tv Headline News RT June 24, 2017 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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the american professor receives death threats over a facebook post promising a campus lockdown and the latest example of racial tensions boiling over in the u.s. and i could warn you may find the following images distressing. video emerges online of was alleged to be a white helmets rescue or disposing of the bodies of beheaded syrians still. close with fewer than a hundred days to go before she finds the general election chancellor angela merkel publishes her personal a tizzy of all things german. and some of the u.s. intelligence is best minds gets fired off that is revealed they hacked vending
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machines to steal snacks we report on how our love of junk food can ruin your career. hello and thank you for joining us this hour you're watching aussie international with me making our. racial tension in the u.s. has been aggravated again a university professor from connected death threats off to a controversial facebook post and it takes for an end to white supremacist using an expletive laden version of the hash tag let them die while his post was meant as a comment on the shooting of a republican congressman what happened last week the storm of bongo was so intense that the college will thora ts had to temporarily shut down the campus the professor fled the premises and has since issued a public apology well the latest figures show that hate crime in america is
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skyrocketing and at least six big u.s. cities this type of crime clocked up by a double digit increase last year aussies caleb maupin now looks at how racial tension is dividing american society reports of hate crimes have been surging across the u.s. headlines in recent months. the rise of racially motivated attacks has been a trend in the united states since the two thousand and sixteen presidential election new york city has seen a twenty four percent rise in hate crimes with twenty percent across the state cincinnati ohio has seen an increase of thirty eight percent while chicago has seen twenty percent but all of this comes as both the press and politicians have reveled
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in the race when it comes to picking a president ninety percent of the black vote is ninety percent over what black vote trump has stood up in front of largely white audiences and described black communities in such insulting and ignorant terms i love the signs behind me blacks for trump are like those signs one thing he does know is how to get angry white men to vote. president obama over the weekend delivering a roaring and deeply personal appeal to black voters at times it seemed like the election was just all about race we heard about minorities who felt threatened by trump an angry white man who voted for him but if you look for such a narrative elsewhere you'd struggle france italy in the netherlands for example don't allow any collecting of statistics based on race or religion and it doesn't play any role in politics so are they right and america wrong we decided to ask people's opinions on the street i think it's a great thing to get but statistics on what people think about in like
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a different country that way you can know what type of policies need to be developed i think they're stirring people up to put one against the other and i believe that. assuming someone's economic or social or political standings based on their race is definitely. wrong i think it it opens up a dialogue for people to start talking about what some of those issues might be to have some data down allies so you should could collect statistics or ethnic or religious affiliations has always been used as a kind of power the power in the united states in terms of politics public in the democratic party really capitalize on divisions of all sorts and they use this as a wedge to drive. whatever the arguments or whatever the political agenda is parties are really actively looking for that wedge issue in order to somehow stick to really to steer the public away from the really common issues which are affecting
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all aspects of society as with any controversy related to race it's quite apparent that americans don't see eye to eye. party new york. with fewer than a hundred days to go before the general election in germany chancellor angela merkel has described her country using wood starting with the letters from a to z. and and have posted an a.p. . c. have b. words are abundant fear which means they are me in german and but abroad or sandwich am is the made in germany plus muslims hopi stands for part of the e.u. and nato along with the german word for mushroom hunting and as is security for israel but also toy railway well arty's paid to all of us found that with the people in berlin shed definition of germany. sets out a list of words that the chancellor believes it to mice is german this so if you
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know your article of the german constitution from your care to him your order from your valise allayed then your props on the same page as angle of merkel but we came out onto the streets of berlin and right in front of the bundestag to ask people here what words they associate with germany if i say germany to you what all the five words you associate with germany the fight for. blood rushed. out. favorites it's me who did this on time. and. i also think perfect with germany for me to neighbors filmmaking. mrs merkel the parliament the chancellery the motorway that's also very good in germany.
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pride order punctuality those are only three but those are the most important things we also asked them exactly what they thought of a glimmer cols least this is part of this there's of involved oh yeah there's broad it's not bad it's all volunteer fire department is good freedom of the press sports clothes. broadband but i'd lost ok but no car you want to get deutsch and we are proud nation but we don't identify ourselves with the german army the federal union democracy but we do identify ourselves with the rest of the words. ok being german army is ok sport for the handicapped ok tough questions are we ready to face them muslims are welcome as long as. the freedom of the press i am really one thousand percent for that matter what happens partners in the e.u. and nato yes tory trains those are wonderful ultimately this is
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a list of what angola merkel thinks makes germany great and it comes out three months before there's an election here and which german voters will decide whether they want to keep her as their leader angle or merkel's determined to show that german values tied in with her own peter all of a belin. inspired by the german chancellor as a.b.c. of all things german we decided to come up with our own alphabets of all things merkel. is buying among friends is not acceptable. i'm going to say thank you thank you for a good week or do you know what an intensive elaboration of.
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qatar has lashed out at fellow gulf states over what it sees as an attempt to limit its sovereignty on foreign policy that's also they present to doha which they accuse of sponsoring terrorism with a list of demands the countries recently cut diplomatic and trade ties with the shake them and say that their moans must be met if we ought to be restored our middle east correspondent paul asli a hostile talk has been presented with a list of demands from saudi arabia the united arab emirates grade and egypt four nations that cut oil trade and diplomatic ties with the country now this came after the u.s. state department questioned the motives of the gulf states now that it's been more than two weeks since the embargo started we are mystified that the gulf states have not released to the public nor to the qataris the details about the claims that they are making toward qatar the more the time goes by the more doubt is raised
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about the actions taken by saudi arabia and the u.a.e. at this point we are left with one simple question were the actions really about their concerns regarding carter's alleged support for terrorism or the about the long simmering grievances between and among the g.c.c. countries now the next stage. u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson issued a statement saying that a list of such demands has been prepared he added that he hoped that the demands would be reasonable and actionable saying that we understand that this list is being prepared it's being coordinated by the saudis the end of artie's each option is and the bahrainis and we hope that it will be presented to qatar with and will be treated as reasonable and actionable now the list includes thirteen demands in total here are some of them first and foremost to curb all diplomatic ties with iran the list allows only trade and commerce with iran that complies with the u.s.
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and international sanctions will be permitted now the two states share the biggest natural gas field so that could be a problem as well it calls on shutting down al-jazeera and all qatar funded news artists to terminate turkish military presence in qatar to any joint military cooperation with turkey that is taking place inside of qatar the list says that there needs to be agreement to all demands within ten days or the list becomes invalid now the document does not specify what the countries will do if qatar refuses to comply so of course it remains to be seen whether qatar will view these demands as either reasonable or actionable meanwhile the white house has weighed in on this calling it a family affair that the full states should resolve by themselves how difficult commentators fired chesham the thinks that gold states are doing their best to strip qatar of influence. raise some maximum demands in order to empty
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the hands of guitar from the merits and winning races that had that maybe. we wait like its ties with the muslim brotherhood like its ties strong ties with hamas gave him a say in the middle east peace in the palestinian he's really also used to strong ties with iran that made it a player a good actor in the region that could play both ways also. they care a lot for al-jazeera network and they know how strong and powerful it is in promoting cathars views so they have raised all these demands in order to empty the hands of the hall from the winning aces that he had and made a powerful there on the southern rooms of the person goals. after america's defense secretary admitted us failings in afghanistan last week the
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pentagon seems to have been looking for somebody to blame and it's found someone and it's first reports of congress since the election the pentagon named pakistan as the single greatest external factor hindering u.s. actions the report refers to what it calls support of afghan insurgents by the pakistani government during sixteen years of its involvement in afghanistan washington has given a range of reasons why it's afghan campaign wasn't going to plan iran is reportedly arming and funding the taliban corruption is a huge challenge in afghanistan that russia is now meddling in afghanistan it's very difficult to succeed on the battlefield when your enemy enjoys external support and safe haven we had the. overt legitimacy to lead to the taliban by the russians for a problem that the us has trying to carry out. nation and subdue the population and
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i mean the real answer here is the us has to get out of afghanistan they claim that they would have resolved everything and they would have won the war if only it wasn't for pakistan or only or if it only wasn't for something else but they're always looking because they aren't able to succeed the. problem that they have in a war that has lasted longer than any other us war in history almost sixteen years now is the fact that the people do not wish to accept. america's attempts to settle the afghan crisis i've seen several surprising methods being used in the past we are not winning in afghanistan right now. going free. on
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a cruise to the shall see thank you. and a gun paid to six million dollars to mail a tire you didn't go because the a bomb in color now the pentagon doesn't even know where to go. that might have been eat. any justification for twenty million dollars in afghan firewood when my auditor's asked for documentation of we're basically told quote unquote we don't have the records we just spend the money. well still to come off this short break stay with us. thank you for new to the game this is how it works now the economy is built around corporations corporations run washington washington controls the media the media
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control over the voters elected the businessman to run this country business equals power you must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. recent spat between the gulf states has highlighted yet another middle eastern conflict while turkey is siding with iran against saudi arabia the long running tensions between the sunni's just into the open why did anchorage jump into the fray instead of trying to pull the strings from a distance. hello
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welcome back now a video has emerged from syria sharing a member of the white helmets rescue group legibly handling the compensated bodies of freshly executed syrian soldiers a warning you may find the following video distressing a man can be seen wearing a t. shirt with the white helmets logo apparently moving the bodies into a skip the rescue group has distanced itself from the video however its actions have sparked controversy before and these two joins me in the studio now to discuss this further so emily thanks for coming in what do we know so far about what happens when the key since this graphic video has been posted on twitter are people on my have just been outraged by this in fact i believe in showing the blurred version of this video once again so what we see is this video was reportedly filmed in the southern syrian province of daraa and what we see is a man wearing a t. shirt bearing the white helmets logo apparently helping
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a group of people to remove a number of bodies off of the truck and judging on the uniforms on these bodies it's allegedly that these bodies are soldiers either syrian government soldiers or pro-government fighters and in fact at the end i think you know we see the man with . white house that's local holding a syrian flag that was pulled out of the bodies and as you've said since this video emerged the white house must have distanced themselves from this forum and that this man was in fact a white helmets member but he has since been fired for violating the group's code of conduct and he said in this particular incident while he was acting independently and he was not in it was not in the capacity as a white helmets member putting this incident aside the white helmets has been criticized many many times before. especially for the.
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the national weather service in mount holly new jersey has issued a special memory warning for prevailing we're being told six forty five am it's six seven am strong thunderstorms were located along a long extending from nautical miles northeast of people which only into fourteen nautical miles west of woodland beach moving east it's thirty five knots answered wind gusts thirty four knots greater source radar indicated impact small craft could be damaged in briefly higher winds and certainly higher waves locations impacted include sea breeze the patch island woodland beach stony point ship joins you might call smudge might really point. to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. vellum and
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thus. the cost i can republican senators have condemned america's shooting down of the syrian jets on sunday. i think the military action that is being taken against syrian government assets is completely illegal i don't think there's any legal support for it that two thousand and one authorization said we can take actions against the perpetrators of the nine eleven attacks and nobody claims that syria was a perpetrator nobody claims that they are connected to all tied in fact they're battling against al-qaeda in syria so i think this is a completely unlawful use of power this is illegal war at this point then there's a practical question the practical question is doing anything you want killing every perceived enemy and every perceived leader of chieftain of five people and so misbegotten village is it helping are we going to defeat an ideology by killing
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people the government jet was downed by u.s. forces as it was carrying out an anti ice a lawful ration in the region washington's concerns the downing accusing the syrian government of targeting fighters from the syrian democratic forces syria rejects that issue last statement accusing the u.s. led coalition of undermining ethics to fight terrorism and pointing out that it's not the first time the coalition's attacks government forces. now on a lighter note your love of junk food could cost you your job at least if you push it to thaw that's the lesson to be learned from the recent scandal that's rocked the cia. santiago explains big new cia contractors couldn't steal snacks without getting caught the contractors were working for the cia developed a special payment method to steal thirty thousand more for a vending machine junk food and were doing it for about six months until they got busted all in the scheme was quite elaborate going to eat the classified office of
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the inspector general report they unplug the machines from the net and use special blank prepaid cards to retrieve the snacks for free wow so a cia contractor with annual salary ranges from about sixty thousand to one hundred sixty thousand dollars had the desire to go to such lengths putting their careers on the line all to eat read junk food at the office social media couldn't resist.
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and the funny thing here is once the perpetrators were caught gave their badges in and were taken to jail the department of justice was not hungry enough for justice and did not press charges perhaps feeling sympathy for starving staff middle class until go r.t. . chris. school in canada is worried about its freedom of religion after being told to stop teaching bible verses that could be deemed offensive the local authorities say passages in the bible that denigrate or vilify one's sexual orientation should not be studied in class the school disagrees however saying the ban would violate its constitutional rights bill forties of standing their ground though insisting that the potentially offensive passages should not be a part of the curriculum well we got differing reactions to the issue. point of the whole you know you know education system is to have discussions and to be able to
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say that this is this is text that is that is said here let's discuss it in a open forums i am a religious man who's who's muslim and when i hear things that boat people taking things away from from any type of holy text it does kind of bother me in a way but at the same time there's there's the talk about you know we want to teach our kids how to be inclusive and how to teach your kids to respect different types of races cultures sexualities to the school board used is the word offense they said you need to get rid of all offensive texts from the bible and stop teaching this and when it comes to that word it can be interpreted in any way i could be offended by the whole bible hence why some people in history burned the entire book because they found the entire thing offensive instead of responding to censorship with more censorship we should respond with more free speech and we should be teaching things about inclusive as well as things about creationism and evolution
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just bring more education instead of trying to deny the opportunity to understand these texts of the children there is no way that we would be able to have these conversations if things were cut out or if we had herself from things that you're putting you know we want to put the people back in the closet you also put a religion back in the closet as well there's absolutely nothing wrong with challenging these verses and questioning it in fact i find it quite interesting that speaking with a muslim gay man because that is a big question we're dealing with right now you have countries where they have imposed things like shari'a law strict islamic law where gay people are thrown off right now and we need to talk about that we're not going to be able to do that without free speech on the issue on both gender issues and religious issues this is on c international with back with more news at the top of the hour. the capacity to integrate. the refugees at the same time we
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cannot accept everybody that comes to all come from countries all countries have the control of their borders books all come through so beautiful so as the rights to control its borders. with little make goods manufactured and sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling closest to protect themselves. with the financial merry go round be the one percent of. the time we can all middle of the room sick. i mean real need for. politicians to. be put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected.
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so when you want to be president. want to. have to go on to be cross with what will befall three of them or can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters of. course should. agree that this is the time for the financial sation bubble to to implode to collapse i don't think it's time that these banks add another fifteen trillion dollars to create the european central bank to leverage this up but other five trillion dollars easily bank of japan is a never ending fountain of free cash at zero percent interest rate so this is a ways to go.
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the. testing in the way that testing is being ules is a really big part of the problem because it has actually now rolled the curriculum for children no longer are children getting a broad rich curriculum they're being taught what's on the test because the test scores matter so much test scores are life and death for a school the school can be closed down that business can be shut down if the test scores don't come out right so schools do all kinds of things to game the system including manipulating their enrollment. here.
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everything was just purchased and handed to us in the first grade team there are three classrooms one person. would write the lessons for all three classrooms so that we were all. doing the same thing at the same time the day was to the minute scheduled because the administrators wanted to know exactly like if they walked into our room what they would be observing at that point and. they're all tried to be modeled these acts same way like you would a business like you would a. fully equipped to a restaurant chain right now that comes to mind. same roles same procedures same policies across the board.
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