tv Watching the Hawks RT June 19, 2017 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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yet the big picture. greetings and salyut sation says it's time for us all hawk watchers to admit the uncomfortable truth that most pundits and jackals sitting on capitol hill and squawking in the news media are too afraid to say out loud but have secretly been cheerleading for quite some time now yes we are at war with the sovereign country of syria when exactly we went to war with syria can be debated but after one takes a moment to review recent events and actions committed by the united states against
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syria war can be the only honest conclusion anyone who tells you otherwise is either in disbelief of the reality of u.s. actions there or lost in the spin of humanitarian intervention in the fight against isis just a few short months since conducting a multiple tomahawk missile strike against the al sharia air base the united states has now officially shot down a syrian bomber which according to fox news marks the first time in history a u.s. jet shot down a syrian plane and the first time in nearly twenty years the u.s. has shut down any war plane an air to air combat. the last time the last time this took place was back in ninety nine over kosovo. and what was the reason for this this attack the shooting down of a plane well according to time magazine the u.s. military said that it shot the syrian plane down in order to protect american
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backed syrian militia forces from an attack by pro regime troops. remember that the missile strike in april was also labeled the retaliatory action in response to the it leave province chemical weapons attack that was allegedly orchestrated by the syrian government. i think it's time we need to ask ourselves at what point is retaliatory nothing more than just another excuse for military aggression let's find out and start watching. what would you treat the. reels with this one. as it were the plot of. the day like you know i got. with the please. please please please.
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please. welcome to the in the watching the hard science art world with the earth and on top of the wall and. see. what you think. never ends it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger my head yeah yeah i got i mean that's the question i posed to you about what point is this idea that oh everything we're doing is we're telling toward you everything we're doing well they did something that's why we shot their jet down but he did something that's why we bomb there are bears and this is also what's very interesting to me about that is that's always coming from people who from politicians who swear that we're christian nation and that we're good christians and that they're evangelicals they believe in the bible the bible tells us two wrongs don't make a right. there isn't time there's a parable after parable about how this is not how you're supposed to live your life this is not what i mean the idea that somehow this well you were going to shoot at these other guys so we shot you first or every other and out aggression in
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a country that we weren't invited into that we don't really have permission to be and as a nation this puts us at risk every single american here and abroad it puts us at risk every time these kinds of things are done have a conversation but now we're like no no conversation we're just going to keep dropping by. which is great if your own stock and bomb maker is one that's going to do anything i mean that's the thing it's amazing to me that the american people sounded off about wanting to go into syria you know many years were very rightly know now about going to bomb was in want it was you know poets are probably going to war no troops or we don't want to be in syria now we have troops on the ground now we're shooting down airplanes now we're doing this i mean it is really getting ridiculous and this is an assault this we don't know if the pilot lived or died but this was a you know if he's dead that means the u.s. just killed a syrian citizen and was crazy to me as you see on the news how they like positive
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and twisted you know we were watching was amisom because many of the girlie that and there are lower third there was like you know how to go is a u.s. plane shoots down pro assad or claim first of all a plane can have an opinion one way or the other and if you really were going to do that correctly it said get out pro. tyr you. like the fairy man disguise but like. the idea that you're sitting there literally making him a madam it objects part of a regime not just these airplanes that are run by the syrian government however you feel about that that's what it is and this is an act of aggression towards them even if they bomb the people that you're giving arms and money to. government foreign governments plain property human being so you just did if we did that or somebody did that to us we would be at war with grabbing bombs all over the country
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what's been the u.s. response to the incident the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general joseph dunford stated during a speech on monday at the national press club said quote i'm confident that we're still communicating between our operation center and the russian federation operations center and i'm also confident that our forces have the capability to take care of us pentagon spokesman captain jeff davis told the washington times that we do not seek conflict with any party in syria other than isis but we do not hesitate to defend ourselves and our partners if threatened and that's the problem that's their perspective while they sit on someone else's backyard their perspective in that as the perspective of the people sitting there you're arming people who maybe are the idea that their boy scouts running around saving everybody because you gave them a gun is ludicrous it's crazy to me is the. chairman of the joint
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chiefs general joseph how do you how this is an wildly illegal that we're operating in a country we're operating militarily the country that didn't buy this right it's illegal and the national law yes and on top of it this since the new administration they've loosened these things and put more power into the generals hands they don't have to get checks round as that means there's going to be more stuff like this and this is how the. general joseph dunford german joint chiefs claim that we have all there is a shim due to the authorization for use of military force which was passed by congress in response to two thousand and one yes they dusted off the map to justify shooting down the syrian border. currently there is an estimated two point seven million children in the united states with at least one parent sitting in jail and last week thanks to the maneuvering and political belief system of the new chairman of the federal communications commission pie those kids trying to talk to their mother a father who is a locked up is about to get a whole lot more expensive in
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a two to one decision the united states court of appeals for the district of columbia circuit ruled that the f.c.c. exceeded its legal authority when back in two thousand and fifteen the obama administration kept the rates telecom providers could charge prisoners in an effort to rein in price gouging that was taking place at the telecom companies had argued that the f.c.c. had no authority to regulate and state phone rates and thankfully for them the former verizon lawyer and new f.c.c. chairman agree is according to the new york times the agency had been preparing a legal defense of its rules but that effort abruptly stopped when i was appointed by president by the president to chair the f.c.c. in february mr price said agency lawyers would not argue to defend its rules in the court so the question is should prisoners and their families be caught in the crossfire between the battle over government oversight and free market bureaucrats no they shouldn't and we need to we need to actually have the moment to look at
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this and say like ok sometimes government oversight is a good thing yes when you see businesses running rampant without control completely completely ripping off the populace there's no way you can cover those this is ripping off the prisoners and their families because they're prisoners but that's when a good government steps in as little. just because they're prisoners you know why that was because the u.s. government has not learned one very valuable lesson you can punish the person who broke the law but punishing their entire family their entire community is inhumane and that's what this does you think the person in there it's going to be the person who really gets hurt ultimately is the family member who had nothing to do with their crime yeah now walk me through. what the original crime you were is an. appeals court is not throwing these out and saying they overstepped their boundaries what were they so what he had said is under the obama rules they had
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different facilities maintain different rates but no incarcerated person could be paying any more than forty nine cents per minute for a call to someone in the same state where their prison is located so if you're in kansas and you're concept in kansas it can't be more than forty nine cents and the rate caps vary from about like fourteen to forty nine percent forty nine cents per minute but they were set to decrease even further to eleven and twenty two cents per minute on july first twenty eighteen obviously that's all gone now. kerry wilkinson the human rights defense center's campaign director actually told the interceptor really interesting said the court at first glance appears to be good to continue to give them free reign to continue to price gouge some of the poorest people in the country if they choose to but they can choose not to and that's a good point they can choose not to serve do you do you telecommunication companies in their in their infinite good will towards men will choose to take the less greedy route no no of the why they would they bother me because they won't bother
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because providing telephone services to inmates to prisons at twenty fifteen was a one point two billion dollar industry billion dollars and sharing there's five companies essentially it's global tell link to curse technologies public communications tell me tell communications overload the big five of the prison phone. history now this is the news though in a bubble though it's not just about the private company going on to present them and charging the thing i mean you telling me the people that they're getting in those presents are getting in most places because somebody is getting right because well he's getting a lot of money i mean let me break this down due to how it appears to be a kickback system it appears to be in it but you know it's the phone service but how they're picked is really interesting because essentially they compete with each other to win the contracts with jails or prisons in their name in the jail administrator or the hire a bureaucracy in that jail will choose the contractor which was the company that will that will handle that prison officials when deciding on
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a telecom company often give concerted world weight to which provider offers the highest site commission oh there's a commission see these commision range between about twenty to sixty three percent of the profit so the prison itself and its and its and its officials that will rake in twenty to sixty three percent of those numbers you were talking about earlier so as they charge the per minute little cut of that goes to the prison itself grafting prisoners and yes they commissions to our range between about twenty to sixty three percent of the profit and that translates to you can believe this two hundred seventy six thousand dollars to five point three million dollars. because every call that is made in and out of the prison from prison or to family to lawyers to that chain that every time they call that that's you know critics say that's a kickback system if they're if they're picking only gives them the most money in
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their pocket in order to give the prison the most money in his pocket they're going to take that one and then they don't care they don't what they want the premier's my question if this is a publicly funded not a private prison are we sure that that kickback money is going to give prisoners decent food or medical care and. you would hope that these things are but what this does is it creates in the design of it in the industry to have a high rates of course because a prison official. isn't the person themselves getting what they got bags and then of the telecommunication companies going to plug them at the end of the day they're going to be like oh we only want to charge first there's a level you know. this is ridiculous these are one of those times and i feel like there are certain things that just are better handled and regulated by some sort of public office that keeps people from really do you need to make up behind whatever it be handled regularly by the you have c.c.t.v. is everybody you know is a no no i'm sorry go step out of this but then you got in all of them saying no no no that's out of bounds do that the telecommunications companies they can control
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that the problem is big telecom companies are slowly much like big cable companies are are sort of slowly become a thing of the past hopefully they're part of the past so eventually there's going to be no one to be handing money in any politician so they can get the i'm going to hold a shadow and i hope so bring the dinosaurs down there all right as we go to break log watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics of cover of facebook and twitter see our poll shows that are t.v. dot com coming up civil rights are heard and read them first of all as to discuss the celebration of july eighteenth year in the united states and the london crystal acquittal shocking everybody who stayed to watch.
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it all the world's a stage and all the news companies merely players but what kind of parties are anti american playing r t america offers more american personnel. many ways to use the landscape just like you use bade me good actors bad actors and in the end you could never wrong. so look. all the world's a. stage. play. give you what the mainstream media can't big picture. investigate debate. the big picture.
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on september twenty second eight hundred sixty two president abraham lincoln issued the preliminary emancipation proclamation order which declared all persons held as slaves within any state or designated part of a state the people where of shells then be in rebellion against the united states shall be then tense forward and forever free but it would take another two and a half years before the new the idea of freedom rich people in some southern states by the time major general gordon granger took command of the department of texas lincoln was dead and the thirteenth amendment abolishing slavery was about to be ratified the last of the holdouts people who just wouldn't let go of their desire to enslave human beings needed to be told once again that the days of slavery were over on june one thousand eight hundred sixty five mayor major granger dispatched this now famous order number three in which he declared the people of texas are informed that in accordance with the proclamation from the executive of the united states all slaves are free this involves an absolute equality of personal rights
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and rights of property between former masters and slaves and the connection here too for existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor but it wasn't easy to transition from a country that built its foundations on slave labor and indentured servitude to put it behind them in fact we still haven't managed to remove slavery of their policies and ideology from all of our government and society like weeds in a garden racism of slavery our constant reminders that we are young developing nations still finding its legs as a culture which is why the order by mayor grant major granger on june nineteenth eight hundred sixty five is still so significant today known as juneteenth it became an official holiday in texas the one nine hundred seventy nine and is now an official holiday in forty two states in the district of columbia joining us now to discuss the significance. as activist perry thank you so much for joining us thank you for having always a pleasure i want to give the dream team to me and tell me what what is what is the
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the soul of juneteenth and why is this such an important holiday. for the united states to as a society and as a country to record more juneteenth the foundation is based in emancipation basically being free from a former. slave state and that's a state of being we human beings a relationship this country is still having difficulties with a form of colonialism i'm a resident of the district of columbia and even though we we many of us over six hundred thousand of us reside on the mainland we still don't have the same rights as many of them americans we statehood and so that's a form of lack of emancipation this significant for america is chiefly three things one reminding us of where we've been and where we need not return and
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unfortunately we have many who. to go back to the quote unquote good old days when we asked the question good old days when. someone take their country back and the good thing is there's a resistance there. and then another piece of that puzzle of what it means to america is to to remind america of a legacy that was built in violence that was built in oppression and to let america know that america in the world know that this country is not necessarily exceptional american exceptionalism is a all false promise and then the third piece of disclosure chiefly is to get to a place where we can truly identify this country's history and be honest with one another. why do or do. one of the things i always think is interesting is this idea that the emancipation proclamation just made it all slaves free and that was the
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end of it but in reality. it not only took a really long time for it to even reach certain states or do that stuff. we were just talking about but in certain areas more importantly what it did was authorized black men who had been slaves or were free men to fight in a war that was a major part of it and it was kind of sold to people as this will help us sell to the american people or to the rest of the status and that they've earned this this right be here as if being in slaves they still had to prove themselves is that gone are we still kind of underlying have this idea that as as black americans you have to prove that you're real america as you finish the question that is the search is that we're still not there yet we we've all been through our school systems ever since eight hundred sixty five in his twelve years of reconstruction following the abolition of slavery we have been taught to do that beginning freidman schools to
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right now a charter school movement a bill of goods and better counterfeit and that's the story of the emancipation on the reasons why indeed this country is right. children of god then we have set you free not mentioning those reasons underlying reasons whether they be economic or whether they be for the purpose of i guess keeping the union together the unions never been together isn't together when we see the evidence by our ideological battles today you know i want to you know i think one of the great examples of what we what little black americans are facing the. arab over the weekend with former. or. it is just another in a long time a black man. who will not have justice you know there are killers are walking free
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they're paid by the state and there was some you know disciplinary action but whatever and a lot of times are commended for their actions why is it that we are still clinging to a century and a half old ideas of policing since modern police not too many people know those modern police evolved from waterways slave patrols even. me you know it's right here in our faces the history that we don't want to pay attention to and why are we still clinging to well this glorified history. of plantation owners hiring these contractors for more modern terms to police between plantations in the period following slavery was simply another form of slavery which we know as jim crow and this this idea of policing was mitt at that time over one hundred fifty years ago during the period after slavery was abolished it was meant to protect the oligarchs of this country those who had
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plenty. steal had plantations in some who didn't have plantations or haven't had them taken from them by the north and some were given their plantations back but the fact is those that own resources protected them with these police forces not too far removed from the day when we looked at the north dakota access pipeline that we saw of these paramilitary paramilitary forces protecting the resources which would make some people rich in this country and of course it's going to keep this pool because back in the pink or ten cents per gallon you know it's like blackwater was a new concept this is a concept you know it's hired guns that you sense. that this idea of the. do that and i'm going back to this idea of how how disparate even on basic constitution mean the case to me pointed out something pretty pretty glaring he he was
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a legal gun owner he he did everything he supposed to he was the right kind of gun owner he was absolutely responsible but apparently his second amendment rights disappear because of the color of a scandal. and the media say you know it one of the the issues we have in this country when we talk about the values that americans whole. equality justice freedom democracy dive dive dive well. you are so young is the officer who shot and killed him shot him seven times said that he had a broad no and that's how he figured this was the suspect they were looking for never mind he was in a car at nine at night and he was behind him when he pulled the so power how a jury of ten whites into blacks could quit this office is fabiani of us
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except with those who are extremely cynical about the american justice system and we teach that system to others all across the globe to us a idea of the entities and that self righteousness should never fly when we teaching our system. you know you know we we celebrate teams and we recognize the battle but it seems harder to really you know for a lot of people to recommit themselves to ensure freedom day after day after day especially when presented with you know case after case some sub back up or subject how do we as a society keep fighting this institutionalized racism here would it seems like we're never going to really i mean when you were going to is this battle ever going to be won and what keeps you know what keeps you going or were and what gives gives the movement strength what keeps it moving. well we're keeps a movement for young people that is the chief resource of any change in any society i have fourteen grand young people and so as they grow the oldest is only sixteen
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so now you know i'm from from newborn to sixteen i have the opportunity to instill in them a true american value system now this is a country which was stolen from another group of people and so to teach all of those values of remembering true history not repeating the downfalls with failures and. remembering that we are all fallible truly fallible that way it keeps us humble when we have relationships with others it's very very helpful that we have many that come before. but. the most important element is that you can't she says this is very i want to thank you so much for coming on educating us today to the whole sort of stuff and
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the struggle thank you so much for thank you so was always a pleasure yes it was a speech in which. barely a day goes by without some new study proclaiming that we have everything without was healthy is now dangerous and sometimes based in science but sometimes it ignores everything for a sensationalist headline enter coconut oil the american heart association's new declaration says that coconut oil is bad for you because it has a high level of saturated fat here's the problem though this new study is just a review of data from a number of other studies studies carefully picked to prove the oversimplified case that once again whole fat is bad an idea based on the now debunked nine hundred seventy s. seven nations study which only the data from countries that prove their thesis and more importantly according to dr steven nissen there chairman of cardiovascular medicine at the cleveland clinic only fifteen percent of circulating cholesterol in the blood comes from what you eat and the twenty fifteen scientific report of the
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dietary guidelines advisory committee stated unequivocally that quote cholesterol is not considered a nutrient of concern for over consumption their research make healthier decisions and always remember that guidelines like this come with a lot more fat than whatever oil you're you're using that as ours are over your day remember everyone in this world without told will love it up so i tell you all i love you i am tired rover and for dad to have a dollar tree for watching those hawks never a great night. rejected tonight is a comedy to shoulder not defect by the corporate media. would you go after the corporations that just more your lives profit over people at every turn. redact
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it's not for me it's like medicine it's like a cancer from all the stress that the news puts you under redacted tonight is a show where you can go to cry from laughing about the stuff that's going on in the world as opposed to just regular crying we're going to find out what the corporate mainstream media is not telling you about how we're going to filter it through some satirical comedic lenses to make it more digestible that's what we do every week hard hitting radical comedy news like redacted tonight is where it's at. for decades the american middle class has been railroaded by washington politics. big money corporate interests that's thrown down a lot of voices that's how it is in the news culture in this country now that's where i come in. i'm ed schultz on r.t. america i'll make sure you don't get railroaded that you'll get the straight talk
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and the straight news. questionable lead. your launching our team that special report. this stuff you install me as one that's done basically everything that you think you know about civil society have broken down. there's always going to be somebody else one step ahead of the game. we should not be the size of the normalising mind. we don't need people that think like this on our planet. this is an incredibly tense situation. soon champion swisher kid my. in the game my father was managing in the minor leagues. for how he had just served and i ended my career riding on the bus so it's kind of funny to see how it all kind of works together before myself may could not have been more blessed as an athlete.
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