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tv   Going Underground  RT  July 8, 2017 2:29pm-3:01pm EDT

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the world's working classes and as london celebrates pride the u.k.'s largest event we debate gay rights in russia and the dangers of teresa mayes deal with the deal you please and this raises may threatens deportation after twelve months move survived the grim felt our inferno in london we hear a soundtrack to new liberal austerity and as parliament sat on the anniversary of a labor government creating british universal health care we can. resume appears to need cough medicine educate by ministers questions all the civil war coming up at today's going underground but first casting a shadow over today's g. twenty summit has been missile testing from north korea. irascible un ambassador nikki haley to somehow threaten china and russia vote with the international community to strengthen sanctions on north korea and if you choose not to we will
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go our own path own path international community all arguably tired code words that have been used for decades by successive u.s. officials even the amazon dot com washington post is educating its readers online as to why north koreans displays the usa let alone the u.k. the united states dropped six hundred thirty five thousand tons of compared with the five hundred in three times the entire pacific theater during a block or two u.s. bombers decimated the north after bombing urban targets the us dames flooding former air force commanders complain that they'd run out of targets that's won't stop t.v. networks like this next one characterized by president chavez fake news preparing for all out war seemingly ignorant of the maybe thirty percent of north korea's population killed by britain and the usa last time around wolf this fight the global implications that would follow if north and south korea went to full on war the truth is the korean peninsula would. really bearing the brunt of all of this
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and that's where most of the fighting would take place that's a clip obviously before pyongyang's test of a missile that can hit north america but while the g. twenty may name check was in korea syria where until recently britain and the usa have been backing ice's and al-qaeda linked groups and yemen where britain arms saudi arabia to kill thousands and threaten millions it will be another theme that may be key to understanding this year's g. twenty neo liberalism joining me via skype is thomas a burns who has held high level positions of the international monetary fund the world bank the o.e.c.d. and the government of canada he's a distinguished out of the center for international governance innovation and joins me from the g. twenty in hamburg thomas welcome to going underground you've followed these supernational organizations of summits for decades has ever been business as usual as we see riot police and demonstrators gather in hamburg. well i must say i've i've never seen
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a summit where expectations of being so uncertain or unclear the demonstrators are one thing but more importantly on the substance of the debate we're saying over the questions of climate control environment and on trade protectionism really are potentially a retreat from where the g twenty has been and so that. we're looking at either no progress or well being backward which is is quite worrisome you mentioned climate change surely china probably arguably happy that trump has reneged on paris because it will help chinese climate change technologies well i think china does stand to to benefit. in terms of new clean technologies there's no question about it a lot i wouldn't exaggerate the impact of president trump's decision with respect
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to the paris accord i think many u.s. states have already announced their intention to od to proceed with those objectives and u.s. industry has already started to to change and as you know many us as a slater's wrote to the president and said we don't want you to withdraw so i think we may have actually that right or it's one thing but the actual impact is going to be quite different down the road well as regards to be the central. issue here the g. twenty. we saw president putin and president xi jinping drinking vodka at the in moscow just before the g. twenty summit is is that close relationship closer relationship between moscow and beijing a symptom of the end of globalization i don't think it's a symptom of the end of globalization by the way maybe is a. symptom or a recognition that the u.s. . primordial role as leader of the system is no longer the case.
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for some time we've been moving to a more collective leadership for the global economy and what we've seen with president trump in place now is is that the move towards that has accelerated and so the confidence in the us administration and the us president as reflected in various recent global polls has suffered dramatically and i think we're going to be looking at more leadership from china and potentially from from parts of europe from from chancellor merkel from mccraw in france and from justin trudeau and. you think it's the beginning of the end of the i.m.f. and world bank institutions you of course were representative of the i.m.f. many as we see the rise of the new new development bank of the brics countries not only on the china lead aggy i think i think there are two questions i think in terms of development banks. if you look at the financing requirements of the world
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faces there's room for more players and i think. you know the british bank has yet to. to really establish itself with the new asian infrastructure investment bank though is proceeding very quickly and so far is is working collaboratively with with the asian development bank and the world bank and i think that's a good thing and i think there is room for all in a cooperative spirit and then there's room to alert whether respect to the international monetary fund i think china and others continue to recognize its clear leadership role with respect to global economic cooperation it's not primarily a lending institution unless you get into trouble oh it's more of a policy shop and i think that will continue your of course there are the i.m.f. you never agreed with whistleblower john perkins who was at the at the i.m.f.
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saying that basically only did was threaten developing world nations of the extreme military violence if it did not knew liberalize its health care its education services. i know i disagree with that and in fact i had at one point in my career the independent evaluation office at the i.m.f. which is an independent body appointed by governments from outside that. looks at i.m.f. practices and and we did look at i.m.f. programs in a number of developing countries and in fact what we found is that and a number of african countries civil society. and health departments as education departments were very pleased that the i.m.f. as as a condition of their loans was ensuring that there was greater spending within the social sector so it was it was very positive so i just i disagree with the with the
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. disputed from many quarters we talk about the g twenty as if they are the richest entities on a good it's the big multinationals things like google i know it finances the center invest international governance innovation to you you're a distinguished fellow at what do you think about the way issues have changed in this country jeremy corbyn and so forth saying actually the attack must now begin specially on tax avoidance of these incredibly rich and powerful corporations that's the real issue more than anything else at the moment there has been a program within the g twenty drawing upon work at the o.e.c.d. to to in fact addressed the tax issue i think there's no doubt that the corporate and large corporations have been able to. structure their operations in ways that have avoided or minimize the tax they paid and i think the g twenty has said it's a shared concern and that we need to we need to do
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a lot more to share information and to ensure that. what these companies do is in accordance with with the national laws so i think there's there's broad agreement on that from the question is how to turn that into actual action. and just finally if you take yourself back to the days of gatt w t o all these different trade agreements can you imagine that today certainly in britain people are talking about bank nationalization bernie sanders in the united states of course in the election campaign talking about the idea of democratic control of corporations these are the issues on the table not merely liberalism and privatization. i think you know we sometimes see if a new love affair. on these policy issues i think what's really driving it is is the growing concern over over. any quality which which we're saying that there has been i mean the growth we've achieved over the last few decades has is done
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a tremendous lot to improve the position of many citizens of this globe but equally we've seen income inequality growing we've seen wages stagnating and i think for many there is a recognition that the regulation perhaps has gone too far and that we need to address. the social policies a lot more going forward as our economies try to adjust to. technological change new issues or old guys rationing and the implications that has for employment and income thomas mann thank you. thomas a bun's there giving us a context to today's g. twenty anyway the prime minister britain's prime minister literally appeared to choke on her own words at this week's prime minister's questions but not before she was rhetorical he batted about inequality by jeremy coleman who spelt out britain twenty seventeen the way he sees it when tories talk of tough choices we know who
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suffers forest and most vulnerable in our. young people mr speaker employed on zero hours contracts on the moon like these have been put on physical health students everywhere target university graduating with fifty seven sars and pounds worth of debt that will stay with them till why they retire this is speaker let me point out the prime minister this is the only country in which wages have not recovered since the global financial crisis. more people are using food banks four million children living in poverty record in work property young people who see no prospect of owning their own home and six million earning less than the living right age tourism
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a disputed corbin's claims even prefer to use the concept of absolute poverty i.e. how close humans in britain are to caveman rather than the difference between rich and poor unfortunate people in absolute poverty is it recalled. after using that eyebrow raising measure of poverty usually reserved for the poorest nations on earth resumes and that corbin must never be allowed to take power in britain i know that the right honorable gentleman has taken to calling himself a government in waiting well we all know what that means waiting to put out taxis waiting to destroy jobs waiting to bangkok talk on trains we will never let it happen but close forensic examination by the scottish nationalist parties new westminster leader arguably hit even harder than corbin statistics since the two thousand and ten general election the food c. one hundred has risen by thirty nine point six percent monetary policy not least
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quantity of easing has helped drive dot financial assets while workers have paid the price for a student to know that c.m. blackford who used to work for deutsche bank hinting at the tens of billions of dollars poured into the financial system just this year while politicians talk about balancing the books on the shoulders of nurses eating at food banks tourism a defended quantitative easing more printing money for the banks who are having to answer a question about industrial relations in a week where everyone from the bank of england to firefighters have been preparing for a possible strike action the importance of government taking the right decisions to ensure we can. hear. taking the right decisions to ensure growing the economy and providing those jobs to people in the first place embattled prime minister tourism a they're literally choking on her own words after the break didn't provide celebrates the community today we investigate selective mainstream media outrage
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from the u.k. section twenty eight the russians so-called gay propaganda law and this no one here to take the blame. insult. to. all the civil coming on board two of going on the ground. beginning. sixteen she and also my colleagues and deep trouble
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and. europe to surrounded by my enemy and one of them at a certain moment was president and what about russia you know it better than me that to which point our listeners on all. kinds of financial survival job today with the money laundering first to visit the us and the three different. oh good this is a good start well we have our three banks all set up for something in europe something in america something over susan the cayman islands it will pull these banks are complicit in the kleptocracy to decide to give much gold to. ok let's see how we did while we. watch for max and for stacy beautiful jewelry and how about. carlos again you know what for every time.
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you watch. welcome back today the u.k.'s largest event london pride is taking place across the city however while people in britain are celebrating there are over seventy countries around the world where homosexuality is illegal but how selective is outrage about homophobia around and. right around the world i'm joined now by writer and broadcaster and the west and social affairs correspondent of martin andrews welcome to you both and the i know you're speaking of the stages of today's pride event but before we get to that you've been singling out putin's russia for criticism when it comes to bt writes yes not only me i think a lot of people around the world are aware that russia as one of the world's great superpowers he's also one of the world's most homophobic societies and also has very tellingly in the last few years become more homophobic than it was before
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you say that men are entrapped beaten and arrested all over russia for being gay well we've seen that we've seen in documentaries and we've heard. of people being tracked for being gay and yes being tortured for it that is happening it's not something that's happening in the u.k. i'm not saying that in the u.k. we don't still have a long as you go russia right but in russia these things are happening and of course recently we've heard about chechnya ok well we do we'll get to gesture but at the moment i mean what and lived in moscow before i let them live here said look first of all i'm here today not working forty so i have time for twelve years but somebody who's also had the exam. opinions on c.n.n. channel five channels in america and i'm glad that the three of us sitting here today a story out gay men could actually talk about that as. you know i mean everything and i can assure what you said that you know russia is one of the most homophobic countries in the world is it i mean the question is the fact that russia it's not
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illegal to be gay they did criminalize my sexuality in one thousand nine hundred ninety three rather and it's actually illegal in seventy nine countries around the world but constantly in the gay press especially in the u.k. it's russia russia russia and we just as a point about russia that it's a very influential country on the world stage and people notice what russia does it's a powerful country there's no denying that and the mood music politically in russia is homophobic there is no two ways about but you have you ever been to russia i don't need to go to iraq and i certainly have musical ideas i look at how ok there is a there is not. we who are relying on mainstream media reports but also. for giving a country that has introduced a new piece of legislation saying you cannot talk about being gay because it will turn out ok this is what it's about exactly this policy that it's going to section twenty eight margaret thatcher brought in the same kind of similar law where you couldn't promote a homosexual lifestyle situ order it was in law until two thousand and three and
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people seem to forget only did few years ago we had exactly the same law which was a backward step to move forward. and say that we have actually pictures of the march against section twenty eight there. which is what was put in quick enough to react to draw cities in this will draw them as russian really i think first of all western is need to know what chechnya is it's like literally comparing the falcons to the whole it is so far removed it's got a different religion different traditions different leader and people seem to be so interested in gay rights and southern russia all of a sudden when isis last year were throwing gay people off roofs so we were interested in that. not that it. should be the points that i saw on facebook a lot of people have talked about the atrocities carried out against gay people in iraq for instance were you written against russia explicitly in gay times did you write against saudi arabia the flag of. russia i've written against
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a homophobic law in russia and i think a political move me sick that is homophobic and i think you're really really having to work hard to say that there isn't ok. can i bring in politics i'm going to india because india actually made it illegal to be gay again two years ago when it's not in russia and hardly anybody mentioned it why is this there was nobody poor and broken joshua's or curry's down drains or whatever but there were tons and thousands of people pouring vodka down drains with this law when it happened like other countries are home imo you know ok ferocious you know i love never talking about it we are but we're also talking about the global you know. this fight against russia's version of britain's section twenty eight and i was going there at the moment first of all i've always said it's wrong and i disagree with the law and i think it's a backward step out of the use of for they getting to fight this law that putin obviously agrees with what he first of all what i'm not going to speak for putin whether he's on the phone to the russian people trying to fight section twenty
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eight because in britain we got it repealed eventually we did but it was sort of like you know many many. may diverge against. a doctor and the thing with the thing with russia is that it's a divided society and you cannot compare somebody who lives in tomsk to somebody who lives in modern day moscow they're complete polar opposites where you can't you can in modern day society in britain you can compare that lifestyle in manchester somebody would have the same viewpoint as you would in just a poor of the cold war and of using identity politics to help britain fight wars against russia and maybe chinese and i wouldn't sell for granted aggrandize myself to. at that level no not at all i'm simply saying that in russian politics there is a variant homophobia there and i think that is not present during the root i cannot i cannot fathom why anyone would even try to disagree with that because i'm not
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disagreeing with that well then well then in that case we agree martin but i will say actually to back you up a little bit you know we actually have northern ireland as part of the u.k. and i would say the government should be doing an awful lot more to make northern ireland less homophobic i'm from liverpool i wouldn't hold hands with a guy in the street that i mean you know but i'm interested to hear that in russia it's fine to walk through moscow holding hands is it it's ok for. us to be able to but it seems that there is that their yachts and that there isn't but it was there in the u.k. twenty years ago either there is a healthy developing subculture not a shaman we are actually we really do not because you have to understand there's no doubt it's it's moving backwards to go forwards and you have to think. you have to think and realise about the religion it has over society in russia in modern day russia in the u.s.s.r. you know the bolsheviks religion was was flat out bands for most part the last century and now with the with the fall of the server even you've got capital mystic you know the bought society with also with the rise of religion what i'm trying to say is that you've got this paradoxical extreme way of living that you just don't
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have here in the u.k. and i think you're not going from here is in the market with respect saying that moving backwards to move for what we did exactly the same words section twenty really things are always a minute really is a lie are you any you personally believe that about all of which undoubtedly exists and we will establish the in russia. particularly in what the british government calls britain's enemies registries rather than in say british commonwealth countries like. jamaica bay dawson's of all i've spoken out against homophobia in iraq and saudi arabia and i've written on those subjects as well there are other countries that are also homophobic that doesn't make it ok for russia to be homophobic you think anyone is ok it doesn't but if you look at the media's response to it i've covered decide she lympics i was you know called every name under the sun for being part of that and the fact that russia brought this which i disagree with into. places it was hosting the olympics but six months later glasgow
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the commonwealth games you've got thirty nine commonwealth countries where they've got anti gay laws and it wasn't even mentioned there was even i didn't read one article about it ok let's just go to pride now you said that the rates were not great twenty years ago in this country would you think about what people are saying there but the the corporatization of the pride march is no sponsored by barclays what about gay rights in this country i think the gay rights in this country quite misunderstood and i think that if somebody sponsoring an event that's a sign of the times a given moment i think it's also sad in the fact that london you know the numbers are actually growing less and less and falling every single year. you know about two hundred fifty thousand people at pride today where if you compare to berlin or palo there's about three million people maybe that's a sign of social acceptance who knows is violence against getting worse in britain it absolutely is the met police manchester police. the police in scotland all have
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statistics that show that the reporting of homophobic crimes is rising is rising by about ten to fifteen percent a year that's not because more people are reporting it because they've worked that out and actually no it's because these things are happening more it's also because there are more people who are out. today than there were twenty years ago people are more visibly gay now if you walk around london you see guys anyway though you're going to move back to moscow if you're unsaved no no i because i think that you know i don't think it's here ok here in britain i don't think it's here it's good in moscow either i think there are problems in both societies i think both cities and countries are moving forward i really do believe that in comparison to other countries like india or countries in africa or singapore or other countries which are going backwards which are discussed prosy that annoys me but it. had the west. well to play us
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out of this episode of going underground now is henry face c.u.z. p entropy is now streaming online henry you busk outside the hotel i live in so about that it's fantastic that's why you're here exactly why you're here is twenty four days is the ground for fire tragedy one of the songs i listen to it's changed over the days if you've been playing it yeah i suppose its significance has changed not just for me but for the people i did change the title of the song to and i suppose it's small relevant now and it was before i voted so it makes sense to play and if a.z. thank you will be back on monday the anniversary of the death of jelly roll morton of a hundred eighty five years to the day u.s. pro-slavery president drew jackson vetoed a second federal bank of the united states keeping the presidential media hears of london like one of the songs off henry faces upcoming that you can find out about on his website that henry facing off cold. cash.
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giving. way to. hold on to me. and meet the. sting. they too afraid to make a sound this no one here to take the lead. it's salt.
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pushing through the crowd to see. just a strange should not to me. take to stop the. saddlebag to. shut the blonde song on. it's. taken style. and do whatever they.
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call them it's obvious. that. they do much to it which. barcelona dubrovnik in venice are all fixed travel destinations so it must be nice to live there or is it. crowds of tourists disrupt the city's economic and social life and i'm a little bit before this on the celestial god was such a traditional story son nas comes by him sometime soon as we finally
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into a school but there's a lot on my feet while the city's tried desperately not to collapse. the profit of. the couple will probably go on the dole coffee cup at home in the bushes up the on saabs knock up the supposed to mean a. lot of fun. is a tourist phobia fulfill fell into an identity.
3:00 pm
president putin gives a revealing insight into his meeting with donald trump at the g. twenty saying the public doesn't get to see the real side of the u.s. president. is completely. businesslike and easy to talk with. schools is chaos in the streets. against the summit. a militant left wing radicals. leaving many. also. another. heading into europe some nations.


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