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tv   Headline News  RT  June 19, 2017 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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but you. insist. what you are to international headlining this hour of violence overnight driven into a crowd of pedestrians outside of north london it's left one person dead and several . london police say the incident is being treated as a terrorist attack on the van drivers not been charged with attempted murder. other headlines this month russia's foreign minister calls on foreign powers to respect the sovereignty of syria following the downing of syrian fighter jet by the us military the i still held city of rocket we've got the details on plus two details elsewhere in syria iran launches missiles targeting militants in the east of that country in retaliation for recent terror attacks into ran planes i still seems to
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be reprisal. the details. are there this is out international just turn mid day here in moscow my name is kevin owen it's of course therefore just after ten in the morning in london that's where we're starting again this morning a van is driven into a crowd of pedestrians overnight injuring several people in north london near a mosque one person died at the scene police are treating it as a terror attack the suspects been arrested and charged with attempted murder. on my way home i hear the big noise of the crash noise when i turned back i saw the the fire and hit the people and when i ran to the place i saw a lot of people all floor. one dad and the are that badly injured one of them and
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that the where the guy who was under the van was seriously injured which if you took the whole load of the van. that the guy was all he's got hit in his head because he was standing looking at the guy like this in the valley to hit him here that's what happened so let's bring them up check out where this is happened it all unfolded just out of muslims are breaking fast for the holy month of ramadan seems a van drove into a crowd there it's at the junction close the finsbury park mosque on the seven sisters road you see and read and it's a whole diverse suburb but several kilometers just north from central london is instantly got a large algerian population london's mayor city can quit to speak this morning he's called the incident and horrific terrorist attack on innocent people he added that it was deliberately targeting a certain community and extra police he said have been deployed to reassure the london police also say they are investigating the motive behind the incident. this
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is being treated as a terrorist attack and the counterterrorism command is investigation also at the scene detained by members of that community he was the man suspected of being the driver the jury was such that. he has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder told the victims were from the muslim community where here is in north london just around the corner from where the finsbury park mosque is basically the location near which this incident unraveled so there are still dozens and dozens of members of the local community still gathered here and they've been here all night since the incident took place shortly after midnight and people are quite certainly upset about what happened to say the least and they demand answers here is one person we spoke to who says two with his family members were injured in the attack my older brother called me there's a guy was driving that and intentionally tried to crush the people while they're having their coffee we just came out from the prayer time we were having
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a short break so you know and then we pray at night two of my cousins got injured seriously thinking cos we thought when the people have rushed to the mount with driving the van they did bring him out the police came by the time they're putting him in the van i've got. you know he was raising his hand like so to finish in a victory you know what the what the totally suck that he has done to the most recently is going to be holding an emergency cobra meeting later on today and of course this comes after already three separate terrorist attacks in the u.k. in the recent months. after.
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certainly remember spirit of the muslim community have been talking a lot about islamophobia they have been saying that cases of islamophobia have been on the rise of course officials are going to continue investigating why this incident and gravel certainly was the deed develops we're going to be finding out more about the identity of this attacker a correspondent at the scene there we've got video now to show you to put it online apparently showing the moment police arrested the suspect is a forty eight year old man he was handed over to officers of to be pinned down for a while by worshipers until the police arrived another tragic night the london is waking up today wasn't so long ago that this particular mosque was making plenty of
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headlines in the u.k. maybe you remember the headlines yourself the finsbury park mosque open back in the late one nine hundred eighty s. as the muslim population in that area began to grow since then it's become one of the biggest prayer holes in britain but it took a twist in the ninety's that mosque was then started to be accused more and more of radicalism and its preachers linked to al qaida one particular was preaching there back in ninety seven his name abu hamza sure the name might click a few bells in your head the mosque became a meeting point for various extremist figures before hamza was then jailed and given a life sentence there were reports on eleven attack the so-called shoe bomber a man who hid explosives in his shoes in an american airlines flight in two thousand and one were visiting that place of worship too is what we previously heard from locals about the finsbury mosque. we i mean i live on this street. family good neighbors of mine i've moved only further down the street and i know.
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what was going on before and then they all had to go to the other lost ground there because it was too it just got colonized by people who were local you know. so it's had a checkered past this mosque was closed in two thousand and three following an investigation then two years later it reopened under a new chairman since then the new management is trying to distance itself from his radical past but local still believe that the mosque has got a history of influencing worshippers opinions global street terry. indictable only march to get the point if it's wrong it's wrong no mosques harbor terrorists and i do some around the world to. individual mosque be singled out two years ago the finsbury mosque was targeted in an attempted arson attack the c.c.t.v. footage showing a man setting a light a petrol can then lobbing it into the mosques compound it didn't explode because at the time there was heavy rain scotland yard treated what you see in there that attackers in islam
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a phobia hate crime political commentator mo and so believes there's a growing frustration in the muslim community. attacks on muslim communities are the same as the attacks. on any cuties from jerry a terror attack i think the frustration for the security so far that i see so she would go elsewhere has been on other news agencies have. always thought on this and people have been accusing the channel the dumbing down and attack on the i'm not trying to give seemed or try to avoid the crazy situation of the scene of. the day news the syrian military jets been shot down by an american war play near the embattled syrian city of bracket damascus says the pilot was carrying out a bombing run against islamic state at the time but the cat the pentagon claims it downed the plane for bombing u.s. backed forces damascus based journalist al abraham has more so if one of the u.s. refers to the syrian democratic forces which is the militia group operating along
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with the u.s. led coalition trying to take the city off. from the control of ice all but we can also confirm according to suffer through sources from the syrian military approaching in that area that the popular church was actually carrying strike against a convoy from ice and that the fighter jet in no way you posed any direct or in direct threat to any militia group from those militia groups operating alongside the u.s. led coalition trying to get control over gain control of the city of warplanes of the so-called international coalition shut down one of war a fighter jets in the south and suburb of rock the fighter plane was in a mission to destroy islam and state terrorists the aircraft crashed in the pilot is missing but i think there is more to thought story and what's more to that story is that is the u.s. is trying to true boundaries in the syrian conflict and drug lines. for the syrian army not to cross the room battlefield is
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a very complicated one right now with the presence of various international and regional powers but what i can tell you for a fact is that it seems that this. you know me and the syrian government are adamant on actually moving on with their operation to break the arsenal so usually on the city of there is what i'm trying actually to limit the ability of the u.s. . coalition and the u.s. troops who are now on the ground in syria limiting their ability to move on limiting their ability to create influence centers almost room battlefield and we have to understand that this is not just a syrian issue this is more of an international conflict and power play between the u.s. . according to a statement released by the pentagon the syrian fighter jet that strayed into a so-called a de confliction zone of washington says the syrian military forbidding from entering the area where the u.s. backed s.d.f. the syrian democratic forces a base but as far as russia sees it russia's foreign minister earlier said that the u.s. there drawn up its own boundaries in this without consulting the syrian government
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reacting to the downing of the jet call for why the cooperation with damascus. we call on the united states and all others who have their forces or advisers on the ground in syria to ensure the coordination of our work zones of deescalation are one of the possible options to move forward jointly who call in everyone to avoid unilateral moves respect syrian sovereignty and join our common work which is agreed with the syrian government. down to the syrian jet is the latest in a series of u.s. strikes against forces fighting for the assad government the u.s. led coalition recently conducted several bombing raids against pro-government fighters in syria in those cases the same justification again was used by the pentagon that the pro assad forces had breached a de confliction we got the thoughts of the director of the u.k. based think tank and also said he thinks washington could push damascus to retaliate. this is been used as
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a principle to prevent the syrian army from the story silliness over and to be against rebels or against dietitians so on and so forth in a sentence about a year ago the united states or still no action but but to a year ago they were actively using or possibly using dies forces isis forces to pressure to put pressure on the state or an army now they seem to be actively protecting and this is leading not just them but the fact of the matter is still the syrian army needs to protect itself despite the syria that is the american army when they say where we are attacking forces or we are protecting our personnel if the syrian army decides to switch on to get across the trees or misfires are they attacking americans or are they or would they be protecting themselves as well this is this is not getting anywhere safe actually there are other developments from
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syria to tell you about today iran has launched missiles into eastern parts of syria i spoke with our correspondent nick aron about. when you hear that iran has launched missile strikes the reaction from most people would be fear and dread and that's because iran has been painted as the body of the entire region and that's because we've been led to what we've been told is a country that supports terrorism iran has conducted another ballistic nickeled have to president it's putting iran on notice for firing a ballistic missile and there are also reports the white house is considering labeling iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps a terrorist organization yet what these latest developments show is a very different side to the iran that we know iran like many other countries around the world has experienced bloodshed at the hands of islamic state with those twin attacks that we saw into iran just earlier this month gunmen stormed the parliament while it was in session opened fire almost similar tale yesterday we saw
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suicide blasts the leader of the founder of the islamic republic of iran so two very important and precious buildings to the iranian people were types there eighteen people were killed and dozens more were injured in islamic states claimed responsibility for that attack now after this that these attacks around vowed revenge and it clearly meant every word that it said these ground to ground missiles strikes that we saw yesterday launched from western iran and into syria's eastern resort targeting the militants which iran said were responsible for those twin attacks that we saw into iran earlier this month and it's an unprecedented move because it marks the first time that iran has launched rockets on syrian soil since the country descended into chaos in two thousand and eleven and it also shows perhaps that iran when it means business it means business perhaps the perception shift it has for us when it comes to iran while the west has warned that iran is a country that's dangerous and that it shouldn't have weapons on the other hand
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iran is now using these weapons to launch strikes on islamic states the common. and i mean it's also making a lot of progress in destroying this common enemy and he was me a bit earlier on to explain i got thoughts from around to the chief of iran's fires news agency who told me what it was like behind the rainy and missile strike in syria the thoughts behind it in tonight's a statement that the i.r.g.c. public relations has given it is warned that this is the beginning if the terrorists embarked on conducting any second attack on iran iran would provide a much more vigorous response to them and not just it has also worn backers and sponsors foreign sponsors of the terrorist groups including a regional transfer regional and when i'm in the back years and when iran says trance regional backers of the terrorist groups specifically means the united
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states now it is believed by many in and outside the iran that the united states and many of its allies that are backing the terrorist groups in the region especially in syria they need to reassess. their estimates and assessments and the calculations with regard to syria. coming up a lot more can tell you about including germany ready to restate should its troops out of relations between the two countries continue to nosedive. dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles.
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you socks for the tell you that the beach gossip the tabloids but. i think you will and by. all the hawks that we along with all of what. i don't see clear the cops tried to do that anyway i only see that. you have a team of four with grief. you know divorce immediately i think that's a real. bad historical moment. and it is very difficult to predict how things will be called.
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the conflict between nato allies germany in turkey continues to escalate to berlin announced its plans to withdraw its troops from the intially again base in turkey and we locate them instead now into jordan with more on why that's happening. well it all looks very messy at the moment the latest from the german defense ministry is that the they will start pulling out of their troops from the insular air base in turkey in july on the line the defense minister she outlined their plan saying that they would continue as normal until the end of the month until the end of june our flight plans as part of the anti eisel coalition are set after that will be transferring our tanker aircraft as quickly as possible to jordan with a role that germany has been providing as part of the coalition fighting against isis has been reconnaissance air surveillance well the tornado fighter jets that carry out those reconnaissance flights won't be fully operational from their new
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base in santee in jordan until october we hear that because of the equipment moving from turkey over to jordan will take that amount of time well this all started because german lawmakers german parliamentarians would deny permission to go and visit their troops that were stationed in turkey but it's the latest step in what has been a degeneration in the diplomatic relations between germany and ankara the failed coup attempt last year in turkey saw tensions rise after germany said it may consider offering asylum to some of those who took part or accused of taking part in that coup attempt there was also a diplomatic for rory over the president to one side wanting to campaign here in germany during the referendum that they held airlie at this year they were denied the rights to do that that fled things up and there's also been bitten name calling
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from ankara towards len with even president the one going as far as accusing the german government of nazi tactics all of this between two nato allies who are really at the lowest ebb when it comes to their. diplomatic ties. or talking that ties or not the u.k. is unprecedented breck's it talks are set to begin later today a year after the country voted to leave the european union britain's bret's secretary has promised a deal like no other in history whatever that means as he heads into negotiations with brussels and we see reports on what problems could lie ahead. seven thousand issues to u.k. and you need to go over if london wants a good divorce settlement possible rights for e.u. citizens whether or not to remain in the bloc single market and the fate of border controls are merely the tip of the iceberg theresa may has coined one slogan after another promising brits she's got their back bricks it means bricks it bricks it
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wrecks it wrecks it means bricks it and we're going to make a success of it except this iron lady card she's been playing doesn't seem so scary anymore for brussels here's why. in the ten to strengthen her bracks a negotiating hand she called for a snap election and let's just say the idea looked better on paper may lost her majority as she is still struggling to hammer out a deal with northern ireland's controversial democratic unionist party after all they don't see eye to eye on key issues including bracks it well or do you prefer soft may campaign for the exact opposite. then things went from bad to worse when she avoided meeting with survivors at the scene of the horrific grant our fire which left at least fifty eight people
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presumed dead her muted response triggered mass protests outside downing street and gave fresh ammunition to her opponents it can be acceptable but in london we have looked through buildings and look three flights left empty land banking for the future will be homeless in the pool for somewhere to live. exploiting her weakened position some e.u. officials are apparently looking to rush through the talks as well to e.u. powerhouses france and germany are even suggesting a happily ever after is still an option if you don't want to. remain so it's always always been a tool the brakes of negotiations can do in. it would be great if they were to reverse the bracks a decision so it did u.k. was a good settlement and we still need a better divorce lawyer. it's been exactly five years since julian assange stepped into the door an embassy in london and since then he's not left the wiki leaks editors saw political asylum there at the time as sweden was investigating
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allegations of sexual offenses against an artist polly boy looks over songes after decades now in isolation five years inside it's not exactly the slammer but this is how julian assange describes it in my situation. frankly i would be institutionalize this is. this is the world. vision. the world one well there are some i but i haven't seen someone so long. the wiki leaks editor has to rely on the occasional balcony address to fans and journalists for his annual dose of vitamin d. last year the u.n. ruled that he's being terribly to taint a person's then foreign secretary said he rejected the judgment and called it ridiculous london's metropolitan police have spent millions of pounds in taxpayers'
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money staking out the building for the five years of a songes self-imposed exile in that time the country has enjoyed two referendums two prime ministers and a string of terror attacks but first sanjay little has changed last month illegal break through your home door i have today decided to leave the decision to remand judy in the sunshine in his absence and to recall the european arrest warrant specifying who should be transferred to sweden although julian assange himself was the first to acknowledge that he is by no means a free man the road is far from over. the war the proper war is just commencing the u.k. has said it will arrest me regardless that's because there's still a british warrant for a songes arrest for breaching bail back in twenty twelve but that's small fry compared to the trouble he's in with the us or forty's in april the u.s.
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attorney general said that arresting a sanjay is a priority this is a man and this gone beyond anything i am aware of the u.s. justice department is said to be trying to bring espionage charges against the we can leak seta for releasing trove off to trove of top. secret documents and songes greatest hits include the deeply embarrassing for washington cable gate in twenty eleven the afghan war logs in two thousand and ten and more recently the protest emails and vault seven revelations about the cia's mass digital spying tools for now the u.k. government refuses to say whether it's received a u.s. extradition request for julian assange. and the embassy he's now forced to call home there are signs of strained relations with his hosts late last year ecuador cut off a songes internet connection over fears his leaks about hillary clinton were influencing
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the u.s. election then last month ecuador's new president was kind of mean about him mr songes the haka that's something we reject and i personally reject songes legal team says that its priority now is persuading the british government to allow the wiki leaks editor safe passage from the embassy here on to a plane bound for ecuador where he could enjoy the political asylum that he's been granted but it's a tall order given london special relationship with washington and the prospect of a u.s. extradition request hanging over julian assange just head. of his clock stokely says julie situation harlow's the problems that whistleblowers must face despite the big no proof the national security was ever put in. the idea that you know publishing information for the public is espionage is really scary you
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know who who are these people spying for the public because that's who is really getting informed by this and so you know this idea that they the government can put this cover over everything and say well this is going to harm national security yet at no point ever show any proof they haven't shown it with chelsea manning they never showed it was snowden they show with thomas drake or john kiriakou they always use that as a talking point as an excuse but there needs to be proof. and if there was proof we would have certainly heard about it. this create one of the top stories around this drive into a crowd of pedestrians at a mosque in north london overnights left one person dead several more injured a suspect has been taken to custody and charged with attempted murder that will bring more months to get more details through also in the next half hour or so is likely be one minute silence in the u.k. for the victims of the grenfell maybe forget the pictures of briefly bring them to
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here are our programs continue between now and the next thirty three minutes of next sophie and co here next in the queue delving into the future of nato with one of its former deputies thanks for watching out international with me kevin zero in today. let's talk about blackness and blues of being black. and always well in a big house down at least that's what i've been told but he surely did we in relays is such because we simply forgot i don't. seem we've allowed them to rearrange
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airplanes you've told us the sickness of trusting our enemy we came to face. that's what i call a lack of blackness or understanding the blues of being black. sheep to blues of being black should mandate that we attack knowing how when and what to do to come is simple in its national is be becked is simply to the feeling blue is black and blue.


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