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tv   Headline News  RT  July 6, 2017 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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to the. leaders of the g. twenty nations start in the german city of humber for this weekend's summit we look at the deep divisions they are going to to address. the. protests as well with activists promising to disrupt the summit under the slogan welcome to hell. also coming off this r.t.e. . tensions escalate super north korea after the us britain force you know. the un. c.n.n. thread creator of the viral trumpeted wrestling. the internet community
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real. just after four pm here in moscow thursday july sixth i'm you know neal good to have your company welcome to our international world leaders have started to arrive in the head of the g. twenty summit which is set to start tomorrow friday let's go live now to the who is in the city we're. talking points and indeed a lot of eyes are going to be on certain figures this weekend aren't they. are you are absolutely right today is the time to watch the plane because. tomorrow. will be the door where the leaders will be. through but this time it's
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all the preparations it's all just watching where the leaders are going to settle down you know which hotels. but if you look at the big meetings of the g. twenty first of all of course everyone will be watching mr putin and mr trump this will be the first face to face meeting meeting between the two leaders and all the international issues that news anchors around the world have been going on about in the recent months or even years maybe syria north korea ukraine finally the leaders will have a chance to discuss this face to face this of course causes a lot of media hype but. the way people are looking at it the way. looking at it is so of course. as we've often seen in the previous months it is focused on the trump russia collusion instead of the actual international issues
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that are going to be discussed at this. think that the subject of russian interference in u.s. elections is going to come out well it certainly sure appears unlikely that the president will confront putin why on earth would he not send a very clear message to putin on that absolutely would be a mistake he's going to convey to putin that he's weak. also another thing that we're all watching here is how mr trump gets along with the hosts and in particular of course the german chancellor merkel something she said recently that's very interesting to point out. what she said was something along the lines of wherever in the last few decades the u.s. was acting as a guarantor of stability to put it mildly that caused a lot of court. so that's something perhaps you didn't expect to hear from the
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german chancellor and also just recently she replaced the word friend to partners when addressing the relations with the us describing that in her election program of course we know that elections in germany are coming up very soon so it looks like there could be a change in attitude when it comes to how germany treats its relations with the u.s. . ok . thank you. so that was a bit of an awkward moment for you here as well now when it comes to more highlights of this g. twenty event and how burke of course will be looking at turkey and mr carried on in
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the build up to the g twenty summit there have been many issues considering the charges that are taken part apparently they couldn't find a place for him to address the audience besides this there's of course issue with the security guards that's been an issue in the u.s. that's been an issue in europe it has come to light again. g. twenty summit as well and also the biggest news of today when it comes to turkey is the resolution by the european parliament calling for turkey's european union accession talks to be suspended if implemented a constitutional overhaul backed by a referendum in april which expands the powers of president aired on that was the controversial referendum which really caused a stir in countries of the european union of course as well where the leaders of turkey. i want to promote that work for and i'm so that is
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a major sticking point between. the you and it seems that this issue will also be brought up at the g twenty summit now president donald trump is going to live in hamburg in just a matter of two hours so we're of course world watching and i'll be keeping you up to date. you know a lot of topics to be discussed over the next forty eight hours to trying to live from germany thanks a lot for that let's try to get into some of those stories and join political commentator john bosnich for more hi there john nice to see you again just an overview perhaps week before we get into the specific meetings and deals that are going to be taking place what do you expect from these talks. a my basic expectation is that president trump and president putin are going to find common ground that's the main thing of all of these talks the rest are sort of
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say to our details i think we're going to see a a reasonable understanding between the two main superpowers and we're going to see a surprising amount of personal contact between these two men well that's one of the aspects before we get into the specifics does the actual form out of the g. twenty summit does it lend itself to effective crisis resolution what does the g twenty offered up perhaps can't be achieved through ordinary diplomatic channels or means. well i mean it does bring many of the main players to the table but once again crises are usually resolved in smaller groups not with twenty people running around in their assistance or running around them so i don't i don't anticipate that the key decisions are going to be made in full session with twenty people present we're going to be seeing the same very small deciding bodies in deciding
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individuals coming up with the solutions and getting the usual rubber stamp from the remaining fifteen or so country representatives organizational representatives just expounding on your thoughts as you say the meeting between president putin and trump what do you expect any breakthroughs on syria or all or what do you think it's going to be more of a general meet and greet in this particular instance or will things actually be hammered out. well i think we've got to start by the fact that these two men are going to be coming packed right up to the top with information to share with each other information that certainly is not yet flow only flowing freely between moscow and washington that is priority number one so there's going to be an exchange of information and the information is going to be of such volume and such
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detail that the decision making process will be somewhat delayed as a result of course there are pre-made in communications and they've already taken place but it is going to be the two men meeting with each other and although people say it's a meeting on the sidelines it's not the sidelines it's the center of this entire event these two men will meet with each other and they will. i'm certain come to a general understanding of how things need to be handled to stop the very very disorganized and disruptive series of months that we've gone through with trump having to defend his back inside his own white house and president putin having very great difficulty communicating communicating the other point of view to the president of the united states the thoughts of political commentary bosnich a live this hour thanks jill thank you. now just a few hours before the first step location for the g twenty arrived homburg saw
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some unpleasant scenes thousands of protesters took to the streets marching against the event on a porsche it dealership was targeted here in an arson attack destroying eight luxury cars police believe left wing activists protesting the event were behind the incident and indeed not all of those participating are expected to be given that's warmest of welcomes here so why homburg is known for historically having some far left extremist living there quite a lot of local police say they expect around eight thousand violent demonstrators to be out in force after over one hundred and seventy groups from right across germany signed a call to protest and now there have already been clashes against the g twenty meeting that's take a look. well i'm here outside of relative floral grade floor it's one of the oldest school seen in germany people being
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squatting here since one thousand nine hundred eighty nine after the government said all the local city government said they wanted to redevelop the site while they fought tooth and nail with city authorities right up until twenty fourteen when the anti competent lists in far left groups well they won and the city government backed down and said they could have the site it's now a cultural center and it's become one of the main jumping off points for this year's no to the g twenty demonstrations here you can see plenty of bonds around putting across the message that it's demonstrators want to give to those twenty world leaders as they arrive here in hamburg there's also places where people can get information about where demonstrations are taking place as well. i'm plenty of those demonstrators are already making themselves heard here in hamburg this is a much more serene scene on wednesday evening in pubs we saw old shoes day night they're doing it all under the watchful eye of
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a heavy police presence here expecting as many as twenty thousand police officers were more taking part in being called the largest police operation in recent memory however it was here on tuesday evening that things got ugly early on. i. i i i. and it's not heavy police presence which i think is set to play a crucial role in how this g. twenty summit plays out you can see many offices many big police vehicles all around me here we've actually spoken to some demonstrators who said they think that the police presence could be what trick is demonstrators into violence however we should really kid ourselves. we are expecting to see what's being called the biggest black bloc ever now the black bloc of the real hardline of the leftist groups now they're the ones that usually get involved whenever there's any major
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trouble in fact we have seen a lot of people from those organizations around here those people involved in those type of of groups they were expecting to say even more now what we have seen is police said take part in a raise and which they collected a cache of weapons that was supposedly heading here to how perhaps to be used in the said demonstrations particularly the welcome to hell demonstration which is set to take place later on thursday now this cache of weapons included things like throwing knives brass knuckles baseball bats telescopic telescopic batons and precision catapults which have been described by police as a potentially very dangerous weapon in the right all wrong hands depending on how you look at it it does seem that whilst there are all peaceful demonstrations taking place there is always the possibility that this could flare up it could boil over and we could see more violence i think it would be an eternal optimist i would
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think we'd get through to saturday and the g seven g twenty being finished without seeing more clashes between police and demonstrators earlier ken livingstone a former mayor of london spoke to the program he said can break out when the police don't recognize people's right to have their voices heard. peaceful protest that should never be interfered with the police should have a blockade i mean very few protesters are now. very often the violence that happens in demonstrations because police came to a peaceful demonstration and working for the establishment and not recognizing the right to people to protest all tensions might not be restricted to outside the summits walls because inside some leaders are not seeing eye to eye on a number of challenges facing the global community.
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this is. the. china i don't want china dictating to me shine through china. we are left alone czech republic has taken twelve pows in the hungry have taken the fact that good enough. good is it is the use of. the descent i think we need. everything will be made to benefit american workers protection will lead to great prosperity and strength. he put. his notes in business and put things in this most recent. you can.
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in the build up to the g twenty delegations arrival there are a coma dacian also made the headlines in germany some claim the saudi royal family booked out a whole luxury hotel for their team however king solomon later tonsil his visit to the summit in hamburg while still leaving the old one hundred fifty six rooms it they were telling question is located in the very center of the city would reports also saying u.s. president donald trump was prevented from staying there because of booking but trump has finally found a place to lay his head away from some of the other g. twenty participants let's take a look at trump's home for the next few days is this nineteenth century building there it is in the past it's a welcome high ranking guest such as form. u.s. secretary of state henry kissinger the dalai lama no less some reports say the. territory was previously transformed into a high security area that was
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a factor in the american president choosing the location ok looks like c.n.n. sparked an internet war we'll tell you about all means in about ninety seconds. and. i think you guys are stuck in an alternate reality and russia today and sport in various n.g.o.s put out a set of facts that simply do not accord with reality you have constructed an alternative reality here that makes it very difficult for you to cooperate with others.
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all the future we don't need. everyone in the world should experience the. role of. the old according to a gesture. coming from iraq. this extended news hour here on r.t. the internet community is turning on c.n.n. after the news channel said it might this close the identity of the alleged creator of the viral mean featuring donald trump wrestling its logo here a few notable responses the multi-billion dollar t.v.
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network blackmailing a private citizen into not making funny videos about it is not journalism c.n.n. donald's happy day keep the tweets coming through something self evidently creepy bullying and heavy handed about a large news organization publicly announcing they will expose someone's identity if it ever again publishes concent on the internet that the network deems inappropriate of projection bill well this is a twitter spam that's escalated sharply since the video was first posted by donald trump on sunday though the next day c.n.n. said it had tracked down the clips creator and attempted to make contact but failed that individual then supposedly posted an apology on the news i grating website read it and contacted c.n.n. pleading to keep his identity quite the channel well they then pointed out that no
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threats were made but that it reserves the right to reveal who's behind the clip if another is published now the internet community is rallying to the guys defense with a slew of new c.n.n. means. i thought it was wrong markable but c.n.n. found this the reddit user who created think if. well here's c.n.n.
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how since responded to the accusations it's a stout his name has not yet been disclosed the person that read it of course because of concerns for his safety and that any assumption of block mailing him is fultz we spoke exclusively to a moderator for the reddit page where the clip originated he asked us to conceal his identity. just say you're the sky high on a solo the guy who posted the original gif it would be frightening if i were him and i received random phone calls random e-mails from c. mail out of nowhere i would not be super enthusiastic about c.n.n. one of the largest news communities in the world sending out boy threats about telling you to stop doing what you want to do on the internet policy and has no right to do that c.n.n. has all the internet against them right now and one organizations attack freedom of speech and never ends up well for them and make no mistake about it this is an
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attack on the internet and c.n.n. has formally declared war on it in return we need to hit c.n.n. we're hurts and told or ever tells us that you do not approve of them by running ads on their network our site right now on the right of the people who are pushing the c.n.n. black milk hash tag that are exposing c.n.n. for the fraud news network they are on are doing the right thing. the us secretary of state this week released this statement regarding the only going fight against islamic state in syria and the willingness of the us to potentially cooperate with russia in the country with more not here's some rough guess the. well the tone of the statement was somewhat neutral more so than we've come to expect it was even corporative but there were its own twists and turns in it for example the united states said that it is open to working with russia on
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stablish a no fly zone over syria working out to gether a joint mechanism when the united states talks about no fly zones there's a lot of suspicion everybody remembers what happened in libya where the u.s. and its nato allies established a no fly zone for humanitarian purposes to ease the suffering of civilians only for it to turn into a we fly you don't deserve where the united states bombed you know gadhafi his father his fighters his military anyone and wanted with impunity and nobody else could fly up in the skies it was also an interesting bit about chemical weapons where the united states said that russia has an obligation to stop assad from staging any further chemical attacks the key word here being further because it was never stablished for a fact that assad carried out any chemical attacks by an international body an
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international investigation take the latest attack that happened in april this year the o.p.c. w organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons which was investigating it then investigators didn't even go to the location to gather soil samples to establish what this chemical attack was what the gas used was they were given those samples by rebels the other thing about chemical weapons is that washington says russia has an obligation by the same logic you can hold the united states responsible if any of its allies like the s.d.f. syrian kurds or for example the iraqi military if they resort to immoral or illegal methods of. more like torture the russian foreign ministry also warned that they have evidence that isis is preparing provocation for false flag chemical attack in syria to draw the united states in them on the topic of provocations and fake news the russian foreign ministry also expects a retraction and correction from c.n.n.
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we're talking about the boy that became iconic an icon of the battle of aleppo vod the civilians there went through with you know much of the big media mainstream media rallying behind him saying look this is what the russians and the syrians are doing in aleppo and the russians have promised not to forget that story until a retraction and a correction is issued by c.n.n. . also this week russia turkey and around met in a stone for talks on the run of talks indeed on syria's reconciliation after two days of negotiations they agreed on a plan for deescalation zones in syria with the final details expected by the end of august. a saudi led bloc of four are of nations decided to continue its blockade of qatar that's after doha refused to
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accept a thirteen point ultimatum issued by saudi arabia bahrain egypt the emirates the bloc said it wasn't satisfied but that could tare response but gilham in tains it's a victim of a smear campaign. but the. response was negative on the whole but it did not lay the foundations for cattles abandonment of the policies of the suse most of the where all of the often it was. but. was acutely desired to get across to the us what other countries feared to grass. let's take a look at some of the put forward to qatar by this saudi led bloc they want to know how to cut ties with iran a militant groups which are considered by the saudis and their allies as terrorists guitar is also being told to shut down
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a turkish military base on its territory the thirteen point list also calls in qatar to close its international news outlets including al-jazeera on the saudi led bloc wants to hunt to cease contacts with political opposition groups in their respective countries. ok tar may be a small country but it's quite an influential regional power the us has two military bases near doha one of which is washington's largest in the entire region turkey's first foreign military base as we talked about is also in qatar with the two countries often holding joint drills across the gulf is around which shares the world's biggest nuptial gas field with guitar strong criticism from the saudi led bloc for its partnership with tehran. well the row is being. mediated by kuwait but some other world powers have weighed into u.s. president told trump spoke on the phone with his egyptian counterpart urging a resolution to the crisis however the american leader has criticized guitar over
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its alleged terror links recently in a leaked recording i was released by the intercept news website. of. military analysts say washington is sending mixed signals over its altitude towards qatar. we've seen from this administration that there are at least three four different middle east policies the white house has one policy the state department has another policy and the pentagon and cia have different policies it's the same in syria and iraq it's the same with qatar while it's a president has been very vocal against the u.s. military has been very supportive of qatar because the biggest a base in the region that they have there which is a forward operating base percent cold so the u.s.
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military a very pro crafter well it's a president has been used a lot of people by. speaking against her almost on a daily basis no legitimate state can give sovereignty like saudi arabia is effectively asking cutter is to stand down on the foreign policy shut down shut down news websites. all the reins of state infrastructure to the saudis. on acceptable to the. coming up to half past four pm here in moscow lots more news than are to international right. what we see on television the left wing. the left wingers out there and they're shutting down professors from speaking at colleges so shutting down colleges.


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