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tv   Headline News  RT  July 23, 2017 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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among the stories that shaped the week i talked exclusively to the russian lawyer at the center of a media scandal over her meeting with donald trump jr last year. little . violent clashes between israeli police and muslim worshipers wrong jerusalem this week after the israeli government rolls out extra security at the revered last. revealing video shows inmates suspected of links to islamic state being held in
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dire conditions inside an iraqi prison sparking concern from human rights groups we hear from one of them. and flexing their wings for the final time the international air show wraps up today just outside of moscow we take a look at the highlights of this year's event. the week here on r.t. international live from all studio with me in a day or two to that's our roundup of the week's highlights on the top stories of the day welcome to the program. this week r.t. spoke exclusively to the russian lawyer at the center of a scandal over her meeting with president trump's eldest son ahead of last year's election is the latest in a range of stories claiming direct collusion between the kremlin and team trump in order to get him into the white house we got the lawyers side of the story. i don't
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know her name now a television star telly official natalia vessel needs sky natalia the sound this guy of the new talia vessel in its. wake up one morning and find you are the focus of the all the fire and kin stream media it. turns out it was nothing we managed to track down the elusive natalia vest on its guy a woman who has almost become a household name in recent weeks also off to her meeting with donald trump jr last year and which she said she wanted to discuss the reputation of one particular man and his association with the magnitsky along with his past time of lobbying for u.s. sanctions on russian individuals this person who she says has most of mine did this
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latest russia trying collusion scandal. today i have to think about my safety first and foremost about the safety of my family my four children it's been revealed that mr browder has been gathering information about me so who is william browder maybe not a familiar name for most but for thirty years in russia he's a wanted man quite literally he's wanted for tax fraud on top of this leaked us state department e-mails reveal that brown i was actively gathering information about the vessel and its guy ahead of when this scandal broke and that included personal details such as where she lives so given this information in beslan it's seems quite convinced that browder has harbored a personal vendetta against her perhaps something to do with the facts that he once lost a case in court to her now this was a two thousand and thirteen case in which a vessel in its guard represented the cyberspace company previn's on holding which is owned by a russian businessmen wrote
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a had accused the company of money laundering. the case was finally settled in may this year with no admission of guilt by a preface on you or mr browder and his team have been gathering information about my family they try to find out whether i'm married or not whether i have children or not they found photos of my house and sent them to parker he's a famous man in the house of representatives they shared all these details with people from the state department i don't know why he's doing this i can only make assumptions here i see today's situation has been heating up for ten days or so as a very well orchestrated story concocted by one particular manipulator and that is mr browder. and i want brown is best known for is his role in the magnitsky act this is an act named after a russian lawyer who was once employed by brown as company in russia he was later arrested in connection with a tax fraud case and he died was being held in detention browder later played a major role in law being for a set of sanctions to be imposed by the us on the number of russian individuals
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over magnitsky death and brought it claims he knew magnitsky personally but according to vesa lipsky on this couldn't be further from the truth and this is where i don't try and do enters the picture and the big question for many is why is us the next guy was so keen to inform the trunk team about the military say with brown his reputation. this was the story that i brought to donald trump jr i wanted him to know that browder a person who gave up his u.s. citizenship is trying to manipulate people in congress and now we even know their names the media have disclosed them he was making all those connections even though he hadn't lived in the country for twenty years was not paying any taxes not doing anything useful in fact he's only mission was to go after his opponents while gaining some political capital it was nothing but retaliation from this man who did this in order to distract everyone with the big story is the government. so can you
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refute this information from the emails released by donald trump jr where goldstone . i don't know that person and now we come to the name rob goldstone when don't turn jr went public last week it included e-mails from the entertainment publicist and which he claims to have information on hillary clinton which quotes would incriminate hillary and had dealings with russia and would be very useful for donald trump's campaign to put that apparently this guy is just a music producer my guess is that this man is used to selling and promoting ideas some product so he decided that i would be this product for sale and promotion. and it was also within the goldstone e-mails that the mention of russia's prosecuted general came up leading to questions of a vessel in its skies possible ties to the kremlin. the prosecutor general's office of the russian federation deals with criminal cases that is the role defined by federal law and the constitution there's no me and the prosecutor general where are
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mine where is the prosecutor general. now that's on its guy a woman unwillingly thrust into the spotlight is having serious concerns for her safety especially considering how she has a family and four children who are now also vulnerable to media focus but despite this she is by no means running away from the attention and says she is more than ready to testify in congress to the senate. let's put it this way i am ready to clarify the situation behind this mass hysteria but only through wires or testifying in the u.s. senate. chaotic scenes have been unfolding near the holy site of temple mount in jerusalem after israeli police moved in with tear gas stun grenades and water cannon to disperse hundreds of palestinians. palestinians gathered to pray near the holy site in a show of protest against
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a hike in security at the site when israeli troops moved in to confront the crowd and palestinians responded by throwing stones and setting tires on fire one of our correspondents was caught up in the arrest tensions in the area have been running high all week. i. was . oh. all these.
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deadly clashes erupted following the decision of the israeli government to implement extra security measures including the installation of metal detectors that was after the killing of two border police officers in east jerusalem on saturday night two palestinian teenagers were killed in the clashes three others were killed in clashes the night before as were three israelis in a west by stopping. temple mount. is known to muslims is one of the most contested religious sites in the world for jews it's believed to have been the site of two biblical temples and the al aksa bosc which is also located that is islam's holiest site temple mount is administered by a jordan base islamic religious authority we had polarized views on the ongoing conflict. well those metal detectors came as a result of a heinous murder on a holy spot these are not just committed to detect. action out of money to
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change the order to be changed to school in this murder takes place then security measures are brought in and then israel is blamed for taking the security measures it's a reaction to the first event which was horrible terrorism when first of all our dog. for the public knows that the people who committed the turks weren't israeli citizens by the way people have to accept the fact that israel is the sovereign that jerusalem is our capital city and that the temple mount is the heart of our heart you accept those things then we can have a dialogue and conversation you saw on t.v. how the israeli army is. think peaceful nonviolent people who are just praying their attack that i was myself injured two days ago by the israeli army when i was just all i did i wanted to bring their target does this not our sort of out of bullets and injured us i think the best alternative would be for jihadists to calm
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down or to be distributed and for there to be equal access to the site for all religions including jews cooperate with the palestinians remove the cause of all conflicts which israeli occupation and stop israeli are going on palestinians this we we can achieve peace new video has emerged from inside an iraqi prison in mosul apparently showing inmates being held in dire conditions the video shows almost four hundred inmates are said to been held for months without trial they're packed into dark cramped rooms with no electricity or ventilation baking hot conditions as temperatures outside forty five degrees celsius guards at the prison say people are failing falling ill due to a lack of hygiene and daylight the inmates are suspected of links to i still though some of them claim to have no idea why they're being held. they said my name was in their database i haven't seen any court or judge i don't even know what i'm
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accused of a lot of names are the same since i got here eight months ago i've only seen the son once we really want to die none of us have received any visitors or relatives or family members they don't even know where we are in recent months rights groups have repeatedly called on the iraqi government to investigate the claims we raise the issue with human rights watch. human rights watch visited these very same prisons in february and released a report where we documented in detail the horrific and enqueue inhumane conditions in which these men are being held there were rampant problems of the ill treatment and in fact there were multiple men that are dying in detention because of the sanitary and hygiene conditions in those facilities you know prisoner is whether or not they're being charged with isis affiliation have basic rights and you have to
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imagine i mean these images only give us small snippets snapshots. we've raised these allegations with the iraqi authorities we've raised these allegations with the coalition unfortunately i have not seen anything to suggest that they are urgently investigating nor are post investigations actually holding any commanders accountable unfortunately this is an old story in iraq where for years we've been documenting the most serious abuses and the government may pronounce that they will investigate but to date we have not seen a single investigation leading to results and accountability. activists trying to stem the migrant flow into europe have been branded racists that story and more after this break.
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the series of. the world experience. that you get all the your good will. go according to josh. welcome to the world cup along for the. i do think that archie is propaganda arm of the russian government and helps to spread this information that helps advance russia's interest and so that's why i think it's important for people like me to come on if it were me would be somebody who is less capable who would maybe not do as good a job presenting the american point of view.
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welcome back to the program tensions have been running high in italy this week as the migrant crisis continues to worsen in the country officials warn the talks with the e.u. to solve the problem have become a tug of war it's seen almost one hundred thousand migrants arriving on its shores this year alone and the figure is expected to double by december however as the impasse drags on a group of activists are taking matters into their own hands dumping themselves defend europe the group is setting sail for the libyan coast in a bid to turn back boats coming from africa a crowdfunding campaign to support the mission has already raised over one hundred twenty six thousand dollars. oh the watch list installed diligent coast guard about to do it and think you were trying to be deterred you'll see when you get the
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pessimistic note the rest of the people in distress to make sure that they would be brought back to the libyan coast. defender launches its mission next week from the sicilian port of tanya the activists say that patrols along the libyan coast will help expose humanitarian groups they accuse of working with people smugglers to transport illegal migrants to europe however the initiative has seen a backlash from n.g.o.s and rights groups and even khatami has mass calling for a boycott. has more on the mission dividing italy. we're at the port of in sicily among the ships that come into the sport you will every now and then see
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boats full of migrants but we are here to talk to an activist who is expecting the arrival of a very different kind of boat with a very controversial purpose. so somewhere around here will probably arrive by next week. what we cherish of course is a cultural identity are you a racist or an extremist organization your final purpose is what. we want to ensure that europe stays in europe this is what some people call racism . i think the european union should feel ashamed now they want to use sicily as a rallying point for disgusting racism that does not belong to our culture i know that our welcoming culture is disliked by european fascists but we won't give up we are not going to be silent in the face of this call to violence against desperate
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human beings and these peoples need to buy history books we're not trying to provoke a situation where anybody's life is that risk so you're not attacking them i know we're not attacking the migrants we're not going to attack the n.g.o.s we will just try to document what they're doing and we want to make sure that these n.g.o.s are not working as some kind of proxy for the human traffickers what happens if you see that someone's life is in danger we will also come and rescue them and what are you going to do when a refugee on your boat well we will try to bring them to africa again. people of sicily have gotten used to migrants to the many n.g.o.s that have come here to help but an anti migrant angio patrolling the mediterranean that is something most people here have never heard of so let's ask the locals about the. concept what do you think of the n.g.o.s that are working in the mediterranean to
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help the migrants to the moon was this the bit of i don't like what they doing what if this is right twinning and geo both doesn't sound good this is the boat. the right wing activists will be on this boat they will be patrolling the mediterranean to make sure that there is no illegal migration and to make sure that the n.g.o.s don't break the laws what do you think about that good job like that it's good and the opinion of the migrants. they don't want migrants here i mean. if they don't one migrants i mean they have to be out the make a stab at peace and stability in libya they say if they rescue migrants from the boats they will take them back to africa that this is that is what come on how can someone who is live i mean up in the middle of militancy you know take them back to africa that's not fair i mean some people call them racists do you agree with that there's no racist birth story there's already too many people here yet no jobs so
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there's no room for everyone do you think that's racist i don't think so and i'm not against helping migrants but we should help them in their own countries so here's a seeing that seems to have become typical for sicily we've got a park where we can see the migrants then and geo group to help them and also there are locals who are still feeling the burden of the economic crisis and don't want migrants and their hometown and all of them are in one same park not too long before right wing activists join the mob the club believe the trend toward tea could turn really. michael crisis has also sparked protests in spain where activists staged a mock dian on a beach to highlight the number of migrants who drowned trying to make it across the mediterranean meanwhile in greece refugees held angry demonstrations over bureaucratic delays preventing them from being moved to other parts of the e.u.
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. red tape has left thousands stranded in greece and separated from their families and as migrant camps in the country become increasingly overcrowded divisions are also emerging between ethnic groups some refugees claim that application rules are relaxed depending on their country of origin sparking violent confrontations in the camps. the head of france's armed forces has quit after clashing with president micron over planned military cuts in the circumstances i see myself as no longer able to go and see the robust defense force i believe is necessary to ground see the protection of france and the french people are there for see my responsibilities by presenting my resignation to date so the president of the republic who has accepted it the departure of the country's
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most senior soldier comes after an unprecedented for our last week between the two men with the general blasting multi-million euro defense budget cuts micron replied that he will not tolerate dissent from the military. just. place you. and is not the first show of strength from the french leader after he also demanded a bigger presidential portrait than his predecessors. i .
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the final day of the mac's international air show was and away just outside of moscow crowds are being wound up by a dazzling array of aerobatics with twenty five displays showcasing a huge variety of new aircraft shows been running on weekend on saturday alone one hundred seventy three thousand people attended. despite being an eye show there's also plenty of action on the ground where racing car drivers are challenging the pilots in the sky to a race these are pictures of one such race between a jet and a speed mobile the cars are taking on a variety of players including
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a make fighter a yak train a plane and aerobatics jet. and another surprise for the huge crowd a chance to get up close and personal with some of the very latest in aviation technology which is exactly what r.t.s. cape partridge has been doing. if you can hear about me that is it makes thirty five fighter jets just to prove that we really are here and also it's just behind me as well that makes thirty five because what we got to be talking about today is also things military and so join me to talk about what makes that plane so unique is douglas barry he was an expert when it comes to military avionics thank you very much indeed for joining me thank you so let's just very briefly talk about this particular plane what is it about the make thirty five that makes it so unique thirty five is probably the last iteration of a very famous fighter farm with mccoy doing fulcrum family the thirty five is an upgrade in terms of pain junes avionics radar and weapons systems so this may move
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mean that the aircraft is in service but also to you. what is it about this particular show the issue that's really impressed you what stood out for you. from your two things one just continues to develop its military capabilities secondly the chinese in the arabian presence they're both here in significantly more numbers and showing more equipment new level we've ever seen before that are marked to show this is that before we go let's have a quick reminder of all the aerobatics the specially strikes and everything else that happened here at mike's. we've seen some amazing planes and because the flying the sky there it's amazing really good so you take this for instance this is trace and it can fly they can also drive and they can spray.
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and other thing that i've seen here is a flying taxi just like those from back to the future road. and we don't need a road. and i had a sweetie experience. what it feels like to operate one of those cars so what is even obvious is slowly yeah i'm calm but it's basically it has sort of problems that make the operators think that people around me you've got this big car that looks a bit like the battle of you i spoke to one of the men behind this project and he says it's only a couple of years to go before we'll all be able to enjoy the ride oh we're trying to turn to to go to dulles or just to look up your mobile app and you will have an elevated body for the for the there are talks and to pick you up when we're in the us if you think you very much indeed well there you go ladies and gentlemen week to be always thought it was back to the future but the future perhaps is so far away
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these are twenty twenty. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more news thanks for staying with us. oh. in the us a child can choose an army course in school. with retired officers as teachers we don't. recruit will says to you if the cadet is
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interested in go on in the military but we don't recruit ourselves. the pentagon is funding a program to boost interest in the military among teenagers. to step up to an apollo so that a quite comfortable with yourself. things you can go wrong in the military it's a great stepping stone for whatever career you want to do but some veterans are willing to tell enthusiastic children a little more they ask me call of duty is a very popular first sure video game. it's play and that's because the military like call of duty to turn off call of duty oh yeah well you can't turn off more melodic these kids just don't hear. the darker side does the pentagon allow them to be told or does it just need more recruits. you can revolt against the dictator but what about the day after i think we as libyan people did not give
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much thought about facts and so they waved caution off the resolution does not build nations. and certainly does not build the states. a lot of welcome to the russians have long taken americans more seriously than the americans took that is until the russia gave the american obsession with. policy paralysis have dismayed many in moscow.


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