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tv   Going Underground  RT  June 21, 2017 2:29pm-3:01pm EDT

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i'm going to be sad and they will. all make a football pitch. because potentially could be the. way that. i look at it. don't forget coming up will bring you the go. well of. russia chances of qualifying for the. continue. next with the latest episode of the ground.
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this is a central plank supported by the film is the problem right. washington relations sharply deteriorate over syria and britain mourns a lethal islamophobia atrocity we're going underground coming up on the show the u.k. ministry of defense tells this program will continue to invade syria. pulling out of the u.s. coalition. threatens any u.s. coalition aircraft flying west of the euphrates river. white house official one short. such
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a haul of war and blowback to revenge attacks we ask britain's shadow minister of foreign affairs if the. media is responsible for radicalizing white supremacists as the queen today opens parliament to read to speech by embattled u.k. prime minister to raise a major plot from the headlines find out how italy is taking libyan liberties with their lives at sea and who's offering a stalled prime minister a rather softer direct set landing all this of all coming up with today's going underground but first as if what seem like weekly atrocities continue in britain from the granville tower inferno in kensington to a terror attack against muslims in london isn't bad enough relations between nuclear armed moscow and washington have sharply deteriorated in the past seventy two hours britain along with the united states you'll remember of switched sides no longer defectors supporting isis and al-qaeda linked groups to overthrow the secular government of president assad in syria but while u.s. and british warplanes have been aiding the russian led syria iran onslaught on isis
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one of donald trump's planes appeared to aid isis on sunday we begin tonight with breaking news overseas for the first time a u.s. fighter jet has shot down a syrian warplane the details are just coming in within hours moscow introduced a red lines even before the u.s. downing of another syrian aircraft over syria russia says it will target any u.s. coalition warplane or drone currently invading syrian airspace west of the euphrates river to raise them a said this is not going to be any change in u.k. policy unlike this response by u.k. ally within the past twenty four hours as reported by china the people's republic supports russia's line on respecting the sovereignty of syria australia has suspended its airstrikes in syria following the delany of the syrian aircraft australia's department of defense said in a statement that the decision was made as a precautionary measure one is left to assume that australia does not. one to one
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of its war planes shot down by the russian or syrian air force that alone an iranian missile iran like russia has in syria at the invitation of the syrian government to fight previously u.k. u.s. backed moderate rebels this is how tech run responded to alleged isis dyess attacks in the iranian capital the first since israeli assassinations of scientists that. meanwhile the british government which previously defectors supported isis and al-qaeda in syria told us it will continue to put british troops into harm's way and invade syrian air space i'm joined now from florida by former u.s. assistant secretary of the treasury for economic policy and former associate editor
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of the wall street journal dr paul craig roberts paul thanks for coming back on going underground you believe the pentagon even understood what it was doing when it ordered the u.s. warplanes to shoot down a syrian jet over syrian airspace well there is the likelihood that this was a military security complex out of channel operational to serve. all our relations with russia. what's really at stake here for the military security complex is an annual budget of wired trillion wadna hundred billion dollars and that titan loads and the power that goes where that desperately needs a dangerous enemy and russia has been chosen for that role and what we're saying here is the military. is able to operate independently of the
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president and actually cares more. so most liar to this was an out of charles operation suboxone and further of the president of the united states however we cannot rule out that that it was. some hotshot. play acting in the movie top gun of but it would hair it would have had to be an american pilot i'll go believe a prayer sure the australian or any other would air a token of responsibility or risking this book anclote with russia those two alternative alice's equally horrifying arguably what did you make of the fact that australia which presumably you think does have
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a power at the top of it political process is pulled out of the u.s. coalition and britain says. jets will continue to invade syrian airspace of course led by well you're not saying go trump now you're saying the deep state well i would say that the british government is more firmly and washed its pocket than the australian government. and so the australian government was able to exercise good judgment and remove itself from the situation but you say lately the british player how tough they are now saying they might lose nuclear weapons and lovemaking aggressive statements against russia and so i suppose the british prime minister feels that she has to stand tough with their parents how far does this deep state policy go could the shooting down of a syrian plane of a syrian air space signal again the resurgence of american therefore british
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defector support for isis day ash on the ground in syria and al-qaeda linked groups . look at the only reason there is an isis is that i have president obama and hillary clinton sent isis there to overthrow assad you have to remember when it president obama was leading up to an invasion of syria with a trumped up charge that assad had used chemical weapons against his own people and had crossed the red line on to member the law that obama drawled he kept saying if assad uses chemical weapons we were really bad and then. the british parliament said the we're not going to split. and the russians said no we won't either and so what they do it since obama couldn't send american troops and they sent isis and to
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do the job so of general slept actually testified who actually said this on television he said it was a willful decision of the obama. presidency over my objection as director of the defense intelligence agency or to send in isis to syria he says he had recommended against that so we know that the americans have a hide it all is surely the russians the syrians the radiance that nowness from the begat but the american excuse for being and is syria is that expired in terrorism. you see all the life the russians and ukrainians the americans are not invited that's just to go to this subject of what moscow how moscow has a tally eight it by saying it doesn't it will target anything west of the euphrates because china equally against that shooting of the syrian plane over syria has made
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admonishing the international community including russia including iran which was fired missiles at isis in syria at the invitation if the syrian government. serious to think they are taking on the kind of nato powers that you're alleging have been helping isis station syria well i figure in syria the russians clearly hair square are. both loose their players specially with their all or ground to air missile attacks so i think the russians temporary legal. a no fly zone which is a fact quickly claire and so the question areas well we explore sure to challenge this and unless washington can very quickly pressure the australians to get back in. the australian
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australian process that affect other. coalition partners call. and you could see this same coalition breaking up. if the american strategists this and the russians know if flew the dog effective they don't blow the played out ska. that the russians will have lost their influence their face and their americans will increase or their interests in syria but i don't transmit as i know trump is ratcheting up the economic warfare against cuba the way you just describing that sounds like the cuban missile crisis i think again you have to understand that the military security tom plots are very threatened by trump that goes the question nato's purpose twenty five years after the collapse of the newton and he said even though the law is relations with russia
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well this is a major threat to their power and profit and so they've put their answers ahead of any other interests so the what we're faced with. there americans said isis overthrow assad when they themselves were blocked from doing the wreckage and so in my own in my view the russian government itself is responsible for inviting this pilot of the intervention. because the russian government has always looked in syria against isis as an opportunity to reach an agreement with the americans to fight terrorism together so every time the war was practically one the russians would pull back hoping to hold on to the war long enough to get the americans to agree
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with them to combat terrorism together this is been a russian government strategy to overcome the hostility in washington toward russia by involving the americans and the russians in a joint effort against terrorism but what what this strategy of the russian government over the look is that terrorism is wising to its license weapon against russia and therefore it's impossible to get an ally x. with russia with the americans to fight isis what isis is a total of him americans and so by you know this war could have been all over except every time they're on the verge of medicine it up they stop trying to get an agreement with them arms so it's this sort of miscalculation in moscow that has made the situation possible they were every bit as interested in getting
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in agreement with russia as they were and winning the war in syria and so that has made it possible for the americans to inject themselves directly to the war. ok paul craig roberts we'll try and get the view of the russian government on this program in due course thank you so much after the break u.k. foreign policy catalyze domestic extremism on the streets of london we speak to shadow foreign minister walid mahmood who happens to be england's first muslim m.p. about monday's london terror attack on muslims. from the headlines called talk about infiltration of action groups in britain and soft talk about britain and germany. coming up in part two of going underground.
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on stun cawley more than. we're going to be your hosts but the treat confederations cup. we're going to be visiting the host cities are. going to be full of pool so i think pretty much every topic the fans need to know about the head of the match so don't forget to join us on field it's going to be full and.
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welcome back in the wake of the fourth terror attack in three months on british soil and the surprise that mainstream outlets such as the murdoch and times have been accused of double standards for labeling monday me. morning's attack in finn's republic north london the act of a lone wolf and not an act of terrorism well joining me now is german corbin's shadow foreign affairs minister england's first muslim m.p. khalid mahmood for perry barr thanks for being on the show again before we get to tara just quickly what are we hearing i mean you're also minister shadow minister for europe what are we hearing from these brussels negotiations which raise amaze people well i think this light in shock and i think we're having gone through the election that they've gone through there now having to admit to some realities they were coming on this is this notion of their becoming and having a very hard and telling europe what to do all they've done is concentrated immigration i think about time to look at the business case and that is something very different and they're not to look at some sort of a customs union to be able to deal with that why do you think mainstream media is
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a reluctant to call the. terror attacks resume said the police said it was terrorism within eight minutes they're going to think it took so long for the b.b.c. in the other outlets well i think they're going to examine their conscience when people are mowed down this way automatically it's an attack of terror we're expected to raise the specter of their religion is back to their color they are a terrorist that is what it has to be and i'm it's about time they got themselves into gear on this. not apply to somebody who's a muslim that commits this sort of act anybody who commits about barrick act of this nature callously moving down people in the street coming out of prayers or walking along the bridge when they do that they are terrorists and that is exactly what they have to do and they have to accept and come to terms of this temple analogy that we don't want to prejudice any trial we don't talk specifically about the report but what you think are all agog media are responsible for radicalizing christian fundamentalists or white supremacists we're in the same way
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that we say that people from the muslim community are radicalized perhaps by foreign policy in the same way that some of the stuff they put out in the way that they put it out i think does give. you know that come the only reason and i would always say that can't be the only reason doing it where they are people who are groomed into this as it is with all of the forms of terrorism these people are brought together these people are groomed by people these people continues he told these things and most of them don't even believe. this is propaganda when the media actually plays to that you would those radicalized in those instances would use that media would use that propaganda to further substantiate their story a narrative that they want to put forward even foreign policy you voted for bombing libya destroying africa's richest country we know that libya is related to the manchester attack on the ground accounts of what did you feel like knowing that you voted to destabilize libya and as far as.
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the national weather service in sterling virginia has issued a special memory warning for chalk and river to cambridge maryland in the middle child river until four fifteen pm at two forty six pm a strong thunderstorm was located over chuck and river moving east at fifty knots answered wind gusts thirty four knots or greater source radar indicated impact boaters and small craft could be thrown overboard by suddenly higher winds and waves capsizing their vessel locations impacted include chalk and river move to safe harbor until hazardous weather passes. we shouldn't run to war it should have gone through the united nations to be able to get some sort of settlement he continued to say this but what we've done has been
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in power his people took those decisions and i in terms of libya you're right i did that but i assume that there will be some sort of support in follow through and government when people are oppressing their own people when they are murdering their own people and killing their own people still believe there has to be a an intervention or there has to be in intervention but if there's a last day but what has to be is a peace afterwards and we've failed business of that so any time anywhere you should look at the iraq war was wrong no i didn't vote for the iraq war i wasn't there at the no i was there i was in parliament i didn't vote i did a journal i know i was ahead and i abstained i abstained deliberately because i think probably all of england's first muslim and british foreign policy has been arguably responsible for the killing maiming or wounding of tens of millions of muslims around the world far more than any suspect i'll tell you was in tel aviv sponsible for the killing of muslims is the ongoing terrorist attacks by isis by al-qaeda after those interventions there were far more killing of muslims ever since that and i think that is what we could resolve that's what the muslim community across the world is going to result is the pandering to those sort of
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ideologies ok the prevent program you support the program program with a program for a program i think they need to be changes to it but i think we need to look at training and i've spoken to number ten about one of the things way i think it should be changed you know believe you're confused by race religion and immigration . because that's what you're going over and says people lose a poem and i'm not i think what will you do is you have to have some sort of mechanism which has become the base if you look at what's happening in terms of the duty and the education establishment in order to prevent i agree with that we have a duty of care in terms of social services in terms of beauty children and this can be to see the beauty in a particular issue i don't suppose every corbin's no i just i think prevent is that we should be looking at far way of dealing with the wider community and you know and i mean that i would prevent i would get smaller but from personal experience not a not a great program. can you not see that involving away five and geology units in muslim communities in britain telling people to inform on each other within muslim
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communities may not be the best way of what could be all of us have responsibility for all of us have responsibility for and this one of my community board offices in my constituency does is that he speaks to people he's able to listen to people and people tell him what their concerns up this is really for me this is about their own children this is about what's going to beat this is better than that in the community young woman that we want to be we want nothing to do i mean this we shall i believe mass surveillance in terms of a surveillance which has to be looked through which has to be checked with judicial oversight to be able to allow skilled services to get that to corporate with the mass media companies like. like what's up like in terms of facebook and all those sort of things is to see what's going on to be able to support it but with this with the judicial oversight it is no carte blanche for anybody in this day and age people have to prove their case to be able to do that what i support is that they must be judicial oversight over those those instances labor is supporting these jokes fun for the tragedy murdered m.p.
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some of that money goes into the white helmets which are let al qaeda in syria any problems with the labor fund like that is helping to support them we have to be really careful what charities we support and there's a huge amount of disparity of some of the charities that work here some of the charities they go to syria and what they do and i have so many concerns about those so i personally have concerns about which are to support and what they do across there because the first casualty from the terrible grand tower tragedy in north kansas in london was a syrian refugee. what do you think about the fact that you supported foreign policies that have created so many more refugees around the world well in terms of what i do but i didn't support the iraq war so i don't know how supportive they were against you voted against an investigation into why britain supported the war in iraq in the inquiry i voted against that what do you point is do we have an inquiry now what does that. i mean the problem is it's not what we carry on digging in the past what we have to do when feeling very sort of gravel to our inquiry well
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i think there's one being initiated already and i think that that will go i actually move to more that i think there has been an issue of months of corporate months or months for the charges to be looked at in terms of what is done and the barbaric way the horrific way that this is all been done without any any attention to be well it's over the church is there for people who voted for. british was the creator the going to do this in a comedy world this is a corporate action that we talk about corporate actions very different and i think you have to look at that and we have to look at the corporate action that has been taken if people have taken corners if people abuse the privilege of their hat in terms of doing the work they did and we have to look at that and that's what the problem is this that and that certainly is what they are you'd rather in what way exactly than a tourism inquiry reporting to downing look i think what we've got to do is to deal with this very quickly i want to know why there was no simple contingency plan board into action as quickly as should have been who is responsible for that those are the question is the answer i think david lammy leading mean that he's doing the right thing and we should support david i mean thank you.
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well with me now to go through some of the week's stories is a bit opaque the broadcaster a former liberal democratic member of parliament lembit the register of political divisions report should quite a lot of suspicious stuff the off gone rupert murdoch report given to the culture secretary in the past twenty four hours very interesting again media power and of course today's queen's speech what you think of all of those paragraph eight of the queen's speech. that's important than the fact that we're not to have any paragraphs next year and the reason may's desperate effort to stay afloat she's now decided to have bought might she might as well because the queen doesn't get a visit next year because this queen's speech is going to last two years but the terrorism a does or not will probably come back that happened when you were an m.p. not once there was a longer session once or twice when just the business of iran but not for these reasons this is because she doesn't want to be pulled down next year when for all we know she'll be right into a minority government maybe lost a few byelection and with corbin and his chums biting at her feet for downing
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street will return to britain in a second let's go straight to the morning star and your first paper yes the first headline is this as you say from the morning star did undercover police target grand for residents who raised fears about safety undercover police well yes now this is a speculation but it's based on previous evidence from. melissa two ations turns out the corporate spy this rob moore posed as a journalist to infiltrate various anti especially as groups and spy on campaigners including relatives of those that actually died because of the fibers the morning star is asking if the same thing has happened with the grand felt our residents the ones who've been protesting and have been protesting for years about the conditions there a lot of hearsay about the fact that the the warning signs were there the residents the action group kept saying we are in danger of the fire and nothing happened so the morning star is making a bit of a jump it doesn't seem to have evidence for it yet is true it is a bit inquiry goes into all these guys of allegations but the reporter had to turn
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on the inquiry will report directly to downing street where the chief of staff is the former housing minister given there are certain conflicts of interest to be denied agency even if it's the well i could be their god and bible will be completely objective but what the residents want is transparency their whole problem is to reason that may would listen is that they don't feel listened to the process is going to frustrate them further they're already angry this could make it worse another own goal potentially gloats over into the long grass and and they'll be an inquest coroner's inquest at some point let's go to the telegraph and and what resumes probably be more worried about regenerating because you do and i think she's right about everything at the moment and one of the reasons is summarized by the telegraph germany hence that soft bracks that compromise amid fears the reason may could be ousted during talks this is beautiful reason may call the general election to get a big mandate for hardbacks it see loses a majority suddenly a softer exit looks on the cards so what do the germans do they say they're worried
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that well help you out here will give you a soft that is the very last thing that she can turn around and offer backbenchers many of whom wanted a nice work by germany possibly quite a sensible package to pragmatists like philip hammond the chancellor who doesn't seem to be losing any sleep about to resume his woes but i must. it's proper to reason makers on the one side the germans look helpful in this shot and for a type of way on the other hand you can't really except this one has poisoned fruit it's more likely to oust her from her position some believe that the tory backbenchers are having a civil war about when just start a civil war over the over the leadership should just sad though after the meeting with david davis. the use european council president meeting robert as vega of the w.t. who directed the w t o's director general so maybe britain will be out of the head of the european union i think there's a certain amount of ganging up against the u.k. people can smell a wounded animal she said she wanted to give a fever on fox something she's the hunted now and i think she'll get quite nervous
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about these backroom chats between people she has to negotiate with in both directions at once ok. it is world refugee day in the first twenty four hour let's go to this from human rights watch yes human rights watch highlights this story you shifting rescue to libya risks lives it's certainly has handed over the responsibility for at least some of the overcrowded boats apprehensions in the in the summer there's a massive refugee crisis this is the journey for sixty thousand people every risk rescued from dr drowning off because a little twelve thousand dead that's i says in the first well italy's been heavily involved in this and they've said we want you in libya to deal with some of this but there's a lot wrong with this as far as human rights watch is concerned one thing apparently the libyan officials libyan is really live a libyan government the rise of the western backed libyan government i think britain gave ten million to keep them in camps in libya as well which was probable
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that that party right that part of the libyan administration or that fiefdom was cruising around and apparently shooting into the water near one of these overcrowded boats causing some to panic and fall jump into the sea i wonder if this is a way of playing out something which has been discussed quite a lot make it much less to try. piece of water europe the european union just because it's dangerous. thank you. director of the new film. two hundred twenty four years. designed by. the u.k. . a hung parliament and the. ruling
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elite. the british. government. hundreds of. people. serious.


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