tv Headline News RT June 27, 2017 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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i. can't believe. this is radio. figure over a fox a producer for america c.n.n. muse is apparently caught on camera saying. coverage is substantiated but. to use military force against the assad government saying it is. the white house claims the mosque is preparing to use chemical weapons in syria. more trouble pritish prime minister gets short shrift over her.
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government as well. you are in the world. international i'm you know neal good to have your company our top story this hour a producer for america's c.n.n. news channel has apparently been filmed saying the networks russia coverage is more about ratings than offering solid facts investigative journalism group project. released a hidden camera video conversation we're about to show you a clip although not yet been able to verify its authenticity. the more i see them constantly like russia the structure of. this regimes those ratings are
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razor credible right now but honestly. it's just like. it's mostly right now we don't have any. giant. proof ceiling you know they have they they want to keep the. president from the right to say. look who are we trying to to the c.e.o. of c.n.n. said in our internal meeting he said good job everybody covering the climate accords. but we're down with the let's get back to russia where we have contacted c.n.n. the people who released the video to get their comments we'll let you know as soon as they get back to us right guys the of explains more now about what's in the video and the work behind it. well we should be cautious here careful even we've you know been trying to verify what we what we can that there really is a stuff
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a called john boehner field a c.n.n. producer listed on their web site visually he certainly looks like the guy in the video ratings trump all that is what this video says according to him c.n.n. has now mentioned russia sixteen thousand times just since trump was elected c.n.n. has really beat at the forefront of all these russian shenanigans they've gone to breaking news that the mere mention of russia you know one of the reports near rumors that unverified sources good enough to talk about russia they've been trying to tie trump and russia as hard as they can for a very long time now you know the results well that the people judge it is also salad c.n.n.'s relationship with the white house can you give us a question. if you're not going to give you a question you say cattle you are shake dues in our network i just want to ask you
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sir i'm changing it from fake news though doesn't that under very fake arch you. project there it ass and the guy behind it james o'keefe he's made a name for himself he shoots these candid recordings usually under cover where people are much more on this than they would be in front of the camera and he said you know from out of the democratic party in the united states he's targeted them a number of times and that has landed him in trouble because one company has sued him and now faces a million dollars lawsuit after infiltrating in alleged democratic consulting for posing as someone else and secretly secretly recording them he says that that is an intimidation tactic that they're trying to intimidate him and we've again we've contacted. i'm trying to verify this story but this as i said if this is true it certainly you know would certainly huge let's see how c.n.n.
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wriggles out of this one because if it doesn't than that very very think new moniker that deserved itself is going to stick well in another development three c.n.n. journalists who worked on a novel retracted russia related story of how to resign their network scenes they didn't follow their standard editorial processes donald trump has racked up once again accusing c.n.n. of publishing fake news. russia has called the united states threat to use force against the syrian government on acceptable the white house earlier claim that the assad leadership is preparing a chemical weapons attack president trump's press secretary says the u.s. will take action if that happens the united states has identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the saddam regime the united
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states is in syria to eliminate the slum extent of iraq and syria if however mr assad conducts another mass murder attack using chemical weapons he and his military will pay a heavy price our middle east correspondent gauges the international reaction to those claims. the kremlin has responded saying that it is familiar with the statement but is not aware of its basis a criminal spokesperson said that they categorically disagree with the wording and now the attack stressing that damascus cannot be held liable for the last attack because despite all of russia's demands an unbiased international investigation has still not been carried out most also says that it considers any threats to the legitimate leadership of syria unacceptable. we consider such threats to the legitimate government of the syrian arab republic unacceptable but at the same time it's important to point out that we consider unacceptable the use of chemical weapons the potential danger of repeated provocation with chemical
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weapons in syria still exists while the white house a statement on the threat of a new chemical attack is interesting indeed let's first look at the wording the statement says that they have detected potential preparations that would likely result in mass civilian casualties particularly innocent children are that's quite emotive language obviously used to garner support for such a statement the statement also talks about potential preparations but what exactly does this mean there are no details given other than that it is similar or seemingly similar to what the u.s. detected before the last chemical attack back in april the statement also says any chemical attack in syria in the immediate future will be blamed on assad and his allies now there is no investigation no due process just punishment now as far as the damascus government goes they've denied the white house allegations that they may be preparing for a new chemical attack they insist again that they've never used such arms at the same time we're hearing from several state department officials who are typically
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involved in coordinating such announcements and they say that they were caught completely off guard by the warning which didn't appear to be discussed in advance with any other kind of national security agencies and then the united kingdom is weighing in it's a. that it will back us action against syria despite seeing no evidence of this alleged attack even being prepared i want to leave you and we think it's absolutely right if we can to prevent the use of chemical weapons and we will fully support any u.s. action. well the u.s. allegations come this by moscow's latest call for washington to avoid any provocations in syria russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov made the request in a phone conversation with his u.s. counterpart the call was initiated by washington and was the first time the diplomats have spoken since the dining of syrian military jet by the u.s. just over a week ago there to discuss the need to consolidate
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a cease fire in syria as well as suppress said tempted to use chemical weapons by any party to the conflict and as mentioned mr lavrov stressed the u.s. must not carry out hostile actions against government forces. let's delve into all this a little bit deeper and join jamal wakim a professor of history and international a sions up the lebanese university in beirut always good to have you on the program yet so there we have it the wife's heis claiming that the syrian government is planning a chemical attack now what could damascus gain from doing not if this is true they're winning the war on the ground why resort to chemicals. well i don't believe the syrians owed the city in a g.m. is going to use chemical weapons especially at the time when the american journalist uncovered the truth about the fact that donald trump knew there
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was no chemical attack in the country. when he led his attack on actual port city an airport so i believe this is mainly. not done by the united states to have a pretext because i believe that it's planning to. have an attack on the syrian army at the time when this army is achieving major success in the field. it was able to reach the. by the united states and against all odds was able to reach a public. city on the freight those of the same time it's heading towards a nato which will be at the end of the united states to have. influence in syria and the not. just the country just on the united to break in to remind our
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viewers because russian officials were critical that no real investigation was conducted into a previous chemical incident in syria we remember that incident used as a us as a pretext to strike syria happened on the fourth of april by the seventh of april the us had attacked do you think we're about to see a repeat is history and by to repeat itself here. well i believe so maybe the united states is planning an attack on the syrian army and it needs a pretext and the pretext is. that i had the four of them. sitting out of me when he was chemical weapons or is planning to use chemical weapons against its opponents i believe that the united states is planning to do so because it was in ground and it cannot afford to lose influence and city at a time when it's planning to. let's say the.
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original plan was to have sole control of the middle east and with the erosion of its influence whether in iraq or in syria i believe to the favor of its opponents mainly russia and iran i believe the americans will. step in directly as their proxies couldn't stand up to the depression exacted on it or on them by the assad regime so then why i believe we might see. them probably we might. not back an american on time let me let me out in additional point here yet because the u.k. jamal has given its pocking to america's latest threat to attack syrian government forces will the rest of the u.s. led coalition do you think follow suit if there is no proof of chemical weapons being used. well. george w.
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bush set a precedence where it was willing to go to war without the sanction of the united nations or without the sanction of nato so it was such this fall with the backing of the united kingdom and spain at the time. along side a couple of minor states so i believe if the united states. proved to be willing to go to action it wouldn't wait for you an. order for. the backing of nato or any other powers specially at the time when someone like donald trump is raising that retro to. making america great again and not abiding by any. let's say. and in fact the beyond american interests professor of history on international
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ations out the lebanese university in beirut thank you very much for your time this hour jamal wakim now a producer for america's c.n.a. news channel has a partly been fillin saying the network's russia coverage is more about ratings than offering solid facts not is our top story this hour we are going to get more into it we were looking at the video earlier in the program let's talk to walker who's a political commentator and new york observer columnist hi there andrea yet one of the points here i want to bring to first of all you know what does this mean for c.n.n. what does it mean for journalism as a whole if the video footage is authentic. well i think one of the things that's been extraordinary over the past couple of months if you remember back to the first donald trump press conference where he refused to take a question from c.n.n. because he said you are fake news you know the way he does the the sort of body
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language i know other people attacked him for that and people said he was in the wrong for saying that of people suggested that when they called c.n.n. the clinton news network that was no reasonable thing to call them but actually the turkeys have come home to roost in the past so twenty four hours with the withdrawal of the story on sunday so forty eight hours with joel if this story on sunday and then the resignation of all these officials at c.n.n. i think the big question for see that now is can they manage to persuade the public that this wasn't actually an endemic problem within say that this wasn't a management decision to deliberately lie to the viewers it was just one or two rather gay journalists i have to say my opinion is incredibly strong on this i think if you watch the coverage that c.n.n. has meted out i think it is pretty clear that there is a deliberate policy to basically imply that double trump is a russian spy now let's just rewind us a little bit there is a deliberate effort by major u.s. network to suggest the american presidents is
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a russian spy absolutely bonkers at one of the other aspect to this the information the way it was obtained wasn't done in an ethical manner do you think did it take something like this to go undercover to ask questions like this to get such information or was it over the pale. well you know i don't know exactly the details of everything that's that's come out and everything that's going to come out but but what i do know is that you know c.n.n. claims that they have a process and they claim that process was it here too in terms of vetting the journalism now what's happened days because of some leaks isn't it we live in an age by the way of people leaking about major organizations i suppose lho may continue when he comes to c.n.n. but because these leaks we've discovered actually that the check in process doesn't take place i've got to be honest with you i don't know if your viewers remember back to you the phone hacking in the united kingdom and the suggestion that the phone hacking was one or two red ink
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a journalists and the reality it became pretty obvious that it was something that was older than the high i think i think you look at c.n.n. and coverage of donald trump you look at the suggestions they're making about him you look at the way. you look at the way that his advisors i think it's pretty clear that there's an endemic problem that i'm not problem let's be clear is lying you've just heard the take of underwater political commentator and new york observer columnist thanks for taking the time this hour on. ok more news in one thousand seconds you're with r.t. international.
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mexico the stock market has doubled let's see cuz companies don't need employee g.'s companies don't need wage earners the government doesn't need tax the government ten on this so by having the central bank print money for itself the top one tenth of one percent has access to the central bank the prince money for them at zero percent interest rates and their unlimited supply of money they call the interest rate on our time.
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welcome back there seems to be very little applause for the u.k. prime minister solution to propping up her weak minority government theresa may is spending an extra one billion puns on northern ireland in order to get the provinces democratic unionist party to support her in parliament to see a church in reports on how it might not be the damage control the conservative party's leader is hoping for. i was writing something i was very nice because you are very much right because instead of stepping down the british prime minister had a different plan but it seemed like whichever way she turned there was potential for trouble the tories have penned a deal with the democratic unionist party of northern ireland which is opposed to hard drugs that something may has accepted as a possibility on top of that the d u p have been criticised for their policies on same sex marriage and abortion as well as previously inks with violent paramilitary groups in northern ireland not a perfect ally but the attendee u.p.a.
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m.p.'s have been crucial for theresa may so much so she was ready to pay their support came with a hefty price tag of one billion pounds to be spent over the next twenty years that's in addition to the previously announced five hundred million and funds to northern ireland and who is footing the bill you may ask as always the taxpayer taxpayer has resent politicians cooking up deals behind closed doors that invariably end with their cash being thrown wherever is politically advantageous rather than where it could be best spent to recently called it a good deal and the do you be are delighted if you think the same applies to scotland and wales think again this is the worst kind of pork barrel politics which trust rather the last vestiges of credibility over this what can prime minister it is outrageous that the prime minister believes she can secure her own political future by throwing money at north and island whilst completely ignoring the rest of the u.k. despite the british government having now plastered together a solution the question is for how long will it stick after all the irony is that
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a mere seven tory m.p.'s switching sides would potentially be enough for a majority to slip away once they see a party funded. speaking dunning st do you peter leader echoed trees amaze claimed it would bring stability to the entire country. a jury in moscow is jus to deliver its verdicts against five min accused of killing high profile russian opposition politician boris nemtsov off in twenty fifteen but in a culture of reports. over a week ago the jury received instructions from the judge to answer twenty six questions connected with the murder and the lawyers say that the verdict is highly likely to be delivered as tuesday now all of five defendants are accused of murder for hire as part of an organized group according to the russian investigative committee this is suspected killers. were offered at least fifteen million rubles
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which is somewhere around two hundred fifty thousand dollars to carry out the murder now the killing of bodies took place on the night of february twenty eighth two thousand and fifteen he was the regional governor and deputy pm under the president by these yeltsin and. back in two thousand but he became an opposition politician so many in the western media now portray his killing as a political case however he was not the key opposition figure in the country he called the opposition party part of nasa and he also held seats in the legislature of the central russia region from september two thousand and thirteen up until his death. this summer's festival of football is entering the
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north god stages in russia we're covering all the action both old and off the pitch of the twenty seven confederations cup with neil harvey stan collymore. thirty good afternoon to you know they just look at the band you can hear the cheering the fans of just looking at your overall point yes the chilean fans of just looks a little bit taller than your cost of the bottle looking towards the cars on right now hello everybody just a group of twenty two in front of the big drum well that's a good sign and i'm appreciating not beat that i know you know just to explain confederation cup road show has rolled on we've gone from sunny thought she would now in sunny san so the weather is the same but the scenery very different
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beautiful in a very different way than we've got the kremlin behind if you see those blue and you don't they belong to the russian orthodox church just behind the green minarets of the cool shareef mosque so very different it was very multicultural here in the first. four or five european championships. in continental africa south africa two thousand and ten and here. this time next year it will be the first predominantly muslim city on the planet to host the world a lot a lot you don't hear that on the blah blah channel. semifinals then we have got germany mexico that's going to the second one first of all portugal chile and. really get into practice into chile lads probably fancy their chances what do you think predictions first of all germany mexico i'm going to go for germany quite clearly that managed to stay in sochi. players like stuff we have all seen all. of liverpool but humans do manage to stay in the same hotel
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in the same region so they're fully a climatologist mexico of course that was the only team at the fore. left to have won the confederations cup buckie nine three ninety nine got for a quick germany win two goals to nil confident prediction portugal chile and imagine they'll be quite a bit of need at this stage we've seen squad rotations in the group stages serious now though isn't it we have witness we have christiane a rebel group we have alexei some choose that's been playing a lot of the season for also under also we've chile we've been jury all too the bulldog of chile and for a think look at those four teams none of them really stick around for me are going to win the world cup or the germany that will bring back all of the big names so the trophy is the priorities mauls held as they said a few weeks ago and some preachers bird the trophies the most and still go to school and he wins this one i'm going to go for our bridge and chile to win the game because they have the strongest squad but christiane overall that was go
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through the mind of the much awards in three gallons into golds portugal one chile male to change his mind the home to the better they don't have the advantage anyway this go to someone who hopefully standing by near to where the game will be played because on the rain really trying to be on the spot and he was the scene like that . guys hide long time no see and i am ready to be back in action just like the magnificent a rino that you can see behind my shoulder tomorrow is the time for the football option that is of course the competitions cup semifinal portugal versus chile that you've been talking about but choose day was the time for some microphone he first of all that is the chile press conference now that's something that's over already the team is hungry for the final the team is hungry for the cup but the most
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important message that was coming from the manager who won a tony or p.s.a. is that all the footballers all twenty three are fit for the game tomorrow but poor . goes an absolutely different story we got tapping who suspended for yellow cards and then two injuries bernardo silvo and out rafael to rare and we understand that of course it is a big headache for the manager because we of course remember what happened to christianity rinaldo in the final stages of the euro two years ago sorry just one year ago that's why a mistake well of course the doctors could work their magic and that is something that we will find about at the portugal press conference i'm heading there right now so let's listen to what the european champions have to say before they take on the holders of copa america here and because on. many things to be trying to buy the concern i mean
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a full run as they say from stan of myself to last the show you know in pretty creative as always but a really interesting get a package from the arena where we actually go to in the piece didn't wait it was the rolls of money into red for a brawl cus journalists and players no need to guess who won on the pitch to. find out. and with this manufactured incentive to stick to the public will. when the ruling class isn't protect themselves. with the crime. listen to the woman. in the middle of the room sick. to lose. her.
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job was selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles they don't. produce talks for the tell you that every gossip and public by shall report. off of advertising tells me you are not cool enough to buy their product. all the hawks that we along with our audience will watch. i'm going to france as a boom bust broadcasting around the world from here in washington d.c. tonight and of the road japanese air bag makers the cars.
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