tv Headline News RT July 1, 2017 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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it was and. it. was there was a. huge crowd to converge on the east central london calling on prime minister may to resign with the message of not one day more than its white between so many so many people really want to see it's becoming increasingly forbidden to be seen to be beastly to. its knees mike when crisis splits public opinion with rival marches held across the country over the influx of refugees. chile germany chile it's going to be germany which. we will win the twenty seventh in confederations cup joins in a few minutes as we continue the intellectual debates. are
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you watching r t international forecasting to you live from moscow with me nicky ara now we start this hour with breaking news israel says it has struck a syrian military position in response to a stray projectile landing in israeli territory the i.d.f. says it hit an artillery position in the syrian controlled section of the golan heights it's the fifth such exchange of fire in the space of one week this follows almost identical incidents in the syrian and israeli sections of the golan heights on wednesday and friday no casualties have been reported on the israeli side but two syrian soldiers were killed by israeli fire last saturday. this week the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu warned that his country would not tolerate any spillover from the syrian conflict and he warns that any
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walk it landing across the border will trigger an immediate retaliation we're going to be keeping you updated as we hear more. well thousands have turned out in the british capital for the not one day more antigovernment march and the city a churkin has been following the demonstration in london when central london where thousands of people have come out onto the streets to protest theresa mean government now this is not the first protests taking place in london in recent weeks but it's certainly the biggest we have seen recently thousands of people filling the streets marching from b.b.c. headquarters towards parliament where they're also here they say because they want the jury out there is a campaign issue that people are really disappointed with from a staring measures to the handling of threats it to the coalition with the team to grunfeld telling tragedy really the list is long and people want to resubmit to go
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this is why the gap is widening between so many so many people this might be the quality and it's just not. it doesn't have to be that way on here tonight well as a protest against the soul stirrers to the conservative government has imposed on this nation main concern so education. at the pump with the universe is on the label we wouldn't go between domestically overdue going on in stone age group and the present time on first down on time when it's come out with thousands of pounds of debt that we have to support remove we weren't sure though because it's becoming increasingly more efficient to be by two to be in the city because she's got a bit more about this i'm joined by musician jake painter jake thanks so much for joining us today of what i make of this turn out i think this is probably the biggest protest we've seen taking place recently for his historic numbers of people here today it's really quite unprecedented and you know i think that just shows the
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level of distrust such people have discovered why do you think the time is now i mean it's been quite a few protests we've seen recently why are this many people disappointed now. there's been a very longstanding growing resentment in specially i think you know the young the millennium the differentiation our people are there realizing move the future if it is believed leslie get out and do something about it and so i think that's what we're seeing here today was a lot of young people at a lot of protest and these people all you know she was young and from the normal this is don't really have a majority certainly the c.p.a. the coalition partners can fly on some issues but in parliament so i think the the idea of this is to bring us all together to say yes we'd like to which of these might it had to leave now i would like another election with confidence that the progressive party could win the majority in an election but also to unite around some policy measures so we can push for an argument where the tension we can see
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the government not i think the south in a very very dangerous position election in a by the by the lack of success that she had in their lives in just weeks and since the general election the british capital has been hit by a number of mass anti-government protests i was right. there was of the. i. was the. tensions over the migration crisis have been rising sharply initially and he migrant activists gathered in rome to protest against refugee shelters in their country but in the city you have to know about two thousand people poured onto the streets in support of refugees.
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has been one of the main points of rivals for african migrants she talked to locals who say they're fed up with the interaction of europe's wealth or a tease. this is one of the many springs rescue mediterranean sea ports like this one here in sicily and for many of those migrants this will be the first time. that the italian authorities say there's so many coming here to italy that they might have to close the ports. like this. whether it's in the sights it's the well but the sheer. just landed and it's now having to be cheeky here on the sicily and people on this island say they feel. it is not just the responsibility of italy is the
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responsibility of europe there is far too much immigration it's really cannot support arriving migrants. they do nothing because their policies don't work they just talk. they have to help you know we're bearing the financial burden you know i want other states france spain and others to do their part in helping the migrants because this prime minister didn't along he said everyone turns away and pretends not to see to do nothing is wrong europe needs to help out the european union has provided financial aid to it says. and now e.u. have said that they cool to open up the ports along the mediterranean coast such as say in. spain but that is likely to be met with great resistance. and some people suggest that you. saying it's little more than.
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some countries need to do more to do their share in distributing the refugees poland hungary and the czech republic have not accepted a single refugee from a. unfortunately we have no progress on the question of distribution of migrants within the european union and we stand in solidarity with the italian government and the italian people and we will make available all possible assistance and support it seems there's a lot of very little from the powers that be europe. is continuing to sink under the strain of the crisis. i spoke to sara and from doctors without borders he described what it's actually lying to rescue migrants in the mediterranean this is the prudent spirit how many people have been able to rescue in these seas over the
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last few months or years we've rescued almost seven thousand people since the beginning of this year and that's rescues just with this particular vessel. other vessel which is the. what of the conditions like. the coast of africa like we found out the ones that have been the scariest of all the rubber boats. because you have people coming on in deplorable conditions to be honest with very little on as many people on this possible and sometimes they are dead people in the people have drowned in a few centimeters of water because of the panic and also because. maybe some of the petrol leaking it was. a panic because there are other people. going to vote sometimes. people under there and there was sometimes in hill of a few. water gets in there as well the conditions are really horrible it's very
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challenging physically and also emotionally and even mentally because you have to prepare your. for anything that could be deaths i know in december we had people die of hypothermia and there could be pregnant women we've had children born aboard the curious are the. people who live at the golden liberty yet we're going to learn how to be medically evacuated so you have to prepare for anything what kind of stories do people tell you about why they're prepared to make a journey there's so many angles to look at this because you have sub-saharan africans there those who are coming from countries where it is violence from northern nigeria who are fleeing boko haram but then you have a huge case of human trafficking in. asia where people are being brought into italy for the purpose of being forced into prostitution and then there are a lot of people who are fleeing libya who are businessmen and traders business women working as bears and maids in libya and then things got out of hand people
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are being kidnapped raped held hostage. over and over and over we had people on board during the last rescue who had been kidnapped over five times in libya they've given everything they had and they were just willing to get out no matter what they said it would if we died better than staying in libya it's a call for european countries to take responsibility and to take ownership the e.u. is one union and the have signed agreements to help each other and it does seem like italy's left on the loose by themselves now and italy is ready for help. new german legislation branding both fake news and online terrorist propaganda as criminal activity has been hit with a storm of criticism not least in the country's parliament the green party's warned that social media firms may overregulate while the anti establishment alternative for germany party described it as a dog day for journalism a european digital rights group even issued an open letter before the legislation
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was passed claiming the bill breaches the e.u. laws the new rules mean companies will have twenty four hours to remove the content facebook is already hiring more people to check flags posts but with billions of users there are concerns that web giants in general may be overwhelmed by complaints. well we contacted facebook for comment and the company told is that legislation is the wrong way to fight online hate speech with regulation threatening to remove content that is not actually illegal we discuss the issue with my tail can mean a a political activist the shout out u.k. he believes the law risks leading to censorship everywhere you look on the internet there is how each beat hate speech for defamation law and those kind of things but there is a problem when you start to try and tell private enterprise corporations to try and do it and then there's also this issue that you've got to find what it is you know for someone hate speech may be actually true for all vice versa you know how do you
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define what actually is a reality in every single newspaper or news network of the sun has a slant of some kind or another part of the problem where you've got a government which is essentially trying to do that for the people who are saying well this is this we don't regard as new so we're going to get rid of that for you are going to get rid of that and you need to watch this kind of news and look at it through this kind of lens and that becomes quite dangerous is essentially censorship you can call it regulation you can call it whatever you want but the reality is it is censorship because you are censoring a certain point of view or a certain set of knew when i was a she just because you don't deem them as as fair or or factually correct they stop listening is worried about the internet you know the internet is this one place where everybody everybody in the world can essentially have a voice they see that as as the centralized they see it as almost anarchic and for that i think it scares them one is still to come after this short break.
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i've negotiated with the palestinians under oficial and non-official it's for hundreds and thousands of years what i have seen is that by the syrians may go see it. all or nothing. kind of open to you every time that we reach a juncture in which there was a possibility the result because. the policy has just walked away. what politicians do sometimes. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and she. wanted.
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to go right to be precise this is what before three in the morning people are. interested always in the waters out. there should. welcome back now the fever confederations cup twenty seventeen hosted by russia is inching closer to the final game stan collymore open can you all special coverage of the tournament. the final germany against chile on paper they look pretty well balanced who do you think has the upper hand with coin credible i can't remember my big tournament whether it be champions league or world cup or confederation is called having such
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a huge experience got all the love right that for you gretz go on three goals for germany team over an hour on two goals for germany lost in long two goals for germany. three of the holy scorers in this tournament have thirteen caps thirteen appearances for their country between them converse the alexy sanchez who plays for austin in england has got one hundred fourteen appearances for chile so it's a huge gap in experience and it's going to be fascinating to hear these plays at the center to remain let's go to the stadium now i think petersburg stadium which is where the final will be played our correspondent a part of just outside obviously not too many in the way of fans of the moment maybe a few just curious having a look around but lots to be excited about a few people around a few lights coming on a few more people turning up as well if you go into the hotels everybody there let people speak english because the nature of this final i think if you're a host nation of course everybody wanted russia to be a need to do really well but of course looking at then some of the other teams
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coming through this is set up as you said to be a cracking final with two of the world's best teams and also just before hand when we were looking at all the numbers of fans who bought tickets aside from russians watching the tournament chile and germany were among the fans who bought the tickets so lots of them there there are they've been anticipating good final checks which for a moment i'm going to troops over a month haven't seen so much as anybody other than but their beautiful eyelids that made man woman and child racism hooliganism where receipt. there isn't any apparently and i've every read it across reports across the whole of the media across the world as well and nobody has reported anything i think is to the delight of fee for particular russia as well but johnny avanti now was full of praise because it wasn't just a question of as you mentioned hill eagerness and racism some of these other issues that have been long debated about particular issues in eastern europe but also the fact that the infrastructure wouldn't be finished but the feet the president himself was full of praise on a social level and an infrastructure level about the tournament so far we were
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hearing about violence about incidents. about. racism we had nothing we had no incidents everything run smoothly everything run perfectly we're hearing about the infrastructure as well the are not ready and how will it work and all is well the infrastructure is absolutely beautiful beautiful football stadiums transport works visa free entry with the fan id free transport the between the venues by train this is something that does not happen in many other countries were big events or organized well that city for many years particularly say i've been here since the time that the world cup bid was announced and where the host city would be and then about the confederations cup we've been hearing about the negatives about the potential for races and the potential for hooliganism the infrastructure would be ready but it's all coming together and for once we cannot concentrate on the positives it's all about
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a cracking game of football between two of the world's best teams here at the magnificent stadiums to petersburg on sunday night thank you after saying you're very briefly the stadiums are ready the trouble is ready and often his took a lot of stick to say from all the four cities been absolutely fantastic i would say that you know it's not like people are looking for problems and about you not hearing anything but mostly on absolutely narrow wall hearing some places burger joint voice some young football fans they were showing off their fancy footwork and some of these kids. it could have a future which he does well and. let's just see the making. of the ball putting him through. because even though. he's truly deserving of the u.s. you are going to experience. in st petersburg here that's where the. best football playing service but certainly a very beautiful. of all. this
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. is. joined by peter stone to use the chief correspondent for gold dot com peter great to have you in the studio now first of all just explain to us what are you doing here in russia well obviously it's the big tournament next year the world cup and a lot of our team we haven't been to russia before for work to visit so they've sent me on almost an exploratory mission here it's going to be a proper world cup next year i know a lot of people in the u.k. and ireland in the united states might have certain fears or preconceptions about what it's going to be like on the ground here next year but you know this sort of you know should really anybody's fears about coming here i found great stadiums for a straight stadiums great infrastructure great help from the volunteers free
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transport between the cities and around the cities for all the sounds i just find that the people you know the country would know for you when you're here you know i had one woman on the train platform and so what you actually found her daughter who spoke english to make sure that i was getting on the right train and it's that sort of helpfulness. quite by surprise here i found people that are warm there and like i said the country will for you you know all the security fronts fans will be kept apart but even even at that i think sure friends are going to make it quite well if we could have been away for the world cup next year that's all we want i think that's the main thing absolutely. stand and near we'll be back on sunday with all the latest from the confederations cup final you can join us on r.t. international for that. now over to the u.s. where another case of police brutality has been making the headlines and i thought the video emerged of an atlanta police officer beating up
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a suspect he claimed was about to smoke crack pipe however nothing was found on the victim and just to warn you you may find the following video distressing. was was. the incident happened just over a week ago asked can be seen in the video the officer repeatedly punched the man in the back of his head when he's being held down by two other officers the police report into the incident claims the suspect had resisted arrest for possessing a crack pipe atlanta's police chief says the situation was avoidable as a result of the incident the officer has been placed on administrative leave for twenty days but activists say the level of punishment is disrespectful to the victim. twenty days a suspension certainly kicks justice in the eye and definitely is
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a insult to the victim the officers alleging that they saw our our client abuts a small crack however during the altercation and even after there was never any narcotics or no crack cocaine fall and i think it's important to note that this officer has a history and reputation on beating on people in the also as our report who said that they tried to use a taser and so when you use a taser to be in it was deemed not effective what makes you think that your hands are sufficient that makes no sense and so there's a lot in consistencies and in accuracies where the police officer's testimony and what was in the report and so the video speaks for itself incidents of police brutality are being increasingly caught on camera. i thought things. were you know you got to stay right here you got.
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this is a culture that happens in policing and it must be addressed a lot of times in law enforcement they have this them vs us mentality or we're above or better than most people like you know when it as it pertains to law and so long for smith officers are not the law they don't get to be become the judge the jury in executing right that's not their job their job is to enforce the law the chief of police is their responsibility to come out and say hey we got it wrong but we're willing to correct the issue. up next and i'll tell you we're dying to tonight breaks down the republican plans to scrap the band like air and be watching as the u.k. sputnik investigates the saudi led blockade of. saying
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if. not the god. with the fall of the computer with the plane to. come back to the three story you have to see. the best. local blogs telling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks more so. to fight the battles they don't believe the new socks credits tell you that they'll be gossip and tabloid biased files of the most important news today. of advertising telling you are not cool enough and less to buy their product please. these are the hawks that we along with our audience will watch.
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thank you thank you. thank you thank you thank you thank you and thank you thank you both with the health care debate which i don't believe exists i do not believe there is a health care debate sure there are red faced politicians screaming about one make believe side of the other but that doesn't mean there's a legitimate debate it's kind of like alex jones his radio show like i get that it exists somewhere and then a certain number of people who don't watch properly listen to it like. i know it's out there but i don't really acknowledge it's a thing that matters. not even alex jones believes what he says matters no seriously seriously in court recently his lawyer said on his behalf he's playing a character he has a performance artist. yes he's impersonating an internet troll who's medications
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are not interacting well. anyway in order for there to be a health care debate there needs to be two sides with some merit that can be argued about right but that's nowhere to be found in the health care debate right now instead there are two sides both of which are disingenuous both of which are corrupted by big money both of which are hardly even science instead they're just two separate spots in the center of whatever proverbial thing we're picturing i i'm i'm picturing a duck and i don't know why you always i always picture a duck but the debate should be is our country wealthy enough to cover the health care of every man woman and child if the answer is yes. then we educate you with. the answer is yes. the other side of the debate.
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