tv Larry King Now RT June 23, 2017 6:29pm-7:01pm EDT
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hey there's an intelligent beautiful answer when you don't i can say you when i feel. like it when you know when. you know it is and i'll be in the light that you look down in even care you do an impression on me i'm actually very going to say any sentence and i'll say it back to you. exactly as you said it in your and your kids on your way what's your favorite simpsons character oh you'll see. it as me. plus. the new one yeah donna was with me one more famous if you could do this one more famous talking me down he will. be great i'm really proud this is just the beginning of an incredible thirty minutes all that larry king now. welcome to larry king now our special guest ben schwartz the emmy award winning
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actor writer director you know him from parks and recreation house of lies this is where i leave you and funny or die early is show then stuff. and then stars in the revival of duck tales as do we and has a new book in the works called things you should already know about dating you yes . i don't. know only on the show ok never ever cursed ever in my free life and you know what about in personal life never or yeah person while i was with on the ng ever still hard to say about me if you feel like you chris more when you're jubilant or when you're upset of asking me questions there's going to be a ton of i have a ton of questions for larry i'm going to help you tell me when i'm allowed can you point to me when i want to ask ok great thank you doug tales is coming back after twenty five years your innit. do did you watch it i did as a kid it was one of my favorite shows he's a come out i grew up in riverdale in the bronx and they used to come on with david fernandez and all say friends we still watch it every single day there's some of
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the disney afternoon which was i'm having to explain this stuff to you this makes me glad i never saw a duck tales i didn't assume you had but i want you to watch the revival it was it was a bunch of different cartoon shown zero and for me it was like the thing i'm most connected with as a kid it was what i didn't read as much as a child or a calvin and hobbes and this is the stuff i connect with which made mine and more about ducks it's all about ducks tunneled are going to double dog isn't a new one by the way yeah donna was with me one more famous duck if you can do this one more famous talking to me donald give me one more in the world because i like the degree today i'm really proud of you this is just the beginning of an incredible thirty minutes they said if i do well enough they spread it to ninety minutes to get into the mind of a dark. all right you put on some barry white i mean to really play someone well brando told me that as i hate to drop names how many names are you going to drop kangaroos or that's why we don't have a mark it's hard to give in to the this is herbie brando or marlon said.
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he was that the base for which team not only professional mind only but a little rock a little play good not well good. a long run i'll tell you what to get into a character to get into a character you have to you have to be able to observe characters and the problem is when you get well known characters are observing you well that's interesting so knows you can't sit in a restaurant when everyone is looking at you and you observe them. or you observe ducks. you start was such that ordinary wisdom and you end it with the well you're playing that duck yes and you're right your question is correct but my i play in essence this is a kid when i play this duck it's not as much a duck as it is a kid a young kid who just wants to do everything and he starts off like you know they lived in a houseboat now he gets to live in the most reno fancy rich place in the universe
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is screwed is this. like that wealthiest doc in the world i got in so now we get to move into this thing so i play him with the idea of like i want to go on adventures i want to do this play with a kid that always want to do these things that if you important alone like writing you like doing everything right so do you go of being a duck. you have a project you have a project good will ferrell and seth rogen what can you tell me about. i'm not allowed to talk about a time but it's like an action comedy it's one a it's a script that i wrote for good universe and gary sanchez which is both of the production companies but it's an exciting one because those two prussian comes i think are two of the fun made up of two the funniest human beings are you in it yes i get to play something in it which i was as i've learned is i've written a lot of scratch sold for scripts for different studios. and now i'm trying to sell stuff with me attached as the new scripts been produced and so happy that you
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brought that up of course not no not have been made they're all sitting there. oh you are a failure yeah so in my head for parks and recreation sure so basically the only thing i've succeeded in my life is parks and recreation which you did not i stumbled here like mr bean. it is mean with as you would not write i did not write parser parks and recreation. i think when people look back on it will be one of the best writing staffs of all time i truly believe the writers on the show were some of the most special group of human beings you'll ever meet because writing you watch parks and rec why it's what you show what you do you watch right now not sports and not sports related what do you watch t.v. or t.v. a lot i watch seinfeld holds course you can't say that all my years on the air never got to watch or seinfeld because i was on nine o'clock live so i never saw seinfeld ok i admit it has only the v.h.s. player i don't know how to work oh i have a great question for you what is the last time you typed on
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a computer answer honestly one that i'm never tired of like this is true right this is true you've never typed on a computer before i've never sent a text that's crystal settlement back to me as you feel like i don't hear i don't have an i phone what do you use takes out the excel of the rotary. flip phone oh wow you make calls you receive corps members only they meet here and show me how it works so here are the world works of poland you darling how does it work where you're from another planet. ok one more question then you know my nerves no no no i haven't read it i feel like we're in a family together do you hate belts or love suspenders i like them both a different reason so you have room both in the same time you know that's ever of course an old bag with a question about it me nerd oh i'm so sorry a nerd would wear it with this that's like socks and sandals right you can do go bag. socks and sandals would be like eating steak with milk if we ever
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do long form improv show it together can we call our team socks and sandals a good idea being serious you come on stage we will do improv a good i'm on that thing that you're on with funny or die yeah and they got me as just my head doing interviews i did yes that's it where you come a kid i want to read comic books quite a bit when i was a kid i collected basketball cards and marvel cards unlike when you class comic yes my mom was a my mom is a bronx school teacher for the past forty five years and i was in the bronx and i was going home and just school so there's a lot of stories when i was a young child have been handed down through generations which i don't know if they're true or not because it's like playing a game of telephone is that my dad my dad started my dad was a social worker at. the y. and the ha yes the i'm ha in the bronx and then he moved to real estate. but yeah i mean my sister i have a sister who's three is only me and she's
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a psychologist and everybody helps people but me you're from riverdale yes that's well the bronx right yeah it's like the jewish like the northern part of the bronx where there's a bunch of or when i was living there a bunch of jewish people living there far from yankee stadium yankee stadium was not that far all but my dad grew up one seventy six and granddad which is raw. there you can see where you're from the bronx no broken record of course but. it was one hundred sixty first then are you a dodger salmon course. of buddy idea mind from brooklyn you studied psychology and anthropology yes do you use them both in your daily life and i think i do our own in college right now i'm analyzing the hell out of really trying to get into it trying to figure it out you've done improv for years right yeah improv is the thing that got me into combat i started off as a freelance model writer for the late show with david letterman a gentleman who used to host a late night show when you were on c.n.n. i appeared on that show quite
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a few i know i've seen you on the show you're fantastic on the shank phone would you ever wonder one of those oh it was would have been easy on tony as i don't want to sound pompous police late night. joke i used to do five hours a very arsons. that's a joke that showed i call it hard because sixteen writers you go out you can even bomb in the monologue and that works for you right yeah you get guess you sit down you got eight minutes with the guys you got a sidekick so it's like a bug me this is a got a band that plays may call it for that stuff get the word order card to be afternoon you tape at five you've done is six they pay you thirty two million a year allow one to know it and. why do you like doing improv of great transition i think that's why you because you king the king transitions it's because for me i love the idea of making stuff on the spot when i saw for the first time at the upright citizens brigade theater in new york i went and it was four
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chairs people came out with absolutely nothing nothing prepared and the fact that they could create an entire show in front of me and make an audience of it's a small it's a one hundred twenty people laugh was i thought it was beautiful and i loved it so much and the idea that you failed together or succeed together i think differentiates it from stand it was a. credibly hard an incredible as well but i love that idea you've written a book about dating or you brood or better that. to learning from you still date yes of course ever going close to marriage not close to marriage but i've have been with people that i cared about a great deal of the book is called things you should already know about dating and it's all it spurred from the idea of i was dating someone and i kind of realize that there's some chivalrous stuff that is lost between generations and mowen eels now may not know these things and that will bring because that's truly one of the
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basics that i don't do i don't believe it's at done as much or all those things and then in my head as i will what else don't i know personally and i was of my friend laura moses and she goes what else don't i know it has to be a great book and so what it is it's a tip and then a guy and a girl talking about the tip going back and forth saying why it's great or why it's bad or something that would do let me go do you call each other for dates do people call up and say i'll see you seven as i see up at eight o'clock that's one of the things i think everything now is done through text messages or apps so i think i think and there's something funny to this that when someone call someone personally the other person will get scared or think it's like a stalker or a thing or like for me in my family we wait for like someone to walk into the door before you leave when you're in your car you know like anytime my dad or mom drop me off or you a phone to get into the house make sure they're ok so now if you drop someone off on a date and i look at the and we get into their house like this i look like a creep i think they're dating culture is kind of getting hurt by the idea of these
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apps showing that there's an unlimited amount of positon to find texting personal i think there is a skill set to texting and i think it is i think it has become impersonal do you think that are you what's your relationship status now married married do you think what do you think your life would be like if you had although you never use the phone before if you have apps in. which to date people i would never of i don't think out of years that would have been anti or i miss that typewriter you miss the typewriter regular typewriter yeah right of the types yeah i miss the rotary phone you stick your finger in it always works but i didn't like it before and that was unnecessary he licked it before he went like this because i don't know why i licked it. well you do that full lack coming up next. strange strange of the shorts we'll be right back on this the weirdest of all larry king don't go away.
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john. feal loved his character i played a show called parks and recreation i know we discussed such a home i'm happy i just want to make sure that you were alert you're there and it was great because that was going to play with people like amy poehler when i think of as a legend of comedy true legend of comedy and that cast was incredible and i get to kind of be a nut job i'm like a cartoon like a cartoon character you liked him loved him because he was. so sure he was nailing it at all times he never thought he was being a douche bag or abrasive he thought that he was just being the most charismatic person amy poehler described the characters like a puppy where if he peed on the rug you can't yell at him you're like john ralph
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you know and i loved i love that description it's really fun cause you're less year and the people realize that john ruffy oh look like steve from stranger things these are two pop culture references i can't imagine you know but i love they say they told me this great we show up on stranger things i would love to show up on strangers why don't they have you if you look like that guys oh i'm a ladder you have more pole miss industry than i do you make. you tell them to count on them to put me on stranger things put them on straight i want to be a model movie if you do that i've been a model movement of thinks i'll make an action hero that would have been a better movie what's a jewish superhero name that you can think of this was your two cents a jewish superhero name sky. sky bird oh no oh no the world is collapsing we need a hero here come the sky. out of the sky there are lots and you know if he doesn't have a cape of course he does what he used. to go into
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a phone with and turns from a rabbi so he turns. into a guy would pay us. about all the rabbi writings filmy bedsores that's like the slow motion action hero that one has wrapped himself in sweats drippin bloomberg of are you writing. a little bit that's his big expression let me hear it when he confronts a killer or anything hollow that would say i'm going to give you for one second i'm going to be a perfect scenario this is your tagline this is what you say ready we're fighting you where we've been having this huge fight you we've been with guns and knives you finally have mean you have the gun right over my head and right before you shoot me the. biggest villain and you're in your life what do you say goodbye and good luck . you know. now play a game of if you only knew i throw questions that you've been know many as your
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childhood so every crush who you know or a loved loved demi moore disclosure hubba hubba oh yeah we're out of the hot demi moore disclosure of secret talent. i'm pretty i'm pro pretty good shooter a basketball person you'd trade places with for a day oh man there's an intelligent beautiful answer oh you know what i can say you with i feel like british jaded like it let me know when. you go out is i get i didn't know you like that you look down and even care i'm going to say i. want to feel i would love to have the skill set of a meryl streep or a tom hanks i'd love to be them one day and see or feel like that controlled aircraft where it is job you've ever had a cell sneakers at a place called athlete's foot also worked at the petting zoo at the bronx zoo and i knew that you and i worked and there's a lot of that i love and there's a picture that my mom took of me feeding a llama while sitting on there that was i think most of us have ever had anything in mind great zoo great zoo by little guilty pleasure.
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because it's cool now but i love musicals from mama's a music teacher so we just always said you're on hanson was our waitress it was he how good is that did you interview no idea. how does he do it eight times seats astounding to me he every ounce of his being is in every word and it's it made me it made me so i was in all of him and then jealous that he was able to do that or he's that good yeah where we come from he was in a couple movies but i don't know maybe from your heart and soul can you make sure before we went on a time and i got to ask you to question ok i really and ok ok i think you're great you do an impression on me i had to do one for kevin. it's pod cast once i'm very very you may want to get tight on this i'm very good impressions type sincerely and i don't want and ok and i know that when people do impressions you've heard yours a bunch but i'm actually very good at it say any sentence and i'll say it back to
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you. exactly as you said in your in your cadence in your voice what's your favorite simpsons character oh you'll see a little. you think that's me you're hearing me correct you hair. really well i think you've got it thing you got it. you're very good ben. what superpower would you like to have i think i love to be able to fly because i am a little bit afraid of heights and i think i had control of it because we're in a plane but you don't have any control that you don't have trouble flying a plane i fly so much for work that i'm fine but this one i realize the first couple times i was in a plane it was incredibly turbulent and that's what i thought all plane rides were and then slowly i learned as i learned i was in a right right brothers point i went through a period where turbulence scared me to death still to us and now i kind of like
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what they tell me why is that i'm eighty three years old so when but that's not hard to beat the odds all the time and then i've discovered. all planes have turbulence yeah and and i sat with a pilot once who explained to me so it's on turbulence is a way of life and that the plane cannot tend not to turn over ok this is what did not happen in a movie as bad as it gets that's gross the guy was drunk and he hit the ones where you just said it could never are going to end you know washington yes because the good turn to do what he was doing then he turned a wrong switch so somatic that in turn means i can't turn over unless a pilot by mistake touched the wrong it or by the i'm not nearly as competent what i learned is exactly what you said i look at the flight attendants if the flight attendants are nervous i try my best not to be nervous because i was on a flight once where the flight into i saw flight attendant freak out from the turbulence and it made me realize that we're all we're all going to die also have
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this feeling of although i know this isn't true before before i was acting when ever for some reason in first class i saw a you or a celebrity that i realized in my head i would be like oh well this this link can't go down there's no way julianne moore is dying or something like that you know who i used to do that yeah i would i would i would get a glare of a sometimes if i see the stewardess i think the pilot has called the stewardess and she's gone yes on the phone. and then she calls the stewardess from all over but i'll give you a quick for story i was on a plane that lost a manager are you serious were flying from salt lake to washington. united airlines and they can catch a break boom. boom stewardess goes running forward. and she's the pilot gets on saddam five or twenty five years of never lost the mentioned we could fly to washington with one engine so i was sitting next to a guy
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a member of the water show called larry king live yeah but years of us are all the same i really admire and i'm the greatest and i graduated high school and i said to the guy next to me who was a fighter pilot in world war two i said to him. just for instance what would happen if the other engine blew and he said to me they would change the name of your show. the best for the biggest celebrity. my hope is that if my family needed i could help them out in a hospital or something like that something something in terms of i can help now the doctor may be the one that i've utilize the idea of taking my mom to a musical which i would have been able to get tickets to or something like to see hello dolly you know but my mom has got tickets for but have you seen it a history of how many times you going to be about miller five or six is there some is there a human being that you interviewed and a question that you regretted over the course you're sixty years of interview human
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beings no but i regretted not having asked the course can you can you tell me what that is or as i had on the head of apple well tom which human being the second head of a bull who wonderful guy but we still live and it was a two hour radio interview i had him on for the whole two hours and then we start to kim coles and he said you know. you never asked him why he fired steve yeah he fires steve jobs yeah i didn't know that at the time why didn't i yes i mean our stats that's when your biggest regret out of politicians and that comes to mind popped out where is the test you question where. if you had the choice and you weren't just allowed to write your name on a gravestone and you had to have a sentence something that you feel like to find either your life or your career not to say that one takes precedence over the other what would you have i don't have an
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answer for this before you asked me but what would you have on your gravestone something to sum up i won't be right back. great. so social media question is going great guys it's insane i'm a good show canadian listens what do you think john roll theo would be up to these days can i tell you that there's an easter egg in the final episode of parks that not many people know about that the character that billy eichner plays is on a plane and a stewardess hands him champagne and if you freeze the frame and zoom in on the champagne you find out that general feel is making champagne in the future and that's what he said he somehow of a did pictures on the label it's his separate scene as well as a name. and. you know play my father in that show who you're going to love henry winkler i really put my dad the best slew of the nicest peepers at oversea i met him he had heard that my back hurt so he gave me
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a back massage. and then i'm like i'm ok cheeky turned to points to know. if you had to choose one for the rosia life acting or improv. it's so hard because they both kind of bleed into each other i can act and improvise the same time because of that luisa by the bay in the last week is or with your upcoming dating book what are your thoughts on script to go rom com i'd like to see something funny and true without the usual cliches you think you could work wonders i the second movie i ever sold with imagine which is brian grazer ron howard's company nestle to universal is a movie called no hearts club and it's a romantic comedy about a gentleman who doesn't have the ability to fall in love and it follows the idea of this person trying to figure out if he's capable of doing it and how he can break free and do those things and does he meet a girl. it hasn't come out yet it has
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a nice thing i like about it is it exactly what they said the beats of it actually to what i believe what happened in real life and the ending of it what actually well i have a question for you you've been in broadcasting for sixty years sixty sixty six zero years. you doing this show and continuing to work every day believe you or three days a week or four days a week still for a four days a week still do you find it a necessity is there of course there's join it but is the joy the thing that drives you to keep coming to work every day or is a necessity to keep doing something and and something along those lines it's both ok it's a joy to do it i never get tired of asking questions it doesn't feel like work even when i had never thought twice sixty years i have more really i go to our job i mean i go to here i go to a place i ask questions that work. you know who works bus driver addison avenue yeah he works construction guy building
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a building you know and lo every scenario he's off he's he's work yeah cop works that's amazing environmental work so how lucky are you to a found that very lucky lucky i get a look there's a big part rather be babe ruths that. i'd rather be lucky to namedrop i'd rather be lucky than good who i like that a lot lot has a lot to do i feel like with this industry i think the more talented you get the luckier you might be but i think luck has a lot to do with this industry in a big way i absolutely nies of the great lawyer if he ever got lucky as a lawyer you get lucky and he says oh yeah you get lucky at four am in a law library oh that's interesting how do you work the luckier you get the harder you work the work you get yeah yeah i'm getting sued i love it please let's play it's my two cents which all i love it loudly had there that is has to be one sentence but this also has me on the none of us to think about anything or the
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thoughts described described exactly what that what much you sense i write a writer i read new in a few years as the writer's a column for usa today for the bible the herald and now i do it every sunday on my on my website on my twitter leading it's my two cents i send out twenty five items that i just dictated and i don't send them my dictating my use of type they just come to my mind they all have to be one sentence right that's great one sentence there's no actor like wallace barry. just what they've just probyn to me. cottonelle wet wipes should be loved by all if you put too much butter on popcorn your killer oh my goodness i cannot agree with that more by the way we can have the big debate no you don't have to agree with that's the best thing about. that's not the way it works fine i just think of a random thing. that. matzah ball soup should be hotter than
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regular soup i've never had an affinity for pumpkin pie. what's why do why do pumpkin seeds exist i've never had a good feel of benito mussolini. why do you have a microphone in front of you. that makes no sense if it's not plugged in your. face is a fake that's. just came to my head go can go in and out like all things life is a fake that i like that very much. baseball seems boring but i'll watch it every now and then baseball is my favorite sport period i know that's why i say then we're out of time but i want to tell you this ben in the history of annals there is and was and will never be a better. come to my guess a bench warrant issued premier's this summer and beds to book things you should
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already know about a baby you can get a good. still hard to say that your great will be published this october as always you can find me on twitter with kings things i'll see you next time. here's what people have been saying about redacted a night and it's been a long awesome the only show i go out of my way to you know what it is that really packs a punch. is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same. apparently better than booth. and see. heard of redacted the night president of the world bank. seriously send us an e-mail.
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well i'm tom hartman and washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture can we design our way out of a civilizational crisis peter joseph with those like eyes movements as we can and he'll explain how we can do it in just a moment and how can senate republicans possibly defend their health care bill when it's.
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