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tv   Documentary  RT  July 13, 2017 6:29am-7:01am EDT

6:29 am
that is assessed the long. haul of a startling audience at a concert going on want. some. not so it's. no surprise it was revealed to the multiple injuries among coming up to soak the kids a few. of the shows real you know mars a. few months of a political social services a year but i'm going to put in a little some of what my. own admitted nothing of. a flood me. something that was. on long enough something that said. a little look ma that's what i can and maybe maybe i'm a bit cooler than. when
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lawmakers manufactured them sentenced him to public wells. when the ruling classes protect themselves. when the crime and larry go around listen to the woman because they were told. to ignore middle of the room signals. in the real news is really the world. lead.
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this is a stronghold for puerto rico's independent party. the caribbean island which was annexed by the us in eighty ninety eight is about to elect a new governor. many young people have turned out before. bruce wants to make us a. little
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mass killing. us and that's. trying. to look at least in the long run it. has been passed bringing austerity measures to overcome the crisis. a federal american board is supposed to govern puts a rico. does the independent candidate she's determined to defy washington in many view the federal board as a humiliation. seeming second belief that it is set up with. disability that it will. be sealed easily this is
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a this. can and this is. a desolate. to. i mean. this. part of the u.s. has. to be good. i didn't. like how. hot. it would be. getting was like i. was.
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paralyzed it's public debt is sixty six billion euros i record in the history of the united states. to its status as a free associated state the island doesn't have the same rights as other states that's why it's not allowed to declare bankruptcy. that's the paradox of put a rico its citizens are american but the territory is treated differently. by. anyone if it.
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controls the island's finances to pay back its debt to american creditors. since that announcement pull. dissipating. friends still. in the family.
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privatizing public institutions tax increases strikes by officials. middle class children are affected the most. in the camp tonight. but the future.
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the country's biggest public university has announced another round of budget cuts students and lecturers have been affected by austerity for five years the university already owes five million euros most of the same with the serial the modern no that has been you know many thought your god. was it except that. i disagreed on that i was against it and i think i see that it was so i thought it was enough but i have said nothing to misguide get that i. was. was asking
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a little bit of. heat out of the sun so what was it. looking like the last it was going to. look at it was a big thing it was a little. it was like a. leaf i was. five twenty three and no longer receives a university scholarship. to complete studies she had to take out a six thousand dollars loan. to. do this in. the sea was any evidence of these it. was a good. thing. this was beginning to be i was finally asked out of. the public university isn't the only one affected by
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the austerity policy. fifty kilometers from the capital school at. shot down in twenty forty and her aunt was a teacher though. she still has the keys to the school. ok now you're kidding i think not a little gadget down the window to say. you. and i found it on the titanic the sun doesn't pass and you get lost at sea and i'm . going. to go get into this. hole. that again you know how do you know of it i don't know i don't know a lot of the cia leak the couple's a lot of what the beagle. went
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on got to use out most. of the daily one thousand. one in a futile hostile field before. the moment to plant i had to be a few i try to see it done no denying it the only thing on could we were in hope you know maybe call it. my little secrets audio. unite to build good stick with us so you know. because of its debt the government has already closed down one hundred fifty schools on the island off of those spared so far worry about their future. symbols and quite a lovely idea as to them on. a test and get. this our young bought him day. by pro and. tyson organizing.
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the says will. seek it. the school closures have added to. i please village now seems empty. the capital industry and tourism had long been the. development engine. but eradicating tax benefits for american companies drove the ricoh into crisis its unemployment is twice as high as the usa is. how do you know. how they don't want them. to repay our student loan hadlee as
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a social worker. for ten hours a week she helps seniors in need. us to go. back and when you add them along that. many. going to say i. also see that he. is sixty eight years old and he doesn't receive a pension he still works as a painter. was not. going to.
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work. because the. and there's even the. call for dog be an example boneless clearly you. know you're going to get a solar in there we're in the early years little several hundred is only gained through december and down below and then boy separate lives will see a day i'll sort of be endl this one man down to the last and maybe out. like last a bottle and be a day like damn i need to get up a little johnny's are simply going to demand gamble but then again i'm up there will tell awful import uncles who left the building and take on a little but only. for.
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the band. a band. a batch or sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself in taking your last wrong turn. your attitude up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest . i remember when we first met my life turned on each day. but then my feeling started to change you talked about more like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave
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a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now. no i think. that mainstream media has met its maker. here's what people have been saying about redacted and i was actually just full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to find you know a lot of the really packed a punch. yeah it is the john oliver of hard to be americans do the same we are apparently better than that you see people you've never heard of love right back to the night my president of the world bank so very. seriously he sent us an e-mail. young lecturer giovanni is handing out hot meals on the rio piedras campus.
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to. remember some of. them you have come here into the sun. there's a long line he hands out hundreds of meals every day and he said yes. we're . going to see the good in the city and. they want to see little city most on you but i mean they. should employ got. a laugh and make up for them on a simple low level commotion going to a lot of. the specific example of the flamenco phenomena for women but the notion of also this you know down the. hallway. but the women on a bit of. a boy. ruth and adrian the two young activists peter here as well. had he went
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out to the canteen in the nanoparticle may be the. early. this year ruth wasn't able to find a job she lives on three hundred thirty euros in public assistance. in. the chemical are something i'm going to put on the moment i. think. people will be. asking.
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you know. a few hours later the city comes to a standstill. the island experience is a power outage. at the university council to. put it. in. the public electric company is the business with the biggest debt in puerto rico.
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power outages have affected rural areas. you're. going to. put out. a month a couple of. groups has lived in this fifteen square meter room with a roommate for a year it's the best solution of some one. just as high as in american cities. but i'm and so are. some from alaska who we don't. know about and. i mean.
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obviously. they're afraid that the power outage might last several days. ruth and a roommate want to buy food these are. still open thanks to a standby generator. that anything about. you know. from your. employer to rico everything is more costly than in the us thought average twenty percent. enough. when.
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i want to. pick up a television or requires that the our goods buy american. ship's. blessing for the u.s. much and navy which supplies eighty percent of all food. without this law put a rico could save a billion dollars a year. this year a new austerity measure was added. to settle its debts the island increased consumer tax. seventy percent to put a rate goes public debt is in american investment funds. which received tax
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benefits for the loans. the new action group has denounced the island debt for several months it's. gotten blames the u.s. for much of it. seemed . cool. by guns initiative is seeking to cut the debt. it's trying to prove that it all came a belt illegally. in the puerto rico prohibit me from the monitor and i know you know that all being important. but i don't know.
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oh yes i remember. the debt to be partially counseled. in the meantime the crisis is worsening. a few kilometers from the capital ruth with it's a grandmother. carbon is ninety and lives in her house alone. she's been a social worker her whole life. had
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all been fios for a pension the public pension fund is empty. one of the one of things that i might. give. them but i mean but i'll tell. you. the. most of comments children who fled the crisis by moving to the us. during care. ok. then. new york them being. going over to my k.f.c. going anywhere don't go. but it was never going to make it but. i guess we have
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a. better. yet. yeah. that's you know. better to. have you with. another guy may. be you could do. better i mean. in an american passport is the last resort thought ruth doesn't like at all. you know. what i know. either is that i mean. we're going to gain.
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only a few shows who dream of independence. day american passports triumphs. more and more put to reagan to leave the island actor is among them. he's waiting for his flight from some one airport. every day to. one hundred put a rican smuggling to the us it's the grease most migration crisis in the island's history.
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all of the bonds that were available to trade in the public market mende essentially taken private they've been purchased by the central bank and they've also purchased many stocks they purchased e.t.f. the central bank of switzerland is a huge buyer of apple stock the central banks are taking all the publicly traded securities bonds or stocks off the market as a way to stealthily bail out all these corporations that are buying back their own stock and solved using that externally cheap money thanks to the low low low interest rates of banks like bank of japan. i've observed events of the past few years in the us myself several times what's
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going on in my native germany. really of refugees. u.s. intelligence agencies indiscriminately listening in on german citizens of the government. and once again german tanks are heading east. from various political parties and various independent experts and journalists little effort to understand just how independent germany really is when it comes to decision making. whether it acts on its own national interests ok or his own someone else's will. credit is one of the basic instruments to drive an economy but it can also. lead to tragedy i did it. just i came and met the day. and it was. many lives have been broken. in the banks going to.
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be. the banks. the. creditors people see you know the future bad face and you know you become ill. your relationship breaks down you become a casualty is. not sure. if you're. just going for.
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a u.s. military commander has warned about the emergence of a new terrorist threat to point to. accountability for what they call violations of international law in mosul by coalition forces. america's hoping to silence at thirty five gets to germany despite increasing concerns over that combat readiness and record breaking. and ahead of the u.s. and french leaders meeting later on thursday we need a reset in their relations not. illusory.


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