tv Russia Today Programming RT July 3, 2017 8:00am-10:01am EDT
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we have an exclusive report from the italian port of palermo where migrants are being forced to work for local mafia gangs outside the country is under quote enormous pressure over the migrant crisis. china's leader. has just arrived in moscow for a two day official visit it comes as beijing's relations with washington are being tested with china sending warships and fighters to warn off for us destroyed in the south china sea it came a little too close for comfort but. serious foreign ministry says the u.s. oppose sending experts to investigate a military base implicated in april's alleged chemical attack. and wiki leaks founder julian assange says american liberals are liberal no more
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that says he publishes clips and articles from people calling for this is fascination. it's three o'clock am in moscow and you're watching l.t. international live from a studio here with me in india welcome to the program. it's me is getting angry as it seeks support from other european countries over the migrant crisis is threatening to close its ports to rescue ships the interior minister claims the country's under huge pressure that's as the country's taken in hundreds of thousands of people who have crossed the mediterranean from africa according to the un almost eighty four thousand people have a arrived at the country's ports since the start of the year with some estimates predicting the number will jump to two hundred twenty thousand by the end of twenty seventeen but. calls on neighbors to help france's even use drones and hunt down
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those trying to slip across the border between the countries with the crisis gripping italy reports of. increasing their influence on the port in sicily by taking advantage of the refugees that travel to the port unused to hit areas to find out exactly what's happening. just behind me is where the famous sicilian. takes place. every day and while in the day it's a hot spot for tourists in fact they recommended to go and see the market is one of the things to do when you're on the island of sicily but at night the market turns into something completely different and instead of selling fresh produce and fish what's being sold on the streets is hard drugs and the majority of the people selling drugs are migrants from africa that's what we've been told by.
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chance because. we filmed in secret with him on the streets here there is a very powerful trafficking. drugs. need to use. they are using. specific. to sicily has a long history of crime mainly perpetrated by the mafia what's happening now is that it's teaming up with migrants to kerri-anne criminal activities the main migrant gang is blacks which is forcing new migrants to work for them. for. the.
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my my for you know. my phone took my glass you know. it's my. form. used. don't america refused to join black acts and its activities since then. i've. been in me. to do so how can i feel myself selling drugs is not the only way many my current a force to make money we've been told that many young people are being used for trafficking and prostitution here only. and we're told that if we just head down this main street here literally just off this main street is where many of the
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girls for lying to you in origin selling their bodies you know it's often not it's the girls refused to talk to me but it's clear the majority are only teenagers for many the reason migrants of forced into this would is the lack of help is available to them where a camp. beds and. migrants enormous service like there are like shower like food sometimes and often people inside these camps almost minors they use it to. the four to be prostitutes but i think it is. there is a very strong connection between the condition in the camps and the use of these migrants because where there is a. kind of crime against.
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there have been many investigations into the problem surrounding drugs on the island as well as that of child prostitution but regardless of what the italian authorities do nothing seems to be able to stamp it out one of the reasons is because there is a constant source of migrants who are willing to take the place of anybody who is removed from the streets for prostitution selling drugs this is a problem it seems to have no solution even ski. cicely. she jinping has just arrived in moscow for a two day official visit he set to meet president putin later on monday it's known that one of the topics to be discussed will be into the international tensions over north korea the two sides are also expected to sign deals worth ten billion dollars while for more on this now i'm joined by our correspondent. lots to talk about
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today now the visit it does come at a time when relationships between china and the u.s. aren't exactly running smoothly other that's right things are getting very hot in the south china sea area the chinese sent jets and military warships to ward off to you know sort of divert an american naval battle which was in the area very close to islands claimed by the chinese the united states says that you know they're free to sail wherever they want to freedom of navigation so they said we did nothing wrong nevertheless this is you know this is the latest in a series of such incidents and seems to be delivering on his campaign promise to be the man that stands up to china. money.
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we can't continue to allow china to rape our country i don't want china dictating to me. donald trump of course claimed that he would confront china economically by taxing them by making it more difficult for them to make billions in the united states by taking back jobs and of course militarily by showing china america's military might of course donald trump is a businessman and he does cheney tend to change his mind once in awhile and there was a brief spell where they were awfully friendly the chinese and donald trump they made all sorts of deals and you don't even eat chocolate cakes together. i think we have. a tremendous progress in a relationship with china the relationship developed. as it is she most of
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it is that. we were both being together many times in the future. and fortunately it seems that wasn't to last again the series of incidents i mentioned over the last month you had another similar incident where united states united states naval warships sailed very close to islands claim began by the chinese in the south china sea also the united states listing china as one of the foremost human trafficking offenders in the world and then you had what i believe was the nail you know where in the coffin. a deal between the united states and taiwan one point four billion dollars worth of arms to be sold to taiwan which the chinese again considered to be a part of their country and which the united states is going out of its way to arm and support so certainly there's there's been a lot of fallout and with donald trump at the helm there is no predicting where
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this is going to go the certainly isn't and feathers seem to be ruffled thanks very much for the everything on what's going on between the relationship thanks. well we can discuss this further and cross live to asian a fast specialist andrew along in hong kong andrew welcome to the program now or you could see our correspondent he painted a picture of a of an overview of the relationship some are saying china wants to coordinate its stance on key issues that i said before the g. twenty summit how likely do you think that this is the case. well i think that the relationship of china and the united states remains. if you'd like back to normal i mean previously before. the relationship hopes always been mixed. after the initial those so-called honeymoon period i think donald trump is losing patience on china for example over
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north korea and then. he wants to present himself as a strong man and. putting american first in the world to ward off problems domestic problems at home so i think that for example this is not the first time the united states navy is exercising freedom of navigation so-called freedom of navigation operations to challenge china perceived they will resurgence in the asia pacific but look at that there are already a number of deals on the tray side which appears to be coming to. fruition for example the export of beef and also the export of natural gas so i think that the administration is going to pocket that but i think that the he's likely to again. ratchet up the rhetoric of north korea and over trade
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and over. postures in the south china sea so i think that these. that situation is makes don't forget he's going to have another meeting with a person and see in germany at the time of the g. twenty so the relationship is in war but if you look at there is many transaction on so it's back to. a more more kind of behavior a car a transaction a relationship it's interesting andy that you say that so the relationship between the two nations is back to normal and you mention the honeymoon period i mean back in twenty twelve if we look at the obama administration they announce a so-called pivot to asia and that was seen as an attempt to challenge chinese dominance in the region and you're saying and the trend is almost following suit after the honeymoon period is this the case or do you think the u.s. strategy will actually change.
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strategy as i said transactional so it depends on on what kind of agenda. puts. up front at the moment of course a screeching of jobs is also. preservation of american dominance in the asia pacific. and then also putting american first in all the relationships regardless of international obligations so i think this is likely to continue. to define. our foreign policy our deal with china or russia or with asian allies. is likely to be problematic but at the end of the day i think american leadership is bound to suffer because being a leader doesn't mean that you always have. have to final say or or you caught a short order time so i think that the world is becoming increasingly dependent and
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multipolar and i think that the dollar trumps kind of transactional kind of approach. well compromised america's leadership. in the first specialist thanks very much for your expertise on this issue thanks. now syria's foreign ministry says the u.s. oppose sending expose to a military base to investigate april's alleged chemical attack in the northwest of the country the claim came during a news conference on monday syrian journalist for him joins me live now with the details. what more is being said. let me think that damascus or the certain ministry of foreign affairs so today that damascus is this satisfied with the results and the findings of the the c.w. into the alleged chemical weapons used in an airport this year the syrian government said that most of the investigation in turkey through the help of
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turkish mediators which according to syrian government compromises the integrity of that report taking into consideration that turkey has been hostile towards the syrian government and has actually made every effort possible to topple the government of president bashar assad the syrian officials also said that they have communicated repeatedly with all the c.w. and organize vision for the prohibition of chemical weapons have told the syrian government that they are able. to visit the country carry out their investigation first hand and later on became dependent on samples to live or to them in turkey also testimonies by. who went to them in turkey. despite the fact that the syrian government sent samples of its own gathered collected from ford and had the range for eyewitness accounts. to meet actually with investigators from the w. in damascus but according to syrian government these samples and these testimonies
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were not reflected in the final. report that was published by the o.b. c.w. also the. other important issue that was raised by damascus not all the chemical weapons but syria used to have were destroyed under the supervision of the international organization and they were destroyed abroad to prevent any future claims that syria has got part of these weapons inside center is for future use and the us actually point to the syrian dictator for most of us some of that is that if the united states decide to carry out an act of aggression against damascus it should not only consider the reaction of damascus but also and the repercussions that could happen from all the reactions from ours in syria including russia. and i think he was referring to iran in the context. of the update a lot of tensions rising again by the looks of things i'll let you from the syrian journalist thanks very much. meanwhile russia's foreign ministry has condemned
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a social media campaign aimed at smearing syria's government spokeswoman maria a condemned video circulating online claiming to show the aftermath of a suppose it's chemical weapons attack by president assad piece. of things western media are all too keen to demonize the syrian leader. mainstream media the large media that are influencing the western decision making process and just citizens opinion about this you take the case for instance of the totally black patriot that is painted all of whom are sure alas that now nobody can be as evil as he's been made in the western world it is very important that we are aware that not only good analysis is correct it's all good in the background these days in international politics and we've got more stories for you here on r.t. just after this break.
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the feeling of. every the world experience. that you get out of the old old. old according to josh. one of the biggest challenges that any investigators face in dealing with cyber crime is attribute who did it why did it come from and as we've seen with many of these attacks and you've mentioned one across the recent won't run somewhere attack it's still unclear where that originated from so our clear message to government is to work together around the world to minimize this risk to grow those relationships and make sure that diplomacy is the key to everything.
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welcome back to the program wiki leaks chief has claimed liberals in the us and liberal he's published a collection of clips on delta cool's all calling for his killing polyploid into the story. billion a son just clearly done a bit of work collaborating this list of old social media posts so-called liberals calling for his assassination he's retreated dozens of old tweets and links to articles calling for his death and among the ways in which they call for his death there are suggestions to hang him or to kill him via a drone attack and what's interesting is this list features both ordinary people
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who say all sorts of stuff on twitter all the time but also it features journalists from notable publications big media outlets and political activists take a listen to what julian a son she had to say about all of this. what can i say liberals and liberals the fall in it's a bad. state. of censorship and one of the oldest links he provides that is to an opinion piece in the washington times dating back to two thousand and ten the author in that article argues that the wiki leaks publication of diplomatic cables which had just taken place that endangered the lives of u.s. citizens and undermined the war on terror from the more recent stories that he's linked to well there's an opinion piece written on a site called mediate dot com which suggests droning songs along with the rest of
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london's ecuadorian embassy sort of as collateral so according to julian assange is most of these threats that he's kind of alluding to a coming from media outlets and individuals that represent the left wing liberal values even though traditionally sort of hatred and vitriol and threats towards the sun have come from the right wing especially in the u.s. take a listen. to cyber terrorism and war time he's guilty of sabotage espionage against humanity should be to do this is pretty simple we got special ops forces i mean the dead man can't leaks that this guy just traitor a treasonous and he has broken every law the united states got ought to be and i'm not for the death penalty so if i'm up for the death penalty want to do it illegally shoot the united states do something to stop mr sausage we're looking at that right now the justice department is taking
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a look at that i would argue that it's closer to being the high tech terrorist and then the pentagon papers songes main point is that the liberals are just like that they're not as liberal minded as you might think and he's obviously carried out some meticulous research. delved into the twists in the news media. in order to display these double standards as he sees them and he's had plenty of time to do this he's cooped up in london's ecuadorian embassy he's entered his sixth year now and given the legal stalemate that he's in doesn't look like he's going to be leaving that embassy any time soon. former and i five intelligence officers and russian believes the media is retaliating for hillary clinton's loss in the presidential election. highlighting a moment i think is that rather than the republicans in america who have always been calling for this now it's also what he calls the torrent liberals the democratic party type people in america saying exactly the same things because they
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feel that he damaged the electoral chances of hillary clinton in the election last year and despite what he says and despite other evidence coming out that it was in fact a leak not a heart. the democratic movement in america seems to be pursuing him actually much more vigorously than have in the past so he's probably feeling under threat from both see the republican establishment and the democratic establishment. donald trump has taken another swipe at the media by posting a mock video of a wrestling match between him and c.n.n. . it with three . in the past trump's repeatedly accused c.n.n. of broadcasting fake news about him and possible ties to russia in
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a recent tweet he said he was thinking of changing the channels name to forward new c.n.n. . the fake media tried to stop us from going to the white house but i'm proud and they're not. the fact that the press has destroyed themselves because they went too far. then responded with its own tweet accusing the president of juvenile behavior and of encouraging violence against reporters in the meantime twitter has responded saying the president's post hasn't violated any of its rules. well c.n.n. is not the only one struggling with credibility problems at present and as the trunk explains there only seem to intensify when it comes to the russian narrative . if only it were a fact that russia hacked the u.s. elections that would make some journalist lives so much easier here's something
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recent from the new york times the american intelligence community has said there were some interference is a fact not an opinion get it fact ok but you still have to explain why something's a fact they chose this report with its many high degree of confidence tags attention judgments that don't imply that the assessment is a fact while the author of this and why tom's article got too carried away scroll down correction the assessment was not approved by all seventeen organizations in the american intelligence community though that's what millions of new york times readers were told in the original article at least it got caught with all those pesky fact checkers about life ain't that easy yet in school they taught me about the world's most respected news organizations like the times associated press but what do i see now on a.p.'s website that very same clarification the
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correction for four stories over a period of three months you bet that correction didn't reach as many people a piece of describers as the original four wires last week we got a glimpse into how stories with the hash tag russia and trump are done on c.n.n. live on c.n.n. constantly right most of those folks with. this ratings but honestly i think. it's just like. most of the you know we don't know and. john. proved this video was leaked after another c.n.n. online piece about trump's russia ties trump's associate has met a c.e.o. of a russian investment fund that headline would make the internet go. but guess what it turned out to be false the article was were cracked it completely no corrections
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had three c.n.n. staff members resigned well you can only learn from your mistakes just don't be so shy owning up to what it says stated press news agency recently made clarifications regarding several stories that published on russia's suppose it meddling in the us elections we've also lost them to clarify why they repeatedly stories stating what they wanted to be false thanks for their response so far at all of the child's alltel brains and overall for all in the quality of investigative journalism sad fact of you know life since about one thousand nine hundred nine is that instead of having newsrooms filled with empowered investigative journalists with budgets the mainstream media has cut back on that so that even c.n.n. doesn't really have that many investigative journalists there nor does the new york times i think that's evident in their reporting it will take a while to turn the trend around in the case of c.n.n. we are talking as regards trump and indeed as against the conservative elements of
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the united states of america of a nonstop misinformation campaign and when it comes to trump spewing fraudulent nonsense about you know what had happened in the election and after the election they've severely lost their way which is evidenced by think of the long term trend in their viewership let's remember this is the network admittedly they later fired kathy griffin for holding up a mock severed head of our president and c.n.n. the same network his complaining about a cartoon i mean give me a break. documentary toy sco her mind if you're watching us in the u.k. ireland. is coming to. the city as a hollywood backdrop the glamour is attracting more tourists they may bring in more money passengers who might buy an ice cream before scooting back to the ship and to
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save accommodations this sort of tourism in particular makes it difficult for cities to develop alternative concepts as well as she's researched the issue in other cities as well. honestly this nation mentioning it out of a quite simple it is a problem a muslim. center. on the plane meant to do would only come in their mission with us to. solve them a vision. probably a global only. only in the bush was up her own sons and i suppose it to me slow young women starts to send them of their own inches over. some that was sufficient of a management almost three grown up comic a kind of organ these artists could post on the again these are neck and neck a kind of star in the us and in the. but what if the city no longer
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exists as a communal place for its inhabitants if it increasingly becomes a travel destination with global marketing potential. of inhabitants to the city then. either i'm going to ask mr temple something valuable probably a cultist or not so. subtle mentor but you will need. to make do not expect to need delegates. but it's a couple that. was designed to stress results dubrovnik is suffering a brain drain the exodus of qualified workers and autists their skills are simply no longer in the mind. but take a different view of the changes in dubrovnik. that is going to not.
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be polite and that he's on the twenty fourth all but that's one of the dust bunnies want to come out of it i skimmed on iraq i thought it was a bit of a man much to them yet i'm not gonna get the breaker. on is the decrease the nitish it was beautiful and i don't want to put it at the simply have built up not to be but to the minute you any of for the night you will. disappoint you know from an economic woes you are one of them it's your money that seem odd to you it is just at this time to want to be like that i did not you can't just. to set up our own business in dubrovnik with an escape route in which visitors have an hour to solve a puzzle and adventure game inspired by the game of thrones series. almost a snare which it ugh actually says no funny at all you need a feel of it that is the below that but us women lead usually and i didn't cheat
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which. one is only but it should bless the united states but it's there because it is they are a wonder that you plan to see it. now twenty six year old diana hopes for a lot of tourists so she can make money with her idea please i'm definitely my mom plays the lead going to dogs is the man as much misses melkus that. what would happen but i think was like a good enough was if you pick a million for a stand on monday night and i'm the boss and i feel it is a smoke at the time you can help another motorist. the city is an exception there are a job c.-a across the country a third of young people are unemployed in dubrovnik though tourism has completely disrupted social and economic strength jobs the tourist guide here can earn more than a professor a cleaner more than a teacher who can blame young people from wanting to be on the winning side.
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yes because if a stray fed us was on the couch yet provided keep it indeed a spy at boyish that shadowed on the custom my brother acosta caught on board sat yet but if you know what all the others company near to start to get out i'll see it all along that he made a little eco call a proposal like it out of a soil was almost jealous but it's me but i'm a mom see it in my version a friend or a curry joining in here she was going to. get a magic an artifact. cola culture as a souvenir memories of the city merged with the brand what sucked woods to enterprise to brush nick. leverage off but i. didn't talk about numbers it took a. follower. but who's power is it how self determined can the city remain that increasingly sells itself the danger of being controlled
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by international investors and consortium's is great but it's also in the nature of democratic cities that the citizens fight back. the venetians who remain are not giving up without a fight. they've been blocking the judaica canal now for two hours preventing three cruise ships from leaving. politicians scientists and citizens action groups have been arguing for five years about alternative concepts for cruise tourism but so far without success. in iowa babbitt and outdoors i mean they only do it like it is that day beyond very very noisy to murder feet ya finance that's your nap got it in out your
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my back we'll go to get up get up and i mean to comment on. that day and. it looks like a battle between david and goliath between a few activists and all powerful corporations has led they stop rolled and reap the profits and tax the supply coming up. last. week. because i feel. that. your. life. and. the travel companies sell the passage through the look good as
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a cruise highlight would they still cool with the news if they had to sail around the city what consequences would it have for the private company of d.t.p. . questions the port authority call down south but they didn't want to make a statement either on camera nor in writing. the cruise market is dominated by the anglo-american con of all corporations that twenty five subsidy or is included talian sounding names like caustic or cherry and the germany based aida crusaders. does such a mighty console chill the tool assailable. just a moment that was devalued eventually but the question. is then i mean. i'm going to take a. shit if you're going to shit that they made it fair to waste the.
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last record if you didn't sound up with. the most real not should. and they intend to repeat the strategy meanwhile unesco has warned that this is state to this is a world cultural heritage site is threatened less measures to protect to look good or doctored so the un commission come to itself take action in this regard it can only make recommendations. but in this case such recommendations do not see. even a crystal ball but if but she had she could have crystal ball the. well partially the pitiful but feeling good she thought he they she had the they don't a school she. you know me didn't ask will show up if you know she what a pita cause i found the field as soon as cope with anything she could i mean take it out of course i mean it's a foul to put on a school because you ask no soul said as he stood up minutes as she could i mean
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that in a funny show if i think one thing the advantage of a funny in knowing oval jamo take out. for the cultural heritage designation though cities are committed to protecting not just their monuments but the overall appearance of the city. to stops and becoming a camping site stewards point out the rules to tourists and not by their but i think that yeah no need to specify much that it up if i can use them at the venice is most famous square dates from the mind century historic site for great state ceremonies and festivals visitors should respect that. they add at what i believe but why is it that where that a head i. wash the feet but it depends on that more than that though it's not that big by that many at all can i go back that way if it's not that big by that
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had to go back to the gate and not feeding the pigeons in the square is also strictly forbidden the birds droppings damaged the buildings facades all fall to the bed if not allowed thanks. elfie be helpful. if i meet then you can receive a fine a losing battle the work of the law enforces reflects then this is fundamental problem with tourism there are just too many visitors and once they leave after a few hours the city faces its next major challenge. that. tourists leave behind. fifty three thousand tons of rubbish every yeah getting rid of it is complicated with then this is narrow alleyways and many bridges in the city without road traffic gobby just to be removed by boat laborious logistics which cost eighty million euro zone. bond is borne by the local
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authorities. before the first tourists flood in and then is has a big cleaning job on. the area around st mark's square is look at pinterest patch every day he and his colleagues make sure that the rights don't take over the city of the inhabitants have to follow strict rules about when to put the rubbish out. of. a lot of. a cozy bed. do you know what i say a person up also and all that was it that it would be to forty that. they departed because of a patrol pulled that off boy they coude president abbas see. who else. was there. with him and it's a good old boy bought them
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a vehicle with. plastic paper nuku the period has to cope with mix rubbish every day the resident should have to separate it the week we see the quick look at it and yeah i would have bet that all going to was. able to shoot operable today tuesday so that i made it a day in diffidence out the day in this you pick a. i made it out in seattle throw out of the opposed to continue to already but but they have to fit into out that i get when you do the. it being neat including stuff boots yeah they'd all. be able to open the name a little forcing for the sequel mistakes on the job if you can sort out your dad's . elbow what i'm what i was good for you stuck in the sock make this flawed.
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logic i'd say that i don't respond to the money when i get with the school. day dicky in the only valley formative. years will people been saying about redacted in the navy seals exactly it's full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch a lot of the really packs a punch to sleep yampa is the john oliver of hearty americans doing the same we are apparently better than flew past that and see people you never heard of love redacted tonight not the president of the world bank no hate the many serious please send us an e-mail. seems wrong why don't we all just don't call. me. yet to shape out to stay.
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active. and engaged equals betrayal. when something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you were a south and taken your last about term. here at the top to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each bet. but then my feeling started to change you talked about more like it was a cave still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave
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a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with death this one different speech because there are no other takers. to the claim that mainstream media has met its make. one of the biggest challenges that any investigators face in dealing with cyber crime is attribution who did it where did it come from and as we've seen with many of these attacks when you've mentioned wall across the recent run somewhere attack it's still unclear where that originated from so our clear message to government is to work together around the world to minimize this risk to grow those relationships and make sure that diplomacy is the k. to everything. the growing mountains of rubbish constant arrivals and departures boards of tourists always following the same trail the city's visitors are becoming an
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anonymous mass which appears to be there only to bring in the money. that professor young fundable teaches the subject of economics or tourism at the university of venice these looked. behind the scenes of the tourist industry i'm just especially interested in the sector's labor market. purple if you look at the chart of the structure of the two as a ministry you see there's a lot of space for forty four more gray or black activities it means people working in the kitchen without contracts and so forth a fact talking with people from the. tax office. there is this saying that. points out that naipaul's in venice are the cities where tax evasion is that. where
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not even the city authorities know precisely how many tourists come it's hard to determine what income they actually generate. among the highest earners in venice on the gondoliers they make up to two hundred euros an hour but the number is limited to three hundred sixty making gondolier licenses highly sought after they're in the hands of a few families not in the gift of the city the authorities charge only forty euros a year for using the canals. only they will go up to five hundred thousand and drew is being paid from one on the day to the beginning and this money is being earned back in about five years time so yeah every night anybody they are about one hundred thousand euro per year the strange thing is although it's an activity that that the license exchanges and
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table so there's no proof banks has been financing this kind of operate with a move across the city tax is going to live on the basis of a notional income of just thirty five thousand euros no receipts are required but who's counting in such a romantic. situational. love what i like it down to is supposed to lead us on a mission level. vinay to the speech alloca chamish in charity did you know there will. be bad you'll want to do well then add up the sort your own ok to want to whether you will shift the outdoor one to well i don't choose that point to what i don't confound surely cantante will because authority on their butts alone i know that's enough for the butts alone but i am of these depending upon the culture toward the sea finally appeal a study from the regular game to see. if you're going to be an issue of all. the
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color that you get at the school cage and the cold water on the corsi you're basically just look at you go what are you know if i'm an eggplant to what i don't know the message to t.c.m. met through sham of a very bad. but thanks to mass tourism living well together is no longer the case in many cities bass alone there is famed for its cosmopolitan atmosphere but that's changing along with the idea of hospitality that being for example propagates but how can tourists know if they're renting legally or illegally will be in the informix customers about it in future the company declined to comment but the mayor is already taking action. issued him enough for permit is nothing but empty. provoke upper levels that will be the mc and that's kind of the late if i look down and go back to the things axioms sensi arms afaik all of that and i mean i know that the side that has that piece in the house not the play my hapless and see home
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staff and sassy since may one of us i guess it's better for them as they see it out and put a motion on at m.m.c. that it's not in addition the city is no longer issuing licenses for hotels and holiday apartments in the old city center. but a lot of people who left legally to tourists feel themselves criminalise by the current criticise the. i think elizabeth cocytus who runs the blog on the subject she lets her own flight and those of friends. thesea they left at the front row and i thought i think i must like yourself and then we'll get i think i meant i think when the sun outs. the end of the line and headaches. but i also don't get it but i mean. to send. it to me that math. prevented to send that one up. out of me that need be that level of alchemy to me advocate joy look well that when guests arrive elizabeth
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cosigned house always meets them personally she explains where to put the gum what's permitted in the building the. forty year old elizabeth applied for her letters license years ago it would no longer be possible in her she sees the city's controls so this is a step in the wrong direction and out of the idea that. yeah but and they. are going to what i said i think that there you have a hope but i do know that. they're pretty much. ok ok i guess i'll take it. that they hear. that idea. though it out. last a no fallujah and there's. a paradox is evident in barcelona on the one hand tourists ostracized with slogans on the other posters offloaded saying refugees
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will come but mass tourism has not come about by chance it's the result of long term placentas which on the one hand have cambus for more and more tourists while on the other hand have the years failed to invest in either affordable homes or subsidized housing at the expense of its it is us. to some people who are prepared to accept the situation in the old quarter. john member of an environmental policy is fighting against a plan to extend the hobby and lease it out to a friend to. us any good as it's going to. put all of us will be if you will what i really want to be all. but i do what i do but some go beyond.
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the good is a fact and they're stuck in this state it was a. mistake to get out. but i can. live. no problem then you're. going to open society out of. business. in my book i was i didn't say it. was i mean i need to fighting to get out the truth but i don't. want. the very architecture of the city might prevent this development one study has calculated the old send has room for a maximum of seven thousand people on some days more than double the number on the critical issue is that the medieval city. three entrances and exits.
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proclaiming pseudonymous the. whole will be thought. of for walking us through the skin blowing up its. old witch and i said what i'm not sure who's going to put this which i knew would be. some force if the second was that i must show some just said it's. and i. said i would separate but it's the second was that a sandwich would be there at this which i. guess the man has long been aware of these risks. ali farka spores could what are known you much we have an opium of the show dog you know when you post. but this it split the switch on the plot that was a brownie feed at the local meat shark was up to six and a model name is not of the occupant annuity not on that will need. despite the lack of security concepts the old city seems destined for
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a rising number of to learn. is too broad nick in danger of becoming an open air museum. cruise come to miscalculate just four hours for the visit then the passengers must return to the ship. it's understandable that the inhabitants of europe's favorite tourist destination are critical of this sort of tourism and feel pressure that. britain was on the set i'm a bit. make the most. of it that. i can break and. believe. me when i was out of a forest because i thought i don't see nothing is simple. and i want that and more . got in the i want connections on national for the amount of which i was made on
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time i want it off my back so i'm going on the thought i'm not about just this is mine and then the. noise out police that's you know i guess. i guess just. from. when i was you expect able to raise. last battle of. losers on both sides that for the local inhabitants and the tourists they're just extras in a game with billions the winners are other opaque consortium's and international investors who perpetuate the myth of venice and co. the cities meanwhile are desperately trying to save themselves from columbus. ali farka who is rough it is short kosher good if. i start on the go and not put his
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own tea in much lower than that as usual but even that c n n e on duty dollars a month well you know the traditional get one and escape that i've done with that i think the seal that got back if you know men and women that he's met that i'm enough of what i see that what i'm going to see what i mean yet when it can is not only doesn't even see they should i keep an image that i see a seal that night and i see the team with them that he's not one of them not only that surely wish them all the while the new normal is that they need to chill out like you know join the arm of the they really cause a ballot it was that they still exist the beautiful thing but their numbers limited more and more people want to see them for themselves. and who can blame.
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this country. this is what we don't understand how we are in such a country. similar . to the us if you feel if the minutes of on board not that god can we believe again with the fall of the couple with the plane. to come back to the place story you have to see. the best. movie. welcome to the wonderful world of blood donation i come here every three weeks to get my transfusion to be specific i receive immunoglobulin that my body gets and
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some bodies that i cannot produce itself around the world giving blood is seen as a symbol of generosity knowing does this because it helps people it's just that one of the side effects is that it. applies more. to put money on your car i'm really don't we go. half of all plasma based drugs today come from private companies and are produced from the plant will come from you know a motor car and. one of the risks of a donation you need to date is prove that the frequency of pathology is much higher paid. me. if i was. over two years old he will go over the money even if the drug and who runs the blood business.
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i. do you think i did it was going to cut us off if you can. china's leaders she jinping is in moscow for a two day official visit it comes amid beijing strained relations with washington with china sending warships and jets to war a u.s. and stroy disputed south china sea island. we have an exclusive report from the italian port of palermo where migrants are being forced
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to work for local mafia gangs that size the country is under quote enormous pressure over the migrant crisis. syria's foreign ministry says the u.s. oppose sending international experts to investigate a deadly chemical attack in a poll that was blamed by washington on damascus. it's four o'clock am in moscow and you're watching all t. international live from last year here with me in a day or two to welcome to the program. china's leader jinping is in moscow for a two day official visit he's set to meet with president vladimir putin later on monday it's known that one of the topics to be discussed will be the international tensions over north korea and the talks come at a volatile period in u.s.
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china ties as mourad explains. things are getting very hot in the south china sea area the chinese sent jets and military warships to ward off to you know sort of divert an american naval battle which was in the area very close to islands claimed by the chinese the united states says that you know they're free to sail wherever they want and the freedom of navigation so they said we did nothing wrong nevertheless this is you know this is the latest in a series of such incidents and don't trump seems to be delivering on his campaign promise to be the man that stands up to china. we can't continue to allow china to rape our country i want china dictating to me
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donald trump of course claimed that he would confront china economically by taxing them by making it more difficult for them to make billions in the united states by taking back jobs and of course militarily by showing china america's military might cause donald trump is a businessman and he does cheney tend to change his mind once in awhile and there was a brief spell where they were awfully friendly the chinese and donald trump made all sorts of deals and you don't even eat chocolate cake together i think we have. a tremendous progress in a relationship with china the relationship. she and most of it is a. big. of the future unfortunately it seems that wasn't to last again the series of incidents i mentioned over the last month you had another similar incident where united states united states naval warships sailed very close
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to islands. and again by the chinese in the south china sea also the united states listing china as one of the foremost human trafficking offenders in the world and then you had what i believe was the nail you know where in the coffin a deal between the united states and taiwan one point four billion dollars worth of arms to be sold to taiwan which the chinese again considered to be a part of their country and which the united states is going out of its way to arm and support so certainly there's there's been a lot of fallout and with don't trump at the helm there is no predicting where this is going to go yet it is her veterans today the dispute in the south china sea is going to remain a vital part of the u.s. china relations with washington. this is part of a story campaign that i think is going to go on for quite
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a while this. over who has sovereignty over the south china sea is going to be with us for years it really doesn't have all the states because it's on the other side of the world but the u.s. likes to show the flag but china has major interest here because it's got a billion people a huge energy. appetite which it's spending a lot of its order earnings importing so wall range. found in this area it wants to a claim to it and of course the u.s. is basically saying we will we will challenge that. it is getting angry as it seeks support from other european countries over the migrant crisis and stress and to close its ports to rescue ships interior minister claims the country's under huge pressure that's as the country's taken in hundreds of thousands of people who
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have crossed the mediterranean from africa according to the u.n. almost eighty four thousand people have arrived at italian ports since the start of the some estimates predict the number will jump to two hundred twenty thousand by the end of the seventeenth while it's the coals on the neighbors to help france's even use drones and dogs to hunt down those trying to sneak across the border between the countries. with the migrant crisis gripping it's a lead reports are emerging that mafia gangs have been increasing their influence in the syrian port of calamity by taking advantage of refugees to do penske travel to the ports and used to hidden camera to some areas to find out exactly what's happening. just behind me is where the famous sicilian market at balad zero takes place here in atlanta every day and while in the day it's a hot spot for tourists in fact they're recommended. to go and see the market is one of the things to do when you're on the island of sicily but at night the market
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turns into something completely different and instead of selling fresh produce and fish what's being sold on the streets of drugs and the majority of the people selling drugs on migrants from africa that's what we've been told by one journalist francesco. we film in secret with him on the streets here there is. very powerful trafficking. drugs. need to use somebody for sell drugs. they are using. specific. to sicily has a long history of crime mainly perpetrated by the mafia what's happening now is that it's teaming up with migrants to kerri-anne criminal activities the main
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myself selling drugs is not the only way many my current a force to make money we've been told that many young people are all being used for trafficking and prostitution here only. and we're told that if we just head down this main street here literally just off this main street is where many of the girls for lying to you in origin selling their bodies you know it's often you know it's the girls refused to talk to me but it's clear the majority are teenagers for many the reason migrants of forced into this would is the lack of help is available to them where a camp. beds and. migrants enormous service like there are like showers like food sometimes and often people inside these camps almost minors they use it to the side to.
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to be prostitutes but i think it is. there is a very strong connection between the condition in the camps and the use of these migrants because where there is a. kind of crime. there have been many investigations into the pool surrounding drugs only island as well as that of child prostitution but regardless of what b. italian authorities do nothing seems to be able to stamp it out one of the reasons is because there is a constant source of migrants who are willing to take the place of anybody who is removed from the streets for prostitution selling drugs this is a problem that seems to have no solution even ski altie sicily.
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a man is suspected of having killed an elderly couple in austria allegedly motivated by his hatred of the country's far right freedom party peter has more on this story for us now peter what else do we know. well we're starting to get more information coming through about this well what seems more and more like a horrific incident that took place last friday in the town of lin's in the northern part of austria. an eighty five year old woman and an eighty seven year old man were killed in their own home there was that an attempt made to burn their bodies in and burn the house down or police have confirmed that a fifty four year old man who came originally from tunisia to austria back in one thousand eight hundred nine is in custody he was well known to the couple in question we understand he delivered food to them a number of times a week that they'd helped him out with money in the past it's also believed that
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the reason that he. he's the main suspect in having carried out this this attack and why he turned himself into police was that he believed that the couple that were linked to the freedom party of austria the far right anti immigrant party now the chief of the regional police in that part of austria confirmed details about the suspect that he turned himself in to the authorities also the chief confirming that the couple were dead when the fire started we've also heard from the head of the freedom party of austria now he said he was shocked by the hate and violence that was shown in this crime we've also heard from the austrian chancellor christine care who said this where he's condemned this attack in the slaying of these two elderly people such crimes destroy trust in the strength of our society and should be condemned when people are killed because of their real or perceived
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proximity to any party as happened in loons everyone needs to speak out. well the freedom party of austria are on the far right of austrian politics they are the the mainstream far right of austrian politics that the party and the country their staunchly anti immigration anti european union they've been the third party since elections back in two thousand and eight they did that again in two thousand and thirteen and they're widely expected to come in third again in the austrian parliament elections in october of this year the investigation is continuing but it would be a shock to the austrian political system of the shocks austrian people and why do europe if this. were carried out these actions killed these elderly people because of a perceived political belief that. certainly a very distressing story there that's artie's peter reporting from berlin thanks peter. amid ongoing claims from washington that the syrian government is
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preparing to use chemical weapons damascus says the u.s. is refusing to investigate the previous such incident according to syria's foreign ministry washington oppose sending international experts to key sites linked to a chemical attack that took place in april the organization for the prohibit of chemical weapons carried out a remote investigation and concluded that sarin gas had. did not assign blame for the attack but the u.s. pointed the finger at damascus and found a syrian military base his syrian journalist for him. but also because this dissatisfied with the results and the findings of the the c.w. broke into the alleged chemical weapons using a chicken in every of us here the syrian government said most of this to get scared off in turkey through the help of turkish mediators which according to syrian government compromises the integrity of the trip or taking into consideration that
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turkey has been hostile towards the syrian government has actually made every effort possible to topple the government of president bashar al assad the syrian officials also said that they have communicated repeatedly with all of the c.w.o. . vision for the provision of chemical weapons have told the syrian government that they are able to listen is able to visit the country carry out their investigation firsthand later on became dependent on samples to live or to them interview also testimonies of. who went to them in turkey. despite the fact that the syrian government sent samples of its own gathered it looked at from a form and had the range for eyewitness accounts to be read to meet actually with investigators from c.w. in damascus according to the syrian government these samples and these testimonies were not reflected in the final. report that was published by the oversea w. also. the other important issue that was raised by damascus that all the chemical
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weapons but syria used to have were destroyed under the supervision of the international organization and they were destroyed abroad to prevent any future claims that syria has kept part of these weapons inside syria interferes for future use and the us actually point to the syrian foreign minister first. is that if the united states decides to carry out an act of aggression against damascus it should not only consider the reaction of damascus but also and the repercussions that could happen from other reactions from ours in syria including russia and other allies and i think he was referring to iran in that context. meanwhile russia's foreign ministry has slammed what it calls a social media campaign aimed at smearing the syrian government spokeswoman maria had applied to condemn videos circulating online claiming to show the aftermath of another suppose it chemical weapons attack by a damascus peace researcher says the syrian government isn't being given the
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benefit of the doubt in the west. the mainstream media the large media that are influencing the western decision making process and just citizens opinion about is you take the case for instance of the totally black patron that he painted all of whom are sure alas that now nobody can be as evil as he's been made in the western world it is really important that we are aware that not only good analysis is correct it's all good in the background these days in international politics. we have more stories here on r.t. just after this break.
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one of the biggest challenges that any investigators face in dealing with cyber crime. who did it why did it come from and as we've seen with many of these attacks i mean you've mentioned one across the recent run somewhere it's still unclear where that. originated from so our clear message to government is to work together around the world to minimize this risk to grow those relationships and make sure that diplomacy is the key to everything.
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welcome back to the program and to football now as germany proved once again to be the kings of the field winning the twenty seventh confederations cup i'm handing over to st petersburg when neil harvey has a round up of this year's tournament. welcome back to our coverage of the twenty seventh the confederations cup the football action may be over as we know germany lifted the trophy for one nil big job in chile but just look at this why would we want to leave when we still have this beautiful hermit is fantastic where the people have another lovely legibly day here in the panics of the north two and a half weeks of action to reflect upon sixteen matches in sixteen days you may have
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noticed my co-present of stan collymore has departed he's gone back to england but before he left we went for a stroll and a chat about his twenty seven team russia experience. let's just walk through this one last time before you head back off to england one of the highlights for you lots of different things to talk about fans the football cultural aspects even the food was very good and she can say for me. to come here is a smallish primarily a cut up white to come back and i will come back. just. a system where you can skirt some clear if you think if we see going to honestly you do you expect you are told you we keep hearing the racist hooligans they're everywhere. we've spoken to people from the guardian we've spoken say family groups in the pub just drain the cauldron simply to spoil. you have to look at things in
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context all they're a group of totally in virtually every european country yes unfortunately going to the sport of seeing england fans misbehave on toll's red squares like this one pope's balls have seen german fans do it french fans do it i mean last year the whole narrative about russia being a bad place to call. these around fifty to one hundred eighty it's tied themselves on to. basically sold a very very very strong persuasive argument. we are going to get you wouldn't step off the plane i tell you what we'll be able to string a few more presenters to see list before you can think of and you are definitely in the running if you don't want to listen so you've got a fantastic song genuinely or not so you thank you for inviting me. to be able to do this all again at the world cup next year.
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and i wasn't kidding said after steps into your shoes very swiftly you've been covering the action for us here across the us two and a half weeks and i think the first thing is people talk about this is a preparation for the world cup all in all would you say things are going quite smoothly i'd say they have i mean apart from the fine so many people that we've spoken to across those two and a half weeks and lots of different venue some actually enjoy themselves and that's the majority of obviously russian fans because it's a russian event it is the warm up and also then you have the other fans coming in particular the chilly fans we were seeing yesterday they were absolutely fantastic and i had a whale of a time we occasionally saw the odd german family came in they also said they'd be they had a good time to another nations who were coming in here if it to be using it as a driver. for the world cup everything seemed to go very smoothly they had fun they said how friendly russians were how country to the kind of perception to how russia is about how woman friendly but also as we are highlighting on that serve particular chap you had to stand there the words any incidents of racism hooliganism violence homophobia all the other aspects that are being talked about
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a mooted that have been going on for so long in this build up to the confederations cup and the world cup and the final word on that one went to johnny pantene and the people present who are great the everything including all the infrastructure had gone very well. we were hearing about violence about incidents. about. racism when we had nothing we had no incidents everything run smoothly everything run perfectly we're hearing about the infrastructure as well they are not ready and how will it work infrastructures are absolutely beautiful beautiful football stadiums transport works visa free entry will defend id free transport between the venues by train this is something that does not happen in many other countries were big events or organized. so
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ok we took a very close look at the infrastructure the stadiums being used for this competition there are all finished and are in great condition looking at the bigger picture there are many more cities will be involved for the world cup where do it where does russia stand what i can remember interviewing. the whole of the russian world cup and indeed for the whole world cup going forward and this is going back into anti thirteen and we were looking then all the different stadia how they were progressing and he said that they were eleven percent then ahead of federal so in terms of the structure everything's gone ahead ahead of schedule so far if you look particularly at the stops in on the. stadium i mean that had been delays i mean that's been much talked about having it about the budget and the delays there. for a fantastic stadium there and also the way it held the final was poorly and the way that it was organized as well meant that everything ran smoothly but the other point here is that russia was already a footballing nation and had a long and proud history so effectively the tradition of having stayed all these main cities and the fact that they will be used going forward is something that really benefits not only russia but also fee for in this desire to spread football
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to the wider world because we are not going to have situations that are been seen in previous world cups where you have a stadium that's used in a competition to crumble there isn't a team to play there there isn't the fan support exactly because when you're in russia you look at something like the russian premier league if you look at the fan base there they were crying out there are fans that want to go to the matches but they were crying out for new stadia so these effectively come along and done that if you look at sparta they've got a fantastic new stadium as we've seen in the playoff match also in other group matches that's been great there that's in the capital as well if you look at how the developing delish nicky to all those particular stated they just needed that extra boost and it's all coming to great time so it develops russian football and also not only for the world cup and everybody coming in all the fans but also going forward as well and it's been really interesting to take a look at how both cities are preparing. and i did we travel from one to another looking at the infrastructure meeting the people lots of celebrities as well we just couldn't help ourselves we have to wait a few autographs along the way. here we are we've
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reached the end of all or all the sea of our confederations cup twenty seventeen previews we first st petersburg and it's on. to moscow to remember when this football din of a single along the way with politicians. even taxi drives of. the emotional journey so we got all those signatures and i see that this just warm space left on the ball and i really believe this is for i want to say it's been a great pleasure working with you start your really well respected highly successful premier league striker. here i would. consider it a great honor if you could just hold the ball while i signed. on with. stan please come back was forgiven guys.
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hello welcome to so fantail and sophie shevardnadze digital technology unprecedented opportunity in our lives but it also creates more targets for cyber criminals says everything iran the us is connected it all can be hacked so will our reliance on gadgets make us fatally to cyber crime will i ask neil walsh the u.s. cyber crimes are. the touch after attack cyber
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criminals of government into chaos paralyzing corporations and disrupting people's everyday lives as more and more devices and services go online becoming an easy target for hackers worldwide so how vulnerable are states and businesses to the actions of crypto criminals can critical infrastructure be protected from online assaults and what happens if malicious software forms into the wrong here. neil wallis chief of the united nations global program on cyber crime welcome to the program it's really great to have you with us now neil de lay has been a crime story has been they want to cry attack in a federal lots of countries and damage key infrastructure but the software the cyber weapon behind the want to cry virus was actually reportedly devout by the u.s. government and stolen by hackers so why aren't cyber weapons guarded as tightly as
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missiles or tanks. sophie thanks for giving me the time to talk with you today i think you raise an important point i obviously couldn't give you any specific detail on the original of the exploit because that's simply something that's been reported in the press and i have not seen the original of that however would have doe's show us one thing is the need for governments to work clearly together to help minimize the risk of exploitation of difficulties in technical attacks on software well i mean a cyber weapon is basically finding a flaw or a hole in software right so if the government develops a cyber weapon it knows about software issues why not tell its allies why not tell the software company why make a weapon out of it i think that's a question that you have to address to individual governments where that was the issue but i think the creative point that comes across with all of this is the need
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for governments to work together and within the united nations office and drugs and crime that's what we do we bring governments together from around the world from iran political persuasions to try to minimize these sorts of risks and help those conversations to occur but i mean well your work is part of your work also convincing people who are placed higher actually to work in communication with their analysis and not guarded secrets for themselves and maybe use it later i think it is a mixture. of that. the way we work is that we for example we hosted the intergovernmental expert group on cyber crimes and governments around the world sit on that it met most recently in april of this year and it's that sort of opportunity where we create the mechanism for governments to talk to each other to work together to grow relationships and ultimately all of this is about minimizing the risk to the public from saw the crown but how hard is it to give for the
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government to make the governments give up those findings. i think the way that the u.n. works we don't interfere directly in the issues of us over a member state when we do is to create that atmosphere and the capability for governments to work together and i think what we seek to encourage are those sorts of relationships where governments from across the world from across political divide do sit together to try and work their way through some of the most challenging of issues in cyber it's a ten something how damaging can a cyber attack be i mean what's the worst case do you have to hack into the military to hold on to you you have to hack into military computers to do lots of damage or a kidney mass where the infrastructure and step shut down an electricity grid or a phone network for example yeah i think that's a really important question and the context of that is exceptionally important because depending on which country that that happens is in depending on what their critical national infrastructure is you could have
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a really serious impact we've seen where smaller countries more developing nations have suffered from attacks that have for example crippled the internet for a period of time i was speaking with representatives of just last week and they were explaining from their analysis and from their data the attacks on critical infrastructure have changed in the past year so instead of energy attacks being the priority we've seen a rise in water and of water infrastructure coming under attack but looking at a different way you may be for a country that depends on tourism as your primary source of revenue so for example if an attack occurred that took the turns an industry offline hit hotels hit the infrastructure for bringing tourists around the country can be exceptionally grave on an economy as well so it really is can text really dependent. london based think tank assess the u.k.'s trident nuclear submarines can be hacked into which could potentially lead to the horrors of its weapons being launched u.k.
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government has repeatedly denied any possibility that tried an operating systems can be hacked what's your take on that. i've got nothing really that i could comment on that i have no knowledge of trident i have no knowledge of any member states operating systems for for nuclear weapons or anything like that so i think you need to ask the government concerned now what. is it theoretically possible to hack into something so huge that would unleash a catastrophe again without having any knowledge of that system or how it's built i really couldn't give you an honest answer on that it's not only anonymous hackers from the deep live seeing states use where likes that snagged on adversaries already cyber war the battleground of the future as it all going to be done with computer programs i think what we see so few from cyber crime and cyber attacks is that it has made things easier whether it's a state by satanic whether it is an organized crime based attack or off in the gray
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areas in between and within my program what we seek to do is help member states from across the world on their request to build the capability to investigate such attacks and minimize that risk but i think as the internet of fame is so devices that are connected to the internet grows that there needs to be a must much stronger posture of cyber security around the world both from industry i'm governments to help minimize that risk and the public are key to minimizing that risk what scale does a cyber attack have to be in order to provoke a real live military response to be seen as an act of war. i think again all of this is contextual it would depend on the country involved and depends on what the nature of that attack would be one of the biggest challenges that any investigators face in dealing with. attribution who did it where did it come from and as we've seen with many of these attacks i mean you've mentioned one across the recent won't
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run somewhere attack it's still unclear where that originated from so our clear message to government is to work together around the world to minimize this risk to grow those relationships and make sure that diplomacy is the key to everything and then there's also how governments use the internet and hacking and his own advantage like in qatar its neighbors cut ties with it partly because of something the emir sat and now they're claiming it was a hack but with it being so hard to identify the perpetrators are the unseen hackers becoming a convenient political scapegoat again it's a really good question sophia and it brings me back i think to the previous response that after of you should is the most difficult bit and that's where we need to ensure that governments across the world across political divide have the capability to investigate and deal with cyber crime attacks because without that it is exceptionally difficult to draw a conclusion on the original of that and to work on the policy that goes around the
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u.s. intelligence and lawmakers are considering investigating. software because they think that moscow can use it to do bad things do you thing that stick to diligence are or is it politics that chile compromising security and really just your personal take on that i have do understand your position working at the u.n. you need to stay neutral but something. that has to be your take what's your take on that so i think in all of this and i wasn't aware of what a bit of what you said there about a about a conspiracy if we look at the we look at other of the russian companies group by b. for example they work with industry that work with law enforcement and government in lots of different bits of the world so for example in europe whole law enforcement agency. group all you'd be or a critical guidance factor to the european sauber crime center and i think that shows to me how important the collaboration between industry alone for us mint is
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and that's the sort of thing that i would certainly advocate for him push much more for the importance of industry in being a preventive measure home sauber on helping governments around the world today with these issues is absolutely fundamental there is too much of solve a crime to investigate it way out of the row with industry have protection under investigation is going to continue to grow irrespective of where they're based now the n.s.a. and major media outlets reported on the alleged russian hacking of and then you had met clones can paint as fact and now we're getting information from french intelligence that russia had nothing to do with it the us claimed that russia attempted to influence the vote in austria and now the n eight cells is denying it what's up with the n.s.a. expertise i mean how could they get it so spectacularly wrong. again having no experience of the n.s.a. or the substance of what you're discussing it's exceptionally difficult for me to
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comment on that with any with any real substance sophie what i do think this shows again and again is the necessity for diplomacy at the heart of country state based of cyber and i think the way that we work at the un by bringing governments together and we're seeing a marriage a very good constructive process there is something that we need to continue to do and governments around the world are committed to doing that it's all role model to help make that happen so alex running voting say enough nowadays interest just go back to good old paper ballots. i think like everything we see in cyber there are elements of protection elements of security that you can put around anything there is no such thing as one hundred percent security and each individual member state has to make very own decision on what's right for them we see some governments some countries choose to use paper based systems we see others that choose to use our trauma and really that is a decision for them because all of this is making sure that there is confidence in
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absolutely no dubrovnik. travel destinations so it must be. crowds of tourists disrupt the city's economic and social life. as. a school. while the city's try to put. the not to collapse a powerful corporations collect the profit of issued only for what you for example and probably globally don't be a couple dollar your cologne in the bushes up the on saabs knock up a suppose it's really a nerd to call her my daughter. but rather. than as a tourist phobia fulfill a fellow into an identity. what politicians
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do you shouldn't. put themselves on the laws. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. more so more want to. have to do right to be for us this is what before three of them or can't be good that i've induced it always in the waters in the hollow. there should be. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself and taken your last turn. you're out caught up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry but only i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each
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breath. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our archaea and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there were no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. keep that for the chief but then to all the countries let's. go come. to you. live to.
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and we're back with mia walsh chief of the united nations global trope ramón cybercrime neal welcome back now you have been saying that close international cooperation is needed to fight cyber crime but it already exists in some form so is it more that those countries don't really want to coppery. no i don't think that's the case that whole world we see on a daily basis both at a policing and law enforcement level through to diplomacy is the real desire to work together we had over ninety member states from the un in vienna a few weeks ago discussing sauber crime discussing matters of policy and diplomacy that's working there's more to be done but it is working and that alone for some level we see cooperation bilaterally so between states a multilateral e through institutions like interpol in europe whole and that is working i think there is that desire that we're about working together we're about keeping countries and citizens safer from saw. but you're still saying that there is more
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a need it right there's always more that can be done i think to enable closer working together to build those relationships and build trust across different bits of lone foresman organizations so and my six has been reinforcing that cybersecurity squats with hundreds more stuff does that mean that intelligence agencies will rely upon internet and social media war and bond style agents. again a good question but having no knowledge of m i six or how that structure would work i think it's a question you'd have to refer to the u.k. government but looking at the broader sense of that i think where we see if we look across crime cyber crime as a whole seeing that delineation between what happens online and offline is becoming increasingly blurred one of the biggest risks the most deal with around the world is online child sexual exploitation and abuse and as adults we might often have a perception of what a risk might be but when we speak to kids when we speak to younger teenagers their
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understanding of what happens online and offline really has become a very grey area that there is no separation between online and offline it's just life so it means the we as investigators diplomats we have to have a different approach an approach that recognizes or children assess the risk to be someone something and this i'm sure you know i've been a crime separate from ordinary crime i mean is it really geeks and nerds and darkened rooms or is an organized and much tighter like a mexican cartel. really good question and we tend to look at cyber as being cyber dependent so where you need a computer to do something so for example hacking a computer system or cyber enabled let's look at a traditional bank card for old ten years ago i would have needed to steal your credit card to do it whereas now i could send you an e-mail and socially engineer you to give me your bank card data so really there is that broad mix of stuff that you need a computer system to do it and then other things that can happen generally sometimes
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it'll be an individual kid or adult with a coding capability other times we look at i think a growing risk what we call cyber crime as a service where highly technical highly experienced cyber criminals will offer their capability to other organized criminals even individuals so for someone with no capability if they want to become a cyber criminal they don't need to learn how to do it they can just pay someone to do it for they give me an example how exactly can sabur a cap of a lady help their regular criminal operation like an extortion ring or a drug smuggling yeah absolutely there is a case that's in the press from a couple of years ago where there was a large drug trafficking group operating from south america through to northern europe through the port of antwerp in belgium cyber criminals help the organized crime group to move their large amounts of cocaine to toms of cocaine from south central america through to antwerp and by manipulating the computer systems within
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the the dock the port based companies and the container based companies where this was moved it helped the organized crime group to traffic a large amount of drugs without detection for a period of time and this is where we see that cyber criminals can help other organized criminals to reduce their risk and to really try and make a difficult venture much much easier it's sad mccrie more about hacking meaning is it mostly technical or is it about making people. things like clicking on a bad link juve being them into doing something silly blackmailing i don't know if you remember they were banned in virus that was simply an email asking you to just delete important files are the public the weakest link in cyber security. again an excellent question and something that we hear regularly you can look at it two ways you can say the public is the weakest link because you put in infrastructure or technical protection into everything you've gold. but still someone could come in
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and maybe put an infected u.s.b. stick in or click on an infected e-mail already or an infected website the alternative is to look at the public can be your strongest link with the public can be the most important part of your defensive armor by education by empowering the public we can help to minimize the risk of cyber crime within my program or on the world in guatemala el salvador coke where educating the public and how to stay safe and how to become that critical part in keeping structures and infrastructure saif they want to cry tat made a lot of noise but they didn't make make much money for those behind it is big money mate quietly and cyber crime and how i mean can you give us an example of how it's done sure that's a good one across the first it's a great example of something that didn't work it's attracted so much public attention from around the world and political attention i think if there's a good news story out of one across is that it's broad run somewhere to the top of
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the cyber crime political agenda something that lone foresman diplomacy has been talking about for some is the internet organized crime threat assessment a europe whole publishes has been pushing run somewhere as a critical threat now we see governments around the world talking about it even in russia as you know seventy five percent of victims of want to cry were based in the russian federation so we see that as a crime group or a criminal trying to make money and as you rightly say they haven't made much money a toll in fact only around fifty bitcoin which is around one hundred thousand euro has been sent to those criminals bitcoin addresses and they've not been able to actually see or take that money yet so in effect want to cry has made the creators of the disseminators over no money at all so a criminal business model with. didn't work where we look and where we see making real money is the attack on banking infrastructure and institutions and sometimes on business as well there is still often
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a reluctance of big business of selling books to report if they have had a breach if they have lost an amount of money that may be because they're afraid of a reaction from shareholders or boards of directors but we really encourage business to work with lone foresman to try and counter that threat if it's simply written off for fear of embarrassment that cannot help law enforcement it can also help the government to help minimize the risk to true economic prosperity and society so when we see money like that being made if we don't counter that we don't come to the narrative of it that's for sauber criminals continue to exploit it so the cyber crime is also made possible due to need digital cameras like bitcoin that you mentioned this is the ultimate crime enabler or can actually trace stand recipients of the currency. sure i'm not sure i would call it the ultimate crime enabler it's just another way of doing business in many ways no different to some informal ways of moving money bitcoin and other cryptocurrency seek to be anonymous
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so semi anonymous however the work that we're doing within the united nations office on drugs and crime where we're building the capacity of investigators around the world to counter sauber crime we can investigate block chain bit coinbase transactions and we are very good at working with partners such as china as to identify where those transactions are and who the users behind them are so are you anonymous if you use bitcoin can you get away with it no you can't. can be done completely anonymously or is leaving a digital fingerprint inevitable can someone be that fake fingerprint on purpose again another good question and it's back to that conversation about after abuse who did it some criminals some cyber crime advanced persistent threat groups will seek to try and anonymize where they are or to pretend to be coming from somewhere
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else and the challenge for investigators is to try and identify those digital footprints as you rightly call it to try and work out who they are and where they are trying to identify on those occasions where someone is pretending to be somebody else or pretending to be in a different place it's not easy but it's not necessarily impossible either but it takes time threats and may once more government regulation of the internet following the latest london attack but what do any good i mean if a person wants to hide online they will so are those kinds of current proposals an overreaction or a lack of understanding about how the web actually works. i think the key point in all of this sophie is than the says there's a the absolute necessity of government governments to sit together work together and talk through these issues the risk of cyber crime the risk of terrorists exploiting the opportunities on the internet is a global phenomenon it's not just unique to the u.k. we see it around the world so i think for us at the u.n.
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to host the forum give the the opportunity for governments for internet service providers for social media companies to sit together discuss these problems and come up with workable solutions that's the key to it according to threat metrics cyber security firm fifty percent more cyber attacks originate from europe and any other part of the world over the last couple of months overtaking the united states for the first time how do you explain that how do you claim this shift. sure again back to the attributions are where it's coming from who's doing it and where do we identify where those that attacks have arisen from sometimes i think we see where there is a poster from lone foresman that shows cracking down on a specific geographic area or a specific threat area then we sometimes see a shift in where those attacks are where those crimes originate from so i think when we see from like you say from us to europe we see a shift that will be for
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a period of time and then we'll see it move somewhere else as well something we're very conscious of very aware of is the risk of a jurisdiction of risk so a country or an area where cyber criminals seek to exploit a weakness in the just listen or a weakness in investigation or enforcement capability and that's where our role with the u.n. working with others like interpol if you're a folk hero polled by luttrell governments is to try a capacity to minimize those risks now you worked in actual law enforcement you fought terrorism with the f.b.i. and you worked with interpol can do you an organization you work on the advise others on how to fight cyber crime or can it actually fight as well. united nations offers them drugs and isn't an investigative body our role is upon request to go to countries and help them build their investigative capability so we don't get involved in the investigation of an offense we don't get involved in the prosecution well we can do what we do do is to build that capability to investigate
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helping the infrastructure get in place helping a government policy to get in place helping investigators to grow their capability to investigate we help them get in touch with other countries to build those relationships and to build that capability to do something but the actual investigation process is a role for each individual country to do and we wouldn't seek to get involved in that whatsoever all right mr welsh thank you for taking time to talk to us today were discussing cyber security with me whilst chief of the united nations global program on cyber crime that's it for this edition of self and co i'll see you next time.
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celestial get out of the. sun nuts. as we don't spend money. on the city's tried desperately not to collapse. of. the. globe on the dull coffee cup at home in the bushes up the on saabs knock up the suppose that so many of us. to. live. as a tourist fulfill phone to our own identity. revealing the truth c.n.n. in the nothing better known is russia also. in washington melted down and what to expect from the putin trump meetings in home.
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welcome to the wonderful world of blood donation i come here every three weeks to get my transfusion to be specific i receive immunoglobulin my body gets and some bodies that i cannot produce itself around the world giving blood is seen as a symbol of generosity knowing does this because it helps people it's just one of the side effects is that it. applies more. to put money on your car i'm really you know we don't have all plasma based drugs today come from private companies and are produced from paid plans from a small. motor car and. one of the risks of a donation. then is proof that the frequency of pathology is much higher in paid donations. over two years old he will go over the money even though it's
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a drug and who runs the blood business. china's leader xi jinping is in moscow for a two day official visit it comes amid a beijing strained relations with washington but china sending more ships and jets to warn off a u.s. destroyer in the disputed south china sea island. we have an exclusive report from the italian courts of palermo where migrants are being forced to work for local mafia gangs says the country's on to quote enormous pressure over the migrant crisis. syria's foreign ministry says the u.s. oppose sending international experts to investigate a deadly chemical attack that was blamed by washington on damascus.
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