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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  July 12, 2017 12:29pm-1:01pm EDT

12:29 pm
greetings and salutations you cannot have a revolution without dancing and you cannot have dancing without music revolution will always and forever be intertwined with music because most often it's the musician the poet who channels the rhymes and heart beats of change that often starts as a soft a logic whisper creeping out from the underground and then question nose into a grand opera of cultural change and up evil and that intertwined history is why the musician will always be an agent. or instrument if you will change their lyrics and melodies can shine a light on the injustices and bring attention to the under-represented and even helped bring down the giants themselves. today let's find out what comes
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first the revolution or the music as watching the hawks strikes a chord if you want to know what would know if you see the. real that is what you analyze it to. see if you speak. with. free will still in this world open. and open til we open. to start to put. this.
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city. in a problem not just a lot of stars are. listening to stop supplying. the elders in the. business world peabody. all the cars in the world are all these. sites and opposed to look they. got the biggest. the best joke to me here. was the please don't let me fall below
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eleven . i have never seen you. i have never seen you. i have never said. there is a. good. history it was strange. this is going to. be good to disrespect. but is it true. that it is costs. so says to me that you would be living the.
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eleven . i. live in today can. i was a little like a. little with the wind every day let me. live my life.
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i. i. i i. i. was. it was. in our fireback all flobots them were colorado and there were alternative hip hop bailey who play music for the last ten years plus together and you know for us music is about engaging the crowd but it's also about kind of engaging people with the message so what brought you guys to go there. loving the eczema.
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loving g.i. joe lots of nerdy things we were too nerdy boys who were placed in a highly gifted and talented program he was in the fifth grade i was in the fourth grade. and it's a memory that i remember very clearly i saw him down the hall with my father i was with my father and everybody told them my dad's army as i see that boy the blue hat he's going to be my friend and here we are how many years later the twenty it would be eight years later we thought we're going to be making comic books professionally . but the world that we crafted in comic books and becoming the worlds that we i started crafting and exploring with our wraps and we fell in love with hip hop together and we both came from families that were pretty social justice activist oriented so and hip hop especially like when we were falling in love with it also was just very much telling the story of the people who were experiencing like people from the south bronx experiencing problems like poverty and using their art to experience power and so for us that lined up with our families values lined up
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with our values and then also brought in that creative aspect of being able to like talk about the world and also imagine a world that is better than that and so for us that's always been like where we've been so you mix in some xmas. would you say digable planets. hieroglyphics and. you know some siphon all that stuff and. you get flow as always and they might be giants that would be remiss that i was going to marry and live a reminds me a little a they might be. this couple of mission accomplished a lot of other. with the new album what do you want people to take away from it so i mean we've always tried to make music that helps people feel empowered and feel like they're part of a story that's just larger than whatever they're doing with this album we want people really to to hear their own voice. as part of a collective voice and to see that there's power in raising your voice with others
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and it's also that we want people to think more three dimensionally about what it means to get engaged because a lot of people are you can listen to one song and just feel like i want to put my fist in the air i want to hold a sign but really stepping into the streets and being part of a social movement means you're going to go through a lot of different emotional experiences you're going to go through the feeling of triumph you're going to go through feelings of heartbreak feelings of failure and so this album is really supposed to be a way to say to people like look if you're part of this these efforts to make the world a better place you're going to be on a journey and you're not alone whatever emotion you're feeling right now you're not alone that's part of the journey and don't leave but find ways to be compassionate for yourself compassion for people around you and to stay in the struggle and see what do you see going on in the in the political and social climate to day one what
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do you see are the biggest or the biggest most important issue. is kind of fascinating we've been working on the album that we started almost three years ago . and we decided that we're just really going to write. to our stories and our experience and just they went with what. as activist we had experienced the roller coaster of like we are going to topple patriarchy tomorrow and the next day it doesn't happen and everybody starts stabbing each other in the back and everybody starts blaming each other for all the different failures and that movement that was going to conquer the world yesterday now you have a group of enemies who used to be allies the next and we've seen that happen so many different times so we decided to as activists like why are people talking about the rest of the story. and so we're writing specifically to that we're writing to our heritage is our dynamic. and. we called it no enemies because we found that we were just so as
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a country even at that time and working on it so beleaguered with the us versus them and so then when the album was done. shortly there after trump was elected and we were releasing singles and now it was this one of things that happens with people like oh that song pray is about trump well not specific no that's specific. but it is the type of thing where you see that with every new movement there's waves of people so occupy happens and waves of people step into the streets and then black eyes matter happens in waves of people step into the streets and then you know the climate change that people keep step new people keep entering and you know it's from selection suddenly you have tons of new people that say like oh dow is the time i need to get active in there's always dynamics that happen when a new group of people step into something and there's been people there many many years before but it's important to find ways not to make enemies of those people but to be inviting and to be welcoming and to to use it to kind of refresh and
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renew and strengthen the movement. so it's great to see the activists in the streets and holding the signs but but what happens after the streets what where it where you know where does the activism go you know after after the protest. yeah i mean i think there is this diversity sort of. generating power and then wielding that power and i think. for people who are brand new often there can be some conflict confusion and dissonance and you think well if we start to engage in the political process then we must be selling out or we must be somehow if all you have is a stylistic sort of activism like wait we went from the streets and now we're you know sitting down across from someone who could actually make this policy a reality but we're inside be outside we must be traitors really selling out but really if you care about the transformation that you want to see happen you can't be focused on us then you can't be focused on well you know we're now sitting down across from
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a police officer we're sitting down across from you know an elected official or somebody who works for oil company that that can't if you if you say that that's off limits then you're not actually serious about implementing the change you want to see eventually enough people come to this place and there's active popular support for any cause you're going to have the opportunity to wield the power and make the change that you've so desperately been fighting for as we go to break don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered and to learn more about today's featured artist check us out on facebook twitter and you tube and see our poll shows that are. coming up the low doesn't stop as the flobots return to the stage is watching the hawks strikes a chord. at
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the time. we. want to. make. some plays. in a really nice and friendly. to welcome in russia. a very enjoyable place to be heard from like a poll. released someplace you go through a. bunch. of people here that have a clear which of those little things still. part of history while they're meeting appeared to go well both presidents said so moving
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forward almost by law the relationship is problematic best are the u.s. and russia destined to be enemies. events of the past few years and. what's going on in my native germany. of refugees. u.s. intelligence agencies indiscriminately listening in on german citizens and the government. and once again. from various political. experts and journalists. just how independent germany really is when it comes to decision making. whether it acts on its own national interests. someone else will.
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be. on. welcome back hawk watchers let's not wait for a single second more here's the. lol . the world is watching. this. so let's just need to go
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west please tell the people odets. the sun. don't let's. go. to stoke. lake. that's. cool by. her. to go to the pub with
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a comic book we get back to you it's cup of tea get down to. the bridge. job and sensible cops just because she compliments was a joke but taking the back took him up at the top just because the let's get. lucky illegal. or lead slug sit still or luck
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he. still a little other lumber
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lowly. if those of us who are truly seeking connection can just be curious about somebody else's pain as opposed to denying it. it will go a long way as right now we have very much gotten in the habit of those debates that we're having i think it's does them a great i think it holds them too high to even call them debates right i think
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we're just there just roving castigation and but if we can. if we can at least. like why are you like you're hurting. you're actually hurting so tell me about that. when i used to teach elementary school like a kid came up to me crying. the first thing i don't say is i don't say like that doesn't hurt if i were to do that i would redouble the damage of what that child is feeling and that's what i think we're doing as adults is like right off the bat we're denying the pain and specifically with certain backgrounds and certain groups which is like no you don't have access to pain i think the left does that very well . and i think as a strategy. it's flawed. and if some of us can at least be curious i think there's a lot of information if we treat pain as information we're going to learn something as opposed to denying the entire reality of existence of somebody by saying that
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they don't have access to it one of the songs on our album rattle the cage is trying to speak to the fact that when we get so caught up in being right and making sure that our narrative is dominant we can become utterly dehumanized so that when you have a terrorist attack for example you know you have you have something an act of violence that happens this act of violence happens and all we know is that there's been real people who lost their lives and without knowing anything else you go to social media and the first battle you see is who's narrative does this fit like i guarantee you this is going to be a x. y. z. which will fit my narrative and all of you guys are going to see that you were wrong this whole time and you get permutations of that from every direction and it's really grotesque that we get to the point where we're so excited that we might be proven correct by an act of violence that it's going to fit our narrative that we don't even bother to say whatever just happened this was tragic people lost their lives we just jump straight to this you guys are going to finally understand
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i'm right and that's really grotesque. one thing that's exciting for me to think about is what we really mean when we say we. you know in the united states there's a tendency to say well. you know x. y. z. is happening we have to do something and there's it's very easy to just say we think that we means you know the military of our of our particular state but there's a different we there's women all over the world who are dealing with patchy arky wherever they are and these women can work in solidarity with one another as women and be transformative in every single country that they're in it'll be a different fight it will be a different front but it's the same battle and i think that on an even more human level just. you know the world is so. disproportionately filled with young people in any country where there's an oppressive regime or just oppressive laws or you know unsustainable practices there are young people that are looking around at
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everything and saying they're synthesizing and saying how can i transform this and at times i'm sure that feels like a very lonely operation and people feel like they're the only one but i guarantee you you're not the only one there's people in every single country with very similar aspirations and dreams and people who are deeply loved the community that they're from people who are deeply don't want to see tradition just like set aside but want to also carve a new path forward and so you know for those people that we've met that we've had the privilege of meeting when we're touring and traveling we know that to be true but we also know there's just countless people that we've never met or never heard from and it's those voices those on heard voices that as they start to lift and rise and be more and more heard that's what's going to transform the planet in this day and age where even the word fact to so hotly debated i don't think beauty is so i would say if we can pair any of our outrage any of our anger our
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fear with beauty where possible because it's a medium that will transmit. i think if you if you shout at someone they are conditioned to not listen to you if you shout beautifully which we call singing you're making an emotional argument that is much harder to deny so i think in some ways i know it's easy to say but i think seeking beauty is revolutionary right now . i can ride my bike with no handlebars goal head to bars no handle bars i can ride my bike with no handlebars no handlebars no way and on voters who can be look at me hands in the air like it's good to be a law about
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a famous rapper when the pass was going to be i can show you how to dose you dobe i can show you how to scratch a record i'm going to get bottom of the control and i can almost put it back together again tied on a chair beside him i could tell you about the barracks if i do all the work to take a load is that i'm proud to be an american be a mom friend from platypus be a mom friend made a comic book to get sound long until god can't do anything that i want because look fine when the window venture and go go that should go go that route no i can see you based on that salad cold call that some of the phone call that sound the phone. in the phone to me just call to say that it's good to be documents such small world all call them with the dream i can make money when done with restore and find a way to live in a magazine i'm going to sign it it's at sixth form now going to sleep i'm going. to go.
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though. handle. that is our show for you
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today remember everyone in this world we are told your loved one up so i tell you all i love you i am tyrone ventura and i'm keep on watching those hawks and have a great day and night everyone. if you want to go with go but no just eighty three but the fact that i'm not tired railed at you for what you need to analyze it to gauge what a pot of food you speak if i let go or that they like it or not i got to have the baseball with it we've both been the first to put out free to have it difficult going on the business world open up you know it opened a new job we opened up my truck to start to push to.
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do colon is still exist. ricos treated as one visitor no economy calls on the hind limb alito not something olympian then will confront him only on the point both recall as you know when a little can i know a lot of seats and they can be seen at the time the island is controlled by the us government and some puerto ricans crave independence journal it was the only god you know it was getting about and i don't like the think we're good at either we like it but i'm going to sort of randomly go over that again again my aim point to let the audience. still many do wish to join the us hundreds more leave every day knowing. that i'm a long way from any. meetings. with the country at a crossroads anger on the island is on the rise. that yes. if.
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you. hate. being that doesn't. like on the. by then got a session on the nod that they know. by then is a shift the long. ball in the mccain audience at a loss is going on more. certainly not so it. was revealed to the multiple injuries among current america so the keeps a few of the up but shows real you know most of the going to go in the hall if you can book a political symbol so this is a year in the book in a moral sense of what my. own admitted nothing of. a philosopher. who was.
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on long enough something not set it. aside and lived to tell the world look ma let's see what they did maybe and let me just say. that. donald trump jr rejects allegations of collusion with moscow over a meeting with a russian lawyer last year with the kremlin saying she has no ties to the government. amid reports that displaced mosul residents are starting to return home and fears are growing that they have nowhere to go as.


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