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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  June 23, 2017 7:29am-8:01am EDT

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doubt after they became aware of the hacks johnson stated to my disappointment not to my knowledge sir the response i got was the f.b.i. had spoken to them they don't want our help they have crowd streak strike the cyber security firm but but but wait a minute i thought this was an attack on our very democracy i mean hillary clinton told us back in december that quote this is about the integrity of our democracy and the security of our nation this is not just an attack on me in my campaign so why in the world would clinton and debbie wassermann schultz not go to the department of homeland security the f.b.i. and instead rely on a private firm like crowd strike well our girl debbie fired back at johnson's testimony declaring at no point during my tenure at the d.n.c. did anyone from the f.b.i. or any other government agency contact or communicate with me about russian
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intrusion on the d.n.c. network so it appears it's d.m.c. said versus d.h. has said here on capitol hill was we start watching the hawks. that's. what it's like you know that i got. the. welcome one and all the watching the hawks i am tyro but on top of them all is. all right well over the walls sunstone i will put it to you this this this you know d.n.c. said. th th as does this battle now but to. in the two organizations is this
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hurting the credibility of the b m c i mean after all you know they basically like . the russians have you know it was the biggest threat to national security but now it would appear at least according to the drugs and. we go we don't really need you know official help on this we don't need the f.b.i. there's this hurt their credibility and all of those well you know i mean but i mean i was told by the democrats we were told very clearly that we are supposed to always always always always believe everything and community tells us and we should never question the department of homeland security and surveillance and everything else so if i if i follow the tried and true blue democrat i would be saying we will. i don't understand what i think is very interesting is just the turn of events and especially debbie wassermann troll two has had
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a rough road a little bit. as a rough road i think that's a way to put it but i think what was really interesting was that in response to johnson's testimony last night representing a very bit yesterday i did representative jackie spear from from california democrat who sits on the house committee intelligence committee disputed the testimony of the head of you know jay johnson as you know former head of the former head of the department of homeland security and said she said there was a low level staffer who was contacted and that was the extent of it. for a lower level staff so there are already throwing some names low level staffer under the boss but on top of it they're now saying that the very intelligence people the very government the very people that they just that they said in they were administration that they said were so great that we had to trust implicitly that they didn't trust them through their to do their job. it was interesting ok now you
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have like two different versions ago saying they're never contacted us to represent say well they just contacted someone lower you know and never got the. what do you make of all those first of all it doesn't really matter who contacted who if the d.n.c. really was concerned about the hacks i'm sure that they were at that point that we stepped down right the whole point was well we've been exposed then they should have contacted the department of the government departments to help support their investigation but the real issue is that you know johnson's testimony wasn't just about the d.n.c. hacks he actually went on to this whole issue of russia hacking and saying look i have no evidence that the russians actually affected any of the machines and he said yes they were russian hackers up operational from what you know what we can tell they were looking around they were so you basically compared it to people walking on the street and looking and seeing if the houses are open whose people are home but he never said that he said look we have no evidence of russians actually affected interfered with the voting process so if that's really what the evidence i think that's just what you have to look at that's most critical at this
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juncture and not the exposure of something that really was in the day rather vapid if you want to expose the d.n.c. you could go after hillary clinton's e-mails and things around benghazi right it was that kind of harry is thing in the world is a russian hackers and all they come out with is a bunch of whiny d.n.c. staffers kind of playing about how people don't like the popular kids well i mean it's had their. eye on popular and you should like me no matter what you but what's interesting is moving forward it looks like it did you know those jobs testimony did make an impact you know how the house intelligence committee ship was but kind of like the lead guys always on t.v. talking about russian haggling there he told n.p.r.'s abbie cornish that in the light of johnson's testimony quote we're going to be bringing in officials in fact in the very near future from the b. and c. some of the people to find out what was the situation was there an unwillingness or reluctance to share their server with the f.b.i. or d h s that's the thing that gives me if you think a crime to. place is
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a thing that you go to the authorities who would be able to decipher what's on there but instead you want to a private company a private company that you're paid to give you potentially i mean i'm sure you want they're paying you they're going to give you what they think you want to hear at the end of the day and sorry i had to go to see if you were the want to talk about a crime. before the election he said there's going to a million voters this enfranchise voters of color who would normally vote democrat who are being disenfranchised by voter rolls you know cross check and other things like this software that's the real investigation and that's not being called for because you have to create a war with russia and it's just it's insane to create to follow this one narrative you know basically to lose our democracy here because there is this is this franchise it takes place in this country we know it right and it's very simple it's very. old school american political tactics this idea of point a direction point the finger in the other direction and the thing with the debbie wassermann schultz thing that infuriates me is that these are the same people who
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sat there and said that we anybody who didn't vote for hillary and anybody voted third party were horrible disgusting human beings i've been called vile names for even suggesting that someone might not want to vote for hillary clinton during the election and now i'm looking at the broad i won't say brought us because they're women and somebody might take that the wrong way but they're in the incompetence the level of incompetence that a congresswoman and the former secretary of state their entire the foundations of democracy got hacked by eight supposedly hostile foreign country and y'all didn't call the department of homeland security it's pretty ridiculous when you really break it down to that and she doesn't have a great yeah record you know a lot of. saving of all where. we may spend over six hundred billion on our military but for some the d.c. bubble it will just never be enough. john mccain the senate's warhawk in chief who
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in his thirty page request for even more money had this to say for do long we have allowed the budget constraints to drive strategy it is time to turn this around and return to the first order question what do we need our men who tarried to do for the day shadwell apparently one thing our military needs to be doing is providing ninety three million dollars worth of uniforms for the afghan army but not just any old uniforms these have to be a rich dark green uniform with special camouflage to blend in with the dense forests lush flora except here's the problem afghanistan doesn't have too many dense forests i mean if we're to believe our own central intelligence agency what areas compose exactly two percent of afghanistan and all afghan soldiers really have to blend in with for the most part is desert students barren hills and snow capped mountains so unless we are so successfully fighting the taliban that they will soon have nowhere to hide but the trees and we certainly don't envision such
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a lucky break through anytime soon why does a new inspector general report show the pentagon's wasted twenty eight million unfashionably forward forest. for the soldiers in afghanistan. all you hear above over and over again i mean no longer the three of us here. running the bow on the ground waist seriously as long as i can remember us we're going to go over that six trillion they came out i think last year that number came out six trillion then they said one hundred twenty five billion just the mystery of waste this past february and then i reminded a bit afghanistan the forty three million dollar gas station to go nowhere right and all i can think is afghanistan drugs and graft because there's no way you can actually spend this kind of money on the services you put twenty million dollars the afghan army is not that big i'm sorry and they're making this stuff in china anyway aren't they and it's not going to cost you twenty million dollars for. this is over i believe about a ten year period but you're still over a ten year period still want. it over you know it's going to reach twenty eight ten
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year period or still looking at almost like a million. a year on uniforms which is ridiculous plus like you said there are dark colored green camouflage that doesn't make any sense for the train to. guess what your goal the fight the midnight. hell there are only there's a reason for the according to the inspector general for of get us down the up going to picked the pattern from an online lineup because he liked what he saw so i was going to this is really how we allocate our defense budget now. the afghan government doing essential what online shopping yeah but sadly you have amazon and also it's any minute any day now you know ways that even more disturbing is the fact that b. is so these uniforms got even more expensive. both of your parents but their father served so one of the things they had is that all the buttons be replaces the birds which you know anything about the military it's
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a little weird that you would do that but even more disturbing was when justifying the odd selection big company itself that makes these uniforms and the pattern announce that darker colors have a greater psychological impact providing a greater sense of authority and story to both the user and the viewer than later colors so. darth vader well i mean if you're talking about a uniform you know what. uniforms that you're wearing for show like you know when you're showing off your military and you want to give certain colors do have you know you look at the blue is there but that would not birdlike in the field you see not caring what they're trying to blend in and protect and do the whole thing that camouflage is supposed to do i would love to know where the money really went yeah but meanwhile for the twenty thousand budget they're asking for the white house is proposing fifty billion dollars more for the pentagon which will be offset by cuts the state department programs like food stamps medicaid and student loan assume.
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that's so that's where we need to spend more money obviously on afghan uniforms afghan uniform but we don't have enough money to provide insurance for our elderly we can't help them stand their homes we can't help kids get prepared for the next generation and then the next day and said their future is where leaving them on a tired generation in the wind because a bunch of baby warmers think it's ok that you spent twenty eight million on garbage and we are we all know what the end of the day you know we spend more on the let's go to war department but we spend more on our war department and almost every other nation on earth can buy it i mean if you really break i mean we're talking close to six hundred billion close to a trillion dollars up there what are we afraid of at the end of the day that we need this much money you know and i think the problem that you're seeing now is that you know they build a piece of those fighter jets and a piece of these things in every state of the union to where no one on capitol hill is ever going to really make the necessary cuts to get our defense in line with our budget so we can cut down on the deficit because everyone says that this kind of
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defense spending doesn't play into our deficit is crazy and there's one more thing that people don't really talk about maybe i'll cover it a little deeper on the show at some point but these government contracts when they get down to that level of actually being at a company like a defense contractor somebody makes trucks what the people that work there one even though they get this influx of a government contract it doesn't raise their wages they don't get more overtime they're expected to work harder and sometimes for less or they cut back so that they don't have to pay them there is a great point all right as we go to break card watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter see our full shows on our dot com coming up author and filmmaker darren berger enters the hawk's nest to discuss her new book on the prevention of autism and then it is on exactly looking peachy ga stay tuned watching the.
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social environment. right. chemical discoveries over the last century made every day life easier but at what cost this is serial is exceptionally sick. no wonder it's confidential. cysts as the years old industrial giants reap the benefit ignoring the caused by chemical production. you know as if these people aren't just experimental animals decades later the toxic environment continues to poison lives and we found these astronomically high levels of dioxin
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levels that my staff think maybe some of the highest levels ever in the united states for almost thirty years this very serious problem had not actually been addressed what will that investigation into the chemical industry secrets revealed . to. the earth. seemed wrong. all all. that yet to shape out the attic. and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. chance to look for common ground.
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if you can't say the word autism without a better you can debate these days about whether you're crazy enough to believe vaccines might be causing it but with the c.d.c. estimating in twenty fifteen about one in forty five children now have an autism spectrum disorder it may be one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in the u.s. even more devastating as a parent of a child on the autism spectrum have a higher chance of a second child also developing so what causes it the mayo clinic has announced the scientific consensus that vaccines don't cause autism but no one seems to know what does the harbor is the mother of an autistic boy and the author of a new book how to prevent autism she joins us now to discuss her research but i'd like to start by asking you to are about your personal experience of how you believe your son developed autism. sure so my son i was doing a very alternative vaccine schedule i was when i was pregnant i was that person
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reading books on vaccines because i was nervous about that they didn't really make sense to me like why not let my baby develop their immune system properly without bombarding them with you know things that seem like they're not good for them so what i had done is when i started to vaccinate about six months i notice lowly with each vaccine i was only giving one every couple months that things were starting to go wrong he was developing eggs and he was developing a yeast rash that was chronic food allergies where he didn't have these issues before the vaccinations and then finally it culminated with the last vaccine i gave him which was a shot at eighteen months and when i put him to bed about an hour or two after the vaccine i came to him in the morning and my son could never speak again for seven years we did an m.r.i. which showed to a scheme extra an m.r.i. is don't lie and you can see my son had suffered. stroke he couldn't speak and then he slowly unraveled his gross motor skills he couldn't even climb up stairs anymore
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. you know it's interesting is it despite the. you know the. kind of evidence in the schedule the vaccines and the connection to your to your sons my all these you are actually don't label yourself when i'm tired or why why do you kind of separate yourself from. because it's just like anything i could compare it to abortion because that's a good example i would never get an abortion for myself but that doesn't mean i don't want the choice to be available for my child my daughter so the fact is i'm not against you getting vaccines or anybody else they can be available i just would never want one for myself and i think they're dangerous and i don't think they're helpful they don't work what do you see as the dangers of states like california now passing this as b two seven seven mandates vaccines for kids going to public school where do you see the danger lies in in that sort of forced hand of the state
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saying if you want to go to public school you have to get all of these vaccines out a certain time at a certain schedule. well it's medical fascism to take someone's education and hold it hostage to make them comply with medical interventions that you want them to take i mean it's just it's unconstitutional. that's a very valid point i think but obviously we were fighting an uphill battle here when it comes to the scientific community because the consensus is obviously saying that vaccines don't cause autism so do you think in terms of the the battle to protect kids that is what we focusing too much on the vaccine connection to autism and not on environmental exposure to things like talks like fluoride heavy metals i mean. sure i'm glad you brought up that point so my book is not about vaccines so basically we have epidemics of all chronic illness we have epidemics of childhood
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cancer so obviously what we're doing right now to raise our kids it's not working i mean right now you can go into any nurse's office and they have like one hundred epi pens on the wall and i'm forty six years old i was born in one nine hundred seventy eight peanut butter and jelly every day so the point is what we're doing is working the kids are sicker than they've ever been so you have to follow the precautionary principle right what's been going on in the last twenty thirty years that has changed so much that could be affecting our children because we haven't found just one exact cause so you have to look at we have wife i coming at us from everywhere we have no idea what that electromagnetic radiation does to a growing child's brain then you have g.m.o. this that's a huge experiment that's been doing going on i mean they've done studies where they've give rats g m o's and they've grown humongous tumors and then you have pesticides you have more chemicals now than we've ever had i mean the study was
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being done where babies are being born to the environmental working group did a study in two thousand and five and found that there's over one hundred chemicals in a baby's cord blood and. and that comes from one place that comes from a mother her body burden and that's why we talk a lot about in the book preconception wellness cleaning out before you have your first baby and especially if you have a child on the spectrum making sure to clean out before you have another child and that's something that's interesting because one of one of the things that we've seen over the last year has been more studies in the connection between if the genetic predisposition to it let's say this idea that parents have one child with autism their other children are more likely to develop autism. with this genetic predisposition in one do you see doesn't this indicate this sort of idea that there's indication that there's some sort of a genetic predisposition and why are we looking at that closer since that genetic
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predisposition predisposition like you said could cause risks later on like these are things we could avoid in children. sure i'm really glad you brought that up because i have an entire chapter in my book called at the genetics and metabolic pathways we talk about these genetic predispositions very often one really common one is called far and that causes a huge problem there's never been found to be a genetic cause one single gene but these snips they're called they the genetic predispositions you're talking about they make it so that the body does not function properly but the wonderful thing is there are certain supplements that you can take to work around that genetic break and that's what's so important for testing for it and seeing an integrated physician who can help you if you find that you have one of these genetic predispositions so what we're up to is what are the
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best ways that you discovered in researching your book and writing this book for parents to come a better game plan to better protect their children. from developing autism or other you know getting afflicted with some pretty major diseases like that what are some of the best things that a parent can do. ok well it starts before you get pregnant if possible that doesn't mean that you should throw your hands up in the air and say oh my god i can't do anything if you find when you're already pregnant but eating an anti-inflammatory diet that would take out all the food that's in a box or you know a bag eating organic is incredibly important if you are not eating organic you are you have tons of glyphosate which is a very dangerous pesticide all over our food and then making sure you stay away from g.m.o. is so it's basically organic fruits vegetables meats not seeds so first start eating well that's one of the that's paramount importance is diet and then secondly
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there's a lot of things that you can get tested for i mean thyroid condition that's a very common auto immune so when women have a thyroid condition they're six times more likely to have a child with autism so again that's something that you can just easily check with your primary practitioner and find out if you have a thyroid issue so these oh and certainly go to you know and certainly just changing over and getting toxic chemicals out of your house using safer personal care products some things are more obvious than others we only got about two minutes left but i do want to ask you what what's the responsible way for for parents to kind of you know help get the doctor community your get the health care industry and to get them to kind of at least start opening up to some of these things like the big problem is you know there's so hands on don't question it don't mention it don't talk about it you're crazy if you do what is a responsible way for parents to breach this subject with their doctor or you know
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about community. we in regards to vaccines or in regards to things in the book in regard to both. ok well as far as prevention strategies idol if you have a doctor that's against you eating a clean diet and doing some testing preventative testing i mean you need to get another doctor that's clearly you know the case and as far as vaccines it's a parent's decision because ultimately it's the parents are going to be responsible for whatever outcome happens with the child and obviously there's tons of children that are vaccinated every day without incidence of autism that doesn't mean they're healthy and they're not sick with other chronic illnesses i mean for one thing most people don't know that exit was a side effect of vaccines and that is a very common condition but it can snowball into something much worse if it's not treated holistically. interesting thank you so much that's one wonderful sure for you to come on to join us and discuss your new book the political bringing you for
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having me thank you. puny little peaches covered peach farms across the southeastern united states causing a multi-million dollar disaster causing prices to rise for this southern fruit this includes the states of north carolina south carolina and georgia this is all due to these freezing temperatures across the southeast in mid march last year farms in georgia are produced eight million pounds of sweet georgia peaches compared to this year's two million seventy five percent drop that could leave dicky berms with nothing left to ship by early july beach researcher best job ever. who works with the university of georgia extension stated that twenty seventeen is for sure going to be remembered as one of the most difficult years in peach production in the southeastern united states in just the last month hold still phrases for these
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georgia peaches went from twenty dollars to thirty dollars a markup of fifty percent while georgia's peaches do have a pretty bad south carolina's loss is even worse when there's a. it has a ninety percent drop in production so this is definitely looking like an ad so. this was a very pitchy show and that is our show for you to remember everyone in this world were not told well loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am tyrol but i'm down to the last shots keep on watching those hawks never a great day and night everybody. let's talk about black and blue to be black. and always will in a big house down at least that's what i've been told but it was simply that we in
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remains as such because we simply forgot. the scene we've allowed them to rearrange their pain you've told us the sickness of trusting the enemy we came to face. that's what i call the lack of blackness or understanding the blues of being black . sheep to blues of being black should mandate that we attack knowing how when and what to do to come this simple in his national is be better simply tat the feeling is black and blue. twenty to the twenty seven. candidates so prime ministers of all of the european partners like the liberal majority the pulse of coalition governments the
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prime minister and was held in holland just a few months ago the prime minister won with some be a twenty two percent of the vote and he still. trying to put coalition government together. it's all hypocritical of the europeans to say may doesn't have enough to do with majority in most cases they do a lot of the. issues in other posts this isn't the end. of. the law i still. believe in a dose of the public good. if you. just. have to leave the last a few but really. the barbecue at the bar. was i don't
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know somebody i don't want to sell for what they sell but oh. but the investigate police officers behave here as well. i'll take drugs and weapons and presence here. calling people as you please.
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one year on from the political earthquake the. instability and uncertainty loom larger than ever over the u.k.'s future. with enough of my from the end. of the national a measure of the damage that has not yet done as. civilian suffering intensifies amid the campaign. from the syrian city of raka. america's post liberation plans. the german secret service has granted the right to read encrypted messages on suspects smartphones after proves new surveillance powers.


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