tv Larry King Now RT July 19, 2017 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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yeah you could never. set up parking all across the world all the world's a stage. play. i moved back home twenty five years ago to raise my family back in westchester and i when i look back i know that i made the right decision the first black woman to be admissable one hundred eighty three. being first glorious the downside is you get the brunt of the anger me being miss america overnight you know i had death threats being sent to my my course most because of my color it may be the fighter in the survivor that i am i live in the same town that i grew up in. the next town over is now what. i do i do there i see him at starbucks i see him at the deli
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a little french restaurant they just marched in our memorial day parade and people have. told me something people don't know about you. all next on larry king. and larry king now is a true woman award winning actress grammy and tony nominated singer acclaimed dancer and new york times best selling author is with meso williams the nestle stars of the new vs one series daytime diva is about behind the scenes drama of a big time talk show daytime divas airs mondays at ten mind central on v h one has been a hit from the get go was this inspired by my friend star jones absolutely a star that had heart surgery and her doctors said you can lose some brain cells i want you to exercise your brain every. ok so she said her writing and then she
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wrote what she knew which was a behind the scenes of a fictitious talk show called the lunch hour and it got picked up but by it was a bestseller got picked up by the age when they held onto it for about five years and she called me last february in my house as i'm cooking food said listen i got ten episodes guarantee you were my first person that i had in my mind when i wrote this part please look at it read the book here's the pilot telling us to think so you're barbara walters i am. her name is maxine robinson and she was named after max robbins and used to be at a.b.c. news he was the first black anchor yes so that was her kind of a boss to him so he she always saw her as a woman of color and she denied that it's about the view as she does but. she writes what she knows she and almost everything in the book is either based on a case that she tried an interview that she was a part of or something that happened to someone or do script right away. i thought
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it was pretty on the now so i mean knowing the view now weighing the talk and all these chat shows you can pretty much see the archetypes so i kind of knew who she was i could see myself who she was fusing together but i knew it was a matter of casting and direction and you know it was good writing to you guessed it almost feels i just literally just came here from the talk i just co-host that auto. and i've done the view several times so i know the operation and how it works which is great because i go in there knowing what it's like to be a guest but also nine want to like to see the produces you know run a show i've sat in the chair in the makeup chair with barbara walters on my my right in joy behar on my left i know you're going i'm all yeah exactly we have a clip from daytime diva. what the hell is mode imo and why am i here for the first time hot air. and ramona make it your business to see that no one messes with the setting of my tribe it was. for over two thousand episodes i've drank coffee tea
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and sometimes bach out of line to please i'll try but i'm. you know ever since this coma incident things have been slipping around here it's not just the settings of my chair or the mug by the way my pajama jeans are gone too you know what your pajamas. security relax these really are just little things oh i've been in this business long that up to that seemingly little things turn into big things oh haw. is it true do some real host of you came on the show yes the we do a little kind of remote where we have the panel come on and one of the episodes you've often played kind of villainous character. like that well it was fun aren't they they're more fun but i guess it's typecasting i started out my first broadway show was his the spider woman why play in a very powerful intoxicating sean to so the one nine hundred forty s. and then the lips i was a very villainous kiss of death which is the spider woman so i think that was back
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in one thousand nine hundred four and then i've you know done the christmas diva and a lot of diva larger than life very rapid fire strong women i guess when people know that you can deliver that they have in mind when you personally been told of people who make. what is a diva well but what i think of as like beverly sills or lintian price some diva on a stage singing at a magnificent aria that was soo pervan makes everyone leap to their feet and that's why bravo diva that's my coming from an artist and there was a. exactly exactly i thought it's got a connotation also of being. ten going on a trip to exactly being kind of bratty and entourage yes exactly which is not me. i wish sometimes when i do have an entourage i go is this how i should be living but i'm pretty low maintenance zero zero. regular girl i think so so yeah
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but my parents for enough force me to but that was you know both my parents are teachers we had chores i was never called little princess you know as a me and my brother were raised in a very suburban normal childhood. and now in westchester i where i live actually in the same hometown that i grew up in chappaqua is where i live the next next hanover is melwood and that's where a child by law lives next door to me which is going to ensure i do i do of there i seem of the starbucks s.c.m. of the deli the little french restaurant they just marched in our memorial day parade and people on the show premier june fifth got off to a great start is this another ugly betty. if we get the fans that the diehard fans of ugly betty i would love it this is the first time i've done a series for cable so i know numbers are different but it's also a different style i'm like my kids never watch regular live t.v.
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anymore no everything's on a device so they they and they binge watch too so this is the measure of success is completely different from my seven years at a.b.c. when i did for betty and then two years of desperate housewives and six park avenue this is a different kind of dynamic it was sr who acts on actors what are you a mess and what am i what are you. i think i'm a. musical theater is my true love sell when i get on stage and get a chance to do it all together in front of a live audience that's that's my base when you've had said to diverge career new dunga role with which love for you you happily married four children i do i do i like to start directing. i think i've been behind the camera for a while and i would love to and i'm actually watching my daughter who is she was going to film school she's a c. . in year this year and high school and that's kind of her goal in watching her and
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her brain soak it all in and you know i saw a very young age from her so i would love to live in debbie allen is really the first female director that i got a chance to work on every day at a stand out of the savoy is a c.b.s. movie about the one nine hundred thirty s. savoy in harlem and we get a buzz and it was it was acting but it was also dancing and so alive and she was every day would make us start doing jumping jacks or just start of the day with energy to make sure that everybody is ready for their game and she was always one of my favorites get better with age jobs get better well now i think it's fantastic there's so many opportunities for women who are fifty plus and i think that's also because of that new the new model for television it's not just network it's you know these ten episodes of of hulu and netflix and home through all the yeah what were you best known for do you think. it depends on my stan base which is really
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interesting i can go anywhere in the world and i'm surprised i just went to cuba and people recognized me and i said from what the city that that biological me go to lunch i am which was a ballroom dance movie that i did in ninety eight with cheyenne who's a big latin star so and then somebody somebody said the odyssey i got the honesty and i did that with armada sonti for n.b.c. as a kind of a t.v. movie and they play it as part of the history classes and some of these schools sell some kids now buy from the odyssey there's a lot of spotlight on racism in hollywood sexism you have any thoughts on it is it was better well i i tend to think that it's better because there are more opportunities as more voices there's more avenues for people to to have their voices heard. you were the first black woman to be miss america nine hundred eighty three was there downside to being first. oh of course the downside is you get the
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brunt of all the anger and all the i mean you know i wrote a book with my mom because i needed not only to tell my story but my mother to tell how she was protecting me at twenty years old i was a junior at syracuse and i won i had no aspirations of our being a beauty queen but me being miss america overnights you know i had death threats being sent to my my course house here because of my color and then you lost your crown ten months later yeah all went to hell. pictures of you well this is before yeah the year before i had taken some pictures from a photographer that i worked in the studio and of course there is now there's a release and nobody is for us to see them actually yeah yeah yeah so that was my move i dumb ass move in a weird way it made you it maybe the person i am absolutely the rage or because i'm a jew you were a zillion absolutely and you became doubly famous i think sense of my similar
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forgotten who knows america three years ago from what statement i don't know. where if you're down right good but yeah it may be the fighter in the survivor that i am the jew plan a career of to or did you say but i gotta go so yeah and nothing stopped me from hearing the nose and the curiosity all those meetings which i knew that there was it was just curiosity needing to to get me in the room i went through years of that and it was recording that really allowed me to control my image my music and said this is my song this is my voice and i can control it as opposed to waiting for a role what was your break move for vanessa williams part of an absolute became yes well i think it's a the best for last was such a huge huge hit it was six six weeks on a number a number one of the charts and that was you know and i've had hits before but it's solidified me as not being a one hit wonders my second album and i had a number of hits. and i think on broadway kiss the spider woman is really where i
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was taken seriously there's no tricks you know we don't broadway it's your voice there's no there's no tricks and shit and you know malay's and. howard mcgill unplayed. who was the and and brian stokes mitchell was. the revolutionary yeah and it was great over the missing amazing that oh yeah and he's continued he did dracula is a guy from the big overall and i asked is there you've is to give had this misapplying you know where you're going. did you have a career inspiration someone you looked up too many i probably the first time that i was wept or was brought to tears as meaning lena horne because i had i mean not only a beauty and a talent but her strength and her struggle and not having to big able to go in the front door and having to come through the kitchen and those those are the stories
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that i look and say that they paved the road for me to be able to come into the front door and have the all those opportunities and freedoms be given to me as as an actress and as a woman of color frank sinatra took lena horne to the store club once and they were a little embarrassed because they didn't serve blacks. so the maitre d. said to sinatra. mr sinatra we don't seem to have made a reservation sinatra said lincoln. next we're talking secret talent celebrity crushes and best advice with vanessa williams plus a politics too will be right back. to. not defect why they. go after corporations just for your wife. profit over people at every turn.
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for data it's not for me it's like medicine it's like a cancer joke from all the stress that the news puts you under redacted tonight is a show where you can go to cry from laughing about the stuff that's going on in the world as opposed to just regular crying we're going to find out what the corporate mainstream media is not telling you about how we're going to filter it through some satirical comedic lenses to make it more digestible that's what we do every week hard hitting radical comedy news like redacted tonight is where it's at.
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least. the mission of newsworthy it is to go to the people tell their side of the story our stories are well sourced we don't hide anything from the public and i don't think the mainstream media in this country can say that i mean average gamer knows that our t. america has a different perspective so that we're not hearing one echo chamber that mainstream media is constantly spewing. we're not beholden to any corporate sponsor a one tells us what to cover how long the coverage or how to say that's the beauty of archie america. we give both sides we hear from both sides and we question more that journalists are not. anything. to bring it home to the american people.
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know. just recently with the the violence against a of a republican party's ball team that was about to play the democrats tomorrow for charity it's amazing how polarized the country is and how angry if it's maddening it's maddening. are you disappointed with him on l g b t because originally he. didn't bother him at all goetia were bright right right right and disappointed i think he. i don't now i mean i have i am very pro l.g. beauty and. and it's kind of scary because. there's not a lot of things that are said that have much merit or have any longevity in terms of what's true and what's not what's what has merit and what doesn't when it
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comes out of his mouth and it's frustrating i tremble when i turn on the news because i like now it's going to happen. because it seems like every day i've never watched cable news more than i ever have in my life because you know i'm a little trepidation because you never know what's going to happen and i over better than that i hope you know of course to call my own movement but i hope we can just govern and move ahead him and stop the violence for sure vanessa we play a little game of if you only knew ok what's a secret talent you have. a secret talent. it certainly is not accounting for probably the last thing that i love to do you don't have to have. childhoods crush michael jackson for sure first grade a.b.c. album eight i carved a little heart out of his over his since his picture yes my current celebrity crush who i am
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a loving the i'm watching genius on maggiolo about albert einstein's life one who plays the on line stein is phenomenal yes guilty pleasure. massage and guilty. who would you trade places with for a day. maybe oprah strangers' job you have a head let's see i did i was a one of those annoying telephone survey people that calls your house and reads from the paper about a service i work for new york state political action committee. above a candidate. exactly in the high school summer job was the best piece of advice you ever got. no matter what happens in your life never changes who you are just now that and remember that was the worst piece of advice. don't go to church trust. exactly. and you'll be anonymous for
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a day what would you do. if i could be anonymous for the day i would probably if i was invisible go high school with my daughter and see what her day is really like favorite vice. cocktails cocktails i try them all people get wrong about you probably that i am like high maintenance and don't do my own stuff and i i cook i claimed i drive my kids to school. there larry and i really think you're a d.v.s. yes biggest perk of being a celebrity. i would probably have to say reservations for sure. something is there something you long to believe to be true but realize wasn't. it's that disappointing when you meet people that are your that are going to yeah
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you look up to and then you see them treat people poorly that kills me and. told me something people don't know about you so they can see you cooking and driving down there are now now why probably i used to smoke pot in high school. in there about i . don't know. james frazier social media wants to know when you're a shoot to is happening. that was with arnold schwarzenegger i doubt if we had arnold and james caan and. i don't know where it would happen in i was a racist and i was saved so i don't know that i have to be somebody else not including me. credible i'd love to hear how you'd prepared for and what your thoughts are on dance with me again this was their ballroom dance show and we did this movie when ballroom dancing with stars was not on so it was wonderful to learn a completely different language of dance i've grown up dancing modern and ballet
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but to learn the. cha cha and the possibility and the quickstep were unbelievable and to be able to teach them and then pretend that i was in an a ballroom competition and you know be good enough to have people believe in me that was really great sophia seven three three one six three two three would you like to do a desperate housewives revival reunion oh sure if they asked me if i had a great time i did seasons seven and eight and i loved all the girls we all got along and i played a role name renee perry who is a an ex-wife of a baseball player and she had a lot of sass a lot of humor and i loved it. steph lying pos he wants to know what elmo was like in person. i did a movie called him with medical taken and of course al though and. lives in
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a box and when you open the boxes got covers on top of his eyes and i remember my daughter was about four years old when i did a concert with imo and they flipped open the box and she is disturbed seriously many a son and yes kevin yes. always worked haven't i have i've been lucky and it's it's great being versatile which is how i have maintained longevity morillo maria i pure i mean new projects in the bed. while hoping for season two of daytime divas and i continue to do concerts and i'm about to do the hollywood bowl next month we're doing sondheim on sondheim which i did on broadway in two thousand and ten and we're doing an evening with due to mellow with the orchestra but i think that's july twenty third two things and in the clones no barbara cook did that barbara's not me doing this so i don't know whose to answer in the class you still issue we're going on an album broadway music i got to get to it that's it's been
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there i will do it it's on my list of things to do and finding time to get back in the studio but i don't get the songs in the shows and most of the songs are stings that i sang when i was a musical theater major or did things a summer theater so these are songs that have some personal all familiar yeah never will i marry. a john. you know songs that kind of made my career when nobody knew me you were nominated for nine grammys you never won. do you go to i don't want anything do you go to them. not unless i have. something that's been asked but i haven't been in a while we are back on broadway i would love to there's a couple of things that i'm looking at so i have to figure out when i'm doing the t.v. show or whether i have enough time to actually do a broadway run so you happily married good for kids grown one graduating high school you got a hit show on v h one. where would you say you are in the life of the national
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williams i'm pretty happy i'm happy i'm sad old you know i moved back home twenty five years ago to raise my family back in westchester and i when i look back i know that i made the right decision because there. or they went to the same high school that i did they've got a a some mill year community that supports them and as much as i work i know that they that the community has their back don't should travel a lot to do things they do i do but when i'm home i'm home and people now that i look at my calendar and i say how this is a reunion can't do that i've got to sing at church here can't do that and they work around what's important to me your husband is a teacher no he's a finance businessman but he's actually working at a private school now in terms of finance and operations bring his his business knowledge to private school has never done that before near home yes but twenty
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minutes away and he didn't want to be in the city so this is perfect for a very dull mystic i do i am i go i have my dogs i love to walk them i am i lemma i love mine asked what happened to this. well i actually i still wear the push up bra and try to try to work out hard enough to maintain a fifty four. year deal why panesar bank really knowing you think it's a great scene thank you. so very special guest daytime divas airs mondays at ten pm nine center on v h one of those always you can find me on twitter at kings things that i'll see you next on.
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the american middle class has been railroaded by washington politics. big body corporate that's thrown down a lot of boys that's how it is in the new culture in this country now that's where i come in. i mean it's still on our to you america i'll make sure you don't. at railroad you'll get the straight talk in the straight news. questionable. i'm tom hartman and i'll give you what the mainstream media can't help big picture we'll go deeper investigate and debate all so you can get the big picture. i think the average viewer just after watching a couple of segments understands that we're telling stories that our critics can't
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tell and you know why because their advertisers won't let them. in order to create change you have to be honest you have to tell the truth parties able to do that every story is built on going after the back story to what's really happening out there to the american public what's happening when a corporation makes a pharmaceutical chills people when a company in the environmental business ends up polluting a river that causes cancer and other illnesses they put all the health risk all the dangers out to the american public those are stories that we tell every we can you know what they're working. what you have for breakfast yesterday why would you put those up faces your wife. why do you name and what's your biggest fear. in a bid on a hay ride when so less time to read a book you say if you ever met the best quote about. exploring the topic that
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doesn't belong on the piece now i did did you do to question more. i do not know if the russian state hacked into john podesta emails and gave them to wiki leaks but i do know barack obama's director of national intelligence has not provided credible to support his claims of russia i also know he perjured himself in a senate hearing planned three months before the revelations provided by edward snowden he denied to be n.s.a. was carrying out wholesale surveillance of the us. the hyperventilating corporate media has once again proved to be an echo chamber for government claims that cannot be verified you would have thought they would have learned something after serving as george w. bush's useful idiots in the lead up to the invasion of iraq. it is vitally important that the press remains rooted.
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