tv Watching the Hawks RT June 27, 2017 2:29am-3:01am EDT
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thank you. thank. you welcome to another week in the swamp watchers when it comes to the divide between rural and urban america nothing could spin the mind quite so much the perspective from each side is that one doesn't know what life is like for the other and the truth is they don't according to a washington post kaiser family foundation survey of seven hundred americans in rural areas and small towns they found was that sixty seven percent of rural residents rated the job opportunities in their communities as fair or poor while urban residents were split fifty fifty between fair and excellent were american see so little hope for their communities that fifty nine percent of those surveyed said
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that young people should move away from their home towns and cities only forty one percent think young people move away and much of that may be the fault of perceptions city folk don't understand the struggle of country folk and country folk think everyone else has a better but we're american see the divide as cultural ryan loss in a wisconsin native told with the washington post quote being from a rural area everyone looks out for each other people in my experience in cities are not as compassionate toward their neighbor as people in rural parts the poll also found that about four in ten that's forty two percent of rural residents say that immigrants are a burden on the country nearly three times the share of urban residents sixteen percent who say so so this find the facts many are suffering in rural communities with bad economies oppressive police tactics and federal policies that feed the rich and starve the poor. rural communities have lots of complaints but very little
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solutions partly because of a lack of candidates on the local and state level that are invested in the future of those communities but the age of the new republican administration has what fires in municipal politics and today we're going to meet a man who went from international fame to a mayoral candidate in tennessee with a bag full of solutions for what ails them so let's take it to the local level and start watching the hawks. the. real deal this week. as. part of. what they like you are going to. complete. this. week and. welcome everybody to the last or not.
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i'm top at the wall as glenn jacobs began his time in the spotlight as one of the most internationally famous professional wrestler ever known as eighteen his big bold and stoic take on pro no prisoners style is still legendary in the ring so when he announced his run for mayor of knox county tennessee recently and made the watching the hochstein take notice not because he was a wrestler but because he had retired from wrestling and instead of sitting by the pool he started an insurance business he became active a member of his community and decided to step up for that community by running for office recently tyrrell and i spoke with glen jacobs about the future and importance of government on a local and state level with the federal government in such turmoil. glad it's a pleasure over here on the show congratulations on running for mayor of knox county i have to because a successful entertainer known the world over. now you're throwing your hat into
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the political arena not that myself would know anything about you know having a successful entertainer running for office i want to know what inspired you to run for mayor of knox county tennessee what was that thing that said you know what i have to do this now. well i just want to have a positive impact on my community i think. you know if you look at the direction of the country i think all too often that we focus on the federal government because that's what's always on the days it's always on t.v. but i think that your state local governments actually have much bigger impact on people's lives so you know i have kids i have grandkids i am the product of the american dream i had opportunities that i was able to take advantage of to really do things that i never thought i'd ever be able to do and i just wanna make sure that those opportunities are available in whatever form or fashion for my kids my grandkids. now when we talk about knox county it's it's not exactly
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small town america i mean when i'm talking about you know clint eastwood in carmel or are sonny bono in palm springs knox county has over four hundred thousand people of the university of tennessee the city of knoxville what are those major issues that are really facing knox county today and how how is glenn jacobs going to help solve. well as you said knox county has a population of about four hundred fifty thousand people it's the third largest county in the state of tennessee of the budget is not quite eight hundred million dollars so it is a pretty significant size. i think as with all municipalities one of the things the challenges that we face is how are we going to compete in the twenty first century global economy because the economy worldwide is more competitive than we've ever seen it at this point. is doing very well we have a very good fiscal footing it's a great place to live. i think that would for me would be one of the big questions
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as well as when we look at education. and how we're going to prepare our kids to enter the workforce and i think that our current education system stresses college but what about the kids that don't want to enter college what about the kids that want to go and get a skilled trade out of high school or perhaps be prepared to go to community college to do that those are very noble occupations and things that we're always going to need mechanics plumbers even things like robotics and computer programming i think would fall under that particular area so those are a couple things that we really need as i said everyone i believe is cross the country is really sort of. struggling but coming to grips with those issues you know as a superstar travel all over the world you can see that we're all no longer just competing against other just palettes here in the states but it's really all around the world and we're competing with cities in asia. and africa you know.
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europe so south america as well so it's everywhere and then to you know one of the one of the unfortunate things that's happening here is we have a huge opiate epidemic again that's not of course unique to knox county but i think that's also going to be the issue that we're going to have to deal with. you know in the very well we're already dealing with it but i think it's going to become more prevalent as we move forward but one thing you mentioned was that at the idea about technical school and being able to learn a trade that seems to be in a lot of small midwestern and southern states seems to be the big issue is that that stems out of not having ability to have an education in something or be trained and i trade what do you think has to change that mindset that not everyone has to go to four year college not everyone else to be a doctor a lawyer we do we need tradesmen we need craftsmen how do you. encouraged. our
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teachers and our administrators are great i think washington and that are part of the education has its tentacles way too involved in the local schools i believe the power should be returned to the local school boards and to the teachers and administrators and to parents. of same things like one child no child left behind which actually a lot more than one child left behind no child left behind as well as common core and hopefully now we can start moving towards moving that power back to localities and our case one of the things that i would like to do would be get private enterprise more involved through apprenticeships training programs that sort of thing again you know our teachers are wonderful i feel that they often are ham strong because they're not able to teach like they would otherwise be able to the freedom to do that because of standardized testing of course standardized
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testing is important but we have to figure out a balance between you know getting that right but also preparing kids to enter the workforce and frankly when you're looking at economic development education if you work force is vitally important it might be the most important thing when companies are looking around and determining where they would like to headquarter where they would like to put a facility that is one of the things that they really look at is the quality of the workforce and of course a lot of that is directly related to the skills that the students coming out of high school out of community college out of four year college have in whatever area that they're looking at couldn't agree more you know it's interesting i did a documentary recently and. who is under secretary of hud housing urban development in the early ninety's and she actually said she lives in tennessee and she talked about it she said that she's living in an area where she sees the land. people
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basically are living on welfare or. employed but we're still buying food that's being shipped in. so just in terms of a comment like that. what would you offer in terms of initiatives. problem. i think a lot of things go back to opportunity in the free market. when we're looking at education i believe that. private enterprise involved with training programs with apprenticeships with those sort of things so that the market helps solve these problems you know when we look at social welfare programs one of the huge problems is that. the goal should be instead of keeping people. out of the social welfare you know you have you're comfortable enough because you're barely surviving but you're never going to get out of that box and i'm one of those people who believe that everybody has that everybody can be great in
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a certain area and we need to we need to foster that as opposed to just telling people ok you know. survivals ok i think people. think you know in many ways the country in general you know we're not we're not seeing that and that's unfortunate not only from the perspective of the individual because that's tragic loss personally but also from the perspective of society look at look at all the things that people can achieve given the opportunity. to do so. instead often we don't see that happening because you know it's ok to just get by. as we got. more.
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economic development is all about nobody really pleased or think this quarter we are modern six morning. but what do we know about the other figures. when i think about the fact that our c.e.o. mike du made over twenty million dollars last year more than one thousand times the average wal-mart is says he had with all due respect i have to say i don't think that's right. is that just l a free market works. people went from pretty simple financial lives pre nine hundred eighty to the point now
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where people are. just totally submerged in their financial accounts and they're all in debt and what exactly devoid society from the whatever the government tried to do the best leverage. marcum a few things worse. say this is not work this is. hopelessly disastrously wrong. about your sudden passing i phone lee just learned you worry yourself and taken your last turn. up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was a king. still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question are are.
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they secretly promised to never be like it's one does not need a funeral in the same as one enters mind gets consumed with this one to. speak to us there are no other takers. the same that mainstream media has met its make. me make this manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling class is to protect themselves. with the flaming. lips and be the one person. in the middle of the room sick. really. really really.
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welcome back to watching the hogs former internationally known professional wrestler cain is now living the american dream in tennessee and he hopes to help others realize that dream by running for mayor of knox county here's the second half of our interview with candidate glen jacobs where we discuss how his earlier career prepared him for politics for the your gift as a wrestler and i must say you are one of my favorite place to watch in the days of why school days but you also ran the insurance company and i just want to know how those that background the. insurance prepared you for politics. well i think when you look at my background. again i travel all over the world so i've seen.
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virtually everywhere but the exception of antarctica and i've seen some pretty places i've seen some pretty awful places i've seen what works and what doesn't work the free market works when you give people the freedom to achieve to pursue their dreams to pursue the american dream that works when you have a centralized government where they decide what people are going to do and there's a heavy degree of authoritarianism that doesn't work you know and the big thing about knox county is i could live anywhere i want because you know what i would have you would travel to a different part of the country every week i live here because i really love it here you know but i think an advantage also that i have is. you know frankly i know how to i know how to market right you know and to create. to help create a brand which i've been able to do of course myself you know this place is extremely marketable it's a wonderful place to live you know we have a lot of things going for us and then when you look at my background in business of
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course any business person is going to tell you look you can't spend more money than you bring in and you certainly can't spend a lot more than you bring in and you can't do it for long periods of time because if you go bankrupt so you have to bring that same sort of thinking to the budget and the fiscal process and i believe that way too many politicians look at taxpayer money as free money and they don't. recognize that it's even more sacred than your own body i mean it's even more precious than gold money because this is money that's been taken from people in many cases they don't have much of a choice so if you're going to spend it you need to spend it is effectively as possible you need to cut waste as much as possible and you'd realize the people work very hard for their money and what they give to the i could surely go for it and you know it's interesting that the last time i think that you and i crossed paths was was back in hershey pennsylvania when my father was a guest hosting a rod many years ago and i remember i remember specifically the great memory
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however that is you actually came over to him and gave him a copy of ron paul's book i was curious how much of an influence is ron paul in his political ideology on you as you kind of embark on this on this next journey in this run for office and you know would you label yourself a libertarian or or would you fall. i would fall in libertarian conservative i guess liberty minded conservative would be a good way to describe me if you look at my political philosophy it goes all the way back to thomas jefferson and before that thomas jefferson frederick best who is a great french economist and statesman you know people like ron paul rand paul in the house now we have just a thomas massie the people who understand that the free market is the greatest wealth producing machine that the world has ever seen as well as agree with for that when he said that liberty is not a means to
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a political and that liberty itself is the highest i call remote small town in wisconsin about fifteen hundred people and i have been saying my whole life and people talk about politics is that if you really want to see where real politics happens it's on the municipal level because people are so easy to get focused on the grid the glitz and glam of washington and national politics but. how important is it to you that people anybody and people like yourself get involved on this local level. i believe it's vitally important i absolutely agree with you we do see the glitz and glamour of washington it's almost like hollywood in many respects but local government is so important and the nice thing about local government is often you can. put political ideology aside what i mean by that is you can work towards the goal with people from.
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across the aisle you know what you often can't do in washington because there's there's so much pressure you know that if you're a republican you always have to vote like a republican you always have to agree with what the republican establishment says even if it's not necessarily what you believe and same with the democrats probably even worse on that side were at the local level you are able to reach out to people and say look this is the goal why don't we all work towards that why don't we talk about how the benefits community you know one of the things that i'd like to see here is we do have a city and we have a county government and they work pretty well together but i'd like to strengthen that even more and make sure that the city and the county work lock step towards achieving certain goals as well as frankly entire east tennessee region all the counties come together as much as possible and you know promote the region when we're looking in economic development we look at the entire region because i think what happens in these tend to see benefits knox county what good things that happen
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of course in a sense even if in this county as well as things that are good for knox county benefit the rest of east tennessee so one of the benches that being a celebrity is that you have name recognition but on the other hand the drawback is many people say you're not serious why should we listen to you so how do you overcome such a challenge well i think my celebrity. is sort of a foot in the door but as you said that's not actually what opens the door people might be willing to listen to me but it's my ideas and. all that sort of thing that really are going to attract people and get them hopefully to vote for me i mean i realize that i wouldn't have it any other way if people are just voting for me because i'm a guy that's been on t.v. . yeah i know it's serious. but but if people you know if it's. that part is like oh ok that's sort of cool but then they listen to
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you know i agree with that guy yeah that's right where you know i want you know i got to say you know it's great to see i got to you know from from someone who watched at first having my father ran for governor of minnesota for very similar reasons i think the you're explaining to him in his case he was running because there was a budget surplus they mistreated taxpayer money over tax this is real and didn't give it back. didn't even allow taxpayers to decide where the money went. in looking at what you're doing in knox county with moves you don't want to lose what do you hope the people of knox county and in the rest of the world for that matter really take away from your candidacy i guess the thing that i hope that people take away is that. it is important to be involved at whatever level and i think also that you know that we do need good people in government because government is a monopoly that uses force to get its way so we need in my opinion we need to
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minimize that at the same time we need to make sure that the people that are in positions of power certainly don't abuse those positions as well as that they are working as hard as they possibly can to make sure that they benefit people as a whole and for me again that goes back to allowing the free market to work and ensuring that the american dream is perpetuated. mostafa we're going to see you're watching your good luck on your on your journey to the mayor of marks county will hope to check back in with you as we get closer to the election that sounds great i appreciate it thank you. it's rare when a corporate news network actually admits mistake and we're tracks it and c.n.n. has been forced to retract what was considered a potentially groundbreaking story connecting the current republican president to russia the reason they said it did not meet the network's editorial standards or to a correspondent on your part poll tells us why the story fell flat and how c.n.n.'s
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response. the most trusted name in news is on the defensive as of friday night when what was sold as an explosive report linking president trump to russian investment bankers was replaced with this editor's note on june twenty second twenty seventeen c.n.n. dot com published a story connecting anthony's car mucci with investigations into the russian direct investment fund that story did not meet cnn's editorial standards and has been retracted links to the story have been disabled c.n.n. apologizes to mr skara mucci the story was concerning this man and. an american financed sarah who served as an advisor to the trump presidential campaign and sat on the trump transition team it alleged the senate intelligence committee was investigating scar mucci for a meeting he held with cure old dimitry of the c.e.o. of the russian direct investment fund four days before trump's inauguration all
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based on an anonymous congressional source the report written by a twenty twelve q and surprise finalist said the russian direct investment fund is overseen by the state state run bank currently sanctioned by the us government and that the meeting could have included a conversation about the lifting of sanctions on the fund there's just one problem the fund is not in fact operated by the state run bank. the spokes person for the r a d i have told sputnik the russian direct investment fund our became an independent sovereign fund in two thousand and sixteen consequently is not a part of the bank and its operations are wholly independent of the bank the meeting in fact took place at the davos economic forum on january sixteenth and was confirmed by scar mucci to c.n.n. who said dimitri of have come over or rather had come over to say hi to him at
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a restaurant and that he responded cordially. told bloomberg at the time quote what i said to him last night in my capacity inside the administration i would certainly reach out to some people to help him the idea was many months ago to have more outreach with russia but also other countries not just russia china other countries of course the whole purpose of the world economic forum in davos is for banking he leaves to mingle and several other world billionaires met with the already this year as well meanwhile scaramucci says he accepts cnn's apology and is moving on on saturday c.n.n. money executive branch barberry said out an e-mail demanding quote no one published any content involving russia without coming to me and far costs a c.n.n. vice president implying stricter guidelines for russian reporting may be in order in washington on your part in pill. following a string of scandals exposing things like bribery and sexual harassment the u.s.
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air force academy is making a multimillion dollar investment to rebuild its image and brand according to a colorado newspaper the unprecedented public relations spending comes after dozens of athletes were investigated for misconduct. brings us the story. a page from corporate america the u.s. air force academy has reportedly invested two point six million dollars in a public relations. pushed to polish its image the p.r. investment follows a series of scandals and alleged cover ups involving athletes at the school as first reported by the gazette newspaper thirty two players at the academy were investigated for a series of scandals in two thousand and fourteen including drug use and sexual misconduct as a result three athletes were reportedly court martialed eight were discharged were dismissed another half dozen resigned and three more cadets were kicked out for related misconduct a year prior
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a soccer player at the academy was allegedly recruited by the office of special investigations to spy on his classmates and was ultimately expelled the air force academy new communication strategy wasn't publicly announced it was instead revealed in hundreds of pages of e-mails the gazette obtained under the freedom of information act the academy meanwhile claims its p.r. push is part of a wider effort to show the public it takes discipline seriously in a statement a spokesman says in part with regard to communications academy leadership is absolutely committed to engaging with the multiple audiences who have a stake in our mission promoting good order and discipline and effectively communicating are not mutually exclusive unquote according to the gazette in addition to the donor money sent to outside public relations contractors the school has grown the academy public affairs office by at least fifty percent since the public relations push began the academy has highlighted its efforts to combat
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sexual assault and presented the school to be a leader of prevention however experts say presenting a new public image will only work if the organisation follows through on reaching its objectives and actually changes its habits are a formation requiring action not just rebranding marine important r.t. miami. and that is our show. for you today and remember everyone being good to each other out there on top of the wallace keep on watching us and have a great night everyone if you want to do so but still would know that you see a new series of attacks a tire grill that you just put your feet to analyze it do it again for the pot of soup if you speak your mind let's go for the day like you are going to have a visit with that we've. put out free to do this to do it on this world hope no you don't it opens up when you open the door to start to put your.
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armstrong calling more annoying neal hoping. we're going to be your hosts but the two thousand and seventeen confederations cup here in russia we're going to be visiting the host cities or sochi has found secrets of moscow is going to be great i'm told include pool so also posting something pretty much proving every topic the fans need to know about the head of the match so don't forget to join us on field it's going to be full and. imax keyser one more of my guide to financial survival this is fun it's a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these hedge funds are simply not accountable and we're just getting more and more to them.
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totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for a while because we. are. point c.n.n. constantly away. from. this ratings those ratings reviews are. well this is brand new in this morning a c.n.n. producer caught on camera saying the channel doesn't proof russia ties and really covering the story for ratings coming up to the white house threatens action against the assad government after claiming damascus is preparing to use chemical weapons in syria. is more trouble for to reset the british prime minister get short shrift over her billion pound deal with a minor party to prop up the government as well as a struggle of two from brussels over her post. eve citizen's rights.
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