tv Documentary RT June 18, 2017 9:29am-10:01am EDT
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which are you have for sure. you have to suffer. to be born with going to zoom in tanzania is for the top. because. people think we do not to die. people being on a thing and if i being chopped up. we are being isolated today because of skinny. people used to cause that with them which means. they get their yeah yeah yeah. yeah. moody sometimes i'm scared to go it's still very scary didn't google to move.
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to blue is paralyzed with anxiety every time she has to leave her school campus as it instantly takes a back to an event that happened three years ago. i was walking with my sister when a car stopped beside us and a man stared at me through the window then two days before they attack another man came to our house and asked for some water my parents gave him water and asked where he was from but he didn't reply he didn't look like one of the locals but he didn't say anything three days later three men broke into our house the first who was the one who'd stared at me from the car the second was the one who'd come for water and i didn't recognize the start it was about nine thirty they knocked but my mother didn't answer the door so they kicked it down and told her not to scream they were looking for money and mom suggested that they take the bicycle they just
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left after that their tax me and cut off my hand one of them brought gasoline over and told mom to cauterize the wound. on the. home. the. trouble is attack may actually have been shorter a better future than most i'll be you know africans after that act of violence kabbalist parents sent to a special camp for albion no children where international aid organizations helped her to move on to a prestigious school by tanzania instead it's a time that ends next year. josaphat toner and his colleagues are in a long country drive from tanzania as largest city of daraa salaam to lake victoria
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the region whether in many albion or communities when i was born there himself it is said to ghana because i needed to drive really armed and you know as. you know because of the. situation because of this situation crumbling sometimes is very nice. they meet their first i'll be you know in search of help before even leaving the city in the suburbs they meet a teenager who's begging for money from passing drivers stuck in daraa salaams never ending traffic jams why are you here don't you know how bad it is for you to stand out in the sun for such a long time i know. i'm alone and need money to live. many people with. and being disconnected from so sad and sometimes you can see even this guy when he was begging.
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every day at school is the same for the l.b.o. children they wake up early eat breakfast go for lessons and have lunch and dinner one of the three campus gods will be sure to lock the gates at six every evening there are one hundred students in this boarding school or with similar backgrounds they were all born in what's come to be known as the lakes a rule area in northern tanzania close to the majestic lake victoria all were born with albinism a condition characterized by the total absence of the skin pigment melanin that's why these people have such pale skin and tend to have paul vision. it's really astonishing for me people around here generally don't talk about it other much but i can't stop wondering i keep asking why does it happen i mean most of the parents who send their children here don't usually come back again ever not even to visit or check that everything is fine with their kids there's an old superstition here
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about having one and i'll be no child living in your house i think it's a curse that it's bad luck to be honest lot of people who believe that sending their child to a school will lift this curse something's up. the result. is then where the people that know you gotta call me up i wanna. son is sixteen years old he's one of the oldest students here at the special camp for albion no children. i get it has thing i miss. my name is the son i'm from can goner. i've been living here as a refugee since two thousand and nine because it's the only place where i can be safe. i got here doing a rise in the persecution of people things are really dangerous my parents found
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out about this into from the media you know and they decided to send me to this camp. if that. was a sound finished elementary school long ago and should have left this educational institution but somehow the teenager persuaded the authorities to allow him to stay and now he works every day as an assistant to a primary school teacher. who was orphaned last year has no illusions about what he could expect beyond the protected boundary of the camp to cuba my parents saw that their baby was now you know they were completely shocked when they asked the doctors what was wrong with me they just wanted to figure it out. one of the doctors in the hospital explained that this is a normal condition actually. my mother loved me a lot you know and when i went to school i cause a lot of trouble or a lot of problems for her. because my classmates are really frightened of me
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they're too scared even to touch me. they said that if they touched me i'd just start bleeding or maybe even just disappear completely. doesn't it has a high i'll be you know population only around one in twenty thousand babies is usually born with this rare pigment deficiency but in east africa it's eight times higher the number of people born with militant abnormality is estimated at one hundred fifty to two hundred thousand in the more remote regions of tanzania a white skin child represents a stigma on the whole family and on top of that low education levels still mean that superstitious villages associate al beano people with an almost medieval variety. of irrational fears. will be.
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if you hardware different. in the africa especially. and you are there for the fall of the ones those. block rudy is and. many people. didn't understand where about the news people forward. idea because sometimes people thought oh i'm a mr human beings. i was. a. little. polkinghorne of. the start of the twenty first century so a widespread break out in l.b. no hunting according to official information dozens of white skin victims were reported killed every year but the real number is likely to be much higher considering that many of the attacks were never reported to all recorded by the
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police the victimization always followed the same pattern. so tell me how did it happen. the it was about eight thirty in the evening on july twenty sixth two thousand and nine the dogs outside the house started barking when i was putting my daughter to bed at eight forty someone started knocking down the door when you three men broke in and grabbed my husband they were carrying two machetes and an axe and they told me not to scream or they'd kill me then they made it he started chopping my husband into pieces right there in front of me one of them cut off his ear another cut of his leg it was as if they weren't butchering it one of the kids started screaming and a man yelled shut your child up i will kill your neighbors who. everything but no one came to help everybody was just too scary. gruesome death maria had to raise five children on her own she left her house and settled for a mud hut
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a year ago the police called a criminal investigation had found the man suspected of her husband's murder. three of them during the court hearing the explains that. had instructed them to deliver . this. for five years at the boarding school for africans his whole world is within the campus everything he fits easily into this. today his regular unsettled daily routine has been disrupted. we have
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in these. again. but. by the way being murdered in the two thousand. inside that situation the government had to sit up and i'm both camps where these children will be taken care of and these just center is one of site santa is with a population over boat two hundred forty eight should bring week i'll be nice and. what do we are missing now is inclusion and value for you send me to that time today so rigid that is exclusion because i would like to live like other people the
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and a fairly strong one there were two thousand. and seven balls in the study it's a very extensive study done by a well respected scientist. do chemicals that down the advertising really increase the risk of cancer and i chose a means of known to use damage in the launch of test is it a shared skepticism they do not believe that risk is is truly by independent scientists. and in the meat industry and you foot this. confrontation for my time as well as the others why is that the meat lobby definitely do like what we've been doing and if you want to learn more you'll get a definite onsen from flooding. your. back. this is big business against health. as it started. almost. in safety.
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a human being too just like you your ghost. doesn't give me a ghost yeah your ghost. touch my hand does that feel like the hand of a good. josaphat is visibly upset he had hopes that in his home village people would be more tolerant and better informed but he soon learns that the attitudes of modern schoolchildren towards l.b.o. children have barely changed from the superstitious stereotyping josaphat had to endure as a child. this is their school where. i go not where. i started from stand up to standard to say even when i was here i was alone many children. didn't know what is the i've been so sometimes i wanted to play with. bots they're around.
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because they were told. you know. you see a cause. this is where i live it's my corner do you want to see where i sleep a tiny two square meter spot of land in the open air is what fifty year old sayed calls home for three years he's been forced to live with his sister and at her expense because he can no longer find work so you just become virtually disabled simply by the color of his skin it was in two thousand and ten i was collecting dry branches from the forest when two massai men came up and asked if i had any tobacco i did have some with me and when i bent down to pick up my tip. they hit me on the back of my head with a stick they hit me three times two strikes to the back of my head and then they
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punched me in the face i was knocked out and when i came round i saw that my left hand was gone. saeed's attackers were never found his severed left hand was probably traded on the thriving underground market where i'll be no body parts a highly valued by local witch doctors. people where. you're becoming rich. people with albinism.
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intends anea witch doctors or traditional healers are endowed with enormous power and authority people will turn to them for all kinds of everyday advice no one will ever know which first suggested that making a potion with an l b in those bones could cure any disease make someone rich or ensure good fortune but the barbaric practice spread rapidly throughout the lakes and in the twenty first century. during their travels joseph and his colleagues had the rare opportunity to talk to mrs juma one of the region's most powerful and influential witchdoctors. his body is said to be possessed by the spirits of handel departed grandmother whenever she falls into a trance and so here she claims to be speaking on behalf of a grandmother.
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well how low you all these witch doctors a liars of course i know that there are a few of them who do indeed say bring in i'll be knows how to do and i'll be nosier now make you rich but this is not magic this is just fraud. but i never told any of them to do so they made it up themselves now they make money out of it. personally i only use traditional magic and for our craft we never use methods like that. girl used to live in this house she was just two years old when she died of malaria undertakers at the local cemetery refused to bury her there because they were scared that if anyone raided her grave they'd be held to blame and so the parents
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had to bury her inside their home when asked they just said that they don't bury their daughter a long time ago and wouldn't say where that was because shortly before this in the neighboring village and grave was dug and the body was dismembered. yousif also lived in a small village for several years he remained in constant fear. beano was mutilated in my village and had his leg cut off i was really scared for my own protection my family decided that i should sleep under grand bed at night instead of my own bed it was awful i always carried a machete with me but i didn't really have any problems.
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joanie is by local standards an independent and wealthy man he has a big house a substantial family and a lot of cattle john is used to being self-reliant and when he heard rumors that the locals were hunting l. beanos he was ready to protect his own white skinned children. and. i was prepared to defend my children with the help of this. in two thousand and seven when lucas was still a little strange man visited the neighbors and asked about a white child and where he was living but they didn't tell him anything. you want to and never came back but i was so terrified so worried that i used to keep my spear a machete at my side at all times. in addition to the head hunters and witch doctors also face another eternal enemy the sun.
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because of the lack of pigmentation desk and has no protection from harmful ultraviolet light. statistically eighty five percent of wellbeing those will die before reaching the age of forty. most will fall victim to skin cancer. for me the disease started a few months ago first it was no more than a small tumor a bit like a mall i barely even noticed it at first and then it started growing really fast and now as you can see it's turned into this lump i went to see the local doctors and. they only said it was some kind of information it was only a few months after that that they finally told me that i needed to come here but i didn't have any money to pay for travel i got here two days ago.
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this hospital was the only clinic in the whole country able to use modern methods to treat skin cancer. chemotherapy the treatment is free but relatively few will be those can make the journey. now we see an increase in the number of. those they come. six months. after dinner plans to venture outside the camp he has a little money off to some generous visitors have been to see him he wants to spend it at the local market his shopping list includes a new key ring sandals and a manchester united t. shirt his favorite football team.
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until evening when the sets will study english. as one hopes that knowledge will be useful because sooner or later he knows he'll have to leave. as he drifts off. to sleep is dreams are just the same as many other african children one day the son wants to be rich. yet i can't imagine what my future will be like when i leave the camp but i would very much like to become a businessman. because i i need some started money for this but i'm an orphan and unfortunately i'm not a very good terms with my other relatives. their shame to me because of the color of my skin i have nowhere to go i don't have a common user but that's not likely to work out. to below will finish school than
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a year and has to make an important life decision. dreams are not the same as her son's she doesn't want riches she dreams of justice. i want to be a lawyer and help other people like me other i'll be honest to protect them. the three men who attacked a bullet and severed her arm arrested. she saw them in court and now says she's forgiven them. when i was sitting directly opposite them and they didn't say a thing i also kept my silence i know that they only did what they did to escape poverty only wanted was some money i looked at them and i felt sorry for them.
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big question we minimize we need to move this very as we know we are facing millions of disconnection. the community we are. i'll agree to support people. here do question me feel but if not you have to question for sure these group of stupid behind the wall deal. joseph rush's returns to darussalam off to his long trip through the lakes he plans to go back to the north again after a while he sees educating people and giving lectures as his mission in life and never tons of repeating the same facts over and again.
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wanting you to leave you would it be that easy to point. me. plus. plus to people whom it is. good but i thought it might have been my little bit about what's going to accept that other money good much better to wait for tomorrow to get a good buy. this one does leave. some forces of. to see. you going to be no problem.
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i'm strong call evil and i'm neal hoping. we're going to be your hosts for the tree thousand and seventy confederations cup here in russia we're going to be visiting the host cities or sochi has our own secrets moscow going to be great michel conclude pools also politics i think pretty much covering every topic the fans need to know about the head of the match so don't forget to join us on field it's going to be full and let me know. well first and foremost the president has said you just did you see he doesn't see marshmallows as the ground solution the president has said again and again that he does not belong. in here for the long haul. is that interested in bursa well so there's no read need for him to imply that you would like to extend martial law for that for personal reasons or for small for.
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the number of presumed deaths from their west london tower block fire is now fifty eight it's expected to increase as calls grow for the prime minister to resign. afghan officials says u.s. forces are behind the shooting of three civilians on monday including two children in the country we hear exclusively from the victim's family says. a gunman with extreme republican views goes on a shooting rampage in the u.s. seriously wounding a top party member injuring three others. to treat the football fans of will be speaking very shortly to former russia captain alexei sayle. they were ghostwriting.
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