tv News with Ed RT June 20, 2017 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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actions and demand the right answer. period. question no. the news tonight the united states destroyers in arabian billed syrian drones downing a second syrian aircraft it is many days and a deadly new isis leader takes up residence in central afghanistan our reporter r t boris bonded a rude guys report from the heart of his territory and coming up we will have results from the most expensive congressional race in history. reporting tonight from washington d.c. you're watching r t america. good evening friends we start tonight with the continuing search for
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a syrian fighter pilot whose jet was shot down by a u.s. navy jet unconfirmed reports suggest the pilot ejected moments before his plane was shot down by an f. eighteen late sunday night just outside rocka and today another u.s. fighter jet engaged in a radian constructed syrian armed drone taking it down in southern syria military man has been following these developments tonight and she joins us monella at the downing of the syrian as you train to jet by an american f. eighteen signals america stepping up operations there in syria the last time the u.s. engages in an air to air attack was back during the clinton era in the kosovo conflict but it's hard to tell just how much things might be ramping up in syria since the trumpet ministration ended the practice of making the number of troops on the ground public former pentagon official michael maloof says this sort of action is
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most certainly an indication of just that with the shoot down of the issue twenty two and now the latest drone and even prior to that u.s. . a text of this on. syrian troops as well as hezbollah and iranian. proxies if you will in the ultimate off area there really reflects something much more. an escalation for the united states and something much more serious for the united states in terms of what it intends to do there and right now we still don't have a strategic plan. for syria on top of that the united states is in syria without permission without the congressional approval and. the russians are tolerating this because they don't want to direct conflict with the united states and as ed mentioned an iranian made armed drone was shot down the second drone the second such incident with a drone in less than two weeks and the pentagon has issued
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a statement in part saying quote the f. fifteen intercepted the armed you a.v. after it was observed advancing on coalition positions it had dirty wings meaning it was loaded with ordinance a u. a the we did not make an attempt to divert and i also asked mr maloof what this drone shoot down means for us syrian relations going forward the united states shooting involved in an area where they don't belong but shooting down. aircraft and drones this situation is quickly escalating beyond i think anything that we really wanted where we wanted it to go in the first was now mr rove did go on to say that although the u.s. is technically unlawfully acting within syrian borders that the commanders on the ground acted appropriately in taking down that drone because u.s. special forces are in that area and it is incumbent on the pentagon to protect the
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lives of those men that are there on the ground at thanks manilla and of course there is more tonight russian in nato jets continue to encounter one another over the. see on monday a russian su twenty seven and a u.s. air force or c. one thirty five reconnaissance aircraft flew within five feet of each other nato claims that his intercepted up to thirty two russian military aircraft in just the past week nato ally lithuania has acknowledged most of the russian flights were to the russian un klav of college grads and did not penetrate nato air space. a new isis leader has emerged in northern afghanistan ozzie zola is the son of a hughes bag later he was reportedly released from the infamous of bob graham prison last year. has forced locals in the area in the region in afghanistan to fight for isis our reporter marut guys the op is in afghanistan in the heart of the
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action the territory we're has been operating he has that story tonight. beyond these desolate and those mountains lays islamic states newest caliph it the realm of warlord as azula styles himself as a warrior of god others call him a heretic cruel and heartless so does economy has murdered so many and besieged even more there is no and to his killing i lost twenty five members of my family the cook people's heads off their legs arms and think is some victims i couldn't recognize because of what they did to their faces i lost my son everyone lost their sons god said mama namor the money is the most evil men to whom it is because of him that was tough he and poverty he brought his terrorists on homes and murdered everyone as azula is
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a second generation warlord jihad just like his father dangerous and vicious fanatical until recently he was incarcerated in baghran prison then came his unexpected and unexplained release. he's an international terrorist it was american soldiers who released him from bagram have a reason. and now he's come for all of which doesn't make immediate sense bag graham is officially run by the afghan government by graham is owned by the americans the afghan government doesn't have the capability to run it it was the americans who released as if they want to they could catch him very quickly but they don't and i can't tell you why as the fed on the chaos and corruption in afghanistan in his rise months she amassed hundreds of fighters and arsenal of
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weaponry and handily defeated both the afghan army and the taliban converting his enemies to his own cause and it wasn't faith that did it you know he's the richest man i know he has support from abroad and so much money he pays his fighters who almost a thousand dollars that's why so many join him for reference that's about five times more than afghan soldiers are paid attempting some refugees say corrupt afghan troops sell the weapons he needs them and foreign sponsors many chose to resist some did so by running away risking starvation rather than live. to radical rule others resisted with our arms. he's a militia leader he has organized locals into
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a small force to resist as azula government the us they don't help we finance also by selling our houses and lands to buy weapons and ammunition all the locals and to fight as we've spoken to say the same thing the afghan army sits idle selling weapons to the united states it's marines jets and coalition allies and no way to be seen leaving warlord as the unchallenged more i guess dia of. northern afghanistan the house of representatives appears to be putting the brakes on a bill proposing new sanctions on russia the senate voted ninety eight to two and house speaker paul ryan announced the bill will head to the house foreign affairs committee for review rather than an immediate vote the bill would limit the president's authority and ability to lift sanctions at will the state department of
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course opposes the bill pointing out president from will be unable to conduct diplomacy without the power to adjust sanctions meanwhile european governments increasingly oppose sanctions germany and austria slammed the united states saying that sanctions are blocking europe's access to russian natural gas while creating a more lucrative environment for american energy suppliers healthcare is back in the picture on capitol hill this week the president is on record calling the house health care bill mean sean spicer said today the president wants to get this done the president clearly wants a bill that has a heart and he believes that health care is something that is near and dear to so many families and individuals he made it clear from the beginning that those now one of his priorities and is the senate works its way through this bill as the house did any ideas are welcome to strengthen it to make it more affordable more accessible. deliver the care that it needs but this is an area that the president
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believes passionately about the senate version is expected to be released on thursday both senate leaders had conflicting statements and different stories to tell this afternoon the democrats are complaining there have been no hearings in the debate will be limited to just ten hours in the senate the idea that we could affect one sixth of the nation's economy. the life and death literally of millions of americans the whole structure of our health care system affecting doctors and nurses and rural hospital workers we could do all of that undersea in such darkness behind such closed doors is the greatest. miscarriage of legislative practice that i have seen since i've been here in the house and senate obamacare can turn news trickle up republicans are working to implement better idea of democrats are trying to prevent congress from locked up
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job or grow up democrats and out their attention early on but they don't want to be a part of a serious bipartisan process to move the failures of this law for more on this let's turn to our political panel tonight heidi harris conservative talk of los vegas and brad ballin partner of the past storm group great to have both of you with us tonight somebody is lying i mean i don't know what's good i mean you we have conflicting statements schumer today says that they've sent countless letters over to the republicans about getting together getting in a room hammering out a bipartisan attempt here and of course you heard the sound bite just there from mitch mcconnell that the democrats don't want to do it heidi the american people to sit back and say and you know to heck with the russia and investigations get i get some health care what's going to happen here. i don't want to hear nothing from chuck schumer give me a break they didn't care about the republicans when they had the votes they crammed obamacare down our throat and didn't care what anybody else not now in fairness
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though before anybody says this because i know you're going to i would like to see the bill as everything with it and i would like to see what they're going to try to push i think as a taxpayer i have a right to know what they're trying to do but the last person i want to hear whining about it is chuck schumer come on why no hearings bread. you know when i was a congressional staffer in two thousand and in two thousand and ten and we were passing obamacare i kept the bill on my desk it was this big we had a chance to read the bill we had a chance to see what was in it we knew exactly what folks were voting for and we could even verbatim we could tell you what was in that bill the fact that mcconnell and senate republicans have yet to show the american people or people on the other side of the aisle what's in that bill is deeply troubling is this their downfall bread i mean this is going to hang on the republican mantle they have the power what if they don't deliver i think that their legislative agenda has already been
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a failure frankly i mean they haven't been able to pass meaningful health care reform which is something they tried to do and they said they were going to do by like february or march of this year they haven't done a tax package they haven't done a budget everything that they've attempted to do has languished in failure these people are not ready to govern well heidi what do you think could this be the republican waterloo. well i think it's interesting that the republicans whine about obamacare for eight years and yet didn't have anything ready to go they should have had something ready to go the day trump took office and i've been very vocal about that they should have done that but by the same token you know obamacare is the problem not what the republicans are trying to pass now so no matter what they pass it it probably won't be as bad as obamacare but they're going to get blamed for it and they're going to get blamed for every failure of obamacare that still exists even a lot of what they passed that's the unfortunate part of the republican side capable of delivering a health care bill with heart that's the word that's being used by the ministration
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the president once a bill with heart he's called the house bill mean that's pretty definitive isn't it well everybody calls you mean when you take their stuff away that's how people are unfortunately the main thing that obamacare has done is given people the perception that health care is a right a lot of people think it's their right to have health care and that it is the right thing to try to branch out of people's hands why health care is a right period was not my friend this is not this bill right oh you know what this is what there are a lot of rights like for instance the right to privacy that are in the bill of rights but guess what the supreme court has said that the right to privacy that is not a right it's the right to health care ways and there's a lot of line is it's no it's not a right because if you say that health care is a right that means you have the right to the latest played water and you don't have that right is clean air right. is it because the government thinks it is that well i mean i oughter is considered a public is considered a public trust that's why we turn to god and get those are you not or why are just
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eight hundred dollars for a bottled water because when we're thirsty we need to get a drink all right health care is the let me relist but i didn't know you don't want one final question here the president said he was going to deliver health care that everybody could afford that would be competition that they he was not going to let people die in the streets well of twenty million people lose their health care i don't know if they're going to be dying but it sure makes them vulnerable what if the republicans don't deliver and that's the political question there's a race down in georgia tonight we don't have the results yet we will soon i mean is this the waterloo i mean do they have to deliver heidi. i think republicans have to keep their promises they have to at least try to do something to make obamacare better because the middle class in many cases they may have a little car that says they're insured but really in reality they're not because they're deductibles are so high and nobody's talking about those people so red beef it bread you got the last word is this it for the republicans or they have to deliver yes they have to deliver and regardless of what happens in georgia tonight
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fifty million dollars is being spent on this race tens of thousands of people on the democratic side have paid good money to try and influence this race even a thousand of those people decide to put that time in that energy into legislative races and congressional races next fall republicans have a huge problem right heidi here is bread great to have both of you with us thanks for the exchange. one cyber firm is describing a batch of orange c. files accidentally made public as the biggest of voter data leak in u.s. history home addresses phone numbers and even the political preferences of a hundred eighty five million voters ended up on a publicly accessible cloud server for twelve days artie's election yarrow shops at this tonight. remember all the talk of russians hacking the d.n.c. i mean it's hard to forget considering the amount of airtime given to the story
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which still hasn't had a even even a tiny shred of evidence to back it up but there is another cyber story related to last year's election campaign and unlike the d.n.c. claims this one has tons of substance although it concerns the democrats' direct rivals the r. and c. cyber firm guard has revealed what looks to be the biggest voter data leak in history accidentally made by an analytics company on r n c's payroll a massive data batch with information on millions of americans somehow ended up on a publicly accessible amazon server and had been there for twelve days for anyone to download and use before the lapse was found and access was shut off the bench contained one point. one terabytes of data that's information on one hundred ninety eight million u.s. citizens which is roughly sixty one percent of the country's population and it included home addresses birth dates phone numbers political preferences and even voter opinions on major issues like gun control or abortion the leak came from this company deep root analytics which was among the several digital analytics companies
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hired by the g.o.p. during the election season it prides itself on its website for being the most experienced group of targeted in republican politics offering media analytics services to corporations lobbying groups and g.o.p. political campaigns while the deep root analytics confirm the ownership over the leak data the info in it came from a number of other companies hired by the r n c the ever present g.o.p. contract of the data trust the koch brothers americans for prosperity the cantor group and american crossroads the super pac founded by the former white house strategist karl rove it's still not entirely clear as to how exactly this much data ended up on a publicly accessible cloud drive but deep with analytics found alex said in the statement that we take full responsibility for the situation since this event has come to our attention we have updated the access settings but protocols in place to prevent further access he also said that based on the information we have gathered thus far we do not believe that our systems have been hacked and of statement it's
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important to mention that gathering data on voters by election campaigns is a perfectly normal practice but the fact that all this information was accidentally dumped onto a public domain is a serious lapse and the biggest question right now is whether any party other than the cyber firm guard which found a leak did get access to it and would use it for nefarious purposes if it did. the reporting from washington d.c. and earlier today we spoke with john mcafee on the topic of hacking he believes the most alarming aspect of this story is how the information in the database was gathered in the first place. are more concerning to me is how did it happen it happened because companies like google and facebook acquire data on every one of us who blogs we're visiting even our messages that we pass on facebook or instant messages on twitter are accessible and these things are collected so that we have
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no privacy what concerns me about this is if you look at the data in this twenty five terabyte it's almost every political attitude a person could have and my phone number and the jobs that i've had and my health records. the race for georgia six congressional dixit district is just too close to call at this hour republican karen handel and democrat john aasif were neck and neck throughout much of the race the race was the most expensive contest in congressional history the two candidates spent close to sixty million dollars president trump has slammed john aas of accusing him of not even living in the district joining us for more on this is our political analyst cesar former chair of the florida democratic party mitch nice to have you with us tonight first of all what do you make of the money is this the new citizens united world we're live in and on steroids what do you make of it unfortunately it is this is the most
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expensive race in congress in the history of the world and frankly i think both sides got carried away specifically it's one seat will give us indicators yes is this the six most educated district congressional district in the country yes is this one for the democrats to lose yes but i think the money is have seen in the average voter obviously is not happy about this everybody every political analyst out there is saying that this is going to mean something for the president if the democrat wins do you believe out. i think it really will and i'll tell you why mitt romney in two thousand and twelve won this district by twenty three points trump won it by a point clearly there's a gap in his likability meaning trump if the democrats are able to grab this sea it's going to set a new playbook but even if the republicans win this seat i think it may do away with the myth of the swing voter that literally may not exist anymore in this country but yes trumps on the ballot tonight you can take no matter who wins it is
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gospel because everything is governed by a specific district and its needs even local needs but trump is the biggest issue on the ballot although both candidates refused to say that he's the question on the ballot you know the president ran on he's not washington he's a businessman is going to drain the swamp if os of wins tonight what does that signal he's got washington ties he has you thought his side it is energetic but he's got washington ties is that card been played out of the deck. i don't think he you know he was a congressional aide yes he was also a documentary filmmaker handel's won several times for higher office and lost she's frankly much more establishment both in history and frankly in the looks in the context of by how she's run the campaign what concerns me specifically is the fact that everybody's like in poker put it all in and because of that whoever wins they're going to have the bragging rights to do better recruitment of candidates
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they're going to have the ability to energize their money people and to develop a strategy what this race really may be about is exit polls and what it tells you about this type of electorate in the in the day of trump well you must've just heard our conversation with the panel and i want to ask you this as well what's the political downfall if the republicans don't deliver on health care after bad mouth on obamacare for seven years and now they're at the water's edge and there's confliction within their own party the president called the house bill mean he wants heart in this bill senate republicans are going to deliver some heart on health care ok i'm ready for that what if they don't well senator mitch mcconnell just yesterday said that he'd only give literally a few hours for anybody to read the bill which is what the ten hours a day. right ten hours which he wouldn't guarantee if you remember he kept being
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asked a question by chuck schumer and he would not admit to or at least acquiesce to that number i think we're going to pay a very high price in eighteen because as we know a lot of the trump voters are in need of obamacare and if it doesn't come out to cover them whether it's for existing conditions or or covering some until they're twenty six years old and parents' policy there's going to be and a lot of people on medicaid and beth which states are have expanded or won't expand i think he will play a price at the polls i think that is a greater issue then even trumps frankly day to day craziness and the state of california that the mainstream media is not reporting is that there is a legislative effort to get universal health care in that state and we'll cover that in days coming up mid cesar good to have you with us tonight thank you ed a wildfire in portugal continues to rage and take lives the flames have already claimed the lives of sixty four people and forty seven of those people who died
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were on the road trying to get away from the fire and died in their cars reports indicating a candidate air water dropping plane. crashed while fighting the fire those reports are false and based on incorrect information from canada's civil protection agency thirty airplanes and over one thousand firefighters are battling the flames officials believe that they are making progress but no indication when the fire will be completely under control. u.k. prime ministers theresa may just can't seem to catch a break as of late her opponents in parliament are accusing her government of security failures in the recent spree of terror attacks across the country the latest attack on monday at a london mosque left one person dead artie's ali boyko as the latest method blunkett's and now painfully familiar and the combing down innocent pedestrians.
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country woke to news of another terrorist attack. on the streets of the capital city. this was an attack almost claims that place of worship. never done and. that has been far too much tolerance of extremism in our country over many is including islamophobia the matter of london sidique khan has and knowledge that violent extremism can now come from anywhere terrorists so much for other means other than islamists much of asian perverse islamist motivation the could use this but the police recognise this is an additional challenge they face just hours after the xtrac and most can east london received a bomb threat and had to be evacuated authorities have now increased security around places of worship but that hasn't been made to everyone's face as
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a british muslim community have quite rightly emphasized the over time there have been royce's in the number of attacks on our community as. on the phobic attacks one needs to be a socio economic changes to our society and so clearly political leadership but happened here in finsbury park has shown yet again how sadly the bluntest of tools like cars and vans can be when in the hands of those wishing to commit violent acts of terror figuring out how to prevent such attacks is now a major challenge it's a reason maze government. these star missed festival in norway is boasting big science stars like stephen hawking an astronaut buzz aldrin the festival organizers hope to spread science appreciation across the globe r t is there is
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a sponsor and our larry king will be moderating some of the high profile panels this week r.t.c. modo rosario has a preview of the star studded event armis is all about celebrating science and the arts when you think of guest speakers like astronaut buzz aldrin and cosmonaut andre braugher sanka it lends a new meaning to the term star studded gathering the festival in norway is going on all week with stars taking to the stage and others beaming in via satellite. i am very pleased to know this is the winter so this year steve. first science communication. goes to neil de grasse tyson there is a curiosity that still burns within us i'm delighted to sort of tickle that inner part of you and have you giggle like a child once again. we never thought the show would have an actual impact on science so when we hear about
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kids who are very easily chosen a career in physics because of children and leonard it's very humbling inspiring the partners in the show russia japan and china to be a part of a growing program. we're just going to stall out somewhere and we've stalled our already. wednesday larry king will be moderating panels with neil de grasse tyson oliver stone talking space and the post truth era all of all the best of their discussions here on the news be sure to tune in for now in washington i'm seimone dollar sario r.t. and that is our news tonight follow me on twitter at news with it like me on the facebook page we got it i'm a troll reporting from washington thanks for watching hopefully we'll see you back here tomorrow.
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i got a little bit well how does it feel to walk up there. the supreme court sided with top u.s. officials over post september eleventh detentions on this edition of. the politicking maybe holmes in for larry king this week the supreme court ruled that muslim men detained after the september eleventh attacks cannot sue u.s. law enforcement official.
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