tv Russia Today Programming RT July 4, 2017 2:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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if i would. go over two years old you will go over the money even if you drove and the blood business. russia and china called for deescalation after north korea tests another ballistic missile during president xi jinping today visit to moscow. its least emmons austria's ambassador the vienna's plans to set up border controls between the two countries. and the german interior minister says berlin was braced for russian meddling in september's general election however the country's intelligence service says there's no sign moscow's trying to say that any particular candidate.
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hello there is nine pm here in the russian capital and you're watching r.t. international with me nicky arun good to have you with us the chinese leader has wrapped up his two day trip to the russian capital as well as signing some twelve billion dollars worth of deals the two countries call for deescalation on the korean peninsula auntie's margaux c.f. has been following the talks. one of the most telling things that they had to say was that day and this was said by both sides that lation is now between russia and china a bet that may have ever been in the history and that is something that time and time again during the various appearances by the two leaders obviously they talked about many things they agree don't cooperate shouldn't agriculture in space and business in the media almost every sphere you can talk about they side deals with twelve billion dollars and they were all smiles about it.
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chinese leader also said that the world was growing turbulent restless and case in point north korea launching another alleged into immediate stick missile success with the heightening tensions in the region and the chinese and russian leaders came out with a surprising solution the signs suggest north korea voluntarily declares a moratorium on nuclear tests. missile launches and that the u.s. and south korea refrain from joint drills the idea is to get both sides to deescalate and pulled back away from the brink but washington has other ideas donald trump has urged china to increase pressure on north korea to force it to back down in its alleged again pursuit of nuclear weapons and missiles the pentagon has reportedly said that it is now considering a show of force in order to deter north korea from its pursuit of weapons there is
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already a show for spin shown by the americans in the south china sea the moment we're in the position where on one side of the equation you have somebody who has extremely limited experience in foreign policy is a little bit flaky and certainly very unpredictable and on the other side you have claimed ern who frankly is in a situation so well we're at a relatively dangerous time at the moment and it's showing the shifting tectonic plates in world affairs that it's actually russia and china who maybe to stabilize the situation. she did paying a visit to russia comes at a time when china's relations with the u.s. on shaky grounds now it's off to beijing ordered military vessels and jets to ward off an american warship which according to china violated its territorial waters in the south china sea i think a lot more pain looks at how things started to go wrong between beijing and
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washington remember the famous chocolate cake that donald trump used to woo the chinese leader we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen president she was enjoying it that was the first time that trump and she met with trump putting on a grand dinner for she which also featured trump's granddaughter singing a song for she in chinese. well that was back in april sense then trump's charm offensive seems to a faltering here's how the chinese foreign ministry sees it. president xi explicitly pointed out that china u.s. relations have made great progress in the recent days but they have also been affected by some negative factors a fair few such factors actually unlike the u.s. accusing china of being a top human trafficking offender china was downgraded to tear three status in this year's report in part because it has not taken serious steps to end its own
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complicity in trafficking and washington's plan to sell one point four billion dollars in arms to taiwan which china regards as a breakaway province didn't exactly go down well either time is an alienable parts of china and the us weapons sales to taiwan violates international laws as well as the basic forms of international relations china firmly opposes it and it's another thing that china firmly opposes is the installation of american missiles right on its doorstep the deployment of the u.s. missile defense system in south korea does serious damage to the strategic security interests of all countries in the region including china and russia and disrupts their. regional strategic balance well it looks like relations between beijing and washington won't be seeing any major reset but how big of a blow is that to china right now china's president xi is in moscow both china and russia would like to. demonstrate their common interests you can view all.
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deteriorating relations with the united states both understand that from administration. a serious fan of uncertainty and very cautious demonstration. china and russia you see to be beneficial on the part of both. despite trumps attempt to be best buddies was she a while ago it looks like the geo political set up hasn't really changed just like under obama the two eurasian super powers seem to be getting along pretty well while the united states is distancing itself and distrusting both of them. are seeing new york. after all the fuss over the trumpet ministrations possible links to the kremlin the u.s. and russian presidents will finally come face to face those who want to me to the g twenty summit in hamburg this friday part two tons more. well this year's g.
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twenty summit promises to be very interesting indeed the white house and the kremlin have both confirmed that presidents trump and putin will meet on the sidelines though after six months of russia dominating the headlines and moscow admitting that relations between the countries are it is zero however it's much anticipated by other people that this will be the highlight of the entire summit what is it that we're going to be talking about first of all this ukraine and secondly the syria and that promises to be very sorely indeed after the white house came out with the unfounded allegation and indeed prediction that president assad would use another chemical attack in syria and that to which i quote moscow said is an invitation for provocation and then there's the g twenty summit venue itself it's been in hamburg where there's been protests and demonstrators are saying they're going to be even more of them and then there's a scandal amongst the policeman the burning police were drafted in to help the colleagues in providing security for the event but hundreds of them have been sent
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home after a scandal where the party got out of hand where public sex fighting in striptease seemed to be the order of the night and therefore inappropriate behavior was the reason that they were sent back and then this president urges bodyguards they've also been told not to come following the recent time in may when they were accused of beating up protesters outside the turkish embassy in washington so all in all this year's the g. twenty promises to be very interesting indeed well ahead of the summer at italian land art is. created a giant portrait of a lot of it appeared in a cornfield to create the image cumber and drove his truck to into a field measuring twenty five thousand square meters of the science of around four football pitches in a similar way he has previously created portraits of a number of influential people including pope francis' nelson mandela and donald trump is another big figure at the upcoming g twenty summit.
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today has been summoned by italy vienna has reported plans to deploy troops to the borders between the two countries the italian interior minister has strongly criticized the decision it's an unjustified and unprecedented initiative that is not immediately changed will inevitably have repercussions for security cooperation between two countries now it's all happening amidst an increased influx of migrants into italy r.t. solo do bensky has more. there has been summonsed over the fact that vienna has said it could deploy up to seven hundred fifty troops to the border with italy they're ready to be deployed at any point and it has already deployed a number of armed personnel carriers to the border to the brain a pass which is a mountainous pass between italy and austria and that's because austria is concerned about the growing influx of migrants to which may then cross its border
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into austria so basically what they're trying to do they're trying to say that they will shore up their own borders if there is a continued influx of people moving northwards from italy now that's because in the last few years hoffer million migrants have landed on a tally and shores many of them to stay in italy and if you look at the figures this year alone the u.n. migration agency says around one hundred thousand migrants have landed on european soil from the mediterranean sea since january of this year and the majority of those more than eighty four thousand have landed in italy alone now i was in the italian island of sicily over the last few days in the city of palermo looking at some of the issues that have been caused by this mounting my current crisis and what we saw on the streets there the fact that many of the mafia gangs have now teamed up with migrant gangs and they're actually forcing migrants to work for them
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in criminal activities such as selling drugs we've seen over the past few weeks migrants being stopped particularly on the french italian border and being forced to go back to italy now italy has just said it feels abandoned it just cannot cope with this mounting crisis what started as a call for help by italy now looks like it could be turning into a diplomatic crisis as countries in the e.u. look to close their borders off with a. new counterpart leaving it to lead to in dealing under the continued pressure. crisis in fact the un refugee agency has already expressed their concern over the issue according to it and other other countries should also set the responsibility for my italian foreign minister frank i've retained he spoke to us and was scathing in his view of europe's involvement in folding the migrant crisis it is
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unsustainable situation minister gentil own he's trying to promote european soli darity but unfortunately the reason this gregg a show of european union all round even the beatles are bassy. it's a huge help unfortunately is grooving completely useless on helping the telly on solving the migrant crises today unfortunately do weakness of european institutions and national. leading to eyes only. in them be the mediterranean these is simply not acceptable we saw a few days ago. cramer people put a bomb before hollows where some my grounds are be located so some a piece builds all of violent intolerance could be absolutely
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wrong but the response by extremist group that immediately fighting against any kind a welcome the migrants any kind of. so tease a very wrong response to a roman solution for decades on migrations. earlier today the european commission announced a plan to help italy and libya with the influx of migrants the e.u. is said to him mark thirty five million euros from migrant related expenses. coming up after the break there's just hours left for can start to decide on whether to submit in automation from a saudi led bloc that's sanctioned by the gold states their stories coming up after the break. let's.
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get the kids a little bit more than i did not get a little. bit. more movement is a. financial survival. money laundering first visit this three different. oh good this is a good start well we have our three banks all set up something new or something in america something over the cayman islands it will pull these banks are complicit in their tough talk or say we just have to give much gold it's a pretty to do some serious mood ok let's see how we did well we've got
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a nice luxury watch for the first day see oh beautiful jewelry and how. much you're going to bill for a match you know what money laundering is highly. much. welcome back now that's just hours left for count song to decide whether to submit to it all to make some from a saudi led bloc that sanctions the go state but that line now expires at midnight on tuesday after it was extended by forty eight hours let's remind ourselves and take a closer look at the demands put forward by saudi arabia bahrain egypt the emirates the bloke wants cattle to cut its ties with iran and militants groups. named by the saudis and their allies as terrorists qatar has also been told to shut down a turkish military base on its territory the thirteen point list includes the
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demands they cast are to close all of its international news outlets including al-jazeera and the saudi led bloc doha to cease contacts with political opposition groups in their countries qatari officials have spoken out in defiance of the ultimatum this restore was. made to be rejected it's not made to be accepted or not made to be negotiated is not an easy country to be swallowed the one. we already we started to decide on what could. well qatar may be a very small country it's a significant regional power player the us has two military facilities near doha one of which is washington the largest base in the middle east or turkey's first military base in the region is also in cats are with the two nations often holding joint drills across the gulf for is iran which shares the world's biggest natural
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gas field with qatar has been criticized by the saudi led bloc for its cooperation with to run well earlier my colleague to discuss the crisis with london based professor malik darlin and retired saudi navy commodore. we should look at this situation then it's beyond al jazeera or qatar for that matter i think the fight against radicalism doesn't stop at financing i think we've reached a stage that we need to accept that we have been in specific is the problem in both countries both protagonists and that it has failed as an ideology for both countries and by that i mean saudi arabia and qatar i don't know clea the people of the closer to the saudis regarding the the will fly for social so even social but social behavior and many of the qataris are descended to full for
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a family of four families from saudi arabia and tribes from saudi arabia there's a very very high respect for the for the qatari people but we are having. to. think. relations with the others have to change you know i have to waltz the lashes if we look at saudi arabia's foreign minister you've talked about having a high respect for the qatari people yet the saudi arabia's foreign minister says quote the measures adopted against guitar intended to change the tolls policies as these policies harm and i suppose some an international perspective why is riyadh deciding what's best for the tall taught as a screen to kneel and to. to actually you know have a black relation to god of being a god didn't get a list organizations that are harming saudi arabia i mean directly general called me old school a little bit but i think frankly the only way to do this in the tribal diplomacy
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fashion is to have a sit down and in my view instead of escalation in this sense of pride and humiliation i think maybe an invitation or something to shift to me more of the foreign minister and just having to sit down instead of this public i think you know discussion where you know the u.s. government is involved in prayer. and trump is saying something in his secretary of state to say something else and every exactly exactly. exiled them into and just have this discussion you both obviously agreed in this fight against terrorism and you've both been very dim diplomatic but we can't ignore the fact that saudi itself has been accused of sponsoring terrorism so some may view again these extreme public demands of come from the saudi led group as being rather hypocritical saudi arabia have. played a very very big part looked only in saudi arabia but on the war too to fight
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terrorism and saudi arabia is one of the most successful country in and fight and fighting terrorism we did we did it is a very very very very very heavily truth be said i think everyone made mistakes or we need to do is look at syria which is still a festering wound for all of us and as we know the us russia everyone now was. pulled into that conflict but yes there has been a joint command. operation between qatar saudi the u.s. and others there's been money used and so on at least as far as the intelligence reports suggest mistakes have been mean. it seems everything president trumpet does these days is soon turned into i mean as duckling vaguer explains this despite some criticism this tactic may actually be a winner. donald trump hit back at criticisms that his tweets degrade the office of the president by posting an admission saying that his use of social media indeed
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isn't presidential but rather modern day presidential and well the critics out on whether that's a good thing or not it's undeniable the man understands the power of the internet trump inspires me and trump creates trump uses mediums and his twitter post take the recent c.n.n. wrestling video he shared which was originally posted on reddit a popular viral news and discussion website. thanks that modern day presidential post caused an uproar in the traditional media president of the united states taking things way too far and as an incitement to violence he is going to get somebody killed in the media is an attempt to might be successful to drum up violence against journalists it's kind of behavior to lead to a journalist to be hurt it's no wonder that sixty percent of americans say they have little to no trust in the media and many are turning to social media to get
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their information a trend that trump has cottoned onto and when the mainstream media makes his every tweet breaking news they're giving trump exactly what he wants i think you guys are getting played man i think every time he does this you guys overreact and i say you guys i mean the media in general you overreact and you play right into his hand whatever trump does they jump on it in a huge scrum he has used the media the social media is used twitter. twitter has been around for awhile. everything they've got i don't like i'm. sure it's use to me and they don't understand it and they right now are actually a very critical position in their life because american public has no faith in them which allowed for so it seems that's how trump when his war with traditional me to . through the magic mean. are to you washington d.c. . now the russian meddling saga looks like it's moving to germany which is gearing
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up for a general election this year the country's interior minister says he expects russian hackers to interfere in september. the possibility that there might be some sort of attack during the german elections. thomas. russian meddling is a possibility simply because it so he alleges already happened during the two thousand and sixteen presidential election in the u.s. just to remind you no evidence was ever presented of such interference that was provided by american intelligence as proof only contained expert assessments and what it comes to the german election officials admit they can't even say for sure which candidate the supposedly russian hunting will be aimed at. we don't have any knowledge of russia any other country supporting a particular election candidate in germany. the issue of russian meddling has been
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repeatedly brought up in germany recently prompting anglo merkel to ask the country's intelligence agencies to investigate the claims however the publication of a fifty page intelligence dossier was canceled in february due to a lack of evidence on your home cohen m.p. for the fall for the left party says such accusations on nothing but the german government's power noir. i made some questions to my government last year and there was no real proof of these i think asians and then the articles or generally does say what we heard today. under leach. cyberattack or two of the democratic parties in the us last year. and some of the expect that
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this will happen in germany but for me so far i cannot see any new evidence any new proof so this is a moment for me because. i hope that the german. will not fall too much in this. meanwhile anglo-american has unveiled her election program and some have read a lot into one specific change in the wording of x.-plane. what a difference four years could make to a political friendship like in twenty thirty where the anglo merkel published election program she referred to the united states as germany's most important friend however the most recent one low published ahead of the september's vote well somewhat downgraded the united states to the role of partner it all really highlights just how the relationship between angola merkel and the president of the united states has soured since donald trump replaced barack obama in the white
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house and you can clearly see it in their reactions from base. to base. ok. when barack obama was president angular merkel was always there right beside him not just at the photo ops but also when it came to policy points as well. from a german perspective the u.s. german and u.s. european relations are a core element of our foreign policy with september's election looming large her critics they slam her saying she isn't tough enough on trump the german chancellor must sometimes do to be in conflict with the american president up to now she has only done that in abstract terms we have to take into consideration angela merkel
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is campaigning time at the moment so she has to look after the voters. and trying policy program you can rather win. over emphasizing friendship and partnership with the united states it is not a policy shift that may last very long because you come. a manifesto makes the film didn't really clear to the german boat which is that of the customer hood as a vote cast against the policies and presidency of donald trump feature all of. the next an aussie international is watching the hoax.
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one almost shows seem wrong why don't we all just don't all. get to shape out just to become active. and engaged equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. we're going to make this manufacture consent to the public well. when the ruling class is protect themselves. with the fines. be the one percent. of the room sick.
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greetings and salutations and what has now become a yearly tradition hawk watchers when these summer days are long and hot in the united states rings in her birthday with fireworks barbecue and beer we hear of watching the hawks will once again strike a chord to honor the independent spirit of that day with a celebration of music politics and art starting on july fifth we will bring you five unique shows featuring five diverse musical acts and drummers that truly embody the passion creativity and spirit of independence from the early banjo blues of hubby jenkins to the punk pride of c.j. ramone the uniquely los angeles sound of pastel felt the contagious heartbreak of chris angeles and the revolutionary rhythms of the flobots this year no musical
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stone will be left unturned and no independent voice will be left silence because in my humble opinion there is no better way to celebrate celebrate the political and spiritual birth of one's country than by showcasing one of its single most important values the freedom of speech and artistic expression you see after all the palette political and physical wars have been fought and the historians have recorded all the facts and figures it's the artist's. who provide us the human context the heart and the voice of our times so let's celebrate our own independence as the music of politics and the politics of music collide this week watching the hawks. it looks like. it's. at the bottom if you. like you know that i got. three.
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weeks. welcome on the watching the hawks i am tired of the corrupt and i'm having a life so it's out of this week june july kicks off this week kicks off the music special washing off strikes a chord we had a lot of fun last year doing it now we're doing again this year for five fantastic individual interesting bands that kicks off with hubby jenkins. he was a part of the band called the carolina chocolate drops the explore the old you know string music originally he had studied the saxophone and says his parents and build their house when he was growing up would blues and salsa the beatles then he picked up the cello the mentally moved on the string instruments he cut his teeth as a busker in new york city which is what the buskers what's called
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a street performer the basically works for tips as he progressed and explored his southern roots he came upon a lot of history about the journey of his ancestors the banjo which is you'll find out more about that in our special is actually a black instrument that of white one here's a preview of our interview with one hobby jenkins so that was the first moment your life or your you truly found your passion for music. well i discovered my passion for. old time music like after high school when i had been playing saxophone from the age of five until freshman year i started playing cello and bass in high school and i went to a math and science engineering school and was like really enjoying music like i'm going to take a year off from college and and in that year is when i discovered country blues and was like ok i think i want to play music and i think that's what it is for me and. it was like hearing skip james for the first time and thinking how otherworldly it
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was and not yet having any of the historical or social contacts yet but just like enjoying the music. and so that was like my my entry into the world of music and that kind of stuff. sort of like going to hair and with old time music is learning and learning history you know like you know it's not like pop music where all the references are easily available and right there for you so i just learned more about the music and sorts of learn. about the banjo being a black and about you know what really happened after slavery and how that contributed to our growth. i think credible and it's incredible how that the journey of music can take somebody in places they hadn't expected someone who and finding that through music i think it's so incredible especially when he talks about it and viewers will really i heard him say to watch on july fifth because he
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really gets into history and culture and things he didn't know and how the conflict of that yes yes i was really was impressive to me because you know i asked him when you when you start talking about the banjo being a black instrument and you know it's most people in the us we kind of equate it with you know why nobody yeah yeah you know when he said no actually was original you know as a ridgeley a black and it was created there you know it was our music. you know it was interesting when he talked about would you go to see dr because we charge well how would he plays. crowds you know one part of the crowd is like hey that's my grandpa happy's instrument how dare you play it you know and the other side of course like oh that's a racist instrument how dare you play that and so it's very interesting hearing him talk about that aspect when we sat down and talked with him about this and i've spent asked it music you like you said you've got to hold on to that history and that historical yeah i think about into it here is a little story no moment from performing the song telling your mind.
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old blues banjo and string music to chris sandal to. our second special will feature her she won the twenty thirteen best female album by the critics music critics awards she premiered the video for her album exclusively on ryan seacrest a finalist of the bulk southern musician competition the album she's performing in the special was awarded the best female e.p. in the two thousand and sixteen alley music is a word and she was awarded the best female artist at the twenty seventeen international acoustic music awards it's pretty amazing and then she also fun fact sometimes performs with her twin sister and they do music together which is just this incredible sort of moment is this komodo yeah it's chris angeles is this really is the song is about heartbreak the beautiful songs about heartbreak and i think we all kind of understand those feelings and what her music does kind of allow us to go in that in this clip we asked her about that journey that she took
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from the farm to having a seat at the table. my mom says that i was saying before i could really speak and there is actually a video home video of me standing on the stairs maybe two and a half true. i don't know being opera singer so i guess i sort of want to do that. i grew up listening to my parents records and classical music and my grandparents and i grew up on a farm so we didn't have cable i think we got one channel and it had lawrence welk on it so we watched that i say we a lot because i have an identical twin sister so so i'm not saying like the royal we. so then really it was just about discovering those. those inspirations and then started seeing in church choir has been to catholic school and then when we moved to california i got into theater camp and doing musicals
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and i had to be incredibly afraid to sing in front of people on stage just by myself is very scary but i want to do for some reason and it got me out of my shell super super. shy. you know it's really amazing when you sue singer songwriters right chris because they really do you know take what's in here and present it to you know a lot of times it's emotions and feelings that you felt in their sharing with you that gives you a kind of a sense of companionship a sense of camaraderie and tells you kind of give you a little bit of hope in the world and the rest of thing of being shy you hear this from a lot of musicians for toys seems weird how can you be a pop star how are you this musician to get up and try to base people and sometimes music and for a lot of theater kids like myself that's what helped us get over there are shyness our social anxiety and our feelings because you can't really talk of feeling great and there was no way that a lot of great political speakers are also very shy privately you know but one they
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get up in front of the mike it's i have to i have to get this out i get this message out to share this with the world and that's kind of where the healing factor comes and is that when when those those who are shy but have so much to tell or give some of us you know sort of comes together and let's take a listen to the beautiful award winning song built this house written and performed by chris and it was. just. a.
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few. clues. as we go to break our quarters don't forget to let us know what you think about topics we've covered of facebook and twitter see our poll shows that r.t. dot com coming up we present three more musical groups an artist will be helping us strike a chord as our music series pretty special continues stay tuned to watch us if you want to go with gilbert no because the history of the past like my religion is what you need to analyze it day for the pot of soup if you speak your mind let's go for the day like it or not i got to have a ball with it we will be at the house free of it and it is still going on in this
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world open up you know and open a new job that we opened up to start to put your. boss alone the dubrovnik in venice are all fixed travel destinations so it must be nice to live there or is it. the crowds of tourists disrupt the city's economic and social life in them and hopefully before us on this national get out i'm going to all such as the traditional story some nuts i am somebody to see that as we don't spend money into a school my days i'm on my feet while the city's try desperately not to collapse all powerful corporations collect the profit of vision totally cool with who put the couple who probably global on the dole coffee cup at home in the bushes up the
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on saabs knock up the suppose it's in the in a. to. find balance. is a tourist phobia will fail phone town identity. a welcome welcome back all right. i'm going to you know if you're a long time ago you told me that one of your favorite song was the music isn't the punk rock. through a little bit of punk rock. we have on this year's drugs record yeah we see in the
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home of history an hour of going out and talking to some really amazing punk artists which i think is indicative this time we're going through a similar time that when punk music came to be so yeah this year we got to hang out with and talk to c.j. ramone so he was born christopher joseph ford is one of the three survivors surviving members of the seminal band punk band the ramones which influenced punk music around the globe there's a legend that goes that sid vicious of the sex pistols told a story that they walked into the studio with the ramones album and told the engineer that they wanted to sound like the ramones and that's where the sound of the sex of those came from so from eighty nine to one thousand nine hundred sixty j. ramone fronted the room out and went on tour he's born in queens new york he went on to serve in the u.s. marine corps and a laundry list of amazing major punk bands and now is releasing his new album american beauty so it's sort of amazing to watch and one of the things this is an
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incredible incredible in credible it's his it's third solo album and the members of the band that are with him are also pretty amazing there are a who's who of american punk but alas twenty years get stephen soto or steve soto who's from the adolescence dan root also from the adolescence and peace it was a from the street dogs a lot of raw energy but there's a maturity that's come to the sound of and what it means yes it's pretty pretty amazing the whole album by the way was put together in a levin day. work so it's pretty amazing and he also covers the tom waits on the out so here is there's a little preview of our interview with c.j. ramone. to tell me about the new album american beauty and how what's the journey that leads up to this. american beauty is really different than the rest of my
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records. the first record i put out a con piece to was written over the course of several years i left music around two thousand and two thousand and one had a family recovered from my time in the ramones. and then about two thousand and eight i started playing out again but in all those years that i was gone and when i started playing early on i always sat down with my acoustic guitar and played songs and so i had plenty of songs written by the time i recorded break on teesta my second record. less chance to dance was written i started writing those songs almost immediately after recording reconquista so when it came time to record that won i already had the songs it was a pretty both of those processes were pretty relaxed and without stress. after we recorded less chance to dance i started the same process of writing songs whenever
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i got inspiration and i use my. i phone i use the voice notes and i could be doing anything and i would just pick it up and sing a line into it or play or if into it and so i had a pretty good stockpile of ideas and potential songs. you know the thing i love about punk is you cannot get more revolutionary and you can i get more the best example of first amendment self-expression and this punk music it's outsiders speaking truth to power oh and that's what i love about punk music because they don't like punk reasons and old punks don't do we know we are the one people who don't get more conservative we get smarter we get tougher and we play harder than they do and i do i know one thing that saved a reminder as and here is a little clip from his new album american beauty.
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of the great things is that you've got the our next group that's going to be that's going to be playing july tenth is pastel felt which is a young up and coming all girl band on the hit in the l.a. scene playing the troubadour hitting all the l.a. haunts you want to hit. it was a very interesting experimental awesome sound yeah it would have taken all of these things together and making this very artistic low fi sound that you know is it's really modern but it speaks to a time long time like the sixty's sound it really it's pretty incredible it is pretty incredible that you know you know this group is really what happens when you know kind of makers or artists that work in different mediums find partners together because they have this great you know graphic artist background comic book artist background a lot of these girls have so i want to get to the clip here's the band discussing how l.a. how l.a. is sound becomes apparent when we're traveling but also how that sound develops we
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want to definitely take a listen to this how much does the feeling of los angeles and. find its way into your music and you know is that is that hard because of that should also wonder since you're trying to do. i mean i think it became more obvious when i went on tour we went to like the northern california and like a lot of the ones that we played with are like like more focus like just as we like would visit different regions like the music woodbury kind of a little bit more and so like coming back to l.a. it's like oh yeah up our friends kind of playing simple somewhat similar styles of music with other thing other employees but i think that's when i kind of like notice that it was more of a regional kind of like vibe yeah i guess i think there's like a a weird standard that might be here that makes it maybe a little more like clean early. in a way that i don't know what do you think i feel like people hold themselves to a different standard here and things come out of the gate pretty tight and polished
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which is something i'm not used to actually. i think it ups the ante for everybody thing a trickle down effect so yeah fully formed in. l.a. it seems like they don't really have much of a gestational rough around the edges period it seems like they just come out like guns a blazing because they're taking it pretty seriously. i think you could say your definition of the indie rock band yeah you know they're just playing the shows in the clubs got their audience you know selling out you know selling on the. worked up through the ranks to the l.a. scene there is sort of this place for stephanie that they used to play a lot now they're more an echo of sand which is all part of this like indie indie based music scene and l.a. and specifically and that sort of eastern l.a. is so very laid back over to varia which is very artsy and it's a lot of these makers where you just make things and you figure things out what's
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really interesting about them is they were named one of the top ten bands to watch in twenty seventeen or l.a. artists to watch twenty seven thousand. by the sally weekly and it's so great because there is these these women that got together and and really are finding out how to express stories and music and do what they have well and that's the thing i like about doing this series is not only do we talk politics with all the you know with all the artists and how that plays into their music but we also talk you know a little bit of their history their sound and who they are and where that finds its way into their music and i think the thing that's paul about the propriety of people we have like pastel felt in the hub you know that is you get all these different levels of like where you're out on the musical scale it was in terms of six terms of like the you know to me it's like it's so great going from like a c.j. were moments but in the business forever to well it was you know they're making waves and they're coming up they're not brand new but they're definitely not like you know at his level yet but they're there you know i mean like they're all the
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way and finding their voice is so cool so cool you know well i want to still take a second to listen to a little of that low fi high concept reverb made by pastel felt their song emotional. you you. you you. you. you you. lou ruvo to that it is and our main event the big one will air on july eleventh
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that is our main main show on the big stage this will be colorado based alternative had pop group the flobots their new album no enemies was released this year is kind of a force in this time where you know process are necessary to fight for true american values not the ones that are trying to sell to us all the time. there are you know these things are being crushed by those who can't see that and you know we talk about this on the show a lot that these inhuman acts that their actions are in the main and these are politicians these are public and this is everybody so the flobots aren't just a musical group though they're building social movements they're part of you know it's sort of the flobots foundation it's part of working directly with their communities to mentor kids and they really are trying to use music as a way to make the world a better place i mean what's more what's more. it was striking a chord but yeah it was fascinating meeting and talking you know to johnny five
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br'er rabbit and everybody else in the group you know and they you know there are definitely people who put their you know put their activism where you know where their put their heart where their activism where they're about there's a very very big day they walk the walk they don't just talk the talk yeah they are seriously down to every family they do they walk and talk that talk and one of the really cool things was the flobots and denver's wonder band dance company got together and when they released the album and they've been doing performances they just it's more of a ballet with the music and it's something about this movement that's really great it's this collective power of movement and music so when porton so important let's take a little look at. conscious hip hop the power to change here the flobots lead performers johnny five and parappa discuss how they became musical partners. and now we're from a band called flobots from denver colorado and. you know alternative hip hop play
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music for the last ten years plus together and you know for us music is about engaging the crowd but it's also about kind of engaging people with the message. so what brought you guys together because this is sort of a new. version of the group or not version i mean as things evolved what brought the two of you together as artists. loving the eczema. loving g.i. joe lots of nerdy things were to nerdy boys who were placed in a highly gifted and talented program he was in the fifth grade i was in the fourth grade. and it's a memory that i remember very clearly i saw him down the hallway as i was with my father and remember i told them my dad's army and i see that boy in the blue hat he's going to be my friend and here we are how many years later twenty years or twenty years later we thought we're going to be making comic books professionally. but the world that we crafted in comic books and are becoming the worlds that we
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started crafting and exploring with our wraps. yeah truly fascinating people and i'm great music really great music and really it's a sort of group effort in every it's one of those bands that when you see everyone in the band just fleetly in that moment you never feel like anybody is not in there and they they will like they're having so much fun yeah i think they're enjoying what they're doing and it means something that's pretty pretty amazing and i really you guys have to see this little again another band that you know they they lead with their heart they want to make the world a better place through their music through their lyrics and they're actively doing that and mamsell the best conversations that we had you know i that i've had in a long time was with the flobots and johnny five and bear rabbit you know as a pretty great let's take a short a little short preview of bots with their new song carousel.
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it's. us. yes just like him it's really and we can't say any but you know. but you know it's important like i said before you know artistic expression music filmmaking all that is sold to society and i don't care what anyone says yeah they can say we're a political talk show but you know what part of politics part of culture is also the art and art of speaking out to try to change culture for the better so that i think when you try to say that art isn't new art doesn't matter to the discussion of what we talk about every day on the show i think you lost the thread there you
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have lost the thread and that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are told we are not told we are loved and up so i tell you all i love you i am i robot and on top of the lawless keep on watching those hawks and i have a great day and night everybody. manufacture consent to public will. when the ruling class is protect themselves. with the flaming. lips. in the middle of the
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room see. russia and china call for deescalation off the north korea test so not that bad mistake misfile during president xi jinping today visit to. donald trump well obvious first face to face talks with a lot of you to the g. twenty summit on friday with one of the most anticipated meetings of the year now confirmed. italy's summons austria's ambassador at vienna's plans that a border controls between the two countries. and a new report says the u.k. government's anti radicalization strategy has failed while its relationship with british muslim communities is broken we'll debate the issues raised later in the
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program. there you're watching r.t. international broadcasting to you live from moscow i'm making arun our top story this hour the chinese leader has wrapped up his two day trip to the russian capital as well as signing some twelve billion dollars worth of deals the two countries called for deescalation on the korean peninsula artie's more advanced years has been following the talks. one of the most telling things that they had to say was that day and this was said by both sides that lay sions now between russia and china a bit that may have ever been in the history and that is something that time and time again during the various appearances by the two leaders obviously they talk about many things they agree don't go operation in agriculture in space and
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business in the media almost every sphere you can talk about they side deals with twelve billion dollars and they were all smiles about it. if. you like if you could just get chinese businessman who told me that ice cream is very much enjoyed here as i promised and i brought you a whole box of russian ice cream says.
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the chinese leader also said that the world was growing turbulent restless and case in point north korea launching another alleged into immediate police to miss out success with the heightening tensions in the region and here the chinese and russian leaders came out with a surprising solution the signs suggest north korea voluntarily declares a moratorium on nuclear tests. missile launches and that the u.s. and south korea refrain from joint drills the idea is to get both sides to deescalate and pulled back away from the brink but washington has other ideas donald trump has urged china to increase pressure on north korea to force it to back down in its alleged again pursuit of nuclear weapons and missiles the
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pentagon has reportedly said that it is now considering a show of force in order to deter north korea from its pursuit of weapons there is already a show for spin by the americans in the south china sea and at the moment we're in the position where on one side of the equation you have somebody who has extremely limited experience in foreign policy is a little bit flaky and certainly very unpredictable and on the other side you have came john byrne who frankly is in the situation so well we're at a relatively dangerous time at the moment and it's showing the shifting tectonic plates in world affairs that it's actually russia and china who maybe to stabilize the situation. sit in ping's visit to russia it comes at a time when china as well ations with the u.s. are on shaky ground as off the beijing ordered military vessels and jets to warn off an american warship which according to china violated its territorial waters in
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the south china sea on his head of more pain looks at how things started to go wrong between beijing and washington. remember the famous chocolate cake that donald trump used to woo the chinese leader we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen president she was enjoying it that was the first time that trump and she met with trump putting on a grand dinner for she which also featured trump's granddaughter singing a song for she in chinese. well that was back in april sense then trump's charm offensive seems to a faltering here's how the chinese foreign ministry sees it. president xi explicitly pointed out that china u.s. relations have made great progress in the recent days but it has also been affected by some negative factors a fair few such factors actually unlike the u.s. accusing china of being a top human trafficking offender china was downgraded to tear three status in this
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year's report in part because it has not taken serious steps to end its own complicity in trafficking and washington's plan to sell one point four billion dollars in arms to taiwan which china regards as a breakaway province didn't exactly go down well either. in alienable parts of china and the u.s. weapons sales to taiwan violates international laws as well as the basic phones of international relations china firmly opposes it and it's another thing that china firmly opposes is the insulation of american missiles right on its doorstep the deployment of the u.s. missile defense system in south korea does serious damage to the strategic security interests of all countries in the region including china and russia and disrupts the regional strategic balance well it looks like relations between beijing and washington won't be seeing any major reset but how big of a blow is that to china right now china's president xi is in moscow both china and
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russia would like to. demonstrate a common interest. deteriorating. relations with the united states both understand that from administration. a serious fan of uncertainty and very cautious demonstration. in china and russia you seem to be beneficial on the polls. despite trump's attempt to be best buddies with she a while ago looks like the geo political set up hasn't really changed just like under obama the two eurasian superpowers seem to be getting along pretty well while the united states is distancing itself and distrusting both of them. r.t. new york. after all the fuss over the trump administration's possible links to the kremlin the u.s. and russian presidents will finally come face to face the two are to meet at the g
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twenty summit in hamburg this friday kate partridge has more. well this year's g. twenty summit promises to be very interesting indeed the white house and the kremlin have both confirmed that presidents trump and putin will meet on the sidelines though after six months of russia dominating the headlines and moscow admitting that relations between the countries are it is zero however it's much anticipated by other people that this will be the highlight of the entire summit what is it that we're going to be talking about first of all this ukraine and secondly the syria and that promises to be very sorely indeed after the white house came out with the unfounded allegation and indeed prediction that president assad would use another chemical attack in syria and that to which i quote moscow said is an invitation for provocation and then there's the g twenty summit venue itself it's been in hamburg where there's been protests and demonstrators are saying they're going to be even more of them and then there's a scandal amongst the policeman the burning police were drafted in to help the
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colleagues in providing security for the event but hundreds of them have been sent home after a scandal where the party got out of hand where public sex fighting in striptease seem to be the order of the night and therefore inappropriate behavior was the reason that they were sent back and then this president urges bodyguards they've also been told not to come following the recent time in may when they were accused of beating up protesters outside the turkish embassy in washington so all in all this year's the g. twenty promises to be very interesting indeed ahead of the summit it's hardly alond art is dario gathering created a giant portrait of lattimer putin in a cornfield to create the image cumber enjoyed his tractor into a field measuring twenty five thousand square meters as around the size of around four football pitches in a similar way he's previously created portraits of a number of influential people including pope francis' nelson mandela and donald trump was another big figure the upcoming g.
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twenty summit. austria's ambassador has been summoned by italy over vienna as reported plans to deploy troops at the borders between the two countries their talian interior minister has strongly criticized the decision it's an unjustified and unprecedented initiative that if not immediately changed will inevitably have repercussions for security cooperation between two countries. it's all happening amidst an increased influx of migrants into a silly r.t. solid d. bensky has more. there has been summonsed over the fact that vienna has said it could deploy up to seven hundred fifty troops to the border with italy there ready to be deployed at any point and it has already deployed a number of armed personnel carrier to the border to the brain a pass which is a mountainous pass between italy and austria and that's because austria is
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concerned about the growing influx of migrants to italy which may then cross its border into austria so basically what they're trying to do they're trying to say that they will shore up their own borders if there is a continued influx of people moving northwards from italy now that's because in the last few years hof a million migrants of landed on a tally and shores many of them not wanting to stay in italy and if we look at the figures this year alone the un migration agency says around one hundred thousand migrants have landed on european soil from the mediterranean sea since january of this year and the majority of those more than eighty four thousand have landed in italy alone now i was in the italian island of sicily over the last few days in the city of palermo looking at some of the issues that have been caused by this mountain my current crisis and what we saw on the streets there the fact that many
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of the mafia gangs have now teamed up with migrant gangs and they're actually forcing migrants to work for them in criminal activities such as selling drugs we've seen over the past few weeks migrants being stopped particularly on the french italian border and being forced to go back to italy now italy has just said it feels abandoned it just cannot cope with this mounting crisis what started as a call for help by italy now looks like it could be turning into a diplomatic crisis as countries in the e.u. look to close their borders off with their e.u. counterpart leaving italy dwindling under the continued pressure of this migrant crisis. in fact the un refugee agency has already expressed their concern over the issue according to its other countries should also set the responsibility for my italian foreign minister franco frattini spoke to us and was scathing in his view
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a view or opinion polls meant in solving a migrant crisis which is unsustainable situation prime minister gently loney's trying to promote european soli darity but unfortunately the reason these grigg a show of european union all round even the beatles are all bassy. to something you don't unfortunately grooving completely useless on helping the telly on solving the my ground dries today unfortunately due weakness of european institutions and national equities leading to eyes only. be the mediterranean these is simply not acceptable we saw a few days ago sound. old grey mail people put a bomb before hollows where some my grounds are
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be located so some a.p. still all of violent intolerance could be absolutely wrong but the response by extremist group that it needs fighting against any kind a welcoming migrants any kind of. so tease a very wrong response to a roman solution for decades on migrations. earlier today the european commission announced a plan to help italy and libya deal with the influx of migrants the reset to thirty five million euros for migrants related expenses. now the u.k. government is being urged to rethink its relationship with british muslim communities as well as its anti radicalization strategy known as prevent the recommendations come from a report by the charity citizens u.k.
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it also slammed for media portrayals of muslims and call for new press guidelines on reporting muslim belated stories. so let's discuss the issues raised by their report now with our guest now joined by david van throughout both political commentators welcome to the program thank you both for joining is my if i may start with you do you feel like their relationship is broken like this report suggests. i'm not sure there's a broken relationship i think there's a relationship that small functioning there are some relationships that don't go the distance the problem we have at the minute with muslim integration into the u.k. is that not only have we got incredible amount of media corruption manipulation skewing far right leanings the rise of the far right across the media and i want to be scams you know we've seen muslims being attacked we've seen the likes of david and his ideological allies spewing all kinds of hatred on the internet on our t.v.
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screens so the difficulty we have is that we can keep looking at muslims and looking at the marginalization but what this report suggests is that there is a responsibility on british society to help integrate to approach muslims not suspects not as terrorists but the problem we have is over and over again will be given examples of muslim extremist terrorism we hear about burkas we'll hear about . radicalization across europe we'll hear about foreign policy the far right will keep strolling up all of this stuff over and over again in the european commission have said it recently we don't want to see the british media demonizing and persecuting religious minority and in fact the european commission have recommended .
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the national weather service in mount holly new jersey has issued a flash flood warning for central cumberland county in southern new jersey in till seven fifteen pm at three fourteen pm eastern daylight time doppler radar indicated thunderstorms producing heavy rain across the warn area up to two inches of rain have already fallen flash flooding is expected to begin shortly some locations they will experience flooding include island region greenwich shiloh south violence and rosen hane turn around don't drown when encountering flooded roads most flood deaths occur in vehicles. kingdom note on the topic of the report on this so-called breakdown of the relationship perhaps i would almost half agree with mo i'm not sure that there is a breakdown of the relationship because i believe some muslims think to have no relationship whatsoever with british society they have chosen not to enter grit and
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i don't see why should it be up to british society to extend the hand to them when they are quite a section of them are quite clearly not the onus lies with the muslim society it doesn't lie with british society more generally this report looks at it through the wrong end of the telescope or my memory like david just said some polls also death think that further if you came as limbs opposed the british way of life so how can we even talk of better integration if this is the case. they are weak arguments they're weak arguments based on fear they're weak arguments on anger sometimes understandable anger is and david don't know who we are and don't be scared all right let me make something clear to you five years ago this week. the university of essex fine five years ago there was a report issued this week by the university of essex which friend of mine a sociologist called mousavi wrote about and he and any any outlined some of the
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key findings this five years ago eighty three percent of muslims are proud to be british citizens compared to seventy nine percent of the british public seventy seven percent of muslims strongly identify with britain while only fifty percent of the wider population see this myth that muslims are somehow disenfranchised not integrated don't contribute to british society it is exactly that it's a myth being peddled by the far right we do have real problems around counterterrorism and these are things i think david novel agree with we have problems around our counterterrorism strategy our foreign policy domestic policy these are failures of to reason may he had a record six years of time. secretary in no small part james brokenshire who is now dean with the northern ireland issue and who was a parliamentary under-secretary who refused to ban that he refused to brand britain fast as a result we've had the murder of joe cole to put all kinds of things going on now if we want to talk about sensibly sensibly what muslims are how they behave in
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britain and what integration looks like we set up an all party parliamentary group that works on islamophobia parliament and what happened people resigned they said that the government on taking it seriously can learn how to field inspired speech saying that multiculturalism has failed david is part the reality is david is part of a modern movement of anti multiculturalists who are scared of foreigners who are scared of a foreign invasion they think muslims are hyper sexualized i think we're noticing crime rates what they don't realize is muslims are going to europe and have been here since europe was alright david yeah i do you sort of throw everything yeah so so. no i'm not remotely scared of foreigners are not remote i mean this is. twaddle being peddled by let's just dismiss that for what for what it is but let's consider this because it goes back to the point you just made in two thousand and sixteen there was a survey of british muslims and in that survey it showed that over two thirds of
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them would not inform the police were they in possession of knowledge relating to a target over half of them think that homosexuality these are not things that i don't care i don't want to be intimidated you don't get scared. or i do not enter right i mean what do you like being interrupted and on monitors you know alternative often you need to be taught you say you need to be well. off you don't undermine our say here and again tell you the facts if they trade ok if. right ok ok so so so meanwhile well let's just put most rude interruptions to one side more level best for you eh. british society we're civilized and every time you're famous i says we don't. know i'm as british as you want i think i was born one of my the other one is not real i don't want to be lectured on your britches and i have no manners this is patronize it was disgusting and you have no manners and you talk over me and this is a part of what he told mother told that i did what i told her at the top wants to
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how little part of me are right because surely what all think of her me keeping you say this is one of the bit i miss is you romping mole on this this is more for your sake initially it will be about your shoes that nobody wants seriously. i'm trying to point out that i'm trying to point out that there's a section of muslims who seem to have a problem with so much that characterizes brit modern british society the pluralism the acceptance of people who have different sexual preferences the excepted mean the desire to have shari'a law which apparently one in three muslims want that seems to me essentially inconceivable with a desire to integrate on what you want it won't don't want to accept is that essentially the responsibility lies and tiredly with british muslims prove themselves to the rest of us that you want to be part of us you do that by first of all having the decency to let other people say their speak before you interrupt so
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next time you learn that when you talk to me ok if i made that much of television at least i seem as lame hate crimes have been on the right lately how would you explain this phenomenon. well i mean obviously hate crime against any individual is reprehensible necchi but i guess when you see the bodies of kids and persons being picked off pop concert floor when you see the bodies been lifted off london bridge is then some people and i don't it's i don't agree with that nikki but they may or may respond by taking that anger right that's not the way to do it the way to do this of course is to make sure that muslims tell the authorities on any information they have regarding terrorism and that they demonstrate to the rest of us that they want to be part of us here it has no says no place and british society from any source i couldn't be more clear and. now you seem to disagree and unfortunately something you don't want to hear yet exactly if
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you could accept that other potential opinion other than his. not with you really put carry on board with you but carry on david a finished ok well one the first very very polite sorry to hear the groceries today . look it's very easy to say i'm a cheap. it's very easy for david to use cheap shots like deaths on the ground a concert or death on london bridge and look at the blood of innocent make his dirty cheap week political points on it you don't get to demonize all muslims because you don't get to turn eyes all immigrant you don't get to demonize islam i don't think you have a never ending track record of anti muslim hate speech anti muslim hate speech you are exactly the kind you are trying to go to. our regular so you are scared you are scared for your income you are scared for your platform and i would be a farce remotely because back in the one nine hundred thirty s.
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are you going to earth are you going to do your most bragging and to tell you what rising that you are spreading absolutely anti to hate no david because when we get extremists off the screens you'll be one of the first to go. that kind of until they're with their idea of it that not of. defense or should i be all i've ever argued for is pluralism all i'm a muslim all i've ever argued for is pervert ism freedom liberty some sense of pretended to be maybe so we know what i said she does have a policy of a lot of discussion here so you want to do is play the playground ball david the reality is this most today are well integrated today british society muslims are here to stay we are now not anywhere you will not get to shut the borders down and overwhelming as your general election there i know the climate movement i honestly i'll let you know show me the corner left looking for social well then what you love managed looking for this looking for change looking to get your parents talking about foreign policy austerity talking about immigration talk about the important things saving the n.h.s.
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your contact highlights female genital mutilation of it here's one for you. you see the problem remember we are still going to. genital mutilation and opinions to you . as hate speech today and i just know you want to talk about him in the last twelve months there were five and instances of female genitals you got a little in the. i mean he got off here and. you're so you're so good you know normal people are fed up with you that's what your job figure you can love no good at it and i tell you that i don't know where your laughter. there are how your preaches that you have also twenty three i mean you won't talk about the issues coming on a program like this mole and just shutting over me and he. got most of it is about how you have only my issue as a boy you don't respect the people of israel here on the other community where it's christmas you're an absolute disgrace and i don't know you know this but if you.
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spend the better you know it's not normal that you can you tell us i will tell you prevents i've worked with most interfaith groups don't count so now because i go home and i've lectured on it dave you don't know like you know i want to just with the petty job you please welcome to finish with a childish insults now i'm too much like you but it's not something else that i actually do that's just something else they only came up in there and they call it if i may the report suggested maybe we should pay with his great lawyer and. their media should be giving guys who are into you know it's very horse on muslim related stories they report according to the poor that would help. say again so i couldn't as i was babbling on the back again the reports that eventually we're going there were the media should be given guidelines on how to report on muslim related salutatory. i opened with this because the whole the whole point is this that we know from all of the academic research coming through all of the public commentary out and we're looking at what's being said in our systems of governance
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and systems of social justice amnesty have said it we've had reports of the european commission of said it which is that anti muslim hysteria is being fuel is being pumped primed in british society led by the media and far right hate preachers now the european commission said that leveson fell short in leveson to saying we actually want regulation and we do need regulation because what they're worried about is their voices will be marginalized i argue for plurality they argue for division right now for i gather this they argue for height and they argue for fear now what they are worried about is exactly what the european commission report says what exactly this report says is we are going to have to start regulating this stuff we can't keep having these idiots on i'm going to screen. is wrong ok just one minute left here don't it's ok. yeah right so so there we have it more or want to to muzzle and to censor the press and this is very typical of his particular stream his his perverse ideology i believe he's tried believe in
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a free press that has the right to say whatever it wants again most stop with the interruptions a free press that can report matters and hollywood chooses but i think lesnar viewers will have seen in the last ten minutes but those like more think that the way forward is to is to censor to suppress keep on second move david or why you don't wait while you're talking we want to talk about him shoes we won't be told also not to talk about the nature of poverty talk was not told by i don't know your food but i'm talking about do you like. me you see that you can't talk about the real issue to save a whole lot that we showed is he tries to shut off he'll never shut me on the never should. agree on more answer isn't closing it. you thought i mean for us to make a thank you both for joining us tonight international and speaking so passionately
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on this topic as many undecided david political commentators both great sports thank you very much. next on our team max keiser was in mexico city taking a look at the investment opportunity stay tuned for that. or this is the kaiser report my love the charcoal it you know chocolates mexican so why is it marketed by the swiss company what the going on here should be paying royalties to mexico to market any chocolate swiss company. actually you know we had dinner with john mill ackerman at
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a place called as little condesa and it was really good but they actually had me making caesar salad and i think there's some video of me doing that maybe and the other thing is that we learned is that they caesar salad was actually invented in tijuana mexico at least according to the legend at this restaurant on the fourth of july in one thousand twenty four caesar salad invested in invented until one of those two things incredible that i learned last night number one that caesar salad was invented in tijuana mexico and number two you can cook and i didn't have to actually cook anything i just mixed all the lettuce and you know we need to go ok fair enough they don't use any sardines or anything salty like that so it's not as salty is actually was much better than a western caesar salad i loved it so i want to talk a little bit about rationing here we've just entice you with the major a little bit hungry with the chocolate and the caesar salad but we're going to talk about rationing the first we're going to talk about rationing of capital of money
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and this is a tweet from eli he says one thing i suppose show this is initial coin offerings for sure is that for better or for worse u.s. securities law deters a lot of investment yes this is a very good point and i tell you why this is an important point. because when i was working on wall street it is beginning a financial engineering creativity. bear came out with the junk bond market and the came out with collateralized mortgage obligations securities credit default swaps derivatives there's tremendous innovation in the financial space that violated all s. e. c. laws at that time none of the financial innovation of the past twenty years were compliance with s.b.c. law but they said we are ahead of the f.c.c. we're innovators they then when it back in they changed the law to fit what they
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were doing on wall street asteroid blancpain as jamie dimon they changed a lot of fit what they did already on wall street remember when citibank bought traveler's insurance that was a violation of the law that precluded under glass steagall this type of combination but what the citibank management did was convince the government to change the law so the initial point offering is got a lot of heat and people are saying you're not complied with as you see law that's right the f.c.c. needs to get these to get it with it they need to change the laws and that's what the i.c.a.o. market's doing that's what good court is doing that's why these critics of bit quite a cryptic way in a saying oh you're the government's going to wait now if you have the market you change the law exactly but i do think a lot of these i suppose will end up being scams and everybody will lose their all of their money. but what this guy is saying is that for better or for worse that
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this is there's obviously a lot of demand for investment content and material that is not being met by the current markets because of so much as they see regulations about going public for example or for raising funds so it is an. demand but the other thing that he says is shows and this brings in the rationing another lesson of i.c.'s don't ration through queuing what can be rationed by price so you know you will be able are you you talk all the time about the fact when you worked on wall street you guys would have the i.p.o. shares for yourself and you would build them out to. good clients that you like you would give them the early shares before the i.p.o. pot and i saw that sort of thing doesn't sound like it's completely open now where they would ever have said anything like that so at the moment we have a rationing based on standing in the queue waiting to get the first share available
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here he's saying you can ration it by price and this is what i see the market is showing well it's the trend here has brought paris with the i.c.a.o. that is doing over the course of a year or so he's doing it i think in a way that is more egalitarian if you will are fair to the market and remember when google went public back in the late ninety's they tried doing a reverse auction. to go public at that time and bypass the wall street mechanisms of my own hollywood stock exchange that i created back in one thousand nine hundred six created a way to price discovery to take movies and stars public on the exchange based on my own patented algorithmic price discovery mechanism so this is a non going debate this new i.c.a.o. bank or it is it says that it is basically price discovering a new way that allows for currencies to be better represented in the market so that large dominated forex currencies like the euro or
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a dollar is kind of money will footing with a less dominant forex represented currency like a ruble and so it makes sense on paper you need a good management team you need a good market for it doesn't mean it's going to be successful but these guys are approaching the problem with solutions the recent crash of the theory of price shows that the demand for i.c. . outstrip the market making capacity of the exchanges to make markets in the i.c.u. knows so what does that mean that means i suppose or bad no it means the market making technology for theory needs to be improved you can borrow from i pad go ahead i don't own or anymore so take it steal it i don't care it's owned by some wacky wall street bank that i hate now but you know in terms of bank or i do want to say i've read basically experts security experts code writing experts who have now looked at the code and say there's actually back doors in it and they can cut you off from the grid so they could they could basically delete your currency so
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that is in their their technology their algorithm whatever their i.c.a.o. was just so you know so don't go out and buy bank or just because we've mentioned it try to get in on that but speaking of rationing i want to move on to another topic this is again in the united states and. you know. first of all there's a rationing of time there's only so much time that the news has twenty four hours and what it all the minutes within those hours to cover any news that they feel fit to fill that time for the u.s. audience sixty five percent according to a harvard harris poll say that they want. the news and they want congress to move on from these russian conspiracy theories sixty five percent of americans say they're sick of these this and their air space being filled with this and they want instead to hear about economics they want to know about health care so you know
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we've had that we had the senate health care bill their version of trump care the age ca written in secret and then it was revealed and it's just as horrible as it or it's actually even more horrible than the republican congressional version and those are a little bit worse than a ca so i have this headline here from matt bruning it says how many people will obamacare and eighty eight see a killed and he's saying both of them are killing people because center for american progress you know that pedestrian finance group neera tanden runs and they're part of the resistance so the ones pushing all these stories about russia gate and russia conspiracy theories or five separate people were by lying down the center for american progress post about how many people. will kill this post is quite long but all the authors really do is to take the c b o estimates of how many people will lose coverage under eight h.c.a. and then divide that number by eight thirty they do this because there is a study that shows that one person dies on necessarily for every eight hundred
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thirty people who lack health insurance so he did it for all of them single payer and it is that down of the bottom zero deaths due to not having any coverage that is obamacare the one that everybody is fighting to defend to the death all the left wing the liberals have been co-opted into. supporting a program written by the heritage institute a very far right wing economic think tank and it's a little bit. obamacare is not quite as bad as trump care but they both kill well there's obamacare and childcare designed to kill people because of it is doing its job just like the architects of the growth all tower of london and the folks that put a. inflammable cladding did kill people that's their culpability in that the people who designed this health care are doing so to kill people that's their culpability in it the capitalist system in america iterated by the current regime of kleptocrats things killing people is necessary to make payments in greenwich
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connecticut yes and they say that under a child care nearly five hundred forty thousand people will die in the next decade versus obamacare it would be three hundred twenty thousand deaths due to lack of access to health care so i want to turn on to in the last three minutes here i want to move to mexico because there's also a rationing story here trumps russian scandal pales in comparison to what just happened in mexico mexico's latest disgrace involves alleged spying by state and journalist and activists with spyware from israel but more importantly with the article in terms of this rationing they talk about the corruption problem across mexico and that that annually between two percent and ten percent of its g.d.p. reduces foreign investment by five percent and wipes out about four hundred eighty thousand jobs due to corruption but a lot of it is in the individual states and the governors and one in particular they mention is the former vera cruz governor harvey a day also of the p.r.i. party the prepared that runs this government run the state as a personal cookie jar track down to guatemala and april and duly arrested duarte is
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accused of skimming hundreds of millions of dollars from public funds is plundering of his own state left to their rooms. has come to symbolize the current culture of corruption that reigns in mexico and one scam has become emblematic of his greed allegations that children battling cancer in his state were given water instead of chemotherapy drugs so that he could keep the funds meant to pay for their treatment for himself so right now there are no fewer than sixteen former state governors either in prison waiting to face justice or on the run but here that guy with the. news is saying this guy is obviously evil you steal water you do you give these little. kids not chemotherapy drugs but water i mean how is that any different from obamacare or trump care well it's a very different and flint michigan being forced to consume lead laced poisonous toxic life killing water right it's an industrial death policy brought
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on by corporatist and cup the krauts again going back to the news media in america time is rationed they only have so many minutes between commercial breaks to give the news to the american people and it's all russia russia russia they want to stop hearing about this they want to know they want some of that ration the time to be devoted to health care policy to the economy to corruption to competitiveness to these sort of issues that actually matter to the individual down on the ground yeah but as the corporate media will tell you the way they see it is that there's only so much news they can force feed in between commercials exactly right that the commercials are what they're there to serve not to live for us it's good because we are so successful our network and our show because people do there is still demand for it just that they're you know the likes of m s n b c ration their time devoted to economic issues and policies that matter to the ordinary person fair enough
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idea the right to do is come he said if you. look to the past. the discomfort. this is what we don't understand how we are poor in such. matters and to the ones at the same time. similar. the minutes of on board not the god can we believe again. on the computer with the plane. to come back to the three story you have to see. the. q.
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do you. welcome back to the kaiser report imax guys are loving it in the xico. i would like to resume my conversation with columnist and economist alexandra nato welcome back thanks very much all right we were covering the entire you know mexican economy a stagnating we talked about why the previous episode you know the money doesn't seem to drop to the bottom line it goes off shore basically sort of the corruption of the panama papers reveal that it's. i mean you have a policy package that conspires against growth and you've been implementing the sponsored package for three decades. if you consider that the main priority of the mexican policymakers since one thousand nine hundred eighty two was to control inflation. then you will have the explanation of why the mexican economy is
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stagnant because how do you control inflation the mexican policy maker following the i.m.f. or the world bank of the russian the consensus said it's very easy we will control aggregate demand how do you do that compress wages if you look at wages in mexico you think wages have stagnated in the u.s. they were in europe since one thousand nine hundred ninety look at the mexican data and you will it's really amazing this is really the average is ok so you repress wages you restrict public expenditures because this is a major component the package at the moment so you restrict. expenditures you increase interest rates and you use the changed rate as an anchor for the system of relative prices in mexico to control inflation all of these things combined give you a clear message of this economy is not going to grow ever and this is the policy package that is crystallized and fixed in by nafta so this is why i say we need to
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get rid of nafta we need to recover space for economic policy the world has changed we're not living in one thousand nine hundred two we need different objectives it's not like we're going to use oil as a lever for you know a lever for development they look at the world today look at the amount of oil we have left that's not going to happen we need new priorities both at the macro economic level but also at the sector level we need to recover our good at the agricultural sector has been devastated by a matter for example so there's a lot of homer we need to do but the base is we need to change this policy package that is a perverse system of. i should say forces say it came in as a xian ism it's. an ism if you want to say that but it's you know it is really a combination of instruments that princes growth employment and fiscal revenue so
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if you have a package for mexico for. economic policy has really. a little into this. morning of stagnation ok so on protestors around the strait they're saying the reagan factor is i'm the monitor ization of the economy the financialization the nail liberalization started in the eighty's the early eighty's and that period they talked about the devastation has done to america and the united kingdom include mexico in that analysis neoliberalism financialization giving banks the wherewithal to run roughshod over the entire economy and the name of some economic policy called aggregate to master me elation which is fed by debt aggregation debt aggregation only thing is that you are the main goal was you know we will control inflation and if you deregulate markets you will have growth in the stability and drops and everything will be stimulated through allowing the debt to
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increase no users you enter but you fight inflation by repressing wages the wage the real wage level of the united states thank you made it since one thousand nine hundred eighty three that curve was growing after the war and then you know you see the curve the historical perspective is nine hundred thirty three it flattens in the never comes back again what increase was invented this ok so i just said that yeah absolutely ok so let me though my point and always done it. so far along with inflation and deflation is that the definition excludes wages in other words you have zero after the stock market next goes up one hundred percent sure a great excess so people look at that. they'll say must be great the economy is great everyone's great national poverty everyone's rich and you have to wrestle flows and you have your service and central bank and we persist so it's fun to do this you guys have one hundred forty billion reserves in the world and the central bank so you must be doing fine is that every time i hear those numbers say you guys both
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start praying because the next crisis will start you know it can start tonight or tomorrow is a bank of mexico central bank oh i mean the financial sector who let me say that was running it well it's not it's a it's a but it's a consortium of banks it is has funds it's the guys that brought the global financial system this is not a well we got market oriented mark carney and eyes and kingdom you've got janet yellen in the states you've got my a drag ball you meaning on your own or your pant ok so you got carson's here or the. team carstens augustine carson their show is about to crash it is the guy that came from my you math etc always and i have caught a crash and not only that they use a macro economic model that is totally worthless you know it is so the problem is not who wrote this this thing is not an independent entity this is a crucial thing now because the central bank you know this idea became so popular in the eighty's and ninety's we need
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a low tone to me and independence for the central bank well from the government yes but he said when we look at the banks of sandy toe of uniquely posters everywhere get to spend ditto carson's garson so it's a bandito that's right he's in bed with the global banditos course like all of these guys are ok exactly study grossly martini in the market says you're not given good price discovery because you're increasing debt using financial engineering destroying wages that's not good for the regulations and the laws of nature don't don't don't suggest that you could conduct yourself in this way and he says laws we don't need no stinking laws ok i'm of course i'm referencing the treasure of sierra madre possibly the greatest film ever made with software bogart. i'm sure you'll watch as a tear to my right you're smiling so man is smiling that's right of course yes these. data on this the absolutely yes so you have this mantra about free markets and stability free markets and make believe prices and
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balance budgets and all these things this is what's wrong in the mexican economy this where you have the complete chaos and then you know a scene that we this is a wire economy after being bombarded government step away from eric eric grab the alligator right there in that alligator leader camera grab the alligator you know step aside from your camera walk over what's your legs and grab that alligator. see my spanish is not so great is it that's. going to go we go we got alligator this is for carson sir this is what we're going to do we're going to feed into the crocodile because john john john but we're going to do we think an idea that he wasn't too happy about his sour didn't taste good. let's move up the prayers climate agreement changing gears for a second it was only when trump bailed out of this non-binding watered down kyoto fake agreement that mayors and governors and other local governments bodies started
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actually doing something. like i was a big fan of the paris agreement but as everybody says it was the only thing we have i mean i'm not a big fan of the president for one crucial reason all the commitments are voluntary non-binding ok that spelled really bad news to the i could to make sure this thing came from the top of my i don't know what was that eighteen was in denmark in copenhagen that's when the you know that's when brazil the brics another fantastic story of the brics and but then trump in saying that this disagreement sucks especially he said it stinks it means calling the truth about it so well it's a bad thing you know i think he's saying i think he's you say this is a funny thing he's pulling out of that thing for for the wrong kinds of reasons ok if anything what you need to do with the president is let's ok let's make sure that all of these are both very commitments independently stablished commitments by each
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country get employee actually implemented and that countries that we're going to cut emissions by forty five percent in twenty twenty five that you actually do the list that's strengthen that agreement you don't pull out of a bad agreement you know that is so important as a parent agree never disclosed talking shop santa do i think i mean trump said he had to close his anti new world order especially because. by putting america first you create more competition so what's happened is he's pulled out of this agreement and you have corporations and countries down competing with each other to bring in a better agreement and competition works instead of a global talking shop of nobody doing nothing well the thing is that i mean he's not putting america first he's put america way back now so i mean listen if you want to develop where is where is the the if you going to need. renewable energy and you going to change the profile of the energy use in the global economy you
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want to be producing you want to be with the companies that are going to be producing solar and wind and you know the renewable energy industry what's happening in mexico and well what's happened in the u.s. is i mean you are you are giving you are you know this is not improving the situation of american companies mexico is you know we don't have an industrial policy so we have some investments in solar we have an advantage in solar as you can see right now we could use that a lot but we don't have an industrial policy that's what i don't know anyone know of all encouragement knowing that it's not only incurring that's just beyond irresponsible for debts that's like that's like terrorism it's not it's not our fault i would say it's not our fault whose fault is it well we negotiated agreements that includes w t o that impedes the use industrial policy instruments like for example performance requirements for foreign investment you
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cannot do that anymore well we would like to use the purchasing power of the public sector you cannot use that anymore there are agreements if you look at w.t. oh look we have our hands up now though you theo today is a minor player in the global arena because because of the financial crisis the real big tigers are the financial sector the age of the financial sector got about a minute left quickly i think i'm sorry i just want to cover this yeah you. china are they big in mexico are they what's going on if i think they're anything mexico . getting big group but they are not right no they are not let's say the central force that orients the mexican economy but i think as they are the fact that all over the world all they're investing and they're bringing the best but i think they are probably more active i'm not i'm not an american countries and mexico but happily the thing i think america will continue to meddle in mexican elections the way they have been for decades absolutely sure it's really you know need put into
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to be accused of that i mean it's of course these guys have been meddling in elections not only in mexico but the world wanted to blatantly late night meddling users so you're telling me it's true apparently battle of mexican elections oh yeah you're on the ground here you know you would be fit through absolutely metal that all over latin american social merican where south america does get rid of they get rid of the democrat elected leaders and stick in dictators and soft and she lay and then they'd meddle during the elections and after the elections are you know they want to lose and then what happened as a russian ever meddled in the to your knowledge here in mexico i don't think so i mean i don't think one thing that i have. and they were our work they were never at bush is very lovely but i've got to go there thanks michel ok thank you very much specs are with us going to do if this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser stacy herbert snappy the alligator. get
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a good saturday happy he likes to eat central bankers. it's like gifty you even though them your house and you all it's america so i could do that as well all right is there a catch us on twitter as kaiser report so next time. welcome to the wonderful world of blood on. i come here every three weeks to get my transfusion to be specific i receive immunoglobulin my body gets and some bodies that i cannot produce itself around the world giving blood is seen as a symbol of generosity and does this because it helps people it's just that one of the side effects is that it. applies more. to put money on your car immediately you don't have all plasma based drugs today come from private
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companies and are produced from paid plans much smaller conference in rome or a car and. what are the risks of a donation which. then is proof that the frequency of pathology is much higher paid. in it. if i was. over two years old he was. in the money using the drug and who runs the blood business. i'm a kid i don't know what it is i'm not going to let. me. put it up . i. learned it isn't.
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russia and china copa deescalation off to north korea tests another. during president xi jinping today visit to moscow. donald trump will have his first. to face talks with a blogger may appear at the g twenty summit on friday is one of the most anticipated meetings all three year now confirmed. to me is that this brace for russian flyboy toxin september's general election officials seemed puzzled over who exactly moscow supposedly supports. and we didn't have any knowledge of russia or any other country support.
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