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tv   Headline News  RT  July 24, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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on our to america as congressional leaders reach a deal on new russian sanctions backed by the white house unlikely ally is emerging on the side of the kremlin. and the investigation into russian meddling in the twenty sixteen us presidential election continues the president from son in law and white house adviser jared krishna are meeting with senate leaders on capitol hill before addressing the media earlier today. at least ten people are dead as a result of a horrific human trafficking crime in texas that story and more coming up right now .
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it's monday july twenty fourth five pm in washington d.c. i'm natasha sweets and you're watching artsy america and e.u. delegation is currently holding crunch talks with u.s. lawmakers it comes as a leaked memo suggests brussels is preparing to retaliate if washington pushes ahead with new anti russian sanctions that could hurt european businesses are t.s.k. partridge has the details well this issue began over an internal notes that was leaked from the press from the european commission indicating just how unhappy brussels was over the prospect of a new u.s. plans to impose sanctions on russia and the implications of it could have for the e.u. well the night said that the european commission was prepared to hit back within days if the u.s. agree to these new sanctions and also if they had an effect on european energy and other companies and they were vulnerable to influence from the u.s. but what is it that the europeans are so unhappy about well the key point here is all about energy but there are other deals that sanctions could affect as well where the. at the financial industry we're looking at the railway as shipbuilding
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and also metals and mining but the key point here is all about energy oil and gas and in particular gas that russia resupplying to central europe and in particular to germany and we've heard before from europeans who are unhappy at the idea that the u.s. could influence european ways of doing business and also with whom the colonel to accept the u.s. through to impose sanctions that violate international law and afflicted european companies involved in the expansion of europe's energy supply europe the supply is a matter for europe i'm not the united states of america it's up to us to decide who supplies us with energy and how according to rules of openness a market competition that must not happen we generally reject sanctions with extraterritorial fact meaning and impact on third countries premier spokesman dmitri peskov says that sanctions could hurt third parties and by that he means countries other than russia. we consider the continuing sanctions rhetoric
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counterproductive it is damaging the interests of our two countries and also potentially damaging the interests of other states with which russia has trade and economic relations developing despite all the negative tendencies when meanwhile european commission your highness hon has also said that there is a european commission delegation in washington having talks with the house of representatives to discuss the issue of sanctions an indication of just how seriously and how worried europe is over this particular issue the scandal over team trumps alleged collusion with russia running out of suspects the latest in the firing line is your question or the president's son in law who declined any links to russian meddling and a close hearing on capitol hill today before giving remarks from the white house jacqueline booga has this reports. if questioning is being conducted behind closed doors but he did put out an eleven page statement before hand in that document he
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outright denies all accusations of colluding with the russians or of having any knowledge of others in team trump having done so along with denying having any improper contact with foreign officials jared cushion or decided it was so important for him and other trump transition team officials to have secret communications directly with the kremlin not just the russian ambassador in washington but with the kremlin bush outlined each interaction he had with russians including the now infamous meeting with a russian attorney that the media has painted as no less than a kremlin agent cushion or was being invited to meet with a russian attorney and it had been promised she would deliver dirt on hillary clinton and now kirshner himself explained how insignificant that encounter was i arrived at the meeting a little late when i got there the person who has since been identified as a russian attorney was talking about the issue of a ban on u.s. adoptions of russian children i had no idea why that topic was being raise and quickly determines that my time was not well spent at this meeting that statement
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goes on to describe any and every interaction he had with a russian or someone who could possibly have a russian connection at the same time christian or also drew attention to the fact that his job during the campaign was to be the point of contact with foreign countries and therefore the four times he did encounter russians was well within his scope realistically not having any to report would have been more concerning given the amount of foreign contacts he had during the campaign which he outlined as well let's take a listen i had incoming contacts with people from approximately fifteen countries to put these requests in context i must have received thousands of kools let's isn't emails from people looking to talk a meet and a variety of issues and topics including hundreds from outside the united states well i could not be responsive to everyone i try to be respectful of any foreign government. so questionnaire stressed the fact that he had only limited contact with russian representatives but it is likely that the hunt for wrongdoing will
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continue regardless. alas when president trump reportedly pulled the plug on the cia's program to arm and train rebels in syria it's been running for several years now with a billion dollar budget yet producing questionable results and what could be a very pragmatic design to save money has received typical overtones in the media that this represents some sort of victory to russia. reports last week when news of trump attention to stopping cia program of training and arming rebels in syria surfaced in the washington post the overall narrative was quite easy to predict the move sought by moscow said it's headline some pundits and commentators went even further from suggesting that trump caved into putin or that it's all trees you know the usual putin puppet thing but does this move really benefit russia fair enough putin himself as well as other top officials in moscow have been on record implying that u.s.
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strategy in syria with arming the rebel forces and then seeing those weapons in the hands of had shopping jihadi s. may not have been the best one but here's the thing u.s. failures in syria have been acknowledged on the highest level even in the obama administration as of july third currently treat about sixty fighters this number is much smaller than we'd hoped for at this point in fact d.o.d.'s much anticipated program to train rebel fighters in syria was scrapped by obama and replaced with supplying the existing ones with weapons and why well because the health a billion dollar a year program managed to produce only a handful of fighters for fire at first and then only sixty while expectations of fighters trained by full twenty fifteen was in the thousands the cia plan of arm and train rebels when separately from that of the d.o.d. and the very same washed. post revealed that it had twice the pentagon's budget there's a billion dollars a year which made one fifteenth of cia's overall budget and effectively meant that
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every rabble trained by the cia cost around one hundred thousand dollars and some actually believe it was all worth it as we can leaks founder julian assange pointed out one washington post reporter from. fired shots at also those rebels actually killed or wounded one hundred thousand syrian government troops one may ask when and how did that happen especially considering that there have been cases when the rebel supported by the cia collapsed with those trained and armed by the pentagon l a times reported that in february last year the deal would be backed syrian democratic forces were kicked out from one of the towns near aleppo by cia armed. militia but when has this kind of mishap stop the funding off regime change now that trump has seemingly decided to put an end to this one of the commanders admitted to the financial times that not only his forces the syrian rebel forces
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shortie received arms from the cia but were also on the regular payroll yeah the salaries to syrian rebels which were essentially floated by the u.s. taxpayers which may explain the real reason why the program was curbed and that statement by top u.s. army general raymond thomas head of special operations command has said affirmatively that it was absolutely not a sop to the russians but in the world of today never let facts and called blood of decisions get in the way of the russia russia russia narrative alexi russia reporting from washington d.c. iran and iraq signed an agreement yesterday to stop that military cooperation in the fight against quote terrorism that's according to the official iranian news agency i are in a iranian defense minister along with his you rocky counterpart to sign a memorandum encompassing a border security just ticks. trainee u.s. president donald trump voiced concern over what he sees as growing iranian
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influence in syria yemen and iraq while the commander of the islamic revolution guard corps called the iranian missile program quote non-negotiable and highlighted the importance of using the missile program as quote deterrence power this all comes in the face of possible u.s. sanctions against the country. a correspondent from russia's news agency has been caught up in a gun battle in mosul iraq she was filming a mine clearing operation in the historic part of the city but she managed to escape unharmed and shared her video with us. about it. just a thought well one of called looking from a come on out of the. and you thought but i only hope you got there you got hutton and.
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now i got to you before you go i think you'll find i did not come from of the seventh floor. and all from the office when you. were with me. all this gunfire started when they were near brighton was filmed in a residential area next to be a great mosque of al nourie it hacker was hiding in a small room in a primary school the journalist believes it was a sniper and we spoke to sarah after the incident he was far into a full pool for all c.p. before the movie mosque. and ball with the. white hundred so called to hear. or talk we told you all three.
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that carry on are you are obviously out of this for anybody was going to pick a few too old for their logs my account for our heads is on the ground when i was. when i was on the run away from the after the big what have any morning i just said decided. to go wild probably for. as the u.s. led coalition has been pushing to defeat isis in iraq and syria the number of civilian casualties continues to rise according to the u.s. central command as of july seventh washington officials confirm one hundred nineteen and intentional civilian deaths however air war is estimates closer to forty five hundred deaths and nearly one thousand of those deaths were reportedly children last hour i was joined by activists david swanson author of war as a line for more insight. there is sick you know absolutely nothing illegal or
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acceptable of about this operation in its entirety and i think those totals that are reported by air wars of some four thousand five hundred you know is a is a very low ball figure you know when scientific studies are done of war zones after the fact and doing a comprehensive survey as to. the actual deaths are five to twenty times those deaths that have been reported and recorded with names known and so forth so you're talking about many thousands of people killed and as you've reported many more thousands and thousands of people made homeless and their homes destroyed and of course more people injured seriously than killed at a news conference the ten generals in town friend said that the million deaths result from the fog of war and this is why it's not a war crime to accidentally kill three billion fail. i say that this
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comes out of the medieval just war theory of proportionality as we've seen the u.s. government reported calculating that you know in this operation it will be acceptable for it to have up to fifty civilians die as it's important to go after this place where isis is hiding its money or something you know is somehow measuring the proportionate value of that of the serious important military target with the damage it's. and to be done but this has never been made into any sort of empirical system where somebody can say no actually only forty nine deaths are acceptable for this story to you know it's all just rhetoric it's all just a pretense of setting limits and accepting you know it's fine to be a war words nobody has claimed there was fog and then you can use fog of a war of war as an excuse in other wars but given that every war does this and that
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every war is illegal under the killer prion act and under the united nations charter there's no way to make an argument that some particular strike in mosul is legal or acceptable or humanitarian you know you touched on a point that i wanted to bring up there was evidence that surfaced last january that u.s. commanders were willing to claim fifty three casualties were targeting a three million five and more than that the islamic state had been using to store money so what are your thoughts on this strategy you said fifty of that to many if there are a number that has ever ok. well to my mind there's not and if there is never as i said been established in any agreed upon system where somebody can prove that only forty five it's ok or three hundred eighteen would be ok it's nothing but rhetoric it's not empirical it's not measurable there's no way to go out and say you know i've proven how many dead children will be acceptable but we it's become
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the norm in u.s. politics to the extent where you had the republican candidates for president in a primary debate are a televised on us t.v. last year asked would you be willing to kill innocent children by the hundreds and thousands as part of your normal duties as president i don't think that happens in debates in any other country on earth but this has become the norm in the united states and there's just rhetoric applied to to make it. sounds somehow acceptable or scientific and let's discuss a little bit more of the tactics that you may recall the san bernardino california massacre back in twenty fifteen that left fourteen people dead and of course many people were upset that the family have stayed for rupe wasn't also punished as you may recall the dad also lived in the same residence as the couple that carried out the attack so when her into taking out isis what are your thoughts when it comes to taking out their families as well as this near tactics or does this encourage more
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civilian death. was certainly the united states have been elected legitimately or not a presidential campaign don i want to kill families and i want to bomb the hell out of places encourages this sort of approach but it's generally a continuation of the the approach under the previous president and there is certainly nothing illegal or acceptable about taking out anyone civilian or non civilian it is all utterly illegal under the u.n. charter under the killer briana act and under any basic understanding of human decency or strategic approach to the world it is counterproductive it is illegal it is immoral and you know labeling people non-civilian is not a justification for murdering them legally ethically or otherwise we really appreciate your insight david thornton author and activist thank you so much for joining us today thank you in kabul this morning a taliban suicide bomber killed at least twenty four people and injured forty two
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during a rush hour attack police say the assailant reportedly rammed a car filled with explosives into a minibus carrying employees of the mines and petroleum ministry the taliban took responsibility for the attack and he statements to the media saying their primary target was intelligence services personnel according to the united nations couple accounts for at least twenty percent of all civilian casualties this year meanwhile officials say the taliban has launched a series of attack. throughout afghanistan in recent days prompting clashes in more than half a dozen provinces there are new and violence coincides with a pending decision from u.s. officials determining whether more troops will be needed to both need to lead training and buys remissions all this comes after u.s. officials in the country say a u.s. airstrike mistakenly killed at least twelve afghan national police officers in the southern province of helmand on friday. coming up on r t six more are dead and at least thirty five wounded another violent weekend for chicago is that the latest on
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the shootings right after this short break. i think the average viewer just after watching a couple of segments understands that we're telling stories in our critics can't tell you know why because their advertisers won't let. you know in order to create change you would have to be honest you have to tell the truth part she's able to do that every story is built on going after the back story to what's really happening out there to the american what's happening when it's local ration makes a pharmaceutical big chill speech when a company in the environmental business ends up polluting a river that causes cancer and other illnesses and they put all the health risk all the dangers out to the american public those are stories that we tell every week
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and you know what they're working. on john mark and i'll give you what the mainstream media can't so big picture. question. you're looking to see. we'll go deeper investigate and debate all so you can get the big picture. what you have for breakfast yesterday why would you put her through health care she's your wife. what's your biggest fear when they're little bit on the right so it's better that old you say if you ever met the best quarterback. that's one topic doesn't. now i've lived to do to work.
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on contests where neoliberalism three four and the floors are patriotism. where truth is not a casualty of war socialism is that the barber. is a moral in the air lines of empire are small for the crimes that are the crimes of state or terror on contact with chris such as this where i question the war on.
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another outbreak of violence over the weekend in the city of chicago left six people dead and thirty five wounded most of the shootings took place during the early morning hours here's r t correspondent ashley banks with more. and around twelve forty this morning a twenty three year old man was shot while riding his bike he heard several shots before realizing he had been hit he was able to transport himself to a local hospital where he's listed in stable condition on sunday at twelve thirty. pm a twenty three year old man was killed and the fifteen year old boy was injured during a shooting and park manner according to media reports the two were standing around when a group of people walked up to them and began firing shots the twenty three year old was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital when the fifteen year old is said to be in good condition around nine pm the same day an eighteen year old man was shot and killed in the neighborhood back of the yards he was shot in the legs but managed to get to a nearby hospital however he was later pronounced dead over the weekend several
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others were either left dead or injured from gun violence in chicago experts say the rise in homicides is due in part because the two reasons one the release of bull kwon macdonald video showing officer jason van dyke shooting seventeen year old mcdonnell a total of sixteen times and the department of justice announcing it would launch an investigation of the chicago police department at this time no one is in custody and either of these cases so far this year three hundred and ninety people have been shot and killed in the city of chicago and washington nationally banks are. ten people died in san antonio texas in a quote human trafficking crime allots according to authorities who discovered the bodies in a tractor trailer in a wal-mart parking lot or early sunday morning officials say the victims appear to have suffered severe heat stroke and dehydration this all comes after a smuggler reportedly crammed thirty nine people into the trailer emergency crews rescued seventeen people who were being treated for life threatening injuries u.s.
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attorney richard durbin said police arrested sixty year old james matthew bradley jr of clearwater florida and connection with the quote alien smuggling venture gone horribly wrong refugee and immigrant center for education and legal services an immigrant advocate secret organized a vigil for the victims on sunday that you know where i got on my mom. was. a. bit better if it were but i don't want to hear that the old fellow. minneapolis police chief that you need a heart to resign friday at the request of the mayor outrage over the fatal police shooting of a forty year old australian woman this comes as many residents are also calling for the resignation of mayor betsy hodges just dumond was shot down by officer muhammad noor last weekend after calling that one one to report a possible sexual assault near her home on the other officer nor his partner had
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their body cameras turned on at the time of the incident in order klein to speak with investigators regarding what transpired police chief hard to also face widespread public outrage and protests over the twenty fifteen shooting death of mark clark and black man. a cincinnati judge dismissed charges today against the white police officer who fatally shot unarmed black motorist sam do both during a twenty fifteen traffic stop this comes after the hamilton county prosecutor declined to pursue a third murder trial in the case against university of cincinnati officer rape. tensing her acquittal of the twenty seven year old officer blocks any possibility of a retrial on charges of murder and voluntary manslaughter tenzin was fired after the shooting he argued he feared he would be dragged away by both his car despite evidence by the camera footage showing tensing wasn't being dragged by the car meanwhile federal authorities are investigating whether it would be possible to
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prosecute ten on a federal civil rights charges. and coming up on r t four it seems film a handicapped man as he drowned now charges might be heard their way that story coming up right this after this break. there's a real irony going he showed a little finger a responsible way from the people in there it's always well that's what it's always better than anything else i think you. already know the whole sales abilities you know you have already and while there's going to socialize and trump has used the social media well are you always on the story because it's garbage in real. world holds and you should. put themselves on the line they did accept the reject. so what you want to use first and she. wanted. you to do it
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first to see what the three of the four people. who stood at the water's edge. there should. i think the average viewer just after watching your problems segments understand that we're telling stories that are critics. can't tell and you know why because their advertisers won't let them. in order to create change you have to be honest you have to tell the truth parties able to do that every story is built on going after the back story to what's really happening out there to the american what's happening when a corporation makes a pharmaceutical chills people when
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a company in the environmental group ends up polluting a river that causes cancer and other illnesses they put all that health risk all the dangers out to the american public those are stories that we tell every week and you know want their work in. the cold war sell you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forces you to fight the battles that still. do socks for the so you get the gossip the template for. all the costs of advertising to tell you that you are not full enough to buy their product. these are the hawks that a lot of. the one. i'm larry you're watching are amount per student more.
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recommend the florida state attorney prosecute five teams who reported a man drowning in a pond in cocoa florida the fourteen a sixteen year olds who can be heard laughing in the background film thirty one year old jamal dunn struggling to stay afloat without holly for help on july ninth according to cocoa police chief mike cantaloupe all the teens will be charged under florida statute four zero six section twelve which make. a misdemeanor to fail to report a death if the state attorney takes coulombs recommendation callup statement was a reversal from his initial course of action the chief previously said the teens won't be charged because order doesn't have a law requiring citizens to help or call for help if they see a person in distress and say attorney is currently reviewing the case to determine if the office will prosecute the boys. a california republican is supporting
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a young high school age computer whizzes to hack into the big cities that you without a series like moscow beijing and tehran pushing legislation to silence for media outlets like sputnik and r t congressman ed royce was elected back in ninety two and has been heading in the form relations committee since twenty thirteen at a meeting last week congressman royce said he was alarmed about the so-called oppression he seed in central and eastern europe in part he blamed r.t. and scrutiny social media as one of the main culprits more pursed becht of on this let's bring in line all of lionel media good day to you sir. good day to you so lionel do you think greece is truly fighting for human rights and fair elections when he isn't supporting the freedom of the press when it comes to our nic or is his legislation just a political move. well first i think it will be a good idea not to especially now know what all that's going on in the media
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talk about things that use or make veiled reference to hacking filtration not a good thing timing is bad how do they do if you read mr royce's comments he talks about how effective you know radio free europe used to be a great counterbalance and also the efficacy of argy in a spot. yes because it's so they're so effective as is the k.g.b. . i don't know how to break it to him i don't know what what decade he's in or what he's talking about but you know natasha have got this great idea now here me out one of the best ways i think to spread i think real news not propaganda to give that kind of what the even though we don't want to call it that they call it diplomacy but i think they mean propaganda but anyway i think the best thing would
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be just to promote i think it's called the truth what are the great if we just told the world hey listen you watch any of our new shows anything and that's who we are that's america we're not going to have anything specifically tailored for you or we might have something maybe for your interest maybe in your language but what we're doing is and i have always found this amazing we are counting propaganda with what others call propaganda what are we doing and were referencing that k.g. be it or have boris said that i should next he's going to break up i mean this is this is kind of sad it's a very interesting point you bring up and still what are your thoughts about where is this proposed new advisory panel for the us i mean you alluded to it its members are said to be nominated by the president from a pool provided by congress so i mean do you see irony in this line well it's very yes yes i really and you know natasha they they didn't have
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a problem when they thought that maybe hillary clinton might have been the president and they thought hey this is terrific let's have the president rather the radio free europe and voice or you know freedom radio or whatever it is let's just have her well now that trumps president they're saying whoa whoa wait a minute hold it one who would he pick somebody from breitbart or whatever and look it comes out on the simply this and i want to repeat something we're the ones we discovered says this country. the national weather service in mount holly new jersey has issued a severe thunderstorm warning for northeastern berks county in eastern pennsylvania central high county in eastern pennsylvania until six thirty pm five thirty pm a
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severe thunderstorm was located over mckean's bridge or seven miles south of temecula moving southeast at thirty miles per hour hazard seventy miles per hour wind gusts and quarter size hail source radar indicated the storm also has a history of producing. impact minor damage to vehicles as possible expect considerable tree damage wind damage is also likely to mobile homes roofs and outbuildings locations and pack that include allentown emmaus kutztown hamburg fleetwood thompson lyons lenhart still want to makers to tripoli ancient oaks clough still mark kelly and elvis remain alert for a possible tornado tornadoes can develop quickly from severe thunderstorms if you spawn a tornado go at once into the basement or small central room in a sturdy structure repeating a severe thunderstorm warning has been issued until six thirty pm for the following counties in pennsylvania birds and late night.
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we set up the equivalence of this and palo alto so that the sons and daughters of righty greats and other americans can join a unit established to keep america's cyber networks sick here so your thoughts on this model is that what it's really about and now in the next issue we're going to be doing a story about russian hacking and russian hacking in our elections followed by a story from ed royce so on and listing hacking i mean do you think i am i the only one has my sense of irony has it been sold dold have i been so chastened in my life that i'm just going to say what is example he would say why do you know why are you telling people this is why are you on now i'm seeing propagate why are you what is this look the best way to promote any country no matter what it is freedom and
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truth is to promote the truth by reporting the truth just tell people what their truth is still no special units ok fired maybe a different language which is say this is who we are we've got nothing to hide this is what freedom is show people what it is i can't believe that again the tiny baby he figures nobody would know about the did the right play on you know this club or this organization which is you know this republican organization that he was speaking to but don't you understand a touch of the irony of this and think about it we keep talking about other countries and their propaganda propaganda propaganda always means the other guy it means your news means what you're saying i don't want to promote propaganda i want to promote the truth i want to say this is the truth this is what happened i'm not telling you this because i'm doing like this what a great what a great country i am or we're no mistake this is what happened this is simply the truth and to win list or to talk about perhaps taking what
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a high schooler to say listen johnny how would you like to do. your country a service why can you get into this thing followed by a story on hacking i'm sorry you read it on me that you think propaganda is kind of twisted sometimes if somebody maybe doesn't agree with a particular side propaganda means the other guy terrorist is the other guy religious fanatic is the other guy not us no no no it's the other guy but you know and i know what's going on here we know we are out of time thank you so much as always legal and media analyst lionel of land of media thank you so much for thank you. refugees are continuing their migration westward as war rages on in the middle east and parts of africa that's just left quite a few countries scrambling to make room for their new residents italy is no difference and the prime minister has hit back at neighboring countries for their handling of europe's growing migrant crisis palo looney added that italy won't be
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intimidated by criticism from other member states for its decision to take in more refugees we will not accept lectures and still less threats such as those we have heard from our neighbors in recent days we are doing our duty and expect the whole of europe to do the same alongside italy some italian mares are taking matters into their own hands staging rallies to protest what they say has become an unsustainable situation as growing numbers of refugees continue to settle in the country our crew visited one such town. i've been traveling across rural parts of sicily for almost a week now speaking to locals various officials and refugees and i'll tell you what some people may not be willing to admit it but italy has really been divided by the refugee crisis there are locals war ready to welcome migrants and refugees without any preconditions but there are of course others who are willing to put their
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livelihoods and their concerns first their lives have been hit hard by the economic crisis and they are the ones who now end up having to accommodate the refugees the most vivid example is the mayor of a small community. he told me how he started a protest in a place that has been quiet for decades when dozens of refugees and migrants were moved into an abandoned hotel the mayor along with the locals locked away for an. hour that was being delivered into the hotel in an exclusive interview he explained to me why they did that. when there's no room there's no room we've already got huge difficulties here like unemployment issues with infrastructure and health care the community does not understand how we can accept more people when we have all these problems but. only disappointed with his own government just like pretty much
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everyone that's the impression that i've been getting all the people are critical with the european approach in dealing with the refugee crisis the mayor told me that he believes that countries like germany and france are trying to keep up with the status quo where it is italy that is getting the impact of the refugee crisis and it is being left alone in dealing with this. the e.u. betrayed italy with a problem that's not a talian per se actually it's totally european. we are at the forefront italy is where they arrive first but the european community doesn't seem to care some countries even closed their borders more of that exclusive interview with the mayor and also my trip to the abandoned hotel that's now been turned into a refugee shelter. and the full report that will be aired on r.t.e. international throughout tuesday in the u.k. is international trade secretary liam fox has accused the b.b.c.
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of willing fully ignoring positive news on the back that process the claim came in a letter to the broadcasters director general however he has already voiced his concerns before r.t. is probably boyko has the report from london to tell you in the newspaper or listen to the radio t.v. the story is done very negatively it almost is going to be impossible for us to do these trade deals if you look we spoke of rome undermines the work he's doing. well mr speaker it does appear that some elements of our media would rather see britain feel than see brits succeed. and i cannot. recall a single time in recent times when i have seen good economic news that the b.b.c. didn't describe us despite rick's. well he says that the b.b.c. is putting a damper on things economically he says that when his press team calls up the b.b.c. news desks offering positive stories about brags that they choose not to cover them
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and he says that's hampering his ability to strike international trade deals which is of course the influxes job as international trade secretary for the british government has taken stock with a particular phrase that b.b.c. had lines often feature and that these two words despite brags that suggesting an element of surprise from the b.b.c. team that the country hasn't been crippled economically by its decision to leave the e.u. we've done a bit of research ourselves hair and we've counted dozens of b.b. . he had lines online featuring this phrase despite brags that since the vote took place last june of course liam fox he's a massive pro brags that he's one of the chief brags that is here in the british government so his letter to the b.b.c. has really riled up the pro e.u. campaigner in the u.k. one liberal democrat politician here has accused him of acting like
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a tinpot dictator that accused him of trying to blame the b.b.c. for his own failure as international trade secretary and trying to strike deals imposed isn't the first big politician here in the u.k. to express his dissatisfaction with the b.b.c.'s coverage of great city issues i'm sure let's have a leader of the house of commons she recently said the broadcasters need to be a bit more patriotic in the way that they approach brags that the b.b.c. has exposed to some missed all of these allegations of bias they said that they don't recognise the characterisation of the coverage outlined in this letter and perhaps explaining some of the gravitas with which they approach these breads that headlines they have said that no walk in my station takes coverage of the economy more seriously. coming up on our team how would you like to get your employer to plan to chip into you to quote make your life easier around the office
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how one wisconsin company is doing just that stay tuned for that story coming up next. a lot. closer. to going. to be. like the bush. years. question. about your sudden passing i've only just learned for yourself and taken your last turn. here at the time to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry. so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never thought of my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each pair.
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but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was a game still some more fun to those that didn't like to question. and i secretly promised to never let. it set one does not leave a few me on the same as one enters mine it's consumed with death this. speech is no attempt. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. for decades the american middle class has been railroaded by washington politics i'll make sure you don't get railroaded you'll get the straight talk in the break.
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i'm going to the to your watchers. where shit hole. of a trial where i've spent childless hours before and through documents that tell the story about the ugly side of. corporate media written uses to talk about the current sometimes i'm not a critic clear picture about how disturbing i'll pull up the slope or that there's been a mob these are stories that no one else until their stories. hold. which . i'm john martin and i'll give you what the mainstream media can't talk big picture . and when pushed more we're going to.
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go deeper investigate and debate all so you can get the big picture. you advancements in the tech world has generated the question would you get microchips a company in minnesota will soon be offering employees the option to get a micro chip implanted in their hands to streamline work life artie's trying to chavez has this report using idea that is out work may become a thing of the past and microchip implants may become the future. at least that's according to some employees at a company in west constant three square market a company that specializes in breakroom technology is giving their employees attack update right sized bio chips that can be embedded in their hands essentially
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replacing id badges the microchips utilized radio frequency identification also known as our if i do technology which can identify a nearby electronically stored information through electromagnetic field similar to mobile payment systems the microchips will be able to open doors. buy snacks log into computers. and use office equipment like copy machines. the company's c.e.o. todd westby said in the statement we see this as another payment an identification option that only can be used in our markets but other self checkout self-service applications that we are now deploying which include convenience stores and fitness centers three square market claims to be the first u.s. company to put microchips in its employees but this technology has already been used in other countries earlier this year more than one hundred employees at a swedish company called epicenter got microchips implanted in their hands and saying it streamlines office life and as with most new technologies it has raised
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some privacy and security issues while biologically see if the data generated by the chip can show how often an employee comes to work or what they buy unlike companies swipe cards or smartphones which can generate the same data a person cannot easily separate themselves from the chip but the microchips aren't for everyone three square did extend the program to all of its employees but only about fifty of them have volunteered so far and they're not cheap either they cost about three hundred bucks a pop but the company is picking up the tab for all those who are participating reporting in new york trinity chavez r.t. the federal drug administration may soon approve a new leukemia treatment that genetically alters human cells to fight the disease if approved the treatments will be the first living drug gene therapy available in the united states medical experts say the drug is so successful that it may read a cancer all together are used for jesus on to has a story today from los angeles sober gita how does this treatment all work. that's washer this is an investigational therapy known as c t l zero one nine and what it
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does is it uses the body's own immune system to fight off cancer cells now this is a comerica antigen receptor therapy also known as current c therapy and it's a true example of personalized medicine because it must be created for each patient using their own cells which are extracted frozen and then sent to the drug company that licenses this new virus now no artist says t. cells are drawn from a patient's blood and reprogrammed to create t. cells that are genetically coded to express the comerica antigen receptor to recognize and fight cancer cells after processing these cells novartis sends them back to the patient's doctor to then infuse them back into the patient's body from there the cells multiply attack and hunts down tumor cells that express a protein called cd nineteen while growing thousands of new cells in replacement so that's how the therapy works and tosh. successful is the treatment. it's
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actually been very very successful now i want to give a shout out to the researchers at the university of pennsylvania who develops this now they first used it on clinical trials for patients suffering from c l l which is chronic lymphocytic leukemia and they then used it in other clinical trials on people with a l l which is acute lymphoblastic leukemia a very rare type of cancer that affects only about five thousand people every year mainly children and young adults now in early clinical trials quote eighty nine percent of patients who were not responding to conventional therapies went into complete remission after receiving a single treatment and this is very exciting because it means that we no longer have to subject cancer patients to this one size fits all type of therapy usually radiation or chemotherapy and instead they can use this type of therapy which has been incredibly successful and they're already looking at clinical trials and
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investigating therapy is for non hodgkin lymphoma mesothelioma ovarian and pancreatic cancer which are all very aggressive and difficult to treat so additional therapies like this may be coming to the market and it has been so successful that the f.d.a. is on collage drugs advisory committee has now recommended this for approval which the f.d.a. is likely to accept so if it's approved this will be the first gene therapy available on the united states market natasha us from los angeles thank you so much for that reports and coming up the watch in the hocks is up next here an artsy pair of inter joins us for a quick preview tara new watching the hard show on stone and discuss the new round of sanctions against russia iran and north korea being voted on as we've done our tease alexi your subsidy examines the end of the cia's backing of syrian rebels and . sean brings us the highlights of his. in-depth interview with dr hussain on the
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current political and religious controversies surrounding saudi arabia will be an interesting show. and that's it for now for more on the stories we've covered go to . america and check out our web site. america you can follow me on twitter at. all the world. and all the news companies merely players but what kind of partners are in the play party america offers more american personal. and many ways the news landscape just like you see the real news big news good actors bad actors and in the end you could never hear all. the park in the
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world all the world all the world's a stage we are definitely a player. our culture is awash in lives dominated by streams of never ending electronic hallucinations that. fiction until they are indistinguishable we have become the most. society on politics as a species of endless list of the politicians more than just celebrity. ruling parties are in reality one party for. those who attempt this. breathless universe of me to sign the push through the t.v. and exploitation of the little boy for so far to the margins of society including by a public broadcasting system that has sold its soul for corporate money that we might as well. squeak. against an album. we lost.
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if you haven't noticed the news media is talking about their favorite topic these days no i don't mean our president i mean them. they just love talking about how awful it is being called big news these days they're reading lengthy articles and airing lengthy d.v.d.'s that meant all about their feeling about how horrible it is to work at news right now and it's gotten so bad that an editor from a small news outlet has written a cleat to the bigger mainstream outlets than titled the media's martyr complex is an embarrassing the editorial was published in the washington post actually which i
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found pretty surprising and they've been playing martyr since november their new tagline is democracy dies in darkness meaning democracy will die without the media who shed light on things which couldn't be more egocentric what anyway they did publish this editorial which gives me hope and for that i give them credit in it gary abernathy writes about how we didn't get with our media has become making everything about themselves portraying themselves as martyrs for the first amendment he's currently the publisher and editor of the times because that in hillsborough heigho and he's right now every time the media is criticized they react with public outrage he writes there are popping veins nearly bursting through there it's thin. which is a pretty great description of how in favor these journalists have become when they're talking about themselves and with glee he also writes even liberals can.
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argue with a straight face that the president is wrong about mainstream media bias now i totally agree with him that it's ridiculously obvious to anyone with an ardent brainwashed mind how the bias against the president the media but i don't agree with him that people can't argue that point because they can and they do and they do it with their popping veins nearly bursting through their bins didn't they cry we're not biased until the criticizer just throws up their hands and walks away sick of talking to a wall abernathy wraps it up by saying that big media could learn from how they do it in small media when someone calls you biased or fake or whatever and you don't why you prove them wrong through your work over all the article makes the point that i've been saying for years that when anyone in the media makes themselves the story it's no longer journalism it's just a gross display of self serving promotion it would be great for our media to
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realize that in fact i'm rooting for them to stop whining and get back to work is specially because right now there's a whole lot of work to do if they could just stop talking about themselves long enough to do it. i'm a trial lawyer i've spent countless hours poring through documents to tell the story about the ugly side of. corporate media written uses to talk about these con artists. i'm going to paint a clear picture about how disturbing how cold blood corporate conduct is be a mob. these are stories that you know no exception to my pepto new host of american. questions. here's what people have been saying about rejected in the
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us is it just full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to punch you know what it is that really packs a punch at least yampa is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than blue. sea people you've never heard of love right back to the night my president of the world bank hates it but he doesn't write any serious like he sent us an email. what politicians do sometimes. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. most somewhat want to be preached. to the right to be prosperous like them before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters about how. i should.
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and salyut ation who is a big week here in washington d.c. hawk watchers in fact if you listen closely if you really listen you can you can hear those busy little foreign policy bees on capitol hill buzzing as congress looks to pass a new round of sweeping sanctions this tuesday bringing the proverbial hammer down north korea iran then of course russia and yes those you know those three favorite monsters that we are told over and over and over again are hiding under our beds by politicians military industrial types and i'm a.


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