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tv   Larry King Now  RT  June 26, 2017 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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basically everything that you think you know about civil society has broken down. there's always going to be somebody else one step ahead of the game. we should not be all the normalising mind. we don't need people that think like this on our planet. this is an incredibly tense situation. on mary. came i really wanted to teach women. how to be beautiful and not only on the outside but on the inside because that's where it all starts i always felt female but i've experienced in life and i understand how people reacted to. someone. and that's the difference that i i you know things change when you transition. the way people talk to you the way life . transforming created tools always said last year that only trans people should
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play trench kerry. is going to be. i am actually a person you'd trade places with for. donald trump and then i'd resign. strong larry king. welcome to larry king now our guest today is actress performance artist and one of the original transgender icons candace kane known for talk dirty sexy money ru paul's drag race and caitlin jenner's docu series i am kate candace is going a long time not give us for the community and their new book is high gorgeous transforming into radiant beauty it will be released june. and is available for
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preorder now or you write it girl came up to me at drag cannier ago and said to me you are so gorgeous and i said you know you are too and she said no i'm not and there was this beautiful little girl and i was like why is this girl not believing she's gorgeous so i really wanted to teach women of every race age gender how to be beautiful and not only on the outside but on the inside because that's where it all starts why do beautiful women. over many years look in the mirror and not see their beauty i think that they have a really high bar of other people telling them this constantly and so they start but they tell them they're pretty they have to live up to that and that's part of the problem with with you know the voices in your head is that they tell you things to bring you down and in you have to kind of learn how to fight through those
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little voices do you think in your own case having been a man that you have some more insight into this of course i mean i know i mean i always felt female but i did there wasn't a word for it you know so i i but i've experienced the male life and under understand how people reacted to me as someone who was male and that's the difference that i i know you don't really mean i things change when you transition just the way people talk to you the way life happens you know caitlin jenner wrote the forward to your book now and she writes i've learned where some of candace's confidence comes from it comes from a beautiful soul many is a purging those voices of self-doubt that say you're not good enough you're not pretty enough you're not feminine of great complement amazing so sweet did you think. for
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a time you were gay yeah i actually came out twice because there wasn't a word for trans and so i was attracted to men and i thought ok i felt female but i didn't know what that man i didn't that we didn't have google back then you know even so why didn't you just leave it gay because your gender identity and your sexual identity are two totally different things. so i realize that it wasn't how i felt wasn't my sexual identity it was more about my gender identity and how i felt in my mind because i was raised by parents that were always accepting. treated me with respect told me i could do anything i wanted to do i was able to make a decision and not be weighed down by it you know was coming out very hard or not because your parents were so liberal it was hard in the fact that you're
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discovering these new things about yourself and to tell them vocally to your parents it's really kind of hard. like came out at seventeen. to my parents at nineteen and then as trans they came out at twenty four and they had all all of it well yeah i mean they were they this was in one nine hundred eighty nine are you know so this was really and in an era where it was ok to abuse the l g b t community they were scared for me. but they knew that they had raised me in a way that i would make good decisions and i'd be able to take care of myself are there many many transgenders who have never come out and who people think they're women or people think them and yeah i mean most of i mean a lot of trans people are able to not
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a lot but some are able to transition and then just kind of blend into society for me i was an actress and a performer and i didn't want to go that route and i also wanted to fight for my community because i i mean the t. word was and even when i started my transition the t.v. world keyword wasn't even the l g t sign. there was no tea in that sign transfer and greeted jules always said last year that only trans people should play trend characters do you agree yes. i mean there's different there's different levels of that i mean you haven't done so i am actually i did like a day walk on with alexandria billings i played one of her friends at the pool and it became oh my god they get to you know how many there are no
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i mean there's no there's i mean there's certain you know there's certain kind of statistics but they're very vague because a lot of the trans community disappears because of you know homophobia and transphobia so i don't know there really is so much is there are gays statistics what eight percent. is that a guess well we would like to now but apparently this year we're being. taken out of the census cell who's to now i guess is the irrepressible candace came when discussing trans rights and president trump two after the break and the book is high gorgeous that cover. this is a book of tips for every woman alive young old transgender whatever yeah exactly i mean it's it's a it's a book that talks to people about how to get inner confidence and then go to the
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outer beauty jewels have this i always thought that the book is high gorgeous it will be available june twentieth you can order it out the beautiful candace can look at these pictures pictures throughout the books tips throughout the book delicious decor how to wear things how to wear dresses how to wear diamonds how to put lipstick on and then i could be this see you get turned on. if you have been outspoken in your criticism of donald trump i know many years the first thing he said when asked about o.j. beatty when he was running was i have hotels if they pay and they could use any bets room they want and then he changed. how did you react to that the real donald that i knew. why i mean he's obviously probably playing to his base you know trying to keep that real hard core right core together you know is surrounded around tense group yeah. the problem with that is that when you become president
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you don't become president to forty percent of the country so what you make of them i think that he's a narcissist and he has that. overinflated ego he doesn't listen to anybody he doesn't read anything and his only answer to most questions are one hundred forty characters do you think he has been especially rough for the o g b t community yes in the sense that he's surrounded his self in his cabinet with people who are outspoken people against the gay community mike pence his vice president talking about conversion therapy hearing and hearing of the gay i mean it doesn't make any sense that with just even with all the facts of the science and everything nowadays that you you have people that want to shun science in
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fact for their religious you know freedom it doesn't make a one who's a fundie yeah if she is conservative yeah and we've gotten into it boy you are the she's not pro trump. but to her she is conservative she is conservative and we you know we have some debate i mean you saw it on season two of i am kate. i think that. when you get down to the knitting nitty gritty if you're a true conservative you can actually have conversations with liberals and you can argue your fact and then at the end of the day let that go and still become friends and have relationships i mean. nowadays we live in such a poisoned decide it's such a heavy tension in the air. so i didn't want to ever with with kate i didn't want
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to to carry that into our friendship and i think that was the point that people missed about the show is that they wanted to focus on that and then not just allow. them to see all of us is who we really are you know so you always had this inner gumption in your stand up person you was a been that way when you were a kid yeah as much as they could and when you transformed you know the surgery and everything you know look how you looked you could have blended in you never had to be candice came you could have been candice came what i bring to this came right right you couldn't live in who knew or know that you're not a woman well i would and i saw the stuff that was going on and i wanted to be an actress and i never wanted to be in a situation like people will someone will always know your past
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and instead of being this is for me personally instead of being afraid of talking about my past i wanted to be open about it so i wouldn't be in the situ if i'd never be in a situation where it would come out in an inopportune time if i'm out in addition. you know i would never want to try to become an actress as as not myself in any mean what was it like. the first. as candid as you would know with a man. well it was liberating i mean i dress yeah i mean or she would know i was the maze one is the nice to be the friday that oh what was it like to date men as a woman it was freeing it was liberating i felt like my i felt like myself for the
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first time you know and i i remember thinking you know nothing ever really worked out when i was trying to date man is a man there was never a connection and they didn't you know but you know i just felt like i was truly myself in that in those situations and that happening in all over the campaign of my life just like walking down the street every day i remember the first time i threw away all my clothes and i went to the airport i had planned a trip to europe and it was the first time i was living as canada and i i you know walked up to the lady checking tickets and you know she was like thank you ma'am go right in and it was just like you know little things like that most people would never remember but it had such a huge impact on me how do you spell your voices so for them well this is the voice that i've always had. lucky i now this is the hair i've always had to.
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leave if the right person comes along so if i had a girl yeah then let me know you know i've i've had some come close come close but i realize that i mean my parents were married fifty five years last week and so i always had this ideal of what it was supposed to be having to have a successful life you know and after my last long term relationship ended i was like that might be just because they're who they are and they're perfect for each other and i might not find that but it's ok i'm happy alone until i find somebody that i don't have to compromise myself more than fifty percent you know any i mean more than half the relationship coming up candace her family and fan and countless close so advice for young trans people struggling to find acceptance we'll be right
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back. i'm tom hartman and i'll give you what the mainstream media can't so it's big picture we'll go deeper investigate and debate all so you can get the big picture. in case you're new to the game this is how it works the economy is built around corporate corporations from washington to washington controls the media the media and the. voters elect the businessman to run this country business equals power. bust it's not business as usual it's business like it's never been done before.
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all the world this day and all the news companies merely players but what kind of part is our team america playing marty america offers more artsy american personnel . many ways landscape just like the real news good actors bad actors and in the end you could never you're all in. so much parking all the world all the world's all the world's a stage we are definitely a player. with gorgeous she's gorgeous the book is high gorgeous candace came transforming in a power into radiance beauty you said that when you were young there was an award
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for trends what did you think you were. funny were if you like to be in the wrong body right just remember you know going and playing one afternoon when i was thanks six or seven and with my cousins who were twins a boy and a girl and me and my twin brother and they we were all playing together i remember thinking why am i not like tanya this doesn't make sense that was at seven having not thought you know whether between brother have a twin brother and he is male male yeah i have you know married nieces and nephews you dedicated the book to your parents and your brother who you wrote encouraged me to thrive as my authentic self for my entire life now what do you advice would you give to young women you know men watching this show maybe fourteen fifteen feeling they're in the. wrong body. i would say live your true authentic self be who you are supposed to be when the time is right if you're in
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a hairy situation and it's not possible it's ok to wait a couple of years to you get around people your tribe family members that are going to understand who you are and make it a safe and positive transition you know you have to do the surgery no you don't i know i mean most of the community did really is as you know i think i stopped talking about surgery and none of my business because i mean a lot of people that but i would think that those are just are would this is a male thought if i want to have a full and complete life or do the surgery right. but who's full and complete life are you wanting to have everybody has different definitions of a full and complete life most sexual intercourse would be bottle full and complete
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was right it in your definition of the only definition i know right they. play a little game of if you only knew ok i'll just throw things at you do you have a secret talent. i am really good at beach volleyball. you told your childhood celebrity crush. jake from sixteen candles do you remember that got his name person you'd trade places with for a day. donald trump and then i'd resign get. pleasure. you know this is going to sound whatever but i my favorite thing to do is put on my record in my record player open all the windows in my house and go out and garden in my backyard where you live glendale well you could. change is job you've ever had. i was asked first time
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a club in new york city by michael alec of all people who killed the angel and put him in a bond to just as the clown in a net in the middle of limelight and dance in a net or in a cage and you. yeah i just moved to new york i needed something on your professional bucket list. to be in a movie with meryl streep something on your personal book atlas i've always wanted to go and move to spain for a month and a half or two months and learn spanish you could do that now i want to carry do you cherish most about yourself my a. honesty and openness so do you wish you were better at. beach volleyball. that's funny is fan encounter. i was in the middle
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of liz been in the middle of lisbon and i walked into an old pottery like factory with these little women at play you know doing old pottery and were talking in the middle of nowhere and the three women got up and ran over to me and they're like are you candice like in the homeless and it was really weird it's crazy most of all good glad felt great that something is this so did you long believed to be true and real was wasn't love at first sight. no such thing i don't think hi gorgeous is the book candace came is that guess some social media questions lieutenant loker tweets what's the best way to keep up my self-esteem no matter what look in the mirror every day and say you're gorgeous and. talk to those voices in your had that are telling you you're too fat you're too ugly or to this you're too that and listen to it and then let it go call monreal on
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facebook wants the most candace came to use your real name. candace mcdaniel isn't a real name without industry male name to know candace was not my real what was an ailment brendon brendon prend mcdaniel exactly that's very nice name of i know i love my name that's why and that's why i don't feel weird about saying you know no it's a great now i loved i lead to should take that mare i think so too but you know back when i started my transition you weren't allowed to keep i mean it was just with unfeasible to keep your original name if you were a boy you know anything now i kind of wish i had supermodel as how is the dating scene as a trans woman and would you ever consider dating another woman. tinder is great now to think. you know i i. i'm not attracted to women in that way so it's not really what i would i would do you know
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what i mean the dating scene is. when flawed how can the c.i.s. community help you fight trumps hate filled agenda just. be an ally you know go out we don't have any we have we don't have the house we don't have the senate we don't have the presidency the only way that we can stop horrifying things from happening happening is to get out march be vocal rally marches the gay pride parade you know a will not be a parade will not be gay pride will not be drawn floats it will be a protest march freshening crowd you agree with that yeah i do i mean when. gay pride started it wasn't about people you know in heels on float since celebrating it was
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a fight it was fighting for our rights to be acknowledged to be seen to be taken seriously so the i'm going to go there and i'm going to run for president. one why not who knows you know why you never tried it before i know i don't think any trans woman has let's let's give it a run. then did you really know about margaret thatcher did it with. the daily angle how close are you to cable in general really and how politics of the friendship really i mean we talked about that you're just saying really like like really work we're close we talk all the time she's been busy i've been busy with her book tour coming on your show. and so when we talk we just talk you know about certain things we've we've gotten into it politically before
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you know off camera. but i've always been able to say. that's how you feel that's how i feel we fight first second and then we let it go and play a round of golf so it's you know. there's two are just going to say there's too much hate going on right now that it's that what we as a community especially the l g b t community should be fighting each other we have so many wars to wage with people attacking us you know they mean you used to form and drag you missed it i still do it. i still put on a heel and hair piece and do full makeup and i do my one woman show i love it i'll never give up performing can drag larry queen reclean larry queen you sit in the pests that can be segregation between the gay community and the trans community yeah still. i do i think it's getting better i think shows
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like ru paul's drag race even though it is dragon has nothing to do with trans there are still that there's an element of high clamor and. and shows like transparent and you know i am kate are helping bridge the communities together here delight stalling wonderful me and my pleasure thanks to my guests candace cain the high gorgeous transforming in a bar and a radiant beauty available june twentieth solos you can find me on twitter at kings things so you might start.
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tonight. not defect by the corporate. go after the corporations it's just more your life profit over people. it's not for me it's like medicine it's like a cancer till all the stress that puts you under redacted tonight is where you can go to cry from laughing about the stuff that's going on in the world as opposed to just regular crying we're going to find out what the corporate mainstream media is not telling you about how we're going to filter it through some so. comedic lenses to make it more digestible that's what we do every week hard hitting radical comedy news like a duck it's a night is where it's at. play
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to get. the feeling of something. everyone in the world should experience flieger lives and you'll get it on the old the old. the old according to just. welcome to my world come along for the ride. lead for decades the american middle class has been railroaded by washington politics. big money corporate interests that's drowned out a lot of voices that's how it is in the news culture in this country now that's where i come in. i'm ed schultz i've done r.t. america i'll make sure you don't get railroaded to go get the straight talk in the
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straight news. questionable lead. player. play. insists the to. play. live. was.
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was. was. well on target it washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture the republican so-called health care plan is a glorified hand out for millionaires and billionaires but not every millionaire supports it morris pearl of patriotic millionaires will explain why in just a moment and can the democratic.


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