tv Watching the Hawks RT July 14, 2017 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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you can get the big picture. greetings and salutations twenty fifteen harvard and yale university study published in journal nature found that it is advantageous for people to express. over the selfishness of others the study also found that when we do this it indicates to others that we are trustworthy and it appears that people really really want to be trusted these days because the outrage over just about anything is turned up to eleven this week our elected officials lit up the internet when a series of female c.b.s. news reporters were banned from entering the speaker's lobby because they were
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wearing wait for it it's. sleeveless dresses little with little advice for the boys on the hill don't mess with a woman's right to bear arms it never ends well a new york times columnist david brooks outraged pretty much anyone who isn't a rich condescending jerk with a column entitled how we are ruining america and which she said quote recently i took a friend with only a high school degree to lunch insensitively i led her into a gourmet sandwich shop i quickly asked her if she wanted to go somewhere else and anxiously not be vs and we ate mexican now i'm not sure which is more eye rolling and i roll inducing the fact that he treats his friends as creepy playthings as pompous classism ballet or the fact that he seriously thinks all of us poor on the ivy league educated don't know about these subtle signals signals of classism so let's start getting outraged build trust and start watching the hocks.
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you. know what it. looks like. at the bottom. like you know i got. please. welcome everybody to watching hockey i'm having a wallace and joining me in the cox that's today to talk outrage and some pretty trustworthy folks that i know. john f. o'donnell from redacted tonight so yeah guys you know rage over some strange things i mean john on the scale from mike fluffy bunny to three had it how based on how afraid of female bear arms are you. terrified obvious i mean you can barely know i
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dare say my arms are just like. the president out there in my mind to be on that. i mean that he's kept great heart. which is kind of cool because i can compliment you about that without being too creepy sort of or maybe it is creepy i don't really i can't even tell which one is like the nice tone of those arms it's like it's just being inappropriate the word that is it's hard to understand and i mean well let me ask you. first of all the whole idea is like it's twenty seventeen guys if they can't handle their own here's the thing there i'm sorry the reality is ok the g.o.p. is trying to has a health care bill that is worse than the sucky health care that we currently have that is war all over the place a covert war in yemen that we are contributing to that is leading to mass starvation and stuff like that and so many other examples and they're like well we don't know if the ladies can have their arms exposed it's so out of touch and so insane that it's like yeah it's nothing story but it's actually infuriating because it gets to the root of true. lee how broken and corrupt these people are i need to
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say something funny now. so i was like it's also not written anywhere i mean it's just kind of this arbitrary thing that came up with to me honestly i thought it was like obama administration. because michelle obama wore like sleeveless dresses all the time so i just felt like ok now she's out of there like no sleeves or anybody like that. scared by their sleeve although i do agree in general. they really does want to have this because i want to this is one of those things that i found like things the internet can somehow get outraged about and i think that does get to the thing we get so obsessed with these weird things to prove to others only how we grade on we are something where i want to be paying attention to that stuff yeah and of course they do funny is that when you actually see people getting upset about things and the most ridiculous things so this was what i kind of got me they were up to this week what would the guidelines for communion wafers for the catholic church came out and explained that you couldn't have completely gluten
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free communion wafers they had to have some in and literally freaked out and. it was all of non-practicing catholics who don't have celiac disease i was one who actually does have celiac disease and i heard it was science babe and she's normally pretty normal i got us about stuff like this but she got outrageously so a man in a dress and ruby red slippers who has a one way line to god is telling me which auto immune disease is approved by jesus . first so much money is a benefit and it was like a whole bunch of the hunted up like all what's the church like literally there are big numbers and i think it's misery for a decade working on this with scientists and medical professionals they've already created one that someone with fairly activities can take so like we can't even have signed the bill why does the pope say you can't have it because it has to have. it has have some weight and i know nothing about religion but if you're going to make it into the magical body of christ of the it was. this is also that goes to the
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pope but. there's things i like i might be good but it's always with the pope indexes like they look at over groups of his you know who are opposed you know which is basically saying you know who are aggressive in same faith thing that is absurd still exists in twenty seventeen but for that reason i guess and they did that one poll right even though we can suddenly paul ryan goes well we're definitely going to attract us and we all go out on. the totem pole for the jesus cares about i'm just happy that they're in charge either you like the world is on fire if you just feel that. all of these corporate media and corporate politicians that curve media oh first are and then he would take his we communion and also like less than i think less than one percent of the u.s. population like actually has. so really it's really unhealthy for you to have a gluten free diet it's more like a bad yeah for most people and product of all of our process chemicals includes a rather good to our stomach lining you know becoming
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a thing where the gluten intolerance it's also part of it has to do with how we make bread for the last like hundred years it doesn't farm out we don't actually make bread we just. process it so we fake it because who wants to go to the who wants real bread and saying this is silly what kind of craziness is that the outrage of. our pictures i'm sorry both sides are yeah i do think it's true though that when some people just the outrage is so that they can so other people know that they're smart and woke and everything else that you're going to have a good thing. i don't know maybe i'll miss lee i think it's more about our getting the tribal mentality you know so it's like our tribe you know believes these things or we don't like them so this is the thing that i get up and this is the thing that i get upset about and i think it's true when i think it's right and then i start having blind spots to other people's perspectives you know not me i mean i and i am part of you know i understand all perspectives. one of them is that i don't know maybe some people maybe some people with some character
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deficiencies that need to you know do that to feel ok about themselves i guess i don't know well speaking of outraged efficiency is. here you know they hit r.t. america right show redacted tonight is the outrage you want your life yes taking your anger and wrapping it in soft clouds funny we still don't know what they do with a lot of that anger but some have said that lee uses it to get his hair it's lustrous . the national weather service in sterling virginia has issued a special memory warning for chesapeake bay from drum point maryland to smith point virginia chesapeake bay from north beach to drum point maryland river to cambridge
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maryland and the little town ten river patches and river two booms island maryland ten years sound and the inland waters surrounding blood filing in till seven thirty pm at six o six pm strong thunderstorms are located along a line extending tilman island to near waco meeker river moving southeast at twenty five knots hazard wind gusts thirty four knots or greater radar indicated impact voters and small craft could be thrown overboard by suddenly higher winds and waves capsizing their vessel locations impacted include being well state park and when blight solomon's island coupled creek down creek drum point on the river there's beach james island flag harbor calvert cliffs richland point the targets brooms island and taylors island move to safe harbor immediately as gusty winds and high waves are expected. still a partisan like the democrats or the republicans how do you have that cognitive
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dissidence in your don't piece. you know i don't know i don't. mind is broken it doesn't work in the here there's nothing left and that alasdair well let's i think typical for values are actually. yes let's talk about this because you are well just tell me about it yes ok so there's a recent study that came from a map that shows a soda tax bill that failed in the california state legislature in two thousand and fifteen it failed in part because three members of the legislature latino caucus were given twice as much money from the soda industry compared to other members of the state legislature and they were also the among the top five recipients of industry money which is pretty terrible because latinos and blacks are twice as likely to develop diabetes for food including soda obviously and part of the reason because of that is because research shows junk food companies specifically target
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black and latino youth oh yeah. yeah yeah you're going to end soon like these people in the coffee is sold out there and people basically you know what people will say i know you're not going to do is go there you take a look at yes let's take a look at. politicians who represent minorities so it is money they're not just turning a blind eye to what their youth see on t.v. but what their low income constituency in their neighborhood corner stores these are stores often located in food dancing where you're unlikely to find a supermarket with fresh produce if one at all you're more likely to see roots and veggies on underwear than on the shelves but you know what everyone can afford grab snacks now and sour cream with a dab of ranch and sure you might say this comes down to freedom of choice it's a fifteen year olds choice. by romeo miller's barbecue one with my honey potato chips remember about the choices we make are based on what we're exposed to and we
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all take it literally hundreds of ads per day that have been proven to influence us . here they are really good credit our producer for letting me know about. the instagram. so i don't know if that helps or hurts. my doing so out of my mind i know what it isn't that a good thing because a lot of white people no no no i'm trying to reach a critical mass of guilt where they make themselves. not white i think that's taking the social justice were they just think you buy me like you are absent x. is like. rob sachs for racial equality why didn't i write
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well i don't miss any you i don't know if you're even thinking about it mr dykes and i would urge every friday on our to be america doctor tonight which features exclusive interviews and panels every thursday on our team america. as we go to break off don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter see our full shows that are coming up sean stone sits down with h.s.b.c. whistleblower efferent star and about calling out criminal finance stay tuned to watching. the national weather service in mount holly new jersey has issued a flash flood warning for kent county and central delhi are caroline county in eastern maryland until nine fifteen pm at six o eight pm doppler radar indicated phone or storms producing heavy rain moving in
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from the west some of these thunderstorms have a history of producing rain at the rate of two inches per hour flash flooding is expected in the areas of heaviest rain as these storms move through the ceiling be careful driving turn around don't drown when encountering flooded roads most flood deaths occur in vehicles. of money for for over a decade and our previous episode started told us about how he discovered and reported these crimes at h.s.b.c. and we now continue that conversation to explore what can be done to fix the system . but i have to wonder obviously if the relationship has b.c. and other banks obviously have to get into the corporate apparatus that is the mainstream media and obviously we know that these banks are very much tied and invested in. you know basically lenders to the corporations to do all of the media so there's a sensitivity i think when it comes to going after these guys but you obviously if
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you're a fighter you've been sticking with the story in your investigation have you discovered anything since you since the case broke and essentially since twenty twelve have you for anything new or guarding h.s.b.c.'s relationship to various laundering of drug and terror and all the other illicit profits yeah i mean my attorneys we resubmitted you know a number of doctoring documents in the f.c.c. . and from my understanding. is working on this so is the department of justice. and i can't go into too much detail into it it's an ongoing investigation but the situation that just b.c. isn't over and i'm not letting this go i mean you know and you have to stand that for instance i had somebody tell me like you know ever it it's over with already you just walk away and you know you've become successful i guess as
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a result you know even though i lost everything that i built myself up but. and what people don't understand is that if they saw what i saw there they would not be giving up you know either i mean i mean i can't give up on this because i'm telling you that you know wars cost money and in the end right now. because they're getting the enemy is getting financed with a lot of money right now a lot and just for the drug cartels and you know it's disgusting that here in this is occurring we're allowing this in the united states and what i find interesting is that you know that for instance to the trump administration and. and you know as you know i left the republican party and and when i ran for u.s. senate in pennsylvania now i'm more of an independent but it's interesting how out trump is you know very to stick in a very strong stance on terrorism which is great. you know he's he's starting in
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with this with the whole muslim bad thing what i don't understand even even being more of a republican is ok whoa we have banks here that are financing terrorism why not go after the banks or we think that's more of a thread and some guy just did that that makes more logical sense to me of course about the whole point is that again it goes back to this the version every tactic where it's like you know focus on these people you know who may or may not actually engage in terrorism and not on the actual fight and say of the arms because they're not making their own arms in the middle east of building their own weaponry so obviously you have to look at the money supply to the who's who's buy that the who is arming them and if you really want to cut it off as you say you would actually do that but it seems that it is it seems be a profit making machine obviously for the financial sector to basically finance both sides of a conflict how are you taking this fight to the political arena well i'm taking it into different fronts so one after it. as you know one from the rolling stone
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feature i lost everything after it is pretty scandalous living in a foreign a square foot apartment sleeping on a screen in afford a bed as we do tables at p.f. chang's when my colleagues are making fifty five k. year over h.s.b.c. laundering money for terrorists but i founded my. company and with with the goal is called tactical rabbit and the goal of the company is to prevent the next h.s.b.c. into exposing that security threats and that's all i do now. and with that what i've the second front that i've watched as it is it is is politically what i want to do is to get into office and actually make a difference because. i know that i can because i was sincere and. i give you a perfect example so i went to this i went to a republican dinner this is this is right before i sort of running for senate. and there's
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a congressman there i'm not going to say the germans name but i asked him i said what he would advise a young person to do you know how how best can i win this election and he said to me if ever it just make them think that you care for it what i was like but but i do care that there's no you know this is a myth but this is what's going on in washington and there are lots of pigs to be honest with you and what what made me run for u.s. senate was that senator pat toomey my opponent. was sitting on the senate banking committee while i was blowing the whistle on the just b.c. and losing everything and he was our fine dinners and you know letting each is pretty off the hook. and what happened was during the summit elections h.s.b.c. formed a pac and they started buying up senators literally by donating money to their campaigns. and that's a huge conflict of interest and if you're sitting on the senate base finance committee why are you accepting donations from
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a bank that has admitted to financing the enemy that's kind of a problem. so i decided to throw my hat in the ring against pat toomey and i knew i was going to lose and i'm thirty i was thirty two and thirty one and i sort of running and therefore if ethically i felt uncomfortable accepting donations so i spent. seventy five thousand of my own money to run against him knowing i'm going to lose just look at the message out just to show him and to show the public that you know what david will stand against goliath and. we just have to take a stand no matter what and the guy. did end up winning now he's back on the senate finance committee. but that's ok though i'm not angry because eventually i'm going to one thing i'm very good at is persistence and i'm not going to give up and eventually i went up enough for him in jail for for you know treatment for being a traitor to an enemy bank precisely no i mean it's very admirable what you're
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doing is likely is to reform the system because it started because you said you lost everything and how did the financial world treat you as a whistleblower h.s.b.c. would any other for people to hire you would just basically cold shoulder and say oh geez this guy is trouble oh yeah no i mean nobody i mean well one when when that when the case first broke i mean people thought i was crazy they be. there as well was this guy saying this and that you know and it wasn't until the media sort of reporting on it really when that to him he did the rolling stone article that's when people sort of listening to me and i started getting more credibility and then when people when i got on camera more people realize those guys not just know it like he's telling the truth and it will really help me it was h.s.b.c. when they when they admitted to everything that i'm saying like that really helped . in i guess. i mean i mean i mean i guess the the the overarching. mission.
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is to make this if you can positive difference by create by doing it on my own without the media because i realize that media is not over all the media is not going to help. and that you don't want to get back into walls or i'm saying you don't want to work on another bank about point you felt like it was just this is them it's over to grab it and there's no there's no way i could never go back to a cubicle again and i could never have a boss tell me what to do ever again and look i mean from waiting tables at p.f. chang's five years ago after my command i can now say said erin sorry. it's a run a multimillion to our organization i mean we're you know i'm doing ok now which is great thank god because i really. really and hot dogs for months at a time i had no money. but i built myself up with honor and integrity i didn't cheat i didn't steal nothing i built it up the honorable way. and i think the
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american public needs to understand that that the american dream is still possible and the good guys do win in the end that's the important message and and that song is about self-sacrifice. and not the money and not i and that was the thing is that i thought and still continue to fight that i have nothing to lose i mean if someone if they even have h.s.b.c. sued me which they're now they're trying to do and they took away every single time i had health care because my my mission and my objective is not that profit that's that's the bank's what my objective is making that difference and if i leave this earth we're just helping one person and getting that message across to the good guys win in the end that people should take individual responsibility to protect not only the country but not in a from a counterterrorism standpoint but also protect the country from a ethical and moral standpoint and protect what really is american our culture.
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i'll be successful for you know i'm not successful but i'll tell you something that what's occurring right now in america is not america american real true american culture and that's why i left the republican party that's why i'm independent left . with the democratic party because it's just i think this whole political system right now is so perverted i just don't you know i'm not going to make people think that i care that you're not going to do that no paying lip service to get real i mean you know and again people are suffering out there and people are you know and again i'm not i'm not here we're not running for office same time soon if i won't run for another ten years or something but you know it's this is the fight has something to do with with with winning all of my company i don't even consider the investors hate me because they they want.
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the national weather service in mount holly new jersey has issued a severe thunderstorm warning for northwestern sussex county in southern delaware southern kent county and central delaware southeastern talbot county in eastern maryland southern caroline county in maryland entails. at six twenty pm severe thunderstorms were ok to along a line extending from near hope that at least a seven miles southwest of moving you said thirty five miles per hour hazard sixty miles per hour wind gusts and any size hail source radar indicated impact expects damage to trees and power lines severe thunderstorms will be near harmony around six twenty five pm denton around six thirty pm i drove around six thirty
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five pm track santo and smithville around six forty pm and are still windy hill on six forty five pm harrington regional woodside viola enchanting around six fifty pm at least they'll around seven pm other locations impacted by the severe thunderstorms include felton woodside east frederica greenwood farmington riverview houston and blades for your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a building in addition to large hail and damaging winds frequent cloud to ground lightning is occurring with this storm moved indoors immediately remember if you can hear thunder you are close enough to be struck by lightning repeating a severe thunderstorm warning has been issued until seven pm for the following counties in delaware can't in sussex and the following counties in maryland carolina and tell that.
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feminist this week after being defeated in the wimbledon quarter finals he corrected a journalist who mistakenly referred to murray's opponent u.s. tennis player same curried as a first u.s. player to reach a major semi final since two thousand and nine murray served that reporter one heck of a side i.e. two when he served the correction since two thousand and nine serena williams has earned over a dozen grand slam singles titles and four grand slam doubles titles sister venus has earned at least four but andy murray's feminism isn't new he's spent years fighting sexist ignorance and tennis levied at those female players and coaches that he works with he's advocated for pay equality and equal representation at events marie may have lost one bolton but he definitely proved that the sport of tennis always starts with love and that is our show for you today remember everyone be good to each other out there i am tabitha wallace keith on watching the hocks and have
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a great day and night everyone. for decades the american middle class has been railroaded by washington politics. big budget. that's thrown down a lot of boys that's how we use them in the culture in this country now that's where i come in. i better chill down our to you america i'll make sure you don't get railroad you'll get straight talk in the great. white.
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all the world. and all the news companies merely players but what kind of parties aren t. america play. off more artsy american person. in many ways the news landscape is just like the field of real news fake news good actors bad active and in the end you could never hear all. of the parking all the world's all the world's a stage all the world's a stage and we are definitely a place. to vent for the past few years and. what's going on in my native germany. is of refugees. u.s. intelligence agencies indiscriminately listening in on german citizens and the government. and once again. heading east. from.
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