tv Watching the Hawks RT July 11, 2017 2:29am-3:01am EDT
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i'm alex. played bass. guitar and i play guitar. evelyn and i play the drums she told me how to hold everyone come together how to still felt funny to. alex we had actually never met but we knew each other and i like a mutual friend of ours was like ok out is moving to l.a. and i was like perfect awesome this girl i know of her knew she was a musician. in colorado and was like in bands and i just like knew of her because i knew her ex-boyfriend and so. i was like when she comes l.a. we're going to like be friends and we just started playing together yeah we just started jamming at that like the first couple times that. we ever like put songs
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together it was just like her on drums and me playing guitar and i still have these like demos of us just like kind of like. yeah going over. your music has this very real quality be cheap but it classical it's sort of ambient all of these things did you try to create that someone l.a. sound or did it just kind of happen way. i think i was wanted like. i'm trying to think specifically like. i think i have like a sound in mind it actually used to be a lot more like fuzzed out in reverb and like when i would play live. initially it was just like even more just kind of like indian sounding and i really do love music like that i think as i played more and got more confident it was like turning the reverb down and so you could hear my voice more and like you could hear the
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songs and like the the lyrics more hopefully. so i really like this really. it's a music but like. definitely like a yeah yes a sound in mine and yes the beachy kind of surf definitely that was an influence to for sure how much how much does the feeling of loss and. find its way into your music and you know is that is a hard because you're also one of us and you're trying to do. i mean i think it became more obvious when we went on tour we went to like northern california and like a lot of the ones that we played with are like kind of like more focus like just as we like would visit different regions like the music woodbury kind of a little bit more and so like coming back to l.a. it's like oh yeah up our friends kind of play sim somewhat similar styles of music with other thing other influences but i think that's when i kind of like notice
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that it was more of a regional kind of like vibe yeah i guess i think there's like a weird standard that might be here that makes it maybe a little more like clean early hall list in a way that i don't know what do you think philly people hold themselves to a different standard here and things come out of the gate pretty tight and polished which is something i'm not used to actually. do you think it ups the ante for everybody for the trickle down effect so yeah fully formed in. ellie it seems like they don't really have much of a gestational like rough around the edges period it seems like they just come out guns a blazing because they're taking it pretty seriously so what it is. of los angeles you know what it is. well it's funny that you said that because when i think of like one of the biggest like ellie. is like berger
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but that's like to me so like that's orange county and that's the beach and like i was going to be so it's not but i'm like i'm from i'm from l.a. i'm not from orange. makes me only because not every but it's true you know i feel like i was. and i like never at the beach and i never was a part of that kind of like. but when i think of ellen i think of music and was like really like. known around the world it's probably that which is it's awesome though it's like really cool it's like a really great like like sound that i think is like full of like this california fantasy you know you know l.a. is like a classic you know film town and you know everyone's with actor director writer or whatever. so you know a lot of times that gets presence over the music do you feel a clash of cultures there or do you feel like you know film versus music as musicians working in los angeles. or i'm an alien i mean like i'm not from los
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angeles but when i moved here i remember remarking that i wasn't cross pollinating as much as i used to when other places i lived like i pretty much only hang out musicians right now and that's not necessarily by choice it's great but i mean i know film people but like they do some kind of like other far away. at the end yeah it's interesting you say that so we met at because i was working at this theater and we both essentially work there really at this theater called sin a family and that's a really cool all some kind of like alternative place that just kind of attracts like kind of like this weird group and i'd say like if you're you have like you kind of coming to l.a. and you're kind of looking for like where to meet like minded people that are kind of into weird subversive stuff like i would go there and so we met there and.
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you know because she she paints and she was she would do these like incredible like paintings for the events that we've had there some of your visual artists your comic books painting all of that is does a visual art how does being a visual artist. factor or inspired or music because it's almost as if i feel and with visual artists are musicians it's it's almost as if they can see in you say do you ever feel that way you should answer to some position i mean i think if you're learning how to make art that's like one of the first things that helps you sort of stay on course is figuring out how to compose things properly and i think once you're used to doing it that way it would be easy to do it this way just seems like they're so yeah it's relationship.
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well i've been drawing and painting like my whole life since i was a small child and actually begged my dad for a drum so i thought it was really cool and i was like twelve and i had a drum set for like a month and i played it for like a month and didn't get lessons i totally lost interest and i picked it back up again when i was like nineteen like playing like my musician friends and the way that i went about it was kind of the way that i approached drawing the way that i do approach trying is like really sketchily you know really like and like removing the unnecessary things so i kind of started out just like jamming just like you know feeling things out and i think that's kind of just how i approach music too it's just you know kind of like sketching out something and then refining it you know choosing what goes where and it's kind of a cool. it's kind of interesting to see where those two different forms of art like translate and how you can apply what you learn from one thing to the next.
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yeah in a lot of different ways so tell me where do you where do you find the inspirations for your songs do you do all collaborate together or is it individual you know someone comes up with an idea in the novel works on the way how does the inspiration go. to a lot of literary influences yeah yeah one song. we have called we're surrounded and. it's it's based on a chapter kurt vonnegut novel called the other night as we go to break don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered and if you would like to learn more about today's featured artists check us out on facebook twitter and you tube and be sure to check out our poll shows of our t.v. dot com coming up the sweet wild sounds of pastel felt continues as watching the hawks strikes a chord. that
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is ours you know that yeah. i. know you said it being but you know i'll just tell you that outside of that mike on the and. by then got a special nod that way. by then is a shift that while. not a set of course is going on more. some sources were not so it. can be no surprise was revealed to the pope multiple injuries among
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current america so don't look yourself you hope the book shows your your mercy on the phone today. if you can book a political social services say yes but in the book you were also. a month. hanumant of nothing left off allowed me to panic because you knew how let me somethin that will save you i like on long enough something outside of. the model in the us and lived to tell us look not. what up till now maybe maybe maybe who are left. with this manufactured consent instinct to the public will. when the ruling closest to project themselves. with the frame and
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clear your own lives only the one percent. who ignore middle room signals. the only real news group in the world. as far as the wealthy areas of the italy going bust and we should save them because they're going bust well again the social back the e.c.b. a jag they have already printed fifteen sixteen trillion dollars to bail out their friends their oligarch friends during some stupid thousand and eight and they've said they've signal to the marketplace that we've got another fifteen sixteen seventeen trillion dollars to present to make as many errors as you want. keep making bad law and keep borrowing money at zero percent interest rate to buy assets of precious. paintings and shadows does make them.
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undefined feelings and yeah there's an imposter syndrome sure i hear that a lot imposter syndrome i feel i have it i'm always saying that one day they're going to figure out that i don't belong here you don't have that my whole life and i feel like a lot of us are in our generation are dealing with that and feeling like we are we need more weirdos the leaders need to get together more. well it's funny that you talk about like l.a. i've i often feel like i go you know i feel like all of us are very active and like we go to shows a lot all lots lots of our friends are in bands and we're constantly you know. seeing and like i feel like everyone is feeling that way like everyone was kind of that weird person in high school and still like now still being like ok it was
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a little still there but you know like baking really cool stuff and doing good things. it. feels like you know it's high school with morning basically you're absolutely right it was ok so that to me is los angeles no you're there do you feel pushed back because about is there kind of a bottle of the sexes in the music industry do you do you feel like you do feel that the patriarchy versus the matriarchy. in the music industry. no i think if anything i feel more encouraged like i think i think people are actually even more like oh wow and i'm not sure if that's just for like. i don't know maybe i took it for granted that i know a lot of female musicians like we. i think i think i notice that on toward to like i mean we we know
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a lot of really awesome girls that are in awesome bands and i think we're on we were on tour and noticed like we play with lots of like male bands and i was like oh yeah i feel like we know a lot of like really cool and i just i don't think about it anymore because it's just what i'm used to you know yeah i think i feel like now it feels weird if i just see a show that's mostly dude's like you don't have a girl you can just throw in there like just put her in there i don't know it yeah it feels like that the strange. thing now. i guess yeah but i feel the same way that we were just lucky. or maybe cultures like cresting in a way that the culmination of our efforts i don't know. sometimes i feel like there was one time when i was in the practice space there used to have and i was like hauling my little cart of drums through the maze of.
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passageways to get to my room and some guy was just like hey are you lost like i'm like what would you have asked me that if i was just a guy with calling my things probably you know so i think it's still present but it's moving in the right direction and yet there's something like a boy's club like i'm not i don't i can't. and i think everyone knows it now so it's just you know we'll see how long they can hang on. illegible
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watching those hawks and have a great day and night everybody. please have. a seat now let's see if i'm still at the same time. you know. we might need to move six o'clock pm to twenty. points to the. magnificent. same place from which is my food food banks aiming to save us from people really nice and friendly in my conformance feel welcome in russia i think. it was a very enjoyable place to be in
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a very friendly pay told my son come to. some basic go through. the punch. people. who are very mad that i'm here which is no small things. manufactured sentenced to the public will. when the ruling closest to protect them so. when the flaming. lips meet the woman. who ignore middle of the room signals. from the real news.
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as far as the wealthy areas of the italy going bust and we should save them because they're going. well again the social bank the e.c.b. a jag they have already printed fifteen sixteen trillion dollars to bail out their friends their oligarch friends during some stupid thousand and eight and they've said they signal to the marketplace that we've got another fifteen sixteen seventeen trillion dollars to print to make as many errors as you want keep making bad loans keep borrowing money at zero percent interest rate to buy assets of precious. paintings and shadows doesn't make any of them. do colon is still exist. to rico's treated as one does not own oil co-equals and line for soluto and then only under four to three cool. little can on you
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a lot of seats and they can be seen on the island is controlled by the us government and some puerto rican screw even dependents gentlemen will see it and we can argue no giving up on our local good at either we like it but i'm going to sort out what i mean we're digging again waiting in the last year obviously. still many do wish to join the us hundreds more leave every day knowing. me from menial. beings. with the country at a crossroad. on the rise.
3:00 am
the iraqi army had called in an airstrike of course killing killing his mother. and one of the wives. speaks to an. suffering in the iraqi city of mosul. international releases a report on the coalition led liberation. that's the message from u.k. police in a new video instructing british. case of a terror attack. and the route to spain from. spain could become.
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