tv Headline News RT September 2, 2014 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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this is our international breaking news this hour islamic state militants claim to have beheaded another u.s. journalist and an unconfirmed video apparently in revenge for american airstrikes against the radical group in iraq. and learning to tonight a resistance counterattack reverses cares military fortunes in the east of ukraine with the rising body count in the armed forces to sparking protests relatives. and garza will take twenty years to rebuild says a u.n. led group after weeks of israeli strikes against hamas that killed more than two thousand palestinians.
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good evening a disturbing development in the past few hours the islamic states released a video depicting the beheading of what it's claimed to be the second american journalist stephen sokoloff jihad his group earlier threatened to carry out such a killing if america continued its airstrikes in iraq let's go live to washington d.c. our correspondent a correspondent there is going to can. say it's unconfirmed but take a so the events of the last hour or two what more do we know. well kevin authentication process usually takes a bit of time and they can straight out confirm right after the news breaks but it very much looks like the video of james foley's behavior beheading two weeks ago also an american journalist steven salt loaf was seen alive in that video and the islamic state group threatened to kill him was kidnapped at the syria turkey border
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last year thirty one years old he had written for that time in foreign policy magazine to spend many years reporting from the middle east from countries i don't know from syria turkey egypt bahrain all hotspots he spoke good arabic the jihad is now say half to steve insult love davy paints is next he's a british citizen the committee to protect journalists to says it has identified at least seven more journalists being held by the islamic state group by targeting western germany as the jihad is with the islamic state are apparently trying to get as much publicity as they can and they demand the u.s. stop targeting them in iraq and not just the u.s. they're warning other governments not to become part of quote unquote america's evil coalition against the islamic state group this way they signal it's not just americans they're going to be targeting after the killing of james foley president
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obama made it clear such threats will not work and the airstrikes against them continued so some u.s. officials said if anything murders like these could only intensify america's involvement in the fight against this jihad is group going to put up the road to get more reaction to throw the evening and bring it to you of course. kurdish fighters in iraq are reclaiming key territory from islamic state extremists in the northwest aided by u.s. airstrikes volunteer fighters that managed to seize a militant stronghold killing two senior radicals really offensive meantime the jihad this terror threat shock waves abroad sparking debate specially now go through that video of how europe and the u.s. might deal with the threat from islamic state group recalls her of a look at some of the proposals on the table. as more countries admit they're up against an abstract threats from international
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fighters join an islamic state it's more important than ever to find a common solution i don't want to put the cart before the horse we don't have a strategy yet there's no point in me asking for. action on the part of congress before i know exactly what it is that is going to be required for us to get the job . america might not know what to do gets but germany seems to have an idea to spend seventy million euros arming kurdish forces to deter islamic state militants in iraq where it's believed some four hundred radicalize germans are fighting many dumb one thousand. terrorists seize control over an area to create a base for their reign of terror and to retreat try to fanatics this creates a danger for us it affects our security interests but is getting even more involved a viable way forward i'm not sure if the kurds especially if there are influences
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from the p.k. k p k k is known to be a terrorist organization the p.k. it's on the terrorists for both the european union and for the united states if the p.k. is receiving weapons from the germans then i think we are about to repeat a major mistake of arming once again the wrong side here in the u.k. fears have been growing since soldier lee rigby was slaughtered in london now with the beheading of an american journalist by a suspected brit. hardest and revelations that one of these law makes the financier's was the director of a muslim faith school in the city of birmingham brought so want to feel safe and they want the government to take drastic measures it is apparent that people who declare allegiance elsewhere are able to return to the united kingdom and pose a threat to our national security we're clear in principle that what we need is a targeted discretionary power to allow us to exclude british nationals from the u.k. cameron spline tearing up passports from door nationals and battle fighters from
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returning home from foreign conflicts according to you gov two thirds of british people support taking away citizenship from known radicals although it's claimed that hasn't worked before april two thousand and fourteen the reason may started confiscating passports using the war so they've been doing this exact measure they're talking about for an extended period of time already in many many cases but they wee and they bring out is now legislation so that they can look like they're being proactive against the isis issue when really they're just trying failed policies world leaders seemed caught off guard by increasingly militarized and the well funded islamic state to hardest core stealing a march in syria while abroad politicians shift nervously to avoid sending their soldiers back into the middle east but delays that in the size of this could ignite the time bomb that will bring the terrorists to them marina cost of
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a reporter from london for artsy some politicians want to go even further than others when it comes to suggesting ways of dealing with the tide of westerners joining the islamic states is one example of the news war boris johnson the mayor of london well as far as proposing any will it travels to syria to iraq without telling the authorities first should automatically be labeled as a terrorist being until they can prove that they're innocent idea found little supporters to be said that of the muslim public affairs committee in the u.k. british foreign policies are the ones that lead to such radicalization the first place. sims in that region are no longer willing to accept what they think is an unjust order and by bombing them into submission by. driving them or kidnapping them. secret prisons around the world by torturing them their only reinforces that the belief within the muslim world that something is wrong and nothing is going to stop these guys unless as these groups like liason are saying unless we
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take up arms so why are we giving them more of the same something needs to change and that is we need to adjust our current policy make it ethical and we teach young will see that we can deal with the british problem but they can make a change to that foreign policy by being involved in this system. after weeks even months in hiding shows showed civilians of east ukraine are coming out of the shelters at least in towns no longer targeted by the military swathes of these to be devastated by fighting but somewhere now we're seeing a little light at the end of the tunnel having a chance to rebuild what's been destroyed. given what. he says that. even though this is. everything it used to revisit you might hear. it was even if a. new school year started yesterday not here though this is a school building in donetsk oh say what's left of it not much the locals say was
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hit by government bombardment youngsters from six to sixteen apparently were supposed to start their school year yesterday there are now waiting repairs big repairs you can see before classes resume could take months they say in fact a multitude of schools in the east to stay shut because of damage to. resistance fighters are in the middle of a counterattack meantime that's significantly reshape the front lines over the last week or two putting kiev and its troops on the back foot paula slee is in donetsk for us. the focus of kids' so-called anti terror operation is hero in the lugansk and in its regions but although the fighting has been concentrated here what we witnessing on the ground is antigovernment fighters slowly beginning to push back at the ukrainian army from a previously held positions if you look at this map what you see in the striped orange areas are areas that the anti government forces controlled before they were forced out of those areas closer back to the regional capitals but the fighters
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then began to reclaim land and if you look at the area now in our range this is in their hands and they have managed to push the ukrainian military out of these areas over the past few days at least a dozen towns have been recaptured by the anti government fighters and these you can see by the dots in the map what is now happening on the ground is that these fighters are closing in on the city of mario poll they have blocked all the entrances in and out of the city although at this stage we're not receiving any information that they plan to launch any kind of raid on mario pull the red circles on the map are areas where the ukrainian army units are surrounded the latest is that we're being told that thousands of ukrainian soldiers have been surrounded they have been offered to leave through means of humanitarian corridors but hundreds of them are choosing not to take this off and they are instead choosing to
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fight back or surrender. many of the casualties or got nothing to do with the fighting refinishing reports on a civil war that's ripping a path of destruction through civilian life what many feared could happen is happening the constant bombardment of the guns has destroyed buildings empty street and populated basements every time we visit we find more people sheltering underground. a cold and humid room three meters down is the only place these people feel safe. going to leave it for you or i to even start from that point you're telling me things like bob you're the only one that probably lives to. live here in the world would we need to have. you stay here and you leave. this is a soviet era bomb shelter built during the cold war but until now it hadn't been
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used. because the. clashes are also intensifying around lugansk kiev's goal is to surround the city and cut off the anti-government forces from their bases people from the embattled areas surrounding the guns are among those seeking refuge from the fierce fighting which has overwhelmed their homes by the offending the brunt of a cartoonist book called maurice luque runs good luck. summer did you get a studio to ship the ocean or. obviously the moon within the confidence when la doesn't need for the up but a mission when the because family celebrate the birthday one of the younger members they also give thanks that they have finally found some kind of safety that will not cheat was what. did me good at studio it is two words put it on one with both of the liquid in the water before i said thank you out of this little how
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did she sound. in a note to shake you andree used to love playing war like old boys of his age class number a lot but not anymore. andrey shows me what he found in their back yard after another shelling these tiny and lethal metal guards are sprayed from so-called flechette shells which are internationally banned gives large scale military operation here in eastern ukraine has lost almost five months so far as more destruction is caused and the casualties rise people's pain feeds the endor and many fear when the guns fall silent ukraine will not be able to overcome the consequences of what has happened here refinishing r.t. in eastern ukraine. rising casualty count in the crowded military has prompted another protest think you have to buy the mothers of drafted soldiers.
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hundreds descended on the parliament demanding the sons of fathers their husbands return home they also called for an end to what we see is rampant corruption incompetence of the military to made a point the protesters even brought a guillotine along and threatened sitting deputies inside the parliament to some action one deputy also voice heard this could but it was quickly silence as you're about to see. license to whatever still i thought of me a better me nearly in that i'm not pretty stupid lysis i've got it right you my it was not which even you didn't see. your i see spoiled. me said. could you not about started with the green screen i mean you. know to our top story the breaking news this this video that submerged we think another journalist has been killed a u.s. journalist by the islamic state as what is the mixtape hopes to achieve these
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gruesome videos and the effect that is pretty joshua landis is director of the center for middle east studies at the university of oklahoma joshua thanks for coming on such short notice this video only appeared just an hour or so ago doesn't it what is the the islamic state here trying to do i mean they warned they would do this is the god that they warned they would kill if obama did what he said he was going to do and he did it so they've done what they said they're going to do but what are they trying to achieve a do they really think america's going to back off by doing this sure it's going to make america want to pounce all the harder is that. it is it is going to want to make america hit even harder and i think america's is winding up to do that there are reports today that u.s. and german special forces were on the ground in iraq helping the front lines so i think you know the u.s. will get wound up about this americans will want to hit back and this is only going to this is only going to toughen the the spirit of obama and the american forces
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you know isis has used this method against its own people very effectively just a few weeks ago a tribe near darrow's or in syria rose up and tried to throw isis out of its area isis killed reportedly eight hundred members male members of the tribe in an effort to intimidate not only the tribe but all the tribes of syria and it has succeeded in doing that so it's just using the same methods that is used against its weaker people against the united states it's unlikely that it will have any luck will the next question was going to be oh we're going to see more of this no we know a british man a british and this is going to be next in line if it all continues you just saying we kind of answer the question i guess we're going to see more of it don't we because they the i.s.i. seen this to be a successful method they don't have any other method obviously they don't have an
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air force how are they going to hurt the united states they they could try to plan something in the u.s. but that would take months they need immediate response in order to try to intimidate the united states and they're using what they have. well we're expecting big response really seeing it from the united states naturally you know we heard from the u.s. state department spokesperson in the last hour or so jen psaki this is what she had to say when she was asked is america going to go to war with over this response so not maybe as forth royd as the decisive as you think let's listen. does the obama administration consider this an act of war. we certainly i'm not going to put new labels on it james i would say we certainly consider this actor this reported act the act of the killing of james foley as a horrific terrorist act that we certainly have. has has helped has not helped to i should say has been
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a one of the motivating factors in the effort to undergo the creation of international coalition to address this threat try to very carefully there isn't she did you expect more decisive language and we heard there where she can't get ahead of the president and the president in his most recent report said that they had not decided on a policy yet that john kerry secretary of state is touring the middle east talking with arab leaders and regional leaders to fight try to build a coalition it's very difficult in this situation because isis dominates a region the size of great britain in both syria and iraq if you're going to destroy them and kill them. and hit their buildings you have to have somebody else to replace them otherwise they'll just spring up and you'll infuriate the sunnis that are trapped in between baghdad and damascus so the u.s. has to come up with a strategy somebody has to pay for it and there has to be an m a does not want to
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get stuck in some swamp the way the u.s. did in iraq originally or in afghanistan without an exit strategy. a force of course for which was to even sort last families friends loved ones to terrible times when kind of much of what we're going through it was only watched a couple days ago was the mother made a brave video let's listen to that for a minute and maybe talk about whether it would have made any difference anyway here . let's listen to that video in a way so upsetting. i ask you to. my child. as a mother i ask of justice to be merciful and not punish my son for matters he has no control over. they didn't listen to would they have listened anyway i mean she was hoping above hope of course that they would but how do you reason with these people well unfortunately mercy is something that has has bled out of syria a long time ago there's been so little mercy and forgiveness and and just kindness
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in syria people have in a sense hardened their hearts and their they we've seen so many bloody scenes it's just terrible in the name of religion so what is the way forward what is the way forward do you think. well that's the that's the real question unfortunately the sunni arabs in between you know stretching from aleppo right over to baghdad have to come up with some kind of leadership they've been so divided that even those powers that wanted to help them or have found it very frustrating that the attempts by the united states to build the syrian opposition coalition the general supreme command and get a military going all of those efforts have seemed to come to nothing now critics of course blame this on obama for not giving more money but a bomb has blamed it on the syrians for not being organized and it's hard to know who's right in
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a situation and it's quite clear that the united states does not want to spend hundreds of billions of dollars building up an alternative syrian army that's neither our side nor this isis that could somehow rule syria or even half of syria and that's the project that sits in front of it such a mess isn't joshua thanks for being with us she learned is that to the center of middle east studies at university of oklahoma thank you for such a short notice is appreciated. thank you for being with us tonight we've got more news coming up right after this break here with the international. as a different leader in syria now many of the members of congress of both parties who have gone to syria in recent months has said they believe he's a reformer to mr president the senate which is diddy's time fool him good good. and stability and peace to syria is going to be
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a subset of. police . told me my language as well but i will only react to situations as i have read the reports so i am likely to put the no i will leave them to the state department to comment on your latter point of the month so please take care you have a car is on the docket no god. thank you no more weasel words when you have a direct question be prepared for a change when you approach punch be ready for a. critical speech and let him down the freedom to crush.
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israel's military campaign against the masses is over for now but the battle for palestinians to try to rebuild their lives as barely begun is what was left after the assault thousands when i say rather what was not left thousands of homes in ruins after weeks of deadly airstrikes townships razed to the ground only shelled craters and remaining in so many places there officials in fact estimate the cost of rebuilding this is over six billion dollars let me show you what the u.n. and other international organizations have calculated is the human cost arguably so much more important operation protective edge left more than twenty one hundred palestinians dead including children the u.n. says more than two thirds of those were civilians israel last to seventy two people were killed there all but six of them were soldiers seventeen thousand ohms were destroyed or badly damaged in that recent campaign where over garza now has a housing deficit of seventy five thousand homes following the israeli offensive a disaster relief organization linked to the u.n.
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says it's going to take they think more than twenty years to rebuild the infrastructure for the norwegian refugee council told us that it's israel's blockade of gaza that put the whole process. bringing in building materials to go out there is very difficult because. it's really a blockade which prevents movement of materials and people in and out of the gaza strip so basically with the crossing the border crossing between israel and gaza which is open. we have calculated you need seven point five trucks of gravel which is obviously used for making concrete seven point five trucks to build one based on this calculation then with the current israeli imposed restrictions on gaza we think that it will take twenty years to rebuild houses and that's only how it is not schools not hospitals not any of the other civilian infrastructure which has been damaged only houses. next a statement worthy of
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a high profile diplomatic leader that so moscow describes recent words from the european commission's president is asked about more barroso refused referred to a private conversation of legitimate putin about ukraine parties people of his got more on what was said. something of a scandal coming to a head across the european newspapers this all came about it started with a report in lot of public newspaper in italy which quoted the outgoing the outgoing european commission president jose manuel but also talking about a conversation which he'd had with russian president vladimir putin no in this conversation he said he'd pushed mr putin on whether russian troops were in ukraine whether they were fighting actively there he then said mr putin's response was that if i had sent troops into ukraine then i could have taken kiev in two weeks now this resulted in a went all around all of the major newspapers in europe across many major t.v.
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stations as well and it really. sure that response was to say that these words had been taken completely out of context by mr but also it was what they saw as a what russia sees as a breach of diplomatic ethics in order to speak this way well the response from russia has been that they're demanding to hear more on this from the european commission they say that unless they get a sufficient answer then they're going to publish the transcript of the whole phone conversation between vladimir putin and towards the manuel but also so far though what we're hearing from the european side is not willing to move at all on this all to say anything more about it at all so we may well see that full transcript published it brings up an incident that happened not too long ago when the then head of denmark in the now head of nato on this for us misson a phone conversation between himself and russian president on the. thirty two
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characters if you so much as made a secret according to the station and then published it in the press i couldn't believe my ears or my eyes all in all oh this seems like something that could be put to bed quite easily if the european union were willing to allow this transcript to be released as a news roundup so far just a reminder the main news the islamic states released a video depicting the beheading of what it's claimed to be is the second american journalist stephen sokoloff in the last few hours be following that up throughout the night and did more comment coming up to the global ramifications of the islamic jihad these threats coming up next with an r.t. international one of the great. world with. its technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered. the for.
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