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tv   Headline News  RT  June 21, 2017 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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hung parliament and the horrific human tragedy. as well as the. many asking if the ruling elite. i i. i the british prime minister apologizes for the government's response to the disaster after hundreds of protesters gathered for london. we engage in the street. always will profit before people always seem. to do just fine and everyone is going to. seriously. russian defense minister. just one day with nato fighter jets over the waters of the baltic sea. groups the withdrawal of troops from.
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the much for joining us this. for the british prime minister to resign may has apologized there was a disaster a week after the tragedy she also admitted the government failed in its you to help those affected. the support on the ground for families in the initial hours was not good enough people were left without belongings without roofs over their heads without even basic information about what happened what they should do that was a failure of the state local and national to help people when they needed it most as prime minister i apologize for that failure and as prime minister i've taken responsibility for doing what we can to put things right. years broke
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out last wednesday it was only put up more than twenty four hours later the death toll currently stands at at least seventy nine people the reason why in her government has been widely criticized for not doing enough to huge crowds gathered in central london today demanding her resignation or smith has been speaking to the protesters. the march for this day of rage has arrived at its destination over the houses of parliament which you can see just over my left shoulder it's a right here there are speeches and a lot of shouting and a lot of meetings running very high the organizers that at the beginning of the day that that was to bring down the government and to shut down london well they've done an excellent job of shutting down london for the rest of that march which was around ten meters long way from shepherd's bush down to head west. during the organizing that they had done it the original civil rights marches. in the
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tradition of the civil rights movements like it's almost a six mile walk in blazing heat but we feel like it has to be done that this government can no longer have authority over people's lives because they always will put profit before people always it's in it's what they've done and we're not prepared to allow that to continue it's about a wider question it's about what grenfell tower represents in its about how violence and murder that is being perpetrated against poor working class black an asian immigrant migrant communities in this country this march is in reaction to brusa loss terracing. people see the. immigrant attacks and of course the handling of the ground felt how a disaster in which at least seventy nine people are known to have burned to death although the death toll is expected to rise i was approached earlier by
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a quiet man who handed me a leaflet with us. picture of the man on it he's that the man was his friend he had lived in grand isle tower he wasn't a protester he just wanted to know whether his friend was dead or alive and no information was coming i'm not succumb and seen on this march today people have been saying that they didn't know how many people were living and when folks how a lot of them were possibly undocumented immigrants and so we possibly will never know how many people were killed in that fire there has been some movement from inside parliament of course today was the day of the queen's speech to the queen reopens parliament today and sets out the agenda for the government and to reason may apologize for the aftermath of the tragedy that's what will have to say do you accept terrible if she comes out here and says that you know maybe. we need to start heating up the anything how we need to start working on it there's people suffering this young people something.
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when they lie even. when they. make choices but it was a little thing after this massacre that i could just by people and everyone's going to shout serious say you know this is mean justice and lois needs to be turning to the why is the house so getting away with this sort of. speech back. to two reasons . for these. people in the house of parliament. a good part to play well and we discussed the issue with lindsay german from the stop the war coalition she believes the problem is this apology will do little to help the situation. i think it also symbolizes london which is now very free to voice it in terms of inequality of the false majority of people here do not benefit from the wealth which is invested whether or not free flights which is. the time
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where we have people free in a free like this is exactly the kind of insensitivity which people fear from the tories and their right kensington and chelsea council is a majority. is the extremely rich area and they act on behalf of the rich. for. power and i'm afraid to reason my has lost in credibility after the election i don't think. most people think she is only here because the different factions in the tory party decide the way and now to get rid of her she has no credibility the have to repeat policy changes in this country and there's no real sign that the tories understand that in which case they should really get out why and that labor try to form a government. the russians defense minister has had two encounters with nato jets in just one day while flying over the international waters of the baltic sea let's
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get will do you speak to a correspondent. patricia so what exactly happened in this in this encounter seems to be an ongoing situation. daniel good evening well really the support like movie scenes the incidents that we're seeing happening on wednesday a plane with the russian defense minister on board as you were saying it had to end counters with nato jets first one happened when sergei shoulder was flying to the russian city of kaliningrad and journalists who were inside that plane the film something i'd say is rather chilling nato. story f. sixteen jet was flying meters from the wing tip then a russian s. . you twenty seven fighter jet squeezed between the two to ward off the nato plane now guess what the alliance to that they are saying that they didn't know that the head of the russian army was there but. when he was flying back home nato
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jets followed him again although that was without approaching the plane and the alliance is saying that for them it is standard procedure. and i was a bit of a sensitive time to say the least in russia u.s. relations does that say very much saber rattling from both sides sure first of all there was an incident in the same region on monday that was just two days ago and that was when the russian military jets had to intercept a group of nato jets that was also in the baltic region and if you ask me the question do incidents like that pose a great threat definitely and even technically if a collision happens if some kind of confrontation in the air if people doubt that leads to war and nato are saying again and again that for them it's a standard response to nato planes approaching the area but if we just look at the
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last twelve months there have been hundreds of incidents like that and really whenever the next one happens we don't know it could be within the next few days and hopefully it doesn't lead to that kind of confrontation and we understand that as happens on the back of the tensions in syria when the u.s. led coalition jets targeted and they actually shot down a syrian government jet. this we understand that the u.s. . lawmakers are in the midst of preparing new sanctions for russia in fact one package has already been approved in response to that the russian foreign ministry say that right now they've decided to scrap the log which was a. read on between sergei lavrov and his u.s. counterpart rex tillerson those are dollars to really bridge the differences between u.s. and russia so as we were saying it is indeed a sensitive time and i just really wish this doesn't get any worse right now
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because so many things are happening when it comes to the difficulties between the two countries russia and the u.s. indeed so a lot of bridges to. bridge rather than diplomats on both sides no easy task but if you are studying absolutely. bring us the latest on that nato jet the deception of the baltics. all british commentator and historian l. dawlish believes that was a dangerous move by nato aircraft. politics he and the russia is a country overlooking the baltic sea how far that from america how would actually that against with the ag if say for example the chinese have actually flew with military jets. yes maybe and sort of neutral water but fewer miles of the american cause with an american aircraft getting an american official you know they probably would declare war i mean this is the whole thing that
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actually with the public opinion again this to america and we are on air i will actually need every day out much much bigger problems in the world actually than this kind of school playground bully it is a. continuation of the one izing russia for. political support a secret sumption internally the united states should not really reflect itself in this kind because this gives that extremely extremely dangerous all in easiest clash between two pilots and then we're at war. russia's foreign minister says he's currently waiting for an explanation from washington after a syrian military jet was shot down near the city of raka sigler off also stress the pentagon still treating various terror groups very differently for. the facts we have sure that the u.s. is really targeting what we don't recall america bombing so actively. so what it's
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called but it's constantly changing its name but it doesn't change its nature of. russia's now halted some cooperation with the u.s. over syria it's pulled out of the agreement to prevent collisions in syrian airspace meanwhile australia as. straight as air forces and outs that's temporarily suspending its operations in syria as well. now the u.s. led coalition claims the syrian jet was downed in self-defense as you can see there however in the last month it has already targeted government forces as many as five times now let's take a look at where those attacks took place the plane was shot down just southwest of the syrian city of raka that i saw a defacto capital just here where the coalition supporting kurdish troops and their fight against the islamic state. of the u.s. led coalition is also bombed conducted rather several other bombing raids against pro-government forces namely in the southern area here at the border crossing of
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the training base now the pentagon saw it at the same just a for each raid that assad forces had breached confliction zone and is sonali looks at how this military escalation may be reaching a boiling point the u.s. shoots down syrian plane over syria in self-defense the only action that we have taken against pro regime forces in syria and they've been to specific incidents have been in self-defense let's imagine a random guy comes into your house with a gun and shoots your dog and then he's like it was just self-defense i wanted to make sure there was no why lynds going on here d. as coalition speaking of deescalation after this self defense move the situation couldn't be worse russia now considers all u.s. led coalition planes in the area a potential target and are tracking them all of this happened as both the u.s. and syrian government backed up by the russian air force were fighting isis in the
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stronghold of iraq are now washington and moscow have locked horns in syria again focus has shifted and isis is probably breathing a deep sigh of relief while watching syrian fighter jets crashed in flames on the horizon good job superpowers you're not so super slick. the questions are now being asked whether the fight against terror has changed to outright military intervention and even u.s. senators have joined those critical of the pentagon's policy in syria this is illegal war at this point then there's a practical question the practical question is doing anything you want killing every perceived enemy in every perceived leader of chieftain of five people in some misbegotten village is it helping are we going to defeat an ideology by killing people let's cross live now to the editor of dot com for more insight on this thanks for joining us lou some u.s. senators have criticized u.s.
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actions in syria call them illegal even does this show. somewhat of a lack of unity here among u.s. politicians when it comes to deciding the course of action over syria. well i don't i certainly hope so i mean who invited the u.s. into syria the u.s. is an invader in syria it decides that it's going to go in it's going to kill people it's going to it's going to support the forces it likes oppose the forces it doesn't like. me imagine some imagined candidate deciding they're going to do that to montana and we would like it syrians don't like a worse russia. but i'm a longtime ally of syria and. been invited by the elected government the u.s. is an invader it's a very arrogant invader and i'm must say what's going on now which reminds me of something out of a of an old one nine hundred fifty s. movie where you have the juvenile delinquent playing chicken with their jalopies
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what's going on in the air over syria over the baltic sea and so forth has the possibility of bringing about a war with such a war going nuclear it's all too possible i mean what you know it's just it's it's childish behavior and six trimboli dangerous it's extremely irresponsible of the u.s. has no business in syria and what the syrians take care of syria. and the u.s. is what the u.n. the people the u.s. is supporting in syria for example the kurdish forces spend most of their time attacking a syrian christians and the armenian christians have to clean cleansing their villages killing people. and so this this is the u.s. as usual is not exactly the basque you know freedom in its overseas operation but if i was just to get out of syria stop bringing on war if i just jump in because i want to get as many questions as a cotton and i mean the u.s. with all of you many people would all of us is supporting the kurdish forces you
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describe have proved one of the most effective fighting force against eisel and if that were in danger the u.s. would say it is self-defense. how would you respond to that. well i don't know i mean i so will. we really don't know entirely who created eyes so who's supporting eisel there's no question the us find some of these terrorist groups to be extremely effective allies and it's imperial endeavors so that. i must say i don't trust what the u.s. government is saying i don't trust with the kurds are doing who exactly is i so we know that at times the us britain france israel and so forth absa ported so i think i think we can't believe what any of these people are saying we need to use our own minds our own reason and the first thing we need to do is think about words now unfamiliar to us like to taunt peaceful coexistence and to portray russia we
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americans should remember that russia's military budget is less than ten percent of america the us controls the whole world except pretty much russia and china it would like to control everything it's very aggressive it's. a must have not seen anything like this of the cuban missile crisis which thank goodness ended because kennedy and khrushchev made a. very good deal they each disarmed russians got their missiles out of cuba the americans got their missiles out of turkey which were right on the russian border that was not known in america for a long time by the way that kennedy very smartly agreed to that that's the kind of thing that needs to happen the disarmament no more war the world does not need a nuclear war what's going on in syria look the syrians decide let assad be the leader of a syria trump the american defense secretary the american secretary of state have no business in syria guys get out ok look well that it's called thanks for your
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insight today on aunty. now the german parliament has approved the transfer of its troops from the. key over to jordan following diplomatic tensions with ancora peace all of a house the latest from. this isn't so much a solution to the long term problem is it is a solution of kinds to the immediate issue which came about after turkey had refused german lawmakers to go to the insular air base in order to visit the troops that were stationed there they've now decided they're going to up sticks and move to jordan it's now gone through the parliament as was expected but the diplomatic situation between in berlin is at its lowest ebb i think it's been in recent memory we saw tensions rise over. turkish want the want from the turkish president to come here to germany to speak to the people ahead of the the
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referendum that took place in his country he was denied that we've also seen berlijn in and clash over german journalists being detained in turkey and we've also seen turkey and germany clash when it comes to the comes to germany potentially giving asylum to some of those who are accused of taking part in or at least organizing the attempted coup in turkey last year the very latest in this diplomatic snafu that keeps deepening is that president after he attends the g twenty summit here in in germany which will be and how coming up on the seventh and eighth of july after that he wants to address the turkish population who live in the state of north rhine-westphalia it's a big there's a big turkish population live in that particular part of western germany however he's coming up against a brick wall when it comes to finding
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a venue he try to book a place in dos and he was told that it was already booked he tried to book a place in oberhausen was told that it's gone through going to bed of ations during that time so we are seeing is although solutions have been found to the immediate problem of where to place the blunders there is air force takes part in that coalition against isis the big point is still continuing and it we're seeing deep divides between turkey in germany when it comes to the diplomatic front. now the second group matches at the twenty seventeen confederations cup festival of football on the way that for the ado let's get a latest from our very own neil harvey and stan collymore who are in our special rooftop moscow suitor.
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good evening to you welcome indeed to your continued confederation's cup coverage alongside me stan collymore but before we talk about the beautiful game i want to start by talking about beautiful moscow just take a look at this this is one seriously beautiful city by evening stand watch your thoughts here it's groom isn't it. wall that's the big wall. it is the ice is all we're going to go there tomorrow you'll see the ambassador but how about this just the whole city panoramic here is quite stunning and it's three hundred sixty degrees of where when even beyond our camera man is the bolshoi ballet i mean for the last few days to go up a little walking some maybe on the way back but this is absolutely sensational red square. the crimean wonderful vantage point it looks even better by now and i think that is no exaggeration let's talk football like should now of course we had the big game russia portugal victory for portugal by a goal to stand takes it highlights yes it is
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a superstar by sour without my own christiane i would i'll go open in the score in a wonderful head form of where i'll cross in portugal and really volatile off chances for russia about a little better finish in my have seen. these one hundred appearances for russia to make a really good side as you can see there was lots of pressure but lack of clear chances meant a first loss for russia but plenty of praise new york because of the efforts in that second home and that was the key wasn't because to be fair it was portugal first half and they could have buckled russia but they didn't and indeed they had a few chance being closer on to europe it quickly. be fun as well as test match it was a test match today. of course don't have any qualification. for the world cup as being how they're brought to my equally flawed so do i need to make sure every single
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game that i fly test match. i mean they were very disappointed in the european championships they ripped the old gauld players like the better for example it was a very old defense and they removed all three three key players yesterday in four sometimes you get the old players that all grow up. and then you either keep sticking with want to or you risk things open stall to gain cheers just off the manager rip things open stall to make an example move though isn't it because it's a complete starting from from i mean you've got plays like small off follows that kind of a substitute to die he was very bright and lively and the guy gets new zealand and what you trying to start to see whether lots of other nations cameroon has come to the tournament with a very young saudi australia conversative a very experienced so i would do the chileans have do the portuguese german and the world champions no less of course with a very young saudi that's
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a good sign isn't it for us if the germans think it's a good idea to test this and gain experience then it's probably a good thing to be cheated in this involvement because this is the tournament of champions yes it's only the nations rather than the thirty two we're going to be seeing in russia next year but if you can get to all three players coming through like paul also it feels like an international player in some positive reports of any goes. for the season next season. one or two new young superstars to be able to shoulder the burden. very hard as they could be called twice the plaque on the world cup this time next year of cool so there are two of the teams in let's not count them out so let's bring it today late to school or into the second half now and it is mexico wall new zealand will not have a big bearing upon rushed. progressing and this is a good result as it stands for russia as a big barrier because we've got a hundred roubles on and to be quite frank i thought mexico would win this one quite simply we've been watching the guy behind the scenes and the mexican press.
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if you think they're in for example. or spying there are newspapers sports newspapers like. when the spanish or italian national teams lose very really go to town on them like a lot of the english tabloids but nothing nothing comes close to mexico before nation press turned on them big saw and so warm one draw against the lowly new zealand would not go down very well it makes this spawns the myth if anyone thinks that this isn't a serious competition try telling that to the mexican man if you might find yourself out of a job if they lose but as it stands he's even get any kind of result and it's still all to play for for everybody points on the book with a tough stick and for that final guy against mexico for russia if they do that scalp with players that we've mentioned like giovanni dos santos and of place in the united states. you know if you broke your munching drive back
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then all of a sudden you've got a young russian saw you with a new manager with cement having only lost one leg it's the european champions go into a guy where all of the expectation will be on mexico in the mexican nation and they're travelling so well she could very very positively germany likewise if i command to base whether they get two or semi falling or all fall in the world to go on to win it but all of a sudden puts pressure on the likes of. backroads while madrid in austria so any tournament secure tournament of champions from the different regions around the world is never a wife. would say. that you and i are going to have a point to eat within the next couple of days he's here. watching three or four games the japanese. have all striving in a very important qualifier in tokyo. so everybody starting to white
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to the possibility of the russia world cup in two thousand and nineteen is not very far white preparations beginning i would say about the preparations in terms of the teams and the coaches but also this is preparation for the country as a whole isn't it that they're checking out is the country ready as the infrastructure ready how are the fans going to receive the game so it's a big test for russia as well absolutely i think that for fans they want to see the traveling front and all again not a little walk into red square so some portuguese fans that were enjoying themselves i think we've talked a lot about infrastructure before stadiums are wonderful i believe that the twelve stadiums will be wonderful when we get so. next year right. road already regularly i mean you have to look. after. the world city but it really is things like when we've spoken to the moscow board of tourism. not just
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cyrillic but also we want to inform so that funds can come lots of stuff in english so if you are coming from a fall to the world cup next year it's going to be a fantastic experience and in my experience having walked around the infrastructure is ready now to be ready tomorrow looking for to continue our journey hopefully we are going to go on to those of the host cities that we haven't yet and will find out are they ready to take we're also going to bring you the goals from not mexico new zealand game it isn't over yet next hour we will bring you the crucial goals they could well play into russia's hands find out see you next hour. want to view the form for neil diamond well next here on the program from terror attacks to break sit cross talk to me it's one of the u.k. is experiencing a crisis of leadership probably with you and.


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