tv Larry King Now RT June 16, 2017 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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advertising tells me you are not cool enough and let's go buy their products listen . to all the hawks that we along the dog walker get. beach will. stream. for you in pain. go over them. and i think all of me. live a life. before that there's an insurance cover. even my friends. she's my age has two kids. and they would provide for. experience she thinking i am going through so much and.
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he sees through. all the time and without. those. loves. me. it isn't me. he would know which is the love for me that. larry king now our special guest is lauren scruggs kennedy lifestyle blogger and entrepreneur in twenty eleven lauren suffered a devastating accident as she exited the plane in the dog she walked into a spinning bull tele resulting in the loss of her left and dog after
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a long road to recovery lauren scruggs is working to empower other young women on her lifestyle website and now with the lauren scruggs kennedy foundation. it would be hard to look at her and say that this is a woman who was in a bad accident well that whatever they did the work done you would know left eye and the left all me they did a good job thank you where was it done it was all done in dallas so my eye doctor is amazing i had a little time of search and mazing prosthetist all right what happened that night in two thousand and eleven so i was at a house with good friends and we went on a plane ride in a small to see airplane and we landed and kind of a rainy dark night were up looking at christmas lights and got out and was hit by the propeller any other people hurt know when they were on the plane to. you and
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and the pilot so as you would depart with you dating the pilots know you're married yes so i wasn't married at the time i didn't even know my husband at that time of the joy of going to a propos they it's a pure mystery. some think it could have sucked me into it the way i got out. i don't know if we were your own conscious i actually was not i i don't remember anything but i was talking and making sounds and all that so and the part of get you to a hospital right away so there's a group of people and they called care flight. in the place and so yeah carefully it was there really quickly firefighters. that were you in pain i'm assuming for sure you don't remember i don't remember and i'm so thankful word that it was the propeller making a noise most likely so you don't remember i don't and i always wonderful have
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flashbacks to remembering you don't have the know you never have so what you're telling me is what someone told you yes yeah a lot of it i have to ask my parents like what was happening even the first two weeks in the hospital i don't remember anything but i was very awake and talking and alert when do they told you you had lost an eye i think they woke up one day and i realized i was patch on my eye i don't how my left hand but i had apparently asked my parents over and over again like why am i here all of that but when i was conscious and just aware still in a lot of pain medication so it became really real when i was getting off that medication you had no left hand. moves a stump yes so just part of my arm with a little arm obviously do the baby that's a prosthetic leg that i yes your left eye looks amazing and that's. the glass side right it's actually silicone silicone yes it's
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a new way that they're making them well yes the they do not live seeing glass eyes this does not look like the work yet they match a color exactly he paints it he's amazing he actually has one eye as well my prosthetist. yeah you have to take it out. a deal every night i do yeah because you can't sleep with it it gets very uncomfortable and all that contact lenses yap yap about the arm they take it off all the time you said that the blues said they gone made a big difference in their lives i think because i was used to having two arms i think just losing a hand made me feel incomplete and so having another arm that made me feel like a whole person was really healing for me so you met your husband after all yes he did our expensive is a place that on so this one there are different but this is a passive arm so it has no function and with the cosmetic covering is about thirty
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to thirty five thousand you can't use it no so i have one that i can use to cut in my electric i just don't like it because i don't like a lot of them in hell and it just kind of gets in the way once you learn how to do everything no one does the lauren scruggs kennedy foundation for women who have lost a limb yet is its purpose we actually provide the cosmetic covering for prosthetic arms and legs and then just walk through that journey with the women one of my experiences was i didn't know a lot of girls that had limb loss and then i met bethany hamilton who is and was a bit by a shark over ten years ago and lost her arm and she became a dear friend and then just met a lot of other girls there are many posts that i live a lot and i was so in aware before that does an insurance cover. not often no
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later very rarely. you have health insurance yes you lose an arm it's not called good what is covered. is the surgery covered they covered a lot of i was a rare story so they covered a lot more for me than the normal but i started meeting all of these women that no one was covered none of it like even my friend lost all four limbs she is my age has two kids young kids and all they would provide for her related hopes for her hands and she's thinking i am going through so much emotional pain and trying to raise my children and they're going to give me hooks for my arm like i can't handle that or your foundation will provide money to provide for said it's yes so specifically the cosmetic covering so a lot of times insurance will cover the basic arm and then the cosmetic covering is and makes it beautiful and realistic looking to do an aged thank you as a lead on texas it is yes by an amazing family they started this business their
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garage basically everyone from around the world they want to get in with our tech to have them paint their prosthetic leg was a name that our tech or the our we get in touch with the foundation so our website is foundation dot com well as cave foundation dot com yes and you get all the information is all people go yep and we have an instagram at the foundation you have a twin sister a doozy how did she react to this oh my gosh she is just such a rock between a jacked wins are actually fraternal so she has dark brown hair naturally curly about your parents they were just my strength in support only you i was twenty three. they're incredible people i respect them so much in a tell them often i feel like you guys went through more than me because i will go
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up with my injuries but they went through the trauma side of it of is she going to live is she going to be the same person will she have. the same personality was he a vegetable all of that and just quick decisions on surgeries and a lot of pressure on women to be good to feel like you're obviously beautiful we don't deny that change in you now the average case obviously did you have scars that they have that i do have a scar down my face but they've just healed up really well and covered with hair not always been known to see anything thank you. there's a lot of amazing doctors that you have helped as the accident change your perspective on beauty one hundred percent only i know i realize that i put a lot of value in outer beauty because that's what bothered me the most after my accident like oh my gosh i don't look the same i'm so ugly i'm not going to fit in no man is ever going to love me because i don't look good and i've truly realized
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and i've heard this my whole life that beauty is internal and i've never understood that but i think just your character in just how you react to even struggle in your life and then how you love other people like is so much more beautiful than our to appearance and of course the two can go hand in hand how long it takes to learn but i don't know i feel like you never went through a period of feeling sorry and not really doing in the mirror and saying this is terrible i didn't definitely thought this is terrible i can't believe this is happening but i never thought like why me and feeling sorry for myself i think i was the opposite of victimizing myself and kind of are building in fat mentality when did you decided you would use those students why are other people when i met bethany in realized how much her friendship tell me i wanted to just extend that comfort to other girls and women because i understood it in
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a study meeting other girls so betty and i created this retreat for girls that had lost limbs in. yes you for special weekends and so just connecting with them immediately because you're like i don't have to explain anything to you you get it we have different stories but same outcomes in a way well it's the old you want to do when you were twenty three before this my gosh i started a blog i was reporting on fashion weeks model everywhere more for fun but not necessarily career wise and so yeah i feel like i just kind of living life in a more shallow level you popular at school yeah i did meet your husband his co-host reach out to me about a month after my accident host well for giuliana rancic from the news so how did you meet it you guessed it on his show so she interviewed me about a year after we connected and she introduced the two of us and this was after the surgery and everything yet was
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a year after my accident how did he deal with it so when i first moved here we first got married i feel like i had to explain a lot to him because he didn't go through all of it with me so i had explained fatigue and just a lot of things and he has become one of my biggest supporters in even just being comfortable and feeling safe with who i am in knowing that i am beautiful how i am and just encouraging me daily in that when you go to sleep the night you take your ideal he sees you without your eye all the time and without your first that it does involve not at all yet he loves you loves playing little armin so to say kisses side of my face and say this is like my favorite side of your face and it's so beautiful quite a guy you think you're going to be associated with this actually all your life i think it's part of my story so in some way but i never want to be identified as that's the girl that got hit by a propeller i think there's so much you're going to be involved in helping people
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in the a foundation are sure you're supposed to do other things like i did blog on other things you do the law. style and yet so i have a wellness lifestyle blog called ls k. so lauren scruggs kennedy dot com and then we started trying to shampoo or launch that with my twin sister has been in my best friend at the minute yet what's the biggest misconception about amputees that they're not able to do as much in honestly if my experience personally has been it's made me more empowered because unlike even the things i had to really learn it made me just more challenge to figure those things out and do them and then i think it just makes you a deeper person and just have a different perspective on life c.l.s. k. foundation that brighter days dot com coming up will discuss lauren's new business venture and the best advice she ever got the right that.
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in case you're new to the game this is how it works the economy is built around. preparation from washington washington. voters elected to run this country business equals power. lost it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. cool. all the world's a stage and all the news companies merely players but what kind of parties are into america playing artie america off much more artsy american personal. in
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many ways the news landscape is just like this either real news fake news good actors bad actors and in the end you could never hear on. so much parking for all the world's a stage all the world's a stage all the world's a stage and we are definitely a plenty. i'm going to do just that and you're watching holly. i do not know if the russian state cock into john podesta e-mails and gave them to wiki leaks but i do know barack obama's director of national intelligence has not provided credible to support his claims. i also know he perjured himself in a senate hearing three months before the revelations provided by edward snowden he
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denied the deep n.s.a. was carrying out wholesale surveillance of the us. the hyperventilating corporate media has once again proved to be an echo for government claims that cannot be verified you would have thought they would have learned something after serving as george w. bush's useful idiots in the lead up to the invasion of iraq. it is vitally important that the press remains rooted in a fact based universe especially when we enter an era when truth and fiction are becoming indistinguishable. i'm a trial lawyer i've spent countless hours warning through documents that tell the story about the ugly side of. corporate media real users to talk about the. i'm going to pay to clear picture about how disturbing. we're conduct these big.
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these are stories that you know when they are in a market or your host the american. west. that would warrant scruggs kennedy the foundation is the largest drug kennedy foundation where you help women who went through what she went through she mentors helps and also provides prosthetics you launched a dry shampoo line you call it stranded yes what is a drug. so basically it's a powder that you put into your hair and it absorbs all the oils so usually you'd have to wash your hair stamp it and said you can go another day and just you don't wash it that it can make you go more days without washing your hair what do you do you hear yeah kind of being able to come up with this my best friend and i are living together and she came home one day and just said ok we is bon's can use bay pattern or hair dry shampoo and it works great but burnett's don't have that luxury
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because it makes their hair look grey it's rick let's create one for brain nets and then we did the same for redheads and yeah we started in our apartment where we get it on the stranded shot dot com or as you called stranded and then my best friend came up with that we had a lot of brainstorming but we thought it kind of encompassed strands of hair you're stranded any major a shampoo is probably possible as if you didn't have the. where would you be today what do you think you'd be doing to me had that mr kennedy no he would have been on the show i don't think so yeah i think about that a lot i i i think. i would be blogging i kind of started it when it was all starting and. start reporting about two weeks before bloggers went and it was more intimate and personal and all that so i think i just would have grown out of you know from that point on but i don't think i would have ever met jason we just will be in texas probably ok we play
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a little game of if you only knew ok childhood celebrity crush. i just love the olsen twins. is that a guy but i loved them in all their in all their movies see good talent. ok it's not a court yet person you'd trade places with for a day or tom brady because they love the way they eat that gives you pleasure really nice hotels and spas i mean with that what super bro would you like to have would never want to pee again. because they're diffuse so much and it just gets in the way like we're running errands and like i've had a bad reaction i don't think so i think i've always been ok something you wish you were better at i think communicating sometimes you don't think you communicate sometimes if it's like a hard subject. it's harder to confront maybe that's a better word best piece of advice you ever got up that everyone has
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a story was piece of advice you have a dog when someone says to compare yourself to another person or just see what they're doing and see how they do it and i'm like there's a small fine they were too in comparison and a mentor you have a mentor my mom's one of them my parents is like we're all models my sister my mom my dad. my husband something you should all be paying more attention to this other people i think a lot of times we get so caught up in our own lives and own problems and just my dad always says it encourages me if i'm. just feeling ungrateful to go serve somewhere or to go help another person and then everything kind of falls into perspective something on your bucket list i would say to go to australia what never fails to make you less anything related to gas. and i think far far to. go to have a life. is this old thing you long believed to be true and realize wasn't. i think
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that our beauty makes you fit in oh so you must have believed beauty was everything for sure yet you've spent a lot of time in the make up the mirror not really i think i just think about it more but how you look mattered for sure yeah it's something we don't know about you i'm addicted to gum up the what something you can't do you wish you could do i cannot male and male into law as fraid need two hands yeah about eating i have a hard time cutting meat but i'm not a big mediator so that the positive seeing with one eye is ok it is yes i don't have a lot of depth perception at times or depth perception issues at times but for the most part i would never know that i have lost i get a driver's license yes some social media questions as boss tweets what's the best advice you've ever gotten when it comes to following your dreams. my dad actually
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told me he was going to biggest encouragers of just keep following what your passion is like look ahead into it so i was getting job offers that were just solid ninety five jobs while i was starting my own business and he just said well you've gotta keep remembering what you're going to do don't stray from that passion or vision and keep going confidently in that way they must've been devastated when it happened though yes. electro cino after everything you've been through do you believe in a superior and today and did your character change after the actual i literally would not have been able to make it without my faith and without depending on jesus through it all and yes i think my character deep into and i became just more self-aware and aware of people in pain and what that feels like to some people might a blame god for sure the accident yeah yeah didn't you have anything i
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was so pretty no i really didn't and i think. like i look back and it confuses me have times because i'm like this is a really hard thing but i just i feel like and know that god just gave me the strength through every moment and every day even when it fell impossible i would just pray and read the bible and talk to my friends and just felt so much strength in those moments so long was the surgery by that say a couple hours for sure yeah i i and then i was actually hit in the head as well so i had an amazing neurosurgeon and he had brain surgery yep yeah but most of in a lot of pain you may not remember but i really don't sam raymond via our blog what do people get wrong about you. i would say i think people can be quick to judge a scenario in just thinking i think just unfortunate comments of how can you be so stupid and run into
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a propeller and i'm thinking like i don't know i wonder the same thing and i feel like i'm just not this blonde like i did see a person want to do this this is the best way to support someone who suffers something dramatic other things for example not to say. i think you know like oh my gosh can i touch your arm and make sure because it's just a part of me now. but i feel like even just with good friends or family when they're going through something difficult sometimes the best thing to do is just be present and you don't have to say anything you can just give a hug or sit next to them and be silent with them and just let them process the other take them off in public i will wear it with long sleeves but it's one of my insecurities that i'm working through the mccartney's wife to go to lego and mario and of me like my husband to find him. he would not have to do it he
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would love for me to do that i want to do it you have the edge where it really would bother me ok. i'm not getting oh my god try it it will be you know very good ok let's do it then or do you have left it's so this is a liner and then this is. i mean this is. deficit and you just say really cold right now it's like purple and what is the liner do so this. goes over my arm and then locks my prosthesis in feet and put on like that. and then the proces says yeah well. that's an amazing bit of work all right so tam does it match your other fingers. actually took a mold of it now did medfield did to take it with his thing a few i freed you up you d. i was trying not to cry my hands out there's no reason at of the same to thank you
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is alive and you help a lot of people when you do that yeah what advice do you have for all the young women out there who struggle to still good about themselves. i would say to not hide just went through i think it just holds you back from living a free life and yeah i think just fully being who you are and not being afraid to be who you are you're an angel thank you thanks for having scruggs tenby foundation and you learn more a lot about what they do and they have souls you can find me on twitter terms things i'll see you next time.
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our culture is awash in logs dominated by streams of never ending electronic hallucinations that birthed fiction until they are indistinguishable we have become the most. society on politics as a species of endless and needless political theater politicians and a celebrity are two ruling parties are in reality one part corporate and those who attempt to. breathless universal. designed to push through the exploitation of the neoliberal for so far to the margins up. society including by a public broadcasting system that has sold its soul for corporate money that we might as well be mice squeaking against an avalanche but squeak we must. play. all the feel we know
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last wrong turn. caught up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath . but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there were no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. god. how our. god
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