tv Headline News RT July 11, 2017 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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boy. iraq you don't mean a cold strike course. killing its mother two of his brothers and one of their wives the cost of victory speaks to an artist who's been depicting the civilian suffering in iraq the city of mosul it comes as amnesty international releases a damning report on the coalition led liberation on the city. run the high talent the police advised to board case a terror attack on holiday. also the european court of human rights. and on the full face veil in public the country is among
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a group of european nations which outlaws the clothing. you're watching on international live from our moscow studio with me today welcome to the program. some five thousand eight hundred civilians may have been killed by iraqi and u.s. led coalition forces in mosul in the last four months that's the latest estimate from human rights organizations amnesty international and his new report the group says pro-government forces relied upon imprecise weapons during the liberation of west mosul and ignore the growing number of civilian deaths it also claims pro baghdad troops are pit to have repeatedly violated international humanitarian law something that may amount to war crimes amnesty international collected testimony
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from those displaced it says more than six hundred thousand people were forced to flee west mosul. and here are some of the latest pictures from as you can see vast parts of the city lay in ruins the smoke still rising in some of the buildings earlier we discussed a dire situation and with knowledge of what from the iraqi branch of unicef. i was about we can have a go in the central hospital of western more so. than people are coming that they're coming there with fresh wounds and one of the image that touch me and still remains on my. head is this woman who crawled four of children into the hospital. floor all of you know head with the blood and she also by the high young one year and
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a half all was on her lap but she was trying to press. to stop the bleeding fighting in most of them specifically in what. was in attendance extremely intense with a lot of damage and destruction people and specifically children how. extremely terrible price on the fighting in mosul they have witnessed aura and a nightmare yes they have been quite a cost of civilians and infrastructure damage the horrors of war also witnessed in another way by an artist and illustrated butler who was embedded with iraqi forces in the area previously he's worked in syria where he traveled several times to document the conflict this time he depicted those who were displaced from west mosul.
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media there has largely praise coalition efforts to liberate some even blame iceland for the devastation of the city we spoke today with about what he witnessed during his latest trip. and what was your first impressions when you when you arrived and became embedded with the iraqi special forces what i found i guess was huge destruction to. civilian life and as ever it's the civilians that. are losing out more than anybody and the ones with the stories and other ones that i as an illustrator and as an artist i guess are trying to do to give justice to
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what was the most difficult almost striking thing that you that you saw there something that really made an impression on you on one side a pile of piles of rubble these houses been destroyed in an airstrike and this. came out and bought me a chair to sit on next you could see i was touring and just begins to tell a story and isis fighters had fled the mosque next door during the fight a fire fight they'd come into his home where his family were living and then the iraqi army had called in an airstrike which it so often does in mosul of course killing but also killing his mother two of his brothers and one of their wives this attack actually happened on the same day that that there's an infamous attack hundred sixty people were killed in mosul you know the willingness to talk about it and the openness and the normality of it was perhaps the most extraordinary thing and that is the fact that i was so regular i guess is
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a difficult thing to accept you what was before to capture this in your drawing but is this something you really occurred all over the city a lot of the damage that you see is not done by not done by car bombs or firefights but by a strike that story of people civilians being caught up in that it's obviously very sad but it is happening in mosul over the last few months i just want to ask you on the. to the refugee camp you made one painting in the. amount of recently. born just after the second world war. lying in this tent outside the main refugee camp conditions the heat. and his wife you can imagine the desperation he hasn't eaten for five days or drunk and it's a very private moment this man may well. be dead by now but you're inviting strangers in into your tent for those last moments on the off chance that they can help for me was
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a difficult choice whether you whether you engage with that story or whether you stand out from it because of course the chance of helping is very i think. memory will take away from from your time in mosul the one you know impression that really will stay with you i think it's always. well i suppose it's always been the same and that is. that it is the majority of civilians losing out. hugely. to something they have no control of and the lack of that kind of very vulnerable the moment and the lack of choice and the thing that i guess it was to me is that the drawings that i'm doing are done with permission and i did wear the ones that i was very much emotionally attached to the kind of desire to draw to do justice and draw exactly what was in front of me. the issue of liberation has also been touched upon by the russian foreign minister came during
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an informal summit of the organization for security and cooperation in europe. all the. civilians. of. that there's already been building because we are. the city of mosul and that is many times more than the number of people that left two specially organized humanitarian corridors according to the russian foreign minister the departure of civilians from mosul was spontaneous disorganized chaotic which according to the minister could have led to more civilian casualties here's what else said on the hypocrisy by some of the western politicians and media. talking of double standards in the media western aleppo was liberated with far less
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loss of civilian infrastructure the most so of course we're always who is losing maybe the price of victory has to be high but in this case there is no need to put on an innocent face and not to see the log in your own eye. this was for taking part in a european informal security summit and as it is often the case during such events was the center of attention which often leads to some very awkward moments are you going to be. good for you to go you know who brought you here to. be sure to give me good if you go to the moon you have to go safely. the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov will now continue his trip around europe next stops on brussels and. the summer season in full swing
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in europe but his holiday makers have been asked to watch in this video and how to survive a terror attack before booking a flight support. leg length. leg . length. leg. length. in the hearing scenes of a hotel under siege and a clear reference to the deadly terror attack on partition toys into his year two years ago that's u.k. citizens were killed back then. took to the streets of london to find out if such tips cost dark clouds over holiday. british police have now released a video showing british terrorists how to react in case they get caught up in a terrorist attack becomes a safe route to get out now and this is the best option it are just people to think
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of the instructions in the same way they think about airline safety videos everyone is a we have you going to need a plane you get a safety briefing. and if the plane come down and they're trying to see you. very unlikely there's just giving you the knowledge of what to do not to do if you're caught up in such an attack kind of what's your response to that kind of wave d.v.d. i. mean street is a mystery are you going on holiday there. maybe quite scared to go for work very early at work right there all quite scary religious terrorists will be going on the train. pretty frightening this internet that definitely would make me worry about traveling the kind that we all stay like everything is about terrorism and stuff but i just want to stress you what's going on today to kind of relax not to think about potential terrorist attacks i think it's a bit scary you could just travel and we have been in there and what's going to
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happen next feel less safe everywhere there's a fire or a terrorist attack every day so it's like you do worry generally more about even trying to get out to get you know to do your daily shop sometimes can be worrying kind of a new reality. but if you're safe. would it change your plans this kind of thing watching this kind of video i. wouldn't you know. it wouldn't deter you from going away. police say there's no specific intelligence that british holidaymakers are going to be targeted but they still want you to watch the film before packing your beach bags. and it's not only people having to adapt to the terror threat insurance companies for example and now offering special policies that cover terrorism there are also various counterterrorism courses and terror survival guides being offered to the public former british army intelligence officer chris hunter says modern day terrorism has
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created a new reality we're definitely living in a different worlds the you know the rise in islamist extremist terrorism is unprecedented and i think you know just looking at that with domestic perspective when i was growing up in the you know in britain in the early eighty's i remember the provisional ira threats but they used to give coded warnings they didn't actually want to kill civilians with islamist extremist terrorism it's a completely different mindsets and a completely different threats so we have to take the threat seriously and we have to be prepared to either forego some of our civil liberties or you know we say ok we'll just live with the terrorist threats and keep getting killed at the very same time as limited a station in the country broadcast twenty five hours of al qaeda lectures calling for a holy war its license has since been revoked by the communications regulator ofcom
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imaan f. and ed speeches by anwar lucky who was killed in the u.s. drone strike in yemen in twenty eleven he was a radical american muslim cleric of yemeni origin u.n. security council states he was a leader with creator and trainer for al qaeda in the arabian peninsula he's also suspected of having had links to the line eleven hijackers. he says it was unaware of the radical content of the speeches because hunter again says communities have to do more to tackle the promotion of radicalism twenty five hours of evil hatred and vitriol and it once i'm on it and crucially you know i'm not for monitoring all broadcast but somebody gave these people a license presumably if they were broadcasting illegally the real issue with this is that there are so many different mediums through which terrorists can actually propagate their message every developed country in the world are not going to have
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the resources to actually stop it in its tracks to monitor all of these publications so there is a huge emphasis and moral obligation on the communities in which all of this media is actually being propagated. belgium's ban on the full face in the cabin public doesn't violate any rule that's according to a decision by the european court of human rights the ruling comes after two muslim women try to get legally overturned his charlotte penske will this case was brought by two women a belgian national and a moroccan who said that it was their choice to wear the kneecap this is the veil covering which covers everything but their eyes and that because of that this band had actually in finished their freedoms and they said that the law was discriminatory but the european court of human rights disagreed saying that however controversial the ban was it was necessary in a democratic society and it said it was necessary to guarantee that he cygnus of
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living together now other countries in europe have also said that they are considering a ban with politicians from across europe now supporting the idea including germany's chancellor angela merkel. interpersonal communication which plays a crucial role sure how thesis that's why the full face veil is not a problem. and should be banned wherever legally possible. for we oppose the full body varial not just the burka but also any other veil that hides the eyes it's not something that belongs to our open society to show your face is part of communication your existence and that's why we urge everyone to show their face. to me it's a symbol of female enslavement it's a vision of women that we have to oppose now several other countries have already instituted a ban on a full fail covering in the public areas that schools hospitals government
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buildings such as in france in two thousand and eleven where women who go out and wear a full fail covering whether they are french nationals or tourists facing a fine while those who force women to wear a full veil covering could face a fine of up to thirty thousand euros and time in jail in the netherlands m.p.'s have already back the idea of this yet it's not become law but european countries are not the only ones that have instituted a ban or are considering it the african country of chad which is a muslim majority country actually instituted a ban on the full face covering back in two thousand and fifteen and that was following two suicide attacks in the country and they said it was necessary to prevent terrorism in future. we'll look at the latest case of u.s. lawmakers who seriously think russia is meddling in american affairs.
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the flyers the wealthy areas of the italy going bust and we should save them because they're going bust well again the social bank jaggy they have already printed fifteen sixteen trillion dollars to bail out their friends their oligarch friends during sums to thousand and eight and they've said they signal to the marketplace that we've got another fifteen sixteen seventeen trillion dollars to present to make as many errors as you want keep making bad loans keep borrowing money at zero percent interest rate to buy assets of precious. paintings and shadows doesn't make any of them.
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welcome back to the program russia is waging a propaganda war against fossil fuels that's according to two key u.s. republicans who have called for an investigation into alleged funding all the environmental activists in america and that's the title pinning the blame on russia seems to have become a trend you've been watching mainstream american television lately you've probably noticed a recurring theme former cia chief john brennan is connecting the dots between russia and wiki leaks a lot of connect the dots information as you said the dogs that connect the dots to get connected back with russia connect the dots russia did it it's a game of connect the dots first find something that you do not like and then
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somehow blame russia for it and we're not just talking about hillary clinton losing her guaranteed presidency back in two thousand and sixteen are you a fan of donald trump's energy dominance plan if you are then the environmentalists who are protesting against fracking a controversial shale drilling technique are part of the kremlin conspiracy if you connect the dots it is clear that russia is funding u.s. environmental groups in an effort to suppress the domestic oil and gas industry specifically hard really cracking. and on the other hand if you're an environmentalist don't you know that putin is the mastermind behind the controversial keystone pipeline. are you worried about the right white nationalism right wing extremism.
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and on top of that the occupy wall street protests can be traced all the way back to russia's secret security services who also move and give to practical examples of how the russians have been engaged in our political system one was an anti fracking campaign that the russians seemed to be engaged in another one was the occupy wall street movement that the russians were engaged in as well sure the financial crisis low wages income inequality had nothing to do with it we all know that people were protesting back in two thousand and eleven because they got orders from moscow right. and the public trust in the mainstream media is shrinking it's because someone is feeding them fake and false information guess who. what about false information the real fake do this being put out by russians russian propagandists russian operatives from all those surely possible in the world when there are
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a. whole new bag of tricks to try to do russia has become the world's scapegoat for everything and it's this weird witch hunt that like now if something doesn't go someone's way and international business or elections or whatever the automatic finger pointing goes to russia i guess it's just the automatic excuse now especially with this fracking story in particular like ok they're saying now that russia is involved with. power and environmentalists to stop fracking it just doesn't make sense so from attacking to fracking it's all because of the kremlin whenever something goes wrong you can always say that the russians did it it never seems to get old. artsy new york. reports claim the u.s. is looking to build up its military presence in libya amid a recent increase in violent clashes outside tripoli.
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according to the country's health ministry the latest shooting left at least people dead including civilians while dozens more were injured pulis now has the latest on that the crisis the clashes have broken out east of the libyan capital of tripoli between forces that aligned units and backed government into the east it took over last year that's known as the government of national accord and it's been struggling to maintain its control over the capital city now those forces are battling it out with forces that all the oil to the libyan prime minister. they were pushed out of the libyan capital in may this year and at the time that you see the. statement made to launch a counterattack and since it has been planning to regroup they refuse to recognize this government of national accord now the health ministry has said that at least four people have been killed we understand that two of them are civilians they're foreign workers and at least twenty one people have been injured in the clashes
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broke out on sunday evening at the same time this fighting in libya's second largest city of benghazi where we're hearing from little forces there that they closing in on a three year campaign to take over the city now all of this is part and parcel of the chaos that has engulfed libya since two thousand and eleven when the former libyan dictator moammar gadhafi was overthrown since then they have been various militias and administrations that has been vying for control of those oil rich country now the latest developments really expose the vulnerability of those in backed government it has been struggling as i say to maintain control it has managed to co-opt some of the various groups there but at the same time it's made little progress in terms of really integrating them and providing lost and security in this latest round of violence we see that there is heavy light and medium weaponry been used we know that power lines have been hit people have been fleeing their homes a lot of residents complaining that their homes have been shelled it has been
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damaged shops have been damaged roads have been closed and people are struggling to make their way back home. the u.n. has one spraying to urgently prepare for a sharp influx of refugees entering the country by the sea from africa the number of migrants who've already reached spain this year is edging closer to the total who made it in twenty six sting let's take a closer look at this western european migrant route and the increasing number of africans are choosing to bypass the primary tourist route through conflict or libya instead they're heading straight to europe from morocco through the straits of gibraltar some of the migrants say it's a safer route but activists have warned of strong currents in the area that could ease the capsize crowded. the.
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god that. the u.n. refugee agency says madrid is simply not ready to cope with the influx stressing that spain doesn't have the infrastructure to accommodate all the new arrivals fellow nations they say increase already bearing the brunt of the migrants are thousands have been arriving to those countries each day and not all of them a feeling welcome on monday a huge fire swept through a migrant camp on the greek island of les boss and led a riot by saying an asylum seeker is facing deportation to turkey european history professor paolo bennett says the e.u. has failed to work out a common policy on dealing with the migrants. will be in may june day should like to be. seen we want to be able to call this situation and i think. he's really not up to the task of controlling going on while markets they are not acting
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appropriately these are not common policies if you think of the different market wants to please usual number will migrate to spain with these will mama by one sweet valley there's not too many i'll call them all this is just duration we have to do the motion sick policy i don't think frankly you know they use it. and i see the future are. like once reaching the shore so we did it greece and spain the kaiser approach is axed. in case you're new to the game this is how it works my economy is built around corporations corporations from washington washington control the media the media. and voters elected a businessman to run this country business equals power you must it's not business
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as usual it's business like it's never been done before. here's what people have been saying about rejected a night with you i was actually just full on awesome for i was the only show i go out of my way to launch you know a lot of the really packs a punch oh no just leave it yeah it is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than blue nothing's better and see people you never heard of love redacted tonight when i'm president of the world bank so take your bundle write me seriously send us an e-mail. all the feel we don't need. everyone in the world should experience to lead our lives and you'll get it on the old the old. the old according to
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josh. welcome our world come along for the raw data. max kaiser this is the guy has a report yet we're still in mexico city we try to leave but said you know what why bother this is where it's all happening food great people are great crypto is great it's all great stacey's great make stacy great again she's already great only molly was going to stay sick just from the day we were out it's only you know it's not holy moley but holy moley way it whoa mola that's all i only hope. i'm saying wave a it's like huevos rancheros. but you like this.
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