tv Headline News RT July 4, 2017 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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our breaking story this hour is the u.s. south korea fired missile in a show of force against north korea. at least disperse mass protests against the g twenty summit and homework using a lot of hands. donald trump will have his first face to face talks with the g. twenty summit on friday with one of the most in dissipated meetings of the year now going for. russia and china a call for a deescalation after north korea other of ballistic. two day visit to moscow.
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coming to you live from moscow you're watching our international welcome to the program we start with breaking news south korean and u.s. forces have fired missiles into the sea of japan and display a phrase towards north korea it was part of a joint ballistic missile drill between washington and according to officials the exercise that can be easily deployed exercise was that response to north korea's latest missile test on tuesday which the pentagon has confirmed was an intercontinental ballistic missile and while u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson has released a statement calling for international cooperation against north korea. there are now we talked to handle the national come pain two and the korean war and w.
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dean managing editor of trends today for their thoughts on the u.s. and south korean mess. so as you know conduct annual military exercises including the collapse of the north korean regime and the simulation of the decapitation of the north korean leadership north korea has always said that these are threats to its sovereignty and that is why it is developing an i.c.b.m. as a form of deterrent i think what the u.s. and south korea are doing is basically flexing their muscle to show we're not afraid of north korea we also have big bad weapons but what they're doing is is answering fire with fire in a region that is a powder keg slightest miscalculation on the korean peninsula can trigger a conflict that basically meyer's the entire region in a poor track to war that could have catastrophic consequences not only for the region but also for the global economy and that is not in anyone's interest the
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problem we had here which hasn't been reported in western media have because he is offered to stop the missile testing that the u.s. and south korea would stop its war game and. which he considered very big probably cations his border which of course they are and of course the u.s. paid no attention to that. the corporate media didn't cover it here at all now deployed these military assets they had and they want to show off and know how much power and muscle that that's going to be the hard point because trucks going to want to say i beat them i made them back down and that's not how you get people into a negotiation. washington has requested an urgent meeting of the u.n. security council over the north korean missile test the u.s. one said to be held behind closed doors and we'll keep you updated on what comes
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out of this meeting. meanwhile the chinese leader has wrapped up his two day trip to the russian capital as well as signing some twelve billion dollars worth of deals the two countries called for a d. ask. on the korean peninsula. has been following the talks one of the most telling things that they had to say was that day and this was said by both sides the lesions now between russia and china. that may have ever be in the history and that is something that god would be good to during the various appearances by the two leaders obviously they talked about many things they agree don't cooperate shouldn't agriculture in space and business in the media almost every sphere you can talk about they side deals with twelve billion dollars and they were all smiles about it.
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heightening tensions in the region and here the chinese and russian leaders came out with a surprising solution the side suggest north korea voluntarily declares a moratorium on nuclear tests and missile launches and that the u.s. and south korea refrain from joint drills the idea is to get both sides to deescalate and to pull back away from the brink but washington has other ideas donald trump has urged china to increase pressure on north korea to force it to back down in its alleged again pursuit of nuclear weapons and missiles the pentagon has reportedly said that it is now considering a show of force in order to deter north korea from its pursuit of weapons there is already a show for speeding by the americans in the south china sea the moments where in
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the position where on one side of the equation you have somebody who has extremely limited experience in foreign policy is a little bit flaky and very unpredictable and on the other side you have claimed who frankly is in the situation so well we're at a relatively dangerous time at the moment and it's showing the shifting tectonic plates in world affairs that it's actually russia and china who maybe the stabilize the situation. change and pens visit to russia comes at a time when trying this relationship with the u.s. are on shaky ground on that's after beijing ordered not really fast falls and chads to warn off an american warship that's according to china. violated its territorial waters in the south china sea. that looks at how things started to go wrong between beijing and washington remember the famous chocolate cake that donald trump used to
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woo the chinese leader we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen president she was enjoying it that was the first time that trump and she met with trump putting on a grand dinner for she which also featured trump's granddaughter singing a song for she in chinese. well that was back in april sense then trump's charm offensive seems to a faltering here's how the chinese foreign ministry sees it. president xi explicitly pointed out that china u.s. relations have made great progress in the recent days but it has also been affected by some negative factors a fair few such factors actually unlike the u.s. accusing china of being a top human trafficking offender china was downgraded to tear three status in this year's report part because it has not taken serious steps to end its own complicity in trafficking and washington's plan to sell one point four billion dollars in arms
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to taiwan which china regards as a breakaway province didn't exactly go down well either time in alienable coats of china and the us weapons sales to taiwan violates international law as well as the basic phones of international relations china firmly opposes it simply it's another thing that china firmly opposes is the insulation of american missiles right on its doorstep the deployment of the u.s. missile defense system in south korea does serious damage to the strategic security interests of all countries in the region including china and russia and disrupts the regional strategic balance well it looks like relations between beijing and washington won't be seeing any major reset but how big of a blow is that to china right now china's president xi. is in moscow both china and russia would like to. demonstrate their common interests you can view all. deteriorating relations with the united states both understand. administration.
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uncertainty and very cautious demonstration. in china and russia. to be beneficial on the polls. despite trump's attempt to be best buddies was she a while ago looks like the geo political setup hasn't really changed just like under obama the two eurasian superpowers seem to be getting along pretty well while the united states is distancing itself and distrusting both of them. are to new york. with just a day left before a g twenty leaders are sent to meet for their homework summit the german city is already and golfed in mass protests the police disperse protesters where the water cannons and demolish their tent camp in one of the city's parks there's a large police presence on the streets now and officers are wearing ride again
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these correspondent in germany peter all of them as the details. well this is all developing ahead of the g. twenty summit which is taking place in the. city who are in germany hundreds of thousands of demonstrators expected to turn over as part of this two g. twenty campaign that's being going on and they needed some way to stay we were expecting perhaps some trouble tomorrow evening on wednesday evening certainly on thursday friday saturday it seems to have started a lot earlier to you to the amount of people who've come to humbert and decided they were going to camp out in the city's parks well police said they were going to have none of that and as the tent city didn't go to the park in time but all the police went in and forcefully removed people from there taking down tents the protesters for by the police have responded to police in full riot gear he was still getting pictures coming out from what's happening but we've been hearing
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reports from those that are in there we're talking police in the full riot gear coming out they've been using pepper spray against demonstrators also hearing that water cannon has also been used a huge gathering of far left extremists and they kissed people coming out to protest against the g twenty in fact what we have seen moments here in burley and also elsewhere in other cities around europe that we're being to seem fly is saying to come to these demonstrations they've been all deny it well in advance and certainly seems like there's been quite a lot of turnout there is a very large police operation it is under way now of course but it has been under way for a while leading up to this g twenty in fact the police were showing off one of their most recent successes as part of that operation they uncovered a cache of weapons huge amount of weapons over one hundred homemade things that included the likes of throwing knives baseball bats brass knuckles telescopic
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batons and even things like. since you can catapult items that and weapons that police have said could be used to cause very serious injury you know they certainly police uncovering this type of weapons hole that we saw in rostock suggests that a lot of planning has gone by who would commit it to causing trouble. in the german interior minister said eight thousand violent protesters are expected to take part in. police have taking preparations very seriously twenty thousand officers will be deployed into special security zones have been set up and the city . of the dogs from the german security authorities are preparing with the great diligence for their biggest police operation this year this of course concerns the hamburg police which is strongly supported by the state police and the federal police and we discussed this situation homework with bruno kramm turman of the
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balun branch of the pirate conti and with prince can't stand the session activists and journalists. it might have become much more radical because the police is also doing a big huge mistake by escalating everything quite in the beginning showing a really hard line and this is basically what the protesters are not accepting it was decided that the protesters can stay with their camp inside of part and of course they have to overnight there because most of these protesters and young people they cannot afford the message expensive hotel prices so. nobody was thinking of that some really it's not allowed to them to overnight in that tent and without any reason they were just taking away all the demonstrators and their right to be. in this park and basically this is a kind of an escalation which definitely will lead into in the wrong direction it looks like a civil war situation much more than
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a festival of democracy i think i would not rule out that there's also some. police provocateurs to be going on and you know because the one book police also hasn't said records of escalating strategies now when you look at what they're doing at the moment it's really they stop people from sleeping basically you know i mean they go into these protest camps at night kick people out of the tents. and really create a situation where there's a lot of chaos in the city and you really are ask yourself i mean is this also maybe a sweat a cheat to create this chaotic situation that then can justify a more security state measures in the near future so i mean i think the bulk of the demonstrators are really not very militant the g. twenty summit and south is going to find a sea and meeting between the u.s. and russian presidents this friday after all the fuss over at the trumpet
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ministrations possible links to the kremlin. partridge as more. well this year's g. twenty summit promises to be very interesting indeed the white house and the kremlin have both confirmed that presidents trump and putin will meet on the sidelines though after six months of russia dominating the headlines and moscow admitting that relations between the countries are it is zero however it's much anticipated by other people that this will be the highlight of the entire summit what is it that they're going to be talking about first of all this ukraine and secondly the syria and that promises to be very sorely indeed after the white house came out with the unfounded allegation and indeed prediction that president assad would use another chemical attack in syria and that to which i quote moscow said is an invitation for provocation and then there's the g twenty summit venue itself it's been in hamburg where there's been protests and demonstrators are saying they're going to be even more of them and then there's
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a scandal amongst the policeman the burning police were drafted in to help the colleagues in providing security for the event but hundreds of them have been sent home after a scandal where the party got out of hand where public sex fighting in striptease seemed to be the order of the night and therefore inappropriate behavior was the reason that they were sent back and then this president erdogan is bodyguards they've also been told not to come following the recent time in may when they were accused of beating up protesters outside the turkish embassy in washington so all in all this she is the g. twenty promises to be a very interesting indeed. there is a master has been summoned to vienna reported plans to deploy troops at the borders between the two countries italian interior minister has strongly criticized this decision. it's an unjustified and unprecedented initiative that is not immediately changed. you have repercussions for security cooperation between two countries and
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it's all happening in chris influx of migrants into italy or at least shallow dubinsky has more. there has been summonsed over the fact that vienna has said it could deploy up to seven hundred fifty troops to the border with italy they're ready to be deployed at any point and it has already deployed a number of armed personnel carrier to the border to the brain a pass which is a mountainous pass between italy and austria and that's because austria is concerned about the growing influx of migrants to which may then cross its border into austria so basically what they're trying to do they're trying to say that they will shore up their own borders if there is a continued influx of people moving northwards from italy now that's because in the last few years hoffer million migrants have landed on a tally and shores many of them not wanting to stay in italy and if you look at the
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figures this year alone the un migration agency says around one hundred thousand migrants have landed on european soil from the mediterranean sea since january of this year and the majority of those more than eighty four thousand have landed in italy alone now i was in the italian island of sicily over the last few days in the city of palermo looking at some of the issues that have been caused by this mounting my current crisis and what we saw on the streets there the fact that many of the mafia gangs have now teamed up with migrant gangs and they're actually forcing migrants to work for them in criminal activities such as selling drugs and we've seen over the past few weeks migrants being stopped particularly on the french italian border and being forced to go back to italy now italy has just said it feels abandoned it just cannot cope with this mounting crisis what started as a call for help by italy now looks like it could be turning into
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a diplomatic crisis as countries in the e.u. look to close their borders off with a. you counter part leaving it to me dwindling under the continued pressure of crisis and found the un refugee agency has already expressed their concern over this issue according to at some other countries should also share the responsibility for my intelli in foreign minister franco frattini spoke to us i was saying in his view of europe's involvement in solving the migrant crisis which is unsustainable situation prime minister gently loney's trying to promote european soli darity but unfortunately the reason these grigg a show of european union all round even the beatles are bassy. to util unfortunately he's proving completely useless on helping the telly on
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solving the migrant crisis today unfortunately due weakness of european institutions and national. leading to eyes only. be the mediterranean these is simply not acceptable we soul few days ago. people to bowl before hollows where some my grounds are be located still some a.p. still of violent told iran's could be absolutely wrong but the response by dole's extremist group that it needs fighting against any kind a welcome in my gran's any kind of. so t's a very wrong response to a rome solution for decades on migrations. and today the european
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commission announced a plan to help its three on libya with the influx of migrants the us side to earmark million euros for migrants related expenses. tom says it has responded to an ultimatum from a saudi led blog that saying the gulf state they could bury reply was passed along through kuwait which is mediating there were between the countries at times foreign minister made the announcement after talks with his german counterpart and. buildings yesterday we presented this reply which was prepared in advance in accordance with the previous schedule to the emir of kuwait the reply came in alignment with the general initiative to protect sovereignty and respect and disagreement with interference in any state's internal affairs in accordance with international law we cannot talk about this in detail because it is now in the
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hands of the brother state of kuwait and only they are free just because about it. you should understand of course that we discussed the current crisis in detail and i want to reiterate when there isn't a dispute like this one side leveling accusations against the other that so i cannot say yes i accept everything you say. blog once good time to cut its ties with iran and militant groups named by the saudis and their allies as terrorists could i has also been told to shut down a turkish military base in its territory the thirteen point l. to meet him includes a demand horchata to clause to close all of its international news outlets including. and the saudi led bloc when still hard to seize contacts with political opposition groups in their countries because our officials earlier spoke out in defiance of these demands this list of. demands made to be rejected it's not made to be accepted or not made to be negotiated.
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to be the one. we ought to do we start to defend what. we ask our experts for their take on how the situation might unfold. the saudis of morris put themselves into a corner from the very beginning of overestimated just exactly what the reaction would be underestimated other players coming into the crisis like turkey for example and we saw reached a stalemate i mean i think the foreign minister's comments. more or less so that this is been produced in such a way that it can't be negotiated i think that's correct i mean us absolutely bang on although you know most of the demands of the saudis have made it seem to be frankly proposed truce there are one and two reasonable requests in the put it's is just too difficult for the qataris to go the only thing without looking politically weak i'm not through the problem following the events we are seeing the parties
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are far apart way far apart for a sub kind of reconciliation and i don't think the major powers involved the united states. also want the resolution there is a desire for this conflict continue i don't think the goal of this crisis was to have it to resolve the goal is to have a conflict and the conflict that we see is escalating rapidly in the next week or so. portugal president has admitted to military warehouse close to be kept a list of and has been raided official haven't given any specific details although leaks have been claiming to state the amount of weaponry and munitions that have gone missing the president called for an investigation adding it's not the first rate of its kind. we must really investigate all the facts similar incidents have
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been reports that in other native countries over the past two years it's paper reports suggest more than one hundred fifty grenades were taking out of a huge range of equipment toward and the warehouse a large quantity of ammunition and units of plastic explosives were also taken portugal's defense minister has warned that the weapons are likely to find their way onto the black market and nato report stated back in two thousand and eleven that if such a thing were to happen weapons and munitions would likely be used in terror plots already has contacted nato on the matter and they confirm that the incident did not happen to the native facility they also said the responsibility lies to whether the portuguese authorities to investigate what happened from a british army officer chris hunter agrees the stolen weaponry might be used for
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terrorist attacks not just to get into these sort of storage facilities themselves require as you know a significant level of knowledge deadly a professional job if you like. if you try to have a match the security systems that are in place without knowing how to get into the mall without having you know the necessary keys and equipments then you know they're very difficult to bypass so i think you know ultimately this is a well planned pre-planned probably with some sort of insight into its type job and if that's the case then i would imagine they had the necessary logistics to support them in removing him transporting these munitions and the it was stolen what we're seeing here of course is the opportunity of a potential terrorist and criminals so use conventional military ordnance which is you know significantly more powerful and more dangerous. magazine art international will see how some of you are upset dream destination charge struggling to cope with
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descent totally peaceful. venice its peaceful hours are numbered. bossa luna is also stealing itself in the early morning. the top three unique cities in europe with one problem the skidding was all the time. i've ever had but yeah you know what i'm that benny hill. that's not by itself any good that people believe yeah. i did this.
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