tv Headline News RT July 9, 2017 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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a u.s. and russia brokered cease fire comes into force in the south west of syria people there are enjoying their first peaceful day after six years of fighting. maybe we can look at. the week's top stories have come forward in hamburg days of anti g twenty rights apply to the german city resulting in hundreds of injuries among police and protesters plus. i. c n n is accused of blackmailing the creator of the president wrestling clip
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threatening to reveal his identity if he does something similar again. welcome the latest developments and look back at the last seven days to watch the weekly here on r.t. international now just a few hours ago a u.s. and russian brokered cease fire came into force in southwest syria after six years of relentless fighting people across three provinces have finally enjoyed a relatively peaceful day. now. maybe i will need to give the ability. to. well you. know what most of all.
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well the ceasefire came as an unexpected breakthrough following a meeting between president putin and donald trump on the sidelines of the g twenty summit in hamburg and many city has moved into its. following the first face to face meeting between president trump president putin the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has announced that the u.s. and russia has agreed on a new cease fire in the south western of syria that would take into effect at noon damascus time on july ninth take a listen to the details of this new cease fire zone to discover russia the u.s. and jordan reach a cease fire agreements with syria the cease fire will come into effect in three areas there. and it will come into force on the ninth of july the u.s. and russia have committed to monitoring the ensuring humanitarian access to the areas. these areas will be ensured by russian military police and close cooperation
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with the u.s. and jordan now these three southern provinces that lavrov mentioned also share a border with jordan which is also part of this new agreement however another country that these three southern provinces which i believe can show you on a map on the screen now also share a border with israel and this area includes that this golan heights of this area between syria and israel and according to the u.n. is a syrian territory occupied by israel since the sixty's and over the recent weeks there's been a surge of quasi border exchanges of fire and this new the escalation zone can potentially afford such incidents in the future u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson he said this new agreement shows his first indication that the u.s. and russia can work together and cooperate with each other in syria the russian president vladimir putin he also expressed an optimistic tone or take a listen. to regarding whether the u.s. is action on syria has changed i think it's become more pragmatic in general it
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doesn't seem to change but there is now an understanding that we can achieve a lot with the united effort now bear in mind that this is no doubt a breakthrough in terms of u.s. russia relations showing that the two countries can work with each other in syria however it be too optimistic to see this as a break throughout the entire syrian conflict as a whole as you know prior to this numerous the escalation zones happened set up and countless sea. fire happening greed on and both sides have accused each other are violating them and so if there's still a lot of answer to questions regarding the syrian conflict and where the most crucial one being the political future government. and we see there let's get the views now of the risk he joins us he's a middle east expert alley hello there we were just hearing that is agree there is a degree of sort of optimism and also oppose them isn't because we've seen in the past ceasefire as sort of come to the floor and fail why do you think this one will work where others have failed.
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i think that the trumpet ministration has put quite a lot of political capital into this particular this latest initiative you know trump after the first meeting with the russian president vladimir putin so it's a kind of comes with a different atmosphere a very significant a new atmosphere as i said just on the heels of a very important russian american summit between the leaders of both countries so that in my mind is one reason the other reason if you look at the statement released by the u.s. secretary of state rick said us and just on the eve of the u.s. the russians somebody to hamburg and thomas had referred to the importance of achieving stability they were appears to be in a american recognition now war american readiness if you would like to back there on from the precondition which the americans used to have of president bashar assad
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stepping down and so i think this new more pragmatic i think that the russian president put it best when he said this more pragmatic american approach which normal give sets conditions like the ruvell of the syrian president i think this fact does indeed make clear the chances for. this latest ceasefire to be more successful it increases the likelihood of success because we do indeed appear to have a new merican a recognition of the reality of war pragmatic as i said the american approach with regard to the three regions that we chose and why do you think they were chosen why this area of syria. well look the us time and again has spoken about the importance of jordan the jordanian ally obviously jordan it was one of the us the main allies in the region and the u.s.
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would like jordan to remain the spared from the clear from the terrorist violence which has wreaked havoc you know war throughout the region so i think that's one reason the u.s. is keen on preserving the jordanian allies to stability particularly because jordan is on there are a big strain or if you're g.'s. at the same time jordan has good ties with russia so the fact that jordan enjoys good ties with both superpowers i think that was an id important factor in designating these three locations which as was mentioned are on the border with jordan i don't know how much the israeli factor was important but it's significant to bear in mind that the is ready premier benjamin netanyahu expressed cautious optimism about this ceasefire because he said that you know a cease fire is good but as long as long it doesn't as it doesn't lead to the expansion
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of a husband law a rainy and i'll even syrian government presence so the israeli stance is unclear but i think that you know jordan's good ties with both moscow and washington i did i think it did have a big role to play in choosing these particular regions and just put this into context for us to be they rally of course is a big is a big news day when some of the. it happens in syria and say far it's so good but with regard to the the wider conflict that we see in syria i mean how far away are we from from seeing that resolved. you're speaking about a cease fire throughout the country is that what your get the exactly i mean obviously people are talking about this very positively but in terms of finding of a final resolution to the conflict in syria that's still a long way off it seems. you know yes because you still i don't think you still have a you know consensus or a kind of people agreement on what the final settlement should be. you know do we
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want to go back to a united syria where by the syrian president controls all of syrian territory for example in that particular case if the syrian president bashar al assad was to seize control of all of syria that's a red line for his frail israel obviously would do its utmost to prevent that such a scenario from being fulfilled that's also our headline for turkey at the same time you have iran which believes that president bashar assad should have control of all of all of syria as he's a legitimate a syrian president so yes you don't have a convergence of views as to the final settlement but at the very least i think you know this particular step is a positive way forward but i would focus you know i personally would focus on the fact that. three players let me say is well the saudi arabia turkey these
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particular three players and they will do whatever they can order to spoil any solution which leaves syrian president bashar assad in control of the whole of the whole country and i think that these three players i mentioned would prefer who would try and bring about scenario whereby syria is divided into different statelet so i think that's what these three players will be working on now let's wait and see the trump illustration will it be influenced by the positions from these countries especially from israel saudi arabia will or will it in the end agree to the syrian president controlling all of syria i think you know that still hasn't become clear enough. thanks very much for your insight this evening that was at a risk and middle east expert thank you. the first meeting between the russian and american presidents was held behind closed doors at the g twenty summit in hamburg this week as we mentioned much of what was discussed was not made public although
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that amir putin did however share his personal impressions of the u.s. leader afterwards. and our national concert trump and i have established a relationship it may sound strange but trump in real life is completely different to when he's on t.v. he's very businesslike and easy to talk with i think if we continue to work together in the way we did yesterday we will be able to restore relations between the u.s. and russia and bring corporation between our countries to a new level however it wasn't only putin and trump throwing everybody's attention the g. twenty summit so a lot of new faces as well as old friends getting together. i . was.
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thousands of leftwing militants from across europe converged on the city leaving a trail of destruction cars and piles of rubbish were taught shops were vandalized and looted and the riots is also clashed with the police in fact over two hundred officers were reportedly left injured many businesses following the first wave of riots to take steps then to protect their premises why boarding up windows some said that past the city looked like a war zone peter all of a followed the. tensions have boiled over between demonstrators and the police. i can see the main body of the crowd and i disavow it and as we say i'm lacing every bomb seriously so you can have that really hurt you a kosovan is what can you please describe for me what happened where you were well as far as i could tell they were attacking the demonstration with no reason.
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this is part of a. civil war the violence was awful and i also don't understand the message they want to send me his violence he simply tragic. that is a call some form sportscar belief that's been. roaming moments of small bits of violence and the police come in to try and put it out war to come and we used pepper spray was used. to. hear the crowd chanting away that on sci fi she's the build of on sci fi chants going on all under the watchful eye if we move the camera over here over the watchful eye of a lot of police officers i do. not wish to keep a bit vigilant here because we are seeing already what's the us flower being thrown at the police just as you can see there we're actually right between the police and
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the demonstrators right now so we're going to try and get out of the way just well moment while i'm talking to you not the best place to be it. has a huge call of police officers that's marching through the city then leading the demonstrates is. i think. it's continued on days over the last twenty four hours now as you can see just behind me does actually. more war to count and arriving at the intersection where i am. they will say a quiet tense scene here just a long time ago whereby a number of bottles were being thrown the police responded with water cannon we see . there's certainly a very large police presence a helicopter flying overhead many other emergency vehicles around but there's also an awful lot of demonstrators here.
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this is the scene in hamburg as you can see a heavy police presence there just marching past me the older came through from police that this base in the section here this junction had to be cleared and there is a section of demonstrators just over there you may be able to see wall to cut in being used every time they try and come close to this intersection they get sprayed back . you can see just over here the advertising hoardings have been vandalized there behind me is a bank that was all it was locked up but it's now also been all smashed up over my right shoulder there i spoke to some of the shop owners that are based here about their plans were some were saying they were going to pull them up some load saying they were going to wait it out and stay inside the store twenty four hours a day some owners are covering windows so they don't get broken
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a lot of places are closed so we couldn't work productively because a total collapse of transportation was in my opinion you can't organize the g. twenty two in a left wing liberal area especially in hamburg which is famous for its demonstrators it is one of the major centers full counter-culture in germany one of the major centers indeed for the fall left here just over my left shoulder is a place called they are off the floor it's a major hub full of left wing groups here and it was from there that a law. so the organizing of these demonstrations originated from of course this area ending up being where a lot of the violence took place so. these are all the reporting live from the alternative to germany party tells us that given the strength of radical left wing sentiment in the city violence was always very much
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a possibility. how big it is well known for its left wing. sometimes extremist views so this shouldn't have been a surprise for anybody really well i believe that two groups of people who actually traveled to how to take part in this one group is very peaceful they want to stage their protest they perfectly in their right every german has the right to assemble freely without weapons it's part of the constitutional law the second group. they didn't want to have any peaceful demonstrations they were set for trouble you have these i call them demolition tourists they travel from all over europe and all all of the germany to take part in a protest that is bound to be violent that is bound to destroy shops looting of supermarkets but they had no interest whatsoever in a peaceful protest and sadly this small but very violent group is now attracting
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called the feeling of freedom. everyone in the world should experience freedom and you'll get the old. the old according to just. welcome to my world come along for the ride. hello again c.n.n. found itself at the center for internet drive this week it tracked and create a clip featuring donald trump wrestling the channel's logo the video was tweeted by the president a few days earlier leading c.n.n. to say it encouraged violence against reporters however the channel found itself in hot water when it decided to find the man behind the main lot against if as the
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story so this guy makes a humorous little video and then it blows up someone edited it donald trump found it and posted it on his twitter feed i got millions of views hundreds of thousands of likes and many people had a love c.n.n. did not like being laughed at not one bit they launched a manhunt for the original creator of the video what they did these docs saying it is digging up private information on someone or with something and then publishing it can be used for law enforcement for business extortion coercion harassment online shaming and vigilante justice the reaction has been furious even songes way did on the matter saying that potentially what c.n.n.
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did may be a crime the multi-billion dollar t.v. network blackmailing a private citizen into not making funny videos about it is not journalism see. c.n.n. succeeded they found the original creator and have since apologized and promised never to make another video critical of c.n.n. channel says when they finally talk to him he sounded nervous as well he might c.n.n. is threatening to publish his identity for all the loonies in. the world to know if he ever stops being sorry it's right there on their website c.n.n. reserves the right to publish his identity if he stops being sorry if anything changes isn't that the deficient of blackmail well in the backlash that followed that the c.n.n. journalist who wrote about the identity of the man behind the clip it back he tweeted this response to the blackmail claims he says that their line was
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misinterpreted and that they simply meant c.n.n. made no agreement about handling the man's identity still the damage was done i mean internet hit back with more marines bashing c.n.n. . in other news this week the u.s. threatened north korea with military force on wednesday after pyongyang testified and you missile the warning came during the merchant sea meeting of the u.n. security council. the united states is prepared to use the full range of our
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capabilities to defend ourselves and our allies one of our capabilities lies with our considerable military forces we will use them if we must america believes it was an intercontinental ballistic missile that was launched by north korea but russia's defense ministry disagrees saying it doesn't believe it has that sort of range moscow is currently calling on both sides to find a political solution to this standoff russia together with china laid out a set of proposals for easing the tensions they suggested that north korea stops testing its weapons and that the u.s. and south korea suspend large scale military exercises in the region washington was also asked to hold its deployment of missile defense systems in south korea however that was rejected by the u.s. and then on wednesday so in washington fired their own missiles into the sea of japan which were seen as warning shots for north korea
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a number of analysts told us that it is america's actions that could provoke a conflict in the region. but north korea launched a missile that wasn't intended to hurt anyone and it did not hurt anyone and what we saw at the united nations was the continuation of the spectacle in which the united states and her increasingly view are lies or using by the international body of peace as a client of global apartheid to justify and rubberstamp wars and saying sions which amount to war they're going to hate the united states even more than they already do we'll see russia and china is countries which don't necessarily always agree with them countries which on allies to them but countries which do not wish them and the people home countries that want to engage in peace the countries that could end up saving north korea from american aggression and they will smile upon that surely the u.s. is sending the same message that they have been sending for seventy years and that
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is to threaten again and again and again the people of the democratic people's republic of korea and the reality of us endless endless threats on the people of korea has ratcheted up now the sanctions a new round of sanctions a new round of threatening other countries that have any trade or economic relations with the d.p. r. k. . he watch and we can hear not say well some part is next. i think the u.s. russia relationship is very important. and we need to make
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it better there's no question about it we need to cooperate on so many issues on nuclear weapons shiria on iran on energy on trade. pong ball come to worlds apart all the talk about the russian meddling in european politics in the united states that has trapped her on the decision making on the continent that is until don't know trunk moved into the white house is europe ready to take its paid into its own hands as german chancellor angela merkel suggested it
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should vote to discuss that i'm now joined by. and is torn in member of the european parliament mr tallman great to have you on the show thank you very much for your time no welcome we are recording this program just a few days before of the russian add them merican presidents are expected to meet in person for the first time coincidentally a bad meeting is going to take place in europe do you think the europeans should be expecting anything. groundbreaking to come out of this meeting. you know. i would say that to both presidents. unpredictable so here at least in this house we cannot we cannot say that we are waiting something something particular for it was very difficult. to get them together. it is so long time who waited for this for this meeting and felt no i really i really cannot say anything.
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