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tv   Politicking With Larry King  RT  July 6, 2017 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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call commie news like a duck it's a night is where that. north korea launches an i.c.b.m. and the first official face to face between trump including looms we'll take a look at all of this on this edition of politic. politicking on larry king on tuesday north korea launched a tuesday's intercontinental ballistic missile which u.s. intelligence officials have classified as something never before seen from the hermit kingdom also later this week donald trump and lead an important will hold an official meeting together while attending the g. twenty summit in germany and all of this happening as a majority of americans say the president's twitter habit is hurting his agenda and
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the nation let's get to it as i'm joined by representative steve russell republican of oklahoma he's a decorated veteran of the united states army retired as lieutenant colonel after twenty one years of service he serves on the house government oversight and on services committees and he joins me from oklahoma city a steve north korea in that ballistic missile the secretary of state tell us and says this represents a new escalation of a threat to the united states what should have no question what's interim do. well there's no question it is an escalation but i think it would be a mistake for the united states to make any concession that would reward bad behavior. on our part what would that entail halting exercises or troop stationing anything dealing with our defenses on the peninsula or halting our anti-missile defenses we cannot negotiate good behavior against bad and we
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cannot go that direction do we go further do we make threats to north korea i think that we have to put every sanction on the table we continue to partner with our friends china they no more want a volatile peninsula than we do their approach to it is a little more problematic being their next door neighbor and they're having to deal with those issues but i think that we can work through those what we don't allow though is for china to convey a north korean desire for us to weaken our defenses on the peninsula while they promise that they will somehow curtail their bad behavior on missile development and on nuclear development do you think north korea would do an idiotic thing like that attack the south korea or the united states. i think that one thing that history has taught me larry is that dictators often. will miscalculate they surround themselves with people that want to stay alive and those people advise
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them that oh yes what a brilliant decision you are the man and then you can only listen to so much of that then you begin to believe them if you look at the trail of dead dictators and destroyed countries you will see this consistency and i think that with north korea it has to be very clear from all sides whether it's united states china russia wherever that if they make these actions and they strike that north korea will be obliterated it has to be clearly understood because the other thing dictators have in common is that they all want to survive and kim jong un is no different he wants to survive so we let him know that that is impossible he cannot survive if he should ever strike with nuclear weapons or if he should ever strike with conventional weapons to south korea or any of our allies ok switching gears what do you expect from the trump suit meeting friday. expects or what we
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would like to see goals is the question. expectations i don't know. very encourage that master is one of the national security. advisers at the national security advisor to the president he knows the situation in the region very well but i think the president would be well served if he would immediately lay down the non-negotiable with russia and what would those be article five sec recited can't by late it the other thing is sanctions we desire to lift some of them however that's not going to happen until russia abides by the agreements with ukraine with no one to send on bass and in the other areas same way with the case. in georgia sanctions cannot be lifted until they hold up their end of the bargain so those would be the non-negotiable and just lay them out very clearly as saying nothing will change there but here are the negotiables what does
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a post isis syria look like russia has influence in the region has had for forty or fifty years with their port at tartus and the airfield it. that's been well understood and well known that they have ports there in the in the mediterranean so we acknowledge that that that those bases will be there and that that is an area of influence that russia continues to have for our part with the free syrians and other allies in the coalition we would reduce rocka on their part they would remove assad from any post isis syrian governance and then from there we can work on how a post syrian would look like if we have the major players of the united states russia turkey the other allies where we could have a more friendly coalition of. of aid in helping the syrian people get back on their
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feet those are common ground things that we can get to but russia will not be interested in any of that if they somehow feel that their bases are threatened in syria they've had them for fifty years we just acknowledge it this was something that should have been done some time ago but unfortunately it wasn't and that's i believe why russia invaded was to protect those bases are you concerned that the president not to put him down might be in a little over his head with some and as veteran of all of this as putin. you know putin will have that mystique about him but his same token president trump will have a mystique about him as well the idea of what will he be thinking what will he do what will he say all of those things can work to your favor in a negotiation but what's key is each side lays down the non-negotiable is once that's established then you don't negotiate from those positions you negotiate on what's in between and there's a lot in between that the united states and russia could get to
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a post isis syria and iraq is certainly one of them that we all have a common interest in that we could work on in terms of nato and economics and. you know those types of things there are no non-negotiable as there that have to be clearly established and once they are then you can get to the economic questions after you're established the security questions as the president bring up the possible hijacking of the election. i think there's a lot of people that would desire all of that to be done but here's the simple truth larry is that russia has tried to get in and influence all kinds of elections they're doing it in nato countries in the newer added. eastern european countries even you could say their older nato countries are doing it in the republic of georgia area ukraine this is nothing new that we've seen doesn't mean that we like it or that we condone it but i think in terms of it ought to be
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a mutual understanding look you want to go monkeying around with these things this is only going to create more problems for everybody and it's going to cause counter actions on our part much like the cold war days which really didn't serve anybody so i think we can get to something that is better than that but as far as entering our domestic squabbles and this food fight between the president and the media we don't need to take that overseas and these negotiations there's too many important things to discuss it steve always love talking to you thank you so much thank you likewise continuing the conversation we're now joined by former u.s. representative david jolly republican of florida he joins us from tampa ok what's your assessment david of the i.c.b.m. test by the north koreans. and we can't underestimate the challenge that this is to this president and listen i think some of his tweets have been concerning but we
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know he's not coming to office as a foreign policy expert i do think we should be reassuring is our career generals our top military brass they have plans in place none of them are going to be very easy but i do think they'll be presenting the president with choices that ultimately the commander in chief will be able to choose from can this be negotiated. only through china and this is where the president's tweet about kind of giving up on. as a little concerning listen china is a major actor and this they either have to agree to let the us lead or china has to agree to lead themselves and this gets into volatile territory this is not easy if this was easy barack obama would have solved it and bush forty three would have solved it this is going to be a major national security challenge for this president was the clinton administration working with them go. they were they were in fact and listen we also have seen the maturation if you will in a negative way of kim jong hoon as
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a state leader in north korea a very volatile one and so the impact on south korea japan and china is significant but china is the largest player in that region and we do need to find a way to work with china you will continue to see military exercises by the u.s. and allies a bit of saber rattling if you will that in itself is not going to solve it at some point this is going to have to reach a negotiated conclusion or we will see great harm to many people what do you expect from the putin trump meeting friday. you know this is a test for this president he must bring up the fact that russia tampered in our elections and failure to do so i think will be the big story leaving the meeting if president trump fails to address this with putin in some ways it would be good if the meeting doesn't go too well it would show that donald trump is actually protecting america's interest in dealing with putin understand this is
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a person who marched across the ukraine to take land this is a person who has coordinated efforts with iran and actors in the middle east that are adverse to u.s. interests president trump needs to take those issues head on in a very hard way he doesn't need to be nice with putin just to be nice if he does so i think it will look like a failure on his part but he has time to prepare for that meeting and hopefully it is one that includes very hard conversations believe it in you told him as in b.c. quote in the long lens donald trump's done he's done there's no question about that what do you mean by done. what i mean is he should he survive his first term and i do think he will unless listen robert muller could actually come out with some very indicting information but within the party i think he will face a primary challenge and as pathway to reelection is going to be very difficult it is hard to pull off the magic twice of losing a popular vote but when in the electoral college understand i don't believe this
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president has added votes among the population the united states since he took office he's only lost and so i do think he would face a primary challenge i think as pathway to reelection is very hard the only thing that might save this president is dramatic economic growth where people see their retirement accounts going up consumer prices staying low in their marginal income increasing if so he's got a shot but it will require this president to really settle down from these first six months in office stay right there we'll have more politicking right after the break. about your sudden passing i phone lee just learned you were a south and taken your last turn. here at right up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry. so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned
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on each pair. but then my feeling started to change you talked about more like it was still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it's one does not leave a funeral in the same as one enters my mind it's consumed with this one. speech because there were no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has its make. i'm a trial lawyer i've spent countless hours poring through documents that tell the story about the ugly side of. corporate media everything uses to talk about the car. i'm going to paint a clear picture about how disturbing alcool corporate conduct has been in mob
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these are stories that you no one else can get on my pepto your host of america. question. the warhawks selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles. for new socks credit tell you that gossip and public are files this report. about how you are not cool enough to fight their product. all the hawks that we along with all the one. of the politicking we're talking with former us representatives david jolly of florida where is the republican agenda at this point are we going to get things done in this country. you know they have actually passed several measures that roll
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back obama era regulations and so industry is somewhat satisfied on a very small scale but the big ticket items of health care reform tax reform other issues that is clearly stalled in my opinion larry it's because congress continues to default to this president listen this president was not elected on policy expertise and so i have recently come out with a column saying what congress needs to do is stop following this president but lead this president members of congress were elected on their own platform not trump so there's no need for congress to now fall subservient to trump's agenda which in itself is very confusing and contradictory at times i do think though on the major issues of the day like health care frankly republicans have a hard task ahead of them to sell any bill to the american people that actually reduces coverage it doesn't have to be obamacare they say they don't have to accept obamacare but the replacement plan needs to be one that doesn't reduce coverage to
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the american people or they'll never be able to sell it to the american people years ago donald tome favored a single payer system most just in norway where single payer works tremendously and although only have five billion people sure but it works why i want one i'll give the other a shot. well i don't think the consensus of the american people is there but one of the things i've proposed as a republican that would ensure no loss coverage is the following we can solve the preexisting condition problem for millions of americans by saying if you cannot get private sector policies then let's early enroll you in medicare in some ways that would be a single payer system for high risk individuals for those who can afford private policies that's why we have expanded medicaid to let's make sure that that those provisions are provided for those of less income if you do that larry what you've done is you have taken out those who are unable to pay and you've taken out higher . risk patients and then you can restore free market principles to
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a private market they could drive down monthly costs to individual families like obamacare pick winners and losers many people now have coverage that didn't before and those were the winners and rightfully so but many particularly the younger healthier small business owners did see prices increase and did see plans have reductions and services or higher premiums that is because that we put everybody in the same risk pool so i certainly wouldn't support a single payer as somebody who's kind of center right in my ideology but to your point i think you can put high risk individuals and those who can afford private sector health care in to subsidize plans like medicare medicaid or what do you make of the treats when we see it treat from the president can we take that as an official statement by the head of the united states. so the white house has said that and that's what's so concerning when he one day will complement the leader of china in the next day distance himself when his foreign policy statement on north
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korea firing a missile is doesn't kim jong un have anything better to do and then when he engages in outright depravity and massage and the like his comments about. joe scarborough and others that he he leads with those are official statements the white house has said that that's the opinion of the president my point on congressional republicans distancing themselves from this president is because too often they do not react strongly enough to this president he needs to suffer more condemnation from fellow republicans and those on the hill my advice to hill republicans is to ignore this president isolate him let him serve his twitter constituency and you congressional republicans who got elected as well you go do your job and then tell the president here's the legislation we just passed sign here take it or leave it. david always great to go with you thank you so much. always great to be with you thank you larry joining me now from new york city is
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katrina vanden heuvel editor and publisher of the nation what's your assessment of the trumpet ministrations reaction to north korea's launching of that i.c.b.m. . well there isn't it it's incoherent. i mean one thing that strikes me larry is how so much of our media lives in the eternal present there is a history to what we're witnessing and i think the trumpet ministration would be wise to reflect a little on that history it's a grave i mean it's a threat but one thousand nine hundred forty two thousand and two the clinton administration gauged in negotiations to freeze the plutonium program and to buy back medium and long term. missiles i'm not an expert but those involved in those negotiations robert gallucci former defense secretary william perry believe the only alternative to war larry is negotiations to an address the threat we face and i think it's irresponsible to even talk about war in the situation when you
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might have thousands and thousands of south korean civilian casualties you'd have a region and for all chaos which is what i think motivates china it's terrified of a region in chaos a failed state and what that means so i think the trump administration needs to think hard about how it's going to deal with china which is a great power i don't know of continuing economic sanctions or the answer i think a negotiated settlement to deal with this crisis this threat and i hope there are wiser cooler heads in the trumpet ministration than his twitter feed might suggest to you negotiating with a madman you know listen learn through time think about the history of containment and deterrence soviet union had thousands more missiles i mean we've witnessed now it's a nuclear program we've now seen perhaps the first launcher or two of i.c.b.m. that might reach a y. e or alaska soviet union had thousands of missiles containment deterrence no one
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survives in a nuclear. exchange so i think it's very dangerous to go that route and i do think this is a moment we need to see as i do i think. north korea there's it's dangerous but i think one can find a way to negotiate and you have a new leader in south korea who was just in washington at the end of last month very interesting who wants to find a way to engage north korea the hope is at some point to denuclearize that region but i don't think that's in the cards the new york times this morning concluded with its cover story on north korea that. he may be mad and use twitter too often and not have enough to do with his time the leader of north korea but he looks out and sees what happened to the libyan dictator moammar qaddafi after negotiations with the european union the united states he gave up his nuclear program do i need
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to tell you what happened to him he was deposed regime change we witness a failed state in libya now so i think i might conclude the turning point was when george w. bush came in the greatest debacle was the iraq war the second might have been and this is according to robert gallucci who was the state department's lead to go shader in one thousand nine hundred for this axis of evil calling it north korea a member of the axis of evil and breaking apart the negotiations that were happening under clinton may have contributed to where we are today instead of continuing those negotiations we resorted to military approaches which are going to result in nuclear crises larry unless we all want to be annihilated or do you expect from the trump meetings well what do you expect larry i mean we've seen. a country our country is it you know engaged in what might be called russia gate there's also intel gate i don't even think so much about these two men i come back
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to what we were talking about the bulletin of atomic scientists move the doomsday clock which measures sort of the danger of nuclear annihilation moved forward a few months ago when i see these two men meet i think they better speak in to sort out how we're going to deal with an escalating nuclear arms race which imperils us and the planet and i think it's just common sense larry put aside all the the actrix we're going to see about the handshake and how they relate to each other to strongman of war you know we we need a working relationship with russia to deal with syria to resolve that horrific conflict which is contributing to refugee crisis in europe and we needed to deal with the escalating nuclear arms race we need to resolve the ukraine nato issue and i think that there should be some movement toward that it's just common sense and listen i've been going to moscow for thirty seven years i understand putin is an author a tarion leader but cold wars closed down space for dissent they don't help those
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on either side who try to speak for transnational human rights so i think let's hope there's some resolute some beginning of more mutual. a partnership that contributes to the resolution of those crises you know the july for the better in the washington post you called on americans to consider how one could be patriotic in that. you know. in any area absolutely i think the term is contested i think everyone is a patriot in his or her own right but my vision of patriotism has less to do with the parades the military parades the kind trump wanted to have a nationalism day it's about upholding that ensuring that that our country fulfills its best ideals fulfills the idea of a more perfect union and i think in these times when many people feel that the idea of liberty and independence and happiness and security are under threat whether it's health care or politics the muslim bear gutting environmental health
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a whole slew of things that i think you know there needs to be a hard thinking about a patriotism that believes that in dissent in unyielding defense of civil rights and civil liberties of justice and equality and i think that is how i see patriotism in the trump here and i think it's really extraordinarily important that so many millions are now engaged in the political process and i think everyone brings to it some piece of them some history some family some community and that's very exciting it's not about as much parades and fireworks as really ensuring that declaration of independence which was created in a flawed context can be built on and generation era after era where things are going to happen with health care. i think the republicans may be committing political suicide one way or the other it again it's kind of incoherent but the idea that you're now going to repeal and not replace shows how
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a republican party that for seven years larry may repeal and replace the montra the centerpiece of their political program really wasn't doing the work i mean. was a lot of talk no walk so i think for the democrats i think we need to build on the idea that health care is a right i think you can see the beginnings of a fight for medicare for all which has more and more support we need to build that out lower medicare's age to fifty five maybe and build it up from below but i think the rally is also show the republican party quite cowardly running away from citizens who are trying to engage their democratic rights and rallies i think the old you know so much of the health care stuff larry i think you've probably talked about this is kind of wrapped around a tax cut for the very richest and that tax cut is important for the next step of the republican plan which is a quote tax reform so i don't know how they move forward affectively but i do think trump's general priorities haven't really been fulfilled on jobs on infrastructure
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on healthcare. the dream it always great talk to me thank you so much thank you larry good trina vanden heuvel the editor and publisher of the nation and thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me of kings things and don't forget to use the politic the hash tag and that's all for this edition of politicking. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself in taking your last wrong turn. up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each. but then my feeling started to change you talked about more like it was again still
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some marshawn to view those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral in the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now as there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. called the feeling top three hundred. everyone in the world should experience. it you'll get it all the your role in. the world according to just.
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look up. come along for the raw. data. all the world's the states and all the news companies merely players but what kind of parties are anti america play marty america off much more artsy american authors led in many ways the use landscape is just like the few real news big names good actors bad actors and in the end you could never you're all. so the park and all the world's a stage all the world's a stage all the world's a stage and we are definitely a player. and
12:00 am
. violence breaks out on the streets of the g twenty host city hamburg as demonstrators clashing with police. as the leaders of the world's greatest economic powers begin arriving in germany we look at the challenges they will be facing at the summit. the u.s. rejects a joint a russian and chinese proposal aimed to deescalate the situation on the korean peninsula by halting washington's military drills with south korea.


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