have two children the mediator's method is simple opening a dialogue on the area and respecting the rules of the street we told the guys that . that we would like you know it's a piece. that you know there was
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a problem we can resolve they told us it was over with so we believe in pretty simple reason and they know us for years you know i just i grew up around this neighborhood so i speak to them when i speak to them i'm hoping that they respect me as i was i don't really don't think it's fair he holds his group a they are no gay members you know. in the city i would say one of the five largest gangs in citi . group they is the black pistone not mentioning gangs by name is one of the mediators rule ceasefire recruits volunteers from the gangs ranks most of the three hundred mediators hired by the group have done jail time many have long criminal records they understand the hierarchy in the local gangs better than anyone else every week day me to take stock of the headway with tio hardiman the head of ceasefire in illinois. he. and the young lady did know.
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we go talk to the guys and you just put the guns down and it's magical it doesn't work that way you have to be strong in the visual mentally and physically because you go right back into the lion's den and there's no way to mediate a conflict without a confrontation once you know the bad stuff it's just sat a guess at it don't know what i'll. stay with us. four. hours for him not to retaliate. because. he. didn't set this good that's what he calls his west stepping up there we have to be careful with these mediation don't go without vance's in the mind does not have enough virus to virus or violence a cease fire is more like
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a vaccine that we use to treat the violent virus of violence or the epidemic of violence you have a lot of young people raise and themselves so now if you jump in my face now eighteen you can't tell me nothing i will use myself you know to get out my way before a q.b. that's the mindset so you have to change behaviors that's the only way you going to stop the violence and. cease fire has recruited twenty mediators an angle what bernard baltimore is the most seasoned one of. the former drug dealers spent nine months in jail and was nearly killed several times many of his friends were gunned down in chicago's streets. when i was street activity with. your. help from the household it was a day that was like those who just learned this is what you're supposed to do this is i use both of the with. i was brady that way with all of the blood all because of my. brother the. he's protecting his own
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kids from gangs and street life. baltimore is thirty five years old he changed cleaned up his act got married and became a father ceasefire hired him because his firsthand experience as a gang member is invaluable in resolving conflicts. i was in the street and i can understand a variables or any reaction as every gad that we might run across they my wall of be to kill but at the same time they really are not. before day it was ways to stop what it without you know without killing somebody if you got a problem. on this night instead of dining with his kids baltimore will eat with his colleagues on the streets of englewood they've been called in to mediate a dispute that's odds out this to stop things under funny though it is but it was.
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it well you know my niece she probably didn't chase them asset at a you as out hit as likely to shoot likely to be shot. you have to stay until wouldn't you got to stay on top of them by sea just like a baby seat and. ladies. in the day. if you want to be over the wall piece from. egypt since that it leads to some full throated swoop school closely would seem to be a new. twist to this the most vocal and being form got them years in the eye a. different
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