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tv   Headline News  RT  July 20, 2017 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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germany's foreign minister issues a warning against tourists traveling to turkey after human rights activists were arrested by ankara and over german companies supporting terrorism. exposing vulnerable a turkish news agency publishes a map showing the location of american military bases in northern syria sparking concern in washington pantries a maze approval rating permits you know where the u.k. prime minister has been so unpopular in the months following a general election. hello
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they're coming to you live from moscow you with art now as animosity continues to grow between ankara turkey has reportedly put dozens of german companies on a list of supporters of terrorism and arrested several human rights activists the developments have led the german foreign minister to declare turkey unsafe for tourists and also investors with more his. the latest scandal in this deepening divide between turkey and germany revolves around well allegations that may or may not have been made by turkey against sixty eight companies registered here in germany now on this list of sixty eight are the likes of be a s.f. the chemical giant daimler who of course make luxury motor cars and this was then followed up on thursday with a response from the deputy turkish prime minister met sim sec he said that these were completely false and that turkey welcomed german investors so just who was
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telling the truth so we reached out to the german interior ministry and asked them if they'd received the list that was reported in the german press they got back to a saying that turkey had sent materials to the criminal police but there'd been no concrete details and the police forces decided not to follow them up but this follows hot on the heels of another major diplomatic scandal involving the arrest of a german human rights activist in turkey well this prompted the german foreign minister to break off from his holiday come back it's a burden for the turkish ambassador to be summoned to the foreign ministry and well some of the harshest words we've heard to date from zig mar gabriele in his role as germany's top diplomat will take another angle when it comes to relations with turkey to quote this is the conviction as martin shoots and the german chancellor to the reason much else we can do ankara has to take responsibility and we have to
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make it clear that this kind of politics is not without consequences. from their side uncurse have called the statements from mr gabrielle unexceptable have called them and at a ten to interfere in the turkish judiciary and also president to once people have issued statements suggesting that this could be an attempt to try and win. votes by german politicians ahead of an upcoming election by trying to look strong on the international stage but you cannot get away from the fact that relations between turkey and germany are at the lowest ebb that anybody can remember in recent memory certainly we've seen them fall out so for military reasons we've also seen the fallout politically are pretty much not a sphere of society that they haven't fallen out on just yet and it certainly doesn't look like it's getting better anytime soon peter over there reporting while the head of the research center for turkey studies told us that domestic politics
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in both countries is contributing to the tensions well i think this latest dispute has to be seen within the context of what was essentially been a kind of tit for tat ongoing argument this going on between turkey and germany now for almost every year this is so this is kind of been an ongoing dispute that has kind of flared up now and again especially in the times where it's been elections in the two countries so i think a lot of this is on the lines of. internal damage for a number of countries and ultimately the what's new here is that we're now talking about the germans are now beginning to pop their criticisms of turkey which many of the european governments that are trying to back up now in the context of last realize failed coup emotions of running very high and basically was happened is that has made it very easy for the government to essentially associate any criticisms of the government with criticisms of turkish democracy. meanwhile the american military says it is concerned for the safety of its troops are for turkey
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she's agency released a map showing the location of u.s. bases in northern syria in a comment to r.t. the u.s. central command said that the sources which contributed to the story cannot be independently verified adding that it would be very concerned if officials from its nato ally would purposefully in danger forces by releasing such sensitive information. as more. this is how america's military presence in northern syria allegedly looks that's according to turkish state news agency on the dollar it claims to have detected america's hidden outposts scattered across kurdish held areas the agency reports there are as many as ten including two air bases one in army leon which is large enough for cargo planes and used to supply kurdish forces and another inherent hit which is slightly smaller and reportedly used by military helicopters there's also said to be eight more military points which it's claimed
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are used to house military consultants operational planning offices and units to engage in active conflicts plus the equipment cap that allegedly includes artillery batteries rocket launchers and all made vehicles with the turkish news agency revealing washington's active operations in a war zone in thirty much detail with accurate or not it's likely upsetting for the us and course the pows that ally the discussion of specific troop numbers and locations would provide sensitive tactical information to the enemy which could in danger coalition and partner force we respectfully request that you refrain from disseminating any information we chose not to disseminate all the details listed by the un a dollar agency like the number of u.s. special forces and strategic talks of the outposts arguably a bigger question here is not about the publication's accuracy but rather why would turkey want to undermine its ally by revealing potentially dangerous details of its
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secret military bases well perhaps it has something to do with the location of these bases which form within the region controlled by the kurdish militia a group the u.s. considers to be a key ally in the fight against eisel but one which turkey deems as terrorists probably the turks are doing this and thinking the same in response to snow. that we can tamper with turkish interests probably the turks are thinking well we could probably hear that a great challenge the american administration and other made to our allies if you're not from fully respected as a member then probably should rethink this relationship in a sense threatening me to stability now turkey regularly slams the us every support for the kurds but now by revealing this sensitive information it appears anchor is using more direct tactics to strike back at its nato ally. meanwhile president
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spokes person on thursday said the turkish government did not play a role in the publication he also called it unthinkable it endangered the lives of any country's soldiers. and more stay with syria because reports are emerging that president trump is decided to halt a covert cia train and assist program for moderate rebels in syria although u.s. officials have so far to climb to comment publicly the story has been gaining a lot of attention in the media many publications are framing the reported move as a victory for vladimir putin they suggest that trump has capitulated on a key u.s. foreign policy goal in order to try and improve relations with russia the rebels were being trained to fight against the moscow backed government of bashar sat the cia program was launched back in twenty thirteen under the obama administration it has proved training provided training for commanders from the free syrian army to
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bases in jordan and supplied certain opposition groups with weapons and also equipment the scheme has reportedly cost something like one billion dollars a year and it's not been without its critics either in twenty fifteen for example overall spending on the program was reduced following claims of its ineffectiveness and then in two thousand and sixteen clashes between two different groups one armed by the cia a mumbai. the pentagon did raise a further questions as did reports that some of the weapons intended for syria were repeatedly stolen by jordanian intelligence agents and then resold on the black market one former u.k. ambassador to syria told us the significance of the decision to end the program is being overblown it's hysterical quite simply. if you can put russia had lived in the mainstream media.
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of american policy long overdue both with russia. many are raising concerns over how it is being handled italy which is currently accepting most of the newcomers says it doesn't have the resources to cope in spain activists have protests against refugee policies and violations of their human rights while in greece an angry demonstration is being held against delays in the immigration
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process. about one hundred refugees and migrants protested outside the german embassy in athens the use of black banners and separated from their families and stranded in greece the visions between different ethnic groups have also been emerging in the overcrowded camps. legal. problem which is there for. most of the if you just wasting sort of decisions.
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the pregame people sometimes if they are just says start by saying they want to get their ride spotted they'll hand in floyd's some of the. single seaters to the syrian people they just signed him quickly until some true it would be. not only funky spots of. people coming from africa feeling neglected when they arrived suddenly they faced the. different treatment because of their skin color or because of different other rights and when you feel that not receiving your interview in a couple of months but in four five six months you're seeing that there's a longer rejection rate for your community or for the group of people you are from
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your attention on your frustration raises. meanwhile italy has been desperately calling for help saying it was isolated and abandoned by the e.u. members although the block has repeatedly force its readiness to help but it seems italy's patience is rapidly running out is now reports the city of messina in sicily geography is double trouble for the locals in southern italy that is failing to cope with the ceaseless flow of migrants and refugees first of all the island of sicily is the migrants primary destination after they cross the mediterranean and the port city of messina is their gateway to mainland europe the mayors of local towns have gathered together right there to discuss the issue there are seeking help from rome there you have one called liked rome and its turn is seeking assistance from the e.u. and there you have your second conflict the italian government has even threatened
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the european union that it could issue temporary travel visas for the migrants which is of course going to be a thorn in the side of the e.u. now this of course leads to a lot of confrontation between officials in brussels and rome we need a unity of purpose international regional effort and this is why the european union continues to work with the quartet for libya to die and that there is unity in approach the only thing that. europe is to. lead to the location we are continuing to push because in europe you know particularly to actually in general the only thing that. ever since january italy has received more than eight hundred thousand migrants and refugees and this is just the official figure the real one could be much higher among the president measures that could be thrown in now restrictions against n.g.o.s who are helping
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the migrants and. also even setting down the ports we asked the people in the streets where all of this is going there are no jobs for our people and so of course there won't be any for migrants they can't stay here because we're still in crisis germany in the you and helping us in italy the migrant crisis was caused by wrong european policies there's no doubt that the arrival of the migrants causes trouble with public order and safety we're experiencing social tensions because of this i blame our government for this they dodged the problem instead of using common sense anyway italy is not a cosmopolitan nation which doesn't mean we are racist but we should help migrants and their countries right behind these doors more than forty local mayors have spent hours discussing the issues and try to find solutions to this hopefully we'll get a word from them when they come out. in sicily now the u.k.
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prime minister theresa may has hit a record low approval ratings following her snap election setback with that story his party's policy. well this is one of those records that nobody wants to hold to reason may's approval rating is at an all time low according to this source mori research and what this poll is done is that it's looked at all the modern day politicians and where their popularity was at a month after the general election and two reason may have the lowest approval rating of any prime minister a month after the vote pouring salt on her wounds will be the fact that the same research data has shown that the leader of the opposition labor party jeremy corbyn he scored a personal best he's never been more popular than he is right now and i think what the pollsters are most fascinated by is this b. which the prime minister's fall in the popularity ratings has taken place back in
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april when two reason may call for the snap election her personal approval ratings a mass of her conservative party worse an all time high but she was then seemed to have waged a bit of a disaster of an election campaign she refused to take part in televised debates she did many huge social policy issues and of course the u.k. was also hit by a string of terror attacks in the run up to the general election here and and after that disastrous election result to top it all off there was also the gren fell tower disaster which a lot of people have said has become sort of two reason may's hurricane katrina moment the prime minister was forced to apologize for the government's inadequate response to the tragedy and also for the failings that led up to it happening in the first place and if all that wasn't enough there's this sort of slow chug chug of the brags that negotiations are under way it is becoming ever more apparent that
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these talks with brussels are going to be long and they're going to be painful we've just time for the second part of these negotiations. wrapped up in the u.k. spreads it minister david davis however upbeat he tried to sound he couldn't hide the fact that michel barnier the e.u.'s chief negotiator effectively complaining that britain hadn't done its homework that the e.u. still waiting on britain's clarifications on a number of key issues going forward so the prime minister now has a lot to think about as the politicians head away from parliament and from westminster for their summer break while across the atlantic donald trump recently found himself in a similar situation his approval ratings after six months in office were the worst of any american president in the last seventy years but at times polls can be misleading i would often explains how to interpret them we're six months into
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donald trump's presidency and the pollsters tell us that his ratings have tanked but these pollsters don't exactly have the best record remember what they said right before the election most polling clinton a better chance of winning than slave for hillary all the major electoral map forecasters show hillary clinton winning the election. defies conventional wisdom and all expectations polls showed hillary. but you are correct you see it's not the robot that i worry about it's the weapon system it's the idea that we don't want something that we just push and it fires we wanted and then what happen to be able to think on its own to be able to look at battle of terrains and and make decisions and actually the first thing that any artificial intelligence system does the first thing it wants to do is to replicate
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itself and when that happens it sky that it's every world by disaster you've ever heard of these are not just cute little stories and by the way actually when you separate human beings from the taste of war and the smell the horrors the look the feel when you remove people from the combat zone put them in a quantity hut with a toggle switch and. of monitor and you call people the collateral damage people get this how cool this is and then when you have a population that loves robots kind of did this a combination of robo cop meets our two d. to let me tell you something this is a prescription a road map for disaster and i know after stating your concerns how to do the american people really robotic warfare. i think they think i mentioned before
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almost as cool and you know actually we use these words like smart bombs precision the war on terror we feel that with these really neat looking scary robots that war will be somehow ironically more humane more targeted more specific less collateral damage less indiscriminate carnage poppy cock because what we're doing look at this right now imagine you were just at the head tonight and i don't want to minimize this put your told. just play this game hit them and you're given an award to give it a badge give it a chevron you given your given medals and you are moving yourself you know when man invented the long ball we could eventually move away from people we begin to do human eyes even more of the enemy and what happens is that when we have more americans who are tired of isis tired of al qaeda tired of the war on terror and we
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say we're going to use this these unmanned vehicles it's you way u.v.'s to protect american lives from putting their lives in a lot of people will say well you know to make an omelet you gotta break a few eggs and that's what scares me this will actually increase the frequency of warfare and the frequency i'm sorry to say of indiscriminate and innocent bloodshed line i want to go back to your star wars a raft friend some are we in an r two d two mindset. yes because if you notice a robot almost looks like a human for different reasons now i mean we mentioned sex robots here they don't want to do that right now but that's permeating our lives driverless cars you see actually a lot of people today look at computers and ai as be just a necessary part of our lives but it's no big deal this is the future and when you tell this this is what scares me the most when you tell the american people don't
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worry you see this thing right here this is enough how could this be a problem how could this get out of control it'll make warfare more tidy and more ethical i'd still love that one and more humane that the problem because we believe that somehow this first is a human being a human being that has judgment a human being that has consequence a human being that is worried i'm sorry about prosecution about about a real consequence if we think that our robots of time is better and i say not necessarily all right lionel thank you so much that was legal media analyst lionel of lionel media thanks again thank you thank you. coming up next here on our team america lindsay friends joins us for a quick preview hi there lending a against the dollar as the european central bank mentions interest rates and one investing legend is cleaning up after big skyrockets and citizens of the u.k.
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get set to add extra work to get their pensions that's coming right at all right thanks so much. all of that does it for now for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash r t america also check out our website r t v dot com for slash america you can also follow me on twitter at actually banks underscore r t and don't forget to question more. all the world this day and all the news companies merely players but what kind of parties are in t. america playing party america offered more r t america offers. many ways a new landscape just like the real news big names good actors bad actors and in the end you could never hear all. the car companies all the world all the world
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all the world's a stage we are definitely a player. you might have heard about a recent poll from a.b.c. news that showed president trump is that in a record low approval rating just six months into his presidency the worst in seventy years you might have heard that because boy into the mainstream media here about that poll and run with it they all covered this a.b.c. news poll c.n.n. political ax the washington post usa today media business insider time magazine the new york daily news newsweek m.s.m. you see you get the picture all of them they all covered the poll and they all pretty much ran with a headline that highlighted the approval rating of the president if you didn't hear
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about it then you must now follow the news now forget the fact that we're talking about news organizations once again touting polls as new this late forget the fact that oh about a year ago we were bombarded by polls telling us that hillary clinton had the presidency on lockdown in fact we were bombarded by the same poll the a.b.c. news poll which said over and over again how hillary was going to win forget the fact that that poll like most of our mainstream polls were just shown to be a big pile of steaming fake news and now here we are less than a year later and these same organizations are still reporting and these same polls forget that aspect of this. because what i thought was even more interesting was something very dim the poll results that somehow did not make it into any had line the poll didn't just measure the president's popularity it measured a lot of things including what americans think the democratic party stands for right now the same poll also said that only thirty seven percent of americans say
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the democratic party stands for anything new. well more than half of all americans think that now it only just stands against trump there's a perceived lack of agenda there according to a.b.c. news so most americans don't believe democrats stand for anything right now according to this poll but apparently mainstream news organizations did not find that as interesting as the president's approval rating it's just a great example of how polls are used to confirm whatever bias you might have and in this case it's pretty clear what the mainstream media is biased is which is too bad because maybe if they took the democrats to task as much as they do the president he might not have become the president in the first place.
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would you have for breakfast yesterday why would you put. your wife or. dog. what's your biggest fear out little bit on the right wing so let's talk a little bit bored you say a few of the things that but what about. it's boring topic so simple but. now i do do do do to push more. for decades the american middle class has been railroaded by washington politics. big money corporate interests and a lot of boys look that's how it is in the news culture in this country now that's where i come in. i'm ed schultz on r.t. america i'll make sure you don't get railroaded that you'll get the straight talk in the straight news. questionable.
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plus a walk selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles that. the new socks president tell you that will be gossip and public by files of the most important is that they. often advertising tell you think you are not cool enough to buy their product please. all the hawks that we along with our audience will watch please. please .


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