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tv   Headline News  RT  July 5, 2017 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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breaking news london summons north korea's ambassador to the k. after pyongyang's latest missile test meanwhile the pentagon says the north korean missile was a type they've never seen before. the russian defense ministry has announced that it carried out strikes against eisel targets on the border of the syrian provinces of hama and homs. c.n.n. is accused of blackmailing the person responsible for creating the president trying to wrestling clips threatening to reveal his identity if he does something similar again.
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and to gas and water cannons violent clashes erupt in hamburg days before the world leaders arrive in the german city for the g. twenty summit. it's seven o'clock am in moscow and you're watching altie international live from a studio with me and welcome to the program we start this hour with breaking news london has summoned north korea's ambassador to the way for an explanation after pyongyang's latest missile test meanwhile the pentagon says the north korean missile was of a type they've never seen before washington says it was launched from a location different from previous missile tests the missile can report at the strike the u.s. mainland. russia's foreign minister has warned against attempts to bring about
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regime change in north korea in relation to a proposed u.n. security council resolution on the need for isolation of the korean peninsula that's after south korean and u.s. forces fired missiles into the sea of japan in retaliation for a north korean test missile. artie's kate partridge has more details on. all of this press conference is to do with the escalation of the situation over the sea of japan so i pointed out as you said that the u.n. security council said there must be denuclearized nation of north korea but he was at pains to point out that this should not be a pretext for regime change in north korea by the west he also said that there shouldn't be a means of solving this particular conflict by use of force nor would it be acceptable if there are to be any strangulation or suffocation of north korea by economic means either all those other negatives those are things that they didn't want to happen let's go towards a positive things are what change they do want to put forward russia and china have
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put together a pack of measures that they propose and they're going to put forward to the u.n. security council as a way of resolving this particular situation and also as we were seeing yesterday the leaders of both countries they presented to the media their plan their initiative to help solve this particular situation the side suggests north korea voluntarily declares a moratorium on nuclear tests missile launches and that the u.s. and south korea refrain from joint drills. well this joint action between the russian and chinese premiers came kind of in response to a tweet from u.s. president donald trump who urged china to take heavy action against north korea in what he called to do it once and for all while this follows on from a background from choose day when pyongyang claimed they'd launched an intercontinental ballistic missile in syria which could reach the mainland of the united states but the russian foreign ministry said that it only troubled about five hundred fifty kilometers and fell harmlessly into the sea of japan and certainly no threat to russia in response though the u.s.
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arabs the south koreans decided to operate what they called joint military drills with easily deployable missiles pointed towards north korea in case of any conflict well all of this now of course is an escalating situation and we're now waiting for the response of the u.n. security council following that proposal put forward by russia and china the latest tweet from the u.s. president has targeted the economic ties between china and north korea donald trump slammed beijing for increasing its trade with jiang by forty percent in the first quarter of this year chinese officials maintain that their trade relations with north korea do not violate any u.n. resolutions we talked to several analysts about how u.s. involvement has influence the north korean crisis. each time. we spawns more. and more certain.
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and this is why. i think what the u.s. and south korea are doing is basically flexing their muscles to we're not afraid of north korea we also have big bad weapons but what they're doing is is answering fire with fire in a region that is a powder keg slightest miscalculation on the korean peninsula can trigger a conflict that basically of meyer's the entire region in a four track good war that could have catastrophic consequences not only for the region but also for the global economy and that is not in anyone's interest. the russian defense ministry says it's taken out a number of beisel positions in syria i'm now joined by our correspondent ron costa rafa who has more details on this story man tell us more about the strikes you can tell you more about the equipment that the russian defense ministry had to use and they those were to put if the ninety five m. s.
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strategic bombers and they dropped. high precision strategic cruise missiles on the border of provinces of hama and holmes and they. the attack was against three stockpiles of weapons and ammunition i sill and also another place that was destroyed is the command center something about these high precision missiles that were used well they have a range of about forty five hundred kilometers and proved effective by russia's objective control measures of course this is happening on the back of the peace talks that syrian peace talks that continue in russia as an envoy ambassador a lot of brands have says that. will come a military police force in security areas all for deescalation zones once the decision is made to create those zones meanwhile un special envoy to syria
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stefan's. welcomes the progress that was made in us tonight howard he says the presence of the military police force is just very solution the symbolism. we all know everybody agrees. the difficulties shown by. arrangement what is needed in order to progress on the political side. also says that hopefully the progress that was made and it's all done now will also be carried into the geneva talks which are sent just set to begin as early as this monday. filling us in with the details that thanks for the us on our peace talks you just heard him on mention are also being attended to by an american delegation and one of the u.s. diplomats was caught on camera taking a power nap in between sessions it's not clear if assistant secretary of state
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stuart jones missed out on anything important while he was taking a quiet break but perhaps his boss rex tillerson might have to check in with mr jones off to seeing this video. accusations of blackmail being leveled at c.n.n. after it tracked down the person behind the donald trump wrestling clip which the president to eat it a few days ago the channel is threatening to reveal his identity if he makes another video like the trump one here is the clip at the center of the controversy it's an edited video transcript to parents at a wrestling match back in two thousand and seven the person who is attacked has a c.n.n. logo for a head the channel had. that he is the president and. the games reported. so this guy makes a humorous little video and then it blows up someone edited it donald trump found
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it and posted it on his twitter feed it got millions of views hundreds of thousands of likes and many people had to love c.n.n. did not like being laughed at not one bit they launched a manhunt for the original creator of the video what they did is dog saying it is digging up private information on someone or something and then publishing it could be used for law enforcement for business extortion coercion harassment online shaming and vigilante justice the reaction has been furious even julian songes waited on the matter saying that potentially what c.n.n. did may be a crime. the multi billion dollar t.v. network blackmailing a private citizen into not making funny videos about it is not journalism c.n.n. and c.n.n.
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succeeded they found the original creator of since apologized and promised never to make another video critical of c.n.n. channel says when they finally talk to him he sounded nervous as well he might c.n.n. is threatening to publish his identity for all the loonies in the world to know if he ever stops being sorry it's right there on their website c.n.n. reserves the right to publish his identity if he stops being sorry if anything changes isn't that the definition of blackmail the internet has reacted with fewer one user on reddit is saying that holding private information under the condition of his continued contrition is an ambiguous leap bullying of a private citizen by a major conglomerate if not blackmail look the truth of matter is when you are in a hole you stop digging is english phrase the truth about we see that you sort of
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get rid of those producers when really the problem of fake uses it to make within the organization and now you see them bullying and threatening private twitter users as i say pandora's box is open the c.n.n. executives can't stop this now what they've got stu is reform and change and start telling the truth they're not going to do that anytime soon so twitter is not going to stop doing what it does at the time so. they're asking that it may not be the only thing that c.n.n. would find offensive if it looks online though it would have quite a job tracking all the relevant content down. thanks. thanks. thanks. thanks.
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thanks. thanks. thanks. thanks. the author of cnn's altar call about the implicated reddit user has responded to the allegations of blackmail in a tweet he says the line about revealing the person's identity has been misinterpreted and simply means that there was no agreement on not issues earlier i discussed the scandal with freddie gray the deputy editor of britain's the spectator magazine. this was obviously trolling or trying to wind up c.n.n. a bit on the bait. and traced back to the person who came up with that video who created that video and effectively silenced him effectively blackmailed him i think it's childish of donald trump in the first place it's equally told us of c.n.n. and it's quite funny in the case of c.n.n. because they're
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a network that takes himself so seriously that they've been shown to be as childish as donald trump and they're also saying that the clip in science violence against journalists how true do you think this is that's all i want to swear so that's obviously complete rubbish. and you know it's just what happens on twitter and everyone needs to grow up a bit about it i mean some are saying that you know enjoy it with his followers there's a saying that his behavior is unpresidential contradicting what are your thoughts on who he argues that this is modern day presidential and that he's i'm sure in his head he thinks he's pulling our pioneering and amazing new way of communicating with the public i'm not sure i agree with that i think it's important that retain some dignity and obviously that's quite tricky with from the whole america in the last year you've seen this really sort of surge of anger about the way that trump. throwing the credibility of the media and i think it's unnecessary and i think to
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to to react to trump in this way is to almost proven right. u.k. court has held a hearing on whether to lift tony blair's immunity from prosecution over the iraq war nor smith reports and the background to this is that last year a private criminal prosecution was brought against tony blair and it was blocked by judges because it was ruled that blair would have immunity against criminal prosecution so there was no point proceeding with it this case could see that immunity overturned it could see him face charges and in fact the child. that they want to level is one of aggression to the second aim of this case is to establish whether aggression is in fact a crime under english law this attempt to private prosecution is based on the findings of last year's chilcote inquiry report was published last year and it concluded that the war at the time wasn't a last resort which of course it should be that the consequences of the invasion
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were severely underestimated and that post conflict planning in iraq was wholly inadequate despite all this tony blair has been in public life off and on ever since then in fact earlier this year he announced that he would be making a comeback to politics because of breaks it now when he said that he faced the now familiar cries of war criminal but he remains utterly unfazed by those listen to this. iraq war and his responsibility for the crimes of the mean spirited people who just regard him as someone who should step back into politics bush reputation for being a warmonger. they really should be imprisoned these war criminals the reaction to the war has come and destroy your preschooler. not me it's not i mean people say that. with this immunity being lifted or of course the relatives of those who died
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in the iraq war and in fact the families of soldiers who were killed crowd funded one hundred fifty thousand pounds last year and they've used that money to have this chilcote report forensically examined to see whether there is grounds for prosecuting tony blair the hearing is over for now there's another week being allowed for submissions to be made if it's not dismissed it will then go up to the supreme court who will decide whether this crime of aggression is indeed a crime under english law but the families of those involved may yet get their day in court with tony. all of the miles says the court's all the wrong way to go about how to account i don't expect this legal proceeding will get any well i can't be sure my my guess is that it won't lead to a result i think it was a war criminal i said that in public before but i'm not convinced that taking him
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to court to court is the right way to deal with an issue like this we live in a parliamentary democracy i'd like to see it dealt with politically i think the end result will be that we'll have to say if tony blair was to be dealt with as he should be dealt with it would have to be by parliament and that means impeachment and that's not going to happen i'm afraid we'll be back in a couple of minutes. every the world experience. and you'll get it out of the old the old. according to just. come along for the.
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income inequality wage stagnation gerrymandering of political districts polarization you know the lack of effectiveness in congress there are these are well documented trends going back decades and now they're really cute ten minute fast to the point where people describe their system as sees the rouses. welcome back to the program the two days before the g twenty summit begins in hamburg it seems when leaders are going to get the warmest of welcomes the host city has been involved in protests. i. i.
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least dispersing the crowd clearly pointed out in riots happen spray and water cannons from the anti activists offices and pay the camp which protesters in one of the city's parks and several arrests were made to piece all of that has been closely following the story. police everybody had been prepared for large scale demonstrations and almost certainly violence over the coming days as protesters are right for the g. twenty but this one really caught a lot of people by surprise and it seems to have come about through the sheer number of people that have turned up to protest against this g. twenty they were camping in the park. police has decided that there was no way that was going to happen this tent city that was being set up there was dispersed by the police with some of the demonstrators arrested they fought back pepper spray was used police in full riot gear from the pictures we've seen going in there as well some quite ugly scenes very early on we've been told to expect serious
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demonstrations out these g. twenty this g. twenty summits we've seen fly is all around the capital here in berlin. also around other cities and other nations i've seen say come to hamburg on these dates be part of. the. fact that the so a lot of criticism over the decision to actually place this g twenty in the house and the police operation though is well it's being called the biggest in recent german history and they have had some successes if you will call them that going into this but it also gives us a key is just how prepared and interested look into just how prepared the
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demonstrators are police have been showing off the whole of weapons that they've confiscated in the city of rostock that was supposed to be but it was taken to hamburg and used. by. things like throwing knives at baseball bats brass knuckles telescoped batons as well as sixteen counts of and i'll use that police have said it could cause well really catastrophic injuries that a very serious weapons in the right hands we're going to be following all the way through here to try to see what happens on this day we are expecting but we weren't expecting it so soon it does say it's twenty four eclipse the political and diplomatic decisions that may be made during the summit. in. a classroom as
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a major challenge with at least one thousand protests on the streets one of us told and it's had a history of violent protests there is a second. term . in one. belly to belly still only government then this message police forces and the greatest of us. and into close he said get it she ate so much. germany the city really washed up in the north india we had actually massive secrets and i think it's really this feeling of a new. global capital of some really big fish and that we use it daily most of the people on this planet misery you know seeing a very very little to the station very early on major. premise they've tested in
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democracy around the cheetah and the summit and it does not look like it i mean it looks like this civil war i. in a controversial move canada's reportedly said to pay eight million dollars compensation and apologize to a convicted murderer who was tortured during his time in the guantanamo bay detention camp back in two thousand and two omar khadr was captured by the us in afghanistan and trained for the ledge murder of an american soldier cather was transferred to guantanamo bay where he was held for more than a decade in twenty ten canada supreme court all the man had been tortured during his detention and later that year he pleaded guilty to the murder of the soldier he was transferred to canada and twenty twelve to serve the rest of his sentence but was released in twenty eight fifteen he claims he made his admission of guilt under duress he spoke to another by ground and guantanamo prisoners read heather during his detention. i was held in the background detention filleted facility in
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afghanistan when almost hunter was first brought into custody and i spent some time with him in bagram i had his eye had been shot out he was blind in one one eye he had huge exit wounds in his shoulder and just above his chest and he was a just turned fifteen he was just ten fifteen from being fourteen he was tortured in front of me he was abused and screamed at and shouted at spat at and stripped naked and his his treatment was was was a war crime there's no the tried way to describe it the whole issue in the beginning had been the canadian government complicity in his torture it's of this book recorded video evidence that the government was physically present that sent members of ceases the intelligence services to go and interrogate him while he was a child while he was suffering from these horrific wounds and everybody who's in guantanamo soldiers gods and prisoners knew that this is not the way to treat a child. since two thousand and two almost eight hundred people have been how that
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one time the midday which despite a vile by barack obama that he remains open today forty one people are still being held at the facility many of the inmates but the taint of that trial and tortured nine hardly portly. however former pentagon analyst michael maloof believes it's like mages to hand over cash to a convicted killer. the reality is he should not be compensated he did kill. americans he worked with his father who was close we went to al qaeda and osama bin laden is just lucky he was picked up and was still alive today and he should just move on and for the traditional government to revert a liberal progressive government to come out and offer compensation as they did a few years ago to another canadian. it was similarly. i
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think is. over the top i think that the fact that the family of the soldier who was killed is going to the canadian court now to retrieve that money and to pay for that for their loss i think is progress. and eighty one year old man has made a two thousand kilometer journey by road all the way from the west of germany to the russian city of st petersburg but the trip took much longer than you might expect a pension and it all on a vintage tractor and he says it was worth every moment. i came to st petersburg because i wanted to get to know the country and the people to leave.
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when i moved from overwhelmed right now because for so many people around me and i see that they're interested in me and want to meet me i come to put into words the feelings that i'm experiencing right now. thanks a lot and look at one of the wealth myself brazil with rich countries. what we see on television left wing say advocates left wingers out there and they're shutting down professors from speaking at colleges so the shutting down colleges. that this is an example of them being interacting in an office are tearing off our tarion passé become little dictators yes and this is were linked to the fact that as children they were completely shielded from any of the so-called dangers of
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life kept in a bubble and so when they become young adults anything that disrupts that bubble a loud sound you know a professor saying something that doesn't agree with them they go into shock they go into stuff like meltdown. when the let me get this money. factor consented to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the famous merry go round certainly the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick.
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