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tv   Headline News  RT  June 29, 2017 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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probably a good. company. is a tourist for the. identity. the story's ahead on our international russia's foreign ministry hit. potential chemical attack see washington seems to be creating a pretext for military intervention. another scandal hits c.n.n. political commentator. ridiculing the channel's russia coverage. what he thinks going to happen this weekend with all. the things that keep up with really. in northern syria america's allies in the region are fighting it
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we take a look at what impact u.s. support for the kurds turkey in the region. and from around the world this hour welcome to moscow to the international my names you know neal good to have your company our top story this hour the russian foreign ministry's media spokeswoman washington's allegation that the syrian government is planning a chemical attack she say such claims could be a sign of an upcoming u.s. intervention. it is even we knew about statements from washington we also knew that the u.s. officials refused to confirm the claims with any facts so we don't know what these conclusions are based on the situation looks like
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a massive provocation both military and informational its star getting not only syria but russia as well it's good if you're meaning it is likely that what we are seeing at the moment is the threshold of a new intervention the gist of what russia is saying is that we are witnessing the united states lay the groundwork for a full on intervention in syria an anti acid intervention and this chemical craze is part of it they're trying to justify intervening in syria as they've done on almost every occasion where chemical weapons have come up in two thousand and thirteen as a horrendous attack hundreds injured and killed then they try to launch an intervention the home audiences weren't having it they failed this year in april there was another chemical attack and again this time without asking anyone trump launched fifty nine cruise missiles at the syrian air base and the russians are
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saying we're in a similar situation now basically assad is being told by the united states that we know you're going to carry out a chemical attack if that happens if a chemical attack happens we're going to blame assad by default no investigation no due process just punishment and what the russians are saying is that now the rebels and g. harvest's have every reason to stage an attack of their own. i look at the u.s. experts and then he said openly that extremists use these claims by washington provocations and shift blame onto the syrian government. it's a win win situation for them if they can pull this off a chemical attack then the united states comes in and automatically does the job for them by being as sad as for evidence well it's all been very light on that the russians say that the americans are considering two potential targets the village
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of everywhere and said i keep booth. which is controlled by an affiliate nuestra for and everything else conveniently enough is classified you just have evidence shared with us about this potential preparation for the use of chemical weapons that was an absolutely right and nor would that be laid out because that would be considered an intelligence matter when you guys believe that it's in your interests you do what you say is evidence of truthful things that are all intelligence i'm not going to get into that one with you but this is a very serious and grave matter we're now in a situation where the americans are loading their guns the russians are ringing alarm bells everybody's crying hysterical and we honestly don't know what all the hysteria is about. the if there are we talked to a national security policy professor in america's prestigious mit university he
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say's washington's words essentially enable fultz flying attacks by extremists in syria they have invited additional salmon attacks by the rebels what they have essentially told the rebels is that any attack that you can pull off or make people believe happened will be blamed on the syrian government and the russians the rebels are losing the war and the best thing they can do if they can succeed it is to convince the americans to attack the syrian government military so they're creating an incentive for a false flag attack. another undercover video has been released revealing attitudes on c.n.n. towards russia related stories this time one of the american news channels political commentators seems to shrug it all off. do you think's going to happen
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this week with all russia. was going to meet up with really. it's the second body released this week alone by investigative journalism group project verticals with the details here to kill up and yet another leak related to c.n.n. from james o'keefe and project vera toph's that was van jones who briefly served in the obama administration and is now a commentator for c.n.n. in the clip he says that the russia thing is a nothing burger and now it's important to be clear here we don't exactly know what he's referring to about the russia thing could be the russian investigation could be the allegations about trump the context of the clip is not exactly clear who this leak comes on just in the aftermath of another recent leak from project veritas and jon bon a field an important producer for c.n.n. says the russia story is the polite term is nonsense that was just recently released as well now we here at r t reached out to c.n.n.
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to ask for their comment and they have not replied that it's important to know that these videos that are coming out are not without controversy james o'keefe is personally facing a million dollar lawsuit at the hands of a contractor he interviewed after he interviewed them posing as someone else and this was a contractor allegedly working with the democratic party so there's a lot of questions that still remain. you know we asked the people behind the video what they russian thing refers to we put the entire video out there i mean people can judge for themselves sometimes you have an earthling from a conversation but that's certainly my interpretation and i think that's the way the mainstream media is reading it the way the drudge report and look at the line he strikes again in the president of the united states just to a video dog urson the instagram if you're not synonymous with me. or russia c.n.n. is being struggling to get a grip on its russia coverage of late with staff quick to publish without solid
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evidence earlier in the week three journalists quit after c.n.n. retracted the story of on the lead senate investigation into links between a russian investment fund and a confidant of donald trump and in january c.n.n. broke a story claiming russia compromising personal information about president trump based on a dossier written by a former british spy it was later admitted that the report was flawed filled with on verified allegations the group behind the latest undercover video say c.n.n. is not the only outlet landing itself in hot water not just c.n.n. i want to make it clear you are going to make in america you know you are telling a lie you are defaming people you are keeping stories you're keeping them in public for not going through you're on our list and we may be right now we are watching you and if you're one of those organizations probably we sleep well at night
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because it might be. smart. meanwhile russian media helping single valued during a senate hearing devoted to alleged meddling in the u.s. presidential election of course. made their effort to have a a an effect on the election. so just the fact that maybe r t and nick had a narrative that was different in britain then maybe the mainstream press that would be a sign of russia trying to influence outcome would it not. well across a valid hearing for us was our teacher lexi you're the chef ski in washington d.c. nothing burger has becoming very firm term in the political lexicon in the united states and another one has been served on the senate floor today despite all the scary sounding things like russian meddling in the elections worldwide and this
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whole two and a half hour session was dedicated to that talking not only about the past elections where russia allegedly meddled but even the future ones while russia will definitely meddle and some of the wording of course on the floor was very tough russia's blatant interference in the united states twenty sixteen presidential elections was unprecedented in both scale and scope and many have said this is actually the crime of the century. if you think about it it is russia has interfered temp to interfere in elections from france to the netherlands from the balkans to the baltics russian interference in european political space is strategic you have any doubt that russian interference is driven by himself no doubt about it. the same answer no doubt. no doubt. so somehow without any shred of evidence they have linked the soul to putin himself
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nonetheless the list of countries i've heard is very rare very wide those countries allegedly affected by the so-called russian meddling hocking and all those things those countries obviously included france and france was actually voiced on the senate floor today the only problem is that as we know they had of the french intelligence recently said that russians apparently had nothing to do with a parent hacking off across campaign the purpose of the law is not possible to say . they did so with the a criminal group it really can be anyone in the it's like it's still the simplicity of the technical part can make us think it's just a simple person who created it and so this person can be in any country with any kind of movie. so you know generally for us covering this story for a long time this is just another day in the office reverting back to accusations without presenting any proof and it seems like when anything goes wrong anywhere it's russia's fault or russia splay book to describe democracies across the world and this was just another day on the senate like this with no actual substance
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produced american private investor and or third charles or tel summed up his thoughts on the allegations against moscow but you have here is clear evidence of just how dysfunctional the american legislative branch of government is now of course to arrange these type of hearings they are done in advance this is long been scheduled i doubt they planned to have these hearings just following what happened recently on c.n.n. you know we've now had multiple different people even james komi himself under oath multiple times has said that the no foreign power successfully meddled and effect of the election results in two thousand and sixteen and the general reaction that's coming out inside america is enough already with this rush of which which now admittedly is a which. there is little sign of athol in the simmering rod between germany and turkey you know the german foreign minister say president urged one will not be
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allowed to hold public events when he comes for the g twenty summit. we have received an official request for president to have permission to address german based turkish citizens during the g twenty summit it is not a good idea the federal government is of the same opinion on this but diplomatic relations between burley and. are at an all time low we heard from sigma gabriele there the german foreign minister martin shultz the social democratic party his candidate for chancellor of course the former president of the european parliament he's also said that foreign politicians that trade on our values at home should not be given a stage to speak here in germany talking about the one we've also seen venue's work to want to try to book to give talk give a talk in north rhine-westphalia they declined that was just last week we've also seen this diplomatic situation just descend into the gutter
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around the referendum that took place in turkey back in april the representatives of the to one side wanted to speak here in germany they were shut down that resulted in some very angry scenes and some very angry words indeed from both sides germany you have no notion of democracy your practices are no different from the narcs you practice is of the past my comment that the nazi comparisons in turkey sparked must and is valid without ifs or buts and fortunately we see that this comparison is heaven stats and we are not going to allow it to plan more than that they would revive gas chambers in concentration camps if they weren't ashamed this is their mentality they are disturbed when we say that this is not seem entirely. different cannot accept that our citizens are incited against each other and that's a comparison this is the case for all countries in europe that's why we should say with close words to mr erdogan that he cannot continue like this nazi name calling
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aside the list goes on and all that stuff. points in the the relationship between germany and turkey at the minute we've seen president the ones bodyguards being told they won't be allowed to enter the country in order to attend the g twenty that is after their heavy handed approach when they were in washington d.c. we've also you seen germany announce that at the end of this month it's going to stop pulling its troops out of the incirlik air base there they're going to be moving to jordan that soft german lawmakers were refused access to go and visit there and then in troops that are stationed there we've also you seem to be angry over germany looking to accept asylum applications from some soldiers that are accused of having taken part in the attempted coup that tried to overthrow the relationship is in tatters at the moment and of course we've got to remember germany a key player within europe turkey is the key component in the e.u.
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refugee return deal which at the moment all puts exists only on paper coming up right after the break war games for peace we'll tell you what that means and plenty more stories ahead as well. the feeling of. the experience. you get on the old. according to josh. coming from iran. crisis in america killing thousands of people every.
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problem. but it's saved. this is. the slightly different approach to people's well being they think. maybe part of. their culture is richer. seventeen minutes into the program welcome back in a few months time sweden will conduct its biggest military exercises in twenty years it coincides with russia holding large scale drills as well but there's a third of it in the pipeline two very different mission there described as the
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first peace seeking war games thirty swedish russian activists will take part in a two day exercise called seventy with the goal of deescalating a hypothetical conflict one of the organizers told us that someone to reach with a message of peace. they are of course not physical that you would have if you were exercise. to be prepared if the escalation continues but we have bigger and bigger military exercises on the russian side to begin to begin military exercises on this week. we're getting closer to nico on the swedish side and we have the. swedish and russian politicians to to make meets ends meet to somehow among themselves make agreements then we have to have some kind of civil society that does the job for them so we are preparing for this. in neighboring finland though the country's former ambassador to russia suspects the peace groups event is
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a moscow ploy to sway public opinion the organizer thinks of that sentiment the ones to claim that we are something that we are not because he wants us he wants to show that we are agents of a foreign power but as soon as you stand up for peace people within your own country will say that you are a traitor. but you somehow work for the other side. now going against the grain in the u.s. one right wing artist has put his creativity behind the president and he's determined to get his message across that trump and the republicans are as punk rock dance. right wing guerrilla artist as far as i'm concerned as far as i know i'm the only person that does it on the other side you've got shepard fairey. pretty much the
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only one on my show that does this twenty four seventh's. like i couldn't trump supporter ever since i've seen him kick the media in the teeth but when you see hollywood their heads are exploding i just fell in love with that guy but i think he's this punk rock is part of crocus ever been. my goal or what i do is is to let young kids understand that there is another side out there political side. turkey has targeted kurdish white p.g. militia forces on syrian territory the attack on whedon's they took place in one of
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the country's many health spots the ton of offering. well this is where the fighting between kurdish turkish forces is concentrated most of the bottle it is on territory. claim by the why fighters this yellow region something strongly disputed by turkey meanwhile the u.s. considers both sides as the allies in the fight against islamic state daniel hawkins now looks at how the u.s. support for the rivals may actually lead to more instability in the region. it's turkey versus the kurds both of them u.s. allies and it's left washington walking a delicate tightrope between its two friends which happen to be you shall have sworn enemies. we should be
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using we should be booming that we do not need terrorist organizations like the p y d n y p g and the rock operation we could have a lot of great success over the next coming years a difficult balancing act to say the least but lately the scales seem to have tipped to favor the kurdish side after all kurdish groups have been washington's weapon of choice in the fight against islamic state the us government to supply them with arms and even sent special forces to support them we have already started to provide the weapons and equipment in the area nation to or syrian democratic forces both the syrian arabs in the syrian kurds so what happens to the kurds when i saw on the brink of defeat is taken out of the equation will the us remain such a faithful friend probably not it turns out the weapons washington has given to its kurdish allies were actually just loaned out temporarily when the fighting is done the guns will have to be returned at least that's what was promised to turkey what
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we gave them were weapons for urban fighting basically and yes we will recover the gear when it's no longer needed by them now syrian kurds might dream of autonomy in their country but if they think they'll be granted this soon reward for being the most effective anti us all force on the ground they just need to look at the iraqi kurds across the border this is how the us responded to very calls for independence we support a unified stable democratic and a federal iraq we understand and appreciate the legitimate aspirations of the people of iraqi kurdistan if we leave there is an internal wracking matter but first and foremost we have to defeat isis if the kurds in syria were hoping to at least keep the territories they have liberated from islamics. that's also not likely to happen judging by previous u.s. the mines that those areas be returned to locals as soon as the fight is over we do have commitment as we've spoken to before from kurdish leadership that those forces
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who stabilize the area will mirror the local population they will turn over areas to local population as long as the specter of syria kurdish fighters will spearhead the front line but six months down the road and it's anyone's guess. the chinese online auction giant is looking to expound more on that next in boom bust here in r t international on air in britain and ireland though laurie king's in conversation with comedian and silicon valley star t.j. miller.
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manufacture consent to step into the public well. when the ruling class is to protect themselves. with the prime. time to ignore middle routes to. the real news real world. i think david cameron was so convinced that he would. that to keep the british people would forget. that he felt justified in taking the gamble and i think that
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was an irresponsible well i think he was playing russian roulette with british future because it's in there it's in a radical change it's not like an old reelection where five years later you could vote. i want a friend to boss broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. tonight more settlements are rolling in court cases tied to the infamous ponzi scheme perpetrated by bernie madoff paying off for some we now see the total recovered funds hitting above ten billion dollars chinese retail giant ali baba plants
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a flag in new territory it's knapped up over an eighty percent stake in it which is growing internet retailer focused on southeast asia and my guest says federal reserve chair janet yellen is way off the mark in a speech delivered in london she said another financial crash like the one in two thousand and eight won't happen in her lifetime or beyond stand by boom bust starts right now. deutsche bank went out on an inflation limb which put it on track to lose up to sixty million dollars the issue at stake is whether traders went around the risk limits on derivatives trades which were tied to u.s. inflation this of course calls into question the quality of the which is risk
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controls which have already drawn scorn worldwide let's go back to short months to what the federal reserve find to your bank for not keeping its traders in line with the volcker rule which restricts lenders from using their funds to make speculative trades those close. to this matter say the sixty million in losses because of this that does not look like it's going to shrink the german lender which earned about two hundred seventy million dollars in the first quarter of this year it's now sticking to overall how it manages its risk. and gold jumped on wednesday gaining support due to a weakening dollar it rose point two percent on a call backs to one thousand two hundred forty nine dollars thirty cents an ounce silver also edged higher by point seven percent to sixteen dollars seventy six cents an ounce but it's not just a weak dollar that metals have to thank the combination of u.s. political risk brecht's that fears and italian bank bailouts could keep it afloat
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the rebound comes almost just two days after gold fell to its lowest price in six weeks the drop followed an accidental large sell off the order of eighteen thousand five hundred lots of gold which equals one point eight five million ounces it was quickly bought back but not enough time to prevent some market movement. one of the factors that led to gold dropping so drastically was the speech federal reserve chair janet yellen gave tuesday while in london she said we may not see another economic crash like we saw in two thousand and eight in her lifetime and beyond check it out which i see you will never ever be in those or financial crisis you know you probably would be going to for but. i do think we're much safer a night.


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