tv Going Underground RT June 19, 2017 10:29am-11:01am EDT
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let's talk about black and blue being black. and always well in a big house down at least that's what i've been told but we in remains as such because we simply forgot. the scene we've allowed them to rearrange our paint you've told us the sickness of trusting our enemy we became defamed. that's what i call a lack of blackness or understanding the blues have been black. sheep the blues have been black should mandate that we attack knowing how when and what to do to come is simple in its natural as be beck is simply tat the feelin blue is black and blue.
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it's fair. i'm action or towns in this going underground five years to the day that wiki leaks founder julian assange has arbitrarily detained by the u.k. government in the ecuadorian embassy in london despite no charges against him coming up on the show we speak to shadow minister britain's first m.p. to win a seat at this month's general election about blairite backtracking and the coalition if chaos and we speak to a survivor of the holocaust in the makers of a new film destination unknown about auschwitz liberated by stalin more than seventy years ago was a good day to bury bad news read revel the mainstream media spin that you might have missed all the days going on the. but first bricks it negotiations begin today
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and what is exactly the state of europe is mainstream commentators here in the u.k. use the strength of the euro currency as a barometer for wellbeing across the continent well the cradle of european democracy is arguably in ruins greece is sliding into recession with quarter with g.d.p. gone since the bankruptcy of lehman brothers and unemployment at twenty three percent this politician from europe's most powerful economy saw it coming a tile induce a politike we utterly condemn the austerity policy towards the greek government by the german federal government it's an unjustified intervention and you get the feeling after the break to tradition in england after the emergence of a great number of right wing populist parties and groups the european elite and especially the german federal government did not hear the last of the warning shots . and here's fronts even on french government broadcaster france twenty four globally covered by media as a model of pro technocratic globalist. goody it might be freezing it might
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rain it might snow but at least i'm at home if so there are lots of people sleeping under bridges he'd be very grateful to be in my position. is one of the twelve million people in france who suffer fuel poverty no wonder some french politicians beg to differ from the mainstream narrative about europe in the e.u. media echo chamber the. society would clearly break under the austerity policy some on their knees poverty and unemployment are spreading all across europe without any hope of a solution if the current politicians are not challenged to exactly. whether british politicians negotiating bricks that they will be challenged in overwhelmingly europhile corporate media about whether the. german dream is
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a nightmare or not we'll have to wait and see meanwhile new parties since polls began and seen a bigger surgeon votes than the u.k. labor party under german corbin the labor leader won a larger share of the vote than tony blair in twenty zero five defying the media the tory party and members of his own body that clung on to blair's new labor mindset joining me now is jeremy corbin's minister for industrial strategy science and innovation in the first m.p. to win a seat in the general election. year when he was ill or your constituency first just before we get all due labor stuff your reaction to it was to raise a new chief of staff of the former housing minister who was defeated in the general election who failed to deliver on a promise to review fire safety related building regulations. when he was housing minister well first can i say that obviously my thoughts are with the victim of the terrible fire and the first responders and emergency services and the firefighters
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who did such fantastic work the news that paul did not over a number of years did not review the building of grayson's after what was a devastating fire thinkers in two thousand and nine also in london is a huge i think concern and a real question for him that he needs to answer an address obviously the conservatives and i sat opposite there many times in the chamber when they're saying that regulations are you know stopping people from going about their business and government interferes too much except her and they never were really responsive in a number of areas in terms of reviewing existing regulations to prove them such a clearly such a clearly life or death issue he needs to understand the conservative party needs to answer why they sat around for four years and and to what. then it's this
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terrible terrible tragedy could have been avoided but from the moment the news came from kansans in the fire going street appeared to be saying schools is all over in the media saying well mustn't politicize the trudged i think so i do think that is one of the most politically charged things to say if people are asking questions and it democratic country if people are asking questions and of those in power and particularly in the tower block like that where you'll safety is dependent on these regulations if people are asking questions how is that politicizing it that is part of our political democracy and i really think it is they who undermine our democracy by saying that asking questions and holding people to account is somehow politicizing tragedy. when the biggest. it was not just simply that's what really important but i mean it's that first thing you know jeremy coburn and his team under labor movement and i run
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a fantastic campaign whilst the tories the conservatives ran a very very bad campaign but what was very noticeable for me in newcastle from quite early on the manifesto launch is really emphasize that but even before that is that i have to you know suppose it's surprising number of first time voters and not only young people though you know visiting universities and doing registration drives on campus it was clear that young people would vote but also i had thirty forty year olds so often women in very paid job or with childcare responsibilities who were voting for the first time who you know that they hadn't been inspired or they hadn't been angry enough to vote before and in jeremy and the message that we were putting forward they found something both they found something inspiring to vote. for i think that's really important oh ironic the critics might say thanks to
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all your work during goldman's work britain is in a worse state you know because we have a sort of coalition of chaos and the d u p is about to get some power of the whole united kingdom we're not in a worse situation. that's very just as if we are in a better situation because we have the hope of not having a conservative government for five years and those who haven't had a pay rise first you know just for seven years which is just about everybody those whose public services have been cut and a mind those dependent on child care which is an affordable those unable to live in a decent house those who security is depending on the piece and everyone who wants a good job as opposed to minimum wage is even a contract job they have hope now that that might happen before another five year term but at the same time you're absolutely right that the situation that to raise
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a me and to team in trying to hang on to power the situation they for our country is unbelievable. and it's it was it's not just the labor party saying that we have . previous prime ministers most of her previous prime ministers also emphasizing that going into this sort of some sort of we don't you know group we deal with a t p the in certainty but also the threat to our well heart for for right so i bore sharon and now to p.t. q there's a storm there's a northwest instrumental but oh you will brazil will be good for keynesian expansionism when are you agree with. that on i think there's a real there's a real question there because we as a ne m.p. i will be really interested to see to what the d. p. what their price is and whether. the rest of the can she will sharing it and so for
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example if part of that price is reductions on passenger airport passenger tax which is a real issue in the northeast as well as in northern ireland then unless we're sharing in that we're going to be disadvantaged and there's a whole raft of other areas investment and chance for success if i stay rich he ends for northern ireland but continues for the rest of the country because they haven't got the the will all the votes to get it through parliament against their own tories against their own party then not only will i be holding scalp but the people of the north east of the people of every region in this country or want to know something so i don't this is not simply a matter for northern ireland this is a matter for the whole country and abortion rights you know when one for women's portion right so impacted and this talk of a vote across the country on on on the terms of abortion then i think it's a real challenge it's a it is
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a coalition of details here for the british to address race would be good for i mean what about important. bill for us which appears to be a condition for the year and so that raises the most of the ghoulish to really sort of the one of the equally important point if not more important which is the peace process overall so how can the government how can the british government be impartial in northern ireland which is one of the requirements of the peace process if it is formed by members of the u.p.a. and so if if if protestant marching or you know what it's whatever how can they be seen as being impartial if they are made up of members of the u.p.a. as well if they're dependent on the votes of members of the three i obviously we have a new absolute commitment in this what labor will be will be we're looking for an absolute need not to go backwards on the p.c. . process as well as all the other issues which are in play right now you know that
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we can't go back when so not so so i hope the prime minister in fact i hope she will consider carefully we. we will be making sure she considers and also that her position on the grouping deal she's doing as a light shone upon it you already were responsible for the outsourcing of so much british industry. what do you think about. at the moment it's merging the capital routes was going to be a british airways one thousand four hundred jobs in midstream you go through. in my constituency actually a new class. because we in firstly i. agree that that our party was responding to was one thing under twenty blair and gordon brown there was i don't listen to yes there was a movement which i think was an industry which which was a mistake in
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a way to take out everything that didn't we didn't respond to what they considered to be their main profit drivers i was a mistake i think british airways and especially after what happened you know a few weeks ago to be outsourcing all its i.t. which is fundamental to any company's success is what is wrong i think the time it went by labor to renationalise it's like emirates or singapore airlines or qatar no there's no commitment from germany corbin's labor to remain. no no i mean a lot of you don't think emirates are in singapore airlines are good and they're all out of the government in their balance sheets but i think it's more a question of what the kind of competition there is in the market we not monopolies what what failed to ticket was the rail service was trying to have competition in infrastructure the industries like which is where we saw that wasn't competition we see that in energy again because you can't. more than one energy network and so
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you've got private sector monopolies which exploit consumers i'm not sure that you could describe. an industry is that even though i. find. that i want to thank you after the break as we approach the seventy sixth anniversary of the creation of a nazi ukraine before liberation by soviet troops we speak to a holocaust survivor and the makers of a new film destination unknown about the. bus from tourism a duping crowning country to private schools and big oil companies profiteering from the u.k. government in this week's news. about two of going out to. the saudi qatar spot continues with no end in sight and new sanctions on russia divide
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nato allies also is the truth about ukraine finally coming to light last week the west on civil society. social environment. chemical discoveries over the last century made every day life easier but at what cost this is syria was exceptionally sick. no wonder it's confidential. says the years of industrial giants reap the benefit. caused by chemical production. as if these people aren't just experimental animals. the toxic environment continues to poison lives and we found these astronomically high levels of dioxin levels that my staff think maybe some of the highest levels ever in the. united
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is run applause a four years ago may still be picking up the pieces of what's left of their lives after a fire that even mainstream media haven't been able to conceal is political but as the smoke clears what stories have been obscured behind the post british election fallout ahead of today's bricks at the gauche ations has going underground senior producer pete bennett reporting on some of the week's buried news. in a week for the political porkies we sift through the mainstream media trough stories discarded quicker than to raise a maze close's eight some may say tricky terry crowded country with over a million pounds and it's who we call. you think that a few quid or at least a free school mail for. children now living in multi-dimensional poll could see especially in private schools like david cameron in college a set to save the billion pounds thanks to their charitable status maybe they took
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big oil companies a trick or two as the u.k. government pay shell over one hundred million pounds in rebates despite making billions in profits and possibly destroying the planet well there has to be said reply to say that transparency is an essential tool in building trust well from skills to leaks is another eats in a luminous boris johnson attempts to clean up his party's mess by what's happening in peace to calm down and get behind the prime minister a prime minister who's overseen s.a.'s troops disguised as beggars and road sweepers on a street amid fears of more terror attacks which may or may not be connected to u.k. foreign policy and a hundred days is the beginning of the u.k. backed bomb making gehman protesters in london have projected pictures of starving children on the walls of the saudi arabian embassy in mayfair and yet despite human rights the u.s. senate still voted to continue arming the saudis all get in the horrific war
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meanwhile the pensacola program intensifies with the u.s. only acknowledging a fifth of its lethal strikes despite the bureau of investigative journalism documenting up to eleven attacks in yemen alone this recording to the un less than thirty percent of international aid is even seen as civilians you so desperately need it will at least president trump was in good spirits as he celebrated his seventy. a date he shares with fellow gemini take us army p. two hundred forty two years since their inception over one hundred bases worldwide and one point five million soldiers and civilian employees which if tallied up with amount to the fourth largest city in the land of the free so is the home of the brave switches allegiances securing a multi-billion dollar deal with the tar despite the saudi blockade and trumps accusations of funding terrorism a local businessman plan to airlift four thousand cows to help the country might just have been out shown by a high flying all american fast food stunt so as the absurdity of
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a chicken burger in the stratosphere finally settles in in actuality a food bank from the ground has hit record new heights that's one point two million a murdered sea food parcels handed out each year around fifty percent going to children just as harsh austerity measures since two thousand and eight have forced more and more people to survive below the breadline with an angry marginalized population looking for answers we asked the questions the mainstream media hasn't and we go underground. bennett with some of this week's buried news nearly two years ago today a neo nazi opened fire in a u.s. church killing nine people in a racially motivated attack known as the charleston shootings deaths from far right in the u.s. have surpassed those carried out by groups motivated by al qaeda or ideology with eighteen attacks killing forty eight people compared to forty five people in million attacks this however is nothing compared to the millions killed displaced
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or wounded by nature wars around the world but how can the rise in popularity in far right parties such as france as a national front of the party for freedom in the netherlands be looked at in the shadow of fascist atrocities in the second world war jeopardy editors have asked in back i met with claire ferguson on the robot the director and producer of the new film destination unknown as well as a holocaust survivor. meaning seventy three years ago today the world took the horrifying details of mass killing and torture in. concentration camp the auschwitz report was written by rudolph and alfred wetzler. to escape from hitler's largest killing factory in april one thousand nine hundred forty four top until then the inner workings of the death count were closely guarded secret document revealed the geography and scale of mass murder being carried out. now the
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story of those who suffered and for to get naziism has been documented in the film destination unknown filmed over fourteen years it features interviews with holocaust survivors including partisan fighters battling the nazis with russian forces i spoke to the film's director clare ferguson. as well as holocaust survivor at. the death watches the horrors of three of hitler's death camps i wanted a technical light for the business news gathering at the time and i couldn't get hold of the company to be a couple of weeks and they were celebrating the new year. obviously i knew when to pick when i eventually got hold of the company who said we would close close for the jewish holiday. and within minutes scott talking about the holocaust. and then again my father was in book eleven he said this was marcus lee
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who told me which the owner of communications. and. he put me in conversation so now a minute i'm talking about the technical past but i'm now talking to his father who is in the death book in oceans bookie. and as the conversation went on concluded with if you want to fly over. it literally said i would lie in the morphia so i booked into the un was a opposite united nations. settle down ever but we come out of there were about three a day maximum amount to a given day they were averaging two as three a day coming in and i missed the most because the third would be interviewed and over the last thirteen years we've been back to different camps throughout europe and and really that's how we came about. to question director clare
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ferguson wanted was with the film is how you can make a life after such pain. what i think the film does do is he asked the question in a very powerful way and i think what the film does this is a film that i mean it's about empathy and i think if you have empathy. it's about feeling so i'm not saying we can never answer that question but i think it's something that the film addresses in a very very powerful way through the memories of the survivors and through the living memories of the survivors because this is the last chance we'll ever be able to do that. to have a life living memory before it goes into history books. i also added mossberg how important films like these are in preserving the stories of the holocaust. to me. this is my life. i. guess
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for one day about the whole the us. united nation made the whole because this journey of a point seven. holo class is a is a monday. and on tuesday and i know wednesday and on terrorist day and every day over my life or sevens. i never get this. i lost my whole family. you know i could sit here and talk to you for hours. no my memory so far is pretty good issue and they were liquidated the kharkov ghetto nineteen march thirteenth one thousand nine hundred thirty. you heard about the monkey it was the.
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commanded of plush of i remember him or only it with a whip in one hand and gun in the other ones and another one was. forgot his name in the second. and when the woman was holding a child they were ripped out their child from the mother's arm or smart their head against the wall to killing their child or somebody's head child in a nazi they should do it ok i was there and i'm a witness for those i thrust of his and they brought in the disk were where people were assembled that day old people from the hospital there were protests and we came they said to them. take away the scriptures in case who will cross the
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square to god as i will be allowed to live those poor people who are corroding on their hands and knees and where they got rid of his side they were shocked ok they were like a game from them i saw it i would destroy gusting. is she you know one good one day hunger man on the wall by his hand and fight with start something from him and i was dead and i saw it he was beating him and beating god men never said and it did. in the morning i came in the office with some other people cut off his hand with a debt i gave him a glass of water and hi i didn't know what happened to him. his name was hugo friend close years later i was in vienna with some friends and
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the rest and the men walked into the place i walk over to him and i said to him my name is had my spare though you're a member the glass of water he looked at me he started crying i tried to call him he live in east one day i call and the woman there and said who i am i say my name is ed masry he said oh my god and the time your name came in he was crying i was a witness to this day so i never knew what is mean beating till i was beaten so i knew what is it. when they give you. you don't feel good. that. one.
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deputy editor is about the impact of that with the director and producer of destination unknown and all it will survive. the film is in selected cinemas around the u.k. and that's it for the show in the meantime keep in touch by social media we'll see you on wednesday sixty one years for the day for you right off the mila refused to betray left wing associates to the house committee on american activities a week before he married.
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this is an international you're looking at live pictures from the show in paris where a car has been rammed into a police van a few moments ago the interior ministry says the suspect was and is likely to have been killed but. we'll be live with our correspondent in paris within a minute. or other headline news this hour of a crowd of worshipers outside a north london mosque injuring several people being treated as a terrorist act one died at the scene. this was a. place of worship. also russia's military suspends cooperation with the united states in syria.
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