tv Documentary RT June 23, 2017 10:29am-11:01am EDT
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why don't we all just don't hold. any old belief yet to shape our disdain because adjective and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when chance to look for common ground. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. your act right up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each day. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was a cave still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i
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secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with this one different speech because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. an eighty three year old woman won a gender discrimination case against israel's national airline el al ronnie raygun of its had been given a seat makes the jewish matter how flight from new york to tel aviv but the crew also to move off the neighbor insists that he couldn't sit next to a woman for religious reasons or benefits a self told us how she reacted. i spoke with the man and. what was his problem with my life sitting next to him and he
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responded to a light lit he bad if it is said in the torah that man is should not sit next to one. a it's. that i did not think that was the case there is no or he has say. that supported me and brought suit. let's cross live now it's a rainy pretty ribbon of riches lawyer month thanks for joining us all to you today how difficult was it to win this case it was a pretty landmark child and it wasn't as you face many difficulties. and frankly we were running against time. our client as you can see is the
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older lady and we were worried about the late tactics of which were plenty of them this is the first hearing was eighteen months after we filed our lawsuit but we're very satisfied with the result. rene have a b. know of each and unlikely heroine a beautiful israeli in a way wonder woman was able to beat our main airline. told us earlier that she hopes this case will have an impact on other cases as well serve as an inspiration to others do you think this will have. a big impact on inequality gender inequality issues among jewish people perhaps people of other religious faiths as well. absolutely because what the judge said yes day before yesterday is that. it is going to implement this verdict to all its thousands of employees and if within six months someone else encounters something
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like what our heroine has encountered there are there is open to an avalanche of lawsuits actually what the verdict says is that unless it shapes up there are going to be many many lawsuits it's illegal it doesn't matter religious feelings or non-religious feelings it is illegal to tell a person to move because of their gender the reason is that we can't change our gender and it can't be helped it is against israeli law and i live in today's ago has accepted upon itself to retrain all its employees to have a simulation to all its employees in the simulation they're going to be asked i'm an old orthodox jew i refuse to sit down unless this woman is moved the stewardess is the flight attendants are going to have to learn to say sir it is illegal for me to ask you to move you're going to have to suck it up sit down. let's hope it
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doesn't go the way you are you know today lines went to the other side we understand you had help from activists as well in your case how big of an impact was up. we had many complaints other than remains in all of them it was social pressure that made a move a woman move what happened was that everyone in the plane was saying to the lady we want to take off get up and move from your seat what was wonderful about remains case is that in rene's case the flight attendant turned to her and said to our eighty three year old holocaust survivor please move yourself move to a different seat it's the flight attendants participation that made this case so clear to the court how common is this sort of problem is radio lines in general other airlines i mean have you faced similar cases before yes we have one
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hundred fifty affidavits we chose out of them relays case but this is very common i speak to many groups and when i ask have you been witness or have you suffered from such a situation in a plane there's never been a group that i didn't see a few hands go up this is a very common thing not just there but other players and other carriers to israel delta merican another airlines everybody noticed this verdict it is illegal to tell a person to move to another seat because of the mere gender all right are not off manoir of any robin roberts thanks so much for giving us your time today here on out international. saudi arabia and other gulf states have presented cuts all with a list of demands that must be met if it wants diplomatic and trade ties to be restored these were severed over doha's alleged support of terrorism a middle east correspondent paula slee has more on the story. tom has been
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presented with a list of demands from saudi arabia the united arab emirates raid and egypt four nations that cut oil trade and diplomatic ties with the country now this came off to the u.s. state department questioned the motives of the gulf states move now that it's been more than two weeks since the embargo started we are mystified that the gulf states have not released to the public nor to the qataris the details about the claims that they are making toward qatar. the more the time goes by the more doubt is raised about the actions taken by saudi arabia and the us. at this point we are left with one simple question were the actions really about their concerns regarding carter's alleged support for terrorism or the about the long simmering grievances between and among the g.c.c. countries now the next day the us secretary of state rex tillerson issued a statement saying that the list of such demands has been prepared he added that he hoped that the demands would be reasonable and actionable saying that we understand
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that this list is being prepared it's being coordinated by the saudis the iraq tease each option is and the bahrainis and we hope that it will be presented to qatar with and will be treated as reasonable and actionable now the list includes thirteen demands in total here are some of them first and foremost to curb all diplomatic ties with iran the listed trade and commerce with iran that complies with the u.s. and international sanctions will be permitted now the two states share the biggest natural gas field so that could be a problem as well at the same time it calls for the savoring of all time is to terrorist organization the list mentions muslim brotherhood islamic state al qaida and hizbollah it calls on shutting down al-jazeera and all qatar funded news outlets to terminate to military presence in qatar to any joint military cooperation with turkey that is taking place inside of qatar it also calls for an
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end to interference in sovereign states internal affairs so in other words to stop all contacts with the political opposition in saudi arabia the u.a.e. egypt and bahrain to hand over all files that detail qatar's prior contacts with and support for these opposition groups it also talks about paying reparations for loss of life and other losses that have been caused by qatar policies now. the sum will be determined in coordination with qatar so qatar must also consent to regular order for the next ten years the list says that there needs to be agreement to all demands within ten days or the list becomes invalid now the document does not specify what the countries will do if qatar refuses to comply so of course it remains to be seen whether qatar will view these demands as either reasonable or actionable or shortly after the demands were published in the media the foreign minister of the usa you choose qatar leaking them to the press you said it's either
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an attempt to undermine serious mediation or yet another sign what you called callous policy. zero has also reacted to the gulf states demands of its closure calling such condition a crime and a violation against free speech and here's what turkey's defense minister said about the demand towards qatar to abolish turkey's military presence in the country . a little to show you just the turkish base in qatar is a guarantor of security in the gulf and demands for its closure represented interference in its ties with. off the break we'll take a look at the bottom of this in the new gas pipeline project between russia. and the uk so you do stay with us. or whether. you'll. be one of.
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our own so no. tomorrow song the balls are going to be thrown over. there with. all the. girl is the dog everybody wants school and the people here living your creator does like your book. in case you're new to the game this is how it works the economy is built around currency perforations. washington post media the. voters elect
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a businessman to run this country business equals power who must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. with the islamic state perceived to be on the defensive in syria many of the parties in this proxy war are eyeing the next stage of this conflict as a result russia in the us. is washington strategic interest in syria.
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almost thirty million people around the world are drug addicts that's according to an annual u.n. report opioids and named as the most harmful drug but the document blames rising poppy yields in afghanistan for increasing the problem. is this report from kabul. ten years ago it was a problem five years ago it was a catastrophe now it is a global epidemic the war did this most people's addiction comes from the fighting the conflict ninety percent of the world's heroin originates in afghanistan only a fraction of that amount is used domestically but the effects a devastating. the pit of despair right in the middle of the afghan capital this dry riverbed is actually infamous for being a haunt of drug addicts this is where they come to feed their addiction the
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impoverished the homeless the desperate and the hopeless actually many more in the shade under the bridge where wrong but we then not get out the car much less go down that we would be attacked many of these people have unfortunately lost all touch with reality. we spent only minutes there yet in just that short time we filmed this. but an addict picks up a rock and assaults a bodyguard escorting medics locals say it's getting worse and worse. this footage was filmed for us by a former drug addict who used to be a regular here he too was eventually assaulted and forced to flee every day it is getting worse not better i run into rehab centers one for men and one for women
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many of the women are mothers with children i wants treated a four year old addict. sad but far away you might think not so most of the heroin you'll find in canada for example comes from afghanistan the war and lawlessness here a killing people as far away as the americas it's not only the of one problem the of one government that is unable to fight. narcotics but it's also the international community that is actually failing miserably to fight the products or the act in production there countermeasures or to find. drugs were clearly ineffective afghan opioids trafficked everywhere via well oiled smuggling routes north to russia and europe east to asia west to the middle east africa and the americas the view industry of afghanistan
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is killing tens of thousands worldwide every year this war is being felt in every corner of the world i've seen afghans generals police generals with my own eyes that they were colluding in the south with drug smugglers so it is a business of the jillions in the ins dollars that that is that reaches to the pockets of the taliban but also to corrupt afghan officials the millions of afghans there's not much of a choice work is scarce other crops are risky and less profitable heroin can both kill and feed when you go there in the rpm season you see schools empty and you see the universities even in the guns are leaving schools in the worst for
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fifteen to twenty days to work in the fields and find a plumber. one in ten afghans is directly involved in the opium industry now consider the families children that they feed and the sheer size of the problem becomes evident where do you even begin since the nato invasion it has exploded this year's opium harvest could well be the largest yet where george bush tried to at least limit it under obama drug control programs in afghanistan were cut by ninety percent it's politics the ministers the politicians authorities want poppy cultivation to continue if they're americans wanted to they could stop it in a day but they don't get the unofficial reason is that if coalition forces started eradicating poppy fields angry farmers would flock to the taliban doesn't
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make much sense given that washington also says that the taliban profits most from poppy cultivation regardless one thing is clear for now america intends to do nothing about it more i guess the of. from couple of gonna start. i'm millions of new moderates could set foot on european soil next year unless i can immediately that warning comes from a top european official ahead of an e.u. summit. this is important to a lot in africa but it was the for africa because we don't the solution you know africa we live more and more maybe that's millions of meters because in the next year coming from. egypt for this we need more investment this libya is the country from which most african migrants set foot for europe and the city of subway is one
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of the key human trafficking hubs according to reports people there are being bought and sold in local slave markets of video agency ruptly managed to get a firsthand account of what life is like in the migrant help. pull my family that these. people leave to keep and if they leave here maybe morning the ideal world will be many people live there looking for money or how to be more. good at their party as you can see on this map is where all the main model trafficking routes converge into one those hoping to make it to europe then pay drivers to get them further north through tripoli and from there the moderates are transported by sea packs on through inflatable boats and other vessels most of course unfit for journey across the mediterranean some kidnapped and sometimes even murdered in the process i mean while in europe there are voices questioning whether
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those arriving in europe on mass are actually fleeing war and famine or just seeking better job opportunities some of the n.g.o.s that are risking moderates a bit in the mediterranean are being accused of encouraging human traffickers earlier i spoke to and from the international organization for migration about the reasons fueling migration and the role n.g.o.s play in the crisis. there's been a certain argument rising especially from the sort of center right political spectrum about the difference between migrants and asylum seekers in particular they're saying that many of these people coming economic migrants rather than people who are victims of war does that argument hold any moves at c u it's all. well certainly true and we're not we're not going to be we were at a critical about this two years ago the vast majority of migrants on this particular road through tripoli were or were distressed migrants where they were people fleeing war the largest two countries two years ago were syria and eritrea
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in syria the syrian tribe had moved almost entirely in turkey and into greece so the numbers are extremely small i mean forty thousand two years ago in this year are just over a thousand so you know those migrants are coming much through this route anymore eritrea has also fallen off tremendously so are somalia and sudan there is a train of thought saying that the volunteers that are doing this that are rescuing these people and moving them on words that are actually supporting trafficking by encouraging people to make this journey to to play into that as of traffickers all these people the n.g.o.s perhaps partly to blame for a vicious cycle of traffickers and smugglers making profit from people suffering by this crowd that argument completely i was a reporter covering migration for almost thirty years and i've heard that argument like d.c.l. you lawyers and church people i think the vicious cycle is the hunger of the war the conditions of some of these countries and also the demand for their labor in the in the in the rich countries i mean there's no question that you can you could just as easily ask is the housewife part of that chain or is the employer part of
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that sharing the answer is yes of course they are so they're not more part of a vicious cycle than than the rest of us who profit from this letter. now a major gas pipeline project between russia and turkey has entered a new phase in the black sea president putin was on board a specialist plant plane ship to see the work for himself also on board was. it speak to him now to get all the details into your across the story there's a lot riding on this project right now isn't there. then hello from a novel well i just came back from a gigantic vessel called a pioneering spirit imagine the size of four football fields that is how big it is and what is it doing in the black sea while the pioneering spirit is here for the tough is job and gas pipeline construction that is the deep underwater stages of
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the turkish stream and at one point it will get to two point two kilometers below sea level the project is so crucial for russia that the president decided to fly in and take part in this and open this up to the stage that i was talking about it's also extremely important for turkey that's where the pipeline is heading towards so on this special occasion vladimir putin made a phone call to type barito on right from the pioneering spirit they talked about and they congratulated each other on that occasion but moscow's ultimate goal here is to deliver its natural gas to southern iraq and south eastern europe that's the extension that moscow is eyeing here but you know russia's attempts to build a gas pipeline and the black sea really these attempts have turned into
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a saga where remember before that there was the so-called south from here to bulgaria that got scrapped because of pressure from brussels then moscow came up with plan b. and that was the turkish stream but it really was in jeopardy and was holten for a while when ankara shot down that su twenty four russian fighter jet over syria then finally when relations were restored in twenty six doing. the project was back on track and i can tell you what right now it is finally enforced way i saw it with my old eyes on board pioneering spirit royalties it up and trying to bring us the latest on the project from. more and more breathtaking to take place in russia as it's hosting the fifo confederations cup portugal's coach fernando santos attended
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a training session in moscow on the eve of the group a football match between russia and portugal one of the showcase competitions has been between the hosts and portugal and for one young russian found it was a chance to make her dream come true and should company hold on i'll go on to the pitch. the end of the temperature soon must all he had to do is shoot that. nelson. a little. less than. i am the day of this is to ensure that.
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with the latest news in just a few minutes they soon here with me on all the international. social environment. right. chemical discoveries over the last century made every day life easier but at what cost this is serial is exceptionally. well under its confidential. cysts as the years old industrial giants reaps the benefit ignoring the caused by chemical production. you know as if these people aren't just experimental animals decades later the toxic environment continues to poison lives and we found these astronomically high levels of dioxin levels that my staff think maybe some of the highest levels ever found in the
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both of those fellows do. you. just. have to leave the few somebody who took a barbecue what about the drug. dealers i don't know that might go for the cell phone with a cell phone so. buddy investigate police officers behavior as well. i'll take drugs in the west end up in the presence here. calling people as you close.
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one year old from the political earthquake breaks it instability and uncertainty looms larger than ever over the u.k.'s future. you know so much on the end. of the watch lame a little movement. as. a civilian suffering intensifies some of the campaign to. host the. eighty three year old woman who wins a gender discrimination case after she was asked to move seats.
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