tv News with Ed RT July 20, 2017 11:01pm-11:31pm EDT
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good evening friends we start tonight in syria where american soldiers could be in serious danger but not from russia assad or even the islamic state nato ally turkey has released classified information about ten american military bases including two air bases in the war torn country turkey's state run on a dual agency published a report this week called u.s. increases military posts supporting p.k. k. in p y d in syria the report details the number of american and french forces on the ground and several of the bases it also describes the types of military equipment u.s. forces are using and their operational procedures turkey may be retaliate in for the prompt administration's decision to continue supporting the kurds in syria the p.k. k. and the p y d in the title of the report referred to kurdish groups as their
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affiliates turkey views the groups as terrorist organizations and has launched air strikes against their positions in the past despite turkey's protests the pentagon has continued to aid the kurds with weapons and air support this has been the a long standing position of president trump we should be using we should be in the kurdish state proven to be the best fighters really proven to be the most little to us he will tell you we should be using it utilizing those people if it requires we should be working with them. u.s. military advisers believe kurdish forces will be critical in the upcoming fight to remove isis from its capital and rocca but plans to go ahead with the offensive could be delayed with the publication of this turkish report the pentagon believes the two air bases in northern syria could now be threatened by isis forces a spokesperson for the term. president erda one has denied the turkish government
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had anything to do with this report the report comes during increasing tension between the united states and turkey last week turkey turned away from the nato alliance and paid two point five billion dollars to russia for the latest missile defense system meanwhile the trump administration has halted its program of training and supplying the same syrian rebels turkey supports for more on wall for more on everything that is unfolding in the story we turn tonight to former cia agent jack rice jack nice to have you with us tonight how serious is this releasing the locations and the military procedures which certainly ask you to be a violation of a good ally your thoughts on this tonight absolutely and it's extraordinary that the turks would actually do this really highlights just how ugly things have become between the turks and the americans and you're right the focus is primarily on this
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kurdish question the p.k. k. on the one side the p.y.t. on the other the american see the kurds as the best ally they have on the ground north of the border the turks and even the americans have acknowledged the p.k. k. as a terrorist group and that's one example of just how difficult things are in the region you know it just looks like retaliation by turkey how else can it be interpreted. no it is retaliation there is no question about this because this is a state run media organization let's remember we're talking about one hundred fifty thousand people who have been fired across turkey who disagree with everyone we know that more than fifty thousand have been arrested or indicted we know that there are more journalists in jail right now in turkey than any country on the planet and the heir to one government is watching this very very carefully this would not be allowed but for the heir to one government specifically allowing it to happen this was purposeful what's the proper response here what can
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military sources do what can the cia do what does this mean well in this case what has to happen is there has been a lot of cooperation cooperation between the americans and the turks but the e.u. and the turks as well there is this question of what's going on with nato what's going on with the e.u. and exactly where the turks fall into this issue but you know what in some ways it's not terribly shocking because as you mentioned in your lead into this that the turks just bought a huge missile defense system from the russians and there's been a big issue on whether or not the turks were going to go west meaning the e.u. or go east meaning russia i think this is one more example where we're finding that the turks are moving away from the europeans and they're moving towards the russians and frankly against the americans there needs to be a ramping up here and i think you're going to see the turks are going to start being excluded more and more from all western allied efforts when you say ramping
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up are you saying that possibly this could drag the united states into a confrontation to draw a line with turkey i mean basically it seems like turkey is saying ok united states whose side are you going to be on air. well no i don't think you're going to see the americans and the turks because i recall being in the region and covering an issue of the p.k. k. some years ago myself myself in south eastern turkey on this issue as the turks were going in to kill kurds in northern iraq but this really does highlight the problem here because if you start seeing the americans and the europeans they could pull back on this issue of the p.k. k. as quote unquote terrorist which is something that could potentially destabilize turkey and that's something that they could potentially do they could pull back in terms of their support for the turks on that issue and it makes it that much more difficult for the turks inside of their own country and frankly i think the americans have the right to look at this issue and say are the turks really our
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friends on this issue if americans start dying because of what the turks did you may start to see a shift here you may start to see a slip. former cia agent jack rice with us tonight jack always a pleasure thanks for your expertise on this documents published by wiki leaks reveal the cia worked with the defense contractor to analyze and develop malware the latest vault seven series shows raytheon told the cia about malware programs run by foreign governments are very important as the story tonight. well under documents published by wiki leaks wednesday purport to show how black bird technology reported to the cia about malware are thought to have come from foreign governments like russia and china raytheon is a defense contractor specializing in homeland security and defense technology it is also the company that made the fifty nine tomahawk missiles used in the april air strike against syria now according to wiki leaks raytheon acted as
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a technology scout for the remote development branch of the cia by analyzing malware attacks and giving recommendations to the spy agency for further investigation and development for america's own malware projects the latest documents published by wiki leaks were allegedly submitted by theone to the cia between november two thousand and fourteen and september two thousand and fifteen and they describe five malware h.t.t.p. browser remote access tool according to the cia experts is thought to be created by a chinese hacking group called emissary panda and it captures keystrokes and writes it to a file and f. log is also credited to a chinese hacking group called some more i panda the malware is reported as a tool which allows an intruder administrative control over a target riggin is categorized as very sophisticated malware with
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target surveillance and data collection containing up to sixty ages of implementation the authors believe it was created by a nation state how murtaza is detailed as a suspected russian state sponsored malware which leverages twitter accounts meanwhile gain courage is described as a trojan which steals information using simple decryption and injects itself into a different process than the report does not say who is suspected of creating game current now previous un verified vault seven documents published by week in leaks have allegedly revealed. how the cia collects hacking exploits unleashed by other countries to then disguise the agency's own hox it is not clear how many more documents leaked documents weiqi leaks has connected to the cia and its subcontractors but the more leaks that that we can leaks publishes the more the american public and for that matter citizens all around the world have
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a closer look at what the cia is doing by using malware and abusing malware it has become a very big problem because some argue the cia is leaving this mail war out in the in the in the cyberspace and it is causing viruses and global infections so you know while the cia doesn't say much about these leaks doesn't even say the documents are verified obviously criticism increases each time wiki leaks published these publishes these classified documents. attorney general jeff sessions is brushing off president trump's rebuke during an interview with the new york times this is not the first time the president has had harsh words for his own cabinet appointee and of course the first senator in the senate do endorse him on the campaign trail manila chan it's been following this story and joins us for more mellow that's right and jeff sessions has been the subject of president trump's iyer on multiple occasions since march when he first recused himself from any
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russia investigation tied to the truck campaign last night the new york times made public the audio recording from their interview with the president in it president trump says if he had known beforehand he would have picked jeff sessions for a.g. listen. good. idea. which frankly i think is very unfair to the press how do you take a job in the review system if you would use them so. i would have said to him but he did you know that it's extremely clear and as to the president and despite the president's comments attorney general sessions kept his composure when asked for comment by reporters at a press conference today suggesting that he might need to step down instead the a.g. chose to highlight the accomplishments of his department's had so far such as the
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largest medical fraud bust in u.s. history and today taking down key sites from the dark web and only indirectly touched on trump's comments. the honor of serving him as attorney general is something that goes beyond any thought i would have ever had for myself we love this we love this department and i plan to continue to do so as long as that is appropriate well the president hasn't been discreet about his recent disdain for sessions and places blame squarely on the attorney general for the scandal that is now plaguing his administration it's unclear if potus somehow believes that if sessions hadn't recused himself that perhaps this investigation might not be underway at all so add it would appear that the president views jeff sessions were accused of from the russian investigators and as a personal betrayal that now puts him visibly outside of the inner circle and sessions only comment about the matter today still leaves room for interpretation
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though and deputy white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders today in a press briefing reiterated that the president quote clearly has confidence in him or he would not be the attorney general at. confidence in him but loyalty is something this president demands and apparently he doesn't know it's a two way street thank you manila for more on this we go to our political panel the saving dr geena loud and conservative commentator and author is whether this and also the dawn jones former georgia state representative and also a trial lawyer all right will dawn i'll go to you first what would motivate the president to take a flat out shot is that attorney general what does he gain by doing this your thoughts on that. don trump is not strategic to the point where what comes out of his mouth is for some type of gain you know aside from the fact that it's disturbing that the president of the united states does not know
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a very basic rule about how recusals work it just doesn't work that way mr president you don't work you yourself before your point to the job but that aside the fact that he believed if he did nothing wrong what what would be the problem with what the recusal if you have nothing to hide let them do the investigation he's telling on himself dr jean allowed him what about that. while i think it's very unfair obviously the president was asked a hypothetical question that's quite different and i think the president has demonstrated as as sarah huckabee sanders said today when she did talk to the press that if the president didn't have confidence in jeff sessions jeff sessions wouldn't be there and i can imagine just knowing the former senator from alabama where i started my broadcasting career that the he would only want to be there if this president has confidence in him and now i think about this like i think about anything else i mean when have you not had
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a disagreement with those closest to you in your own staff in your work environment and i think that made this a house and a disagreement dr loudon this this this goes beyond a disagreement there's no hypothetical here he flat out said that if he had known that sessions were good was going to recuse himself he would have never asked him to be attorney general but doesn't this look don't show that sessions has a level of independence that he was grilled by the senate and that he would not do the bidding of the president doesn't this score well for jeff sessions to stand up to this slightly but is this also could have been jeff sessions sidestepping this he knew exactly what president trump within two and he didn't care about that when he decided to endorse him but rather than have to get his hands dirty by making the final decision he does kind of stepped away from it and let it all fall around so i won't give him courage point for doing this at all well you know who have to have a son of a sunday during confirmation and of course the democrats dr levy who are all over
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him about are you going to recuse yourself there was some political pressure there or did he have to do it. there was political pressure and i think probably you know and sessions he probably thinks a lot like an attorney because that's his job and the president is prioritizing the american people and making america great again and his agenda that the american people elected him to put forward look we see the polls and you know this and i know this the media and the left all they want to talk about is russia that's not what the american people are listening to and it's not what they're interested in and and while there's no doubt that the president gave the media something else to talk about he's thrown as a g. under the bus let's talk about health care speak about throw a good friend under the bus the republicans are starting to blame draw for health care susan collins says he's part of the problem and he lacks clarity and this is one of the reasons why the republicans just can't get on board with this and his
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care bill so worst the blame. on does the president shoulder this this is what he campaigned on no pressure on this time i will say that the president doesn't show that this getting rid of obamacare is one of the worst ideas that the republicans are stuck on they have been on for way too long i actually think president trump was right when he said months ago the first time it didn't pass you know what why don't we just leave it and let it and let's move on with it he doesn't get get the blame for however his drama that he is causing around russian everything else certainly isn't helping his case what about dr doesn't the president shoulder some responsibility for not being able to get this through. i think this is actually a win win for this president out see how he goes wrong here because if he leaves it as it is if it's left as it is we know that obamacare is in a death spiral we know that the prices of premiums have gone through the roof and
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americans are not going to sit down for this and they're going to put the blame right where it belongs on the obstructionist democrats who are letting this happen and who by the way voted and a straight party line vote with zero republicans supporting it democrats are now in office a. bit if if something does go through then i believe that he and the republicans get credit on this i do believe that the republicans need to do something about this because i worry about their elections in eighteen otherwise. i don't jones and dr gene allow great to have both of you with us tonight your time thank you special counsel robert muller has expanded his investigation into the president's connections to russia the investigation now includes trumped family business ties with russia the president told the new york times in that interview that this was a red line for him what was the. audience. is there. for the beauty with the sensual i would. i would say the by the way i would say i
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don't i don't i mean. there were some things that you can do somebody somebody from russia the owners i'm meeting with. investigators have already begun looking at purchases made by russian nationals at several of the president's properties today marks six months since donald trump was inaugurated since then the u.s. economy has added six hundred fifty thousand jobs and unemployment is down by point four percent meanwhile the dow jones has jumped over three thousand points since election night for more on the economy out of the president we're joined tonight by bart chilton former u.s. trade and commissioner bart nice to have you on with us again you know is this trumps economy can he take credit for these numbers what about that he can take credit for a lot of it i mean markets as you say are up there up seventeen percent since the
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election nine percent since he was inaugurated six months ago today ed that the dow reached another record just just yesterday twenty one twenty one six forty four and nasdaq reached a record on tuesday sixty three forty markets are on a tear now there's not there's a negative side to the growth hasn't been what we had hoped for as one point six gross domestic product last year only one point four percent in the first quarter what point two in may and then the second quarter will come out the end of this month so but but overall of the in of the so far is done pretty well give him a b. plus on the economy. well he keeps talking about deregulation and helping businesses i mean he's got a positive narrative how do you interpret this wall street loves donald trump how else to look at it well i mean i don't look at andy differently right now but i
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think there's a lot of speculation there and at some point ed the rhetoric's got to match the reality and when you look at what's happening on the hill both on the terms that really could impact the economy tax reform one where there's a scant one pager is all the administration is offered up and then on infrastructure and really a dollar infrastructure proposal they've only produced six pages so you know that's not the that doesn't bode well for the future particularly going into the end of this fiscal year in september when you know they'll have the annual budget battles and also the debt ceiling needs to be increased so things don't look too rosy for the future add. no one is going to accuse this administration of being too in deep with the devil in the details the press no question about that but but the the fact is is that this talk of deregulation and continuing to
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promise tax cuts for businesses seems to be having a positive effect that risk takers are willing to get into the market and that really is the basis of. capitalism is that it i mean you've got to get these risk takers out there that want to jump in so what's the downside here well the downside is that you deregulate and bring us back into a place where we were prior to the great recession i mean this the recession was caused by a lack of rules and regulations and then it wasn't and boy by the way republicans and democrats contributed to that president clinton every bit as much as others so you know it isn't a partisan thing but in two thousand and ten we had financial reform of the dodd frank laws you know it and that's one of the things that the president said should be repealed sort of like health care repeal to replace i don't think that's going to happen ed and that is the rhetoric but i don't think that's going to have them i
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think will be some tweaks around the edges and you know i wrote sixty five of these rules and i don't mind them being tweaked an updated but doing away with them allowing the big banks to go back to the risky behavior and unsecured leverage that could be a big problem we don't want to go back to those days in my view. bart chilton always a pleasure great insight that's the wall street take what's the main story today on wednesday the president met with a number of representatives from american manufacturers the meeting was part of the administration's official made in america week the president promised stricter enforcement of the made in america label my administration is committed to working with the private sector to ensure the protection of made in american the label through efforts like certification greater transparency and stricter enforcement efforts by agencies like the federal trade commission we will have zero tolerance
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for illegal counterfeiting piracy theft or intellectual property and they really they take our intellectual property like were a bunch of babies but no longer and false claims that a product is made in america and as time goes by the value of made in america is going to be greater and greater. for more on this we're joined tonight by larry cohen board chair of our revolution larry nice to have you with us always you heard the wall street story now the main street story does the reality meet their match the rhetoric in this case is donald trump friendly to wage earners not yet there is no reality in terms of improving wages workers' rights his nominees for the national labor relations board or atrocious i'd say expected but atrocious. the trade realities what we saw on monday when they released their you objectives for
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nafta much the same is that the p.p. we can still be hopeful that something will be improve there but there's nothing concrete for the guy with a lunch bucket so how does nafta play into this this week's theme of make it in america week. yeah well not so well and again as bart said it's not just republicans and not just the president last weekend our revolution we sponsored a demonstration in front of the national governors association chaired by terry mcauliffe a democrat and they had only pro nafta speakers pierre trudeau and hundreds of corporate lobbyists there so you know we're saying really to democrats and republicans you're on notice we're fed up in small towns across the midwest and across this country and we want the reality of jobs manufacturing and service sector not just words that we're now supporting american manufacturing so can the
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analysis be made that the longtime base of the democratic party is now starting to split away and looking for devil in the detail and looking for some action i mean it's almost as if the conversation about the middle class in this country has gone to outer space and nobody can find it anymore well i think we can find it you know when we go to can ocean wisconsin when we go to my old neighborhood in north philadelphia that conversation is there and people are furious about the kinds of jobs that exist for working class kids everybody is not going to go to harvard and they're not going to get a job and a headquarters location we need balance just like germany has figured out for decades we need balance in this economy and manufacturing on scale not just trying out products made in all fifty states as the president did this week is what we need more of not just talk. you know is is donald trump real.
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easy playing to the crowd that helped get him elected those blue collar wage earners that didn't have confidence or got impatient with the left or the democrats of the progressive movement and decided to get a guy out of washington but is trump real now not yet at all and that's what we're saying to us here are rap lite hisor and wilbur ross and commerce we want real results not new words in nafta we want real results and we say to the president it's great that you had a caterpillar truck on your lawn at the white house but you know where the caterpillar jobs going and what's happened to the jobs in peoria the manufacturing jobs and what's happened to the subcontractors wages that are less than they were thirty years ago. larry cohen great to have you with us always great work or chair of our revolution thanks for joining us tonight i appreciate it and that is our news tonight follow me on twitter at news with ed like me on the facebook
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page we got it dot com well i ask you to give me a minute every day i'm ed schultz reporting from the our team newsroom thanks for watching see it actually. i think the average viewer just after watching a couple of segments understands that we're telling stories in our critics can't tell me you know why because their advertisers won't let them. in order to create change you have to be honest you have to tell the truth parties able to do that every story is built on going after the back story to what's really happening out there to the american what's happening when a corporation makes a pharmaceutical chills people when a company in the environmental business ends up polluting
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a river that causes cancer and other illnesses they put all the health risk all the dangers out to the american public those are stories that we tell every we can you know want they're working. i do not know if the russian state hacked into john podesta scheme ailes and gave them to wiki leaks but i do know barack obama's director of national intelligence has not provided credible to support his claims of russia i also know he perjured himself in a senate hearing planned three months before the revelations provided by edward snowden he denied the deep n.s.a. was carrying out wholesale surveillance of the u.s. . the hyperventilating corporate media has once again proved to be an echo. for the government claims that cannot be verified you would have thought they would have learned something after serving as george w. bush's useful idiots in the lead up to the invasion of iraq. it is vitally
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important that the press remains rooted in a fact based universe especially when we enter an era when truth and fiction are becoming indistinguishable. russia's interference in the twenty sixteen us political campaign and what it says about america's electoral vulnerability on this edition of the policy. of the politicking on matthew cook sitting in for larry king how vulnerable is america's election infrastructure what exactly have we learned from interference in the twenty sixteen presidential election and what's being done to halt future meddling by foreign governments let's get insights from cyber security expert roderick jones he's a former member of scotland yard special branch and founder and c.e.o. of aruba a.
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