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tv   Headline News  RT  June 24, 2017 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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and the people living you are triggered just like your book. a disturbing video emerges online of a white helmets rescuer allegedly disposing of the bodies of beheaded syrian soldiers. an american professor received death threats over a facebook post prompting a campus looking down in the latest example of boiling racial tensions in the u.s. . christiane we're all go on portugal all through to the compressor russians got some informal but no such look for russia the hosts. we'll bring you the goals will bring us opinions in fact anything you want to know about the confederations cup will bring it to you just a few minutes. thank
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you for watching the news at r.t. international coming to you live from moscow i'm kate partridge video has emerged from syria showing a member of the white helmets rescue groups allegedly handling the decapitated bodies of syrian soldiers warning you may find the following video disturbing. well a man can be seeing wearing a t. shirt with the white helmets logo apparently moving the bodies into a skip the rescue group has distanced itself from the video however its actions have sparked controversy before and you see as. well since this graphic video was posted on twitter people online have been outraged by it and in fact i believe we can now show you the video a blurred version of it once again so it was reportedly filmed in the southern syrian province of duran and in this video we properly see a man wearing the t. shirt with that white helmets logo and he's apparently helping a group of people remove
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a number of bodies off of the truck and judging on the uniforms on these bodies well they're most likely either syrian soldiers or pro-government fighters and in fact at the end of the video what we see is this man with a white helmets t. shirt holding a syrian flag that was pulled out from the bodies but since this video has emerged while the white helmets has distanced themselves from this incident confirming that this man although he was a white helmets member but he's since been fired because he's violated the code of conduct of the group referring specifically to this video that was posted well they say the man was acting independently and not in the capacity as a white helmets member but despite the ongoing criticism on white helmets the western mainstream media has been praising the white helmets as heroes and film documented they were actually won an oscar earlier this year here's a sample to be nominated for a nobel peace prize one of the subject of a new documentary on netflix. also known as the syria's civil defense are a group of volunteers who were the first to arrive at the scene of an airstrike when the bombs fall a small group of volunteers called the white house minutes run into
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a smoldering rubble and rescue trapped victims the oscar goes to. the y. . it's a fairly routine ways in the reality of war torn syria and what these mainstream media reports often omit is the fact that white helmets happen in cuba. for repeatedly let's tie is to a terrorist group operating in syria and at this latest video on twitter certainly is far from the only incident that the white house has been criticized him.
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i. think so as you can see this video really is just the latest in a string of constructor see surrounding the white helmet script and journalist panesar bailey has covered the syrian crisis on the ground many times during the conflict she says the video once again demonstrates the group's questionable ethics . this is not the first time that we've saying the white homeless being videoed participating and various atrocities in surrey and going back as far as two thousand and fifteen and the only reason that the white helmet so so again put out a statement is of course because they've been caught out not let's just examine the incident it took place and it was an attack on this area an ira bomb me the funding and advice on the old south to damascus highway not all over thought i was there an arab army soldiers according to my sources on the grounds were killed during the i touch they were not all killed in action many are of those there are an arab army
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soldiers were murdered was slaughtered as prisoners of war that both of these were then clearly dismembered and mutilated and this white home it operates a was seen clambering over the bodies of the syrian arab army soldiers this is not the first time that this is being seen and has been photographed and has been questioned as regards them moral and there is their ethics. meanwhile in neighboring iraq suicide bombers have killed at least three people in mosul shopping district the area was recaptured from isis several months ago and the country's prime minister said the total liberation of the city will come within days but should now the heavy fighting there is affecting some thousands of civilians who remain trapped. please. give me all the she give a little something to feel everybody else up. till it feels good
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sign it on the highway but i know you're lonely because you love it doesn't love the to. talk politics of god like ella comes to the home of the god awful. love little beast of part of her god and if you had. found it going to join a club didn't join a coven. couldn't join a bar however put out. the happy more protests in central london members of the english defense league took to the streets to vent their anger at a spate of is the missed her attacks but they were met by anti fascist groups who organize to counter rally chanting slogans saying refugees a welcome in the country has been a launch police presence sometimes ati's northwest reports that some added to the
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tension. another day another protest at least that's how it's things here in london at the moment these are two small but very strong demonstrations ok we're standing with the english defense league they have come out today in response to the number of terrorist attacks that we have had here in the u.k. just over the past couple of months that saying enough is enough but we need to fill up islamic fundamentalism because it's all for the room that very angry about it as i say a small number of people the very very emotional and it being very very heavily policed then i'll bet you'd find they come around and see just a little bit on the other side and i say the police keep them very well apart but those are the and see actually save that unite against fascism and other. philly eighty three. and they all the incredibly rocky that's about forty fifty of them at the last count but they're very noisy and that's a these people the english defense league have no place on the street the person
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they want to prevent them from marching that every time he'd yell about the anti fascist come out while we speak to a few of the people who say something was going template. against the rise of prisoners as them for viet fascism in the u.k. words can't describe how much oil takes. every thing they stand for the nazis the fascists and the placements the saudis were spying for our freedom. no more surely lower in this country. i'm a patriot no righteous there is a difference just because i want christian values to bite me righteous as i say these demonstrations are becoming pretty much a regular occurrence i with another one on the same street actually just a couple of months ago and even if they're not big enough that big own destruction there are hundreds of police everything beyond the helicopter up in the sky i just a police boys a very small but they say very impressive demonstration. now
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the surge group games of the twenty seventeen confederations cup have been producing some pink results and special football coverage neil harvey and stan collymore are in sochi. bookham to the black sea resort of sochi where the group a action has concluded the results are in mexico to russia one portugal for you zealand no alongside me so we stan collymore stan talk us through that big game of the day russia mexico you were hoping that the house would go through would be very good for the tournament bridge wasn't some of the off open the scoring for sure on twenty four minutes at a very crisp british it was across the right time of the mexican goalkeeper my well steady the nerves great wasn't to mexico came back into the game in equalizing five minutes church itself needs to look to manage your game see a guy didn't five minutes later the mexican this is a shocking way to lose our team's one long point to brainstorms and he grew up in
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front of his one hundred first appearance of the russian national team was in no man's land but the hosts arrived affect the tournament perhaps not because they're still going to say the very best like about sanchez cristiano ronaldo but disappointing for russia ok scout mexico go through though they were fancied too and of course winning the group the big favorites european champions portugal is have a look at their a couple of the goals from not matching with who else but christiane around there who opened the scoring on thirty three minutes bread and butter for a striker of his quality a penalty and look at a confident smashes it home then came five minutes later thirty eighth minute to a big summer signing for manchester city but not a silver sliding in for that kind of money as you want to see a bit braver in the box two more goals as well like the fact that new zealand were here playing top quality competition vention just outclassed me and i'm sure russia the news elizabeth thinking again we didn't do too well but great sort of test of their mettle for the world let's go down to our correspondent you know neal who's
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been outside the stadium and inside the stadium. what was the atmosphere like when russia scored that goal i imagine there was a heck of a lot of hope was forty two thousand people inside the stadium and about forty one facing them are russian. they absolutely blew the roof off arena case on a lot of hope at the start of each half as the game went on the composure of the mexicans really started to show russia just a little bit out of their depth when it came to holding the ball up and trying to get it up front but maybe that's something to learn for that the really big tournament in twelve months time at the world cup but a lot of excitement here before the game as well a lot of summer bro hot side in the top down sun i managed to speak to some of the visitors some of those mexican fountains and most of us were thinking of coming and having a lot of cold people and really has been the opposite like very friendly very like in mexico very open and very willing to help so we have a very very exciting to have these. amazing culture from the russians nowadays
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well we have some things that are very similar in terms of the culture and all the rest are very russian of course but we're enjoying very much good use of the weather changes every thirty minutes but aside from that everything is good thought it yeah it's better it's warm water we thought it was going to be like more soviet style but it's very moscow's very modern here is like if you like one of the provinces it's also nice aha yeah i. i. you know you'll. go even lower lows. now such of course we've been enjoying it here and away absolutely. when to guy. here we are very formula wall and we have to look around the truck we were very very excited me illinois. so this is it the so she all to join this is where the russian for me long grown
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pretty takes place as we are on the racetrack i think it be rude not to actually race to go to football traffic cones and to race cars. presenting the song to draw. stacks. representing the united kingdom of peace on the ground. just seventy five centimeters son.
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stanley was so close but i'm pretty sure that was a big hurdle for us as you can see barely a drop spill. second experiment i want this to be about straight out flat line speed and they can go two hundred sixty kilometers now the suspect speeds to fancy it's ok. it's called the new video replay i think. well done i have to hand it to you to officially more. than a top of the race i'm sure there was a great great. place. it's very exciting then we will four cities already we go on for example. and then back
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to some places burke for the fall i know i would imagine that will be a. joy and could be portugal germany could be portugal against chile and every fun that comes of it gets. brights them some stereotypes again one of the reasons why i joined also in this project was because all we hear is stereotypical comments about russia that. came with every single package that you'll join us which should be good stereotype that it was not a fantastic so i'm it's absolutely tropical here more football tomorrow of course and we can't wait to get it started i think by listening to all the grunting from the frogs behind us it's time to go it's been great to have you with us you see again. an american professor gets death threats after a post on facebook more details on that story after the short break.
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in case you're new to the game this is how it works not the economy is built around corporation preparations from washington to washington the media the media. voters elected businessman to run this country business because. you must it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before. a recent spat between the gulf states has highlighted yet another middle eastern conflict while turkey is siding with qatar and iran against saudi arabia the long running tensions between the sunni's. into the open why did anchorage jump into the fray instead of trying to pull the strings from
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a distance. welcome back experts have been speculating over who could replace my sil leader abu bakar al baghdadi if his death is confirmed it follows reports of his possible elimination by russian as strike votes on like al baghdadi who had a religious background the two main contenders to replace him have a very different history. by the end i add algy widely both served as security officers under saddam hussein and following the u.s. led invasion of iraq in two thousand and three they both joined the sun the insurgency part of which later transformed into islamic state. well let's discuss this issue further with nicholas davis got on our hands the american invasion and destruction of iraq thank you very much indeed for joining us this evening well the
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speculation over isolator abu bakar al baghdadi is replacement as we just heard if his death from a russian as strike is confirmed was related contenders off or operatives of saddam hussein i mean what do you think about that. while i think in the big picture it's not really going to make much difference who replaces baghdadi . essentially where we're going to still be dealing with. what with an endless proliferation of these jihadi groups. you know whatever form it takes it's assuming that. the us led. forces are able to recapture mosul and graca albeit at the expense of tens of thousands of civilian casualties.
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i as we've seen. the people that the us is fighting are quite capable of striking back in other places even as all this has been going on in this last month we've seen them strike inside the green zone in kabul we've seen them strike in manchester england we've seen them strike. in london again after that and so. you know essentially what the u.s. has done in the last sixteen years is to take a small group of jihadi s. who were scurrying between safe havens in sudan and afghanistan and blow this up into a global asymmetric war by responding to her if it crimes in new
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york and washington pennsylvania. with a declaration of war they granted that she had the status of religion. which was exactly what they wanted instead of simply going after them as criminals and now we're facing an asymmetric war that has carried on for sixteen years and we would just be foolish to think that this kind of get much much worse there's a central contradiction in u.s. policy between conducting regime change wars in iraq libya and syria in which the u.s. supports terrorists for want of a better word or maybe some of some of the supporter you know there's
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a there's a spectrum between you know perhaps the most. the most terrible ones in isis and some who are not quite. as murderous and extreme but you know so the u.s. is is simply fueling endless conflict and chaos across the world by supporting both terrorists in many of these countries and at the same time trying to. overthrow governments and you know these two these two goals are completely incompatible incompatible you know all the u.s. has accomplished is to spread violence and chaos across much of the world and as i say you know what we see from the trumpet ministration we have an ethical age grade in many of these areas are they really serious i'm going to have to cut you off
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there as we're running out of time to thank you very much indeed nicholas davis author of blood in our hands the right yeah thank you very much for having me thank you. now racial tensions in the u.s. are making headlines yet again a university professor from connecticut received death threats after name flooded. post on facebook he called for an end to white supremacy using an expedient filled version of the hashtag let them tie his post was meant as a comment on the shooting of a republican congressman last week while the storm of anger was so intense the campus was temporarily closed the professor fled to the premises and has since issued a public apology well the latest figures show hate crime in the u.s. has rocketed at least six big cities this type of crime stories to twenty percent increase last year get more pain looks now at how racial tension is dividing society reports of hate crimes have been surging across the u.s. headlines in recent months.
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the rise of racially motivated attacks has been a trend in the united states senate the two thousand and sixteen presidential election new york city has seen a twenty four percent rise in hate crimes with twenty percent across the state cincinnati ohio has seen an increase of thirty eight percent while chicago has seen twenty percent but all of this comes as both the press and politicians have reveled in the race when it comes to picking a president and ninety percent of the black vote is ninety percent over what black vote trump has stood up in front of largely white audiences and described black communities in such insulting and ignorant terms i love the signs behind me blacks for truck by like those signs one thing he does know is how to get angry white men to vote for him president obama over the weekend delivering
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a roaring and deeply personal appeal to black voters at times it seemed like the election was just all about race we heard about minorities who felt threatened by drought and angry white men who voted for him but if you look for such a narrative elsewhere you'd struggle france italy in the netherlands for exam. apple don't allow any collecting of statistics based on race or religion and it doesn't play any role in politics so are they right and america wrong we decided to ask people's opinions on the street i think it's a great thing to get statistics on what people think about in like the different countries that way you can know what type of palace these need to be developed i think they're stirring people up to put one against the other and i believe that. assuming someone's economic or social or political standings based on their races that's really. i think it it opens up a dialogue for people to start talking about what some of those issues might be to have some dated analyze so you should could collect statistics or ethnic or
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religious affiliations has always been used as a kind of path the power in the united states in terms of politics public in the democratic party really capitalize on divisions of all sorts and they use this as a wedge to drive. whatever the arguments or whatever the political agenda is parties are really actively looking for that wedge issue in order to somehow state that really to steer the public away from the really common issues which are affecting all such aspects of society as with any controversy related to race it's quite apparent that americans don't see eye to eye. party new york. about one use of the top of the hour. that's.
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when you'll make this manufacture consent to stick it to the public well. when the ruling closest to protect themselves. in the final merry go round be the one percent so. we can all middle of the room six. million more you mean really. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president interim. or somehow want to.
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have to go right to be cross it's like them before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters and my. first sip. is just another post this is a drop in. the law. called. a live in a dose of give it. back to. the bucket what about the. i don't know somebody but the whole point is something where they say i'll be so.
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but do you investigate police officers behavior as well. i'll take drugs in the west end up in presence here. calling people as you.
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testing in the way that testing is being used is a really big part of the problem because it has actually now rolled the curriculum for children no longer are children getting a broad rich curriculum they're being taught what's on the test because the test scores matter so much test scores are life and death for a school the school can be closed down that business can be shut down if the test scores don't come out right so schools do all kinds of things to game the system including manipulating their enrolment. here. everything was just purchased and handed to us in the first grade team there are three classrooms one person. would write the lessons for all three classrooms so that we were all doing the same thing at the same time the day we.


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